The first Zemsky Sobor composition. The first Zemsky Sobors

The Zemsky Sobor is a body of class representation.

The prerequisites for its appearance were three circumstances:

  • and advice as traditions of Russian history;
  • intensification of interclass struggle;
  • the country’s difficult position in the foreign policy arena, which requires government support from the estates (not an approving and establishing veche, but an advisory body).

The tsars elected by the Zemsky Sobor are almost all the tsars ruling the Russian state, with the exception of:

  • Ivan the Terrible;
  • puppet Simeon Bekbulatovich;
  • “queens for an hour” - the widow of Irina Godunova;
  • Fyodor 2nd Godunov;
  • two impostors;
  • Feodor 3rd Alekseevich.

The most famous of the elections was the Zemsky Sobor in 1613, at which he was elected. The last rulers to undergo this procedure were Ivan the 5th.

In 1649, the Lay Council was held, which has a special significance: it adopted the Council Code.

All material of the Code was collected into 25 chapters and 967 articles.

The laws formulated in it retained the significance of the law of the Russian state until the 1st half of the 19th century.

The creation of the Compilation Code is the first attempt to collect all existing legal norms into a single set of laws. It was based on:

  • decree books of the Local, Zemsky, Robber and other orders;
  • collective petitions of nobles and townspeople;
  • The helmsman's book;
  • Lithuanian status 1588, etc.

Throughout the 16th-17th centuries. Many councils were convened. The historian Cherepnin lists 57 cathedrals, and also includes three church and zemstvo cathedrals due to the presence of the zemstvo element on them. In addition, the religious issues raised at these three councils had a secular significance.

Historians are unanimous regarding the first Zemsky Sobor, but there is no consensus on the termination of the convening of councils.

Some consider the last Zemsky Sobor of 1653 (on the annexation of Ukraine to the Russian state), after which conciliar activity became less active and gradually faded away.

Others believe that the last council took place in 1684 (on eternal peace with Poland).

Zemsky Sobors: conditional classification

The Zemsky Sobor can be divided in composition into those present in full, the highest clergy and representatives of various ranks (local nobility and merchants). Craftsmen and peasants were not present.

Zemsky Sobors are divided into complete and incomplete. In the second case, there may be an absolute or partial absence of the “zemsky element,” that is, the local nobility and townspeople.

According to the type of activity, councils are divided into advisory and electoral.

If we consider the social and political significance of the Zemsky Sobor, we can distinguish four groups:

  • councils that were convened by the king;
  • councils convened by the king on the initiative of the estates;
  • convocation by estates;
  • electoral - for the kingdom.

To more fully understand the role of cathedrals, consider another classification:

  • councils convened on reform issues;
  • councils concerning the foreign policy situation;
  • councils resolving issues of the internal “structure of the state”, suppression of uprisings;
  • cathedrals of the Time of Troubles;
  • electoral councils.

The classification of cathedrals makes it possible to understand the content of their activities.

highest class-representative institutions in Russia ser. XVI - XVII centuries They included members of the Consecrated Cathedral, the Boyar Duma, the “sovereign court,” elected from the provincial nobility and the elite of the townspeople. We considered the most important national issues.

Excellent definition

Incomplete definition ↓

ZEMSKY Cathedrals

central estate-representative institutions in Russia in the 16th-17th centuries. They included members of the Consecrated Council - archbishops, bishops and others, headed by the metropolitan, and from 1589 - by the patriarch, members of the Boyar Duma, the “sovereign court”, elected from the provincial nobility and the elite of the townspeople. The most important national issues were considered at the Z.S. At the beginning of the 17th century. During the period of mass popular movements, Polish and Swedish intervention, the “Council of All the Earth” was convened, the continuation of which was Z.S. in 1613, which elected the first Romanov, Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich, to the throne. During his reign, the Z.S. was convened most often. The practice of convening and conducting meetings of the Z.S. was not strictly regulated. The councils confirmed or elected kings, approved the conciliar code of 1649, abolished localism in 1682, approved treaties on the reunification of Ukraine with Russia, on “eternal peace” with Poland in 1683-1684, with their help the government introduced new taxes, changed existing ones, discussed issues foreign policy, the need to recruit troops, etc. Sometimes unplanned issues were proposed for discussion, for example, at the Council of 1566 the question of abolishing the oprichnina introduced by Ivan IV the Terrible was raised. From the middle of the 17th century. Z.S.’s activities are fading, which is explained by the strengthening of absolutism in Russia.

Composition of Z.s. was formed through representation from class groups, socio-political and state institutions. Representation was conditional on the status of the person, determined by choice or, possibly, by appointment (invitation). Core Z.s. and its permanent parts (curias) were: the Consecrated Council, headed by the Moscow Metropolitan (from 1589 - the Patriarch) and including archbishops, bishops, archimandrites, abbots of influential monasteries; The Boyar Duma (including Duma nobles and Duma clerks), as well as (until the beginning of the 17th century) persons who ex officio had the right of a boyar court (butlers, treasurers, printers). The bulk of the secular feudal lords of the 16th century. represented various groups of the Sovereign's court (stewards, solicitors, Moscow and elected nobles, clerks). From the trade and craft population to Z.s. privileged groups of merchants were represented (guests, members of the Living Room and Cloth Hundreds). From 1584 to W.s. there were “elected people” from the district nobility, from 1598 sotskys of the Moscow Black Hundreds, from 1612 – elected representatives from the peasants. Z.s. lost importance by the end of the 17th century.

