What does a clinical psychologist do? Clinical psychologist. Description of the profession

Clinical psychologist is a traditionally in-demand education for those who want to get not just a promising, but also a noble profession, helping people in difficult life situations. But before you finally decide on your future specialty, it’s worth getting to know it better. Where to study to become a clinical psychologist? What prospects await after receiving a diploma? Where can I get a job? Our teachers’ answers to the 10 main questions about the profession of a clinical psychologist will help you find out.

  1. What does a clinical psychologist do?

Clinical psychology is a branch of science that stands between medicine and psychology. She studies the connection of mental processes with various diseases and conditions other than normal. By deciding to become a clinical psychologist, you will connect your professional future with counseling, diagnosis, therapy of psychological problems in people who suffer from stress, addictions, illnesses, etc.

  1. Where to apply to become a clinical psychologistto save time and money?

The standard option for obtaining the education of a clinical psychologist is to enroll in a university for the appropriate specialty. But those who have already graduated from any university have the opportunity to undergo professional retraining and receive a diploma giving the right to work in private structures, and if you have a basic higher psychological education, then in government structures, for just 1-1 ,5 years.

  1. Why is the volume of professional retraining programs in the specialty “Clinical Psychologist” much smaller than programs higher education?

Professional retraining programs have the maximum practical orientation. Their curricula contain only general professional and special disciplines that are necessary to obtain new qualifications and further work by specialty. University (including second higher) education programs contain more theoretical material and general education disciplines. Hence the differences in the duration of training.

  1. Advanced training is shorter and cheaper than professional retraining courses. Can I take them and work as a clinical psychologist?

No. Retraining is a program for those who are just planning to become a medical psychologist. Already practicing specialists who need to expand, update, and deepen their professional competencies improve their qualifications. Such programs are designed to take 16-250 hours to complete and are devoted to specific aspects of the work of a medical psychologist, for example:

  • etc.
  1. How can I study to become a clinical psychologist if I work and cannot go to classes every day?

Our Academy implements distance learning programs that allow you to master the course program in absentia - according to an individual schedule through the Internet portal. You don't have to attend classes on a strict schedule. Get to know the materials electronic library, watch recorded and online webinars, take certification tests and communicate with teachers and fellow students at a convenient time anywhere with Internet access.

  1. What education do you need to have to undergo professional retraining to become a clinical psychologist?

If you plan to work in government organizations, then you need to have a higher psychological education or retraining in psychology, and only then undergo retraining as a clinical psychologist. But in private structures it is allowed to work with a diploma of professional retraining obtained on the basis of any higher education institution. vocational education.

To improve your qualifications, you need to have a diploma from any university or college.

  1. Is it difficult to enroll in clinical psychology courses?

The procedure for enrolling in courses requires you only to provide documents confirming the required level of education. The Academy does not conduct any entrance tests.

  1. Which program is better to study as a clinical psychologist?

Our Academy offers education according to a large program of 1000 hours, which includes general professional and special disciplines. It is suitable for those who are learning a profession from scratch:

If you already have a higher psychological education or professional retraining in psychology, or a higher medical education and residency or internship in psychiatry or neurology, then you can take a program with in-depth knowledge in the field of psychotherapy:

There are also shorter programs devoted to certain aspects of the work of a medical psychologist, for example, programs on perinatal psychology. They are designed for practicing professionals who want to gain deeper knowledge in a specific area of ​​their professional activity. All available programs are presented

Head of the Department – ​​Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Professor N.D. Tvorogova

CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY – a new psychological specialty

Clinical psychology is a broad-based psychological specialty that is intersectoral in nature and involved in solving a set of problems in the healthcare system, education, and social assistance to the population. A clinical psychologist can work in mental health centers, hospitals, consulting rooms, etc., or have a private practice (not to be confused with a psychiatrist!). For example, he may deal with people who complain of anxiety, expressed in functional disorders of the emotional or sexual plane, or of difficulties in coping with the problems of everyday life.

In 2000, the State educational standard higher professional education in clinical psychology and the training of specialists corresponding to it has begun in our country. The specialist is called upon to perform the following types of professional activities: diagnostic, expert, correctional, preventive, rehabilitation, advisory, research, cultural and educational, educational.

