Prayer for a deceased friend. What prayers to read for the deceased at home

When a loved one passes away, it is always difficult and his relatives grieve and grieve for a long time. To help the soul settle into that world, it is necessary to read the funeral prayer. You can do this at home and in church, lighting a candle for the repose.

Prayer for deceased parents

Living people turn to God to save the soul of the deceased and promote God's mercy. It is also worth noting the fact that asking for the dead helps the living to be saved, since they are tuned into a heavenly mood. This helps to take your mind off the daily hustle and bustle and protect yourself from evil. Prayer for the repose of the soul of a deceased parent helps to accept the inevitable and calm down, and it will also make it easier for her to pass the tests after the repose.

One of the ways to express concern for departed parents is to read the Psalter. It is necessary to read one kathisma daily for the first 40 days after the death of a relative. This will help ensure quick peace of mind for the soul, a feeling of freedom and the opportunity to be in Paradise. You can say prayer texts at any time of the day.

Prayer for the deceased mother

The loss of a parent is a difficult test for a person at any age, and in order to alleviate one’s own condition and help the soul of a loved one, one should turn to God. A prayer for the deceased mother is read both in the first 40 days after her death and on all memorial dates, anniversaries of birth and death. It is worth noting that no one forbids reading petitions at any time when you want it. It is important to approach God with a pure heart.

While reading a prayer for the departed, you must try to renounce your own grief and despondency. Black grief is a serious violation of the commandments, which places a heavy burden on both the praying person and the deceased mother. It is worth saying that a petition for repose can be ordered from the church, but it is best to read the texts yourself. You should not use photographs or ritual objects, as this will be considered a sin. You need to take it and place it near the icon.

Prayer for a deceased father

The prayer text presented above can also be used to ask for God’s mercy for a deceased father. In addition to canonical texts, you can simply address the Higher Powers from the bottom of your heart in your own words. The repose of the soul is a complex religious sacrament, which is realized with the help of church prayers and rituals. If you do nothing, then the person deprives his father of support and it will be difficult for him to go through the process of atonement for the mistakes he made during his life. The prayer for the reassurance of the soul of a deceased father should be read thoughtfully and sensitively.

“Rest, O Lord, the soul of your deceased servant (name), and forgive him all his sins, voluntary and involuntary, and grant him the Kingdom of Heaven. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Widow's prayer for her deceased husband

The passing of a beloved spouse drives a woman into deep depression and a feeling of hopelessness arises. In such a situation, it is important not to forget that the soul of a deceased person needs support. For this purpose, there is a special prayer for the deceased spouse, which must be read for the first 40 days after death. In addition, you should recite the Psalter daily, all 20 kathismas in order. It is also recommended to go to the temple to perform a memorial rite and order a funeral service, magpie, liturgy and memorial service.

To help herself overcome grief, a woman is recommended to turn to God with a request to give strength to survive grief and live on. He will certainly hear and give strength to cope with trouble. It would not be amiss to talk to the priest about the grief that happened. It is important to remember that a prayer for the deceased can be said in your own words, the main thing is that it comes from a pure heart, because this is important for the soul of the spouse to be reunited with God.

Husband's prayer for his deceased wife

There are prayer requests that no one can read for a person, and this group includes texts intended for widows and widowers. All the previously described recommendations are acceptable in in this case. A prayer for a deceased wife can be read in church or at home, the main thing is solitude in order to be able to fully immerse yourself in dialogue with the Higher powers. It is recommended to pray in front of the icon, next to which you should light a candle. Say your petition with great faith in the eternal life of the soul and the meeting after the Last Judgment.

Mother's prayer for deceased children

The clergy recommend praying in church, but home appeals to the Higher Powers are also a life-saving means for deceased people. Prayer for deceased children and other people, which are said at home, is called the “cell rule.” There is a main petition for deceased people - a commemoration and it can be found in every prayer book. The Church commands to ask God daily for children who have passed away, reading the following text:

Prayer for the deceased unbaptized

The Church has an ambivalent attitude towards lost souls, that is, towards dead people who were not baptized during their lifetime, but there is a prayer that relatives can read for them. It is important to consider that you cannot order a liturgy in church for unbaptized dead people. Prayer for unbaptized dead people can be addressed not only to saints, but also to God, since every person who has lived a righteous life has the right to forgiveness and protection.