First Z.s. (1549 and 1566) are organically included in the system of institutions of the estate-representative monarchy, which had developed by the middle of the 16th century, when a number of political reforms.

In June 1566 on W.S. Only representatives of the zemshchina were present; delegates were appointed by the government. Here for the first time the government faced strong opposition. Large group boyars and nobles turned to the tsar with a petition for the resignation of the oprichnina. Z.s. stands out in particular. 1613: it was broader and more democratic in terms of representation than the previous ones - a new dynasty was elected to the Moscow throne. Some time after the election of Mikhail Fedorovich Z.s. did not dissolve and acted as the supreme body under the king. At the beginning of the 17th century. frequent meetings of Z.s. were necessary to make unpopular decisions about the new tension of the country's military and economic forces.

Z.s. gathered in one of the Kremlin chambers (Granovitaya, Stolovaya and others). The cathedral was opened by the clerk or the king himself. The clerk read out the “letter” (agenda) for the cathedral. The answer to the agenda item was given on “separate articles” by each estate.

Duration Z.s. ranged from several hours (1645) and days (1642) to several months (1648–1649) and even years (1613–1615,1615-1619,1620–1622).

Solutions Z.s. were formalized in a conciliar act-protocol under the seals of the Tsar, the Patriarch, the highest ranks and the kissing of the cross for lower ranks. Z.s. existed until the end of the 17th century, gradually losing their significance and role in the life of the state.

Excellent definition

Incomplete definition ↓

In the 16th century, a fundamentally new organ arose in Russia public administration- Zemsky Sobor. The Zemsky Sobor is the highest estate-representative institution of the Russian state, from the mid-16th to the end of the 17th century. This is a gathering of representatives of all segments of the population (except for the serf peasantry) at which economic, political and administrative issues were discussed.

Composition of the Zemsky Sobor

The Zemsky Sobor included: the Tsar, the Boyar Duma, the entire Consecrated Cathedral, representatives of the nobility, the upper classes of the townspeople (merchants, large merchants), and sometimes state peasants. The Zemsky Sobor as a representative body was bicameral. The upper chamber included the Tsar, and included the Boyar Duma and the Consecrated Council, who were not elected, but took part in it in accordance with their position.

Procedure for elections to the council

Members of the lower house were elected. The procedure for elections to the council was as follows. From the Discharge Order, the governors received instructions on elections, which were read out to city residents and peasants. After that, class elective lists were compiled, although the number of representatives was not recorded. Voters gave instructions to their elected representatives. But elections were not always held. There were cases when, during an urgent convocation of a council, representatives were invited by the king or local officials.

In the Zemstvo Sobor, an important role was played by nobles (the main service class, the basis of the army) and merchants, because the solution to monetary problems in order to provide funds for state needs, primarily defense and military, depended on their participation in this meeting.

Not specially elected deputies were invited as representatives of the population, but mainly officials who stood at the head of local noble and townspeople societies. When making any decision, the members of the council obliged at the same time to be the executors of this decision. At the beginning of the 17th century, cathedral representation was only elective, and its permanent members were representatives of the service and townspeople. The free peasantry, which formed common “university worlds” with the townspeople, was also represented at the councils, but the serfs did not take part in them.

“Tsar John IV opens the first Zemsky Council with his repentant speech”

Discussion of issues. Duration

At the Zemsky Sobor, discussions of issues took place by rank and in groups. After discussing the issue, elected people submitted their written opinions to the groups - the so-called “fairy tales”.

The regularity and duration of meetings of the councils were not regulated depending on the circumstances, importance and content of the issues discussed. There have been cases when Zemsky Sobors functioned continuously. They resolved the main issues of foreign and domestic policy, legislation, finance, state building. Issues were discussed by estates (chambers), each estate submitted its written opinion, and then, as a result of their generalization, a verdict was drawn up, accepted by the entire composition of the cathedral.

Thus, the government had the opportunity to identify the opinions of individual classes and groups of the population. However, in general, the cathedral acted in close connection with the tsarist government and the Duma. Councils were held on Red Square, in the Patriarchal Chambers or the Assumption Cathedral of the Kremlin, and later in the Golden Chamber or the Dining Hut.

In addition to the name “Zemsky Sobor”, this representative institution had other names: “Council of all the Earth”, “Cathedral”, “ General advice", "Great Zemstvo Duma".

First Zemsky Sobor

The first Zemsky Sobor was convened in Russia in 1549 and in history it is known as the Council of Reconciliation. The reason for its convening was the 1547 uprising in Moscow and the need to reconcile the contradictions between the boyars and the nobility.

