Combat support

Combat support is a system of measures enshrined in the charter aimed at eliminating the possibility of a surprise attack by the enemy and reducing the effectiveness of these attacks. They also consist of creating for units and units suitable conditions for conducting combat operations.

The types of combat support have changed over time. Some of them either became independent industries, or were included in others, and sometimes outgrew the scope of support and were included in the content of the battle.

Through time

First world war laid the foundation for the development of combat support. Before it, there were only three types of it: camouflage, reconnaissance and preservation. However, during the war, tanks and aircraft began to be used for the first time, and therefore the foundation was laid for such support sectors as anti-tank, air defense and anti-chemical defense of troops. There was also a need for meteorological support due to the use of aeronautical vehicles and artillery fire from closed positions.

After the Great Patriotic War Certain adjustments were introduced to the types of support for combat operations. Due to the increase in joints between units and subunits and the relatively low density of assets and forces during maneuver operations, the flanks and joints between units and units have become especially vulnerable. This led to the emergence of a new industry called flank and seam provision. Also during the Patriotic War, protection against airborne assaults also became a support industry.

Antibacteriological and antinuclear protection began to be used for the first time in the post-war period. Later, together with anti-chemical protection, they entered a new branch of support called protection of troops from

Such types as air and anti-tank defense, protection against airborne assaults, and flank support became part of combined arms combat and were abolished as types of combat support.

Tactical reconnaissance

The main types of combat support for troops include, first and foremost, reconnaissance. This is a system of measures for collecting and studying information about the enemy’s troops and military assets, as well as the area in which it is to be fought. fighting. The main purpose of reconnaissance is to establish the combat strength, location, condition and grouping of enemy troops; special attention should be paid to nuclear and chemical means of attack, and high-precision weapons systems. As a result of reconnaissance, flaws in the enemy’s defenses and their strengths, the presence and nature of engineering equipment in the occupied area, the possibility of using nuclear and chemicals. Among other things, the social side is also important: the mood among the local population is explored, economic situation and socio-political composition.

Successfully conducted reconnaissance ensures the possibility of a timely response to enemy actions and the successful entry into battle of units and subunits, as well as the realization of the entire combat potential of the troops.


One of the most important species provision is camouflage. This is a system of measures that should hide from the alleged enemy the deployment of their troops, their number, equipment, their combat readiness, intentions and actions. The constant improvement of reconnaissance means forces us to constantly work on camouflage means. The main requirements are activity, consistency and continuity, diversity and persuasiveness.

Activity means the ability, under any conditions, to demonstrate and impose on the enemy false information about the position, intentions and composition of one’s troops. Convincingness presupposes that all measures taken must be appropriate to the situation, while taking into account the enemy’s various reconnaissance capabilities, because they are applied comprehensively. Constancy and continuity - this requirement means that camouflage measures must be carried out not only in preparation for battle, but also during any changes in the situation, as well as directly during combat. The use of various camouflage methods eliminates stereotypes, and therefore reduces the effectiveness of enemy reconnaissance.

Engineering support

Engineering became a part of comprehensive support for combat operations during the First World War, but over time it changed qualitatively. IN modern world the engineering industry has to deal with a whole series complex tasks associated with creating suitable conditions for combat operations, increasing protection against enemy weapons, as well as striking the intended enemy using engineering means.

Effective operation of this industry is impossible without engineering reconnaissance of the enemy, objects and combat area. The tasks of engineering support include fortification work on the ground, the deployment of communication and control points, as well as the destruction engineering facilities enemy (clearing mines, removing obstacles and barriers, maintaining crossings and traffic routes). As part of engineering support, measures are being taken to supply water, as well as camouflage troops and military facilities.

Chemical support

This branch includes not only measures to protect troops from weapons of mass destruction (abbreviated as ZOMP), but also control over their use, as well as the use of masking smoke.

This type of support is also based on intelligence. The tasks of radiation and chemical reconnaissance include detecting the corresponding contamination and supplying the headquarters with data on the situation on the ground and in the lower layer of the atmosphere. If there is an infection, its degree, nature and scale are identified, the boundaries of the contaminated areas are designated, and ways to bypass them are organized. The same specialists carry out bacteriological (biological) non-specific reconnaissance activities, the result of which is to obtain information about the enemy’s use and protection of their troops from him.
As part of chemical support, dosimetric and chemical monitoring is carried out. In case of infection of troops, special treatment is carried out to preserve their combat effectiveness. It includes decontamination, degassing and disinfection of equipment, weapons, engineering and material resources, and, if necessary, sanitary treatment of personnel.

