Why do you dream of a huge sun? Dream Interpretation Sun

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Seeing the Sun in a dream

Seeing a bright sunrise in a dream means that joy and success in everything await you.

The sun at its zenith means that your ambition is completely satisfied, and your possibilities are endless.

Seeing a sunset in a dream indicates that your well-being has passed its peak and you should be more vigilant about everything.

If in a dream you see the sun shining through the clouds, it means that your worries and difficulties are behind you, and good luck awaits you. If the sun is mysteriously covered by clouds and only occasionally appears from behind them, it means that troubled times are approaching; but they will soon pass, bringing improvements to your business and personal life.

Interpretation of dreams from Miller's Dream Book

What does the dream Sun mean?

Glory, love;
shrouded by a passing cloud - financial times ahead;
seeing the sun is always good, everything bad in a dream is weakened.

Interpretation of dreams from Tsvetkov's Dream Book

Seeing the Sun in a dream

Brightly lit - success in business; setting, beautiful - a turn in life for the better; ascending - good news by mail; bloody - you will receive retribution; darkened - bad state of affairs

Interpretation of dreams from Hasse's Dream Interpretation

Dream about the Sun

How the image of the center of our planetary system symbolizes the principle of formation energy system. The sun has been associated with our Universe since its inception and signifies the beginning of life.

Interpretation of dreams from the Free Dream Book

What does the Sun mean in a dream?

Seeing the sun means a king or ruler of a state. If someone sees himself illuminated by the sun in a dream, then his deeds will be good. If anyone sees in a dream that there is a dark cloud around the sun, he will be sad and preoccupied with his affairs.

Interpretation of dreams from the Muslim dream book

Meaning of dreams Sun

Seeing the sun in a dream means success: you will get rich or fall in love happily. Seeing the sun rising in a dream means good news, and setting means bad news or losses for merchants. Seeing the sun hidden behind the clouds is a sign of misfortune and great changes in your destiny.

Interpretation of dreams from the English dream book

What does the Sun mean in a dream?

Always portends abundance and wealth. If you dreamed of a sunrise, good news awaits you. Sunset is a harbinger of losses, losses. If in your dream the sun meets the moon, there will be war.

Interpretation of dreams from the French dream book

Meaning of sleep Sun

Interpretation of dreams from the Esoteric Dream Book

Interpretation of sleep Sun

Seeing the sun: to good luck in business, wealth in life and well-being.

If you dreamed that you could not look at the sun, it means that in your environment there is a person with whom it is very difficult to avoid conflict.

You had a strained relationship with him for a long time, but there were no direct clashes because he didn’t give a reason.

Soon the situation will develop in such a way that you will no longer be able to tolerate his antics and defiant behavior and the conflict will be inevitable.

Interpretation of dreams from Longo's Dream Interpretation

Sun - Clear - joyful event, improvement in business, a good period in life. Hiding behind the clouds is a temporary deterioration in affairs, short-term difficulties. Sunrise - improvement in business and health. A surge in all areas of life.

Interpretation of dreams from Kananita's Dream Book

Interpretation of sleep Sun

The sun is a symbol of life, protection and fertility. In Rus', the god Yarilo was the main god, like Zeus among the Greeks, and was the personification of divine justice.

Interpretation of dreams from the Russian dream book

What does the Sun predict in a dream?

The sun is the best of all possible dreams. The sun signifies dazzling happiness and good fortune. If the sun is at its zenith, it means that you are at the peak of your success and can expect to emerge victorious from any situation. If the sun is rising, it means that a streak of bad luck has just ended in your life and soon your affairs will go smoothly. If the sun sets or hides behind a cloud, it means that deterioration is expected.

Interpretation of dreams from the Children's Dream Book

Meaning of the dream Sun

Seeing him warm and welcoming is a sign of a tender relationship with loved ones.

Seeing a hot and sultry sun in a dream means illness, great experiences and difficulties.

A blood-red sun in a dream foreshadows cataclysms, political upheavals or disasters. Sometimes such a dream foreshadows misfortunes, troubles, and suffering.

If you dream that clouds are covering the sun, then expect obstacles in business or trouble.

The darker the cloud, the bigger troubles await you.

If the opposite happens in a dream and the sun shines through the clouds, then luck will return to you.

Seeing the sun at its zenith in a dream is a special omen that predicts great happiness and satisfaction of your ambitions.

For a woman, such a dream predicts that she will have a lot of fans who will admire her beauty and admire her intelligence.

A sunny day, sun rays, sunbeams, a landscape illuminated by the sun, foreshadow the receipt of good news, peace, a pleasant pastime, etc.

The sudden appearance of the sun in your dream is a harbinger of good changes associated with love, respect, recognition.

The setting sun in a dream means a happy ending to some business, relationship or an entire period of life.

The rising sun predicts the beginning of a new period of life, new successes, new affairs, new love.

See interpretation: also eclipse, sunset, moon.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

Seeing the Sun in a dream

If you saw the sun in a clear, cloudless sky, then you will have a bright, calm life, even if up to this point you have been plagued by endless problems.

If you dreamed of the sun peeking through frequent clouds, then in order for your life to improve, you need to take decisive measures and not wait for everything to work itself out.

