Fortune telling about the gender of the child - will you have a boy or a girl? Fortune telling about the gender of a child: a working method.

Find out who it will be unborn child, boy or girl, many parents want. Rarely do they ask not to disclose the gender of the fetus during an ultrasound examination with the words: “Let there be a surprise!” Usually the desire to know this “secret” takes over. Pregnant women, driven by curiosity, sometimes resort to more ancient methods - fortune telling. This activity is very interesting and easy. And when “accomplices”, girlfriends or relatives appear, it turns into fun entertainment.

Important signs: appearance, belly shape and physical condition of the expectant mother

The pregnant woman is mysterious and unusually sweet. It can be compared to a holy creation, to a divine sacrament. Many people admire the view expectant mother. And this is not without reason. It is believed that it can be used to determine who will be born, a boy or a girl. If the expectant mother has become prettier and her appearance has remained virtually unchanged over the months of carrying the child, then she will give birth to a male baby. If she has changed a lot (gained weight, become ugly, swollen), then, most likely, a baby will be born.

There is also an opinion among people that the sex of the baby can be determined by the shape of the pregnant woman’s belly. A boy is foreshadowed by a pointed tummy, and a girl is foreshadowed by a round one, located high, almost under the chest.

Another sign when determining the sex of a child was the condition of his mother during the first three months of pregnancy. “Women suffering from toxicosis (nausea, dizziness, the body’s rejection of certain foods) give birth to boys,” says popular belief. And, conversely, in the absence of symptoms of intoxication, girls are born.

Palm and elbow are also a way

Fortune telling about the baby's gender using the mother's hands is very interesting. There are two methods that are similar to each other.

  • First: a pregnant woman is asked to show her palms, without warning that a fortune-telling of the gender of the unborn newborn will now take place. She shows them without hesitation. When the mother shows her palms directly, it is believed that she is having a girl. If she turned her palms outside, then it’s a boy.
  • Second: a pregnant woman is suddenly asked to look at her elbow. She looks at its outer, sharp part - to be a boy; she looks at inner part elbow, in the place where the arm bends - to be a girl.

“A wedding ring is not just a piece of jewelry”

A symbol helps mothers find out the gender of their baby family lifewedding ring. This decoration is believed to have special energy. How to tell fortunes with a ring? You need to thread a thread into it, thus obtaining a pendulum. Then bring it to the pregnant woman’s belly - after the end of the first trimester - and hold it for a while.

The ring will begin to swing on its own. Here is the solution: if it makes circular movements over the belly, then a girl is growing in the belly; if the ring swings in a straight line from side to side, then there is a boy. This method of fortune telling is magical! Breathtaking!

A needle with a secret

Sometimes an ordinary sewing needle becomes an analogue of a wedding ring. Some people thread a thread through her ear, some thread a pregnant woman's hair. Then the needle is lowered three times into the hole between the thumb and forefinger. Next, place it above the palm. The needle begins to swing: in a circle - a girl, in a straight line - a boy.

If this kind of pendulum stops and then starts swinging again in a certain way, then this means that there will be several children. Only when the needle stops on its own and no longer moves does the fortune telling end.

It happens that she remains motionless from the very beginning. This bad omen: There will be no children. Although, practice shows that often such a “terrible prediction” does not come true. Fortune telling with a needle requires a certain attitude - an optimistic one! The energy of a pregnant woman influences this process.

Through the mouth of a baby

Children born before him (if any) can help determine the gender of the expected baby. All parents remember their child's first word. So, if this word is “mother”, then the first-born will have a sister, and if “father” - a brother.

Surprisingly, the back of the elder’s head can also be considered a sign. They say that if the hair goes down like a ponytail or braid, then the next child in the family will be a daughter.

Conception period

The menstrual cycle has its own specific periods. The most important of these for reproduction is ovulation. Modern women are already well-read and maximally informed on this issue, so determining the date of ovulation is not difficult for them. It is also known that male chromosomes live less than female chromosomes - only 96 hours. So that during the fertilization process it prevails female cage, then conception should occur as late as possible from the day of ovulation.

