Non-standard forms of lesson organization. Non-standard lesson forms

It's no secret that every teacher should be creative in their work. When preparing for lessons, he must think through everything clearly. However, if this is an ordinary lesson, then children, especially middle-level ones, will not be interested in sitting for 45 minutes and listening to the words of the lecturer-teacher. The event should be exciting and quite varied. Only in this case will students listen carefully to the teacher in the classroom. At the end of the lesson, it is very important that the teacher summarizes the knowledge gained and asks the children whether they liked teaching in this form.

Interest during non-standard lessons

A lesson can only be interesting when the teacher uses interdisciplinary connections and provides memorable facts. When planning a lesson, it is important to properly think through its course, not forgetting that it is necessary to repeat the knowledge that the children received in the past.

In this regard, non-standard lessons can be interesting, which will allow the child to think creatively, express his opinion, and also take into account the wishes of his peers. Today, teachers of various subjects can practice non-standard ones. It is very important that every lesson conducted by a teacher is not only interesting, but also educational.

Non-standard lessons in elementary school

Today, non-standard lessons are best practiced in low-performing classes. With the help of such classes you can significantly increase your level of knowledge. By improvising, the teacher can pay attention to students with different levels development, asking them to solve complex problems. It should be noted that non-standard lessons in elementary school can attract the attention of schoolchildren and even teach them perseverance.

Sometimes it is very difficult for elementary school students to sit in one place for 45 minutes. There are two ways to go here. At the administrative level, this issue can be resolved by reducing class time to 40 minutes. The second way involves careful preparation of the teacher for the lesson and the interest of the student.

Conducting open lessons at school

Very often, teachers hold open lessons at school. As a rule, in such classes the leading role is given to the teacher, and schoolchildren only participate in the process. When conducting non-standard lessons, you must remember that you should not deviate too much from the program, which is designed for a specific secondary school. Everything must be within the rules.

Of course, non-standard lessons at school can be in different subjects. Each teacher is considered an expert in his or her field. That is why it is necessary to find that creative component that will help it arouse interest in the subject among schoolchildren. High-quality non-standard lessons allow the teacher to improve his category, while improving his professionalism.

How to develop a non-standard lesson?

The development of a non-standard lesson must be approached with maximum responsibility. At this stage, it is important to take into account the characteristics of schoolchildren and the specifics of the subject. To draw up a script or plan for such a lesson, you need to become thoroughly familiar with the topic and select the most interesting material.

The development of a non-standard lesson may include several stages. First you need to assess the level of knowledge and capabilities of schoolchildren who could take active participation in the event. Then it is important to choose and design the material correctly.

Using computer technology in the classroom

It is advisable that innovative technologies be used during the lesson, with which you can watch videos and listen to audio material. This approach is possible in literature, natural history, history and music lessons. It can be interesting to use a computer in Russian language classes while studying a new topic. What other non-standard lessons could there be? You can make a presentation. The slides will display useful information, and the teacher will comment on it. By the way, the material can be presented not only in text form - it can also be graphs, pictures, which will make the event more understandable and memorable.

Features of non-standard lessons

Today, non-standard lessons can be held not only within the walls of the school. The very form of the lesson already provides for the place where it will be held. For example, an observation lesson when studying a new topic in natural history can be organized in the fresh air. The kids will definitely like this. When choosing non-standard forms of lessons, you must remember that there should be no amateur activity in this matter. It is important that the school administration knows that the teacher gives an open lesson, thereby increasing the level of knowledge of schoolchildren.

Various forms of conducting lessons

Within the framework of the stated topic, when conducting a non-standard lesson, the teacher can additionally use extracurricular material that will be easily perceived by schoolchildren. Quite often, teachers of secondary schools practice non-standard lessons in the form of competitions between students, and also stage theatrical shows. However, in this case, it is necessary to be guided by the peculiarities of the educational process and the specifics of a particular subject.

It is necessary to take into account the fact that conducting a non-standard lesson involves the involvement of schoolchildren. The lesson can be interesting if the students themselves talk about how they can solve the same problem. Information about the personal life of a writer or scientist can be no less interesting. Previously unknown facts can force students to listen carefully to information that will be useful to them at the end of the year when taking the exam.

