Park rose Princess Alexandra. Shrub rose “Princess Alexandra of Kent”

These roses have an impeccable reputation as resilient, unusually fragrant and repeat-blooming plants in all European countries, as well as in Canada, America and Japan.

Alnwick Rose

Very beautiful at all stages of flowering, the bud forms a large one. Densely double, cup-shaped flower of deep pink color and softer pink on the outer edges of the petals, aroma with a hint of raspberry.

Tisin Georgia (Teasing Georgia)

Released in 1998. The flowers are densely double, cup-shaped, the bush is vigorous, disease-resistant, and repeat blooming.

Summer Song

A fragrant rose with a completely unusual flower color that blooms profusely throughout the season and is one of the exclusive varieties of D. Austin.

The Generous Gardener

A sophisticated rose with beautifully formed flowers. Petals are pale pink. When the bud is fully open, the flower resembles a lily. Forms a strong bush and has a refined aroma.

Spirit of Freedom

The flowers are very large, delicate bright pink, turning into lilac-pink, the bush is tall and vigorous. The variety is disease resistant and re-blooms.

Princess Alexandra of Kent

Flowers up to 15 cm in diameter with a delightfully fresh and unusually changing aroma during flowering: from tea through lemon to the aroma of black currant.

Crown Princess Margareta

The flowers are large and beautiful apricot-orange in color. The variety grows even in the harshest conditions. Has a strong fruity aroma. Bush up to 1.1 m.

The Pilgrim

An unusually stable and healthy bush with beautiful inflorescences, the flowers are bright yellow in the center and lighter closer to the edges, large in shape, with a strong aroma.

Golden Celebration

One of the best roses, deep yellow-gold flowers in the shape of a large cup. A beautifully shaped bush that forms a slight arch with lots of foliage. The variety is very aromatic. Bush up to 1.1 m.

Claire Austin

It is disease resistant and has an extremely strong aroma. It begins to bloom in a soft yellow color, then changes to a white-cream color. Plants form into a bush about 1 m high and 0.9 m wide. This is one of the healthiest English roses.

William Morris

The flowers have a beautiful pink-apricot hue and unusual shape sockets This is an extremely hardy and reliable variety, ideal for backgrounds. Has a strong aroma and excellent repeat flowering. Good disease resistance.

James Galway

A magnificent, large bush, well suited for planting in the background, the variety is disease resistant. The flowers are large, double, have a rich pink tint in the center, paler towards the edges.

The Wedgwood Rose

The flowers of this variety are some of the most beautiful among all English roses. The variety is resistant to diseases. The flowers are medium or large, with the most delicate petals. The color is soft pink.


It has charming flowers that are pure pink in the center and the outer petals are almost white. Forms a beautifully shaped bush. It has a wonderful aroma with undertones of fruit, honey and cloves.

A Shropshire Lad

A large-flowered, fragrant peachy-pink rose with an exquisite fruity aroma in the tradition of tea roses, resistant to disease, very impressive when grown as a climbing rose.

Without a doubt the best dark red English rose. The bush is tall, each stem has several inflorescences.

A royal among roses - this is what they say about the Princess Alexandra rose. The shrub, bred in England, quickly took root not only in the gardens of its native country, but throughout the world. How did the flower win love, is it difficult to care for? Photo of the beauty and a story about her in the article.

A nursery of English parks, the Princess Alexandra rose is classified as a scrub rose; gardeners willingly use it in landscaping. flowering plants. Deservedly bearing the name of the cousin of the Queen of England, the flower royally stands out among its relatives with its impressive bush growth, almost up to a meter. Eye-catching huge flowers- “span” is about 12 cm.

The bizarre color of the buds, closer to lilac, seems to shimmer in the sun, “giving out” many shades from pink to light purple. Some observers describe the color as "luminous". The rose has rather unusual bud petals. Graceful “cutouts” resemble butterfly wings. When half-opened, the bud of 100 petals resembles a water lily. The flower has a well-defined aroma - experts distinguish between lemon and black currant. The princess is also beautiful for its foliage - it is shiny, almost glossy, of a lush green color. This variety blooms several times per season, often repeating buds that are even larger in size than primroses.

Attention! Kent bush has rather thin stems. Under the weight of large flowers, they bend over, so it is recommended to tie them up.

This rose, like all scrub roses, is resistant to cold - it can often be found in Siberian gardens. Although a temperate climate is ideal for this variety.