Masking smokes are used to blind the enemy. They also allow you to simulate the action of decoys and disguise the position of your troops. Smoke counteracts certain types of enemy reconnaissance, complicates photography, video surveillance and visual control, and interferes with the operation of other equipment.

All types of combat support must be used cumulatively and continuously, during the battle and its preparation, during the movement of troops and their location on the ground. Due to the constant expansion of tasks and the reduction in the time frame for their implementation, most of the support work is assigned to the troops themselves, and only the most complex tasks requiring special knowledge and the availability of equipment, are carried out by units of special troops, for example, engineering troops.

The organizers of support activities are the chief of staff and the heads of branches and units of special troops.

Oldest industry

Security is one of the main types of combat support that existed even before the First World War. Without exception, all units and subunits, regardless of conditions, during the conduct of combat and its preparation, during the movement of troops and location on the ground, are required to carry out security measures. The purpose of security is to exclude the possibility of a surprise enemy attack, interfere with enemy reconnaissance and create favorable conditions for friendly troops to enter battle. The task of preventing surprise attacks from the air was once also assigned to security, but in modern conditions this became impossible without the use of special air defense radar systems.

Types of combat support for aviation

The Air Force, due to the need to conduct combat operations in the air, has several different types of combat support, but some of them are classic (camouflage, chemical support, aerial reconnaissance) adjusted for a different environment of influence.

Electronic warfare is a set of measures to detect and suppress enemy electronic means, and, accordingly, protect one’s own electronic systems from interference created by the enemy.

Navigation support includes a number of measures to ensure the safety, reliability and accuracy of flights along routes, timely deployment of aircraft to sites, and the most effective use of available weapons. As part of navigational support, calculations and data are prepared, the use of radio engineering and radio navigation systems (both ground-based and airborne), as well as solving problems directly in combat.

The Air Force also has a radio engineering support branch, the essence of which is to receive timely accurate information about the position of aircraft in space, provide pilots with data for precise targeting of targets (air and ground), and ensure safety during takeoff and landing at airfields.
Search and rescue support involves measures to supply aircraft crews with life-saving equipment and preparation for their use, training and technical equipment of crews involved in rescue work, search for aircraft in distress and assistance to them.

Weather and terrain

Topographic and geodetic support is aimed at collecting data about the area in which combat operations will take place. The tasks of this branch include supplying the headquarters with maps, special and topographic, photographic documents of the area, preparing gravimetric and geodetic information, topographic reconnaissance activities, forecasting possible problems when conducting a battle.
The purpose of meteorological support is to notify headquarters, units and units of troops about meteorological conditions in the zone of direct combat operations or in the area where maneuvers need to be carried out. These reports include both forecasts and actual weather information. However, the main purpose is still to achieve maximum efficiency aviation operations and flight safety.

This is a type of security that needs to be given no less attention than the others. Its tasks are to prevent a surprise attack by enemy troops (both ground and air) on rear targets, as well as to directly protect them in battle. By order of the commander, personnel may be allocated to solve such problems. additional funds that provide combat units.
Various conditions They also dictate various methods of protection. This could be carrying out guard duty, constructing observation posts, sending out patrols and patrols. Measures must be taken to protect local residents and enemy groups from infiltration for the purpose of reconnaissance and sabotage not only directly to rear targets, but also to evacuation and supply routes.

Rear management - component command and control of troops, it is carried out by the commander himself or his deputies (heads of services, headquarters, deputies for logistics).

Health and comfort of personnel

Types of combat support also include medical support. This is a set of measures to preserve the combat effectiveness of troops, improve the health of soldiers and speedy return the wounded and sick into service. Medical support includes measures to protect against weapons of mass destruction, as well as the evacuation of the wounded, the deployment of field hospitals, timely assistance to the wounded, anti-epidemic and sanitary treatment.
Medical reconnaissance is aimed at identifying factors in the troop zone that may affect the health of personnel. The living conditions of the population and the sanitary state of settlements are being studied, the presence of infections among local residents is being established, and if sources are identified, outbreaks of diseases are localized. As a result of medical reconnaissance, pockets of contaminated areas and water sources are identified, if any. In unfamiliar areas, information about poisonous animals and plants is especially important.
Material support consists of providing units and units with the necessary material resources. It includes the delivery of food and household items, their storage and timely delivery. Material assets also include all types of weapons, military and transport equipment, fuel, medical, clothing and engineering equipment, ammunition and other materials. Depending on the situation, additional reserves of materiel may be created, as well as their transfer to other units and subdivisions.


