The Witcher 3: how to get out of a snowstorm. Passage of the quest “I was there, drank honey and beer”

Several months have passed since the credits of The Witcher 3 finished their leisurely journey across the screen to the accompaniment of the final composition and my breathless breath of delight. CD Projekt RED rolled out patch after patch, correcting annoying mistakes, but waiting and resisting the urge to return was much more important. To receive a new charge of pleasant impressions with fresh strength and cooled emotions.

I got to the Seven Cats tavern. Some kid, dodging Roach, who was slowing down his run, shouted, “My mommy said hello to you.” I raised an eyebrow in surprise, but, alas, there was no time for mommies, so I dismounted and headed to the main attraction of the yard - the notice board. Indignant at the invention of their authors, Geralt drew attention to unusual looking a man nailing down a contract next to him to kill another monster. After some thought, the witcher decided to get down to business. And then, as usual, it began. A free squad of baronial sons with forelock hairstyles, a huge toad in the dungeons of Oxenfurt, unknown warriors from distant Ophir, confused by many with Zerrikania after watching the release trailer. Yes, what happened during these 10 hours, which resulted in an exciting adventure that began with a seemingly harmless task. However, it doesn’t happen any other way in this work.

Ubiquitous satire and self-irony are indicators of the highest class of masters of storytelling, turning the plot into a worthy successor to the book series. Moreover, “ Stone Hearts” are a kind of response to criticism of the main game. Stupid notices on boards - Geralt will definitely make a sarcastic comment on this topic. We saved a bare-breasted succubus - the creature will immediately warn you that thank you, but I won’t go to bed as a reward (hello, part 1). The Western press scolded the game for the lack of black characters - a whole delegation from Ophir, please.

The latter, by the way, is one of the main highlights of the local program. A detachment of warriors speaking an incomprehensible dialect is not enough for us, but two more representatives of this distant and, naturally, mysterious country arrive in the northern kingdoms. The first is a merchant who loves to wag his tongue and brag about his homeland. Suddenly it turns out that the horses in wonderful Ophir are almost better than those of Nilfgaard, and the weapons and armor are in no way inferior to those here, and in general - heaven on earth. The second guest from the mysterious lands is a rune master who can apply entire combinations of glyphs to weapons, creating words that give the item a very beneficial properties. That doesn't stop him from being a scoundrel and a bit of a charlatan. Things really get unique features, but this gentleman only pulls the accumulated money with sweat and blood from the poor witcher like a thread from a ball of wool: first 5000 crowns, then 10000, then 15000. As a result, a whole laboratory grows up for a guest from the overseas outskirts of the world, and he himself does not know the disaster, arguing that all his own belongings were lost during the journey. And then the kind and compassionate witcher came to the rescue, how conveniently. But the developers’ motive is clear here - this is a banal way for add-ons to empty the player’s wallet, which was used back in the days of Titan Quest: Immortal Throne and, perhaps, even earlier. They tell little about Ophir itself, but much more than Sapkowski himself in his works, where these lands were mentioned only in passing.

However, quibbles are inappropriate here, and any sarcasm regarding the plot is just savoring its strengths. The game continues to surprise and delight, presenting unusual and varied stories. The entire expansion plays as a series of side missions. Which, knowing the quality of those in the original, is an undeniable compliment. Despite the fact that the events of the DLC take place after the main scenario, the original characters are actually not here. But we learn some details about the fate of the knights of the Order of the Flaming Rose and funny details of Vesemir’s youth, and much more.

The plot is a story about an ancient family, unrequited love and ubiquitous curses. Praise the gods, our Geralt is a famous master in this matter. The esoteric story of the nobleman Olgerd, the main figure of the supplement, is deep and interesting, but at the same time crazy and sad. The witcher's quest is dedicated to unraveling this tangle of fulfilled desires, unpaid debts and deep melancholy. The scriptwriters of “Hearts of Stone,” as before, do not disdain seriousness and are constantly looking for something new; as a result, the adventure turns out to be rich and memorable. Fortunately, The Witcher has previously been famous for themes and techniques that developers of other role-playing games do not even think about.