The name of the specialty is associated with the word “clinic”, the Greek origin of which suggests the meaning: klinikos - bed, kline - bed. Modern meanings of this word: a place where people come for individual examination, diagnosis and/or treatment. In this general meaning the term covers the physical and psychological aspects. Usually, qualifying words are added to the word to make the orientation of the clinic clear, for example: behavioral clinic (specializes in behavior therapy, behavior modification), child education clinic (specializes in psychological problems of children), etc. In this context, the word “clinical” means: ( 1) an individual approach to psychological work with this particular person; (2) a type of therapeutic practice that relies on subjective, at the same time scientifically verified decisions of the clinician (the work of a psychologist with each client who comes to him for help is unique); (3) an approach to research conducted by a psychologist for scientific purposes, relying on a small number of subjects examined in a natural setting (as opposed to an experimental approach). It is in this sense that the word “clinic” gave rise to the name “clinical psychology.”

In its theoretical concepts, clinical psychology is based on a holistic approach to a person, the concept of “health” (and not just the concepts of “disease”, “pathology”), the idea of ​​individual responsibility for one’s health; to a family approach to providing psychological assistance to the client, taking into account the social context of his life.

The strategic “targets” of the professional activity of a clinical psychologist are the mental “objects” to which the psychologist’s influence is directed in the process of his work with the client. A clinical psychologist deals with the difficulties of adaptation and self-realization of his clients.

The causes of maladjustment may be related to physical (congenital or imaginary physical defects, chronic disease, consequences of injury or surgery, etc.), social (divorce, loss of job, change of profession, moving to a new place of residence, etc.), mental ( emotional stress, experiencing fear, resentment, etc.) and spiritual (loss of meaning in life, devaluation of habitual life goals, changes in the value system, etc.) state. Responding to the challenges of life in its various spheres, a person has to adapt to the changes taking place in his body, his mental life, his financial situation, his social life, etc. This adaptation is achieved through the restructuring of one’s psychological reality, changes in the motivational sphere, value orientations, goals, through modification of one’s behavior, changing mental and behavioral stereotypes, social roles, correction of the self-image, etc. In the process of adaptation to changes in life, a person masters new functions (professional, home, social, etc.). Adaptive behavior is useful behavior that helps one to adapt; in everyday life it is considered reasonable and normal. Maladaptive behavior patterns are associated with mental distress.

In the process of adapting to a dynamic, constantly changing life, a person has to compensate for the loss of certain of his capabilities (physical, social, etc.) in order to maintain his usual functions. Compensation is replenishment, compensation, balancing. Freud believed that an individual uses compensation to make up for a lack of something. In Adler's theory, compensation was seen as the main mechanism by which a person overcomes feelings of inferiority. In a difficult situation for himself, a person is constantly looking for resources to preserve functions that are important to him, to compensate for disrupted functioning mechanisms, thereby maintaining the stability of his psyche, personality, and ego.

However, an individual has the opportunity not only to adapt to life thanks to the mechanisms of adaptation and compensation, but also to protect himself from it, for example, by consciously adapting life to oneself, making it more stable, “adjusting it to oneself” (conscious social practice is one of the most important characteristics activity of the individual, her resource for maintaining her mental well-being in a changing world). By incarnating externally, making personal investments in people, objects, living and inanimate nature, a person strives to change the world of things and people, while maintaining his individuality unchanged. In a situation of threat, the personality includes a dynamic complex of protective and adaptive mechanisms (which have already become habitual or develop a new complex). In clinical psychology, psychological defense is any reaction, any behavior that eliminates psychological discomfort, protects the spheres of consciousness from negative, traumatic experiences. One of the productive methods of protection is successful social practice aimed at changing the environment (biological and social) of living (development of new laws, rules, traditions, development of science and technology to make one’s life easier, finding pleasant people and maintaining friendships with them, etc. .) and preventing the development of tendencies unfavorable for humans in it.

The tasks of a clinical psychologist include assisting his client on the path of his adaptive self-change, providing assistance in finding resources to compensate for his losses. And on the path of social practice (and related creativity), a person often needs the help of a clinical psychologist in finding psychological resources for it and in receiving social support.

A client who comes for a consultation with a psychologist may demonstrate problems associated not only with his maladaptation, but also problems accompanying the processes of self-realization. The model of adaptive behavior does not describe all types of personality activity. To describe the subjective well-being (psychological health) of an individual, the following indicators are most often used (M. Jahoda, 1958): self-acceptance, optimal development, growth and self-actualization of the individual; psychological integration; personal autonomy; realistic perception of the environment; the ability to adequately influence the environment. These indicators of well-being can be considered as the target function of psychological assistance to a client with any of his requests, with any current conflict or problem.