The composition of combat support is supplemented by the repair of weapons and equipment. The task of this industry is to maintain and restore the serviceability of technical equipment, as well as care for them to increase their service life. In a combat situation, repairs are usually carried out directly at the site of the breakdown or, if possible, in the nearest shelter. This is done by special repair units. Troubleshooting can take place at the locations where units are deployed. Repairs can be routine (replacement of faulty parts, adjustment work) and medium (restoration of equipment characteristics, which is achieved by replacing or repairing damaged mechanisms). Taking this into account, it can be carried out in field conditions, average repairs take longer, but increase the technical life of the sample.
There are principles for determining the order of repairs. The first in line, as during evacuation, are the weapons mechanism, combat and engineering equipment directly necessary to carry out the combat mission. Of these, the first to be repaired are the units that require the least amount of time and resources, and, therefore, will be brought back into combat condition the fastest.
Combat support also includes the evacuation of faulty equipment to nearby shelters, transport routes and locations of repair units. Evacuation also involves removing equipment from under water, rubble, drifts, and turning over overturned samples.


The importance of troops cannot be overestimated; it has become part of the main part of troop command and control and is carried out personally by the commander and those replacing him. However, for the effectiveness of the use of funds technical equipment certain training of troops is necessary. Personnel are required to know the operating features of their equipment; this knowledge is developed and consolidated through theoretical studies and practical work. The time allocated for mastering a particular weapon, as well as the issues studied during training, is determined by the commander. Soldiers master equipment in accordance with the specialization of their unit or unit: radio equipment, armored and automotive equipment, missiles and artillery, defense, communications equipment, etc. If necessary, specialists from engineering and technical services can be involved in training.


The means of armed warfare are improved over time, this inevitably leads to the constant complication of combat support. Thus, according to information from foreign printed sources, during the Great Patriotic War, the consumption of material resources was calculated at twenty kilograms per day per soldier, including food, ammunition and fuel. In modern times this figure has quadrupled.
In the course of combat and troop actions, more and more new tasks arise, which over time will lead to the emergence of new branches of military support, for example, protection against precision weapons. This will require the implementation of many general support tasks by personnel, as well as some re-equipment of the troops, making adjustments to all other sectors, because they must be applied comprehensively - this is the only way to achieve maximum efficiency.

Comprehensive support for combat consists of preparing and implementing measures aimed at maintaining high combat readiness, maintaining combat effectiveness, creating troops favorable conditions to complete a combat mission.

Perhaps none of the principles of combat has undergone such a complex evolution as the principle of support. Before, comprehensive support was limited to reconnaissance, security, camouflage and rear service. Nowadays it is a very extensive system, including four main types of support - combat, moral-psychological, technical and logistics , each of which represents complex structure. For example, combat support includes: reconnaissance, security, troop protection, electronic warfare, tactical camouflage, engineering support. Technical support of connections and military units is divided into artillery-technical, tank-technical, auto-technical, engineering-technical, chemical-technical, technical support communication systems and means, technical support for rear services. Logistics support consists of material, transport, medical, veterinary, trade and household, housing and maintenance and financial support. So complex system comprehensive provision is determined by the nature of modern combined arms combat, its large scope, decisiveness, intensity, maneuverability, participation in it various types weapons and military equipment.

The role and place of each type of support in the system of combat operations at different stages of military development were different. Some of them over time went beyond the scope of support activities, becoming an inextricable part of the battle, as happened, for example, with air and anti-tank defense, securing joints and flanks, and anti-landing defense.

Others, such as reconnaissance, electronic warfare, protection, security, camouflage, having been enriched in the course of wars with new content, continue to be types of combat support, although their importance in achieving success in battle is steadily increasing. Some were independent for some time, and then began to relate to special types provision. Such changes in the classification are due to a change in the role and importance of types of support during the preparation and conduct of combat operations.

