Which is better coffee or green tea? Does green tea invigorate or calm? The benefits and harms of tea

What's best to drink in the morning? Tasty, strong, slightly tart and invigorating coffee, or should you opt for softer black tea with bergamot? Perhaps tea is healthier? Ancient Romans, analyzing taste preferences different people, they said: “There is no arguing about tastes.” And in many ways they were right, because ultimately the key choice depends only on us. So what is better to drink, tea or coffee?

Is tea healthier than coffee?

What is better - tea or coffee? They say that tea is healthier. This is one of the most common opinions about hot drinks in today's society. It is worth saying that both black tea and coffee contain useful microelements, and therefore the opinion of doctors on this issue cannot be called unambiguous. When choosing between green tea and coffee, it is better to choose the former.

Unfortunately, most beneficial properties after processing the tea leaves it is already lost.

What invigorates better - tea or coffee? Both drinks have a lot of similarities in their composition:

  • The amount of caffeine in tea significantly exceeds its content in coffee. The difference is obvious: caffeine in tea ranges from 2.7 to 4%, while the second drink contains 1.13 - 2.3%.
  • Black, green teas and coffee contain beneficial microelements “polyphenols”, which protect the body from diseases of the cardiovascular system and cancer.
  • Both drinks contain antioxidants.

Benefits of invigorating coffee in the morning

Which is better, tea or coffee? Surprisingly, aromatic grains have absolutely extraordinary preventive properties:

  • Protects against Alzheimer's disease.
  • Prevents the development of colon cancer.
  • Reduce the risk of developing diabetes mellitus (type II).
  • It is believed that a morning cup of coffee is an excellent prevention of skin cancer.
  • Fans of the drink are as much as 80% less likely to have Parkinson's disease. And all because the tonic prevents mutations in the body.

Taking into account all the advantages listed above, not a single doctor would argue that coffee is addictive and contains a lot of natural alkaloids. In addition, moderation and the golden mean are important in everything. This drink causes great harm to the body only in cases where it is drunk too much.

Important! Natural and instant (especially!) coffee has contraindications: neurotics and people suffering from hypertension should avoid it. If you really love the drink, it is recommended to replace it with chicory that has a similar taste.

Harm from abuse is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • Insomnia.
  • High blood pressure.
  • Systematic headaches.

What are the benefits of the British favorite drink?

What is better - tea or coffee? The first drink is also known for its unique properties:

  • Significantly reduces the level of “bad” (meat, not fish) cholesterol in the blood.
  • Strengthens the immune system.
  • Lowers blood sugar levels.
  • Improves performance gastrointestinal tract and promotes weight loss.

Important! As with coffee, doctors do not recommend drinking black tea. The permissible daily intake of a drink that will not cause harm to health is 2-3 cups. Contraindications: It is not recommended to drink tea for patients with anemia.

Alkaloids in the morning with health benefits

What is better - tea or coffee? To improve health through tea and coffee ceremonies, doctors give several simple recommendations:

  • It is advisable to buy drinks high quality, then the product will not contain foreign synthetic impurities and debris.
  • It is forbidden to drink invigorating drinks before bedtime.
  • You should not drink more than 2-3 cups of coffee and black tea per day.
  • Both drinks increase blood pressure and are irritating nervous system. In other words, strong drinking is not recommended for patients with atherosclerosis, hypertension and neurotics.
  • Caffeine can cause miscarriage in some cases, so it is best for pregnant and breastfeeding women to avoid it.

Does tea affect sleep quality?

Many coffee lovers can afford to drink not one, but even two cups of strong black tea before bed and fall asleep quite peacefully. What's the secret?

British scientists from the University of Surrey conducted a study on their favorite drink. Black tea is indeed considered a morning and invigorating drink, but, unlike coffee, it does not cause such severe insomnia.

Interesting fact! If we compare tea leaves and coffee beans, a higher concentration of caffeine will be present in the leaves, while brewed coffee is more saturated with alkaloids. Although both drinks are recognized as invigorating and increase concentration throughout the day.

Busting myths: coffee stains teeth more than tea

Probably, many people have come across a dentist’s recommendation to at least temporarily refrain from food dyes and smoking immediately after whitening. At the same time, for some reason, attention is especially focused on coffee. Does it really stain the enamel that much?

Most foreign dentists will unanimously say: tea stains teeth more, of course.

Moreover, tea pigments stick to tooth enamel much more strongly if various dental rinses are used. The antiseptic widely used in dentistry, Chlorhexidine, is to blame for this.