Zemsky Sobor 1613: made the Romanovs a royal dynasty

Based on historical documents, it dates back to the 16th–17th centuries. there are about 50 such cathedrals. All of them can be divided into 4 groups: convened by the sovereign on his initiative; convened by the king at the request of the estates; convened by the estates on their initiative; councils at which the king was elected.

The first group of cathedrals predominated. The Council of 1549 belongs to the second group, because it was convened at the request of the estates. The council of 1598 elected the kingdom, 1613 -.

The most complex and representative structure in the 16th century was the Stoglavy Cathedral of 1551 and the Cathedral of 1566.

1551 - on the initiative of the sovereign and metropolitan, it was convened church cathedral, which was called Stoglavy, since its decisions were formulated in 100 chapters. The council regulated church art, the rules of life for the clergy, and compiled and approved a list of all-Russian saints. The most controversial issue was the question of church land ownership. Rituals were unified throughout the country. The Council approved the adoption of the Code of Law of 1550 and the reforms.

The Council of 1566 was more representative from a social point of view. It formed 5 curiae, uniting various segments of the population (clergy, boyars, officials, nobility and merchants). At this council the issue of war with Lithuania and Poland was decided.

Summarizing the competence of zemstvo councils, we can state that they considered the following issues:

Election to the kingdom;

War and Peace;

Adoption of new regulations;


Fundamentally new supreme body It was the Zemsky Sobor, or, as it was called according to the monuments of those times, “the council of all the earth”, “the whole earth”, “the cathedral” that became the state. Through him, the tsar attracted certain circles of the nobility and townspeople to govern the state. Zemsky Sobors were necessary for the monarch to support major events, such as waging war or finding new income. The kings, relying on the zemstvo councils, could implement appropriate policies through them even against the will of the Boyar Duma, which happened extremely rarely. The reasons for the emergence of Zemsky Sobors were the rise of royal power, the strengthening of the role of the church and the formation of powerful local land ownership. The class struggle left its mark on the principle of formation and the nature of the activities of the councils. The first Zemsky Sobors are organically included in the system of institutions of the estate-representative monarchy, which developed by the middle of the 16th century, when a number of political reforms were carried out. Distinctive feature The emergence of Zemsky Sobors was due to the fact that in Russian historiography there has been a long-standing tradition of explaining the peculiarities of the formation of a unified state in Rus' by the needs of defense, and this factor does not apply here.

The Zemsky Sobor replaced the city veche meetings of black people, narrow meetings of the Tsar with the closest boyars. According to V. Latkin, the Russian veche as a political body “finally ceased to exist and gave way to a completely different order of things,” meaning by this “order” Zemsky Sobors. But at the same time, Latkin stated in his study the absence of any continuity between the veche and the Zemsky Sobor. He came to the conclusion that Russia did not know the transitional form that existed in Western European countries between primary people's assemblies and representative institutions. In his opinion, Zemsky Sobors “were not the product of such a long historical life, like, for example, the English parliament, the German zemstvo officials, the Swedish Diet, but were a relatively new institution and brought to life by the Moscow sovereigns." Thus, we see that the Zemsky Sobors became the only estate-representative body.

Zemsky councils of a national nature required the participation of representatives of the ruling class of the entire earth. They to some extent replaced the princely congresses and, together with the Duma, inherited their political role. At the same time, Zemsky Sobors are a body that replaced the veche, having adopted the traditions of participation community groups in resolving government issues, but replacing the inherent element of democracy with the principles of class representation.

The emergence of Zemsky Sobors is connected, as mentioned above, with Ivan IV. They did not arise spontaneously, but developed under conditions of a difficult internal political situation. On this occasion, V. O. Klyuchevsky writes the following: “Ivan IV, having accepted the title of Tsar and being crowned king, decided to build a state that had been shaken by boyar unrest in his early childhood. This coincidence of the beginning of tsarist power (the highest era of autocracy) with the beginning of zemstvo councils is not an accidental fact. But it does not at all mean that our zemstvo councils (like Western European parliaments) arose as a result of the struggle of classes, which is evident from the fact that in 1550 the tsar convened “elected people of every rank and status,” including the highest.” From this council there remained neither protocol nor deeds, except for a small legend. V. O. Klyuchevsky gives the following retelling of the legend: “In the twentieth year of his age, Tsar Ivan, seeing the state in great turmoil and sadness from the violence of the strong, intended to bring everyone to love. Having consulted with the metropolitan on how to destroy sedition and quench hostility, the tsar “ordered to assemble his state from cities of every rank.” On Sunday, the Tsar came out with crosses to Moscow’s Red Square and after the prayer service from the place of execution he said to the Metropolitan: “I pray to you, holy Bishop, be my helper and champion of love. I know that you desire good deeds and love. You yourself know that I remained four years after my father, and eight years after my mother.” Having then depicted with vivid features the unrest of the boyar rule during his minority, the tsar suddenly threw passionate words into the eyes of the boyars present in the square: “O unrighteous covetous people and predators, who commit unrighteous justice on their own! What answer will you give us now, you who have shed many tears upon yourself? I am clean from this blood; wait for your reward." Then the king bowed in all directions and continued: “People of God and given to us by God! I pray for your faith in God and love for us; Now it is impossible for us to correct your insults and ruins and taxes... I pray you, leave each other your enmities and burdens... I myself will be your judge and defense, I will ruin untruths and return thefts.”

