Required area per person. What is the standard living space per person? Sanitary and social standards

The housing issue is a pressing issue for most citizens. Some of them are trying to solve it on their own, resorting to their own savings, and some people are counting on help from the state. It is important for them to know how many square meters are allocated per person, since this standard is decisive in justifying their right to state support.

When may a standard for calculating living space be required?

  • in case of forced resettlement of residents (the house is dilapidated or in disrepair);
  • in case of controversial issues regarding the division of property;
  • when calculating rent (general house expenses);
  • when registering temporary residents, obtaining registration, etc.

The standard is regulated by the Housing Code (Article 38). It determines that the standard living space per person is 12 square meters. m. This indicator may change upward or, conversely, decrease depending on the region.

In a particular case, when calculating the indicator, sanitary and social standards are taken into account. The sanitary part is a constant value, it is equal to 6 square meters. m. for 1 person.

How is the social part calculated?

The social part is calculated based on the number of persons registered in the living space.

  1. For three family members, the norm is 18 square meters. m., but not less than 16 sq. m. depending on the region;
  2. For two family members, the apartment area is 42 square meters. m.;
  3. For one person - 33 sq. meters.

The Housing Code of the Russian Federation determines some nuances in calculating the norm for residential premises. Firstly, when two family members and one stranger live, the area of ​​the residential property should be from 54 to 62 square meters. m. Secondly, when three persons who are not family members live, the area of ​​the premises is set in the range from 62 to 74 square meters. m.

Housing accounting norm: what is it?

The housing complex has the concept of “accounting housing norm”. It determines the number of square meters allocated per person upon registration. This indicator is set at the municipal level and therefore varies between regions. The authorized bodies use the accounting norm when making a decision on the provision of social premises.

In the capital, this figure is 10 square meters. m. for ordinary housing and 15 sq. m. m. for communal apartments.

Housing standards for dormitories

The question of how many square meters are allocated per person in a hostel is especially relevant, since 1/3 of the population still does not have the opportunity to change their living conditions. The answer can be found in Article 105 of the RF Housing Code. In accordance with it, in a dormitory there must be at least 6 square meters per person. m.

Standard housing for military family members

Military personnel receive housing facilities from the Ministry of Defense. The law establishes a living space standard of 18 square meters. m. for each family member. It is regulated by Article 50 of the RF Housing Code. It also says here that the indicator can be changed depending on the subject of the federation.

The standard for a military personnel's family may be increased, but not by more than 9 square meters. m. The exception is for single categories of people; for them it should not be less than 33 square meters. m.

Military personnel who rent apartments under a social tenancy agreement have the right to compensation.

It amounts to:

  • 15 thousand rubles for cities of federal significance;
  • 3.6 thousand rubles - for regional centers;
  • 2.6 thousand rubles - for other settlements.

If a serviceman's family consists of three or more people, then compensation can be increased by 50%.

You can get a definite answer on how many square meters per person a military family is entitled to by studying the relevant regional legislation.

Living space standard for resettlement

Persons living in dilapidated or dilapidated housing are subject to relocation. If they rented a property under a social tenancy agreement, then municipal authorities have the right to provide them with a hostel instead of apartments. In this case, the standard is set at 6 square meters. m. per person.

If residents are relocated, then the authorized bodies are obliged to provide them with housing of equal area.

When an object is seized to satisfy state needs, persons with non-privatized real estate receive residential premises, the total area of ​​which is not less than the standard for all residents. The law provides for the acquisition of real estate within the locality in which the residents previously lived. In the case of a privatized apartment, its residents will receive equivalent living space (house, apartment, room).

Thus, the standard for how many square meters per person is allocated for resettlement depends on the region, the privatization of the property, and the availability of available housing in the municipality.

Many Russian citizens have a housing problem related to expanding or obtaining living space. It requires detailed study in all aspects. The answer to the question of how many square meters is allocated for one family member cannot be given unambiguously. Firstly, in each individual region of Russia, in accordance with the legislation, there are different standards for calculating living space for an individual person. Secondly, many factors must be taken into account regarding the accounting and distribution of housing.

How many square meters per person in 2014

Since each square meter of housing costs quite a lot of money (the difference in cost depends on the region of residence), on this basis controversial issues arise regarding the distribution of these very meters for each individual citizen. Disagreements arise on the following issues:

Resolving controversial issues when dividing living space between relatives.

Relocation of residents to new apartments.

Due to the recognition of the house as unsafe or dilapidated.

Registration or temporary registration of a person and the need to expand space due to an increase in family members.