The bloody dance of sabers and the howling whistle of crossbow bolts give way to a noisy party at a village wedding and a raid on an auction house with the selection of a team (hello, GTA V), which only adds variety to the gameplay. One of the main characters of the add-on is an old acquaintance of the witcher - doctor Shani, a sweet red-haired girl with whom Geralt has already had time to hang out on the pages of the novel. The date with her at the wedding is arranged nicely, but after the graceful and passionate Triss, your soul is unlikely to melt at the sight of the modest nerd. However, who knows. The love line is still shoved at us almost by force, and sometimes there is a feeling that it’s time to stop doing this and give Geralt the opportunity to build his own line of behavior.

However, shop grumbling and trivia aside, Hearts of Stone is a great addition. The game hasn't gotten worse, it's just expanded. Several locations have appeared in Velen to the northeast of Novigrad. There were also new dens of monsters and bandit camps - the latter were simply darkness. And here The Witcher still demonstrates its strengths. Every corner of the world contains a piece of its history. In any camp there will be papers with orders or notes telling about the inhabitants who were just killed by Geralt. In an abandoned fortress, you will find the diaries of a mad harpy trainer for the Redanian army, and... however, there is no need to reveal the most interesting moments.

The game remains at the same level visually. Attention to detail in armor and interiors only emphasizes the enormous amount of work done by the developers - look at the rivets on new form the white-haired conqueror of sorcerer's hearts is a pleasure. The wind still bends centuries-old trees in a “thunderstorm, mother of her” and whips large drops over broken roads and dilapidated peasant huts. And with a clear sun and peaceful weather, you can just calmly wander through the forest, peacefully watching the hares and deer scatter.

Fortunately, the localizers have been corrected in the add-on; characters no longer practice their tongue twister skills. But Polish developers periodically use all the same elements that have become boring after many hours of the original. For example, scent tracking will again be required more than once. To coincide with the release of the add-on, the authors also published patch version 1.10, whose list of changes includes 600 improvements. Of course, an impressive figure, but many problems still continue to be annoying: Roach still periodically clings to fences along the roads and crashes into trees in the forest, and the screen suddenly “blurs out” at the most unexpected moment. At the same time, the game performance, despite hundreds of declared optimizations, is much better, and new characters are no longer loaded in parts during a quick jump, loading time when moving between road signs so large that you almost have time to brew and drink herbal soothing tea. Fans of the highest difficulty will certainly be torn and tossed, not so much from the bitterness of defeat, but from the need to wait for the next loading of the checkpoint.

Job Source : Appears after completing the quest “The First Sprouts of Evil” in the Hearts of Stone add-on.
Recommended level : 34.
Location: Velen.

“Sesame, open!” is one of the quests of the first plot addition “Hearts of Stone” to The Witcher 3. During the completion of this task, Geralt will have to fulfill one of the wishes of the chieftain Olgerd von Everec in order to fulfill his duty to the mysterious person Gunther O’Dimm. The task is to get Olgierd a certain House of Maximilian Borsodi (whatever that is).

You need to search at the Borsodi auction house. We get to the house, two warrior guards do not let the witcher in at the entrance. A corporal with watchman's syndrome and a private mocking him. Geralt will be helped through by an old acquaintance, banker Wim Vivaldi, who is always hungry for profit, but is a kind and honest person. On the ground floor you can see all sorts of exotic exhibits, including a goblet of fire, Zerrikan spears and even a statue of a unicorn.

We go up with the banker to the second floor of the auction house. There you can talk with Vim’s interesting acquaintances.

One of them is Gilbert. A fan of playing gwent. You can win the Gunther O'Dimm card from him with the useful Double skill.

Jaromir is a painting lover. During the conversation, he will ask which of the paintings hanging on the wall was created by the famous artist Edward Van der Huy, a master from Maribor (and yes, the localization gave him such a dissonant name). You need to choose the central portrait of the merchant with the pearl. In return, Jaromir will give advice on which paintings can be bought at auction for next to nothing and to whom to resell at a high price (this is the work of Van Rogh and the dealer Marcus Hodgerson, respectively). This information can also be communicated to Wim, but then during the auction he will also be bidding for this painting.