Coffee and tea for weight loss

What is better to drink - tea or coffee when it comes to your figure? Despite the fact that coffee is an excellent anti-cellulite remedy, and tea is one of the best ways In matters of detoxification, nutritionists categorically do not recommend relying on both products!

Nothing compares to ordinary purified water when it comes to shedding pounds! Moreover, drinking a glass of water on an empty stomach is not only healthier for your figure, but also for the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. It is known that coffee on an empty stomach is fraught with severe heartburn, which can only be avoided if you dilute the drink with milk.

Interesting fact! Scientists have proven that both drinks we are considering dehydrate the body. This is why when a person drinks a cup of coffee, he may still be thirsty. Nutritionists recommend increasing the daily intake of water in proportion to the number of drinks. For example: when drinking a cup of coffee, you can expect to drink 3 times less liquid. As for tea, the ratio is 1:2.

No less interesting fact! Coffee and tea are widely used in the creation of various cosmetics, but not all of them have a positive effect. Coffee perfectly tones the skin, but is deadly for hair and nails.

The optimal morning drink for your health

After making a comparison, it is easy to see the similarity of the effects of black tea and coffee. Both drinks invigorate and tone, have a similar composition, and in small doses (morning) have a very beneficial effect on the immune system.

Therefore, you will have to choose what is better in the morning - tea or coffee. Drink what you like best, but don't overdo it.

Green and herbal teas are the best start to the day and evening

Green tea and herbal teas are a real storehouse for health. They not only promote detoxification, but also strengthen the nervous system. And, as you know, most diseases come from nerves.

With the systematic consumption of green tea, the risk of diseases of the cardiovascular system is reduced; the drink helps cleanse the liver.

Important! Both drinks provoke the leaching of iron, and therefore can lead to anemia.

We drink tea or coffee every day, and it’s not a bad idea to understand the usefulness of these drinks. After all, not only coffee, but also green tea contains caffeine. How does this affect the drink, and is green tea or coffee healthier?

Tea and coffee contain potassium, B vitamins, caffeine, flavonoids and tannins. A cup of green tea contains about 30 mg of caffeine, while coffee has about 100 mg. Caffeine speeds up metabolism and stimulates the nervous system.

As a result, after drinking coffee, your blood pressure may rise and your appetite may appear. The effect of coffee will be much stronger than tea, and this can be explained by the high caffeine content. Tea contains tannin, which weakens the effect of caffeine.

Why shouldn't you drink coffee?

After numerous studies, there was no connection between coffee consumption and hypertension. Coffee does raise blood pressure, and to some extent can replace caffeine pills. This is great for people with low blood pressure. But if you have hypertension, it is better to stop drinking coffee.

Compounds have been found in coffee that may increase cholesterol levels. However, coffee, like tea, is included in recommended foods for heart disease. You can drink no more than 4 cups of coffee per day. People who have high cholesterol levels and high blood pressure, can take coffee, but in small quantities.

Coffee can help fight headaches and raise blood pressure. Coffee can also be beneficial for heart failure and asthenia. With this drink you can speed up the body's metabolic processes.

When should you not drink coffee?

Coffee should not be consumed if you have gastritis or diseases of the esophagus. If you have gallbladder diseases or irritable bowels, you should also avoid black coffee. People who suffer from hypertension and Parkinson's disease can cause great harm to their body by drinking coffee. If you have arrhythmia or tachycardia, you should also stop taking the drink.

Benefits of green tea

Green tea contains more useful substances than in coffee or black tea. About half of the nutrients that the tea bush is rich in are transferred into the drink. Green tea does not have much caffeine and is a great thirst quencher. With the help of the drink you can cope with swelling. It contains a lot of antioxidants that cleanse our body of carcinogenic substances.

Green tea rich in catechins, which are essential for the cardiovascular system. The drink contains substances that remove mucus from the bronchi and help with asthma. Green tea can help you overcome indigestion. Green tea can be consumed by almost everyone.

Tea is rich in tannins, which can interfere with iron absorption. That is why it is better for people with iron deficiency anemia to avoid drinking tea after meals. Under no circumstances should you drink tea with iron or other minerals.

For insomnia and heart problems, green tea can be as dangerous as coffee. It is best to take fruit teas or herbal infusions. Now exists large selection coffee drinks that do not contain caffeine. They taste little different from coffee, but practically do not harm the body.

Green tea is ideal for those for whom coffee is contraindicated. This drink has virtually no contraindications and contains a lot of useful substances. In turn, coffee is an ideal drink for people with low blood pressure and asthenia.

“Please tell me what is healthier - tea or coffee? And how many cups can you drink?