Conducting a non-standard lesson in mathematics

It's no secret that in mathematics lessons you need to think not creatively, but accurately. Here you definitely need to repeat the multiplication table, and also be able to build logical schemes for solving various problems. The activity can be interesting if the form is chosen correctly. Today, a non-standard lesson in mathematics, as well as in any other discipline, must be conducted with prior agreement with the director or head teacher. Mostly teachers choose a form of event such as competition.

In such classes, it is best to divide schoolchildren into small groups and give them tasks to solve similar problems. The winner is the team that solved the problems first and correctly compiled the algorithm. At this stage, auction lessons can be organized, where students will need to calculate, for example, the cost of things that can be sold.

Formula lessons are no less interesting. Each group of students can be asked to create a specific formula that reflects a specific topic. You can only use real examples from life (selling potatoes, purchasing cabbage, selling carrots). If you calculate correctly and come up with a logical scheme, then students can be delighted with the problematic tasks that will need to be solved in class. Life situations always arouse great interest among children.

Conducting a literature lesson in a non-standard form

When organizing an open lesson on literature, the teacher must choose the right topic for the lesson. In this matter, you need to focus on the curriculum. However, even here it is worth taking into account the characteristics of schoolchildren and their age. If the personality itself is not interesting, then it is better not to bring it up for discussion with the guys. Before you start choosing a writer, you need to familiarize yourself with his work. A novel or story that is submitted to schoolchildren must be read by them. Only in this case will it be possible to correctly determine the theme of the work, as well as compile a quotation description of the system of images.

Today, a non-standard lesson in literature can take the form of a creative dialogue. Quite often, a philologist teacher practices a fantasy lesson, an excursion lesson, a seminar lesson, and also a conference lesson. Such forms of classes will allow you to study the biography of a particular writer, as well as analyze the work that is indicated in curriculum, and at the same time not fall asleep from boredom.

When organizing a non-standard lesson in literature, you can focus on concert classes in which the main role is given to the writer himself. Such an event will be interesting for high school students, since their program includes the study of creativity modern writers. A poet, prose writer or publicist can be invited to class and find out about the nuances of writing specific works. Such an introduction lesson will allow the teacher to interest the students. The children will probably want to study the works of the presented author more thoroughly.

Conducting a fairy tale lesson in literature lessons

The fairy tale lesson is of great interest to the children. This form is possible if the children have distributed all the roles in advance with the help of the teacher, while correctly setting priorities and emphasis. In such classes, jokes may be made, interesting sayings, proverbs. It is very important that during the staging of a particular fairy tale, good defeats evil.

Preparation for conducting non-standard lessons in the Russian language

When organizing a non-standard lesson, the teacher can hire assistants who will prepare a presentation on a specific topic at home. This is a kind of practice for little researchers. Such inquisitive students need to be appreciated to the maximum. The form of such a lesson could be an interview. The teacher will ask the children a series of questions to which they must give the correct answers. The teacher's task is to correct selection material for creating a bank of questions.

When organizing a non-standard lesson in the Russian language, it is necessary to focus on the level of knowledge of the children, their vocabulary, as well as age characteristics. At such events, children can use previously created dictionaries, which will make them more relaxed and advanced.

A form of conducting classes such as a tournament is very popular among schoolchildren. You can do a warm-up that will allow children to remember the words that were studied in the previous lesson. It is important not to forget about vocabulary dictation. Tournament lessons are best practiced in lower grades. By solving puzzles, crosswords, riddles and riddles with students, you can develop memory and thinking in the classroom.

Non-standard lessons include games, performances, improvisations, and video lessons. The choice of lesson form depends entirely on the teacher and students. The team must work in harmony. Non-standard lesson - great way to brighten up a boring educational program.

Non-standard lesson forms are the starting point for interactive learning, which inherently expresses novelty and originality. Depending on the goals and objectives of the literature lesson, forms of organization educational activities, a non-standard lesson can cover different types of teaching technologies. There can be many of them, it all depends on the skills and imagination of the teacher and students.