How many square meters of housing per person are required by law? The Housing Code of the Russian Federation states this. Each person should normally have twelve square meters. This figure may vary depending on the region. Therefore, when calculating how many square meters are allocated per person, they take the sanitary and social standards of housing:

The sanitary part is taken from the norm for 1 person 6 m2.

The second, social component, is determined by the number of people living as follows: from 16 m2 - if three or more family members live, 42 m2 for 2 people and 33 m2 per person of living space. In 2014, 12 m2 was allocated per person, this figure varies depending on the region.

Housing accounting rate

There is such a thing as a housing accounting norm. The establishment of this norm is determined by the laws of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. It is at the regional level that it is determined how many square meters a person is entitled to. Standards are being established for registering citizens who need to improve their living conditions.

For those who have not decided on the issue of privatization, it is important to have an idea of ​​how much and who is entitled to receive according to the law. This problem especially affects those who are in line to receive new housing to replace dilapidated or unsafe housing. Therefore, it is necessary to know the law that determines how many square meters are allocated per person. In cases where people have more living space than required by standards, they are in a winning situation because they will receive an area equal to the size of their apartment. In the opposite case, when the area occupied by tenants is small for the number of registered persons, it is necessary to have a good knowledge of the legislative framework that regulates the distribution of square meters for citizens to live in.

Privatization of an apartment under a social tenancy agreement

Today, citizens of the Russian Federation have the opportunity to privatize housing received under a social tenancy agreement. The process consists of recognizing a private person as the owner of a residential state or municipal premises. The category of citizens who did not take part in the privatization process at other addresses and occupy living space on the basis of a social tenancy agreement has the right to this procedure. To do this, it is necessary to submit an application for privatization to the regional authorities of self-government, attaching a package of documents compiled and certified by a notary. Privatization can only be carried out once. Potential owners of square meters can be a social renter and members of his family who have a residence permit in this residential premises. Due to the fact that there may be a large number of persons registered in the apartment, it would be relevant to issue a power of attorney for one of the family members, who will independently deal with this issue and collect all the necessary documents.

Calculation of square meters of living space in case of non-payment or violations by residents

Every citizen living in Russia has the right to receive subsidies if his monthly income is below the subsistence level. However, regional authorities often adjust this fact in their favor, below the federal established level. If the owner of a residential premises or tenant has debts for non-payment of utility bills, the person is required to pay the required amount of debt, otherwise the issue will be resolved in court. If it is discovered that a tenant or homeowner has an unscrupulous attitude towards the use of public services, he or she faces eviction and loss of access to household needs. In cases where such a threat exists, it is necessary to know how many square meters are allocated per person. As a rule, evictions occur in apartments with an area smaller in size, but not less than the norm of 6 m2 for each person.

The issue of relocation from emergency housing

The category of people living in a dilapidated place and in need of relocation to a new place. Municipal authorities need to provide citizens with housing within a specified period of time. If there is a lack of funds, people are provided with a room in a dormitory, but here it is necessary to know how many square meters per person there are according to housing criteria. The dimensions of the room must be at least 6 m2 according to sanitary standards. It is also possible to move to a smaller room, but not less than 10 m2 for each person.

The issue of relocation is determined by whether the residential premises are privatized and the availability of benefits. Relocating a person from a privatized apartment requires the provision of premises of equal size. How many meters are allocated per person, that much should be provided, without taking into account the number of citizens registered in the apartment. There are rare cases when an apartment or house can be used by the state for its own needs. For example, the city hosts Olympic Games, competitions, and championships. For developers of a sports facility, the plot of land on which the housing is located is extremely important. In such situations, a person has the right to apply for relocation to residential premises that are not inferior to the regulatory requirements of the locality in which he lived.

Apartment from the Ministry of Defense

Living space from the Ministry of Defense is received by citizens who have a reason for this, as a rule, these are military personnel. In this case, you get 18 m2 per person. This figure also varies depending on the region. In the process of registering citizens of the military category with the study of all housing and everyday needs, military units in most cases are guided by Part 5 of Art. 50 Housing Code of the Russian Federation. Based on it, the housing standard is regulated by local governments and cannot exceed it.

The level of regulation of the rights of military personnel is far from ideal and requires improvement. The standard for residential premises on the basis of a social tenancy agreement, which is in federal ownership or over time, being federal, became municipal property, is no less than 18 square meters. m per person. The size of the area may exceed a certain standard, which is described above, but not more than nine square meters per resident. Also, the norm may be increased in the case of providing housing to a single person, a relative of a deceased serviceman or discharged from service.

