Correctly filling out the “Logbook for inspection and testing of power tools.” How to fill out a logbook for recording and checking electrical equipment

The term “electrical equipment” means any equipment intended for:




    distribution or consumption of electricity.

For example: machines, transformers, apparatus, measuring instruments, protection devices, cable products, electrical receivers, etc.

Equipment check

Equipment testing can be scheduled, periodic or unscheduled.

Scheduled periodic inspections are carried out at least once every six months. Unscheduled - after equipment repair or in case of accidents and emergencies.

Tests are carried out using special instruments. Therefore, most often the inspection is carried out in an electrical laboratory. In some cases, specialists may travel to the location of the equipment.

If the enterprise does not have such a laboratory, then the instrument is checked in licensed organizations that have necessary equipment. The data established during the inspection is entered into the journal.

Electrical equipment logbook, free (doc)

Rules for filling out and maintaining a document

The accounting log should list all electrical equipment available in the organization, indicating characteristics and inventory numbers. Instructions are included with it, technical passports, certificates, test reports, measurements, repairs and maintenance.

Form of this document regulatory documents not approved and therefore may be arbitrary. It is filled out by the employee responsible for the safety of electrical equipment at the enterprise. Simultaneously with it, a second document can be kept - a logbook for checking the grounding of electrical equipment, the need to fill out which is stipulated by the Safety Rules for the construction of underground structures, approved by the Resolution of the State Mining and Technical Supervision of the Russian Federation dated 02.11.01. Its form can be found in Appendix No. 27.

The pages of the document are stitched, numbered and certified with the seal of the enterprise. The head of the organization and the employee responsible for electrical safety at the enterprise also put their signature.

The log contains the following columns:

    entry number;

    name of the instrument;

    inventory number;

    date of last test;

    reason for the inspection (scheduled or unscheduled);

    date and result of the high voltage insulation test;

    date and result of insulation resistance measurement;

    date and result of the grounding test;

    data on external inspection of equipment and testing of idle operation;

    time of the next scheduled inspection;

  • Full name and signature of the specialist who conducted the inspection.

Inspection and testing of hand-held power tools must be carried out at enterprises in accordance with labor protection rules.

However, if you often use a tool at home or in the country, checking the power tool periodically is extremely important to avoid possible problems.

Construction tools that are used intensively should be checked every 6 months. In general, you should accustom yourself to conduct a visual inspection of the tools for the current work before starting work.

What to check?

The most dangerous thing for a person when working with a power tool is the possibility of injury. electric shock. To avoid this, check before each use portable power tool:

  • No damage to the plug;
  • Integrity of the grounding circuit (this applies to instruments of electrical safety class 1);
  • Cable integrity
  • The presence and integrity of the protective tube located at the junction of the cable and the instrument body. The length of the tube must be at least 5 times longer than the thickness of the power cable.

Let's move on to the body of the power tool:

  • Conduct a visual inspection of the entire area of ​​the instrument, especially the joints: nothing should come off anywhere, no cracks or broken areas;
  • All moving parts (for example, a chuck in a drill, hammer drill or screwdriver) must be securely fastened;
  • The brush holder covers must be in good working order and free from mechanical damage;
  • If there is a handle, it must also be securely fixed and intact;
  • No grease leaks.

If the visual inspection of the power tool passes, you can turn it on and proceed to the next step.

  • Check that the tool not only turns on and off, but the on and off button should not stick. If there is a safety button, it must also be in good working order;
  • Listen to the sound of the instrument at idle speed. It should be uniform, moving parts should not “lobble”, also check for extraneous noise and vibrations of the housing.


Verification does not need to be carried out frequently; once every 10 days is sufficient for frequent use.

  • Connecting to the “ground” contact on the plug and to the “ground” of an ohmmeter tool to measure the performance of the grounding conductor;
  • Measurement of electrically conductive insulation when the instrument is loaded (keep the power button pressed while taking measurements);
  • Measuring insulation resistance with a test megohmmeter.
  • In addition to electrical measurements, it is also necessary to conduct a visual inspection of the housing, cable and moving parts of electrical appliances.
  • How often should I check?

