Assignments on vegetative organs of plants. Test Vegetative organs of plants

Biology test Organs of flowering plants for 6th grade students with answers. The test consists of 2 options, each with 18 tasks.

1 option

1. Young linden stems are covered on the outside

1) peel
2) stopper
3) cambium
4) bast

2. Bast and stem wood flowering plant perform a function

1) transport of substances
2) stem growth
3) water suction
4) formation of organic substances

3. In a simple birch leaf leaf blades on the petiole

1) one
2) two
3) four
4) five

4. The main function of oak leaves is related to

1) carrying out minerals
2) water absorption
3) the formation of organic substances
4) storage of substances

5. The bud of a flowering plant is

1) stipule
2) petiole
3) onion
4) embryonic shoot

6. The corolla of a plant flower consists of

1) petals
2) sepals
3) stamens
4) pestles

7. In a flowering plant, after fertilization, the pistil develops from the ovary

1) flower bud
2) leaf bud
3) fruit with seeds
4) pollen

8. The outside of the seed of a flowering plant is covered

1) peel
2) cover
3) bark
4) stopper

9. In a flowering plant, the cotyledons are part

1) seed coat
2) seed embryo
3) flower bud
4) stigma

10. The vegetative organs of a flowering plant include

1) flower
2) fruit
3) escape
4) seed

11. The picture shows root system flowering plant. What is indicated by number 3?

1) main root
2) lateral root
3) adventitious root
4) root vegetable

12. The picture shows a cherry blossom. What is indicated by number 1?

1) pestle
2) stamen
3) corolla petal
4) receptacle


A. A potato tuber is the fruit of a plant.
B. The stem of flowering plants carries leaves towards the light.

1) only A is correct
2) only B is correct
3) both judgments are correct
4) both judgments are incorrect

14. Are the following statements true?

A. A bisexual cherry flower has stamens and pistils.
B. All fruits of flowering plants contain many seeds.

1) only A is correct
2) only B is correct
3) both judgments are correct
4) both judgments are incorrect

15. Choose three true statements.
The embryo of a flowering plant seed consists of

1) peel
2) ovaries
3) cotyledons
4) anther
5) spine
6) kidneys

organ of a flowering plant.

Features of the structure

1. Root cap
2. Cambium
3. Peel
4. Growth zone
5. Suction zone
6. Core

A. Root
B. Stem

17. Establish the correct sequence of location of the root zones of a flowering plant, starting with the root cap.

1) root cap
2) suction zone
3) growth zone
4) venue area
5) division zone

18. Match.

Organ group

1. Vegetative organs
2. Generative organs

Organ of a flowering plant

A. Stem.
B. Leaf.
B. Seed.
G. Root.
D. Flower.
E. Fruit.

Option 2

1. The core of the linden stem performs the function

1) stem growth
2) water suction
3) formation of organic substances
4) nutrient storage

2. Lignified fibers that are located in the phloem and wood of the stem of a flowering plant,

1) give strength to the stem
2) transport substances
3) absorb water
4) stock up nutrients

3. The sessile leaf of the wheat plant is missing

1) peel
2) vein
3) petiole
4) sheet plate

4. The formation of organic substances in the plant is the main function

1) sheet
2) root
3) kidneys
4) flower

5. The primordia of the stem and leaves of a flowering plant are located in

1) stipules
2) the skin of the stem
3) leaf petioles
4) leaf buds

6. The calyx and corolla in a plant flower make up

1) receptacle
2) peduncle
3) perianth
4) ovary

7. In a flowering plant, a fruit with seeds develops from

1) pistil ovary
2) anther stamen
3) receptacle
4) corolla

8. The embryo of a seed in a flowering plant is covered

1) peel
2) bark
3) peel
4) kidney scales

9. The nutrient supply of bean seeds is concentrated in

1) seed coat
2) germinal root
3) kidney
4) cotyledons

10. The generative organs of a flowering plant include

1) root
2) stem
3) sheet
4) seed

11. The picture shows the root system of a flowering plant. What is indicated by number 2?

1) main root
2) lateral root
3) adventitious root
4) root vegetable

12. The picture shows a cherry blossom. What is indicated by number 2?

1) pestle
2) stamen
3) corolla petal
4) receptacle

13. Are the following statements true?

A. The rhizome of the iris is the fruit of the plant.
B. The wheat flowering plant has an erect stem.

1) only A is correct
2) only B is true
3) both judgments are correct
4) both judgments are incorrect

14. Are the following statements true?

A. Cucumber flowers are called bisexual because they contain only pistils.
B. In flowering plants, dry and juicy fruits are distinguished.