In addition to housing distribution standards, additional social measures are provided for military personnel to provide housing. In particular, if the family of a soldier serving under a contract has to rent housing, then compensation is provided for these purposes.

A citizen can receive a larger area than he has, but no more than twice (mainly in the case of a one-room apartment or dorm room).

How many square meters are allowed per person in the Moscow region

The size of the area provided may be as follows:

1. A family consisting of two spouses receives a one-room apartment with a total area of ​​44 m2.

2. A family of two unmarried citizens is entitled to an apartment with an area of ​​50 m2.

3. If a family has three people, it receives a two-room apartment with an area of ​​62 m2.

4. A family of three citizens, which does not include spouses, will receive a three-room apartment with an area of ​​72 m2.

5. A family consisting of four or more persons receives an apartment at the rate of 18 square meters for each member.

Citizens suffering from various types of chronic diseases need to be provided with separate living space in the form of a one-room apartment or, if possible, a separate isolated space. Persons with diseases of the musculoskeletal system must live in buildings that meet the conditions of rehabilitation programs.

Individual preferences and suggestions of citizens regarding the location of the house, the number of rooms, a certain floor, the presence of separate or shared sanitary facilities, and the like are not considered.

Minor child and housing problems

Is it possible to discharge a child who has not reached the age of majority from the apartment? Extract can take place through the court only if the owner of the property for some reason is no longer its owner. The child cannot speak out in court, since the parents and guardian bear full responsibility for him. It will be problematic to write it out if the child is also a full participant in the transaction when registering ownership of the property. The rights and interests of the child are protected by social protection authorities. With the consent of the latter, it may be possible to sell or exchange the living space without infringing on the interests of the child. If the apartment is already owned and the child is registered in it, then the deregistration will have to be delayed until adulthood. Where a parent is registered, his child must also be registered. Therefore, if there is a need to sell an apartment, the father or mother needs to register in some residential premises.

Young family and conditions for obtaining housing

A young family has a chance to get a new apartment based on a certain number of square meters per person, saving an impressive amount of money. To do this, you must take part in a program created by the state, which is valid until the end of 2014. In order to qualify for this program, a family must live in a small area and have a stable, good income to pay mortgage payments. In addition, you must have a residence permit in your region for more than ten years. The age category is also limited - up to 35 years old for the duration of participation in the program. Family composition does not matter. The regional authorities must determine whether the family falls under these conditions or not. Each region has its own norms regarding the required area per person; indicators range from 8 to 18 m2. However, it is important to keep in mind that if a family has sufficient funds to purchase living space on its own, it will not be able to participate in this program.

To participate in the program, the following list of documents is provided:

  • Application drawn up in two copies.
  • Marriage certificate.
  • Identity documents.
  • Documents confirming family income (in case of receiving loan funds).
  • Documents confirming that the family really needs to receive subsidies (extracts from house books on the number of residents in a given area, documents on state registration of ownership of the premises, and others).

Current legislation allows a citizen to count on improved living conditions. However, this is possible if accounting norm of living space per person less than the established requirements. The value of the indicator is also established in accordance with the law. It must be taken into account that there are sanitary and social standards.

The concept affects the number of people who can live in the premises, as well as the ability to claim additional meters. Not everyone can improve their living conditions. The list of persons who have such a right is reflected in the current legislation. We will talk further about the rules in accordance with which citizens are given additional premises, the amount of standards in accordance with which a person can apply for improved living conditions, as well as who is provided with housing benefits.

When figuring out how many square meters are allocated per person in an apartment, you need to take into account that the calculations depend on a whole list of factors. The living conditions in a specific subject of the Russian Federation are taken into account, as well as the calculation of which specific norm is being met.

They come in several types, the list of which includes:

  • social;
  • accounting;
  • sanitary

The same list must include the value of the average price per square meter in a particular region, as well as the type of housing for which the calculation is being made.

According to current legislation, the standard living space can be considered the number of meters per person. The authorities of the Russian Federation can independently establish regional standards for housing area or transfer this right to local government.

In accordance with the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, the size of the area per person cannot be less than 12 square meters.

When calculating the value of the indicator, not the total area of ​​​​the premises should be taken into account, but the actual size of the living rooms.