M.F. Vladimirsky-Budanov cites the existence of a project by an unknown person, the purpose of which is to convene “ ecumenical council from all cities and districts"; representatives must sit constantly with the king, changing depending on the weather; the purpose of the convocation: “let the king himself know about everything always” and in order to “strengthen the authorities and the governor, and the officials and his associates from the wake (bribery), from promises and from all untruths from sin.”

Over time, the cathedrals evolved, taking on a more specific form, but the Zemsky Sobor differs from other collegiate bodies, in addition to its composition, primarily in that it was not a permanent institution that worked without interruption, and the cases when it was necessary to meet were never firmly and definitely established by law Zemsky Sobor.

It so happened that the Tsar, the Boyar Duma, and the entire Consecrated Council were, as it were, the upper chamber, whose members were not elected, but participated in it in accordance with their position. The lower house was represented by elected representatives of the nobility and the upper classes of the townspeople (merchants, large merchants). The first chamber consisted of government agencies, the lower - of the social classes. The practice of convening and conducting meetings of Zemsky Sobors was not strictly regulated and gradually changed. The composition, form, completeness, and nature of representation were “variable quantities” and depended on specific conditions, which indicates the heterogeneity of the councils. It is not always possible to establish clear differences between the Zemsky Sobors proper and meetings of the cathedral form, that is, meetings of the Boyar Duma and the Consecrated Cathedral with representatives of individual groups of feudal lords or townspeople, especially for the 16th century. Joint meetings of the Boyar Duma and the Consecrated Council took place relatively often, and these meetings could not have the significance that the zemstvo councils had. Only the accession to the Boyar Duma and the Consecrated Council of representatives from the ranks of the Moscow state created the Zemsky Sobor.

Zemsky Sobors arose in our country at the same time and in connection with local reforms Ivan IV and were joint meetings of the Tsar, the Boyar Duma and the Consecrated Council, that is, the central government, with the people of the capital classes, who served as its closest responsible bodies. Such meetings were organized to develop a general resolution on special important issues state life and for the members of the cathedral to accept a responsible circular guarantee in the execution of the conciliar verdict.

When the cathedrals first arose, according to the concepts existing at that time, such an assembly was still a popular representation with the power to decide the fate of the people, but if we look in general, the cathedrals during the period of their inception did not satisfy the requirements of either an estate or a representative institution. One way or another, the Zemsky Sobor was rather created with the aim of expanding the central government and tightening the centralization of the state. Summarizing what has been said, we can conclude that Zemsky Sobors were created not to limit power, but to strengthen it, which is confirmed by the initiative of its creation “from above” and not “from below”.

ZEMSKY SOBORAS - institute-here of the society-su-dar-st-ven-no-go with the words of the representative-sta-vi-tel-st-va at the mo-nar-ha with for communicative functions in the Russian state in the middle of the 16th-17th centuries.

In the period from 07/17/27/1610 to 02/21/03/1613, due to leg-gi-tim-no-go and generally-recognized -go-su-da-rya, - a za-ko-no-dative and supreme executive body. Co-called not-re-gu-lyar-but, on the initiative of the Tsar-rya, in some cases - pat-ri-ar-ha and Bo-yar-skaya thoughts or co-words. For-se-da-niya Zemsky Sobors pro-ho-di-li mainly in the Moscow Kremlin. The number of Zemsky Sobors (tra-di-tsi-on-but-is-next-to-va-te-li-count-you-are-more than 50), the character of the pre-sta- vi-tel-st-va, pro-tse-du-ra vy-bo-rov de-pu-ta-tov, composition and range of problems developed on them (for the -key-a-number-of-the-most-important issues of external and internal po-li-ti-ki) os-ta-ut-sya in the science of dis-kus-si -he-us-mi. In the sources there were “so-bo-ra-mi”, “so-ve-ta-mi”, “with-ve-ta-mi of the whole earth” (t . e. with-in-coup-no-sti of the right-of-soc-words and co-word-groups), “zem-ski-mi with-ve-ta-mi.” The term “Zemsky Sobor” was introduced into is-to-rio-graphy in the middle of the 19th century; in part-st-no-sti, it was used in po-le-mi-ke by K. S. Ak-sa-ko-va and S. M. So-lov-yo-va .

Pre-references for the appearance of Zemsky Sobors were created according to the measure: formation of a unified territory of the Russian state in the XV - first half of the XVI centuries; warehouses since the end of the 15th century tra-di-tion of joint fought since the middle of the 15th century) with the Bo-Yar Duma (sta-no-viv-shay in the 16th century, the representative body of the Russian aristo-kra-tiya ); the emergence of practical cooperation with mo-nar-kha with his yard and a number of children bo-yar-ski- mi (October 1445, May 1471, etc.).