Characteristics of the training of clinical psychologists

at the First Moscow State Medical University named after. I.M.Sechenova

The focus of the training of clinical psychologists is on the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard;

Harmonization of the training of clinical psychologists with European standards;

Availability of professionally trained teaching staff;

Availability of necessary educational process material and technical base (including a computer class, purchased psychodiagnostic techniques, a package of methods for processing psychodiagnostic examinations; there is a psychological training room and an office for individual consultations for students; there is a self-study room equipped with a personal computer with Internet access);

Students' internships take place in University clinics;

The university offers postgraduate studies in psychological sciences;

The main aspects that highlight the training of clinical psychologists at the First Moscow State Medical University named after. I.M.Sechenova

Clinical psychologists prepare primarily for work in health care and medical (pharmaceutical) education;

The training of clinical psychologists at the university is carried out not only by highly professional psychologists, but also by leading representatives of medical specialties;

The training is aimed at developing professional competencies that allow the graduate of the department to begin practical activities;

Practical training of students is combined with fundamental psychological training;

Students have the opportunity to use the unique information resources of the University’s Fundamental Library without leaving their home;

While mastering their specialty, students are offered the opportunity to receive individual psychological consultations, participate in group training sessions;

Over the years of study, psychology students have the opportunity to make friends among future doctors, pharmacists, registered nurses, social workers;

Based on the results of completing research work from the 2nd year, students who have achieved success in it are invited to take part in student scientific conferences in the 4th-5th year;

After graduating from the university, graduates have the opportunity to become a member of the Russian Psychological Society (its Moscow branch), which has more than 100 years of history (formed in 1885), and take part in the work of its section “Health Psychology” (headed by Prof. N.D. Tvorogova ).

Characteristics of Friendly Faculty

Between the First Moscow State Medical University named after. I.M. Sechenov and Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov, after the opening of the department of clinical psychology at the First Moscow State Medical University in 2010, a cooperation agreement was concluded (students of the department of clinical psychology of the First Moscow State Medical University named after I.M. Sechenov have the opportunity to listen to lectures by leading professors of the Faculty of Psychology of Moscow State University);

The Faculty of Psychology of Moscow State University, along with the Faculty of Psychology of St. Petersburg University, are the first faculties to begin training professional psychologists in the USSR. The Faculty of Psychology of Moscow State University is characterized by a scientific school that has become the leading one in the USSR, the Russian Federation, and recognized by the international scientific community;

First Moscow State Medical University named after. I.M. Sechenov is historically associated with Moscow State University, being a receiver Faculty of Medicine Moscow Imperial University (former name of Moscow State University);

After the start of training psychologists at the Faculty of Psychology of Moscow State University, professors and clinics of the First Moscow State Medical University named after I.M. Sechenov (in 1966, when the training of professional psychologists began in the USSR - the First Moscow State Medical University had a different name) participated in their specialization in medical psychology. Currently, graduates of the Faculty of Psychology of Moscow State University and its graduate students form the basis of the teaching staff teaching various psychological disciplines at the First Moscow State Medical University.

Characteristics of training psychologists that are not found in other universities

First Moscow State Medical University named after. I.M. Sechenov is the oldest and universally recognized medical university in the country, which has proven the high quality of training of specialists there; Currently it is a leading university under the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation;

First Moscow State Medical University named after. I.M. Sechenov has a long tradition of studying the human psyche (at the end of the 19th century, a psychological laboratory was opened, headed by Prof. Tokarsky; the Korsakov psychiatric clinic has a long tradition of studying mental phenomena; in the Soviet period, it had a psychodiagnostics laboratory, headed by Prof. Berezin; professors Sechenov, Anokhin, Sudakov worked at the Institute of Human Physiology, creating a unique scientific school that contributed to the understanding of psychophysiological processes, etc.);

At the First Moscow State Medical University named after. I.M. Sechenov in 1971, immediately after the first graduation of professional psychologists in the USSR, the first department of medical psychology in the country's medical universities was opened, which successfully adapted the psychologists accepted to work there to the requirements of medical science and practice, to the requirements of medical education; has become the leading base for improving the psychological and pedagogical qualifications of teachers of medical and pharmaceutical universities USSR; prepared her own model of psychological training for health care organizers, laid the foundations for the psychological training of registered nurses and family doctors, who for the first time in the USSR began to be trained within the walls of Sechenovka, became in 2011. basic department of the department “Clinical Psychology”;