Accounting norm for housing by regions of Russia

Region Minimum number of sq.m. per person
Accounting norm sq.m. per person Norm for provision of sq.m. per person
Moscow and Moscow region 10 18
Leningrad region (St. Petersburg) 9 sq.m. (in separate apartments and houses);
15 sq.m (in communal apartments).
Perm region 12 15
Yaroslavl region 12 17
Omsk region 15 18
Yekaterinburg 10 16
Rostov region 6-10 18
Krasnodar 10 18
Nizhny Novgorod and Nizhny Novgorod region 10 sq. m. (in separate apartments and houses);
12 sq.m. (in communal apartments).
Volgograd 11 12-18
Krasnoyarsk, Stavropol 12 15 sq. m for each family member;
18 sq. m - living alone.
Kurgan region, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky 13 15
Novosibirsk 12 15
Saratov 10 sq.m. Family from:
3 or more people - 16 sq. m.
2 people married - 32 sq. m.
2 people related by family relations - 44 sq. m.
Living alone - 30 sq. m.
Samara 11 sq. m. (in separate apartments and houses);
13 sq.m. (in communal apartments).
Family of 2 or more people. - 14 sq. m.
Living alone - 26 sq. m.
Ufa (Republic of Bashkortostan) 12 14

Social and sanitary standards of living space

Article 38 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation outlines the standards that must be complied with when calculating the required living space. So, the standards for the provision of housing are indicated there. The concept represents the minimum size of the living space of an apartment, in accordance with which the size of housing that is provided under a social tenancy agreement is determined. The same article of the Housing Code sets out the sanitary standard for area. It determines the amount of living space that should be available per person. Today the value of the indicator is at least 6 square meters.

Another concept contained in Article 38 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation is a social norm. In accordance with it, the amount of living space per person is determined when providing compensation, payment for housing and utilities. Federal social norm standards may vary. It depends on the number of people living in the premises.

So, according to the law, the footage will be equal to:

  • 42 m2 if the family consists of two people;
  • 33 square meters, if only 1 person lives in the apartment;
  • 18 square meters, per person, if the family consists of three or more citizens.

Accounting standard for living space: what is it?

The accounting norm for housing should be calculated in situations where the issue of placing a family or a specific person in line for improved housing conditions is being decided. The calculation of the indicator value is carried out depending on the conditions that apply in each specific region.

According to the rules, the accounting standard cannot be lower than the sanitary standard. This means that the value of the indicator must be at least 6 square meters per person.

When calculating the indicator, the number of years who live in the premises together is taken into account. This means that the social norm is also taken into account. The type of living space is also taken into account.

This means that the representative of the authorized body will take into account whether the family lives in an ordinary apartment or in a communal one. The final value of the indicator is determined taking into account all the above parameters.

Table of indicators for certain categories of citizens

When is knowledge of the accounting standard for living space required?

When a citizen found out that the minimum housing standard for 1 person is 6 square meters. m., and learned that the value of the indicator in 2019 depends on its type and a number of other parameters, it is necessary to figure out when this information may be needed. Information is necessary if the amount of money that must be provided for housing and communal services is calculated.

If for some reason a citizen cannot independently contribute funds in full, the state can provide assistance in the form of subsidies. Their size is calculated according to how many square meters of housing there are per person.

Information is also necessary if a large debt has accrued for housing and communal services, and the family is evicted from their occupied living space. In this case, they will be provided with another apartment in compliance with the 6 sq. m. standard. m. per person.

Data is also required for relocating people from emergency housing. If the apartment has not been privatized, the payment will be made in accordance with the sanitary standard. If the action has been completed, the new room should not be smaller than the previous one.

Who is entitled to housing with a larger area?

Additional living space in Russia is not provided to all citizens. The state provides support to persons who cannot purchase an apartment on their own. Priority is given to people who suffer from severe forms of a number of chronic diseases, as well as employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Emergency Situations and military personnel. The rules and regulations for the provision of apartments are established by current legislation.

The following regulations should be taken into account:

  • Federal Law No. 181 of November 24, 1995;
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 817 of December 21, 2004;
  • Federal Law No. 76 of May 27, 1998.

Ordinary citizens can also apply for housing with a larger area, but they will have to prove the need for the premises.

The standard of living space allocated to one person is very important. Many living conditions depend on it, from payment of utility services to the provision of social housing.

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What is the standard for residential square footage per person in 2019? Often, the amount of square meters a citizen is entitled to for comfortable living becomes extremely important.

This indicator may be required when dividing an apartment, moving out of a dilapidated house, improving living conditions, etc.

What is the norm for square meters per person in 2019?

General points

Rationing of living space began back in the Soviet era. Many of the rules in force at that time are still applied today.

