Lottery horoscopes for zodiac signs. Millionaire by zodiac sign

Lottery is big business. The very first government lotteries were organized in France in 1520. In 1680, a historic lottery was held in England to raise funds to replace the London water supply system. Spain has introduced the game "el gordo", and Ireland has introduced betting. Although private lotteries were popular in the United States, the government did not become involved until 1963. After the first lottery, its organizers allocated part of the proceeds to education. The game proved so popular that by the end of the 1980s, more than half of the states began holding lotteries.

When studying the horoscopes of those who have won large sums, the patterns are similar for everyone, regardless ofwhether it was a state lottery, a movie, poker, a slot machine, sports betting or a television game. This amount matters: does it change our lives in one day when we suddenly and forever receive such a lot of money? In theory, winning a million dollars isn't that big of a deal. significant change in the horoscope of a multimillionaire, since it will not significantly affect his life. A big win is an amount thatcompared to what is familiar to us, is sufficient to radically changeour way of life. For minimum amount Let's take half a million for the big win dollars.

The most obvious indicators of the horoscopes of successful players:

1. The Moon is in a trine or grand trine (in half of the examples Venus or Jupiter are present). In those few cases when the Moon does not have a trine in the radix horoscope, by the time of the Big Win it already manifests itself as a result of progression.

2. Jupiter in radix in at least one trine.

3. Jupiter in radix in aspect to Neptune. He's not necessarily one of the "big ones"fours", it often represents one of the lesser aspects, such as a semi-sextile or semi-square.

5. Venus or Jupiter in radix or progression in aspect to Uranus (one degree forprogressive aspects).

6. Radix or progression of Venus or reverse Jupiter.

7. Pluto in radix in conjunction or opposition to the ruler of the 2nd house within 4-5°or in some other aspect to the lord of the 2nd house within 1-2° or in a progressive aspect within one degree.

8. Close sesquiquadratic radix between two planets within one degree,to show the potential for a sudden change of direction in life, or a progressive sesquiquadrate between two planets, one degree. (This sesquiquadrate most often affects the MC, Moon, Venus, Jupiter or Pluto).

9. Mutual influence in radix or progression or close aspects of the 12th house to the 2nd house and/or the 8th house.

10. Transit Uranus in aspect up to 2-3° to the MC in radix or progression or AS in radix orprogression. The reason is that we will have to look for a valid transit of Uranus within a few degrees, since Uranus will transit back and forth through this aspect three times: the aspect operates with a deviation of plus or minus 1°.

To win a big amount , it is not necessary to have all ten indicators in the horoscope,it is enough to have at least six or seven. The more indications of luck and the more obvious they are in the horoscope, the greater the chance of winning a fortune.

Let's look at the horoscopes of two people who won not very large sums

1. Hugh Jeffcoat was interested in astrology as a playing tool. July 29, 1981 in Reno, Nevada, he won $10,322 by investing $39 in keno. The winning took place at 9:54 pm Pacific Time; he was paid at 10:30 p.m. He has natal Moon was in tritone to Mercury, natal Jupiter in tritone to the Sun, semi-sextile between Jupiter-Neptune and Mars in sesquiquadrature to Jupiter, PR. Uranus is conjunct Venus and transiting Uranus is in triton with PR MC within three degrees.

Symbols present in the text:
PR - designation of progressions. Progression or secondary directorates - one of the most important forecasting techniques in astrology.
TR - transit - refersto the daily transit movement of the planets.
EQHS-single house system.
Aspects - you can read about aspects in astrology and their meaning.

2. Maimi Levin won an all-expenses-paid trip to England to the British Astrological Conference in York. She bought the ticket on June 26, 1983. at 1:53 p.m. Eastern Standard Time in New York and was told the following Saturday afternoon. She has no trine to her natal or advanced Moon, natal Jupiter is in trine to Pluto, there is no contact between Neptune and Jupiter, but natal Mars is square Jupiter, and PR Venus is square Uranus. TR Uranus was two degrees from PR AC when she was informed that she had won the trip.