A non-standard lesson is an impromptu lesson that has an unconventional structure.

Non-standard lessons are one of the important means of teaching; they form a stable interest in learning in schoolchildren, relieve stress and help develop learning skills, and have an emotional impact on students.

Distinctive features of non-standard lessons:

Connection with creative activity,

Students’ independent search for ways and options to solve a problem.

Unusual working conditions,

Active reproduction of previously acquired knowledge.

Non-standard lessons are characterized by:

Refusal from a template in organizing a lesson, from routine and formalism in its implementation;

Maximum involvement of class students in active activities during the lesson;

Not entertainment, but entertaining and engaging as the basis of the emotional tone of the lesson;

Support for multiple opinions;

- “hidden” (pedagogically appropriate) differentiation of students according to educational opportunities, interests, abilities, and inclinations.

The pedagogical and methodological literature offers various classifications of non-standard lessons. For example, NN. Vinglivskt offers the following classification: lesson-conference, lesson-KVN, lesson-debate, lesson-fair, lesson-auction, lesson-concert, lesson-travel, lesson-acquaintance, lesson-testing for a role, lesson-interview, lesson-training etc.

I.V. Otsabrik bases his classification on interactive learning technologies. He highlights:

Interactive technologies for cooperative learning of work in the lesson: Socratic conversation, work in pairs, carousel, work in small groups (dialogue, synthesis of thoughts, circle of ideas...), aquarium, etc.;

Interactive technologies for collective and group learning: discussion of a problem in a general circle, “microphone”, “Brownian motion”, situation analysis, etc.;

Interactive technologies for discussing controversial issues: “unfinished chain”, “take a position”, talk shows, debates, etc.

V.I. Shular identifies the following methods:

Literary analysis of literary text,

Socratic conversation,

Literary simulation game,


Creative work,

Situational modeling,

Training workshop, etc.

American professor Wendy Kropid suggests techniques conducting non-standard lessons:

Taking jigs (The class is divided into groups of 5 people. In each group, a student is selected who prepares the material in advance, and then presents it to all members of the group. After this, the students perform certain exercises to control the assimilation of the material, and a discussion is held. A speaker is selected in the group who speaks to the class students);

- “three stages of interview” (Students are divided into pairs. At the first stage, one student interviews the other, at the second stage the partners change places, at the third stage they speak in front of the team);

- “brainstorming” (Students spontaneously respond to asked question, and the teacher records the answers on the board. Then all ideas are substantiated and developed);

- “numbered heads” (The teacher gives a question to each team, which consists of 4 people. The answer is discussed in the group. During the survey, the teacher calls a number, for example, 3. And all students numbered “3” answer the question);

- “partners” (The class is divided into small groups. Half of each group is given a task, which they complete together, then they explain the material to the other half. The other part of the group does the same. Through certain time everyone gets together and discusses the information).

In the methodological literature, they are considered non-standard

- lessons in the form of competitions and games: competition, tournament, Relay Race, KVN, business game, role-playing game, quiz, crossword, etc.;

Lessons that resemble public forms of communication: press conference, auction, rally, discussion, television show, panorama, teleconference, oral journal, etc.;

Lessons based on imitation of the activities of institutions and organizations: court, academic council;

Lessons based on fantasy: lesson-fairy tale, lesson-surprise, lesson-gift, lesson-doubt, lesson-fantasy, etc.;

Integrated lesson, binary lesson;

Traditional forms of extracurricular work transferred within the framework of the lesson: KVN, concert, dramatization, performance, club of experts, etc.;

Transformation traditional ways lesson organization: lecture-paradox, lesson-test (assessment defense), lesson-consultation, protection of the reader’s form, etc.

Non-standard techniques are: “aquarium”, “circle of ideas”, “microphone”, “scientific advice”, “find a mistake”, “ interesting question”, “forbidden question”, “storyteller competition”, “tree of wisdom”, “mail”, “why”, “key word”, “write a letter”, “rainbow”, etc.

Highlight three periods of preparation and conduct of non-standard lessons.