Currently vocational training clinical psychologists in senior years of the department are held at the bases of unique university clinics;

Students of the department from health care organizers teaching at the First Moscow State Medical University named after. I.M. Sechenov, have the opportunity to obtain information about promising areas of work for clinical psychologists in reformed healthcare institutions;

Already on the student bench, students of the department can present their coursework and theses at scientific conferences not only of a psychological profile, but also of medicine;

The training of clinical psychologists at our medical university is headed by a Doctor of Psychological Sciences with an academic psychological preparation at the Faculty of Psychology of Moscow State University (specialized in neuropsychology, student of Prof. A.R. Luria) and all my professional life dedicated to pedagogical work within the walls of the First Moscow State Medical University named after. THEM. Sechenov (Member of the Moscow House of Scientists of the Russian Academy of Sciences, full member International Academy Informatization and the American Academy of Sciences, Education, Industry and Arts (The international academy of sciences, education, industry, & arts / California), Academician of the International Academy of Psychological Sciences; has the highest qualification category in the specialty "Psychotherapy", a member of the Presidium of the Moscow Psychological Society, an honorary professor of the Faculty of Psychology of Moscow State University, a member of the Presidium of the UMO for classical university psychological education. Since 1998, for five years, he has been a member of the doctoral council for rehabilitation medicine at the MMA named after. I. M. Sechenova, since 2007 - member of the doctoral council on medical psychology at Moscow State University; since 2011 – Chairman of the educational and methodological commission on clinical psychology of the UMO for medical and pharmaceutical education of universities in Russia, member of the Committee on Psychology and Health (SC on Psychology and Health) of the European Federation of Psychological Associations (EFPA), member of the Ethics Committee of the RPO, chairman of the section “Health Psychology” Moscow Psychological Society. Awards: medal of the 850th anniversary of Moscow, badge “Excellence in Health Care”, in 2012 the prestigious “Golden Psyche” award and diploma of the Russian Psychological Society “For the Best training manual in psychology", etc.);

Applicants who entered the young department of the oldest medical university in the country and successfully mastered the general educational program in clinical psychology, have a chance to be among those who lay down the traditions of the Sechenovka brotherhood of psychologists, have a chance, thanks to their caring position, creative attitude towards mastering the specialty, to participate in the development of the department of clinical psychology of the First Moscow State Medical University, to lay down traditions that will contribute high quality training of clinical psychologists within the walls of a medical university.

SPECIALIZATIONS of a clinical psychologist

Specialization No. 1 “Pathopsychological diagnostics and psychotherapy”

Specialization No. 2 “Psychological support in emergency and extreme situations”

Specialization No. 3 “Neuropsychological rehabilitation and correctional and developmental training”

Specialization No. 4 “Clinical and psychological assistance to children and families”

Specialization No. 5 “Psychology of health and sports”

Specialization No. 6 “Clinical and social rehabilitation and penitentiary psychology”

Currently, the department is conducting single-unit training in specialization No. 1, laying the foundations for other specializations that can be mastered at the postgraduate level of advanced training.

A clinical psychologist is a specialist in medical and psychological problems who diagnoses and treats various mental disorders.

General information

In the 90s, medical and clinical psychology meant the same thing. Today these are still two different disciplines. They should not be confused with psychiatry. They have similar tasks, but different treatment methods. Psychiatry is aimed at eliminating pathologies and defects that require hospitalization or inpatient treatment. These diseases are schizophrenia, manic-depressive psychosis, epilepsy. Clinical psychology studies the problems of maladaptation and borderline mental states, when a person is not yet pathologically ill, but is no longer normal.

The distinction between pathology and norm is quite complex process. At the moment, the relevant standards are divided into age development, each period has its own criteria for feeling the world and relating to it. The psychologist assesses how harmoniously developed a person is - how he gets along with himself and others, whether he knows how to be flexible, the ability to think objectively, resistance to stress, the ability to plan and adjust his daily routine, and observe a work and rest schedule. The norm is how a person copes with life’s difficulties, enters society, works productively, and how critically he thinks.

When diagnosing, a clinical psychologist and psychiatrist use their personal experience, adhere to recommendations general psychology, as well as information from the ICD and the Handbook of Mental Disorders.