On the day of ovulation and in the period closest to it (2-3 days), there is a high probability of conceiving a male representative. Therefore, drawing graphs of your cycle is not only necessary (for medical purposes), but also useful if you have a preference regarding the gender of the unborn child.

Nutrition as a sign

Food products consumed by a woman and a man during the period of conception and two months before it also play a certain role in planning the gender of the unborn child. This may seem strange, but still, 50% of the results of fortune telling based on this criterion are already statistics! So, mom and dad, who want a little princess to be born, must “get hooked” on sweets, dairy and vegetables. Parents expecting a prince are advised to eat meat and salty foods!

And many more ways...

Blood renewal

For dads, the blood is renewed every 4 years, for moms – 3 years. Whose blood is renewed closer to the period of conception, the baby will be born of that gender.

Fetal movement

It is believed that girls behave calmly in their stomachs, while boys move more actively.

Parents' age

They say that if a husband is older than his wife, then a male representative will definitely be born.


Mom loves to eat bread pulp - a girl will be born; she eats bread crust more often - boy.


There are a large number of tables in which you can plan the gender of the baby based on the blood type, age of the parents, and month of conception. The Chinese table, which is more than a thousand years old, is especially popular. The main criteria are the age of the mother and the month of conception.


Ultrasound examination of the fetus is by far the most accurate method for determining not only the parameters of its development, but also its gender. Modern equipment can accurately determine gender after 12 weeks of pregnancy. This characteristic is voiced at the request of the parents and is not included in the conclusion of the study, because, from a medical point of view, it does not in any way affect the course of pregnancy or the health of mother and baby.

Whether to use fortune telling or not is up to everyone to decide for themselves. Sometimes they encourage you, sometimes they encourage you, sometimes they disappoint you. There are, of course, coincidences, but not all 100%. The results of fortune telling should not be taken at face value, and other options should not be excluded. The main thing for every parent is the health of the newborn.

The long-awaited event happened. A married couple found out that they would soon have a baby. Realization of what has happened is most often followed by the desire of future parents to find out the sex of the baby. And if dad is quite capable of restraining his curiosity in this regard, then the expectant mother thinks about it very often. Questions about this are asked not only by close relatives, but also by friends and work colleagues. A woman begins to listen to the observations and judgments of others based on folk beliefs and fortune telling.

Such methods of determining the sex of an unborn child existed many centuries ago and are preserved in popular memory to this day. Medicine was not yet able to answer this question. Now, fortunately, the expectant mother does not need to go to the bathhouse to meet the brownie and ask him to extend his hand to her, hoping that she will be shaggy (which meant the birth of a little helper) or naked (which meant the birth of a successor to the family).

Nowadays, fortune telling the gender of the unborn child can be perceived as ancient folk ritual, acquaintance with the traditions of the people, fun, but not as a reliable source.

The most popular fortune telling for the sex of a child is fortune telling using a ring or a needle.

1. It’s better to take a wedding ring. Fill a glass with water and place the ring in it.

Then the ring must be taken out and hung on a thread, slowly lowered into the hands of the one to whom the fortune is told. Expect a girl; if the ring moves in a circle, if it moves like a pendulum, there will be a boy.

If for some reason there is no ring, you can use a needle according to this principle, only before hanging it on a thread, you should pierce a piece of woolen fabric with it.

2. The following fortune telling about the gender of the child is more likely to be available to a resident of a rural area. It is necessary to take grains of wheat and barley. A pregnant woman should wet them with her urine. A boy will be born if the barley grains sprout first.

3. Sometimes it is possible to carry out fortune telling on the gender of the child while eating. It happens that the expectant mother will choke. At this moment you should ask her to name any number. Count which letter in the alphabet it represents. Now all that remains is to ask the woman to name her name starting with this letter. A woman's given name means that a daughter is to be expected.