Countess Mignolle is an elderly woman who collects witcher trinkets. You can buy blueprints for strong snake school armor from her with increased resistance to poisons. She will also ask you to find the earring lost on the balcony, but this is just an excuse for a heart-to-heart conversation. It turns out that long ago she had an affair with Geralt’s mentor Vessemir, but he had to leave her. The witcher will tell the woman that his teacher suffered a sad fate, but he died like a hero (if according to the main storyline The Witcher 3 Vessemir has already died).

Next you need to wait for the auction to start. There will be three lots, of which the second is a painting by the young artist Van Rogh. It can be bought cheaply and then resold to bookseller Marcus Hodgerson in Novigrad. Subsequently, in the “Collector” quest, you can earn 500 crowns and a Charley trophy, which can be tied to a horse’s saddle and receive an additional bonus (5% additional gold).

After the first three lots there will be a break and we will be introduced to the current owner of the auction house, Maximilian’s son Horst Borsodi, a noble snob and buffoon. After he learns that the witcher needs to take the house of Maximilian Borsodi, he orders the guards to escort him out of the house. The guards at the exit will not immediately give the swords to the witcher. We'll have to teach them a lesson with our fists.

After this, we will meet a mysterious stranger and tell us that he is aware that Geralt wants to get the house of Maximilian Borsodi, and will help with this. To do this, you need to penetrate Horst's treasury. But first, you should go to one herbalist near Oxenfurt and give a certain password (ask for an extract from the blood tank).

We head to the herbalist's hut. As we approach the house, we discover that the fallen knights of the Order of the Flaming Rose are banging on the door. We deal with them and meet a lowly herbalist. We ask him for an extract from the blood tank and head with him to the basement.

The same stranger is already waiting for the witcher there. He does not give his name, but says that he has strong motives to also get something from Borsodi’s treasury. The raid will not work, since the house has a lot of security, it is necessary to commit theft. He already has a whole plan ready for this.

This is where the real “Geralt’s Eleven Friends” come into play. True, there are somewhat fewer friends. A new acquaintance outlines his sophisticated plan to penetrate a treasury with a strong security system and says that for this it is necessary to assemble a team. He already has candidates, briefly tells Geralt about their skills and current situation. He also adds that it is necessary to thin out the guards using some kind of potion that will incapacitate some of the soldiers.

So, we need to gather a team and prepare a potion that will weaken the soldiers. Along with this, the corresponding quests appear: “Family Matters: Burglar”, “Family Matters: Safecracker” and “Open Sesame: Witcher Seasonings” (in the Witcher 3 localization, the quests have exactly these names).

After preparations for the risky adventure are completed and the mentioned additional quests are successfully completed, you can head to the herbalist’s hut to gather a team. All participants in the adventure stay in the basement of the herbalist’s hut. The mysterious guy explains the plan to everyone and the team goes to work.

Initially everything goes smoothly. The witcher’s potion worked; there is only one patrol in the city, which should not cause any trouble. Evelina skillfully climbs the tower and throws the rope down to the others. There is a soldier in the tower, Evelina has to knock him out. Everyone climbs the tower and makes their way through the adjacent roof into the desired building. The team puts on their masks and moves on to the next part of the plan.

In the attic of the house, the team collects fake swords in case of an unexpected skirmish and goes down below. Things quickly spiral out of control. There are people in the house on the ground floor. You'll have to fight the guards with fake swords. Horst Borsodi comes running to the noise and, seeing the uninvited guests, runs away. He manages to escape and slam the door. The bell is rung and a detachment of soldiers approaches the house. The organizer of the adventure takes one of the people in the house hostage and asks Geralt to stall for time while the treasury is broken into.

The Witcher will have to negotiate with the commander of the warriors, which will allow him to play negotiator. If the negotiations fail, the soldiers will burst into the building and you will have to fight them with fake swords. In order for everything to go smoothly, we first ask you to withdraw the detachment, then deliver an ordinary cart to the house. The soldiers agree and thereby give the inglorious heroes time to escape. At the moment, some characters are going their separate ways. Evelina says that this has gone too far and she’s had enough, she can get out through the chimney. The only option left for the rest is through the treasury.