Lyubov Germanovna, Logoisk district.

There have been many serious scientific research compare these two most popular drinks, and we can say with confidence: in reasonable quantities (2 mugs of coffee or 4 mugs of tea per day), drinking them is even beneficial. Tea contains vital vitamins (E, C, P), natural fluorine, potassium, and polysaccharides. Moreover, there are several main types of tea, differing both in taste and aroma, and in their effect on human body. Coffee is rich in amino acids, carbohydrates, and minerals. It reduces the risk of heart attack, diabetes, gout, cancer, and is useful for migraines, other types of headaches and vasospasm. In addition, it helps fight skin problems and signs of aging, promotes weight loss, and strengthens hair. It has a beneficial effect on memory and increases concentration. However, it is important for coffee lovers to remember that the drink must be natural: instant coffee does not contain natural caffeine, it is replaced with a chemical analogue.

What sets tea and coffee apart from other drinks is their high content of antioxidants, natural substances that protect healthy tissues from the destructive effects of free radicals that damage cells and cause various types of diseases. Absolutely all teas contain a group of antioxidants - flavonoids. Thanks to them, when consumed regularly, tea reduces cholesterol levels in the blood, prevents the formation of blood clots, and reduces the likelihood of developing Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases.

Caffeine is a valuable component found in both coffee beans and tea leaves. It stimulates the brain and nervous system, increases motor activity, improves mood, enhances metabolism, has analgesic and antiseptic properties. Of course, coffee contains the most of it. On average, one cup of tea contains between half and a third the amount of caffeine found in a cup of coffee of the same volume.

But both tea and coffee have harmful properties. Despite the fact that they themselves are extremely low in calories, the situation is reversed with the addition of sugar, milk, cream or honey. Pregnancy or the presence of diseases such as diabetes, heart and bone diseases, as well as calcium deficiency and caffeine sensitivity require prior consultation with your doctor. For gastritis, peptic ulcers and some other inflammatory diseases of the stomach or intestines, drinking coffee is not recommended. For hypertension, it is also preferable to minimize it in the diet, since coffee increases the load on the heart. It cannot be ruled out that dependence on coffee may develop, the heart rate may increase, and blood pressure may rise. In large quantities, this drink tends to wash calcium, sodium, magnesium, potassium, vitamins B6 and B1 out of the body, impede the absorption of folic acid and iron, and constrict blood vessels. This is especially dangerous with atherosclerosis and hypertension. Large doses of caffeine can also lead to depletion of nerve cells and destruction of blood vessel walls.

The most common types of tea are black and green. Most often, their properties are compared with the properties of coffee. Black tea contains more caffeine compared to other varieties and has better tonic properties. But green tea has more antioxidants because its leaves are less processed. In general, this is an excellent tonic and invigorating agent that has a beneficial effect on the body during various diseases, including colds, and also activates oxygen metabolism. Catechins contained in green tea reduce cholesterol and blood sugar levels, strengthen blood vessels, and help relieve fatigue and stress. Doctors recommend drinking green tea during rehabilitation after serious illnesses. But flower and herbal teas are not, in fact, tea and have completely different properties. Here it is worth carefully studying the composition on the packaging.

So what is better: coffee or tea? Even science cannot give a definite answer. But there is one simple rule: everything should be in moderation. In the morning you can drink a cup of invigorating coffee, maintain your performance with black tea during the day, or treat yourself to delicious green tea. But in the evening it is better to avoid drinking both, since both of these drinks strongly tone the body, which is not necessary at night. Ideally, after seven in the evening you should drink water or warm milk.

Olga PERESADA, Professor of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of BelMAPO, Doctor of Medical Sciences.

Tea and coffee: how do they affect us, which drink to choose? Analysis of useful and harmful properties will help everyone make the right choice.

Today, coffee and tea are the most popular drinks in the world. In their honor in different countries festivals are held, museums are opened, and doctors do not stop arguing: some say that tea is healthier, others, on the contrary, are on the side of coffee. Centuries have passed since the discovery of tea leaves and coffee berries, but discussions of the benefits and harms of ancient drinks do not stop. Supporters of tea attribute the ability to prevent certain types of cancer and cardiovascular diseases to their favorite drink, while coffee is mercilessly criticized. But who to believe? Is tea really better than coffee?

Once upon a time, both coffee and tea were ritual and medicinal drinks. They were drunk only occasionally, strictly in certain time and for specific purposes. And today tea and coffee are like batteries for us. We drink them on holidays and weekdays, morning and evening, at home, at work and away, to warm up and invigorate, to lift our spirits and just because.