There are many legends about the holy martyr Huar, who is considered to be the patron saint of the lost. During his lifetime, he did many good things, having the opportunity to help Christians who were imprisoned for their faith. It is worth noting that the prayer for the dead to the martyr Uar weakens the eternal torment of the unbaptized soul, but at the same time it does not guarantee him a place in Paradise.

Prayer for the deceased up to 40 days

Funeral prayer is considered an obligation of every believer. According to church canons, it is important to read prayer addresses during the first 40 days after death. All the texts presented above are suitable for this. It is important to take into account that prayers that are prohibited from mentioning at church services are allowed to be said in homes.

Prayer for deceased people should be read in church as often as possible. This should be done not only on days designated for remembrance, but also at other times. The main thing is a short prayer at the Divine Liturgy, when a bloodless sacrifice is made to God. This is followed by a memorial service, which is served in front of a special table. During it, offerings are left in memory of people who have passed away. You should also order a magpie, which begins on the day of death and lasts 40 days.

We should also talk about how to pray in a cemetery, which is considered a holy place where the bodies of dead people rest until their future resurrection. It is important to always keep the grave clean, and the cross is considered the preacher of Sunday. When coming to the cemetery, you need to light a candle and read a prayer. You cannot eat or drink at the grave, as this desecrates the memory of the deceased person. The tradition of leaving a glass of vodka and a piece of bread at the grave is considered a pagan relic.

Christianity believes that while a person is alive, he has free will and a person has the right to decide for himself whether to move towards God or not. But when a person has already died, his will no longer manifests itself, what he did during his life is what he will receive. Now, after death, the prayers of relatives pull the soul towards the light, which does not resist, but rather strives for God.

In addition, prayer for the dead is intended to heal you yourself, to bring you closer to God. Some people believe that prayers, fasting, and austerities strengthen the human spirit; if a person on earth is able to show willpower, then in the afterlife it will be easier for him to resist temptation.

Prayer for the departed at home

Immediately after death, the order for the separation of the soul from the body is read over the deceased:

Text of the prayer:


Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal, have mercy on us. (Read three times, with the sign of the cross and bow from the waist)

Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit,” “And now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Prayer to the Most Holy Trinity

Lord have mercy (three times);

Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit,” “And now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen

Lord's Prayer

Our Father, who art in heaven! Hallowed be it Your name, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, as it is in heaven and on earth. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, just as we forgive our debtors; and do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one

Lord, have mercy. (12 times).

Reading the troparia:

With the spirits of the righteous who have passed away, rest the soul of Your servant, O Savior, preserving it in the blessed life that belongs to You, O Lover of Mankind.

In Thy resting place, O Lord: where all Thy saints rest, give rest also to the soul of Thy servant, for Thou art the only Lover of mankind.

Glory: You are God, Who descended into hell and loosed the bonds of the bound, May You Himself and the soul of Your servant give rest.

And now: One Pure and Immaculate Virgin, who gave birth to God without a seed, pray for the salvation of his soul.

Psalm 90, Alive in the help of the Most High.

Song 1

Irmos: Having passed through water like dry land, and having escaped the evil of Egypt, the Israeli cried out: Let us drink to our Deliverer and our God.

I opened my mouth, O Savior, grant me the word to pray, O Mercy, for the one who has now passed away, and rest his soul, O Master.

Chorus: Rest, O Lord, to the soul of Your departed servant.

Having been dead in the flesh, O Savior, and laid in the tomb with the dead, the soul of Your servant rests in a green place, like the Merciful.

Glory: Hear my prayerful voice, O God of the Trihypostasis, and grant the soul of the reposed in the depths of Abrahamlikh, the Deliverer.

And now: You, Most Pure Mother of God, Whom you conceived without the temptation of a man, pray to Your Son to grant peace to Your departed servant.

Song 3

Irmos: Supreme Creator of the heavenly circle and the Creator of the Church, You confirm me in Your love, the desires of the land, true statement, One is more humane.

In a place of greenery, in a place of peace, where the faces of the saints rejoice, the soul of Your departed servant rests, O Christ, the Only Merciful.

Where the faces of the saints are, place there, O Master, who served You with all my heart and lifted Your yoke upon His frame, as the One Lord of life and death.

Glory: Heavenly Father Almighty, and the Only Begotten Son, and the Holy Soul of Origin, despise the sins of the deceased, and in the Church the firstborn will cause him to glorify Thee with all those who have pleased Thee.
And now: As the Holy Mother of the Most Holy God, the Lady of all, Mary the Mother of God, with all the saints of this, pray to the soul of Thy servant to rest in the heavenly villages.