The subject of clinical psychology can be:

  • Preparation and implementation of psychotherapy methods.
  • Violations in mental development.
  • The emergence of destructive changes in the psyche.
  • The use of psychological techniques to influence the patient’s consciousness for the purpose of treatment and as prevention.
  • Organizing research using specific tools and defining principles for this, methodology.
  • Finding out how various disorders affect the patient’s psyche.
  • The role of the psyche in the emergence, progression and prevention of disorders.

So, clinical psychology is a discipline that involves assessing mental health, planning and conducting research in the scientific field to diagnose and identify mental problems.

Psychologists develop and conduct psychocorrection and psychotherapy. They also explore issues of general psychology, compare normality and pathology, study the boundaries of the normal, determine how the social and biological relate in a person, and try to resolve the problem of mental decay.

History of appearance

Clinical psychology began to develop at the turn of the 19th century by French researchers and Russian psychiatrists. Among the French we can single out J.-M. Charcot, R. Ribot, P. Janet, I. Taine. Russian scientists include V. M. Bekhterev, S. S. Korsakov, V. Kh. Kandinsky, I. A. Sikorsky and other prominent psychiatrists of those years.

Thus, V. M. Bekhterev founded the first psychological laboratory in Russia in 1885. It is on the basis of the Psychoneurological Institute named after. A large number of studies have been carried out on Bekhterev.

I. P. Pavlov, V. P. Osipov, V. N. Myasishchev, G. N. Vyrubov influenced the direct development of Russian clinical psychology. A special role in psychology in general was played by L. S. Vygotsky, and then his ideas were supported and continued by A. R. Luria, P. Ya. Galperin, A. N. Leontyev and others.

During the Second World War, everything famous psychologists, the best of them, were sent to military hospitals and learned the basics of medical psychology in practice. Among them were B.G. Ananyev, S.L. Rubinstein, A.N. Leontyev, A.V. Zaporozhets, B.V. Zeigarnik. This entire galaxy of scientific minds helped soldiers cope with trauma, stress, and survive brain damage. It was this practice that allowed them to formulate the first principles of clinical psychology, since unique extensive material was collected on mental disorders that are associated with localized brain disorders.

Branches of clinical psychology

5. Pathopsychology. Studies issues of mental disorders, disorders, violations of the objectivity of perception of the surrounding world, occurring due to destructive processes in the central nervous system. This section explores the patterns of dysfunction of mental processes in various psychopathologies in connection with the factors that contribute to their appearance, and also allows us to find effective methods corrections.


A clinical psychologist applies various methods and methods for an objective and differentiated assessment of the client’s condition. Diagnostics helps a specialist to competently consider the variant of normal and pathological conditions for an individual person. He chooses one or another technique depending on each individual patient, signs of his mental disorder, level of education, and degree of mental development.

  • The following methods are distinguished:
    Creativity Research;
  • Experimental methods of psychology - standardized and original;
  • Observation;
  • Anamnestic method of collecting information about past diseases, past complications, causes of the current disorder;
  • Conversation and survey;
  • Biographical;
  • Psychophysiological – EEG, for example.

Differences between a psychologist and a psychiatrist

A clinical psychologist specializes in the medical field of the origin of mental illnesses, examines them using diagnostics, applies correction, but does not always have the right to prescribe medications for these remedies. The psychologist’s “tool” is communication, therapy, but not pills. Such a specialist uses a complex of psychodiagnostic and psychocorrectional techniques in his work, focusing on a theoretical basis that combines the knowledge of a psychologist and a doctor. Thus, he significantly expands his professional capabilities for helping patients and his own development.

However, psychiatrists and psychologists have one task - to help and cure a person from mental pathologies and disorders. Set the patient up for positive results, change his worldview, worldview, guide him the right way, reduce destructive behavior. However, a psychiatrist is a doctor first and foremost. For 5 years he undergoes exclusively medical training, like any other specialist from the medical field, goes on to practice internship, as a result of which he chooses his future profession, is determined with a narrow specialization. For example, he may prefer to work with children or only with disabled people. Psychiatrists use medical model. That is, they use, of course, psychological knowledge and techniques, but they focus more on the medical position. And, like doctors, they prescribe drugs - psychotropic, heavy sedatives. Drug therapy is the prerogative of psychiatrists. But not without psychotherapy. Psychiatrists deal with much more complex cases of mental illness than clinical psychologists.