The first period is preparatory . not only the teacher, but also the students take an active part in it (they are divided into groups, teams, receive assignments, prepare materials, etc.)

The second period is the lesson itself , which has three taps:

1) stating the problem, finding ways to solve it, motivating activities;

2) communication of new material in “non-standard” forms of organizing students’ mental activity;

3) formation of skills and abilities of schoolchildren.

The third period of the lesson is its analysis, where not only the results of training, development and education are assessed, but also the nature of student communication.

The value of the methodology lies in the fact that non-standard lessons

Make classes more memorable and emotional;

Promotes deep assimilation of the material;

Have a beneficial effect on the development of creative abilities;

Develop logical thinking, curiosity, interest in the subject;

Organize the connection between the literature lesson and other types of art.

A teacher planning a non-standard lesson should remember that

Too often resorting to non-standard lesson forms is inappropriate, as this can lead to a loss of sustainable interest in the learning process,

A non-standard lesson must be preceded by careful preparation,

When choosing the form of non-traditional lessons, it is necessary to take into account the level of preparedness and special characteristics of the class and each student individually,

It is advisable to use non-standard lessons as final ones when generalizing and consolidating the knowledge, skills and abilities of students

For example, in high school students are happy to accept

participation in a discussion in a literature lesson. Since discussion- this is a dispute, a verbal competition in which everyone defends their point of view, its main goals are:

Finding out different points of view on one or another aspect of what is being studied

works (which contributes to the formation of reading competencies),

Developing communicative competencies in students.

Discussion allows you to organize live communication and involve the majority

students in discussing a problematic issue, it involves tension in thought, stimulates speech activity and independent judgment, and contributes to the formation of the student’s personality.

municipal budgetary educational institution
"Average secondary school No. 153"

Nomination: “Panorama of teaching experience”

Topic: " Non-standard forms and methods of conducting lessons,
as one of the ways to increase the cognitive activity of students"

Novosibirsk - 2013

Non-standard forms and methods of conducting lessons as one of the ways to increase the cognitive activity of students.

The main form of educational work in primary school, as is known, is the lesson. It is during the lessons that students acquire knowledge and acquire the skills to use it in practical educational work. The lesson lays the foundations for the formation of each student as an individual, a citizen, and an active participant in the life of the state. (Slide 1)
IN modern conditions With the rapid development of primary school, the work of a teacher is complex and varied. How much does he need to know and be able to teach children without coercion, to develop in them a sustainable interest in knowledge and the need for it? independent search, structure lessons so that each child is busy, works with passion, so that an atmosphere of cooperation reigns, and at the same time ensures deep learning educational material.
An important role in the acquisition of deep and lasting knowledge by students is played by the organization of educational activities of schoolchildren in the classroom, right choice teacher of methods, techniques and teaching aids.
(Slide 2) Traditional forms: The lesson is the main organizational form of teaching at school. It is not only an important organizational, but also, above all, a pedagogical unit of the learning and education process. In the lesson, the principles, methods and means of teaching receive real concretization and find their the right decision and are brought to life.
(Slide 3) Non-standard forms: When talking about organizing the learning process, we must not forget about non-standard forms of organizing children’s educational and cognitive activities in the lesson itself. How to interest children in studying subjects, make lessons beloved and exciting?
(Slide 4) Relevance of the problem: This problem becomes especially relevant in grades 1-4. Studying is work, and the work is not easy. A child from an early age must understand that everything is achieved through work and that work is not easy. At the same time, the teacher must make sure that difficult academic work brings satisfaction and joy to the student, and arouses the desire to learn new things again and again.
(Slide 5) Problem: As a rule, all children go to school with great desire, they are interested in everything. But a certain period of time passes and this interest in learning gradually fades away; some students do not want to study at all.
(Slide 6) Cause of the problem: Children are curious. Attention drops when students are presented with knowledge they already know. If the educational material contains little or almost no new information, then a state of “saturation” is quickly reached: students are distracted from what is happening in class and exhibit so-called motor restlessness. Therefore, educators should constantly be aware of the “curiosity effect.”
(Slide 7) Way to solve the problem: Non-standard forms of lessons increase the effectiveness of the lesson and help maintain stable interest in educational work and better assimilation of the program material.
(Slide 8) Form of increasing cognitive interest: A non-standard lesson is an impromptu educational activity that has an unconventional structure.
(Slide9) Building knowledge, skills and abilities: Non-traditional lessons in primary school still occupy a significant place. This is due to age characteristics primary schoolchildren, the game basis of these lessons, the originality of their implementation.
(Slide 10) Winning form: It presents not only game moments, original presentation of the material, students’ engagement not only in preparing lessons, but also in conducting the lessons themselves through various forms of collective and group work. The tasks that children receive in non-traditional lessons help them live in an atmosphere of creative exploration.
(Slide 11) Types of use: Non-traditional can also be organizational moment, and the course of the lesson, and the physical minute. It depends on the professionalism and creative talent of the teacher. (Slide 12)