    Depends on the intensity of use of the tool, as well as working conditions. At normal conditions should be checked every 6 months. If operation occurs when low temperatures, frequent temperature changes, in rooms with high humidity, a lot of dust, or in an aggressive environment - the testing period for power tools is reduced to 10 days. This is regulated by regulations for construction companies, but we also recommend that ordinary users adhere to these deadlines.

    In general, the more often you check, the better. Regulatory acts and the documents establish the maximum inspection interval, but no one forbids reducing it. This will only increase the safety and reliability of work. But under no circumstances neglect checks and do not increase the service interval, because this can lead to dire consequences.

    Inspections at enterprises

    Labor safety standards provide clear regulations governing not only the inspection and testing of power tools, but also the procedure for recording, issuing and repairing power tools.

    Each action with the tool is recorded in a special journal signed by the responsible employee. Each user must be familiar with safety precautions. Filled in according to the sample ( , ).

    As a result of the inspection, if equipment defects are found, a special power tool inspection report or power tool test report is drawn up, which records all the necessary parameters and details. With this inspection report, the instrument is sent for repair. We attach a sample inspection report document: , .

    An enterprise can have either one person responsible for accounting and storage of electrical equipment, or the second option, when each employee is assigned a tool that he constantly uses. Then responsibility, filling out documents and registering actions falls to him.

    At the enterprise, it is simply necessary to monitor the implementation of all regulations on labor protection, because otherwise the supervisory authorities will cause quite a few problems, and in the event of an accident at work or injury, an application is immediately sent to the prosecutor's office with mandatory subsequent checks and tests of the power tool. When violations are detected responsible person will be punished, and penalties will be imposed on the company. It is important to keep all documents correctly completed and intact to confirm non-violation of established standards.

    Checks at home

    In our home, country house or garage supervisory authorities no, but this does not mean that we do not need to adhere to the rules for checking and testing power tools, because this is our personal safety.

    Each power tool contains detailed instructions, which contains all the necessary information on the operation and testing of the tool. In addition, a visual check of the cable, housing and moving parts of any tool is required periodically at the beginning of work.

    In addition, after using the tool, it must be cleaned of dirt, dust or shavings.

    Often we use the tool very rarely. In this case, it is undesirable for it to just gather dust on the shelf. Try to take it out at least once every 3 months and “drive” it a little at idle speed.

    We will leave the frequency of checks at the discretion of the owner of the instrument: the rule of intensity of use of the instrument is also used here:

    • Frequent use, frequent checks;
    • The more difficult the operating conditions (cold, temperature changes, aggressive environments), the more frequent the checks.

    Based on this simple technique, you can choose the correct frequency of testing your power tool.

    The benefits of tool checks

    • Safety;
    • Extending tool life;
    • Prevention of tool breakdowns: sometimes a small “jamb” in the operation of the tool leads to failure of the entire device, and after that it is not always suitable for repair, or the cost of spare parts will make this repair unprofitable. So take a closer look and listen to your electrical assistants - vigilance will save you nerves, time and money.

    Portable power tools include devices used for construction or repair that are powered by an electrical outlet. Belonging to the “portable” category determines that they are delivered to the place of work without the use of mobile mechanisms and lifting devices. They are used personally by one or two people.

    Portable tools and accessories include:

    • tools with an electric motor - electric drills, hammer drills;
    • portable lamps;
    • electrical extension cords;
    • transformers and converters for powering tools and portable lamps operating on reduced voltage;
    • pneumatic and hydraulic tools;
    • hand tools powered by internal combustion engines;
    • hand pyrotechnic tools.

    We will focus only on figurative power tools.