The color of the sun is also important: a yellow sun indicates that problems will subside for a long time. If the sun is reddish or, worse, red, then you are destined to enjoy peace only for a day or two.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book for women

Sun dream prediction

A symbol of your luck. Sun spots - doubts about your ability to take right decisions. Bright sunlight is joy. Shining sunshine after the rain is an opportunity to build relationships with management. Sunrise - what you have in mind, you can accomplish.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of men

Why do you dream about the Sun?

Folk wisdom says: “The sun is the prince of the earth, the moon is the princess.” Since ancient times, people have worshiped the sun and asked him for protection and mercy. In Rus', the god Yarilo personified the blessed sun. People worshiped him and held holidays and celebrations so that the Sun god would send them good harvest and protected them from the harsh winter.

In some dreams, the symbol of the sun is associated with motherhood and loved ones.

If in a dream you are basking in warm sun rays- this is a sign that you are surrounded by the love and attention of your loved ones and friends.

In some cases, sunrise is interpreted as slowness and sluggishness. People say: “As soon as the sun rises, the dew will eat away your eyes.”

Seeing a sunset in a dream is a sign that you need to reconsider your views on life, because by holding on to your past with all your might, you are closing off the future for yourself.

A dream in which you received a sunburn means that the person you trust will cause you severe mental pain.

To see in a dream how you are trying to catch with a mirror sunny bunny, - indicates that you are not inclined to take responsibility. This prevents you from achieving what you want in life.

If in a dream you are trying to warm up in the sun, but it does not warm you, this means that in reality you lack the love and attention of your loved ones.

A dream in which you see yourself as a child drawing the sun indicates your spiritual loneliness and frustration.

Solar eclipse - portends illness and loss. This is a bad sign.

Waiting for the sun to rise in a dream is a sign that your attempts to change circumstances will lead to nothing. You will not be able to stop or delay the course of events.

Interpretation of dreams from the Ancient Dream Book

Dream about the Sun

A dream in which you see the sun rise foreshadows a letter of joyful content.

Sunny noon indicates in your dream that you are satisfied with the position you have achieved, but you still would not have enough strength for more.

Sunset foretells a significant improvement in business if you accept the reciprocal conditions of your business partners.

A bright sun in a cloudless sky is a sign of peace in the family and harmony in marital relationships.

The sun hidden behind continuous clouds is a harbinger of a threat that you will counter with cunning and resourcefulness.

The sun breaking through the clouds means that the main difficulties are behind you and you are reaching the finish line of your success.

Blind rain, sizzling in the cheerful sun, portends luck and winning the lottery.

The crimson pre-sunset sun is a sign of severe revenge.

Hail on a sunny day promises a mockery of fate, which will leave you in a state of shock.

Sunbathing in the sun is a dream foreshadowing illness and loneliness.

Wear sunglasses - do not listen to stupid advice that can only confuse you.

Taking a summer sun umbrella with you to the beach means that in reality you will allow yourself to be seduced, which you will later regret.

Hiding from the sun in the shade - you will avoid difficult work, and at the same time you will miss the opportunity to improve your financial situation.

Seeing in a dream solar eclipse portends temporary failures in business and cooling in love, which after a while will flare up with renewed vigor.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

What does the Sun mean in a dream?

A dazzling sunrise in a dream foreshadows joy and prosperity in everything. The sun at its zenith means that your ambition will be completely satisfied, and your possibilities will be limitless. The sunset in a dream indicates that your well-being is under threat and you should be vigilant in any life situation.

Interpretation of dreams from the Modern Dream Book

What does the Sun mean in a dream?

Benefit, glory, success. Can symbolize a son, father, some great, brilliant person (“luminary” of science).

Interpretation of dreams from the Wanderer's Dream Book

Meaning of sleep Sun

Lots of sunshine. It is always good to see the sun (if the light is not too bright and piercing, without reflections).

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of Happiness

Interpretation of sleep Sun

In a dream, this is a caliph (ruler of Muslims) or a father or leader.

Seeing the sun in a dream means goodness, benefit and happy life.

And if someone sees that the sun has risen from his home, or has risen to his home, then he will achieve greatness, nobility, honor and glory.

Sometimes the sun indicates inheritance from Allah, True Path, following it and healing from illnesses.

If the sun is covered by clouds, or a cloud, etc., then this means the illness of the ruler or one of the parents.

Seeing both the sun and the moon in a dream at the same time is a sign of sorrows and troubles.

Dim sun is not good.

Interpretation of dreams from the Islamic dream book

What does the Sun predict in a dream?

One of best dreams. The dream foretells good luck in any business, wealth, health and longevity. To meet the sunrise - joy and success await you in all your endeavors. The sun is at its zenith - you will achieve a high position in society. Sunset is a happy ending to all matters.

Imagine that the rays of the sun are pouring directly into your home, filling all the rooms with their light. Your household members are enveloped in the sun's rays.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of Simeon Prozorov

What does it mean to see the Sun in a dream?

If in a dream you saw a bright sunrise, then joy and success await you in all your endeavors.

I dreamed of the sun at its zenith - your possibilities are limitless.

The sunset, unfortunately, indicates that your well-being has passed its peak. You should be constantly vigilant so as not to completely lose control of your luck.

If in a dream you saw the sun shining through the clouds, then there has been a breakthrough in your life. Cares and difficulties are behind us, and only good luck lies ahead.