Regarding food, there is also the following observation: if a pregnant woman prefers the tops of bread rather than the middle, she will have a boy.

4. You can try to verify the correctness of the third method using a piece of bread. The pregnant woman should go outside and place it in the yard in a visible place. If the bread was eaten by a dog, a boy will be born, and if it went to a bird, a girl will be born.

5. There was also fortune telling about the sex of a child using candles, candlesticks and a vest. This was suitable for a woman if she already had one child.

The vest should be placed on the table, three candles should be placed next to it in candlesticks. When lighting candles, you should say the following words:

the first candle - “In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit!”;
second candle - “In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit! Boy!”;
third candle - “In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit! Girl!”

The first candle to go out indicates the gender of the baby. If the first candle goes out first, this woman will not have children.

6. An interesting ritual of fortune telling using stones. Names should be written on the stones using ink. Throw stones into the water. After a while, the inscriptions will begin to wash away. The stone on which the inscription with the name is best preserved will indicate the gender of the unborn child. This way you can find out the number of future children.

And finally, we will try to present to you a collective image of expectant mothers.
The boy's mother: walks along the road carelessly and stumbles every now and then; her legs swell; is most often in a good mood; loves to eat crusts of bread; the skin of her hands is dry and cracking; does not suffer from a lack of appetite, she almost never vomits; her stomach is sharp; complains of back pain.

The girl's mother: has a graceful gait; her legs do not know swelling; she is in a moody mood; hands are soft and beautiful; moderate appetite; she often feels sick; the face becomes covered with acne from time to time; sleeps preferably on the right side; the belly is round; sometimes there is abdominal pain.

Now you have all the knowledge to check some fortune telling when the baby is born. You can answer the question yourself: ancient fortune telling Determining the sex of a child - a ritual or a way to find out the truth?

The popularity of fortune telling for children is explained by the fact that most girls have dreamed of children since childhood. Therefore, they want to know not only how many children they will have, but also strive to predict the gender of the babies.

Comic fortune telling for children is carried out directly at the wedding celebration. So, for example, gift money is collected in two boxes. If more was collected in the girl’s box, then the baby will be born first. Otherwise, the birth of a boy should be expected.

The newlyweds can also compete in catching fish in a makeshift pool. If the groom caught the first fish, then the birth of the first-born boy should be expected. And if the fishing was successful for the bride, then the first child in the family will be a girl.

Fortune telling on the gender of the unborn child can be carried out in various ways. All peoples in different times There were various fortune-telling rituals that made it possible to predict the gender of the unborn baby. So, in ancient Egypt wheat and barley seeds were watered with the urine of a pregnant woman. If wheat sprouted first, then this foreshadowed the birth of a girl; otherwise, the birth of a boy was expected.

Fortune tellers still widely use this method to determine the sex of a child. To do this, they ask to show the pregnant woman her hands. If the expectant mother held them out with her palms up, then this indicated the birth of a girl; otherwise, a boy was to be born.

Around the ring

Many peoples of Europe used fortune telling with a ring, which made it possible to determine the gender of the child. For the ceremony it was necessary to use a wedding ring into which a thick white wool thread. During the ritual, a pregnant woman must lie on her back. Above her stomach you need to hang a ring on a thread in the form of a pendulum.

You need to pay attention to the following:

  • If the ring oscillates back and forth, this foretells the birth of a boy.
  • If the ring makes circular movements, then you can expect the birth of a girl.

In some cases, a ring in the form of a pendulum was allowed to be held over the palm of a pregnant woman. Only in this case it was believed that the circular movements of the ring foreshadowed the birth of a girl, and movements from side to side indicated that a boy would be born.

On the stomach

Many fortune tellers determine the gender of the unborn child by the shape of the pregnant woman's belly. But this method can provide conditional truthful information. It is believed that if a pregnant woman’s belly is small and has a sharp shape, and if you look from the back, you can see the waist, then you should expect a boy. What if your belly is round? large sizes and the waist is not visible, then, most likely, a girl will be born.