The core of the Zemsky Sobors in most cases were the members of the Holy Council, Bo-Yar- Duma and Go-su-da-re-va yard (in the ideas of the 16th-17th centuries they represented the “best” part of society and in this sense le would-be, as it were, “choose-by-us” from him). In co-bo-rah, the teaching also pre-sta-vi-te-li tor-go-vo-re-mes-len-no-go on-se-le-niy, pre-zh-de of all large ku-pe-che-st-va (state, state hundred and su-con-no hundred), as well as , as a rule, in the garden of the village of Moscow and the district of the nobility, in exceptional cases -yah - black-but-sosh-nykh kre-st-yan. Since the beginning of the 17th century, the principle of re-al-no-go representation of cities (districts) and re-al-states has been developed. no-selection of de-pu-ta-tov Zemsky Sobors from the district corps of the nobility, the white city du- ho-ven-st-va, heavy go-ro-zhan, etc.

In conjunction with the internal za-ko-no-mer-no-sty-mi of the state-of-newness and development of Zemsky Sobors, you de-la-u-t-sya 4 perio-yes their is-to-rii.

The first period (late 1540s - late 1590s) came during the reign of Ivan IV Va-sil-e-vi-cha Groz-no-go and him son-na Fe-do-ra Iwa-no-wi-cha. Bol-shin-st-vo research-to-va-te-ley is considered the first Zemsky Sobor of the so-called. Council at the Mi-re-Niya (27-28.02.1549), at which with the participation of the Monarch, Mi-tro-po-li-ta and other spirits - there was a symbolic reception of the Bo-Yars and other representatives of the authorities who implemented wrong court and in the years of the Bo-Yar rule of the 1530-1540s, with a number of children of the Bo-Yars ski-mi. Were there any decisions about not being prosecuted for the children of the Bo-Yars in the majority of cases, on the pre-ra-zo-va-niy of the organ-ga-nov of the su-da and the local administration and on the preparation of the new Su-deb -no-ka (see Su-deb-ni-ki of the 15th-16th centuries). In the Zemsky Sobor, convened on June 28, 1566 in the Kremlin according to the decision of the Tsar and at the Bo-Yar Duma, participating -li, not counting the representation of the spirit-ho-ven-st-va (more than 30 people), only the representation of the earth , besides, people who are in Moscow (in a number of cases, you are most likely due to bi-ra-were from among the elected nobles of the op-re-de-len-but-yezd, who were then in the capital): about 270 members new Go-su-da-re-va courtyard (taking into account Duma officials and government officials), over 70 representatives of large-scale ku-pe-pe- che-st-va and trade people, 9 row-of children of the Bo-Yar-sky western districts; in total over 370 people.

The question was discussed about the continuation of the war with the Grand Duchy of Lithuania (GDL) or about the acceptance of conditions when relationship with him. Ru-ko-vo-stu-yas various mo-ti-va-mi, teaching-st-ni-ki so-bo-ra re-ko-men-do-va-li-reject-us-lo- Via the world, offered by the Lithuanian side, and under op-re-de-len-nyh conditions, military actions will continue to live -via. The action of social-political life, associated with the Zemsky Sobor of 1566, led to a number of lec- tives no-many group of nobles about the abolition of the op-rich-ni-ny (later the ini-tia-ry of the action was the kaz-n-ny). Teach-st-ni-ki about-ho-div-she-go in us-lo-vi-yah on-ras-tav-she-economic and social-ci-al-no-go-cri-zi- sa Zemsky Sobors of the late 1580s, at which the pre-ob-la-da-pre-presented the military-serving co-word groups, you -said for the conclusion of the world with Speech Po-spo-ly (there was no conclusion).

Some scientists to the Zemsky Sobors from the two-co-word councils on-cha- La January 1565 (at the same time, members of the Os-vya-shchen-no-go so-bor-ra, Bo-yar-skaya duma, Go-su - yes-re-va courtyards and government officials, on the second - large merchants and representatives of the Moscow garden in the village -niya), to the teaching of some with various slangs from the Alek-san-Drov-skaya village Ivan IV according to the introduction of op-rich-ni-ny. To the special forms of Zemsky Sobors from the military councils (co-bo-ry) in the course of the Kazan marches (1545- 1552) in January 1550 in Vladimir (on the question of the place) and at the beginning of July 1552 in Kolomne ( to ensure the training of students on the way to Kazan); co-b-ra-niya of the representatives of the Bo-Yar southern districts (mainly the border service), pro-is-ho-div in the winter of 1571 and in September 1575, under the leadership of the autonomous military authorities and members of the Bo-Yar Duma, on which there were times ra-bo-ta-ny measures for the organization of the hundred-ro-same service, as well as the fact-ti-che-ski fal-si-fi-ci- ro-van-nye co-bor-nye raz-bi-ra-tel-st-va affairs of A.F. Ad-she-va (1560) and the Metropolitan of Moscow and All Russia si Fi-lip-pa (Ko-ly-che-va) (1568).