Song 4

Irmos: I have heard, O Lord, the observation of Your mystery, I have understood Your works and glorified Your Divinity.

He who descended into the underworld, O Christ, raised up all that had died, and left us in peace, O Savior, who is Generous.

There is no one without sin, only You are One, Master: for this sake, forgive the sins of the departed one, and place him in paradise.

Glory: Hear, O Holy Trinity, the voices of the prayer offered to You in the church for the deceased, and illuminate with Your Divine light the soul darkened by vain devotions.

And now: You gave birth, O Most Pure One, without a male seed, to a Perfect God and a Perfect Man, who takes away our sins, O Virgin. Pray to this, Lady, to grant Your departed servant peace.

Song 5

Irmos: Enlighten us with Your commandments, O Lord, and with Your high arm grant us Your peace, O Lover of Mankind.

Having the power of life and death, rest has departed from us, O Christ our God. You are all, Savior, Peace and Belly.

Place your hope in You, the Savior, who has departed from us; but You, Lord, show mercy to him, for God is Most Merciful.

Glory: Enlighten us, Trisagion, glorified Master, those who pray to You, receive Heavenly peace, and in peaceful villages bring the soul that has departed from the temporary, in the hope of endless life.

And now: Shuiyago standing, Most Pure One, beseech Thy Son, O Virgin Lady, to deliver the departed One, as the Savior and God of our Existing Mother.

Song 6

Irmos: I will pour out a prayer to the Lord, and to Him I will proclaim my sorrows, for my soul is filled with evil and my belly is approaching hell, and I pray like Jonah: from aphids, O God, lift me up.

You have overthrown hell, O Master, and you have resurrected those who died from time immemorial and who have now been reposed from us into the bosom of Abraham, You, God, have brought all, having forgiven all sins, for you are Merciful.

The commandment that you gave to me, O God, transgressed and were mortal, but You, God, who descended into the grave and resurrected souls from all eternity, do not raise me up, O Master, to torment, but to rest, the departed one cries out to You, O Most Merciful.

Glory: We pray to Thee, Beginningless Father and Son and Holy Soul, do not reject the soul that has passed into the depths of hell, embittered by the malice of the soul-evil world, and do not reject the soul that has passed into the depths of hell towards You, the Creator, O God, my Savior.

And now: From heaven, Christ our God, like rain on a fleece, the Most Pure One, descended on You, drinking the whole world and drying up all the godless streams, flooding the whole earth with His mind, Ever-Virgin, pray to Him to give peace to Your departed servant.

Kontakion, tone 8


Thou art the One Immortal One, who created and created man: on earth we were created from the earth, and let us go to the same earth, as Thou didst command, Who created me, and who gave unto me: For Thou art the earth, and unto the earth shall we go, and even all men shall go, creating a funeral lamentation song: Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia.

Song 7

Irmos: The youths who came from Judea, in Babylon, sometimes, by the faith of the Trinity, quenched the flames of the cave, singing: God of the fathers, blessed art thou.

Master Christ God, whenever you want to judge the world, have mercy on the soul of your servant, whom you received from us, crying: God of our fathers, blessed are you.

In the food of heaven, where the righteous souls rejoice in those who served You, consider with them, O Christ, the soul of Your servant, who sang: Our father, God, blessed art thou.

Glory: Saved three Jewish youths into the fires, glorified in three persons, deliver the eternal fire of the departed, who sang truly: Our father, God, blessed art thou.

And now: Isaiah called Thee the Rod, the Pure One, Daniel called Thee the Uncut Mountain, Ezekiel the Door, from which Christ passed through, we magnify Thee, the True Mother of God.

Song 8

Irmos: The sevenfold furnace, the Chaldean tormentor, furiously kindled the godly, having seen this by the best power, they were saved, crying out to the Creator and Savior: fathers, bless, priests, sing, O people, exalt to all ages.

Having finished his course and come running to You, O Lord, the departed one now cries out: Forgive my sins, O Christ our God, and do not judge me, when you wanted to judge everyone, for I cried faithfully to You: all the works of the Lord, sing to the Lord and exalt Him forever.

He bore, O Master, Thy yoke on His frame, and Thy burden was light, even if not always, but in the place of Thy saints indwelled his soul, who sang to Thee, O Christ the Savior: fathers, bless, priests, sing, O people, exalt Him unto the ages.

Let us bless the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit of the Lord.

Beginningless Holy Trinity, God the Father and the Son and the Holy Soul, in the person of the saints rank the soul of Your departed servant and deliver eternal fire, so that He may praise You, singing unto the ages: fathers, bless, priests, sing, O people, exalt Him forever.