There are also many folk signs that allow for various external signs pregnant woman to determine the sex of the unborn child.

They claim the following:

  • If during pregnancy you want to diversify the table with sweet dishes, then, most likely, a girl will be born.
  • When you constantly want to taste sour and salty dishes, this foreshadows the birth of a boy.
  • Slower heart rates are observed in boys later in pregnancy.
  • It is believed that an unborn girl takes away beauty from her mother, so during pregnancy a woman’s appearance deteriorates, while a woman blossoms while carrying a baby boy.

By date of birth of parents

The sex of the unborn child can be predicted by the date of birth of the parents. This method of fortune telling is offered by numerology, which, in most cases, provides correct information. For fortune telling, you first need a blank sheet of paper and a pen. First, you should write your own date of birth and the date of birth of the father of the unborn child. Then you need to sum up all the numbers in the first and second cases. Such actions must be performed until a pair of single-digit numbers is obtained.

They are the code that can be deciphered to predict the gender of the unborn child:

  • If the number obtained from adding the numbers in a woman's birthday is much greater than the same number obtained from a man's birthday, then the birth will be a boy. Otherwise, you should expect a girl.
  • If the difference between the obtained numbers is small, then the error in predicting the gender of the unborn child increases.
  • If, after adding the numbers, the numbers are the same, then problems during childbirth are possible. It may also indicate incompatibility between the couple, which is often the cause of infertility.

Fortune telling about the birth of a child is often carried out long before conception. Caring future parents want to choose the best date of birth and predict the gender of the baby. Fortune telling about the birth of a child can be considered a very useful magical act. After all, with its help you can answer many questions that concern you. The information received will prevent you from asking the wrong questions and will give you peace of mind and confidence.

There are certain rules that must be followed when conducting fortune telling. First of all, such rituals cannot be performed in church holidays, and also on Sunday. You should not guess at a child with severe emotional and physical fatigue.

Conception is a crucial period for every woman. Therefore, this explains the desire of many representatives of the fair half of humanity to obtain more information using various fortune-telling. Magic will help you get answers to very important issues and will tell you how long you should plan your pregnancy.

If you want to know everything about the birth of a child, fortune-telling should be done on Christmas Day, filled with magic. The easiest way involves using a wedding ring. It should be placed in a glass of water, which should be taken out into the cold overnight. The answer was received in the morning, which was deciphered from the frozen ice surface. Thus, the tubercles indicated that a son would be born in the near future, and the depressions predicted the birth of a daughter. If the water surface remained perfectly smooth after freezing, this indicated that there was no need to expect the birth of a child in the near future.

On playing cards

A very popular fortune-telling ritual using ordinary playing cards. Important condition is that the deck of cards has not previously been used in the game. When fortune telling, you can ask a variety of questions regarding pregnancy.

But the main ones, which are pronounced first, should be the following:

  • When will conception occur?
  • Who will be born to me?
  • How will the pregnancy proceed?
  • Will the child be desired by the father?

For each question, one card is laid out and thus a layout is formed.

When decoding it, you need to take into account the following features:

  • If, when asking the first question, a red card was laid out with a value from six to ten, then this indicates that pregnancy will not occur soon.
  • If the first question shows a red card with a picture, then this indicates conception in the near future. This meaning is reinforced by the ace drawn next.
  • If a black card comes up in response to the first question, then this is a warning that now is not the best period for conception, so it is better to wait a while.
  • If, when asking the second question, the answer is a lady, then this foreshadows the birth of a girl. If the king was drawn out, then you can prepare for the birth of a boy. Moreover, the color of the suit indicates the color of the hair. The queen or king of hearts or diamonds predicts the birth of a fair-haired and red-haired baby. The queen or king of spades or clubs predicts the birth of a child with dark hair.
  • If, when asking the third question, a red card was drawn, then the pregnancy will go smoothly and the birth will be easy. But a black suit card in this position warns of problems during pregnancy and difficult childbirth. A very bad card in this case is the ace of spades, which is a harbinger of the death of the mother or child during childbirth.
  • If a red card appears on the fourth question, this confirms that the child will be desired by his father. Conversely, black suit is a negative answer.