Signs of a non-traditional lesson:
* Carries elements of the new, the external framework and venues change.
* Extracurricular material is used, collective activities are organized in combination with individual ones.
* People of different professions are involved in organizing the lesson. (Slide 13)

Lesson elements:
* Emotional upliftment of students through the design of the office, blackboard, music, and the use of video.
* Organization and implementation of creative tasks.
* An initiative group of students to prepare a lesson.
* Mandatory lesson planning in advance.
* Students' creativity should be aimed at their development.

Types of non-standard lesson forms. (Slide 14)
Holiday lesson: (Slide15,16,17)
— A very interesting and fruitful form of conducting lessons is a holiday lesson. This form of lesson expands students' knowledge about the traditions and customs that exist in countries and develops students' communication abilities, allowing them to participate in different situations intercultural communication.
Video lesson: (Slide 18,19)
- Activates thinking and speech activity students, develops their interest, serves to better assimilate the material being studied, and also deepens knowledge of the material, since the process of memorization occurs.
Integrated lesson: (Slide 20,21,22)
— The main goals of integration are: improving communication and cognitive skills aimed at systematizing and deepening knowledge, expanding the general educational horizons of students and the desire to master knowledge beyond the compulsory programs. Interdisciplinary integration systematizes and generalizes students in related academic subjects.
Lesson – excursion: (Slide 23,24,25,26)
- They have a huge educational influence on children. The perception of the beauty of nature, with which they constantly come into contact, the feeling of its harmony, influence the development of aesthetic feelings, positive emotions, kindness, and a responsive attitude towards all living things. While completing joint tasks, students learn to cooperate with each other.
Lesson - essay (Slide 27,28,29)
Modern approach studying a subject involves not only obtaining a certain amount of knowledge on the topic, but also developing one’s own position, one’s own attitude to what has been read. The form of the lesson develops students’ mental functions, logical and analytical thinking and, importantly, the ability to think.
Lesson - performance: (Slide 30,31,32)
— An effective and productive form of teaching is a lesson-performance. The use of works of art in lessons improves students’ pronunciation skills and ensures the creation of communicative, cognitive and aesthetic motivation. Creative work in preparation for a lesson helps to develop children’s language communication skills and reveal their individual creative abilities.
Lesson - fairy tale: (Slide 33,34,35)
— These lessons are usually used to summarize and systematize students’ knowledge. In such a lesson there are positive and negative characters. A fairy tale must have a beginning, a climax and a denouement. A problematic issue, an unusual situation is used as a beginning. At the climax stage, i.e. The development of the plot, where there is a struggle between good and evil, introduces unusual new information about the heroes of the fairy tale, disputes, jokes, and overcoming difficulties. During this stage of the lesson, children, unnoticed by themselves, answer the teacher’s questions about the past material and learn new additional material on the topic of the lesson. The lesson ends with a fairy tale ending, the victory of good over evil, knowledge over ignorance. The lesson ends with general joy and satisfaction.
Lesson - concert: (Slide 36,37,38,39)
— Promotes the aesthetic and moral education of schoolchildren, reveals more fully creativity every student. Thanks to singing in the lesson, a favorable psychological climate is created, fatigue is reduced, and language activity is activated. In many cases, such a lesson also serves as a release, reducing tension and restoring the students’ working capacity.