If clouds cover the sun, troubled times are approaching. Don't worry: they will soon pass and there will be stability in your business and personal life.

Interpretation of dreams from the Psychological Dream Book

Interpretation of sleep Sun

A clear sun in a dream: a sign of your luck and joy.

Seeing it rise above the horizon: foreshadows the beginning of a new bright period in your life.

Seeing the sun at its zenith means that in some matter you have almost achieved everything you could, and it’s time for you to reap the fruits of your labors.

Sunset: portends a difficult period, but at the same time this dream encourages you not to lose hope and faith that sooner or later the difficulties will be left behind.

Seeing the sun behind the clouds: this is a hint that says that your success is hampered by your own negative feelings or various kinds of conflicts. Try to look at life brighter and not give your bosses a reason to be angry, and then luck will undoubtedly smile on you.

If the sun is too hot and dries up the earth with hot rays, threatening to turn it into a desert: such a dream is a sure sign that some of your passion or excessive ambitions are draining your strength, depriving you of hope for success. Such a dream calls for moderation.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of the 20th century

What does the Sun predict in a dream?

Symbolizes glory and love, good sign.

Sunset - you can get everything you want, achieve brilliant results at work or in school.

Sunbathing under the mountain sun - you have a desire to look differently at what is happening around you.

Sunrise is a good sign.

The sun shrouded in a cloud means material wealth.

Hot, brightly illuminating the room - winning, acquiring a fortune.

An eclipse of the sun - dreams of natural disasters, war, pestilence.

Seeing the sun and water at the same time - happy dream, to complete success in all matters.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of the 21st century

Meaning of the dream Sun

A clear sky and the sun at its zenith portend a bright life, love, joy, glory.

Sunrise means good news and prosperity in everything.

A crimson sunset is an alarming warning about a threat to your peace of mind and business plans.

The sun, the light of which breaks through clouds or clouds, is a sign of good luck.

Hot clear sun - to the completion of some work.

If sunlight floods the room, you will become rich or simply win money.

Interpretation of dreams from Rommel's Dream Book

Seeing the Sun in a dream

To a patron, a sponsor who is in love with you.

Watching the sun set - beautifully and efficiently complete the work assigned to you. Sunstroke– tragic news.

Interpretation of dreams from the Newest Dream Book

Sun dream prediction

Seeing the sun clearly means increased wealth / spiritual activity / vivacity of thought.

Red, high in the sky - misfortune.

Red in the clouds is a disease.

Eclipse of the sun - social disasters, war, pestilence.

The sun falls from the sky - the death of a person with great power; death of a great man.

Seeing the sun and water at the same time is the happiest dream, completely favorable.

The sun through the rain is a happy occasion.

The sun in a dream can also mean father.

Interpretation of dreams from the Noble Dream Book

Seeing the Sun in a dream

The entire life of people on earth is subordinated to the sun.

The religions of ancient peoples placed the sun at the center of the universe.

Therefore, the sun has firmly entered the unconscious region of man as the main symbol.

Even the first soothsayers and dream interpreters noticed that the appearance of the sun in a dream foreshadows success and honors.

And all other dream events that take place against the backdrop of a sunny day carry favorable news.

Modern people are more distant from nature than primitive tribes.

But at the level of unconscious feelings, we all have a mystical complicity with nature.

Supreme success, ardor in implementing a project, pleasure from a life situation.

Symbolizes spiritual activity, ardor in the implementation of the project.

Seeing the sun in a dream means having pleasure from the life situation, a bright mind.

Symbolically depicted by various round figures: a disk, a wheel, a circle with a dot in the center.

These figures seen in a dream can also be correlated with the sun.

Very often in dreams we do not see the sun as a whole, but only sunlight.

In other cases, just a ray of light.

This is the personification of a force capable of dispersing evil and darkness.

In more modern understanding a ray of light is concrete, analytical knowledge.

And it is known that knowledge in a dream is proactive, prophetic knowledge.

Therefore, you should treat dream events illuminated by sunlight with special confidence.

Interpretation of dreams from the Self-Teacher on Dream Interpretation

Seeing the Sun in a dream

If in a dream you see the sun shining through the clouds, your worries and difficulties are behind you, and good luck awaits you.

If the sun is mysteriously covered by clouds, troubled times are approaching, but they will soon pass.

The sun at its zenith means complete success in all matters.

Seeing a bright sunrise in a dream means success in all matters, joy.

Get up at dawn more often. How many sunrises will you see! And at least one of them will definitely come into your dreams.

Interpretation of dreams from Interpretation of dreams from the Astrological Dream Book

What does the Sun mean in a dream?

A man sees the dawn - to a happy life.

A woman sees the dawn - by the birth of a baby, the child will be a famous person.

A man sees a sunset - unfortunately in life.

A woman sees a sunset - the birth of a girl.

A girl sees a sunset - foretells marriage to a poor man.

Seeing the sun at its zenith means a promotion.

Patients see the sun at its zenith for a speedy recovery.

A criminal sees such a sun - to liberation, a beggar - to unexpected money.

Seeing the sun in black clouds means inevitable disaster.

Seeing the sun shining on your bed is a sign of illness.

Seeing sunlight in a room means a happy, cheerful life.

Seeing a very bright sun is a sign of eye disease.

A merchant sees a bright sun - a decline in business.