On Tarot cards

Among the huge number of different fortune-telling, the most reliable is receiving predictions using Tarot cards. Using layouts, first of all, you can clarify the true desire of partners to conceive a baby. When the sincerity of the mutual understanding of two people in this matter is confirmed, it will be possible to obtain information about the most favorable period for pregnancy. Tarot cards will also tell you what state a woman’s health is in and whether she is ready to bear a child.

Using a Tarot reading, you can find out how high the probability of a planned conception is. Fortune telling will most likely indicate the gender of the unborn child. But it should be remembered that in order to decipher the layouts, you must not only carefully study the meaning of all Tarot cards, but also learn to listen to your intuition in order to understand the overall picture of the prediction.

The most popular fortune telling is a spread involving the use of the 12 Major Arcana. First, the deck is thoroughly shuffled, and then the cards are laid out in a circle clockwise. In this case, each card laid out will correspond to a specific month of the year. The main cards in this layout are the Moon and the Sun. The first signifies conception, and the second signifies birth. The period between them corresponds to pregnancy, and the cards located in these positions describe the course of pregnancy.

It is optimal if nine cards fall between the Moon and the Sun. This indicates that the pregnancy will be successful. The fact that conception has occurred is evidenced by cards such as the Fool, Judgment and Peace. Problems with conception are indicated by a combination of cards: Devil and Death. Moderation in the scenario indicates that nothing has changed.

On the runes

Fortune telling for conception can also be performed using runes. The following runes are responsible for conception and pregnancy - Algiz, Dagaz, Berkana.

Their meanings are deciphered as follows:

  • Algiz shows the security of a pregnant woman higher powers. This rune is a harbinger of an easy birth.
  • Dagaz is direct evidence of pregnancy. That is, when such a rune appears, we can conclude that conception has already occurred.
  • Berkana - symbolizes the feminine principle. This rune, along with predicting the onset of pregnancy, indicates its successful course.

Fortune telling with a needle and thread

A very famous fortune telling for a child is the ritual using a needle and thread. There are several options for such fortune telling.

But at the same time it has several general rules which must be observed:

  • Only new attributes should be used in the ritual, and the needle and thread should be purchased without change. If this is not possible, then having received the change, it should be given as quickly as possible to the first beggar encountered.
  • The needle should be energetically cleansed and consecrated by fumigating it with incense or holding it over the flame of a church candle.
  • Fortune telling should be carried out in the evening and always after sunset.
  • The ritual must be performed alone in a secluded place, and plans for its implementation must not be communicated to anyone.
  • In the room where the fortune-telling will be carried out, it is necessary to turn off the artificial lighting and light the candles.
  • You need to guess in loose clothes, without any jewelry or makeup.

In order to find out how many children there will be, as well as their gender, you need to take a white thread of medium length and thread it into a needle. After this you should open left palm and take the ends of the thread with your right hand.

Then the needle must be lowered three times into the space between the thumb and left palm. After this, you need to rest your right elbow on the table to fix your hand in a stable state.

The needle should be placed directly in the center of the left palm and observe its movements:

  • If the needle begins to make circular movements, then a boy will be born.
  • If movements are observed from side to side, then a girl will be born.

This method is suitable for the case when a woman wants to find out the gender of her first child. The number of children can be determined in a similar way. Just before entering you need to take short breaks. So, the second time the needle will show the gender of the next child. And if the needle stops and does not make any movements, then this indicates that there will be no more children.

There are a lot of different fortune tellings that can tell you how many children a woman will have. As a rule, these are very simple and absolutely safe rituals. It is important to remember that if the result of fortune telling is not satisfactory, then the ritual cannot be performed again. All repeated attempts will not only not give true results, but may also have negative impact to reality.