Even when legislation changes, standards are maintained and transferred to new regulations.

But it is impossible to say unambiguously how many residential meters one person is entitled to, since many factors are important here.

The housing standard has a predetermined size in any particular region. Its value is set individually.

Confusion with the definition of living space standards is also due to the fact that this concept can have different variations.

For example, an accounting or social norm. It is not entirely clear what value should be aimed at in each specific case.

In addition, changes in legislation should also be taken into account. Previously, the definition of “living space standards” was used.

In 2004, the value corresponded to 12 sq.m. per person, except in certain cases individually determined by law.

Moreover, the smallest amount of living space was not predetermined, but by decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation.

Somewhat later, the concept of “social norm of housing area” was introduced. This began to be used when providing subsidies, payments, etc.

Moreover, it was determined that the social norm should be equivalent to the minimum amount of living space established by the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

The current Code has partially abandoned previously adopted indicators. At this time, the provision norm, as well as the accounting norm for living space, differs, based on the intended purpose of these standards.

What you need to know

Currently, the legislation of the Russian Federation predetermines various types of living space standards, in particular:

The social norm for living space also differs. Within its limits, government subsidies and various compensations are provided. Calculation of utility services is based on this norm.

Who sets the indicator

The legislation stipulates that the calculation of living space standards is carried out differently for different regions of the country.

This is due to the fact that when calculating square meters, quite a lot of factors are taken into account that cannot be taken into account at the federal level.

Housing accounting standards are determined by the laws of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. And therefore, in different regions the values ​​may differ significantly.

So the accounting norm is applied when registering if it is necessary to improve living conditions. Its value is established by local authorities.

Therefore, there is no national average. The standards set by the local administration may vary even within the same region.

In fact, it is the value of the accounting norm that acts as an indicator that determines a citizen’s need for housing.

If the existing municipal housing is less than the accounting standard established in the region, then the individual has the right to get on the waiting list in order to improve his living conditions.

Regarding private property, this indicator is not significant.

At the level of local authorities, a provision norm is also established that addresses issues of housing allocation according to.

This is the smallest area that the government must allocate for each family member.

And since we are talking about the municipal housing stock, the size of the norm is established based on the prevailing circumstances in a particular subject of the Russian Federation.

Regulatory regulation

The Housing Code of the Russian Federation does not have a single norm regarding living space that is valid throughout Russia.

The standard for the provision of living space under a social tenancy agreement is defined as 18 sq.m. per person.

For a family of two people who are spouses, 44 sq.m. is required. For a family of two unmarried people, 54 sq.m. is provided. living space.

For a family of three with spouses, 62 sq.m. And if the family includes three people, but there are no spouses among them, then 74 sq.m.

When a family consists of four or more people, each person receives 18 sq.m. + no more than 9 sq.m.

In St. Petersburg

It is this value that is used when registering for housing provided as part of improving housing conditions.

At the same time, the current norm for provision per person is 18 sq.m. for a family of two or more people. For a citizen living alone, an apartment with an area of ​​33 sq.m. is provided.

Depending on the room

Living space standards apply to any room where a person spends a fairly large amount of time. But the type of room matters.

For example, when providing temporary housing, living space may be provided at a minimum.

This amounts to 6 sq.m. per person. But if housing is provided as permanent according to this calculation, then this is a direct violation of legal norms.


With regard to the standard apartment area, federal legislation establishes the following values:

But if a person is evicted for debt or moves into temporary housing, then he is provided with housing at the rate of six square meters per person.

In this case, the calculation is carried out based on the area of ​​​​all residential premises and common areas.


When a citizen moves into a hostel, a minimum sanitary standard of six square meters is used.

If this indicator is difficult to comply with in an apartment, then in a hostel, due to cramped conditions and compactness, this norm is quite objective.

In this case, the size of the provided area is calculated based on the number of people, regardless of their marital status and gender.

By the way, when debtors are evicted from municipal housing, they are usually moved into dormitories.

In the office

The area of ​​an employee’s workplace in an office is of no small importance. Often it is failure to comply with the established norm that becomes a violation.

In accordance with SANPIN standards, one person working with a computer must have at least 4.5 sq.m.

How much is the standard living space per person? It is important for every citizen to know this information, since otherwise it will not be possible to resolve the issue regarding the division of living space, determining the order of resettlement, resolving a conflict situation regarding the division of an object, etc.

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By carefully studying the article, you can find out what calculation standards are currently used in Russia.

How do they calculate?