The second period of existence of Zemsky Sobors (late 1590s - early 1620s) coincided with the systemic crisis of society -st-va and go-su-dar-st-va (so-by-tiya of the Time of Troubles) and per-you-sha-ga-mi according to his pre-over-le- nu. Pre-creation of the di-na-stia of the Moscow Ryu-ri-ko-vi-chi (1598) object-iv-but expansion of rights and sphere of activity -no-sti Zemsky Sobors, at the same time about-st-re-riving the political struggle during the convening of Zemsky Sobors and during their work. In 1605-1622, Zemsky Sobors met almost every year, sometimes lasting 2-3 years (de-pu-ta-you met for separate sessions on specific issues in 1610, 1613, 1618).

Ra-shi-ri-los-s-verbal representation of Zemsky Sobors at the expense of de-pu-ta-tov from pro-inter-exact military-but- servant social groups (including foreign-ethnic groups), and in three cases (with the co-creation of the Zemstvo government in 1612, at the Zemsky Councils of 1613 and 1616) - due to elections from the black Christians. Along with the statistic representation at the Zemsky Sobors (in conjunction with a partial election) in the city -ro-dakh (uez-dakh) received development (especially since 1610) the principle of direct elections from local co-words- ny groups. Zemsky Sobors became a right-of-power body from the bra-niya of the no-in-go mo-nar-ha (in the ideas of the era only through the right-of-for -the world's Zemsky Sobor could reveal God's choice). On behalf of the Zemsky Sobors, negotiations were carried out with other go-su-dar-st-va-mi and before-va-ri-tel-but they were involved -you're talking about the future state structure of the Russian state (in 1610, 1611 Zemsky Sobors), so that they are-about-re-dative pre-ro-ga- you and the functions of the supreme executive power.

At a number of Zemsky Sobors, there were government authorities or Zemstvo Government. At the Zemsky Councils of 1598, convened by the ini-tsia-ti-ve pat-ri-ar-ha of Io-va, with about 600 de-pu-ta-tov , pre-ob-la-da-li before-sta-vi-te-li Go-su-da-re-va courtyard according to the sta-tu-su (including the election of nobles 21 city), the first in position for the Duma and Moscow officials, as well as members of the Os-vya-shchen-no-go so-bo-ra, state-ti-ucha-st-vo-va-li per-so-nal-but (with-its-own-stat-tu-su), the rest of the tor- you have become old and sot-skiy people from Moscow. On it, on February 17 (27), Tsar Bo-ris Fedo-ro-vich Go-du-nov was elected, and on March 9 (19), decisions were made about the this is his wedding and about the time of his crowning as king; in the ap-re-le Zemsky Sobor announced the march-inspection of the entire army in Ser-pu-kho-ve. On May 19 (29), 1606, Vasiliy Ivanovich Shuisky was elected tsar, among the participants of the Zemsky Cathedral, the pre-revolutionary la-yes-is his side-n-ki, on-ho-div-shie-where in the capital. In August 1610, on behalf of the Zemsky Sobor, a preliminary agreement was concluded with Het-man S. Zhol-kevsky about the conditions of marriage Polish ko-ro-le-vi-cha Vla-di-sla-va (bu-du-sche-go Polish king Vla-di-sla-va IV) Russian tsar and about bu-du- general state structure of the Russian state.

During the First Militia of 1611, the Zemsky Sobor (“Council of the Whole Land”) gathered together va-li-spiritual ranks, pre-sta-vi-te-li-of-the-garden-people, and pre-o-la-da-li-pre-sta-vi-te-li-county - of the Bo-Yar-sky children and the Ka-zach-rows of them), formed the Zem-skoe government. The Zemsky Sobor of the Second Militia of 1611-1612 was decorated during its stay in Yaro-Slav in the spring of 1612 years: almost all co-word groups are present, including the pre-sta-vi-te-lei of the spirit-ho-ven-st-va, not some members of the Bo-Yar Duma, a considerable number of persons from the Moscow officials of the Go-su-da-re-va yard, a number of de -the bo-yar-skikhs, ka-za-kovs, representatives of the ta-tars (princes and murzas), as well as de-pu-ta-tov from a whole series of cities (including Kre-st-Yan). By the summer of 1612, power was formed by this Zemsky Sobor. The earth's government has spread to b. parts of the country, and it is precisely this that op-re-de-li-lo us-lo-viya and the timing of the election of de-pu-ta-tov on from-bi-ra-tel- ny Zemsky Sobor.

The third period of activity of the Zemsky Sobors (early 1630s - mid-1650s) also affected the islands internal-ri-po-li-tical and external-non-po-li-tical cri-zi-sa-mi, during which the government of the re-gu-lar -but turned to the co-words for support of their actions and for “co-ve-ta-mi.” At one time, in the 1630-1640s, there was so-ci-al-no-po-lytic activity of district children of Bo-Yar -sky and trade-in-re-mes-linen layers of cities. Are they collective human grams during the Zemsky Councils or before them? Councils in November 1632 and January 1634, which took place during the Russian-Polish war of 1632-1634, approved additional developments ry ex-t-ra-or-di-nar-nyh na-logs.