The adoption of nuclear weapons, and later high-precision weapons, into service after the Second World War, the development and widespread introduction of electronics into the troops, automated systems, robotics have largely changed the functions of all types of software. In connection with the possibility of a surprise attack by the enemy, the importance of reconnaissance, electronic warfare, defense, and camouflage has sharply increased. At the same time, a number of types of support acquire a new function - ensuring the survivability of troops, and the protection of troops becomes one of the principles of combat. At the same time, it would be inappropriate to divide support activities into main and secondary ones - they are all important, closely interconnected, complement each other and are aimed at achieving a common goal, which is to ensure that the troops do not lack anything. These activities must be carried out continuously both during preparation and during the battle. Their organization and implementation is one of the main responsibilities of commanders and staffs.

It is important to note such a trend in the development of types of support as the integration of some of its types, turning them into single complex systems. As the means of armed struggle develop and combat operations become more complex, new, more high demands, first of all, purposefulness, compliance with the battle plan, continuity, activity, secrecy, efficiency and complexity.



  • 1 Exploration
  • 2 Protection against weapons of mass destruction
  • 3 Disguise
  • 4 Engineering support
  • 5 Chemical support
  • 6 Security
  • 7 Communication
  • 8 Additional views Combat support for military branches
    • 8.1 Airborne Support
    • 8.2 Topogeodetic Combat Support


Combat Support is a system of measures, established in accordance with service instructions, the requirements of Military Regulations and Combat Regulations, that creates conditions for the successful execution of combat missions by troops in a combat zone. Along with Logistics Support are the main and integral factors in the full functioning of troops.8 Combat Support consists of the following main types.

1. Exploration

Collection of information about the deployment, weapons, numbers, engineering training positions, about the combat security system, about the enemy’s communications system, as well as about the hostilities planned by the enemy. The regular units carrying out reconnaissance in the troops are reconnaissance platoon V battalion, reconnaissance company V shelf/brigade, reconnaissance battalion V divisions, reconnaissance regiment/brigade as part of army/districts. Main article - Tactical Intelligence

2. Protection against weapons of mass destruction

Abbreviated ZOMP - a set of measures to protect personnel from the effects of nuclear, chemical and bacteriological (biological) weapons. Protection of personnel in the initial stages is carried out by the line units themselves. The regular units in the troops that carry out comprehensive ZOMP are, are chemical defense platoon as part of shelf, chemical defense company as part of brigades, chemical defense battalion as part of divisions, regiment/brigade Chemical Protection as part of army/districts. 2

3. Camouflage

A set of measures to hide the true location of one’s units, personnel and military equipment from the enemy, maintain their combat effectiveness and ensure surprise in actions. Implemented on our own linear units.

4. Engineering support

Sets of measures aimed at successfully overcoming obstacles to the advance of one’s own troops (building crossings, installing bridges, clearing minefields, making passages in obstacles installed by the enemy, etc.), measures to complicate the advance of the advancing enemy (installation of minefields, installation of anti-tank barriers , installation of anti-personnel barriers, etc.), measures to protect personnel and military equipment from the damaging effects of enemy fire (arrangement of a system of trenches and trenches, caponiers for military equipment, dugouts, arrangement of firing points, etc.). The regular units in the troops providing comprehensive engineering support are, are engineer platoon V shelf, engineering company V brigade, engineer battalion V divisions, engineer regiment/brigade as part of army/districts.4

5. Chemical support

A set of measures to create divisions necessary conditions to carry out assigned tasks in an environment of radioactive, chemical and bacteriological (biological) contamination, as well as to disguise their actions with smoke and aerosols. Measures consist of radiation and chemical reconnaissance, timely and skillful use of personal and collective defense, radiation monitoring, special treatment for degassing and decontamination, as well as the use of masking fumes and aerosols. The regular units in the troops providing chemical support are chemical defense platoon as part of shelf, chemical defense company as part of brigades/divisions, chemical defense battalion as part of divisions/housing, regiment/brigade Chemical Protection as part of army/districts. Also, the regular chemical protection units are assigned the function of applying flamethrower-incendiary weapons in combat conditions, which essentially equates them to linear divisions(the concept of linear unit). 5

6. Security

A set of measures to prevent a surprise enemy attack on one’s own troops, as well as to prevent enemy reconnaissance and sabotage units from entering the locations of units of one’s own troops. Depending on the nature of the combat mission performed by the units, security can be marching, sentry, combat, or direct. The main elements of any type of security are the organization of guard duty and patrolling of the area. Carried out by the own forces of linear units, companies And battalions security And commandant units.6