Planting and care

Attention! When creating flower beds of several tiers English rose It is recommended to plant in the first row.

The flower is not too picky about soil, but the rose feels best on loam or black soil soil. Still, the soil should not be depleted, but fertile. The usual time for planting seedlings is April or May, and in the southern zone they can be planted in the fall. Before frost, the bush manages to take root tightly. When choosing a landing site, several factors should be taken into account:

  1. The planting area should not be “dead”; the place should be well ventilated.
  2. Groundwater should lie deeper than 1.5 m.
  3. Ideally, you need to check the acidity of the soil - it should not be too acidic (in this case, “quench” it with lime), nor alkaline (add peat to acidify).

Bushes of this rose variety do not like transplanting; its roots grow deep, almost 1.5 m - digging it out of the ground can cause damage to the root system. For the same reason, make the planting hole deep - about 70 cm. When planting, you need to:

  • lay a drainage “cushion” at the bottom of the hole;
  • sprinkle with compost;
  • pour a heap of soil for planting;
  • plant the seedling, carefully distributing the roots;
  • fill and compact the rest of the soil.

Attention! It is important that the neck of the rose stem is at least 3 cm underground.

Caring for a royal rose includes activities traditional for all scrubs. Timely watering, pruning branches, preferably three times - in spring, summer and autumn. And, of course, the bush needs to be fed nutritious fertilizers- mineral and organic matter.

In the first season of rose flowering, it is a pity, but you should carefully trim the buds that have not yet bloomed. This procedure is necessary to ensure that the plant gets stronger, directing all the nutrition to the stems and foliage. You need to remove the buds all summer, only closer to autumn leave 1 flower on a branch for fruit set.

Rose Princess Alexandra has a non-capricious “character”. Having studied the rules of planting and care, it is not difficult to give the garden a beautiful inhabitant for a long time. Lush flowering, unusual colors will “color” any flower garden.

Princess Alexandra: video

Rose - amazing flower, which, without a doubt, many gardeners would like to grow on their site. There are a great many varieties of this flower, and sometimes it can be very difficult to choose which one to plant on your site. In this article we will tell you about a beautiful rose called Princess Alexandra.

The full name of this variety is Princess Alexandra of Kent, English name– Princess Alexandra of Kent. This is a shrub variety that was bred in the UK not so long ago - just ten years ago. As you might guess, it was named after a certain Princess Alexandra of Kent, who was a cousin of Queen Elizabeth II of England. Despite the fact that Princess Alexandra was bred in distant England, she was able to win the hearts of flower growers around the world.

Although the universal love for this variety is absolutely not surprising. The bushes of these roses grow quite large - up to a meter in height and a little more than half a meter in width. Their leaves are dark green and huge ones stand out very clearly against their background. pink flowers. Roses are up to 12 cm in diameter, their petals are painted in a delicate mother-of-pearl color. There are both single flowers and several rosettes collected in inflorescences. In addition, the flowers have an extraordinary aroma with characteristic tea notes, to which lemon and blackcurrant notes are later added.

The Princess Alexandra rose blooms profusely, favorable conditions the bush is literally strewn with roses. That is why many gardeners choose this variety to decorate their flower garden.

Planting a variety

Before you start planting, you need to decide on the place where your beauty will grow. The most favorable location will be at a higher elevation, where groundwater does not come close to the surface, and the plant itself will be reliably sheltered from the cold wind. In addition, these roses prefer a moderate climate - they need sunlight, but there should not be too much of it. It is better to choose a place for planting in such a way that during the hottest hours of the day the plant is shaded from the sun, but in the morning and evening it will gladly receive sunbathing. It is important to choose a place right away, since it will have an extremely negative impact on this rose.

These flowers prefer slightly acidic, saturated soil. nutrients, waterproof and breathable. Best choice will become black soil or loamy soil. If the soil is not very fertile, fertilizers and additives can be used (depending on the soil type).

The hole should be at least 70 cm deep; it is recommended to place drainage layer, pour fertilizer (humus or compost) on top and cover with soil (this way you will nourish the soil, but the roots will not get a chemical burn). Next, a seedling is placed in the hole, its roots are straightened, covered with earth and compacted. After this, water the rose bush.

Bush care

Caring for this rose is not much different from caring for other roses, so let’s take a closer look at its main elements.