Examples of horoscopes of people who have won large sums
1. Fred Drago.
F. Drago worked as a police officer for 28 years. On April 30, 1982, he went to a McDonald's restaurant for lunch, where he was given a lottery ticket along with a hamburger at 3:30 p.m. CST, 88W.07, 30N.41. He won $500,000 on the ticket.In Drago's horoscope, the Moon is in trine to Venus and iodine to Jupiter-Uranus. Jupiter does not have a trine, PR Jupiter is not in aspect; we can assume that Drago did not squander the money. There is no contact between Jupiter and Neptune or between Mars and Jupiter and between Mars and Neptune. Venus is square Uranus, PR Venusin quincunx to Uranus. There are no reverse Venus or Jupiter. Pluto is in widesextile Mars in the 2nd house while the lord of the 2nd house, Mercury, is insquare (1°) to PR Pluto.

Mercury's natal sesquisquare to Uranus is greater thanour orb limit is one degree. Sun progressed from 12th house to 2nd house. TR Uranussuperimposed at 2° with a reverse movement in a quincunx to PR MC in a sextile to PR AC. TotalDrago had six of the necessary indicators for good luck with money.

2. Kenneth Green: Truck Driver Who Won the Lottery

Compare the previous horoscope with the horoscope of Kenneth Greene, who won $13 million. Green was a disabled former truck driver who had been out of work for three years. His wife, Joanna, worked two jobs to support the family, and they were stretched to the limit in their struggle to survive. Joanna's parents couldn't help them because they were about to lose their home of 30 years due to default on the mortgage.

When Green bought a lottery ticket on November 25, 1992, the seller (by mistake!) soldhim a Megabucks lottery ticket instead of a Massachusetts Mass Cash ticket with smaller winnings. According to Megabucks, there was no winning for seven weeks, and the accumulation of prize money amounted to 13 million. On December 21, Greene was throwing out old tickets from his wallet and decided to check the numbers on a ticket he had purchased a month ago. All the winning numbers were on it. When Green and his wife went the next dayto the Lottery Administration, they were given the first payment of 6.5 million dollars. Joanna laughed and cried; twice she almost lost consciousness. Family, including Misty,15-year-old and three-year-old Ken Jr. could now celebrate Christmas like they never have before. and never dreamed of it.

1-2. Green has the Moon in trine (4°) to Venus, in triton (9°) to Jupiter.

3. Jupiter in conjunction with Neptune.

5. Venus in opposition to Uranus.

6. PR Venus - reversible.

7. PR ACC in conjunction with Pluto (2nd house according to the Koch system; 1st according to the EQHS system).

8. Mars at sesquiquadrate (1°) to the MC; a PR MC at one and a half square to the Sun.

9. There is no mutual influence between the 12th house and the 2nd or 8th houses. However, the lord of the 12th At home, the Moon is in opposition (6°) to the ruler of the 2nd house, Mercury.

10. Transiting Uranus at 15° Capricorn is in sesquiquadrate to PR AC Pluto.

By EQHS house system(equal house system),nine out of ten signs are present, according to the Koch house system - ten.

3. Kathleen McLaughlin, oh sample horoscope of a person who won the lottery

Kathleen McLaughlin worked at a bank in Chaumette, Massachusetts. Before this she had never did not play the lottery and chose numbers that were a combination of her date of birth and age and her husband's date and age.
On December 13, 1991, she won 27 million in the Massive Million Jackpot lottery.

1-2. McLaughlin has Moon-Jupiter in trine to Mercury.

3. Jupiter is semisextile to Neptune.

5. Jupiter sextile Uranus.

Each zodiac sign has its own mascot numbers and favorable days per year. Stoloto will tell you what they are like for Gemini.

Characteristics of the sign

Gemini (from the Latin Gemini) is the third sign of the zodiac. According to Western astrology, the Sun is in the sign of Gemini from May 21 to June 21.

People born under this sign can tell you a lot about themselves. And all because they love to talk. And this is not just chatter - driving force Gemini's conversation becomes their mind.

Geminis are intellectually developed, prone to searching interesting information. They love to listen and learn. Gemini's mood changes quickly, but this does not prevent them from being flexible and adapting to their environment.

The element associated with the zodiac sign Gemini is air. Air signs tend to represent thinking people. In professional activities, they can come up with logical and well-thought-out ideas. This quality makes the Twins a good asset for any team. But these people are not inclined to take the initiative.