Lesson - research: (Slide 40,41)
Topic “Adjective”
Lessons with group forms of work: 2nd grade and 4th grade (Slide 42)
Lesson - competition: (Slide 43)
Lessons on creativity and imagination: (Slide 44,45,46,4)
Technology class lesson in 2nd "B" grade
Technology lesson in 4th grade “Postcard for March 8”
Technology lesson in 3rd grade
Lesson - tournament: (Slide 47)
Knight tournament 4th grade
Lesson – press conferences: (Slide 48)
The world around us in grade 2 “Connection between living and inanimate nature”
Lesson - quiz in 4th grade (Slide 49)
“Love and know your native land.”
Lesson on the environment in 1st grade “Healthy eating” (Slide 50)
A lesson in mutual control among 6-year-olds (Slide 51)
Lesson - competition: (Slide 52)
Battle of the choirs 2nd grade and 3rd grade competitive lesson dedicated to February 23
Lesson taught by children: (Slide 53)
3rd class env. world "Summer work in agriculture",
4th grade art lesson,
1st grade “Indoor plants”,
Grade 2 “Main members of sentences”
Lesson - comparisons in 2nd grade on the topic “Stress” (Slide 54)
Entertaining physical exercises: (Slide 55)
Chemical science lesson dedicated to the end of the 2011-2-12 academic year (Slide 56)

Federal State Educational Standards of the 2nd generation: (Slide 57)
- IN recent years interest in non-standard lessons in primary school has increased significantly. This is due to various transformations taking place in our country, which have created certain conditions for restructuring processes in the field of education and require the creation of new types of lessons, the active introduction of various pedagogical methods and ways to develop interest in young children school age, proprietary programs and textbooks.
Conclusions: (Slide 58,59,60)
— Organizing a non-traditional lesson involves creating conditions for schoolchildren to master the techniques of mental activity. Mastering them not only provides new level assimilation, but also gives significant changes in mental development.
- Not traditional forms conducting lessons provides an opportunity not only to raise students’ interest in the subject being studied, but also to develop their creative independence, teach them how to work with various sources knowledge.
— Such forms of conducting classes “remove” the traditional nature of the lesson and enliven ideas. However, too often resorting to such forms of organizing the educational process is inappropriate, since non-traditional lessons can quickly become traditional, which will ultimately lead to a decrease in students' interest in the subject.

Of course, no one is demanding the abolition of the traditional lesson as the main form of teaching and raising children. We are talking about the use of non-standard, original techniques activating all students, increasing interest in classes and at the same time ensuring speed of memorization, understanding and assimilation of educational material, taking into account, of course, the age and abilities of the students.

List of used literature:
— N.V. Babkina, The use of educational games and exercises in the educational process. // Primary school. – 1998. – No. 4.//
— N.I. Vyunov, Psychological readiness child to attend school. – M.:
Academic project., 2003., 256 p.
— E.E. Guguchkina, Non-standard lessons in elementary school. – Publishing house "Teacher" 2000
— S.V. Kulnevich, Non-traditional lessons in elementary school. – Publishing house “Teacher” 2005


L.A. Trofimova

MOBU secondary school No. 1, Meleuz

1 A lesson is a flexible form of teaching organization. It includes a variety of content according to which the necessary teaching methods and techniques are used.

During the lesson, frontal, collective and individual forms of educational work are organized. Various forms of lesson delivery not only diversify educational process, but also cause students satisfaction from the work process itself. A lesson cannot be interesting if the student is constantly involved in activities that are monotonous in structure and methodology. The framework of a traditional lesson is becoming tight, so new forms of teaching organization are being born.

A non-traditional lesson is one of these forms of organizing the training and education of schoolchildren. The effectiveness of non-traditional forms of training and development is well known. Such activities bring closer schooling to life, reality. Children willingly join in such activities, because they need to demonstrate not only their knowledge, but also their ingenuity and creativity.