7. Communication

A set of measures to organize communications between units and commanders at all levels, aimed at the successful completion of combat missions, reliable command and control of troops and effective interaction between departments. The regular units in the troops providing communications are communications platoon V battalion, communications company shelf/brigade, communications battalion V divisions, regiment/communications team as part of army/districts. 7

8. Additional types of Combat Support for military branches

8.1. Airborne Support

A set of measures to ensure airborne troops , special forces, parachute reconnaissance units ground forces technical means for parachute landing - human parachute systems, parachute systems for airborne vehicles and armored vehicles, drop containers and platforms for weapons, ammunition and equipment, allowing airborne troops to solve assigned combat missions. Staff units carrying out comprehensive airborne support are airborne support platoon For separate battalion, airborne support company For regiment/brigade, airborne support battalion For airborne division. 8

8.2. Topogeodetic Combat Support

A set of measures for preparing and disseminating to the troops topographic and geodetic data necessary for studying and assessing the terrain, orienting on it, the effective use of weapons and military equipment and command and control of troops. At its core, topogeodetic combat support refers to common tasks solved by reconnaissance, but has a broader definition and application to artillery troops. Exactly for artillery level topographic and geodetic support has a decisive role in the successful completion of assigned combat missions. Topogeodetic support for combat the troops produce aviation reconnaissance units that carry out aerial photography, regular intelligence units ground forces and divisions topographic service at headquarters from level divisions and higher (in artillery this is topographic battery as part of artillery brigade). 9 10


"Management of units in battle."

Lesson No. 1:

"Fundamentals of control and comprehensive combat support."

Lesson No. 2:

“Types and purposes of combat graphic documents, the procedure for their preparation and maintenance.”

Lesson No. 3:

“The order of the commander’s work in organizing the battle.”

Study questions

Lesson No. 1:

Lesson No. 2:

    The procedure for drawing up and maintaining combat graphic documents.

    Preparation of formalized documents and the commander’s work with supporting literature when organizing the main types of combat.

Lesson No. 3:

    The commander's work order after receiving a combat mission.

    The procedure for assessing the situation.

    Decision making procedure.

Lesson No. 1: “Fundamentals of control and comprehensive combat support.”

Study questions:

    Basic requirements for department management.

    Troop control system. The procedure for organizing comprehensive combat support.

Management of units consists of the purposeful activities of the battalion (company) commander, his deputies, and battalion headquarters to maintain constant combat and mobilization readiness of units, prepare them for combat (fulfillment of the assigned task) and guide them in performing tasks.

Department management should be:



    operational and secretive,

    ensure constant combat and mobilization readiness battalion and subunit headquarters, effective use of their combat capabilities and successful completion of assigned tasks on time and in any situation.

Control stability is achieved: correct understanding of the task set by the senior boss; persistent implementation of decisions made; creation, timely deployment of control points and means, maintaining them in high combat readiness, skillful organization of work on them; carrying out a set of measures to protect control points and facilities from enemy influence and counteract his weapons; maintaining stable communication with higher headquarters, with subordinate and interacting units; skillful location of control points, organization of their comprehensive support and combat use of control means.

Continuity of control is achieved: timely collection of data, constant knowledge and comprehensive assessment of the current situation; timely decision-making and clear assignment of tasks to subordinates; integrated use of all technical means of command and control and communications, as well as automation equipment for troop control; timely movement of control points; restoration of damaged control in the shortest possible time.

Management efficiency is achieved: the ability of commanders and staff to carry out the entire management cycle in a time frame that allows subordinates to carry out the necessary training and carry out the tasks assigned to them; quick response to changes in the situation; timely influence on the actions of units in the interests of fulfilling assigned tasks; the use of automated control systems for units and weapons.

Stealth control is achieved: covert placement and movement of control points; using the method of personal communication to set tasks for subordinates; integrated use of an automated control system, classified communication equipment and coded communication documents in combination with coded topographic maps; strict adherence to the rules and procedures for the use of communications and automated control systems, established modes of their operation and radio masking measures; limiting the circle of persons entitled to use communications and automated control systems used for management; restriction of use for department management open channels communications; maximum limitation of the circle of persons involved in the development of combat documents; ensuring the safety of documents; nurturing personnel in a spirit of high vigilance, timely identification of possible channels of information leakage and their closure.

Troop control is organized and carried out based on the decision of the commander. The battalion (company) commander bears personal responsibility for the decisions made, the correct use of subordinate units and the fulfillment of their assigned tasks.