Each time when doing fortune telling, you should take into account that existing children will not appear in the results of fortune telling. That is, if there is already one child, then after receiving a prediction for one more child, we can conclude that there will be two children in total.

The most common is fortune telling by stones. To do this, you need to take ten pebbles and write numbers from zero to nine on them with a felt-tip pen. After this, the prepared pebbles should be carefully lowered into a container filled with clear water and watch them. Over the course of some time, the drawn numbers will begin to gradually disappear. The pebble on which the number will last the longest and will indicate the number of children.

Tarot can be used to predict the number of children. To do this, a deck consisting of 78 cards must be shuffled, and then cards are drawn in random order to the first significant one, namely:

The fact that a woman will have one or two children is indicated by the cards: Justice, Lovers, Chariot, Priestess, Temperance, Judgment, Sun, two of cups, pentacles and swords, four of wands, six of cups.

And also:

  • Three or five heirs are indicated by the three of wands.
  • The Four of Wands predicts two or four children.
  • The Five or Six of Pentacles indicate that more than three children will be born.

It is very important to carry out any fortune telling for children in a positive mood. In addition, it is important to use magical methods only if you sincerely want to have children.

Before birth small child Happy parents have a lot of troubles, one of which is preparing the room, things and toys for the newborn. But how to choose clothes or the color of the walls in a children's bedroom if the baby's gender is not yet known, and concerned parents do not want to find out the gender in the doctor's office? This is where folk methods that our great-grandfathers and great-grandmothers used before the advent of complex medical devices come to the rescue.

It is quite understandable for people who do not trust technology, because it sometimes malfunctions or makes mistakes. And there is no test that would tell you about the sex of the child if the mother is still at a young age. Some young girls want to know their destiny and predict the future, because everyone wants to know what lies ahead. Therefore, in determining the sex of the unborn baby, you can turn to the old fortune-telling using a wedding ring and a needle.

Fortune telling by needle and thread

If you want to know who will be born to you - a girl or a boy, then this simple method of fortune telling is for you. All it requires is a needle and thread. Moreover, the thread is not of any color, but only white or red.

Take the needle, hold it in your palm and hold it there for a few seconds, mentally concentrating on your desire. During this time, the needle will have time to recharge with your energy and tune in to the question you need. Thread the pre-prepared long

thread into the eye of the needle, then with your right hand (if you are left-handed, still use your right hand) grab the long end thread and pull the needle down so that it hangs freely.

Continuing to hold the thread with your right hand, place the tip of the needle above your left palm, but so that the needle does not touch the skin. It is better to hold the needle a couple of centimeters from your hand. Mentally ask your question about the future gender of your baby, concentrate on these thoughts while looking at the tip of the needle.

Now the most important part of fortune telling. The needle should begin to swing, watch its movements carefully. If it moves in a circle, describing a circular motion in the air above your palm, it means that you will have a beautiful daughter. If the movements are different, like a pendulum, from side to side, then you should expect a handsome son.

If the needle does not swing, try holding it in your closed palm. Most likely, she did not have time to recharge with your energy and therefore cannot answer the question. You can also try to tell your fortune again on another day.

Fortune telling is considered effective and proven; girls in Rus' used to use it to find out their future. Fortune telling has been passed down through several centuries to the present day and continues to help young mothers become closer to their child.

The second method of fortune telling using a needle and white thread

There is another way to find out the future using a thread and a needle. The thread must be long and always white. You must have a completely new needle, which has never been used or touched by anyone. Before starting fortune telling, thread a long white thread into the eye of the needle and pull it down so that the needle can act as a pendulum.

Holding the thread in right hand and substituting left hand with your palm facing the “pendulum”, lower the needle into the space between your palm and thumb, so that it does not touch the skin. Repeat this movement twice more.

Now concentrate on your desire to find out the gender of your unborn baby and wait until the needle above your palm begins to swing. Focus on her movements: if she moves from side to side, a boy will be born, if in circles, a girl will be born.