    How accounting and testing of power tools are organized in organizations

    Working with power tools can cause injury. A worker suffers an electrical injury when an electrical part malfunctions. When working in fire or explosion hazardous areas, a fire or explosion occurs. When using a power tool, the protection class and the requirements of labor protection rules are taken into account, which determine the procedure for using devices of the corresponding class in premises, depending on their danger. Protection classes are marked with numbers 0, I, II or III.

    Workers are injured not only due to faulty electrical parts of the tool, but also due to faulty mechanics.

    The second risk factor is injuries associated with damage to the mechanical part of the instrument.

    If an employee is injured, the fact of the accident is recorded, an investigation is conducted, and a report is drawn up. If the injury occurs while using a power tool, proof that the tool is in working order will be required. PTEEP and labor protection rules require that the tool has undergone periodic testing in the prescribed manner. The test results are recorded in a log. This way you can document that his condition was monitored. If, as a result of the investigation, it turns out that the log or systematic entries in it are missing, the employer automatically becomes to blame for the employee’s injury.

    In addition to testing, at the enterprise or in the department Instructions for the safe use of power tools are being developed. Workers using such a tool are introduced to it under signature. If an injury occurs as a result of a violation of such instructions, the blame automatically shifts to the injured worker. If there are no instructions, or the employee is not familiar with them, the employer will be solely responsible for the employee’s injuries.

    But let's get back to the tests. Appointed at the enterprise employee responsible for the proper condition of power tools. He is selected from electrical (electrical repair) personnel and must have electrical safety group III or higher. If an enterprise consists of several divisions and there are difficulties with centralized checking of power tools, such workers are appointed in each workshop.

    Appointment of a responsible employee justified by an order for the enterprise signed by its leader.

    The responsibilities of the employee responsible for the safe operation of portable power tools include: maintaining a logbook and organizing inspections and tests.

    Portable power tool logbook

    The need to collect information about the availability of a tool is dictated by the fact that not a single copy of it will be missed by the test procedure. Otherwise, so that not a single unit is forgotten. For this Each tool is assigned an inventory number, applied to the body of the instrument with indelible paint.

    The cover of the magazine and the composition of its columns are presented below.

    It is advisable to allocate one journal page for each instrument. This makes it more convenient to trace the history of its inspections and test results.

    At the end of each line in which the test results are recorded, the person responsible for the safe operation of the power tool puts his signature.

    How an electrified tool is tested

    Periodic inspections and tests of power tools are carried out at least once every 6 months. If the tool is used intensively at an enterprise or department, then this period is reduced. New term tests are recorded by issuing a corresponding order for the enterprise.

    After repairing the tool, an additional (extraordinary) inspection and test is carried out.

    The test results are recorded in a log. The scope of the check is as follows:

    • external examination;
    • operating the tool at idle speed for at least 5 minutes;
    • insulation resistance measurement;
    • checking the grounding circuit.

    Before inspection, the instrument body is cleaned of contaminants that impede an objective assessment of its condition. The first step is to check whether there is an inventory number on the case and that the characteristics of the instrument correspond to the information in the magazine.

    Then the state is determined electrical plug to connect to the network. The absence of cracks, chips is checked, the contacts should not be deformed or burnt. A faulty plug must be replaced.

    Next to the plug, inspect the power cord. Throughout its entire length, the insulation must not be broken. It should not be overtightened or twisted, and there should be no areas of increased or decreased flexibility. The point where the cord enters the power tool must be protected from bending by a properly functioning standard protection.

    The operation of the power switch is checked without being connected to the network, its operation without the use of increased pressing force. The latch (if present) must firmly hold the power key pressed. Removal from the latch is carried out without delays or jamming.

    If there are rotating parts, check their rotation by hand. At the same time, extraneous sounds and the absence of axial play are assessed. The jaws of electric drill chucks must not be worn or damaged. You should also try installing a drill in a drill, a disc in an angle grinder, or changing them. At the same time, the operation of fastening and locking devices is checked.

    The integrity of the body of the power tool is checked, the absence of cracks and chips, the presence of shields, casings, limiters and other protective equipment provided for by the design.