1) only A is correct
2) only B is correct
3) both judgments are correct
4) both judgments are incorrect

15. Choose three true statements. In the structure of lilac seeds there are:

1) peel
2) cambium
3) stigma
4) endosperm
5) boot
6) embryo

16. Establish a correspondence between the structural feature and
organ of a flowering plant.

Features of the internal structure

1. Peel
2. Pestle
3. Stamen
4. Whisk
5. Endosperm
6. Kidney

A. Flower
B. Seed

17. Establish the correct sequence of layers in the stem of a flowering plant, starting with the cork.

1) plug
2) core
3) cambium
4) bast
5) wood

18. Match.

Root system

1. Fibrous
2. Rod

Types of roots of a flowering plant

A. Bokovoy.
B. Subordinate clause.
V. Chief.

Answer to the biology test Organs of flowering plants
1 option
16. 1A 2B 3B 4A 5A 6B
1) ABG
2) VDE
Option 2
16. 1B 2A 3A 4A 5B 6B
1) AB
2) AB

1 option

1. Cultivated plants:

A) develop without human help

B) grown by humans

C) settle without human help

D) bred by man

D) all answers are correct

2.K wild plants include:

A) dandelion

B) cucumber

B) carrots

D) birch

D) tomato

3.If a plant lives a long time, then it refers to:

A) to annuals

B) perennial

B) two years old

D) all answers are correct

D) there is no correct answer

4.Raspberry refers to:

A) to herbs

B) bushes

B) shrubs

D) trees

D) subshrubs

5.Vegetative organs include:

A) root

B) seed

B) flower

D) fruit

D) all answers are correct

6. Distinctive features of plant cells:

A) dense shell

B) the presence of plastids

B) the presence of a core

D) presence of cytoplasm

D) absence of ribosomes

7. Hereditary information in the cell contains:

A) in the cytoplasm

B) in the nucleus

B) in plastids

D) in the cell membrane

D) in the ribosome

8. Defining plastids green:

A) leucoplasts

B) chromoplasts

B) chloroplasts

D) wrong answer

D) all answers are correct

9.What tissue cells are constantly dividing?

A) educational

B) cover

B) main

D) conducting

D) mechanical

10. Conductive tissue is represented by cells:

A) with a very durable shell

B) transformed into conducting vessels

C) dividing throughout life

D) containing chlorophyll

D) containing chromoplasts

11. Plants differ from all other organisms in their ability to:

A) to breathing

B) photosynthesis

B) reproduction

D) development

D) all answers are correct

12.Protects the plant from external influences unfavorable conditions:

A) cover tissue

B) storage tissue

B) supporting tissue

G) educational fabric

D) excretory tissue

13. The seed consists of:

A) from the peel and endosperm

B) embryo and endosperm

B) from the peel, germ and endosperm

D) there is no correct answer

D) all answers are correct

14.Seeds of monocots, as well as dicotyledonous plants, contain:

A) one cotyledon

B) two cotyledons

B) embryo

D) a, b

D) b, c

    The plant stem performs the following functions:

A) stores nutrients

B) brings leaves to the light

B) connects the root and leaves

D) all answers are correct

D) there is no correct answer

16. A stem twisting around a support is called:

A) curly

B) clingy

B) creeping

D) erect

D) a, c

17. The function of the root is:

A) fixation of the plant in the soil

B) absorption of water and minerals

B) reproduction and accumulation of nutrients

D) all answers are correct

D) c, b

18. A root growing from a stem or leaf is called:

A) lateral

B) subordinate clause

B) main

D) embryonic

D) a, c

19. The fibrous root system is characterized by:

A) lack of expression of the main root

B) the presence of several main roots

B) well-developed adventitious and lateral roots

D) lack of expression of the main root and well-developed adventitious roots

D) c, d

20. Roots grow:

A) basis

B) middle part

B) apex

D) root cap

D) all answers are correct


Option I

I. Look at the drawing. Determine the types of venation in the proposed leaves.

II. Write definitions of the concepts: generative organ, leaf, phloem, cambium.

III. Choose the correct answer:

1.The layer of the stem in which nutrients accumulate
a) core; b) bast; c) bark; d) peel

2 . Part of the shoot is not: A) flower and inflorescence; B) stem with leaves and buds; B) root; D) fruits and seeds

3. Modifications of the escape do not include:

A) B) C) D)

4. Tree rings in a tree trunk are formed due to the work of cells:

A) bast B) cambium C) wood and bast D) heartwood and wood

5. Through the stomata of plants occurs:

A) gas exchange B) transport of minerals

C) transport of organic substances D) release of heat

IV. 6. Specify correct sequence movement of water in the plant, starting from the root:

A) vessels of the wood of the stem

B) leaf veins

B) venue area

D) stomata

D) root hairs

Enter your answer into the table:

7. Why the depicted organ is considered a modification of the shoot and not the root, provide at least three pieces of evidence.