Fortune telling by a wedding ring

Another old fortune-telling passed down to us from our wise great-grandmothers - with the help of a wedding ring - is considered no less interesting and intriguing. This method of fortune telling for determining gender is considered the most popular and most accurate of all folk signs. Everyone knows the power of a wedding ring, because it inseparably connects two human souls and contains not only the energy of the woman wearing it, but also that of her man. Therefore, to determine the gender of your joint child, an engagement ring is more suitable than ever.

Wedding rings, symbolizing the infinity of marriage and the love of two hearts, have been a key element in folk signs and fortune telling for centuries. There are many superstitions associated with the loss of these rings, and many predictions that are made with their help. They play the role of an invisible energy shield, suppressing incoming negativity and possible evil eyes from others, so it is not recommended to remove the rings, at least in front of strangers.

This fortune telling has two small rules.

  1. First, you need to guess based on the wedding ring, and not any other, and the ring should be yours. If you are not yet married, to predict the future it is better to use the method of fortune telling with a needle, since someone else's ring, containing other energy, is not able to correctly predict your fate.
  2. The second rule is that to more accurately determine the sex of your child, you need a suitable period at which the tummy begins to stand out. In this case, the time for this method of fortune telling is the best.

To start, you will need a white or red thread and your ring. Pass a long thread through the ring, stretch it in your right hand over your stomach and mentally ask your question about the gender of the baby. As in the previous fortune-telling, if the ring moves in circles, it means that you will have a sweet, beautiful daughter, and if it moves from side to side, like a pendulum, then get ready for the appearance of a beautiful boy.

By the way, you don’t have to do this fortune telling alone; your loved one can help you. The main thing is that the ring is yours, and the thread is red or white.

For young girls who have not yet gotten married, but dream of finding out their future in this way, you can replace the wedding ring with another one, but you need it to be your ring, and not someone else’s. It is also important that the ring should not be given to anyone, even close friends, they should not wear it.

If you do not have such a ring, get a new one before fortune telling and wear it for at least a couple of days without taking it off. It should absorb your energy. Using someone else's ring or the one you share with is not recommended because fortune telling may not work and show an erroneous result.

The moment a woman finds out that she will soon become a mother, she begins to worry about many questions, one of which is who exactly will be born to her - a son or a daughter. The answer can be obtained with an ultrasound examination, but this option appeared relatively recently and it is not always possible to determine who will be, a daughter or a son, since the fetus may turn wrong, etc.

It is for this reason that most future parents strive to independently determine the gender of the baby using markers that fall into the category of superstitions. How to find out the gender of a child by folk signs and fortune telling - we’ll look at it in this article.

By changes in appearance

How to determine the gender of the unborn child based on external changes? Traditional methods, associated with a change in the appearance of the expectant mother, are popular and considered reliable. So, how to find out the gender of the unborn child according to folk signs based on changes in the appearance of the pregnant woman:

  • acute belly shape for a boy;
  • a neat belly - to the heir;
  • the stomach becomes blurry - a helper will appear in the family;
  • facial features have become softer - the woman is expecting a daughter;
  • the expectant mother's nose has become sharper - she is carrying a son;
  • dry skin - a woman has a boy under her heart, if soft - a girl;
  • hair falls out and becomes dull - a daughter will appear in the family, hair has become more voluminous and grows better - a son is expected;
  • light nipple halos - a woman will have an assistant, or vice versa, an assistant;
  • the left breast has enlarged - for the birth of a daughter, and if the right one has become larger - for a son;
  • a graceful and feminine gait while waiting for a baby is a signal of the birth of a baby, but the acquisition of clumsiness towards the baby.

There is a belief that if the expectant mother begins to lose her beauty while expecting a baby, the family will be replenished with a daughter. The woman has become more attractive - we must wait for a son.

According to the baby's behavior in the womb

The behavior of the fetus in the womb is one of the markers, thanks to which it is considered possible to find out the gender of the child by signs:

  • the baby moves in the lower part of the abdomen - that means there is a son, and in the upper part there is a daughter;
  • the fetal heart beats up to 140 per minute - the heir, and if more than 140 - the heiress;
  • the first movements of the fetus were observed on the left, the couple will have a son, and on the right - a daughter.