It is also worth noting here that if Geralt takes the demolitionist Casimir with him, and not the burglar Quinto, then during the negotiations an explosion will occur and the soldiers will break into the building in any case. In this case, the battle is inevitable and Evelina in this situation will also run away from the other heroes.

We go down to the treasury. The burglar (or demolitionist) did his job perfectly. Geralt goes first. You need to be careful, because a hidden mechanism in the floor will work and you can fall down, then you will have to fight with agile arachnid arachnomorphs. You can simply jump over the trap pit.

Finally, we make our way into the treasury. Here you can collect coins and valuable trinkets. We move deeper into the treasury, where Horst Borsodi and his guards are already waiting for us. The mysterious organizer of this entire event takes off his mask and introduces himself. It turns out that this is Horst's brother Ewald Borsodi. In this situation, you can choose the side of one of the brothers. The burglar will be on Horst's side. If there is a demolitionist on the team, he will choose Ewald's side.

If we choose Horst's side, we will have to fight Ewald and the Demoman (if, of course, he is on the team). After defeat, Horst will kill his defeated brother. The Witcher will demand the House of Maximilian Borsodi from Horst. He will tell you that it contains valuable documents and therefore does not intend to give it away. You can kill Borsodi or simply come to an agreement, then Horst keeps the papers for himself, and the witcher takes the House.

This very House turns out to be a box. Among other things, Horst will like the cracker and will remain working for him as a security expert (if there was a cracker on the team). We take the box and head to Olgerd with good news about the fulfillment of his wish.

If we still choose Ewald’s side, we will have to fight Horst, his guards and the burglar who has defected (if there is a burglar on the team). Ewald will kill his defeated brother and he will also need documents from the box, since it contains the will of the brothers' father. You can fight Ewald, but the Demoman will be on his side, since Borsodi will offer him the position of treasurer (again, if there is a Demoman on the team). We kill Ewald or give him the papers, take the box.

IN in this case You won’t be able to get out of the building the usual way; you need to go through a secret passage from the treasury to the outside. If the witcher went to peace with Evald, then he himself will open the secret passage. If Ewald falls from Geralt’s sword, then you will have to look for how to open the secret passage, to do this it will be necessary to press on the stone of one of the columns of the room. After we manage to get out of the building, we head with the House of Maximilian Borsodi to Olgierd von Everek.

Olgerd von Everek sits in the Alchemy tavern located in Oxenfurt. We bring him the box. If the papers are in place, then Olgerd will be pleased. If there are no documents in the box, then Olgerd, of course, will not be happy with the contents. In this case, like Gunther O'Dimm, Geralt retorts that he should have been more precise with his wording.

The fact is that at one time the Borsodis had greatly annoyed Olgerd and with the help of these documents he wanted to take revenge on them. Once upon a time, in one lean year, the burden of debt fell on Olgerd’s family and Horst Borsodi, taking advantage of the situation, sold at auction all the things that were dear to Olgerd.

The casket contains the will of Maximilian Borsodi with interesting condition. If the Borsodi brothers do not shake hands at Belletene at least once a year, then all the property should go to the hospital, which will be able to treat beggars and children for free. However, Olgerd wanted to get the will only for the sake of revenge.

In any case, the wish is fulfilled. Geralt finds himself one step closer to freeing himself from the obligations that bind him; only Olgierd's last wish remains. Thus, the quest “Open Sesame!” ends.

Let's get started walkthrough The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Hearts of Stone

The first shoots of evil

Geralt will once again find himself at the very center of adventure. You will learn about the new order from the tavern called “Seven Cats”; it is a simple order for a monster. To complete the task, additional information will be required, which the customer named Olgerd von Everik can tell about.

Using the information received, you will find yourself near the Oxenfurt canal, which is the abode of the monster. Go down and get ready for a fight with a few drowners. After that, explore the sewer. A short walk through the city's sewage will lead you to an old friend. After talking, continue your way and soon you will come across a grate. Break it down brickwork, located on the right (highlighted by flair), move forward, destroying more and more drowners.