Clinical psychologists do not resort to drug treatment, although such methods are practiced in some states in America. But, nevertheless, for this they pass special training to understand medicines and have the right to appoint them. The range of drugs used in this area includes sedative and psychotropic drugs.

A clinical psychologist often works in conjunction with a psychiatrist to expand on the information gained through therapy.

Features of the work of a clinical psychologist

A medical psychologist can work as a theorist and as a practitioner. But for the most part, he is, of course, involved in psychocorrectional activities and focuses his activities on psychodiagnostics.

A clinical psychologist develops communication skills, since he has to communicate not only with patients, but also with relatively healthy people. That is, interaction occurs at the most different levels. A special role is played by working with patients suffering from nervous disorders.

Patients also include people with somatic disorders - head injuries, oncology, strokes. The psychologist also interacts with the relatives of patients, since their help is very important in the treatment and restoration of human health.

A medical psychologist deals with the correction of children’s behavior, helps them cope with anxiety, a large number of fears, and nervous manifestations.

One of the advantages of the profession of a clinical psychologist is the ability to conduct family consultations in cases where relationships between family members are tense and the stressful situation of each of them is provoked. This specialist, thanks medical education, is able to express himself in the social sphere. He can educate the population and carry out preventive measures to maintain psychological comfort.

A medical psychologist, along with other specialists, also influences the determination of disability for any indication. His consulting assistance is used during forensic medical examinations. In order to give an accurate diagnosis, clinical psychologists work in conjunction with a psychotherapist, neurologist, psychiatrist and specialists from other fields of medicine.

Place of work

A clinical psychologist, like any other, can advise privately. This work is aimed at helping in crisis situations, especially emergencies that do not require delay and, accordingly, when there is insufficient time to wait in clinics. A person should not necessarily be considered sick, because each of us faces situations that are difficult to understand on our own.

Medical psychologists also work in hospitals in psychoneurological departments, in psychiatric clinics, as well as in specialized institutions aimed at treating neuroses and borderline conditions, various mental disorders.

A clinical psychologist also works in hospices and diagnoses both children and adults in clinics. He supports patients with various diseases in any of the departments. Such a psychologist monitors the general psychological state of the patient, helps to cope with the difficulties of adaptation and living, and corrects emerging destructive tendencies in the person’s behavior and thoughts.

The help of a medical psychologist is also needed in nursing homes, orphanages and boarding schools, and in specialized institutions for children with disabilities in physical and mental development. In addition, such a psychologist works in sanatoriums and rest homes, works with correctional classes in schools, and in rehabilitation centers of various directions.

Clinical psychologist - a wide range of work with a wide variety of categories of people who need psychological help, but sometimes can influence the consultant himself. Therefore, in this profession there is a high risk of emotional burnout. A specialist must have a certain set of professional important qualities to cope with stress, be patient with human manifestations, and also have a great desire to help others. A clinical psychologist is always ready to overcome the difficulties that await him on a difficult but important professional path.

Medical psychology is what modern clinical psychology was called at one time. It includes psychology together with psychiatry, it studies different mental states and how they behave in a state of illness. This area includes research, diagnosing people's behavior and prescribing the correct treatment for people who need help stabilizing their psycho-emotional state.

Practiced in psychotherapy individual lessons, in which either one person or a group of people can participate, family consultations and assistance with family problems are provided. This type activities very well helps people in overcoming difficulties that arise at the psychological level associated with loss of ability to work due to the condition physical health.

To enter a university in the specialty 05.37.01 clinical psychology, it is necessary to pass the Russian language, biology and elective foreign language or mathematics.

Passing scores for the Unified State Examination range from 31 to 71, including. The specialty clinical psychology has code 37.05.01. Level of education: specialist.

Forms of training are full-time, part-time and part-time, there is also a specialty in clinical psychology by correspondence. There is also a remote form for clinical psychologists throughout the territory Russian Federation.

Training in the clinical psychology specialty includes studying the following subjects:

  • Psychology;
  • Clinical Psychology;
  • Neuropsychology;
  • Developmental and Adolescent Psychology;
  • Special psychology and correctional and developmental education;
  • Pathopsychology;
  • Psychology of extreme situations and conditions;
  • Psychodiagnostics;
  • Personality disorders, etc.

The focus of training is on the corrective development of psychological state.

Students are taught to stabilize conditions of both adults and children. Help children and adults who are at risk for psychological states or disease. They are taught to independently develop a treatment plan and rehabilitation program for patients.