He is obliged to established deadlines organize the implementation of the tasks assigned by the senior commander, manage the direct preparation of subordinate units for battle (fulfillment of the assigned task), as well as continuously and firmly manage them, persistently seeking to implement the decisions made within the established time frame.

The battalion commander controls the units personally, through his deputies and through headquarters (the company commander - personally and through his deputies) in accordance with orders, instructions and instructions from higher commanders, headquarters and decisions made. At the decisive moments of the battle, he must be in the most important direction and in a timely manner exert personal influence on the progress of the assigned task with the forces and means at his disposal.

The organizational and technical basis for managing subunits, forces and assets of a battalion (company) is control system, representing a set of functionally interconnected control bodies (commanders), command and observation posts and control facilities.

Control system must have high survivability, noise immunity, reliability and provide the possibility of both centralized and decentralized control of units.


Controls battalions include command and staff, companies - the company commander, his deputies, as well as control bodies of attached units.

The battalion headquarters is main governing body. He carries out his work on the basis of the decisions and instructions of the commander, as well as orders of higher headquarters.

The main task of the headquarters consists of the operational collection, generalization and analysis of situation data, reporting to its commander and higher headquarters; preparing data for the commander to make a decision; ensuring the timely development and delivery in full of orders and instructions to subordinate commanders and headquarters, and monitoring their implementation.

Control points

Command observation post- a structure or vehicles equipped with technical control devices (communications, automated support and life support systems) intended for the placement and operation of controls.

At the command and observation post of a battalion (company), the battalion (company) commander, his deputies (with the exception of the deputy for weapons), the assistant battalion commander for artillery, staff officers, the battalion communications chief, as well as commanders of attached, supporting units and frontline commanders are located and work. aviation gunner. The commanders of attached, supporting units and the forward air gunner arrive at the battalion command and observation post with their command and control equipment.

In combat, the command and observation post is deployed behind the battle formations of the first echelon units at a distance that provides continuous and operational control of subordinates. The command and observation post should not stand out in any way in the battle formation, and for its location and movement it is necessary to skillfully use the protective and camouflaging properties of the terrain and local objects. In a battalion (company) of a machine gun and artillery regiment, several places for deploying a command and observation post are equipped in advance.

To control units, the battalion commander can move into their battle formations. The commander may be accompanied by a deputy (assistant) chief of staff, commanders of the mortar battery and the attached (supporting) artillery unit (artillery spotter) and an aircraft gunner.

The movement of the command and observation post is carried out in such a way that control is not disrupted, constant communication is ensured with subordinates, interacting units, and higher headquarters; it is carried out quickly, secretly, in an organized manner and should not coincide in time with decisive events during the battle.

When performing combat missions in relation to defensive combat, the command and observation post of a battalion (company) moves only with the permission of the senior commander (higher headquarters). The start of the movement and the arrival of the command and observation post in a new area is immediately reported to higher headquarters. The headquarters of subordinates, interacting units and neighbors are notified of changes in location areas.

In the event of failure of the battalion (company) command and observation post, control of the units is carried out, as a rule, from the command and observation post of the second echelon company (one of the company's platoons). The commander who has assumed command reports this to the senior commander, informs his subordinates, interacting units and neighbors.


Controlsinclude communications and automated control systems, technical means of covert command and control of troops, information processing and calculations, registration and reproduction.

The communication system and automated control system are the main means and material and technical basis for managing units (forces and means).

They must have high combat readiness, stability, mobility, the necessary throughput, intelligence security, controllability and ensure compliance with the requirements for communications in terms of timeliness, reliability and security of information exchange.

Communications are organized based on the decision of the commander, instructions from the chief of staff, communications orders from higher headquarters, taking into account the availability and condition of communications forces and means, time to deploy the communications system, as well as possible enemy influence.

Responsibility for organizing communications, deploying a communications system and an automated troop control system and their condition rests with the chief of staff (in a company - with the company commander). The direct organizer of communications is the communications chief - the commander of the battalion communications platoon. Deputy (assistant) commanders are responsible for the correct use of the communications provided to them.

The procedure for using communications and the operating mode of radio equipment are established by the senior commander, based on the battle plan (fulfillment of the assigned task), instructions from higher headquarters and situational conditions.

The battalion commander and chief of staff (company commander) in any situation are required to have constant and stable communication with subordinate and superior commanders and headquarters.