As a result, you will come to a monster two in one, a huge toad and a boss. The monster is quite mobile, and its jumps can cause quite a bit of damage. The toad also uses its long tongue to reach you even from a great distance. The boss sprays toxic gas and reduces visibility by spitting in the eyes. The unusual image of the boss does not provide for new tactics to combat him. Everything is standard, that is, you need to use Quen and combine “strike + roll/dodge”.

You should not relax after a victory, as you will find yourself in an even more difficult situation, in the end of which you will have to draw your weapon. Now the boss is an Ophir magician, who is surrounded by a large retinue. First you need to deal with the spearmen, then with the shield warriors, after which there will be a battle with the sorcerer. He masters the element of wind and can turn into a tornado, tearing vortex currents out of the ground and teleporting directly behind his back. Although in this battle you can simply leave, since the boss acts as an additional quest objective.

Talk to the mysterious assistant in the forest, now head to the customer's house. Events turn in such a way that he turns into another boss, representing an even greater danger. The opponents have plenty of tricks up their sleeves: sword strikes, a quick ramming technique and a powerful lunge. The boss blocks any frontal attacks, making him vulnerable to attacks during his combos and to hits after a successful deflection. He has one weak point attack while charging his smash move, accompanied by red lightning. After defeating the enemy, you will have to watch the video and prepare to complete the next quest.

And I was there, drinking honey beer

Geralt receives a new task, which is to cheer up Olgerd's late brother, Witold. You need to listen to Shani's advice, and then go to the von Everik family crypt. There you will need to find a tomb, next to which there will be a hut on a stand. It is necessary to improve the room with the help of a censer, and, of course, you have to fight with several ghosts, among which are relatives of Olgerd himself. Take the yearning spirit with Shani to a rural wedding. There will be many entertainment events that will last until midnight. All that remains is to play cards and take part in the fight; these activities will not take much time. The hero will be able to sleep with Shani. After midnight, go to Olgerd in Oxfenfurt to tell him about the work done.

Sesame, open up!

Having had an active rest at the wedding, serious work awaits Geralt. His task is to obtain the auction house of Maximilian Borsodi for Olgerd. First you need to find an estate located in Oxenfurt and talk to its owner. Geralt invites the owner to voluntarily donate the house, to which he sets two guards against the hero. After eliminating the guards, Geralt is approached by a person who wants to help take back the auction house. You need to get to the appointed place, then there will be a robbery in the spirit of Ocean's Friends. The hero will have to cope with three preparatory quests, which consist of: finding a security guard and a burglar, as well as creating a sleeping pill for the house guards. You will find the burglar in the camp of the wandering corpses of acrobats. Evelina Galo, a young artist, agrees to take part in the adventure if you can replace the shooter in the “Hit the Bullseye” trick. Take the crossbow and shoot down all the fruits. After the performance, Evelina goes to the gathering place. You can find the bugbear in a small village. Axiy and convincing arguments will force Casimir to come down from the roof and join the team of robbers. Create the necessary elixir in the “Alchemy” section, which will be useful in the third task. Listen to three conversations of the guards, then go to Oxenfurt, in this place you should find out the location of the cook. You will find him on the river bank fishing. During negotiations, you need to persuade him to participate in this adventure. Now seasoned burglars must wait until midnight to go to work. Even the most ideal plan can fail, so a fight cannot be avoided. Deal first with the security, then with the law enforcement officials, who should tell you a funny joke. Follow the assistant to the treasury, where the owner and two bodyguards will meet you. After an easy battle, you'll have to figure it out conflict situation, which flared up between accomplices. After taking the house (actually the box), go to meet Olgerd.