When it comes to sports, Geminis naturally choose paired sports, such as table tennis.

The most famous and successful individuals, born under the sign of Gemini: Peter I, Alexander Pushkin, Paul Gauguin, Marilyn Monroe, Angelina Jolie, Anna Kournikova.

Mythology of the sign


In Greek and Roman mythology, Castor and Pollux are twin brothers, also known as the Dioscuri, children of Leda. Castor's father is Tyndoreus, and Pollux's father is Zeus. Therefore, the first brother is mortal, and the second is immortal. Castor was killed in battle, but Pollux shared the gift of immortality with his brother. Since then, the Dioscuri were immortal one day, mortal the next. The brothers were considered patrons of sailors and were associated with the art of horsemanship.

What numbers bring good luck?

Talisman numbers for Gemini: 4, 5, 14, 23, 32, 41, 50. Favorable months: January, March, April, June, August, November. The shape of numbers reflects their character. For example, 4 is a square, 5 is a symbol of dynamic movement.

In numerology, the number 14 represents independence, unity and justice. The great need in life for people of this number is to achieve balance, harmony and moderation. If they act with caution and forethought in matters of money and business, then they will undoubtedly be lucky.

The number 23 reduces to five. Representatives of this number consider practical experience best teacher. 50 is the achievement of stability, symbolizing the principle of plurality and passion.

Number 23 is one of the most popular in the Gosloto “5 out of 36” lottery: during the entire game it appeared 406 times (almost 14.4% of draws). Number 14 most often appears in the first round of the Russian Lotto (in approximately 12.5% ​​of draws). In the State Housing Lottery, the favorites of the first round are numbers 32 and 50. In the KENO-Sportloto lottery, statistics show that over the entire period of the draws, the numbers 5 and 41 were drawn more often.

Wednesday and Sunday are considered lucky for Gemini. It is on these days that it is recommended to prescribe important meetings, sign contracts and... plan the purchase of lottery tickets.

The most favorable days in 2015

Try to associate your zodiac sign with lucky days in 2015 and test your own luck in the lottery.

Gemini can pay attention to important years lives that depend on date of birth

2015 for Gemini

Gemini's hard work will pay off in 2015. On the path to success, you have overcome enough obstacles over the course of recent years. The first half of the year is for consolidating professional activities and interesting business cooperation. The influence of Jupiter, the planet of luck and abundance, will push you to new heights and achievements. But work can suffer if you become too involved in non-career activities. In the second half of the year, start making plans for your vacation.

Be careful with your finances and do not spend money on unnecessary things, even if you win a large sum in the lottery.

Tips for Gemini

- Manage your personal time correctly - this will bring satisfaction both at work and at leisure.
- Try to lead healthy image life.
— Manage your profits wisely, including sudden wins.
- Don't overload yourself daily activities, communication, new interests. Remember that moderation is required in everything.
What to give to a woman under the sign of Gemini
Gemini ladies are happy with any sign of attention, because they are interested in almost everything! When choosing a gift for Gemini women, do not forget about the original packaging. If you're buying a basket of sweets, wrap them individually. Gemini's natural curiosity will make them find out what is inside each package - such a gift will be 100% memorable.

A gift certificate to a favorite store is another ideal option for Gemini, so they can do independent choice things they need.

What to give a man under the sign of Gemini

Gemini men are friendly and open, they are ruled by reason, not feelings. Therefore, everything that will be connected with intellectual activity and self-development - board games, books, training certificates - will be an excellent gift.

At all, modern gadgets, which will allow Gemini to communicate anytime and anywhere is an ideal option. If you decide to give a phone as a gift, then install the Stoloto lottery application and be sure to tell them that you can use it to win millions of rubles. Remember that for Gemini, the originality of the gift is important. And the prospect of becoming a millionaire will increase the significance of your present.

What days in 2019 are favorable for buying lottery tickets? How to use magical conspiracy attract good luck and win the lottery?

Surely many of you have bought a lottery ticket at least once in your life. Tickets come with instant win. Usually you can immediately erase the coating and see whether the ticket was a winner or not. And there are such lottery tickets for which you have to wait even for several months for the day of the prize draw. Such a lottery, for example, is “Russian Lotto”.