A tourist sees a bright sun - to great difficulties on the road.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of Feng Shui

Meaning of dreams Sun

Rising to see marks good news and prosperity.

Seeing the sun setting means false rumors or the loss of something.

If a woman had such a dream, it foretells the birth of a son.

Seeing the sun gloomy, red or covered with clouds is a sign of obstacles in business, also means illness of children, personal danger and eye pain.

However, this dream is favorable for people who have enemies, and for those who have a reason to hide.

Seeing the sun's rays around your head signifies great glory and honor.

For criminals, this dream foreshadows forgiveness and pardon for a sincere confession.

Seeing the sun's rays penetrating into the interior of our rooms foretells illness.

But if they illuminate all the objects in our room, then this portends profit, winning, honor and prosperity.

For a married person, sometimes the birth of a son who will shine with his intelligence and virtues.

Entering a house where the sun is shining foretells the acquisition of great wealth.

Seeing the sun falling on a house foretells a fire.

Seeing a solar eclipse portends a great loss.

A lunar eclipse means a small loss.

Interpretation of dreams from the Nameless Dream Book

What does the Sun mean in a dream?

Seeing is joy, love, bright life.

Covered by clouds - a quarrel.

Eclipse - quarrel.

Sunset is a happy change.

Interpretation of dreams from the Ancient Dream Book

Meaning of sleep Sun

Seeing the sun on the horizon or rising above the ocean in a dream promises pleasant news about prosperity in enterprises.

Sunset means the opposite.

For a woman, such a dream foreshadows the birth of a son.

A bright and hot sun predicts the end of affairs or the revelation of a secret, recovery for the sick, quick healing for people with sore eyes, and freedom for prisoners.

Seeing the sun dim, red or overly hot in a dream means interference in business, eye diseases that threaten the sleeper.

However, this dream is happy for everyone who is hiding from justice or who is afraid of their enemies.

If anyone dreams that the sun has descended from the sky onto his house, then this foreshadows a fire.

Whoever sees in a dream that the sun's rays reach the bed in which the sleeping person is lying, then he will have a fever.

If the sun brightly illuminates the room, then this is a sign of winning, profit, prosperity and happiness.

For married people, such a dream promises the birth of a son who will grow up to be an honest man.

An eclipse and the complete disappearance of the sun is a very bad dream for anyone who does not have a criminal past that makes them a fugitive from justice.

A criminal who sees in a dream that his head is surrounded by sunlight can hope for mercy and pardon.

For everyone else, this same dream foretells happiness and glory.

Entering a house brightly lit by the sun in a dream predicts the acquisition of a fortune.

Interpretation of dreams from the Indian dream book
Sun: This is the symbol of the source from which everything came.

In various world cultures, the sun was seen as God, the great spirit, Christ and God in oneself.

It can also be a sign of strength, power, purity, as well as inner light.

If the sun appears before you as a symbol: it means it’s time to radiate energy and move forward.

Interpretation of dreams from

When in a dream you see a bright sun that blinds you with its rays, or comes out from behind the clouds, or goes beyond the edge of the horizon, you can find an interpretation of such a vision by looking at the dream book. The sun is a symbol of good luck, happiness, prosperity. You can predict why you had such a dream by remembering the details of the vision and how you saw the sun.

Women's dream book

A dazzling luminary seen in a dream indicates that a period of luck and prosperity is coming in your life. If rays break through the clouds, this is also a good sign that the troubles are over. Seeing the sunset means a change in circumstances in life. The sun is hiding in the clouds - there will soon be cause for concern.

Gypsy dream book

    Seeing the bright sun means a rich life, the birth of a child;

    Coming - deception, false rumors;

    Red color - to diseases;

    There is a fire above the house;

    Solar eclipse – big losses, loss.

Dream book of psychologist A. Meneghetti

If a sleeper sees the sun in a dream, it means that he is satisfied with his life. If the sun evokes tremulous emotions, there will be joy about the completion of a great task.

Dream book of the writer Aesop

    Bask in the rays of the sun - those around you love you:

    Sunset - stop looking back at the past, you need to take new steps in the present;

    Get sunburnclose person hurts you greatly;

    Catching sunbeams means unwillingness to take responsibility;

    Drawing the sun means loneliness;

    Solar eclipse - collapse of expectations, illness, misfortune.

Maly Velesov dream book

Seeing the sun in a dream means a prosperous life, wealth, and new acquaintances. If it shines with red rays, there will be losses, and if it goes beyond the horizon or hides in the clouds, it will be difficult for you to achieve your goal. Black sun - to death. If the luminary illuminates the bed, it means illness of the sleeping person or loved ones. Seeing water filled with sun is a sign of happiness and the creation of a new family.

Dream book of the 21st century

If you dreamed about the sun, it means that you have the opportunity to achieve everything you want, you will succeed at work or pass an exam with flying colors.

    Sunbathing - reluctance to perceive the environment as it is;

    Seeing the sunrise is a good sign;

    Brightly illuminates the room - receive an inheritance, profit, improvement in material condition;

    Eclipse - there will be war, famine and natural disasters.

Dream Interpretation of Felomena

The dream can be interpreted differently depending on how much the sun shines in the dream. If it blinds and hurts your eyes, it means a quarrel, and if you see that it is raining in sunny weather, long happiness awaits you with your loved one. If you see 2 suns in a dream, be sure that very soon a person will appear who can support you and dispel your doubts.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn (brief)

Why do you dream about the Sun?