And they lived happily ever after

After you cheer up the dead man and get the house, Geralt will receive the last, but most difficult task from Olgerd. It is necessary to return the purple rose, which is a parting gift from his wife. Head to Olgerd's estate, whose front gate will be closed. Follow left side fence until you see a hole. In this area, you will meet a burglar who will tell you that his accomplice is somewhere here. Inspect the front yard and at the same time look for the burglar's partner, and you can use your witcher senses. After checking the place, head to backyard, in the garden you will find the corpse of a burglar, and nearby the boss. The faceless type will deal little damage, but he can restore health through successful hits. When he starts summoning shadows, you need to destroy them faster than he himself.

Having dealt with this Pale Man, go to back door estates. On the second floor of the building there is the room of Olgerd's wife, go there. There will be a sketchbook on the ground floor (lit by sparks), take it. Heading along long corridor, you will again have to face the boss, in the form of a ghost. Similar to the previous boss, the woman in black can heal her wounds using the green light emitted from the painting. The lady is capable of inflicting modest damage, but it is worth paying attention to her cheat regeneration. After defeating the ghost, you will find her dead body on the bed, which Geralt will want to bury. Exit through the front door and head to the area with the easel. Bury the body and give the eulogy, then go after the ghost. You'll find yourself rich inner world Olgerd's wife. In this world you need to deal with all her nightmares and restore the most important events.

First memory

Use your witcher senses, find the glass and insert it into her hand. Now you should kill the ghost spiders.

Second memory

On dining table all key objects should be inspected. I focus on the picture hanging opposite the table, light the candles and the fireplace. A shadow will appear that also needs to be destroyed.

Third memory

Find the bloody shirt that is located by the bed and put it in the basin standing near Olgerd.

Fourth memory

Take an iron glass and fruit from the cabinet, place them on the counter near Olgerd, focusing on the picture. That is: the glass should be in the center, the apples on the right side, and the grapes on the left. You will have to kill the shadows again.

Fifth memory

Inspect all key objects located in the room. Take candles and chalk, go to the pentagram located on the floor and arrange the candles in accordance with the circle of the picture. Once the memory is reconstructed, a fire will start. It will be possible to get out of it only through a picture that smells of a cold wind. You will find yourself in a cold environment, so you should quickly get to the basement, which is located on the right side of the stairs that lead to the porch.

Sixth memory

There is a mug to the left of Olgerd, pick it up and insert it into his hand. Do the same with the prenuptial agreement, which you need to hand off to the man next to you. Destroy the shadows again.

Seventh memory

In the final reconstruction you will find a tray of food. Give it to me to a faceless man. Place a large bowl and a smaller container near the dog and cat, respectively. Walk down the hallway to the living room to read the letter. From it you will get a complete picture of the relationship between the von Everik spouses; now you will have to face the most important fear of Olgerd’s wife. He represents Olgerd himself, surrounded by motionless doubles. This boss is very dangerous compared to others, so you need to be extremely careful. Do not touch the doubles, otherwise they will join the fight and it will be very difficult to fight back. After you free the woman from all her nightmares, you can take the purple rose.

Who sows the wind...

Before the final meeting with Olgierd and the mystical Mr. Mirror, you should visit Shanni, who will help you understand the personalities of these heroes. After talking, follow her to the university to ask Professor Shezlock a lot of questions. Entering his house is not so easy, since the territory is guarded. Head to another passage, which is located near the embankment. At the site you have to deal with the hunters of sorceresses. Now you can try to get to the desired building. First knock on the locked one front door, behind you there is a ladder, go up it, now climb onto the small balcony, using Aard to demolish the flimsy door there. After talking with the professor, go to the meeting. A tense dialogue will lead to a dilemma: save Olgerd, thereby stopping Mr. Mirror, or allow him to take von Everik's soul. If you choose the first option, you will find yourself in a world of illusions, where you need to solve a riddle within the allotted time. The answer can be found in the mansion, which is visible from the starting point in the distance. You can get to the estate without being distracted by enemies and other active moments. In the destroyed courtyard you will see a non-working fountain. Use Aard to break the cracked masonry (highlighted by sense). As a result, you will defeat the villain and free Olgerd von Everik from his debt - the curse. You will be given a great sword as a thank you, and will also have to watch the end credits.