But which is better, coffee or tea? Which is healthier and why? Tea vs coffee, who will win?

To resolve disputes between coffee lovers and tea lovers and forever reconcile the two warring camps, each side will have to admit that their favorite drink has both advantages and disadvantages.

The benefits of tea

Research by American and British doctors has proven that drinking tea has a positive effect on the immune system. Volunteers took part in the experiment: over the course of a month, one group drank 5 cups of tea, the other – the same amount of coffee. Alkylamine antigens, which are contained in tea - both black and green, produce substances that counteract infection. But among those who drank coffee, no such changes occurred.

Tea, especially green tea, actually contains vitamins, antioxidants, and other beneficial substances that have vascular strengthening, immunostimulating, detoxifying and metabolic effects. Therefore, loose leaf green tea is preferable to black tea, especially in tea bags. Catechins are strong antioxidants found in tea that protect the body from cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and cancer. They can even repair damaged cells. And many marathon runners drink green tea during the competition to improve endurance.

People who have problems with the cardiovascular system can replace regular tea with fruit or herbal tea, or better yet chamomile or mint, or with honey - this is both much healthier and much tastier. The main thing is to find your favorite combination of aromatic herbs and pieces of fruit, then you won’t want to go back to regular tea. Decoctions of linden, rose hips, lemon balm, and thyme are very useful. True, you can’t drink them in large quantities.

Arguments against tea

Both in the medical community and among the general public, accusations are constantly heard: tea is harmful to the heart, it disrupts the gastrointestinal tract, causes constipation and nervous attacks, weakness and insomnia, has a bad effect on vision and skin color, and in general it is a soft drug. However, these accusations have not been officially confirmed, so they remain just guesses and assumptions.

With the same mass, tea contains 2 times more caffeine than coffee. But to prepare a serving of tea, we take very little tea leaves compared to the amount of coffee used. So it turns out that a cup of espresso, latte or Americano has twice as much caffeine. It turns out that there is less caffeine in a mug of tea than in a cup of coffee, and it is absorbed more slowly, so it has a weaker effect. Interestingly, white and green tea contain half as much caffeine as black tea.

The Pros of Coffee

Caffeine, which is found in both coffee and tea, in small quantities helps you wake up in the morning and feel more alert during the day, has a positive effect on mental abilities, improves mood and

productivity, relieves migraines and headaches of vascular origin. “Overdose,” on the contrary, can result in a depressed, depressed state, lethargy and drowsiness.

Caffeine is not as bad as is commonly believed. The danger is its excess. To experience the positive effects of caffeine, you need to consume 200 to 300 mg of it daily. To give you a guide: a cup of coffee contains approximately 90-160 mg of caffeine, a cup of tea contains 30-70 mg.

Coffee will help you lose weight if you drink it before training: it will speed up the breakdown of fats and, due to its ability to temporarily control blood glucose levels, will help overcome hunger. True, there is one “but” - this statement is true only if we are talking about a natural, freshly prepared, high-quality drink.

An experiment conducted on mice proved that coffee can prevent Alzheimer's disease.

Arguments against coffee

But instant coffee is cellulite’s best friend. Pregnant women should be aware that coffee has a bad effect on the fetus, and the loss of fluid caused by its diuretic effect must be compensated somehow.

Most scientists are unanimous that it is in the abuse of coffee that a serious threat to health lies. Coffee addiction leads to decreased density minerals in bone tissue, yellowing of tooth enamel. Pathologies of the liver, kidneys, cardiovascular disorders - coffee can only aggravate these problems.

Tea or coffee? The golden mean: what to drink, how much and when?

The truth is that if you drink invigorating drinks without knowing the limits, they can have a detrimental effect on your health. But high-quality coffee and tea, not strong, properly brewed, and if consumed wisely (one or maximum two cups a day, but not before bedtime) will not cause harm to the body, but, on the contrary, will be beneficial. It is important to remember that hot drinks (over 60 degrees) should also not be drunk, contrary to popular belief, as they burn the mucous membranes of the mouth, larynx, and stomach. Tea should not be infused for a long time, brewed more than 2 times, consumed yesterday’s drink, or taken with medicine.

Very bad habits are to wash down your food with tea and coffee, or drink them on an empty stomach. Digestion worsens: on an empty stomach, saliva thins, after eating, the concentration of gastric juice decreases. Both are very harmful.

It's the same story with coffee. The high acidity it possesses is harmful not only to the stomach, but also to health in general. Therefore, it is better not to drink coffee on an empty stomach, after meals, or in the evenings.