The article will discuss which lottery tickets should be preferred in order to avoid falling into the hands of scammers. We will also tell you about favorable days in 2019 for playing the lottery and buying tickets. Let's summarize our article with one very powerful conspiracy that will help you attract good luck and win the lottery.

Which lottery can you really win?

If you are afraid to play the lottery and are afraid to buy a ticket, then do not buy tickets from unknown brands. For example, everyone knows about the “Russian Lotto” or “Golden Key” lottery. Beginners should buy tickets for these lotteries.

Also, you should not purchase tickets at crossings, from dubious citizens, or in other places that do not inspire confidence in you. Tickets for verified lotteries are usually sold at post offices. You can also buy a ticket at large retail chains, for example, Pyaterochka and so on.

Help and advice for those who want to win the lottery

As we have already noted, it is better to purchase lottery tickets from trusted places. Some major lotteries even have their own ticket sales offices. They can be seen in large cities. For those people who live in the provinces, the most reliable way to purchase lottery tickets is at post offices, which are found even in the most isolated villages of our country.

If you notice that on a particular day you were very lucky in something or the day was going wrong in the morning, then you can safely go for a lottery ticket, because this is a signal that luck is now on your side and bought the ticket may be winning. Below are the favorable days for playing the lottery by month of 2019. Guided by them, you can test your luck and play the lottery. You definitely have to be lucky.

Lunar horoscope of luck and winnings in 2019, lucky days for winning the lottery:

Let us note right away that it is best to buy tickets precisely during the period when our constant stellar companion, the Moon, is in its growth phase. This phase has a beneficial effect on all processes occurring in our lives. In this phase, our wallet is usually full of money, luck is on our side, and our physical and moral strength increases. Next, we will describe by month the most favorable periods for purchasing lottery tickets in the year of the Yellow Boar, that is, in the coming 2019.

January 2019

In this month of winter 2019, it is most favorable to buy a lottery ticket from the 6th to the 21st. It is on these days that fortune will be favorable to you and will be able to please you with a decent win if you dare to play the lottery.

Zodiac signs such as Libra and Sagittarius will be especially lucky this month of 2019. Luck in the above period of January of the Year of the Yellow Pig will accompany them everywhere, including in the matter of the lottery.

February 2019

If you want to try your luck in February 2019 with a lottery ticket, then it is best to purchase it from the 4th to the 19th. These days the Moon is growing, which means that luck will be on your side and your income may also increase sharply. Feel free to buy a lottery ticket and wait for a miracle.

The luckiest people in this month of the Year of the Yellow Pig will be Scorpios and Taurus. They can safely go for a lottery ticket during the specified period in February of the coming year. Fortune will be especially favorable to them.

March 2019

If you want to play the lottery in March 2019, then the most favorable period for purchasing a lottery ticket will be the days from March 6 to March 21. During this period of this spring month, you can try your luck and play the lottery.

The most successful in terms of winning the lottery this spring month of 2019 will be Capricorns and Cancers. Luck this month will especially accompany them in all matters, and especially in the lottery.

April 2019

If in April 2019 you are attacked by an unbearable desire to purchase a lottery ticket in the hope of a big win, then do it from the 5th to the 19th. Luck will be on your side these days.

It is recommended for Leos and Aquarius to try their luck and buy a lottery ticket in April of this year. Luck will be on their side this month of spring 2019 and these signs will certainly be lucky in the lottery.

May 2019

If you want to try your luck in May 2019 and try to play the lottery in this month, then the best time to do this will be from the 4th to the 18th. It is on these dates that fortune will favor you and make you win.

Aries and Pisces will be especially lucky in the lottery this spring month of the Year of the Yellow Pig. They are strongly encouraged to try their luck and purchase a lottery ticket during the specified period of May 2019.

June 2019

The most favorable time to play the lottery in this month of 2019 is from the 3rd to the 17th. During this period of this summer month of the Year of the Yellow Pig, luck will always and everywhere be with you and contribute to your winnings.

In June 2019, Gemini and Virgo will be especially lucky. They should certainly be lucky in the lottery if they buy a ticket exactly during the above-mentioned period of June. The stars advise them not to hesitate, but to run quickly to get a lottery ticket.