In 1637-42 Z. s. communicated more than once in connection with the drastic ob-st-re-ni-em from Rus. state with the Crimean Khan-st-vo and Os-man-skaya im-per-ri-ey. To the west. 1639 de-pu-ta-you-da-va-li under-pi-san-them according to the ku-ri-yam opinions on the payment of payments to the Crimean Khan-st- Wu and measures for the organization of the defense of the south. county Z. s. became the most representative. in Jan. 1642, in which, according to the Os-vya-shchen-no-go so-bo-ra, Duma-nyh persons, representatives of Moscow. officials of the Go-su-da-re-va courtyard, large merchants and garden people of Moscow, studying 115 choice Nobles and children of the Bo-Yars from 42 cities. On this Z. s. from the possibility of including Azov in the composition of Rus. state in connection with its seizure of the Don-ski-mi ka-za-ka-mi and the “Azov sea-de-ni-em” 1637-42; besides, in the course of Z. s. were there any complaints about the severity of the laws and services, proposals for changes in the judicial sphere, ob-vi-ne-niya in ad-res bo-yar and moscow. at-kaz-nyh, local military ad-mi-ni-st-ra-tion, given by nearby district corps of nobles and kup-tsa-mi. This is from-ra-zi-lo a strong-neck in the conditions of the kri-zi-sa “edi-on-che-st-vo” district of the no-ry-st-va and ku-pe-che-st-va, on-distance between the two, on the one hand, and the authorities, ari-sto-kra-tich. eli-that, pr-kaz-noy ver-khush-koy, - with the other.

Pro-ve-de-niya reforms of the court, na-lo-go-o-lo-zhe-niya, management in the capital and in the localities, co-call Z.s. on-tre-bo-va-li and teach-st-ni-ki So-la-no-go bun-ta 1648 in Moscow. Z.s. with the participation of the selection, for which approx. 16(26).7.1648, confirmed the impossibility of creating the Law, calling for this new Z. s. (you guys have been together since the end of July and have been in a number of cases with an acute political struggle -fight, and in other cases - passive selection). At one time, by decree of Tsar Alek-sey, Mi-hai-lo-vi-cha, in co-operation with the government of Os-vya- When the So-Bo-ra and Bo-Yar-Skaya Duma were founded, a special order was established headed by Prince. N.I. Odo-evsky for the compilation of the Ulo-zhe-niya. In Z. s., held in October. 1648 - Feb. 1649, student approx. 350 people from 116 cities - 14 priests and clergy, 34 people. from Bo-Yarskaya Duma and Moscow. chi-nov Go-su-da-re-va yard, 178 - from district nobles and children of Bo-Yar-sky, 15 people. - from the archers, 3 state and 12 electors - from the trade-in-re-mes-len-no-go in the village of Moscow, 89 people. - from other cities and gardens. To the west. after de-tal-no-go and after-to-va-tel-no-go about-su-zh-de-niya, the text So-bor-no was adopted in two pa-la-ts 1649, a satisfactory number of cardinal ma-te-ri-al-nyh tre-bo-va-ny district of nobles -st-va and in-the-garden of the village. For-se-da-niya Z. s. also devoted to the consideration of collective and group human beings not directly related to the current stoma So-bor-no-go-ul-zhe-niya. Work on this Z. s. ras-smat-ri-va-las as “go-su-da-re-va service” (“guilt-ness”) and at the same time as a fact of pre-sta-vi -tel-st-va de-pu-ta-ta-mi local in-te-re-sov before go-su-da-rem. The duration and intensity of the “com-pen-si-ro-va-lis” with a gentle sting and so on. bliss-ta-mi.

To the car-ri-te-tu Z. s. the government again you-well-di-lo-re-form the Pskov uprising of 1650. On the first for-se-da-nii 4(14). 7.1650 there was a speech for the speech of Tsar Aleksey Mi-hai-lo-vi-cha, in which-swarm-li-ti-ka in relation to psko-vi-cham ha-rak-te-ri-zo-va-las as “mi-lo-sti-vaya”, and restoration - as state. from me, on the second day of July 26 (August 5), in the presence of the Tsar, they spoke about new “vi -nah” psko-vi-chey, military. me-rah pra-vi-tel-st-va and doesn’t-know. softening the requirements for the rebels. The meeting formed a for-mi-ro-val and went to Pskov de-le-ga-tion of 15 people, which managed to bend the thread at the end of the av-gu-sta psko-vi-whose to the-cor-no-sti and with-not-se-niu at-sya-gi. On the new Z. s. (or the 3rd for-se-da-nii of the previous-du-s-so-bo-ra) 8 (18).10.1650 was for-chi-ta-on the government. Dec-la-ra-tion about the presence of the Psko-vi-cha-mi tsa-ryu “by the fault of the man”, his forgiveness and “mi- lo-sti."