Practice can take place in such places as medical and social examination, children's sports institutions, in psychoneurological dispensaries, they often practice in organizations that provide anonymous psychological help (helpline) and many other places that require psychological help.

Teacher psychologists and doctors (medics) can take retraining and advanced training courses in the specialty of clinical psychology, which will include 1500 hours or more.

Specialty: clinical psychology - universities

Where can I get a specialty in clinical psychology?

Training is carried out in medical institutes. Almost every city has such universities. In Moscow, for example, the university of N.I. Pirogov, I.M Sechenov and the following:

  • GBOU VPO MGMSU im. A.I. Evdokimov Ministry of Health of Russia
  • NOU VPO "Moscow Institute of Psychoanalysis"

Work in the specialty of clinical psychology

Specialty clinical psychology - who to work with?

  • Clinical psychologist;
  • Teacher-conflictologist;
  • Social teacher;
  • Psychologist;
  • Inspector of the Department of Juvenile Affairs;
  • Psychotherapist;
  • Sports psychologist;
  • Neuropsychologist;
  • Valeologist;
  • Social psychologist;
  • Psychiatrist;
  • Specialist of social protection authorities;
  • Correctional teacher;
  • Rehabilitation teacher;
  • Pathopsychologist.

Specialty: clinical psychology, where to work.

Graduates of the specialty 05/37/01 clinical psychology can work in sanatoriums, medical institutions, disaster centers, and can help organizations such as the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations. Work after educational institution you can work in a hospital with people who have suffered serious illnesses, you can engage in private practice, helping families with conflict situations, children who have suffered psychological trauma.

There are many different specialists among psychologists. One of them is clinical. Such a specialist has qualifications in clinical psychology, which was previously called medical psychology. His patients are people with various problems and borderline conditions. It straddles the border between humanitarian and medical work. Unlike doctors, a clinical psychologist does not prescribe medications. He diagnoses and corrects problems.

What does a clinical psychologist work with?

Conventionally, types of psychologists can be divided into two groups: teaching staff(they are most oftenworkin schools and kindergartens) andmedicalstaff (clinicalpsychologists, psychiatrists, psychotherapists). They all go through a different educational program. The main difference in the process of training to become a clinical psychologist is the emphasis on special subjects:

  • drug addiction;
  • psychiatry;
  • pharmacology;
  • neurology;
  • anatomy of the central nervous system.

Despite this scope of disciplines, clinical psychologists are not doctors. They do not prescribe drugs; their task is to help solve the client’s problem using non-drug methods. Such specialists are trained at any university where there is a corresponding department. Most often they are presented in medical universities. It takes 4 years to study to become a clinical psychologist. After this, the person is awarded a bachelor's qualification. If desired, he can continue his professional development in a master's program.

Graduates are allowed to work with any age category- for children and adults.

The specialist’s task is to help cope with such conditions in which a person is officially healthy (his pathologies do not belong to the medical field, but he has problems. According to the postulates of modern psychiatry, mental disorders have not only biological causes, but also social ones. They appear especially clearly at various kinds hysteria, neuroses, addictions. These are not diseases, but conditions that significantly complicate the usual way of life. These also include fears, panic attacks, anxiety, conflicts, etc. Thanks to knowledge of clinical subjects, a specialist can determine whether the patient’s problems are social. If there is a suspicion of biological causes, the clinical psychologist will refer you for a consultation with a psychiatrist or neurologist.

A separate category of patients are people who have lost cognitive skills (speech, memory, thinking, attention) as a result of illness or accidents. This is especially common after accidents and traumatic brain injuries. Such patients are considered conditionally healthy. Another area of ​​work of a clinical psychologist is family counseling. A specialist can help parents and children improve relationships, resolve conflicts and avoid the emergence of psychosomatic problems.

Features and techniques

Conventionally, all clinical psychologists can be divided into two: large groups- theorists and practitioners. The first group includes those specialists who are exclusively engaged in teaching the relevant disciplines. They also develop correction and diagnostic methods. Practitioners are engaged in their implementation. In his work, the specialist uses a wide range of diagnostic tools. It is not limited different types tests (with multiple-choice answers or the ability to assess your condition using a point system). In the diagnosis of anxiety disorders great value have projective techniques (“House, tree, person”, “Non-existent animals”, etc.), the interpretation of which is separate direction. There are ways to assess cognitive function.