July 2019

If you absolutely want to play the lottery in July in the hope that you will win, then buy the coveted ticket from the 2nd to the 16th. You will see that a lottery ticket purchased during this period will be lucky for you.

Capricorns and Sagittarius will be especially lucky this summer month of 2019. They are strongly advised to check their fortunes during the specified period in July of the coming year of the Yellow Pig.

August 2019

If you are going to play the lottery in August 2019, then do it from the 1st to the 15th. It is most favorable to experience happiness in this summer month of the Year of the Yellow Pig right now.

The luckiest people in this month of 2019 will be Pisces and Taurus. They can safely buy lottery tickets during the August interval that we indicated above. Fortune this month will be on the side of these zodiac signs.

September 2019

If you want to play the lottery and win something in September 2019, buy a lottery ticket between the 6th and 14th or in the last two days of this autumn month. These days, luck will be on your side.

In September of the Year of the Yellow Pig, zodiac signs such as Libra and Aries will be especially lucky. They should not think long about the issue of purchasing a lottery ticket in a given month of 2019. Feel free to buy a ticket and play the lottery to win prizes.

October 2019

If you want to try your luck and buy a lottery ticket in October 2019, the best time to do this is from the 1st to the 13th or from the 28th to the 31st. These days, the Moon will be in its growth phase and will help you to win.

In this autumn month of 2019, it is worth checking your destiny and trying the luck of such zodiac signs as Virgo and Taurus. They are the ones who are the most lucky signs in October of the Year of the Yellow Boar.

November 2019

If you want to try your luck in the lottery in November 2019, then do it between November 1 and November 12, and also favorable days for playing with fortune in a given month are the 26th, 27th and 29th.

Particularly lucky zodiac signs in this month of autumn 2019 are Cancer and Pisces. They will be lucky in everything, including the lottery. Feel free to run for a ticket if you are one of these signs.

December 2019

If you want to play the lottery in the last month of 2019, that is, in December, it is best to buy a ticket of happiness in the period from 1 to 12 and from 26 to 31. At these stages of December in the year of the Yellow Pig, the Moon will grow, and accordingly, luck will be on your side. A conspiracy to win a large sum of money in the lottery

If you want to turn to the help of magic in order to attract luck in the lottery, then in this case we have one very strong conspiracy. You will need to whisper magic words here for some new thing. It must definitely be red. It is in this thing that you will subsequently need to go for a lottery ticket, which in the end should turn out to be winning.

This magical ritual must be performed at a time when the Moon is in its growth phase. Above, we described by month the most successful periods for playing the lottery in 2019. Guided by knowledge about these periods, and choose the date of commission magical ritual for attracting good luck in playing the lottery. No one should know about your conspiracy. It would be best to do it when all the household members are asleep or there is no one in the house at all.

As soon as you see the growing Moon in the sky, you can begin the ritual. Buy a red item in advance, it can be a T-shirt, socks, jacket or other item of clothing. For the ritual, choose a night when the Moon will be very clearly visible in the sky and preferably its size will be more than half. The growth phase of the Moon for this plot should be close to the full moon.

When all the conditions for performing a secret magical ritual are met, you can proceed to the conspiracy. Take out a new red item, turn off the lights, and open the curtains to illuminate your room with moonlight. If there is not enough light, you can light three candles. It is advisable to open the window completely, but if you read the plot in winter time years, then it will be enough to simply open the window.

Place your new clothes on the windowsill, stand side by side and read this spell: “May my new robe be filled with the light and power of the Moon, and may it bring me a lot of luck and luck. May the magical powers help me win the lottery, may the money in my wallet increase and may its quantity never decrease. May Mother Moon not leave me without money, may she make sure that the lottery ticket I bought turns out to be a winner. Yes, let it be the way I want and nothing else. My word is strong and indestructible. Amen!"

Then put these clothes on yourself and go to bed. The next morning, go to the sweat department or to a special stall where they sell lottery tickets. Buy a ticket there and go home. You'll see, the ticket will definitely be a winner if you carried out the secret conspiracy correctly and firmly believed that the power of the Moon and magic will help you summon good luck and win the lottery.