Watering. This variety is quite drought-resistant, so it is necessary frequent watering No. However, in summer you need to slightly increase the frequency of watering, since in the heat the soil will dry out faster. After watering, it is imperative to loosen the soil, since the crust that forms after the procedure prevents the supply of oxygen to the roots of the plant.

Feeding. They are usually applied after watering in liquid form. Required in different seasons different types fertilizing In the spring, treat the rosette with nitrogen-containing fertilizers (this will speed up its growth and help the formation of young shoots). In summer and autumn, it is recommended to use potassium-phosphorus fertilizers so that the plant gains energy after flowering and before wintering.

Trimming. The first pruning is carried out in the spring, cutting the shoots to 2-3 buds. This makes the process much easier correct formation crowns IN summer time this procedure is carried out in order to remove all wilted flowers and damaged shoots from the bush. In autumn, remove all dried and excess branches. Pruning is also carried out in order to protect the bush from the attacks of various diseases, since with a large density there is a high risk of fungal diseases. But timely pruning will help prevent this.

And finally: be sure to trim with sterile instruments!

Shelter for the winter. With the arrival of cold weather, make sure that the rose survives the winter frosts. The shoots are covered with earth, spruce branches are placed on the laid shoots, and a frame is installed on top, additionally covered with lutrasil. This way your plants will receive fresh air and at the same time be reliably protected from the cold.

Reproduction by cuttings

The optimal flowering option for this variety is cuttings. Cuttings are obtained from mature bushes as soon as the first wave of flowering has passed. The branches are cut, kept for a day in a special root growth stimulator, and then rooted in the ground. All qualities of the variety will be preserved with this method of propagation.

Video “Roses: planting, pruning, propagation”

From this video you will learn about planting a rose, its pruning and propagation.

The fate of today's birthday girl, the former Princess of Denmark, and now Duchess Alexandra, is worthy of the big screen. We have no doubt that sooner or later they will make a film about her.

The future Princess Alexandra Christina Manley was born in 1964 in Hong Kong. She is of Chinese, Czech and Austrian descent. Alexandra’s father was the head of an insurance company, and her mother was a communications manager.

Alexandra herself served as a manager for a Danish company in Hong Kong and it was there that she met Prince Joachim, the second son of Queen Margaretha II. After some time, Joachim proposed marriage to the girl, and in 1995, Joachim and Alexandra got married. Thus, she became the first Asian woman in history to join the European royal family. For the sake of her beloved, Alexandra renounced her citizenship (she was a British citizen) and changed her faith.

Alexandra and Joachim

Alexandra instantly became popular among Danish citizens - she was loved for her style, for the fact that she was actively involved in charity - she helped UNICEF, the Red Cross and visited Thailand to meet with local HIV and AIDS patients. She was even called the “Diana of the North.” She also drew praise for learning Danish very quickly. Here's how she argued it:

The decision to immediately learn the language was mine. It would be terrible if I stood up and spoke in English, say, at an engagement party, or thanked someone in that language. This would be extremely wrong. This is my home now, so I had no other choice.

Such words really evoke sympathy.

Joachim and Alexandra lived in a happy marriage for almost 10 years, during which time they had two sons. However, in 2004, the couple announced a breakup, and in 2005, the marriage was dissolved. This was the first divorce in the Danish royal family in the last century and a half. However, they say that Joachim and Alexandra managed to maintain a warm relationship. The sons remained to live with their mother, but she and their father have joint custody of them. In addition, the beautiful Alexandra retained the title of princess; she remained in government support without the obligation to pay taxes.

Alexandra and Joachim with children

Shortly after the divorce, Alexandra began living with a photographer who regularly works with the royal family, Martin Jorgensen. On top of that, Martin is also 15 years younger than Alexandra. In 2007, the couple announced their intention to get married. By the way, apparently, Joachim knew Martin even before the announcement of the engagement - of course, he visited Alexandra to meet with his sons.

In order to get married, Alexandra had to give up the title of princess and all the privileges associated with it. The groom, by the way, was introduced to the royal court, and Margaret II herself approved his candidacy.

The second marriage "demoted" Alexandra to the title of Countess of Frederiksborg, and she became obligated to pay taxes. At the same time, the former princess continued to receive an allowance from the royal family in the amount of $330 thousand a year (this amount is also taxed).

The wedding ceremony of Alexandra and Martin took place in Copenhagen. The bride insisted on a modest wedding: the newlyweds invited only their closest friends and relatives. However, Alexandra did not deny herself a luxurious wedding dress. She dressed up in Henrik Hviid toiletries.