On this Walkthrough of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Hearts of Stone completed

Based on the mission, go to the Seven Cats tavern and look at the notice board. Collect all the advertisements, among which there will be a story one. On a horse, move to the point indicated on the map, and then talk to the people in the house. Talk about everything with Olgierd von Everec.

Leave the building and learn from the girl a task related to her friend Kluivert. This is an additional mission, so we won’t describe it for now. On horseback, move to the farm and find the well. Go down the stairs through the well to the very bottom. Activate your Witcher Senses to see bloody trails. After killing opponents, get to the corpse and examine it. Very soon you will meet Shani.

Continue to use your Witcher Senses and find the dilapidated wall on the right. As magic stone select Aard, approach this wall and press Q to destroy it with a telekinetic blow.

Use your instincts to move on. True, you will need to examine the corpse of the squad leader to find the key. Use the key to gain access to the lower tiers. Deal with the opponents and find France's body. Open the door ahead and meet the first boss.

Prince Toad

So this enemy is in constant motion. More precisely, the Toad moves, which is quite natural, by jumping. She can walk, but very slowly and only if you stand in front of her muzzle. If you try to run behind him, the Toad will jump and at once be able to turn his face towards you. Therefore, this number will not work.

You should have a rune with a magic trap. The exact name seems to be Yirden. So, use it to create a trap right in front of the Toad. Run away without changing direction so that the Toad steps into the trap with its paws and gets stuck in it. Now you have literally 3-4 seconds to attack the enemy. Then repeat the procedure. If you remember, the rune is restored slowly. If you jump or roll or run, the energy of the rune is not restored, and is even consumed.

In the end, you must defeat your opponents. Watch a long cut-scene with a lot of dialogue.

Having broken free, deal with the Ophir soldiers or simply run away from them.

Ride your horse to the crossroads, where Mr. Mirror is waiting for you. Rewind time to midnight using meditation. Talk to him and tell him that you will help. Return to Olgerd's hideout.

A conversation will take place here and you will learn about the first two wishes of Olgerd von Everek.

Walkthrough of Witcher 3 Hearts of Stone. And I was there, drinking honey and beer

Go to the city and find Shani in your house, on the second floor. After the dialogue with her on the horse, head to the von Everek family crypt. Agree to go with Shani to the wedding. She will give you a censer. Go into the territory, open the crypt and go down. Defeat several ghosts. Examine the inscriptions on all the coffins using your Witcher Senses. You must find Witold von Evereck. Fumigate three places. Click the mouse wheel to reveal the censer. Go to three points and fight the von Everek family. Talk to Witold. In the end, he will possess you and you will go to the wedding.

Go with Shani to the newlyweds and get to know them. At the wedding, first talk to the girl's parents in the center of the courtyard. Using your witcher's senses near the booth next to the entrance, track down the dog, and with it the fakir. Tell the fakir to come down. Return to the bride's parents and report what happened.

Go to the table where the fruits are and juggle them. After that, go to the table with the players and try to win Gwent. You can lose. Next there will be dancing. Von Everek will appear. Talk to him about everything. Go outside and approach the pen where the pigs are. Drive the two yellow-marked pigs into the barn in the background. First you will need to talk to the man.

Inside the barn, chat with other characters. Witold will soon find himself in his crypt.

If you want to seduce Shani, then pick a rowan from a tree in one of the three yellow areas on the map and bring her a bouquet. After this, chat, flirt with Shani and pretend to be a noble man, but interested in the girl. Let's not even point out the dialogue options.

Find Olgerd in the tavern and report that Witold had a lot of fun.

When, some time later, Geralt told me a story that began at a notice board not far from the Seven Cats tavern, he recalled that something strange was drawing him to this place, as if some invisible secret force wanted him to be there at that particular time. day and at this hour. At that time I barely paid attention to this fact, but later, having heard this story in its entirety, I came to the conclusion that this could not be an accident...


The task is taken on the notice board at the Seven Cats tavern.


You need to pick up your order from the notice board:

Order: Beast in the Canals
Let it be known to everyone that Olgierd von Zverek will give a great reward in gold, precious stones or movable property (under contract) to any daredevil who goes down into the canals of Oxenfurt and kills the monster that has settled there, that hunts for the murders of innocent people with a special preference for young maidens. The task is most suitable for a battle-hardened person, a soldier or perhaps a witcher, who will not run away at the sight of drowners, for this abomination is in abundance there.