  • God. Great Spirit. Christ. God is within you.
  • The source of all things.
  • Strength, power, purity.
  • Your inner light.
  • Last straw.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn (detailed)

Dream Interpretation Sun

  • It is a symbol of the source from which everything came. In various world cultures, the sun was seen as God, the Great Spirit, Christ and God in oneself.
  • It can also be a sign of strength, power, purity, as well as inner light.
  • The sun has always been considered the masculine aspect of energy, since it emits light, while the feminine aspect, the moon, reflects the rays. If the sun appears before you as a symbol, it means it’s time to radiate energy and move forward. The sun is a sign of success.

Dream Interpretation: Mayan Dream Interpretation

Dream Interpretation Sun

  • Good value
    If you dreamed of a sunrise, now is the time favorable time to realize your ideas. Don't leave your house after sunset.
  • Bad value
    If you dreamed of a sunset, then you shouldn’t do anything now. Bury an apple near your house, when it takes root, this time will pass.

Dream Interpretation: Russian Dream Interpretation

Dream Interpretation Sun

  • Happiness, luck;
  • sunrise - bright, warm life;
  • sunset - parting, especially if you are standing on the river bank or the sea coast

Dream Interpretation: Noble dream book N. Grishina

Why do you dream about the Sun?

  • Seeing the sun clearly means increased wealth / spiritual activity / vivacity of thought.
  • Red, high in the sky - misfortune.
  • Red in the clouds is a disease.
  • Eclipse of the sun - social disasters, war, pestilence.
  • The sun falls from the sky - the death of a person with great power; death of a great man.
  • Seeing the sun and water at the same time is the happiest dream, completely favorable.
  • The sun through the rain is a happy occasion.
  • The sun in a dream can also mean father.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation of Shereminskaya

Why do you dream about the Sun?

  • If the sun is not on the horizon - disappointment when success seemed inevitable to you.
  • Seeing the sun is always good; all unfavorable factors lose their power. The bright sun is glory, love; shrouded by a passing cloud - success awaits you in financial matters.

Dream Interpretation: New Family Dream Interpretation

Seeing the Sun in a dream

  • If in a dream you saw a bright sunrise, then joy and success await you in all your endeavors.
  • I dreamed of the sun at its zenith - your possibilities are limitless.
  • The sunset, unfortunately, indicates that your well-being has passed its peak. You should be constantly vigilant so as not to completely lose control of your luck.
  • If in a dream you saw the sun shining through the clouds, then there has been a breakthrough in your life. Cares and difficulties are behind us, and only good luck lies ahead.
  • If the clouds covered the sun, troubled times are approaching. Don't worry: they will soon pass and there will be stability in your business and personal life.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation of Shuvalova

Dream Interpretation Sun

  • If in the plot of a dream everything around is shining from the sun’s rays, this indicates a favorable life situation, satisfaction with oneself and one’s life. If you see the sun rising, this emphasizes your desire, zeal to achieve your goal. The sunrise indicates your desire and ability to complete the task safely. The sun symbolizes life, the true essence of man, it is a very positive image.

Dream Interpretation: Antique French dream book

Seeing the Sun in a dream

  • The sun in a dream always portends abundance and wealth. If you dreamed of a sunrise, good news awaits you. Sunset is a harbinger of losses, losses. If in your dream the sun meets the moon, there will be war.

Dream Interpretation: Antique English dream book(Zadkiel's dream book)

Why do you dream about the Sun?

  • Seeing the sun in a dream means success: you will get rich or fall in love happily. Seeing the sun rising in a dream means good news, and setting means bad news or losses for merchants. Seeing the sun hidden behind the clouds is a sign of misfortune and great changes in your destiny.

Dream Interpretation: Chinese dream book Zhou-gun

Seeing the Sun in a dream

  • You see the sun and moon that have just appeared in the sky. - There is prosperity and prosperity in the family.
  • The sun and moon illuminate your body. - You will get an important position.
  • The sun and moon fall from Heaven. - Woe, you will lose your parents.
  • The sun and moon are dimming. - My wife carried it. Fortunately.
  • The sun and moon are about to appear in the sky. - You will receive a post.
  • The sun and moon are conjunct. - The wife will give birth to a son.
  • The sun and moon are hidden behind the mountain. - The servant deceives the master.
  • You hold the sun and the moon in your arms. - Noble position of the ruler.
  • You swallow the sun or the moon. - A noble heir must be born.
  • You bow down to the sun or moon with respect. - Portends great happiness and prosperity.
  • The sun shines directly into the room. - You will get a good position in the service.
  • You see the sun that has just risen in the cloudless Sky. - Great happiness.
  • The sun rises, the radiance spreads. - It will be a good event.
  • The clouds clear and the sun appears. - The unfortunate situation will be resolved.
  • If the sun enters your chest. - A noble son will be born.
  • If the moon, the birth of a noble daughter.
  • If you worship the stars and the moon, burn incense. - Great happiness.
  • Clouds suddenly cover the sun. - Secret machinations, vile deeds.
  • The sun or moon is burning with fire. - Big man support.