    Idle check

    During the inspection, possible damage, wear of the mechanical part or malfunctions of the electrical part of the tool are identified.

    Pay attention to:

    • the appearance of a smell of burnt insulation or overheated lubricant;
    • sparks or smoke from the brush apparatus or windings;
    • sounds characteristic of bearing wear;
    • case heating.

    Insulation resistance test

    The measurement is performed with a special measuring instrument– with a megohmmeter, for a voltage of 500 V. The duration of application of the test voltage from the megohmmeter is 1 minute.

    Before using the device, make sure it is in working order. To do this, they perform two control measurements:

    Insulation resistance measurements are performed while the “On” button of the power tool is pressed. The test voltage is applied between the product body and any power conductor. The measured value should not be lower than 0.5 MΩ.

    To test extension cords, three measurements are taken by connecting the megohmmeter probes between:

    • zero and phase conductors;
    • zero and grounding conductor;
    • phase and grounding conductor.

    For a step-down transformer, the insulation resistance of the primary and secondary windings relative to the housing and to each other is measured.

    Testing voltage converters with a megohmmeter is carried out according to the manufacturer's instructions, since they contain semiconductor devices.

    Checking the ground circuit

    Testing is only required for tools with protection class I and a plug with a grounding pin. Through it, the device body is connected to the PE bus of the power supply network. The measurement is made between the housing and the ground pin of the plug. The result should not exceed 0.5 Ohm.

    For measurements, special ohmmeters are used that not only measure resistance, but also supply some current to the circuit under test.

    Megaohmmeters and ohmmeters pass into established deadlines metrological verification, and measurements are performed by a certified electrical laboratory.

    In the course of an organization’s activities, it is almost impossible to do without the acquisition and use of various household supplies, equipment and tools. The tool can be either ordinary, household, for minor repairs (for example, a set wrenches, screwdrivers), and more expensive - for performing specific tasks.

    In accounting, tools and household supplies can refer to both inventories and fixed assets. This is influenced, in particular, by their cost and duration. beneficial use. The procedure and methods for writing off the value of property as expenses must be enshrined in the accounting policies of the organization.

    The number of tools needed and used will vary depending on the company’s field of activity, the number of premises (warehouses, workshops, etc.), and the number of employees. However, even in small companies It is necessary to organize accounting of the existing instrument.

    A journal for recording and issuing instruments can be purchased at finished form in the printing house. Typically finished logs look like this: front page, the main part, designed in the form of a table. However, the company has the right to develop the form of the document on its own, reflecting in the document additional necessary information taking into account the specifics of the activity or, conversely, to simplify the maintenance of this document and provide columns for filling out the document itself. necessary information. The head of the company independently decides in what form to keep records of the tools used in the company (purchase a ready-made journal with the necessary design or develop your own form of the document).

    You should not include many fields in the inventory log to reflect information and complicate its completion. Do not forget about the main function that the journal should perform - accounting for existing and issued instruments. Let's take a closer look at what information needs to be reflected in the journal, how to properly format the journal, who should be responsible for the execution of the document and its safety.

    Tool log book (sample)

    If the organization records the instrument using a journal, then it is advisable to identify an employee who will be responsible for filling it out and storing it. Such an employee could be, for example, a storekeeper or a warehouse manager.

    The title page of the journal may include the title of the document, the name of the company, and the start and end date of the journal. The main part of the document is presented in the form of a table. The tool log usually contains the following information:

    • Record serial number;
    • The name of the tool that was issued to the employee, its inventory number;
    • Characteristics of the tool: model, brand, technical features;
    • Number of instruments issued;
    • Full name of the employee to whom the instrument was issued (additionally, you can reflect information about the structural unit, location - depends on the size of the company and the number of employees working in it);
    • The date the instrument was issued;
    • Signature on receipt of the instrument or its delivery (a separate field for notes can be provided).