For more detailed information contact the Garin estate (which is northeast of Novigrad). Ask Olgierd von Everek

Inside Garin's estate, Geralt will meet cheerful company and will be able to show himself in fist fight if you select the option Bunch of idiots in dialogue. After this, a conversation will take place with Everek himself, who will guide the Witcher into the sewers, promising to reward him generously.

At the exit from the estate there will be an opportunity to take the task Rose on a red field.

A very long adventure awaits Geralt in the canals, so it’s better to prepare in advance. Among the drowners, Geralt will meet his old friend - Shani. However, you can’t expect any help from her in battle, and the local corpse eaters are quite active. The adventure in the dark is linear and will lead to a monster in any case. It turns out to be a giant toad.

How to kill a Toad

One of the options for fighting Toad

The monster explodes well in its own poisonous gas and is vulnerable to Irden, bleeding And oil against the damned, and pumped Oriole will allow you to be treated for poison. You cannot strike more than 2 times with a sword in a row and it is not advisable to stand still.

After defeating the monster, the Witcher will see how the toad becomes a man. The toad will turn out to be an enchanted prince, just like in a fairy tale.

On the ship

The ship Fakbarhiil (Albatross) must take Geralt to Ophir for trial. After a conversation with his cellmate, the Witcher will be forced to communicate with the guards. If you select the correct answer in the dialogue ( 3 …alle’khe uhl eghullath!), then you can earn some experience. All the talk will lead to nothing, but “ I really wish there was someone here with whom we can negotiate«.

After Geralt voices his desire, he will be nearby Gunther O'Dimm. He will remind you of the previous meeting and promise to help, but will leave it as a reminder sign on the Witcher's face. A similar one could be seen on Anna’s hands earlier in the story.

After some time, the action will move from the ship to the shore. Mysteriously, the floating prison was destroyed, but the desires of the Ophir people did not change. We'll have to fight back. Immediately after the end of the video, you will be able to equip normal armor and fight with the survivors. Local magician will be invulnerable as long as at least one more warrior is alive. Ophir Mage easy to fall into trap Yrden, after which it does not cause problems. In extreme cases, you can completely run away from the battlefield, failing the subtask. On the sorcerer's body you can find a letter:

Letter from an Ophir merchant
Werner (Ferner, Perner, whatever your name is)!

It is beyond my understanding why the noblest royal sorcerer Aamad chose you, of all the people in the world, as a guide (the argument that you know the area better does not look convincing to me one bit, since Aedirn has as much in common with Redania as Zerrikania with Ophir, namely: nothing). But since the decisions of the noblest one are not discussed, I ask you to convey a message to him following contents: We are camping near the village of Bronowitz. In accordance with the instructions received from His Majesty's court, we share our knowledge and goods with the local commoners. Unfortunately, my predictions about their intellectual level were confirmed a hundredfold, so I again humbly ask permission to move further to urban settlements, where our knowledge and experience will be appreciated.

With regards, Dilla kh'Amanni

A sign on the face will remind you to look into the village Yantra, but this is not necessary. Regardless of actions and dialogue choices Gunther O'Dimm will give a task and say that he believes that everything will end well, and after that they will all meet and thank each other for what they have experienced together.

It will happen on the Garin estate fire, but few people care about this. More interesting is the execution in the yard, in which you can intervene. If you talk calmly with Everek, a man's head will be cut off, and Everek is pierced with a sword in front of the Witcher. Only this will not bother him at all and he will tell you that the executed man was accused, among other things, of murdering the owner of the estate. If you stand up for a man, there will be fight with Everek. The main skill in this fight is counterattack skill from the red skill line.

Regardless of the choice, Geralt will receive his 450 CZK. This will complete the task.


Two new tasks will become available: “And I was there, drinking mead-beer” and “Open Sesame!”

This is an unfinished walkthrough, but all important decisions have already been described