Dream Interpretation: Eastern women's dream book

Seeing the Sun in a dream

  • Seeing the rising sun means good luck in business; the sun blinds your eyes - beware of illness; The setting sun symbolizes illness, decline, and a sick person symbolizes death.

Dream Interpretation: Aesop's Dream Interpretation

Dream Interpretation Sun

  • Popular wisdom says: “The sun is the prince of the earth, the moon is the princess.” Since ancient times, people have worshiped the sun and asked him for protection and mercy. In Rus', the god Yarilo personified the blessed sun. People worshiped him and organized holidays and festivities so that the Sun God would send them a good harvest and protect them from the harsh winter.
  • In some dreams, the symbol of the sun is associated with motherhood and loved ones.
  • If in a dream you bask in the warm rays of the sun, this is a sign that you are surrounded by the love and attention of your loved ones and friends.
  • In some cases, sunrise is interpreted as slowness and sluggishness. People say: “As soon as the sun rises, the dew will eat away your eyes.”
  • Seeing a sunset in a dream is a sign that you need to reconsider your views on life, since by holding on to your past with all your might you are closing off the future for yourself.
  • A dream in which you received a sunburn means that the person you trust will cause you severe mental pain.
  • Seeing in a dream how you are trying to catch a sunbeam with a mirror indicates that you are not inclined to take responsibility. This prevents you from achieving what you want in life.
  • If in a dream you are trying to warm up in the sun, but it does not warm you, this means that in reality you lack the love and attention of your loved ones.
  • A dream in which you see yourself as a child drawing the sun indicates your spiritual loneliness and frustration.
  • Solar eclipse - portends illness and loss. This is a bad sign.
  • Waiting for the sun to rise in a dream is a sign that your attempts to change circumstances will lead nowhere. You will not be able to stop or delay the course of events.

Dream Interpretation: Ancient Persian Dream Book of Taflisi

Dream Interpretation Sun

  • To see the sun - a dream indicates the ruler of the state.
  • If someone saw himself in a dream illuminated by the sun, then in reality all his deeds will be excellent.
  • When you dream that a dark cloud is spreading around the sun, threatening to cover it completely, then the person who saw similar dream, will be greatly saddened in reality.

Dream Interpretation: Miller's Dream Interpretation

Seeing the Sun in a dream

  • Seeing a bright sunrise in a dream means that joy and success in everything await you.
  • The sun at its zenith means that your ambition is completely satisfied, and your possibilities are endless.
  • Seeing a sunset in a dream indicates that your well-being has passed its peak and you should be more vigilant about everything.
  • If in a dream you see the sun shining through the clouds, it means that your worries and difficulties are behind you, and good luck awaits you. If the sun is mysteriously covered by clouds and only occasionally appears from behind them, it means that troubled times are approaching; but they will soon pass, bringing improvements to your business and personal life.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation of Happy Omens

Why do you dream about the Sun?

  • Sun – lots of sunshine. Seeing the sun is always good (if the light is not too bright and piercing, without reflections).

Dream Interpretation: Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Dream Interpretation Sun

  • glory, love;
  • shrouded by a passing cloud - financial times ahead;
  • seeing the sun is always good, everything bad in a dream is weakened;
  • hot, clear - a glorious ending;
  • brightly illuminates the room - winning, acquiring a fortune.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation of Martyn Zadeki

Dream Interpretation Sun

  • The sun in radiance is joy; in a cloud - trouble; eclipse - loss, loss.

Dream Interpretation: Esoteric Dream Interpretation

Why do you dream about the Sun?

  • Clear - a joyful event, improvement in business, a good period in life;
  • Hiding behind the clouds is a temporary deterioration in affairs, short-term difficulties.
  • Sunrise - improvement in business and health. A surge in all areas of life.

Dream Interpretation: Longo's Dream Interpretation

Why do you dream about the Sun?

  • Seeing the sun in a dream means good luck in business, wealth in life and well-being. If you dreamed that you could not look at the sun, it means that in your environment there is a person with whom it is very difficult to avoid conflict. You had a strained relationship with him for a long time, but there were no direct clashes because he didn’t give a reason. Soon the situation will develop in such a way that you will no longer be able to tolerate his antics and defiant behavior and the conflict will be inevitable.

Dream Interpretation: Italian Dream Book by Meneghetti

Why do you dream about the Sun?

  • As an image of the center of our planetary system, it symbolizes the principle of formation of the energy system. The sun has been associated with our Universe since its inception and signifies the beginning of life. Moreover, this one highest degree a positive image symbolizes the In-se of a person.