Now you know how to make sure that luck in the lottery is on your side. We also talked about the most favorable days of the coming year of the Yellow Pig, when it is best to buy lottery tickets.

The impulsiveness inherent in Aries can lead to unpredictable consequences. But given the favorable position of the stars, this will only play into their hands. Because taking risks on precisely marked dates on the sidereal calendar brings stunning success. Even the most “unreasonable” lottery bet pays off with a substantial win. Have a good day in December you can safely count the 7th and 9th. Moreover, between them there is a lucky Friday for the sign. In general, you should pay attention to all numbers associated with the number 7. Either multiples of it (14, 21, 28), or containing it (17, 27).


Despite the fact that lottery horoscope in 2017, Taurus is not particularly pampered; their attention to detail can play a positive role. While others recklessly risk their fortunes, representatives of the most stubborn sign of the Zodiac are waiting for their chance. And he may appear to them on certain days marked by Fortune in the sky. These are numbers that are multiples of 6, and also contain a six in their composition (16, 26). In addition, December may bring success on one of the Sundays. The likelihood that it will be the 24th is extremely high. It is worth waiting for this date and not placing bets prematurely.


Few people understand the stubbornness of Gemini when they go towards their intended goal. This is due to the invisible presence of the second Self, which whispers to a person secret paths to success. For such people, it is extremely important to listen to their inner voice, since their intuition rarely fails them. This is especially true for the lottery. There can be no exact calculation here, as in chess. In everything you have to rely solely on the stars. And they recommend that Gemini pay attention to Tuesday. In this case, the lucky numbers for bets should be considered the number one day ago. That is, all dates are Mondays (4, 11, 18, 25). This is important to remember.


It is difficult to guarantee stability in the lottery when the numbers are flashing before your eyes. But Cancers are famous for their strong grip. Knowing their lucky numbers, they will never miss theirs. Lucky number This sign is considered to be a two. However, in December the list of potentially successful numbers will expand somewhat. Any combination of numbers 1, 2 and 3 (11,12,13, 21, etc.) can be considered favorable for betting. They are the ones who can carry patient Cancers to the top of the money mountain. And since Saturday should be a good day for fateful events, it makes sense to invest in the number 23.


Leo is good with luck. Even if he does not see an immediate result, it is already waiting for him ahead. This is due to the solar nature of the royal sign. Therefore, their inherent certain imposing nature can be fully justified. Love for the number 3 should please you in the 12th month of the year (since 1 + 2 = 3). Therefore, in December it is strongly recommended to pay attention to all numbers with this figure. An ordinary lottery ticket can become a ticket to the stars.


Virgo's prudence takes place even in such an unpredictable form gambling like a lottery. The fact is that representatives of this sensual sign intuitively understand the background of any symbols. And numbers are no exception. Therefore, even a sharp change in decision before the final choice can be due to a sudden (read: stellar) insight. And it warns in advance about successful numbers in December. These should be numbers that are multiples of six, but without the 6 itself in the face value. This is hidden luck that only Virgos should see. There is also a chance of winning on Thursday.


A successful year for Libra should end on a positive note. Libra can finally find balance and improve their financial situation. With stellar recommendations, even the most unpredictable lottery will bring the expected profit. Astrological forecast predicts that representatives of the fairest sign of the Zodiac will receive compensation for all their efforts throughout the year. And this should happen in December. Lucky numbers All numbers containing four should be counted. 4 marks a cycle that ends with achieving success. It is highly recommended to pay attention to the 14th of the month, since it falls on Thursday. And this is symbolic, isn’t it.


A passionate desire to win has always been inherent in Scorpios. Even by retreating, they can achieve their goal. Their faith in success is merciless to any obstacles and doubts. Therefore, it is not surprising that some representatives of the sign postponed their cash winnings until the last month of the year. This is their favorite game - to prolong the pleasure, knowing its inevitability. The stars can only suggest successful numbers in the lottery, since Scorpios have already done most of the work. And all numbers with one and eight in their composition should become like this. 1st place is the cherished goal, and 8th symbolizes infinity, a return to square one. When all the effort becomes worth it. So go for it, Scorpios. Your time has come.