    The instrument logbook must be numbered and stitched. The number of sheets the magazine contains must be recorded on the last page. In addition, on the last page of the journal it is necessary to put the certifying signature of the manager and the seal of the organization (if any).

    PTEEP and POT R M are written in blood... It sounds terrible, but that's how it is. Behind every line there are human victims. Neglect of safety rules leads to tragedy.

    According to statistics, most often the victims of accidents in electrical installations are experienced electricians with extensive work experience and a high electrical safety group.

    A person believes in his professionalism so much that he stops being afraid - and this is the sad result.

    Any enterprise must deal with electrical safety issues specially trained person responsible for electrical equipment. This is not a position, but an “honorable duty,” as Rostekhnadzor inspectors joke.

    Let's quote PTEEP: "1.2.3. To directly fulfill the responsibilities for organizing the operation of electrical installations, the head of the Consumer (except for citizens who are owners of electrical installations with voltages above 1000 V) appoints with the appropriate document the person responsible for the electrical equipment of the organization (hereinafter referred to as the person responsible for the electrical equipment) ... The person responsible for the electrical equipment and his deputy are appointed from among the managers and specialists of the Consumer" .

    Exactly this specialist is assigned responsibilities on conducting special and organizing measurements and testing of power tools.

    What is a portable power tool?

    Electric impact wrenches, electric drills, electric planes, grinders and polishers and other electrified mechanisms not fixed to a permanent foundation, as well as electric extension cords and portable lamps - all this portable power tool.

    Before entering into measurement and test results, it is necessary to carry out these actions. You need to start by assigning each power tool and portable lamp serial number(according to the new rules - inventory), which is written on the body with paint or a permanent marker in the place that is least exposed to mechanical stress.


    Let's look again at the "Rules" technical operation electrical installations of consumers" and in clause 3.5.11. we read that it is necessary to check portable power tools at least once every 6 months. Possibly more often.

    Who has the right to carry out measurements and tests?

    To carry out testing and measurement work special equipment required, instruments are an integral part of the electrical laboratory, therefore, the enterprise must have such a laboratory in order to carry out the work on its own.

    If, due to various circumstances, an enterprise cannot afford such luxury, it should contact an organization that owns a licensed electrical laboratory and qualified personnel.

    The electrical safety group for persons carrying out testing and measurement work must be not lower than III.

    Logbook for recording and testing electrical equipment.

    Posted information

    Contains the following graphs:

    • name of the power tool;
    • inventory number;
    • date of last test;
    • reason for testing, inspection (after repair or periodic);
    • insulation resistance measurement;
    • checking the serviceability of the grounding circuit;
    • external inspection and check of idle operation;
    • date of the next test, inspection;
    • the person who carried out the inspection, test (full name, signature).

    We will consider the order of filling out each of the columns separately and in great detail.


    It must exactly match the name of the instrument indicated in the passport.

    For example, you cannot simply write “drill”; you must indicate: “Makita HP 207 network impact drill.”

    Inventory number

    The procedure for assigning and applying an inventory number to the instrument body was discussed above.

    At this stage, the inventory number is recorded without errors in the appropriate column.

    Date of last test

    Everything is very simple here: we write the date of the last test of a portable power tool, recorded. If the tool is new, enter the factory test date indicated in the passport in this column.

    Reason for testing

    There are only two such reasons: the instrument has been repaired and requires additional testing, or the next inspection is due (6 months have passed since the date of the previous test).

    External inspection and checking idle speed

    Checking a power tool should begin with an external inspection. Procedure:

    • carefully inspect the body of the instrument, make sure there are no cracks, chips or dirt;
    • carefully inspect the plug, paying attention to how tightly the pins are fastened in the body; if the plug body is dismountable, check the fastening screws, use a screwdriver to tighten all screw connections, and make sure the body is intact;
    • Check the supply wire for flexibility, absence of twists, breaks and cracks on the surface of the wire, inspect the attachment points to the plug and the body of the tool (double insulation must not be broken).