According to the definition of I.P. Podvlasov, a non-standard lesson is “an impromptu training session that has an unconventional structure”

With the help of non-traditional lessons, you can solve the problem of differentiation of learning, organizing independent cognitive activity of students

2 Non-standard lessons are introduced into pedagogical process as an alternative to traditional ones, therefore, they allow you to look at the student from the perspective of a personality-oriented approach to teaching and education.

Currently, a huge number of non-standard lessons are known. Analysis of pedagogical literature made it possible to identify several dozen types of non-standard lessons. Their names give some idea of ​​the goals, objectives, and methods of conducting such classes. We list the most common types of non-standard lessons.

Teachers have developed many methodological techniques, innovations, and innovative approaches to conducting various forms of classes. Based on the form of delivery, the following groups of non-standard lessons can be distinguished:

1. Lessons in the form of competitions and games: competition, tournament, relay race (linguistic battle), duel, KVN, business game, role-playing game, crossword puzzle, quiz, etc.

2 Lessons based on forms, genres and methods of work known in social practice: research, invention, analysis of primary sources, comments, brainstorming, interview, report, review.

3. Lessons based on non-traditional organization of educational material: wisdom lesson, revelation, block lesson.

4. Lessons that resemble public forms of communication: press conference, auction, benefit performance, rally, regulated discussion, panorama, TV show, teleconference, report, dialogue, “living newspaper”, oral journal.

5. Lessons based on fantasy: fairy tale lesson, surprise lesson.

6. Lessons based on imitation of the activities of institutions and organizations: court, investigation, tribunal, circus, patent office, academic council

7. Traditional forms of extracurricular activities transferred within the lesson: KVN, matinee, performance, concert, dramatization work of art, debate, “gatherings”, “club of experts”.

8. Integrated lessons.

9. Transformation of traditional ways of organizing a lesson: lecture-paradox, paired survey, lesson-test, lesson-consultation, etc.

Based on practice, we believe that non-standard lessons perform several functions:

Develop and support schoolchildren’s interest in learning, help realize their inclinations and capabilities;

Allows you to combine various types group and collective educational work of students;

Develop students' creative abilities;

Promote a better understanding and comprehension of the material being studied;

Are good remedy from information overload.

1. Non-standard lessons should be used as final ones when generalizing and consolidating the knowledge, skills and abilities of students;

2. Too often resorting to such forms of organizing the educational process is inappropriate, as this can lead to a loss of sustainable interest in the academic subject and the learning process;

3. A non-traditional lesson should be preceded by careful preparation and, first of all, the development of a system of specific training and education goals;

4. When choosing forms of non-traditional lessons, the teacher must take into account the characteristics of his character and temperament, the level of preparedness and the specific characteristics of the class as a whole and individual students;

5. It is advisable to integrate the efforts of teachers when preparing joint lessons, not only within the framework of the subjects of the natural and mathematical cycle, but also in the subjects of the humanities cycle;

6. When conducting non-standard lessons, be guided by the principle “with children and for children,” setting one of the main goals to educate students in an atmosphere of kindness, creativity, and joy.


A non-standard lesson is an interesting, unusual shape providing material in class. It is designed, along with the goals and objectives of standard lessons, to develop in the student an interest in self-learning, creativity, the ability to systematize material in a non-standard form, to think originally and express oneself. In such classes, students do not just tell messages, but try to convey the main material of the lesson with the help of vivid and memorable experiences, newspapers, presentations and other things, together with the teacher. This way they take an active part in the lesson.

The variety of types of non-standard lessons allows them to be used at all levels of children’s education and in different subjects. And the introduction of new technologies into the educational process - computerization of schools, equipping schools with projectors - allows us to come up with new non-standard lessons.

The teacher must remember that not all types of work at different stages of training are familiar to the children. Therefore, it is worth talking in more detail about new types of work, about the goals and objectives that are set for students. Welcome non-standard approaches and ideas from students.

Non-standard lessons are better remembered; they are especially good to use in introductory and general lessons. You should not use them all the time, because although they are interesting, in some cases they may be less informative and useful.