Sagittarians wait a long time before making their bet. This is due to their desire to get into the top ten. They are only interested in the jackpot and nothing more. And this imposes a certain responsibility. You have to risk everything at once, without wasting money on unsuccessful numbers. To be confident in their target, Sagittarius should turn to the sky. The stars know about Sagittarius' passion for victory, and are ready to help them with this. The number 7 and the enchanted number 17 should bring success. The latter is rarely chosen in the lottery, since everyone is afraid to try their luck. But not Sagittarius.


Failures have never stopped Capricorns. They know very well that mistakes are the path to success. That there will always be luck for the thousandth time. However, why wait so long if you can trust the stars? They are not against a person fulfilling his destiny faster. And with money it’s easier to do this. Lucky combinations in the lottery should be all numbers with 3 in them. However, that's not all. 5 can also help make dreams come true. The main thing is to make a choice between these numbers, since no one has yet canceled free will.


If Aquarius has luck in his pocket, it will definitely manifest itself in December. Because the birthday is already close. And Fortune always strives to please a person on his holiday. It's just that not everyone knows about it. Therefore, the choice of representatives of the air element may coincide with the location of the stars. If this happens, the payoff will be enormous. Astrology has tried to take into account all aspects of the planets in order to potentially deduce successful numbers. All clusters near decades should be like this. That is, 9, 10, 11, 19, 20, 21, as well as 29, 30 and 31. In addition, one of them should fall on Tuesday - a lucky day for Aquarius.


No one else has the same love for the lottery that Pisces has. They feel absolutely free in the world of numbers. At the same time, the driving motive for them is not passion. But the desire to connect with the eternal cosmos. Intuitively guess the location of your stars. This brings them a genuine feeling of happiness and inner comfort. For the month of December, numbers with 8 and 9 should be favorable. In this case, two whole numbers (8 and 29) fall on Friday, which is favorable to Pisces. Don't miss your chance to shine before the stars!

Pisces (from the Latin Pisces) is the twelfth sign of the zodiac. According to Western astrology, the Sun is in the sign of Pisces from February 19 to March 20.

The element of Pisces is water - smoothly moving and fickle. Fishes swim with the flow. At any opportunity, they willingly look for workarounds without making any effort to overcome obstacles. They always consider themselves free in everything, although they often move in a given direction.

Pisces have a well-developed intuition, the main thing is to learn how to use it. This is a sign creative professions, there are many artists, collectors, and musicians among Pisces. Pisces use their talent and vivid imagination in the advertising industry; their interest in travel and everything new makes them excellent journalists or travel agents.

The planet of Pisces is Neptune. It is the patronage of Neptune that gives representatives of this sign imagination and creativity. Pisces' strongest personality traits are unusual intelligence and poise. In order to make the difficult path to wealth and success, Pisces needs strong support from others who will never give up in the face of difficulties.

The most famous and successful personalities born under the sign of Pisces: Valentina Tereshkova, Yuri Gagarin, Steve Jobs, George Washington, Victor Hugo.

Mythology of the sign

The zodiac sign has a recognizable symbol: two fish swimming in different directions, but connected by a thread. This image is explained by the ancient Greek myth about Aphrodite and Eros - the goddess’s companion and assistant. Somehow the mighty giant Typhon encroached on their freedom. Escaping, Aphrodite and Eros jumped into the water and turned into fish. And a silver thread tied them together.

What numbers bring good luck?

Lucky numbers for Pisces that can be considered a talisman are 6, 7, 11, as well as all numbers divisible by 7. Six is ​​a symbol of reliability and stability. So in the Taoist practice of Feng Shui, the six is ​​considered to bring “heavenly luck”, or in other words, unexpected luck - receiving an inheritance. After 6 comes magic number 7, which is considered lucky and gives sustained success. The number 11 in numerology has willpower and determination.

The lottery knows a case where six and seven brought one of the most stunning victories. In the 36th draw of the Gosloto “6 out of 45” lottery, Albert Begrakyan filled out 6 fields of 7 numbers on the ticket, making an expanded bet, and won 100,000,000 rubles.