    Checking idle speed carried out by connecting the tool to the electrical network and pressing the “Start” button. The power tool is tested without load. What to pay attention to:

    Based on the results of inspection and testing at idle speed An entry is made in the journal, including the date of the inspection and its result.(satisfactory or unsatisfactory).

    Insulation resistance measurement

    This procedure is performed using a megohmmeter. Device requirements:

    • output voltage – 1000 V;

    The measurement is carried out by a team of two people, the electrical safety group of one of them should not be below III. Before starting work you need to check megohmmeter.

    For this you need short-circuit the terminals of the device, rotate the handle until the arrow on the scale approaches 0. Then you need disconnect the leads and rotate the handle again. The instrument needle should deflect towards ∞.

    Measurement procedure:

    1. The terminals of the device are connected to the plug pins of the power tool being tested. It is necessary to pay attention to the terminal tips of the device did not touch each other. Depending on the type of megohmmeter, you need to rotate the handle of the device or press the button for 1 minute. Record the megohmmeter readings, stop measuring, disconnect the leads.
    2. Fix one of the device terminals on the pin of the tool plug, the second - on a metal part of the tool body. Measure within 1 minute, record the instrument reading and stop measurement.
    3. Connect the terminal of the device to another pin of the tool plug, Do not touch the device terminal previously connected to the metal part of the instrument body. Carry out the measurement for 1 minute, record the instrument reading, stop the measurement, disconnect the leads.

    Insulation resistance considered normal, if the measured value exceeds 0.5 MΩ.

    In the event that at least one of the measurements showed lower insulation resistance value, the tested power tool is rejected (entry “Unsatisfactory” in the corresponding column of the journal).

    If all three instrument insulation resistance measurements show satisfactory result, an entry is made in the appropriate column of the journal, recording the date of the test and its result (satisfactory).

    Checking the serviceability of the grounding circuit

    The test is performed on a power tool that has grounding pins on the plug. The purpose of this check is make sure the integrity of the grounding circuit, therefore, the closer the device reading is to 0, the better. Requirements for the device:

    • the date of the next verification has not expired (indicated on the label attached to the device body, after the words “Best before...”);
    • absence of dirt and visible mechanical damage (cracks, chips) on the device body.

    The check can be carried out by one person. You should start with testing the performance of the ohmmeter: turn on the device and short-circuit the terminals. The arrow on the scale should point to 0. After opening the terminals, a working device will show ∞.

    Actually circuit continuity check occurs as follows: one of the terminals of the device is attached to the grounding contact of the instrument plug, the second - to the metal parts of the case.

    When the device is turned on, its readings are recorded, the result is entered in the appropriate column of the log with the date indicated.

    Ground circuit is faulty, if the instrument readings tend to ∞ (record “Unsatisfactory”). In this case, the power tool cannot be used.

    Date of next test, inspection

    The frequency of inspections was mentioned above. It is worthwhile to dwell in more detail on those cases when tests are carried out more often than once every six months. This becomes necessary under the condition of active use of a portable power tool; the timing is determined by the person responsible for the electrical equipment.

    How to determine the date of the next test: add 6 months to the current date(or the quantity determined by the person responsible for electrical equipment) and make an entry in the appropriate column of the journal.

    The person who carried out the inspection or test

    This column is entered details of the person who carried out the check(surname, initials) and his signature is placed.

    This completes the filling out of the electrical tool inspection and testing log, so that in six months (or earlier) again repeat the whole procedure.

    Some may think that all of the above measures are redundant, that there is absolutely no need to do them. Let's try to convince a hypothetical opponent of the opposite.

    Rostechnadzor statistics tell us that the majority of accidents (more than 60%) occur at consumer electrical installations. The reason is failure to comply with mandatory measures aimed at maintaining the safe condition of electrical equipment, including portable power tools.

    It's worth thinking about unwillingness to follow rules leads to human casualties and draw appropriate conclusions.