Wedding of Alexandra and Martin

The sons of Alexandra and Joachim, Nikolai and Felix, accepted their stepfather well. So now this family lives very happy life. With Prince Joachim, I must say, everything is also wonderful. In 2008, he married again, and in 2009 he became a father: his second wife, Princess Marie, gave birth to another one.

Alexandra with her new husband

...and Joachim with his new wife and son

The story of Princess Alexandra is another modern-day Cinderella story. And it is not so important that it is not at all standard: it was not possible to build strong happiness with the prince, but it worked out with the photographer.

Rose Princess Alexandra of Kent was created by David Austin in 2007, and over the past decade has spread widely throughout the world. This exquisite beauty grows well in the south, in the middle zone and even in Siberia, and caring for it is no more difficult than caring for other scrubs.

The Princess Alexandra of Kent rose is named after the current Queen's cousin, Princess Alexandra, who was an avid gardener and lover of roses. A true Englishman, David Austin would not allow the princess's name to be used if his rose was even the least bit sloppy or vulgar. This variety in the best possible way combines the exquisite grace of the bush, the bright warm pink color of luxurious double flowers, and an amazing aroma that changes during flowering.

The bush can be up to 100 cm high and up to 60 cm wide. Straight slender shoots can withstand the weight of one flower, but can bend slightly under heavy inflorescences. The medium-sized, semi-glossy dark green leaves complement the colors of the many cupped flowers.

The bud captivates with the grace of its form; when opening, it amazes with its geometric perfection, and the opened flower with 90–100 petals, bright inside and lighter outside, cannot but delight in its luxury. It is often called luminous, perhaps because of the warm pink center and light outer petals folded like a collar. To the traditional rich tea aroma, lemon notes are added when the flower blooms, and blackcurrant notes are added towards the end of flowering.

Princess Alexandra of Kent is a drought-resistant variety that tolerates wintering well under cover in severe frosts, very rarely gets sick, and blooms again.

Video “How to prune roses correctly”

In this video, an expert will tell you how and when to prune roses in the garden.

Planting and care

The English rose Princess Alexandra of Kent prefers fertile, breathable and slightly acidic soils, grows well on chernozem or loamy soils. Gardeners middle zone(and further north) they plant it on the site in the spring, when the earth is completely warmed up, most often this is April or May. In the south, you can plant it in the fall, so that it takes root before frost.

It is advisable to choose a place protected from drafts with groundwater no closer than 1-1.5 m.

David Austin grafts his roses onto a proprietary rootstock with a strong taproot that can reach 1.5m, so it's best to plant them on a hill. For the same reason, they do not tolerate transplants well, so you need to choose a convenient place right away. These plants love the sun, but aggressive midday rays can cause burns and disfigure the delicate petals. Therefore, it is best if the rose hides in the light partial shade of taller plants in the afternoon.

The planting hole is dug to a depth of 80–90 cm, a drainage layer is arranged at the bottom, humus and compost are laid on it, and a hill is placed on top garden soil, on which the roots of the seedling are located. Carefully compacting the soil, fill the hole, make sure that the root collar has dropped 3 cm below ground level, water generously and mulch. Before planting, exposed roots can be soaked in water or a growth stimulator solution and dipped in a clay mash. If they are dry or damaged, they are cut back to healthy tissue.

If the soil is too heavy, it will not allow water and air to pass through well enough, so it is advisable to mix it with peat, sand, and compost. Too light sandy soil is not nutritious enough for roses, it heats up very quickly in the hot summer, so it is improved with black soil and clay. Lime is added if the soil is too acidic, and neutral is mixed with peat, because this rose loves slightly acidic soil.

A profusely flowering bush needs nutrition, so the soil is fertilized before planting. In spring, to accelerate growth, give nitrogen fertilizers, and after the start of flowering - potassium-phosphorus. Fertilizers are usually diluted with water, poured under the bush after watering to avoid burning the roots, and the next day the soil is carefully loosened. Rose responds well to fertilizers with humus or a solution of fermented manure, preferably horse manure.

The first year of a seedling's life permanent place It’s better to focus on root growth, so the buds need to be cut off. Only by the end of August, experienced gardeners leave 1-2 flowers, allow them to bloom completely, and even form seeds - this way the plant will be better prepared for winter.