The standard living space norm is:

  • 18 sq.m. for 1 person;
  • 42 sq.m. for a family consisting of two people;
  • a little more than 30 sq.m. for a family consisting of three or more members.

The definition of a norm is an obligation of the municipal government. The calculation takes place taking into account the structure and actual condition in which the housing stock is located.

Where is it used?

Today there are several types of housing standards, which include:

  1. The minimum standard is established for living space located in dormitories or foundations owned by municipal authorities.
  2. The provision rate is the smallest amount of space required for living. The allocation of such a minimum is allowed if a social rental agreement is signed with a citizen.
  3. An accounting norm is the square footage on the basis of which certain authorities calculate whether a citizen or family needs to be allocated additional square meters for living. In accordance with the law, this norm cannot be less than the provision norm.

Standard living space per citizen

The living space standard per person in 2018 is at least 18 sq.m. Below this level, the provision of living space cannot be carried out.

A person is endowed with this footage:

  • when living in a hostel - for the period of work or study;
  • in the municipality's flexible fund.

A citizen living in a residential area of ​​a maneuverable fund may be a person:

  • if the apartment transferred for disposal under a social tenancy agreement is located in a building awaiting major renovation;
  • if the living space was confiscated from a person for debts to a banking organization due to non-payment of mortgage interest, and in other situations;
  • the only place to live was lost due to an emergency.

The law may provide other grounds for moving a person or family into residential space owned by a flexible fund.

It is important that it is provided only for a certain period of time until permanent housing is found.

To queue

To obtain living space you need:

  • contact your local administration;
  • make a corresponding statement.

At the same time, the basis for increasing the living space is indicated - lack (less than 6 sq.m. per person), poor condition of the house, etc.

When resettling from emergency housing, housing is provided not with the minimum square footage per person, but so that the provided living space is no less than the previous one.

Consequently, the living conditions of a citizen should not worsen. Otherwise, the resettlement will be illegal.

In the hostel

When living in a hostel, it is necessary to take into account that the smallest parameter of living space per citizen is 6 sq.m.

Therefore, if two people live in a room, then the minimum area for them will be 12 sq.m., if 3 people live, then 18 sq.m. etc.

For military personnel

Military personnel are one of the categories of the population who can count on receiving housing. Living space will be provided to them either by a state fund or by municipal authorities.

However, it is worth noting that the social housing stock is replenished slowly, so to get housing you need to wait in line for at least several years.

In addition to military personnel, housing can be provided to veterans, judges, and low-income citizens.

Housing and communal services benefits

Housing and communal services benefits include:

  • WWII participants;
  • citizens taking part in eliminating the consequences of the accident that occurred at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant;
  • labor veterans;
  • winners of state level awards, etc.

Improving living conditions

Citizens living in properties that do not meet the established standards of municipal authorities can count on improved living conditions.


The minimum housing standard per person is 18 sq.m. In accordance with the law, this footage is sufficient for living.

If two people live in an apartment, then the permissible footage is no more than 30 sq.m.


Social norms operate at various levels. For example, in Moscow the following provisions are established:

  • one person is provided with 33 sq.m.;
  • a family consisting of 2 people should be provided with a living area of ​​24 sq.m.;
  • if more than three people live in the property, then the norm applied to them is 18 sq.m. in Moscow. per tenant.

It is important that for an area exceeding the social norm, citizens pay double the amount.

However, there are several categories of citizens to whom this rule does not apply:

  1. Citizens who have lost their ability to work.
  2. Orphans who have not reached the age of majority.
  3. Persons living in Moscow on the first floor.
  4. Residents forced to stay in unsafe buildings.
  5. Families with status.


Area per person – 6 sq.m. is called a sanitary standard in legislation, since a smaller footage can have a negative impact on health.

It is important to take into account additional sanitary standards, for example, the ceiling height should not be less than 2.1 meters.

Who is entitled to additional meters?

In some situations, there are rules in accordance with which the right to additional meters is exercised.

They are established by each subject separately, but using the example of Moscow we can consider them:

  1. A family consisting only of spouses is given a one-room apartment, the area of ​​which varies from 36 to 44 sq.m.
  2. If citizens of different sexes are not spouses (for example, brother and sister), then a two-room apartment with an area of ​​36 sq.m. or more is issued. up to 50 sq.m.
  3. If a family consists of three people, two of whom are registered as married, then a two-room apartment is issued, the area of ​​which can reach 62 sq.m.

In a situation where there are three people in a family, but they are not spouses, a three-room apartment is issued, the footage of which can reach 74 sq.m.