According to mother's behavior

Let's consider how to determine the gender of the unborn child according to folk signs associated with the behavioral reaction of a woman expecting a baby. Changes in behavior were noticed many years ago - since then they have helped to understand who will be a daughter or a son:

  • a pregnant woman shows her hands with palms down - she will have a son, palms facing up - a daughter;
  • sleeping on the left side during pregnancy means a helper will be born, and on the right - a helper.

Also, if you listen to your health, the expectant mother can understand who she carries under her heart. How to find out the sex of a child using signs that are related to the health of a pregnant woman:

  • mothers of girls suffer from severe toxicosis, but mothers of boys practically do not;
  • the woman has become irritable and nervous - a daughter will appear;
  • severe headaches - an heir will be born;
  • swelling of the legs is a sign that a son will appear in the family;
  • the expectant mother often freezes - she will have an assistant, if she suffers from the heat and constantly sweats - an assistant;
  • the color of the urine becomes bright yellow - the couple will have a son.

On relations between partners

Relationships in a couple also determine who will appear in the family, and can help answer the question of how to find out the gender of the child. Folk signs based on the relationship between spouses:

  • the husband is younger than the wife - a daughter will be born into the family;
  • if a man shows more feelings for a woman than she does for him, a son will be born, but if a woman envelops a man with tenderness, a girl should be expected;
  • the woman’s head during conception lies on the north side - towards the assistant, and if on the south - towards the assistant;
  • during the process of conception, it is also possible to determine who will be born in the family, depending on the gender of the partner who at the time intimacy was more active.

From dreams

Pregnant women can sometimes have dreams that tell them who will soon appear in their family. How to find out the gender of your unborn baby using folk signs associated with dreams:

  • the expectant mother dreams of the birth of a son - the family should wait for a daughter; dreaming that a baby was born - to a son;
  • The birth of a son is indicated by a dream in which the expectant mother feels like a man.

How to determine the gender of an unborn child using popular signs - for example, in the world there is a war going on or military conflict, the chances of having a boy increase significantly.

Since ancient times, fortune telling has existed that also allows you to find out the sex of a child. Folk signs help determine the sex of a baby literally immediately after conception, but most of them still require a longer period.

One of the most popular fortune telling is ring fortune telling. So, how to determine the gender of your unborn child using a ring. You need to take a wedding ring and a long thread, thread it into the ring. Take the edges of the thread with your hand and bring it to the pregnant woman’s belly. How to find out the sex of a child by a ring: if a woman is expecting a son, the movements of the ring resemble a pendulum, and if she is expecting a daughter, it moves in circles.

Does this definition provide a 100 percent guarantee?

Folk signs do not give a 100% guarantee, but young mothers say the opposite, that when they paid attention to their body, they were able to independently determine whether they would have a daughter or a son without ultrasound diagnostics.

So, how to determine the sex of a child by signs in order to get a 100 percent result? Folk signs are based on ancient traditions and observations, which do not provide any guarantee; the only way to obtain a reliable result is ultrasound diagnostics.

With the help of folk signs and fortune-telling, a couple can pass their leisure time in an interesting way and at the same time, after a while, make sure whether they are true or not.

Useful video

The question “Who will be born?” future parents are always very concerned. In addition to ultrasound, folk signs are also widespread, which, even without scientific justification, tend to come true, which allows them to remain popular for many years:


  1. If future parents are wondering how to determine the gender of their unborn child, then thanks to folk signs they can get the answer before conducting a special medical diagnosis.
  2. You should not assume that beliefs are given 100% guarantee, because a couple can have twins.
  3. You shouldn’t take signs seriously, because sometimes different signs show different results. Therefore, it is more reliable to conduct an ultrasound examination and, with its help, find out exactly whether the soon-to-be-born boy or girl will be born.