But even if you are absolutely healthy person, which we sincerely wish for each of our readers, then, of course, there is no need to abuse either tea or coffee. Coffee is more suitable as an invigorating morning energy drink, and tea is more suitable as an everyday drink. In general, tea is healthier because it contains more beneficial antioxidant substances.

Tea or coffee? Who is not familiar with this issue. Some people prefer to drink coffee every morning and ignore tea. On the contrary, many people prefer to drink a cup of green or black tea. But which of these drinks actually provides health benefits and helps you wake up in the morning? This is what will be discussed in this article. In Sting’s song there are the words: “I don’t drink coffee, I always take tea” and the meaning here is that he believes tea is healthier than coffee. However, scientists consider both drinks to be useful, because... they contain active ingredients. But none of the scientists can draw a clear conclusion which of the two drinks, tea or coffee, is healthier.

Common Benefits of Tea and Coffee

  • Both coffee and tea contain antioxidants ().
  • The amount of caffeine in black tea is twice as high as that of coffee: from 2.7 to 4.1% from 1.13 to 2.3%.
  • Coffee, black tea and green tea contain polyphenols that protect against cancer and heart disease.
  • An interesting fact is that green and black tea come from the same plant, but differ only in the process of processing the leaves. As a result, black tea loses more nutrients than green tea. Therefore, green tea is healthier than black tea. Also the most healthy tea In Japan, powdered green tea is considered matcha ().

Should I drink coffee?

Coffee prevents genetic mutations. People who drink coffee regularly have an 80% reduced risk of developing Parkinson's disease.

It also reduces the risk of developing type 2 diabetes and protects against Alzheimer's disease and colon cancer.

On the other hand, coffee has harmful effects. Excessive consumption of this drink can lead to insomnia, headaches, and increased blood pressure.

Scientists believe that coffee should be drunk without sugar.

Benefits of coffee

It is believed that one cup of coffee a day can reduce the risk of skin cancer by 11%. In addition, researchers report that drinking organic coffee reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes by 56%, especially in women. Men who regularly drink coffee have a lower risk of developing Parkinson's disease according to recent research. Additionally, people who regularly consume two to four cups of organic coffee per day are less likely to develop heart disease. Conclusion: coffee is healthy drink for health, which you can safely drink in the morning.

Should I drink black tea?

A cup of black tea contains about 40 milligrams of caffeine, i.e. twice as much as coffee.

This drink lowers cholesterol, improves immunity, lowers blood sugar, and promotes weight loss.

However, just like coffee, tea is harmful if consumed in excess. Scientists do not recommend drinking more than 2 - 3 cups of black tea per day. In addition, if you suffer from a lack of calcium in the body (), it is not recommended to drink black tea or coffee. Black tea also slows down the absorption of iron, which can lead to anemia.

Overall, the effects of the two drinks are similar. Should I drink tea or coffee? This is ultimately a matter of taste, but if you care about your health, then you should not overuse these drinks and use sugar less often.

Green tea

An excellent drink for health and detoxification () is green tea, which is so popular in Asian countries. Research has shown that people who drank green tea (4 times a day) for 6 weeks had a decrease in the stress hormone (cortisol).

In addition, green tea reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases and hypertension by 46% (2 - 4 cups of tea daily). However, green tea, like black tea, contains tannin, which reduces the absorption of iron in the body and can lead to anemia.

If you want to use tea as medicine, then do it like the Chinese: pour tea hot water, then drain the water and add boiling water again. Drinking 1 liter of green tea per day reduces the risk of developing liver disease, while drinking 1 liter of coffee per day can lead to miscarriage, reports a Danish researcher.

Which drinks contain more caffeine?

Coffee beans contain 2% caffeine. Caffeine concentration in ready-made coffee depends on its preparation and strength. For example, people who prefer not very strong coffee receive from 80 to 120 milligrams of caffeine (120 ml cup). Espresso coffee contains more caffeine, but it is drunk in smaller quantities (1 cup 50 ml (50 - 60 mg caffeine).

The tea plant contains from 2 to 4% caffeine, i.e. more than coffee. Depending on the processing technology of the leaves and the tea brewing process, a cup of black tea can contain from 30 to 60 mg of caffeine.

Drinks with caffeine are not recommended to be consumed in excessive quantities. Experts say that even low doses of caffeine contribute to irritability and insomnia. Pregnant women and nursing mothers, as well as people suffering from heart disease, hyperthyroidism, are not recommended to drink more than 2 cups of caffeinated beverages per day.