V. 8. Why does starch not form in pelargonium leaves smeared with Vaseline? Justify your answer.


on the topic “Vegetative organs of plants”

Option II

I. Look at the drawing. Identify simple and compound leaves.

2 3 4


5 6 7

II. Write definitions of the concepts: vegetative organ, xylem, rhizoderm, stem.

III . Choose the correct answer:

1. A shoot is: a) a stem; b) stem, leaves, root; c) stem with leaves and buds; d) kidneys
2. A bud that has a rudimentary bud: a) apical; b) vegetative;

c) lateral; d) generative

3. The layer of the stem, thanks to which it grows in thickness:
a) wood b) cambium

c) core d) bast

4. Choose plants with parallel veins
a) lily of the valley b) wheat

c) rice d) apple e) rye

5.Which cells take part in photosynthesis
a) leaf skin b) columnar

c) vessels d) closing

IV. 6. Indicate the sequence of processes occurring during photosynthesis:

A) release of oxygen

B) formation of sugars

B) illumination of leaves by the sun

D) decomposition of water by the sun

D) water absorption

E) absorption carbon dioxide

Enter your answers into the table

7. Which part of the sheet is indicated by the number 5, what structures does it consist of? What functions do these structures perform?

V. 8. Potato tubers develop in the soil on stolons. Is there a relationship between tuber yield and the development of the above-ground parts of the potato? Justify your answer

1 option

1. Cultivated plants:

A) develop without human help

B) grown by humans

C) settle without human help

D) bred by man

D) all answers are correct

2. Wild plants include:

A) dandelion

B) cucumber

B) carrots

D) birch

D) tomato

3.If a plant lives a long time, then it refers to:

A) to annuals

B) perennial

B) two years old

D) all answers are correct

D) there is no correct answer

4.Raspberry refers to:

A) to herbs

B) bushes

B) shrubs

D) trees

D) subshrubs

5.Vegetative organs include:

A) root

B) seed

B) flower

D) fruit

D) all answers are correct

6. Distinctive features of plant cells:

A) dense shell

B) the presence of plastids

B) the presence of a core

D) presence of cytoplasm

D) absence of ribosomes

7. Hereditary information in the cell contains:

A) in the cytoplasm

B) in the nucleus

B) in plastids

D) in the cell membrane

D) in the ribosome

8. Plastids that determine green color:

A) leucoplasts

B) chromoplasts

B) chloroplasts

D) wrong answer

D) all answers are correct

9.What tissue cells are constantly dividing?

A) educational

B) cover

B) main

D) conducting

D) mechanical

10. Conductive tissue is represented by cells:

A) with a very durable shell

B) transformed into conducting vessels

C) dividing throughout life

11. Plants differ from all other organisms in their ability to:

A) to breathing

B) photosynthesis

B) reproduction

D) development

D) all answers are correct

12.Protects the plant from the effects of external adverse conditions:

A) covering tissue

B) storage tissue

B) supporting tissue

D) educational fabric

D) excretory tissue

13. The seed consists of:

A) from the peel and endosperm

B) embryo and endosperm

B) from the peel, germ and endosperm

D) there is no correct answer

D) all answers are correct

14.Seeds of monocots, as well as dicotyledonous plants, contain:

A) one cotyledon

B) two cotyledons

B) embryo

D) a, b

D) b, c

    The plant stem performs the following functions:

    A) stores nutrients

    B) brings leaves to the light

    B) connects the root and leaves

    D) all answers are correct

    D) there is no correct answer

    16. A stem twisting around a support is called:

    A) curly

    B) clingy

    B) creeping

    D) erect

    D) a, c

    17. The function of the root is:

    A) fixation of the plant in the soil

    B) absorption of water and minerals

    B) reproduction and accumulation of nutrients

    D) all answers are correct

    D) c, b

    18. A root growing from a stem or leaf is called:

    A) lateral

    B) subordinate clause

    B) main

    D) embryonic

    D) a, c

    19. The fibrous root system is characterized by:

    A) lack of expression of the main root

    B) the presence of several main roots

    B) well-developed adventitious and lateral roots

    D) lack of expression of the main root and well-developed adventitious roots

    D) c, d

    20. Roots grow:

    A) basis

    B) middle part

    B) apex

    D) root cap

    D) all answers are correct