Dream Interpretation: Italian psychoanalytic dream book A. Roberti

Dream Interpretation Sun

  • The sun is a desire to avoid an unpleasant situation or change the environment.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation of the Yellow Emperor

Seeing the Sun in a dream

  • The primary elements are fire.
  • Elements - heat. Emotions are joy. Organs are the heart. Planets - Mars.
  • In reality, contemplation of the sun evokes feelings of warmth, relaxation, joy and tranquility with absent-minded perception, when the sun is part of the surrounding world. With absent-minded perception, contemplation of the sun relieves the load from the eyes and through the eyes - from the liver: the anger of the liver is calmed down/reborn into joy of the heart, that is, external solar energy yang harmonizes inner yin. With intense perception (looking into the solar disk), the external yang of the sun, instead of harmonizing the internal yin, burns it: it blinds the eyes, which light the liver with anger, burning the joy of the heart, and the heart remains without joy in dangerous and uncontrollable activity. The sun in a dream is a symbol of the external world/events: any events are external yang in relation to a person - internal yin (a person is inside the world). But in human perception everything is turned upside down: striving for maximum realization of one’s self, a person perceives events as internal yin, and himself as external, ruling over yang events. If a person evaluates himself correctly, such a psychological substitution of the world for his own self is planned by the nature and Cosmos that created man (the world exists only relative to the observer). However, with incorrect self-esteem and distortions of the psyche, the harmony of the transformation of yang into yin is disrupted, the connections between causes and effects disintegrate, overdevelopment of one and degradation of the other occurs: either the person does not control the situation (external yang destroys internal yin), or the person destroys himself with unjustified resistance, or excessive power over the situation (internal yin, swelling, displaces yang). The sun in a dream will be a reflection inner world person. Seeing/looking at the sun/sunrise in a dream - the sun is a source of external yang energy.
  • Seeing the sun in a dream with joy, calmness, without tension means inner freedom, tranquility, a harmonious worldview (there is neither high nor low self-esteem). The dream promises a favorable course of external events combined with internal satisfaction. Seeing the sun and being tormented (being blinded by the light), not wanting to see the sun, but it persists in a dream before your eyes - an internal hidden awareness of your mistakes, but a complete reluctance to admit openly and correct. In reality, this usually looks like preserving even an unfavorable situation at any cost (just not to move!). Unjustified resistance to the situation and to oneself will lead to exhaustion, a nervous breakdown, the development of an internal guilt complex and dependence on fate and external collapse in business. The dream is unfavorable: pay attention to the heart and liver overloaded with negative emotions, which leads to illness; the blinding sun in a dream is a signal of this. Looking specifically at the sunrise with pleasure/displeasure means the beginning of the development of a situation in a favorable or unfavorable way for the dreamer (see above): everything can still be easily corrected by bringing your emotions into line with the world around you. The day is just beginning...

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation of Health

Seeing the Sun in a dream

  • Seeing the rising or setting sun shining brightly in the sky means a favorable development of events (for patients - an improvement in their condition); Bloody or darkened sun - to an unfavorable development of events (for patients - to a worsening of the condition); Watching the sun in recurring dreams means problems with the circulatory system and head are possible.

In the dream book the site itself big dream book Runet, contains 75 of the best dream books: Veles’s dream book, Tsvetkov’s dream book, eastern women’s dream book, Cleopatra’s dream book, men’s dream book, folk dream book beliefs and signs (folklore), Loff's dream book, dream book catch phrases, Vedic dream book of Sivananda, dream book of lovers, Assyrian dream book, Egyptian dream book of the pharaohs (Kenherkhepeshefa), Shereminskaya’s dream book, Freud’s dream book, ancient French dream book, Denise Lynn’s dream book (brief), Health’s dream book, Hasse’s dream book, Italian dream book Meneghetti, Indian shamanic dream book, Mayan dream book, dream book of love, Chaldean dream book, Wanderer's dream book, and others.

  • The primary elements are fire.
  • Elements - heat. Emotions are joy. Organs are the heart. Planets - Mars.
  • In reality, contemplation of the sun evokes feelings of warmth, relaxation, joy and tranquility with absent-minded perception, when the sun is part of the surrounding world. With absent-minded perception, contemplation of the sun relieves the load from the eyes and through the eyes from the liver: the anger of the liver is calmed down/reborn into the joy of the heart, that is, the external solar energy of yang harmonizes the internal yin. With intense perception (looking into the solar disk), the external yang of the sun, instead of harmonizing the internal yin, burns it: it blinds the eyes, which light the liver with anger, burning the joy of the heart, and the heart remains without joy in dangerous and uncontrollable activity. The sun in a dream is a symbol of the external world/events: any events are external yang in relation to a person - internal yin (a person is inside the world). But in human perception everything is turned upside down: striving for maximum realization of one’s self, a person perceives events as internal yin, and himself as external, ruling over yang events. If a person evaluates himself correctly, such a psychological substitution of the world for his own self is planned by the nature and Cosmos that created man (the world exists only relative to the observer). However, with incorrect self-esteem and distortions of the psyche, the harmony of the transformation of yang into yin is disrupted, the connections between causes and effects disintegrate, overdevelopment of one and degradation of the other occurs: either the person does not control the situation (external yang destroys internal yin), or the person destroys himself with unjustified resistance, or excessive power over the situation (internal yin, swelling, displaces yang). The sun in a dream will be a reflection of a person’s inner world. Seeing/looking at the sun/sunrise in a dream - the sun is a source of external yang energy.
  • Seeing the sun in a dream with joy, calmness, without tension means inner freedom, tranquility, a harmonious worldview (there is neither high nor low self-esteem). The dream promises a favorable course of external events combined with internal satisfaction. Seeing the sun and being tormented (being blinded by the light), not wanting to see the sun, but it persists in a dream before your eyes - an internal hidden awareness of your mistakes, but a complete reluctance to admit openly and correct. In reality, this usually looks like preserving even an unfavorable situation at any cost (just not to move!). Unjustified resistance to the situation and to oneself will lead to exhaustion, a nervous breakdown, the development of an internal guilt complex and dependence on fate and external collapse in business. The dream is unfavorable: pay attention to the heart and liver overloaded with negative emotions, which leads to illness; the blinding sun in a dream is a signal of this. Looking specifically at the sunrise with pleasure/displeasure means the beginning of the development of a situation in a favorable or unfavorable way for the dreamer (see above): everything can still be easily corrected by bringing your emotions into line with the world around you. The day is just beginning...