On February 10, 2014, in the 735th draw of the Gosloto 6 out of 45 lottery, Valery from Omsk won 184 million 513 thousand 512 rubles. One of the modern history Russian lotteries. His bet included the coveted six: 8, 6, 35, 18, 41, 22.

But over the entire period of the State Housing Lottery, a seven was drawn in 13% of draws. If you look at the website, you will notice that numbers 6, 7 and 11 have been drawn more often than others throughout the entire period of the draws.

Representatives of Pisces can pay attention to what day of the week you purchase lottery tickets or play on the website. The luckiest days for you will be Monday, Thursday and Friday.

Below you will see a table with the correspondence between the date of birth and important numbers. The author of this system is Lewis Hamon, an expert in astrology who predicted the life of the English King George IV, the fate of Oscar Wilde and Mark Twain and much more. Numbers can bring good luck: the author advises planning the implementation of your plans on these dates. Those who follow their horoscope can use them to create lottery combinations or select tickets and.

Date of birthMost important numbers/dates *
February 19 and 28 1, 4, 10, 13, 19, 22, 28, 31
February 20 and 292, 7, 3, 11, 12, 16, 20, 21, 25, 29, and 30
February 213, 8,12, 17, 21, 26 and 30
February 224, 1, 8, 10, 13, 17, 19, 22, 26, 28 and 31
February 235, 14, and 23
February 246, 15 and 24
February 252, 7, 16, 20, 25 and 29
February 264, 8, 13, 17, 22, 26 and 31
February 27 9, 18, 27
March 1, 10, 19From 1 to 4, 10, 12, 13, 19, 21, 22, 28, 30 and 31
March 2, 11, 202, 3, 7, 11, 12, 16, 20, 21, 25, 29 and 30
March 3, 12 3, 12, 21, 30
March 4, 131, 3, 4, 10, 12, 13, 19, 21, 22, 28, 30 and 31
March 5, 14 3, 5, 12, 14, 21, 23, 30
March 6, 15 3, 6, 12, 15, 21, 24, 30
March 7, 16 2, 3, 7, 11, 12, 16, 20, 21, 25, 29, 30
March 8, 17 3, 4, 8, 12, 13, 17, 21, 22, 26, 30, 31
March 9, 183, 9, 12, 18, 21, 27 and 30
  • — based on the book “Your Horoscope and Your Stars” by Lewis Hamon

By sticking to the calendar all year, you can test your lottery luck.

The most favorable days in 2015*

  • — based on materials from Natalia Pravdina’s book “Pisces. Money and luck in 2015"

Try to associate your zodiac sign with lucky numbers and believe in your own luck. As one of Jack London’s characters said: “The main thing is that the premonition is correct, and then you can’t help but win.”

2015 for Pisces


The Year of the Wooden Goat is a period of happy life changes for representatives of this sign. Astrologers predict: from the very beginning of the year, it will be noted that difficulties will slowly but surely go away, replaced by good luck and prosperity. In March 2015, Pisces can count on an increase in income and receiving additional profits, but May will not be stable. Autumn in financially will be favorable.

In order to achieve professional success this year, Pisces need to try to get rid of false complexes and boldly tell the world about their plans and ideas. If your plans are to devote the whole of 2015 creative work, then you have hit the nail on the head. Such Pisces will experience stunning success, including financially. The main thing is not to be lazy and not miss your luck.

What to give a woman under the sign of Pisces

Representatives of this sign will be happy to receive jewelry made from talisman stones as a gift: pearls, aquamarine, moonstone. Minerals activate the best chances for Pisces, indicated in the horoscope, and reveal potential. It is better for women to wear rings with a stone on the middle and ring fingers right hand. Pisces will also be pleased to receive things of lilac and soft purple color.


What to give a man under the sign of Pisces

As representatives of a water sign, Pisces can be given tickets to a water park or water skiing, surfing, wakeboard rental or flyboarding.


It is believed that Pisces is the most musical sign, and everything related to music and sound will be a pleasant gift for them: tickets to a concert of their favorite band, musical instruments and accessories for them.

You can certainly give all Pisces representatives as a gift lottery tickets with talisman numbers, and select tickets with important numbers from our table based on their date of birth. Giving lottery tickets is a good tradition for any holiday. Women will enjoy such attention, and men love the anticipation of success.