The peculiarities of non-standard lessons lie in the desire of teachers to diversify the life of a student: to arouse interest in cognitive communication, in the lesson, in school; satisfy the child’s need for the development of intellectual, motivational, emotional and other spheres. Conducting such lessons also testifies to teachers’ attempts to go beyond the template in building the methodological structure of the lesson. And this is their positive side. But it is impossible to build the entire learning process from such lessons: by their very essence, they are good as a release, as a holiday for students. They need to find a place in the work of every teacher, as they enrich his experience in the varied construction of the methodological structure of the lesson.

Based on all of the above, the following conclusions can be drawn: using lessons in a non-traditional form helps to involve all students in the work;

You can also organize verification of any task through mutual control; the non-traditional approach contains enormous potential for the development of students’ speech;

these lessons contribute to the development of the ability to work independently;

in the classroom the relationship between children and teacher changes (we are partners);

The kids are happy to take these lessons.

But lessons of a non-traditional form are beneficial when they find an exact place among the usual types of lessons. And only after analyzing all the material on the subject that I have to cover with my students, I determine which lessons are appropriate to teach in a non-traditional form.

No matter how experienced a teacher is, he always has to search, think, try to make his lessons interesting.

I believe that this topic helped me increase the children’s activity in the lesson and attract their attention.


Podlasy I.P. Pedagogy: New course: Textbook. for students higher textbook institutions: in 2 books. – M.: Humanite. Ed. Vlados Center, 2002.

Shipacheva L.A. Non-standard tasks in Russian language lessons.

The main difference between a non-standard lesson and a regular one is that it is not formulaic, outside the box, and to some extent informal. In a non-standard lesson there are no strict requirements for how exactly the lesson should be conducted; an unusual lesson is more creative, liberated, requiring direct involvement from all participants and leading to the emergence of an emotional attitude towards the subject of study, towards the participants of the lesson, and its characters.

Often an unusual lesson is also distinguished by the fact that the teacher does not clearly declare the educational goals of the lesson; they are, as it were, hidden, and become clear to the children only after the lesson has been taught. In such a lesson, grades in the usual sense may not be given.

The benefits of non-standard lessons

  • N non-standard lessons help to get rid of: each student finds himself in non-standard situation and can manifest itself from an unknown side.
  • N Non-standard lessons help to increase students' interest in the subject.
  • N Non-standard lessons develop thinking, logic, teach children to reason, make decisions and be responsible for their own actions.
  • N Non-standard lessons help children find contact with each other, teach them to work in a team, are good prevention (although conflicts can occur in the lesson), non-standard lessons teach them to communicate.

Eight unusual lesson ideas

  • Discussion lesson. A dispute initiated by a teacher on a socially significant and controversial topic. Children express different points opinion on the stated topic, it is not necessary to come up with your personal point of view; children can be deliberately given a point of view with which they do not agree, but within the framework of the lesson they must defend it.
  • Business game. During the lesson, a life situation or problem is reproduced, and within the framework of the lesson it is “played out” and solved.
  • Lesson-conference. This type of lesson is most in demand in high school. Children are informed in advance about the topic of the conference, the class is divided into groups, each of which receives a topic for preparing a report.
  • Lesson-meeting. A third party (writer, scientist, veteran, traveler, military man, foreigner, etc.) is invited to the lesson.
  • Lesson-concert, performance. Such lessons are most suitable for literature lessons, literary reading, foreign language.
  • Integrated lesson. Lessons taught in two or more subjects at once, often by two teachers (literature and physics, English language and biology - the more unexpected the combination, the more interesting). The task of an integrated lesson is to show the connection between various subjects, between the subject and real life.
  • Lesson game. A lesson in which children play, for example, analogues of the television games “Own Game”, “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire” (excellent student), “What? Where? When?" and others. Such lessons are great for consolidating and summarizing knowledge on a subject, as initial or final lessons at the beginning or end of a quarter.
  • Lesson Study. The difference between this lesson is that when solving a problem in class, a hypothesis is put forward, and further actions boil down to an algorithm. As a result of the work, children must formulate conclusions and interpret the results of their activities.

A non-standard lesson is not aimed at entertainment, but at learning with interest

What non-standard lessons do you use and do you use them at all? We look forward to your responses in the comments and articles.

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