On the meetings of 1653 (at least two) a request was made by get-ma-na B.M. Khmel-nits-ko and the Cossack old shi-ny about pri-nya-tiya in Russian. under the government of Ukraine. You are a student of no less than 55 cities, as well as the Holy Council, the pre-sta-vi- those of the Duma officials, Moscow. chi-nov Go-su-da-re-va yard, state and garden people. On base for-se-da-nii on May 25 (June 4th) there was for-chi-ta-na de-la-ra-tion of the pra-vi-tel-st-va, in which ac- the prices of the Polish “wrong-rights” in the Uk-raine, the new “wrong-rights” of the -la Re-chi Po-spo-li-that from-no-she-niyu to Rus. state-owned (including hostile inter-national shares), talking about the commonality of the su-deb of Ukraine and Russia (from the world of B. M. Khmel-nits-ko with Jan II Ka-zi-mir, they knew each other in times of peace from the Russian state with the Republic of Poland). In the discussion of these issues, we found ourselves in- volved not only in the de-pu-ta-you of Z. s., but also in the “bad “merciful people.” Pri-go-vor Z. s. was single-hearted - to accept the Uk-rai as a sub-state and declare war on the Re-chi Po-spo-li. The window is over for the adoption and execution of the act of acceptance of Ukraine into the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan came out on the second Z. s. 1(11).10.1653. In the document, according to our own-st-ven-but “at-the-ra” of the Duma officials, two more texts were included, co-derived These are the opinions of the rest of the de-pu-ta-tov: the military-but-serving persons have pledged themselves to an impeccable military service. service, and the merchants and craftsmen took on themselves fi-nan-co-support for the coming war. Then where is Z. s. you-de-lil the salt de-le-ga-tion in the Uk-rai-nu to bring its inhabitants to the pr-sia-ge.

For in-te-re-sov so-word groups of the district-no-no-ryan-st-va and trade-in-re-mes-len-no-go on-se- Le-niya, due to my participation in Z. s., you also became involved in a number of collective human beings with -tsi-al-ny-mi and ma-te-ri-al-ny-mi tre-bo-va-niya-mi (1635, 1637, 1639, 1641, 1642, etc.).

On the fourth period of the existence of Z. s. (1660-80s) their activities are for-tu-ha-la, but at the same time they have new features. Revitalization in the activity of Z. s. occurred during the crisis years (late 1670s - early 1680s), especially during attempts to introduce -niya means. but-va-tion in the state. management. In the “general agreement” in the “royal pa-la-tah” 12(22).1.1682 St.-vo-va-lo St. 170 people: the Tsar, the Holy Council (12 people), Duma officials (98 people), room councils (23 people) and 39 elective (among them there were only 4 city courtyards; all the rest were represented by the Moscow chi- we Go-su-da-re-va yard). There was a “Co-bor-action” about the ot-me-place [pro-from-ve-de-on the decree of the tsa- rya Fe-do-ra Alek-see-vi-cha dated 11/24(12/4/1681). Contemporary assessments of the activities of the commissions of “military” and “territorial” affairs (February - March 1682) ). After the death of King Fyo-do-ra Alek-see-vi-cha according to ini-tsia-ti-ve pat-ri-ar-ha Io-a-ki-ma on so-b-ra- of the persons who represented the heads of the Kremlin. arr. Bo-Yar-Skuyu Duma, Moscow. ranks of Go-su-da-re-va yard and others (among them the pre-ob-la-da-li side-ki Na-rysh-ki-nyh), tsa - 27.4 (7.5). 1682 Peter I was proclaimed. Under the pressure of the archers at the same for-se-da-ni-yah on May 26 (July 5- nya) the first (“eldest”) tsar proclaimed Ivan V Alekseevich, the second (“younger”) - Peter I, and on May 29 (July 8 -nya) the re-gent-shay announced in front of them the Tsar-rev-na Sofya Alek-se-ev-na. In all these cases, from now on, we are not ready to talk about the royal election of a co-bo-re. Decree on the convening of the next meeting of the electing de-pu-ta-tov from the city nobles and children of the bo- yar-skih after-val 18 (28).12.1683: from every city above-le-sting, select 2 pre-sta-vi-te- la (you went through 102 cities). De-pu-ta-you, who had to consider the question of concluding an eternal world with the Speech of Po-spo- Is it possible to come to Moscow in January? 1684. But the negotiations between the Russian and Polish embassies were interrupted, and on March 8 (18), 1684, a decree was issued on the release of I-not this-so-bo-ra.

Is-to-ria Z. s. with the newly-selected beginning, with the change (expanding, and then shrinking) with a word structure, with a ras-shi-bark-shay pro-ble-ma-ti-coy about-su-zh-de-niy, with for-mi-ro-vav-shi -mi-xia about-tse-du-ra-mi with-call-va and pro-ve-de-niya for-se-da-niy-allows op-re-de-lit Rus. state sir. 16th - 17th centuries as a mo-nar-hia with a co-verbal representation. In the conditions of evolution of the state-po-li-tich. building Russia to the state of Z. s. re-re-sta-to-call-.