Automated control system is intended to increase the efficiency of the controls during preparation and during combat (fulfillment of the assigned task). It includes devices designed for collecting, processing, storing, displaying and documenting information, as well as exchanging data in the troop control system. Automation means include computers, interface devices (ensure the coordination of computer operation with data transmission channels), collection, input, display, documentation and registration of information, automated workstations (AWS - for solving management tasks by officials), as well as mathematical and software tools. , information and linguistic support. It is used based on the instructions of the commander and orders of higher headquarters. Responsibility for the implementation, use and reliable operation of automation equipment, as well as for the protection of information circulating in it, rests with the chief of staff.

Technical means of covert command and control of troops are designed to ensure that the content of information transmitted through communication channels and lines is kept secret from the enemy. An example is ZAS equipment (classified communications equipment).

Means of information processing, calculations, registration and reproduction designed to increase management efficiency (included in the automated control system).

The actions of the battalion (company) must be fully supported. Comprehensive support consists of preparing and implementing a set of measures aimed at maintaining units in a high degree of combat readiness, maintaining their combat effectiveness and creating favorable conditions for the successful and timely completion of their assigned tasks.

By Based on the nature of the tasks and the content of the activities carried out, comprehensive support is divided into combat, moral and psychological, technical and logistics. Comprehensive support activities are planned in advance and carried out continuously in any situation at all levels of management, both during preparation for a combat mission and during its implementation.

Comprehensive support for combat (combat operations) is organized by the battalion (company) commander, his deputies, battalion headquarters and is carried out on the basis of the decision of the commander, the tasks assigned by him, instructions and orders of the higher headquarters and senior commander, as well as the developing situation. The absence of instructions and orders does not relieve commanders and superiors from the timely organization of comprehensive support.

Combat support

Combat support is organized and carried out in order to increase the effectiveness of the use of friendly units and reduce the effectiveness of the use of enemy troops, forces and means.

Types of combat support for combat(combat operations) battalion (company) are reconnaissance, security, electronic warfare, tactical camouflage, engineering support, radiation, chemical and biological protection.


Intelligence in a battalion (company) it is organized and conducted for the purpose of obtaining intelligence information about the enemy and the terrain in the area of ​​upcoming actions necessary for the preparation and successful completion of the assigned task. The main efforts of reconnaissance are concentrated on eliminating the surprise of enemy actions and on timely providing the commander with intelligence information necessary for the use of units, weapons and military equipment.

Enemy reconnaissance carried out with the tasks of establishing: its position and combat strength; objects (targets) to be hit and their locations (coordinates); possible intentions (plan) and nature of actions; the degree and nature of engineering equipment of borders, areas and positions; barrier system.

Area reconnaissance carried out with the tasks of establishing: terrain features, the presence of natural obstacles, soil conditions, roads, water sources; the nature of water barriers, the presence of fords; the degree of influence of the terrain on the methods of action of units and conditions of fire; areas of destruction, fires and floods, zones (regions) of radioactive, chemical and biological contamination, possible directions for bypassing (overcoming) them.

To conduct reconnaissance, the first echelon battalion is assigned zones of overview and detailed reconnaissance, and the second echelon battalion (allocated to the combined arms reserve) is assigned zones of responsibility for reconnaissance.

The depth of the battalion surveillance zone is up to 10 km. Along the front, the surveillance reconnaissance zone is usually wider than the front of its actions by the width of the front of actions of the lower authority (company) towards each flank.

The depth of the battalion's detailed reconnaissance zone is up to 5 km; along the front it can coincide with his front of action.

The battalion (company) conducts military, radar, artillery, engineering, radiation and chemical reconnaissance.

Intelligence information is obtained by observation, eavesdropping, searches, reconnaissance ambushes, raids, interviewing local residents, interrogating prisoners and defectors, studying documents captured from the enemy, samples of weapons and equipment, and other methods.

On captured documents prohibited make any inscriptions and notes.

Obtaining intelligence information by surveying the local population should be carried out taking into account their national traditions and religious rules.

Obtaining intelligence information through interrogation of prisoners should not violate the norms of International Humanitarian Law.

Intelligence organization includes: determining the goals and objectives of reconnaissance; issuing instructions, setting intelligence tasks and submitting requests to higher and interacting headquarters; organization of interaction; training of units allocated for reconnaissance and their deployment; comprehensive support for the actions of intelligence agencies, the organization of their management, as well as the collection, processing and delivery of intelligence information to the commander; practical work and other activities.