The sun is one of the twelve symbols of power, and in various religions the embodiment of destructive or creative energy. This is a sign of success, health, luck and prosperity. To find out what the heavenly body is dreaming about, you need to carefully remember your dream, pay attention to the details, your own emotions and sensations. Having put together the dreamed picture, you need to look for its meaning in the dream book.

Ancient people worshiped the sun as a source of heat, light and harvest. The heavenly body was one of the many Gods capable of dooming humanity to misfortune or sending joy, abundance and prosperity to people. In some dream books, the meaning of sleep - the sun is interpreted based on past traditions.

The sun is clear...

A dream where the sun shines brightly, enveloping you in its warmth, indicates in the dream book that in reality a person will gain confidence in the future, new opportunities will open up and chances to bring all his plans to life. For a man, such a vision promises promising prospects in his career and love fields.

For an unmarried woman to see the bright sun in a dream, the dream book deciphers it as having the opportunity to arrange her personal life and organize all her financial affairs. You should be on guard if a bright celestial body severely burns a young lady in a dream, which may indicate that the dreamer needs to beware of rash connections that can compromise her in the eyes of the public and cause condemnation.

If in a dream, the sun warms, causing relaxation and warm emotions in the sleeping person, then a successful rise in height is not far off. career ladder. During this period, you can take advantage of your luck and try your luck in the lottery, not forgetting about moderation and being careful of excitement.

Many dream books ambiguously interpret what the sunset means in dreams. On the one hand, this image speaks of the end of a successful period in life, the lack of opportunity to positively influence the problems that have arisen. On the other hand, the completion of a certain chapter of a person’s life, this may be the end love relationship, abandonment of the chosen profession, a radical change in one’s own positions and foundations.

The dream book explains watching the sun set on the sea in a dream as the end of rest, accumulation of strength and experience. The time is coming to give and show everything that fate and unwitting teachers have taught. For young girls, such a picture marks forgiveness from girlhood and entry into adulthood or family life.

Seeing in a dream how the rays of the sun break through thick clouds is interpreted by the dream book as an opportunity to find the right way out of a difficult situation and avoid conflict with influential people. For businessmen, this vision means establishing an unprofitable business, drawing up a profitable contract, or a successful agreement with a supplier.

To find out why you dream about the sun and rain, you should remember your feelings. If a rainbow appears after or during rain, it means a lucrative offer that you should not refuse. If in a dream, after seeing the sun, the sky became clouded and it began to rain heavily, you need to carefully consider all your decisions and not commit rash acts.

If thunder and a thunderstorm rumbles in the sky and the sun sparkles, then all a person’s experiences are false and groundless. Perhaps the dreamer will be able to avoid an unwanted quarrel with management or a showdown with loved ones.

A married woman sees the sun reflected in the window own home, indicates that she creates a cozy and warm atmosphere of love and kindness around herself, her household values ​​and respects her.

To see the sun in a dream while looking out the window, according to the dream book, means the fulfillment of all cherished desires, and also reflects the fact that a person is safe and in real life and he should have no reason to worry.

It is useful to know why the sun rises in dreams. The dream book foretells success in all matters and enterprises. The sick are promised a cure, the unfortunate - gaining peace of mind and happiness.

Disasters and unusual phenomena

Interpretation of a dream - the sun, in which unusual phenomena or cataclysms associated with it appear, have a special interpretation in the dream book, which largely depends on the feelings of the dreamer himself.

Two suns in a dream symbolize the dreamer's choice. For a young girl, this dream is interpreted by the dream book as the appearance on the horizon of two worthy candidates for the hand and heart of the young lady. These two people will bring new colors and unknown feelings into the life of the young lady.

Seeing the sun and moon at the same time in a dream unmarried girl the dream book foretells the meeting of his prince. If the moon is waning, then the young lady’s current chosen one “walks to the left.” For a married man seeing two luminaries at the same time promises an unexpected meeting with ex-love. The main thing is to remain faithful to your spouse and not give in to temptation.

To fully understand why you dream of a solar eclipse, you should remember your feelings and experiences. The dream book interprets this dream as a temporary occurrence of difficulties in solving important issues and urgent matters. If possible, it is necessary to postpone the implementation of previously planned activities.

The sun rising at night, according to the dream book, speaks of the help of friends and family in solving difficulties that have arisen in a seemingly completely hopeless situation.

The red sun indicates global cataclysms that can happen in real life, which do not depend on the actions of the dreamer. The dream book advises you to mentally prepare for changes and try to move on with your life.

Why do you dream of an explosion of the sun? The dream is quite unfavorable, and indicates the attitude of the people around him towards the dreamer. Perhaps a person should take a closer look at himself, reconsider his behavior, lifestyle and views on simple things.

For a man or woman to see the sun explode in a dream is interpreted by the dream book as a fear of getting very sick, a fear of death, a premonition of danger.