And now: Thee, Virgin, the prophecies of the face prophesied, the clairvoyant eyes of Thee are piercing: for the Rod is called Thee, aka the Eastern Door, aka the Uncut Mountain of men. We confess You truly as the Mother of God, who gave birth to the God of all things, and pray to Him for the repose of the departed One forever and ever.

Song 9

Irmos: The heavens were horrified at this, and the ends of the earth were amazed, for God had appeared as a man in the flesh, and Your womb was the most spacious of Heaven. Thus Thea, the Mother of God, the Angels and the people of the ranks are magnified.

Jesus, my God, Savior, Adamle, you took away crime and tasted death, and freed people from it, O Merciful One. In the same way we pray to Thee, O Most Merciful One: rest in peace, for He is Good, in the courts of Thy saints, for He alone is All-Good and Merciful.

There is no one, O Merciful One, who has not sinned among men, except You alone, Jesus Christ, take away the sins of the whole world. Moreover, having cleansed Thy servant from sins, institute in Thy holy courts: for Thou art the Life and Peace, and Light, and Joy of all those who have pleased You.

Glory: All human nature was amazed at how the Only Begotten Son of the Father Without Beginning took flesh from the Virgin through the action of the Holy Spirit, and you suffered like a man, so that you might revive the dead. Thus, now departed from us, we diligently pray to Thee, in the land of the living, as Good, dwell.

And now: We call You the Bride, Most Pure One, the Invisible Father and Mother of the Son from You incarnated by the Holy Spirit, and we offer You the Prayer Book for Your departed servant: You are the Helper of the Imams of the earth, and we magnify You with singing love.

Worthy to eat: Trisagion. According to Our Father:

Troparion, tone 6

One by nature is this Life-Creator, Christ, and the goodness of the truly unsearchable abyss, grant Your now departed servant Your Kingdom: for You are the only One who has many bounties and immortality.

Glory, and now, Theotokos:

You who gave birth to the source of life, O Lady, the Savior of the world, Jesus the Lord, diligently pray to the endless life of Your servant who has now passed away: for You alone are the most famous Helper of Christians.

Lord, have mercy (12). And this prayer:

Remember, O Lord our God, in the faith and hope of the eternal life of Your departed servant, our brother (name), and as Good and Lover of mankind, forgiving sins and consuming untruths, weaken, forsake and forgive all his voluntary and involuntary sins, deliver him eternal torment and fire of Gehenna, and grant him the communion and enjoyment of Your eternal good things, prepared for those who love You: even if you sin, do not depart from You, and undoubtedly in the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, Your glorified God in the Trinity, Faith, and Unity in the Trinity and the Trinity in Unity, Orthodox even until his last breath of confession.

Be merciful to him, and faith, even in You instead of deeds, and with Your saints, as You give generous rest: for there is no man who will live and not sin. But You are One besides all sin, and Your righteousness is righteousness forever, and You are the One God of mercies and generosity, and love for mankind, and to You we send glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and to the ages of ages.

Prayer for the deceased up to 40 days

Then, usually 3 or all 40 days after death, the Psalter is read. Reading the psalter is work and not a small one. Most often, the Psalter is read in turn by the relatives and friends of the deceased. Any Orthodox believer can read the psalter, but the presence of a close relative is considered a very good sign.

In addition to personal reading at home, relatives often order an indestructible Psalter from the church for 40 days, six months or a year. During this time, day and night they pray for the soul of the deceased. At this time, memorial services for the deceased are ordered in the Temple, which are performed before the funeral. Also, in the first days after the death of a person, they usually order a sorokoust, where they will pray for the person for 40 days, then the sorokoust can be extended for a year. At the same time, they themselves go to church and light a candle for the repose of their souls.

How to light candles for the repose?

In churches, so that loved ones can pray for the deceased, an eve table is installed. This is a small table with a rectangular candlestick and the Crucifixion of the Lord. As a rule, it is located to the left of the entrance. If for some reason the required table is missing, then you can light a candle for the repose of any icon.

How to light candles for the dead?
First, you must purchase a candle from a church store. Go to the table, cross yourself twice and light your candle, bringing it to the other lit candles. Place the candle in an empty cell and say, “Rest, O Lord, the soul of Your departed servant (name).”
After this, you can stand and think about the deceased while looking at the candle flame. It is customary to light candles for health round table. Candles for the repose are usually lit on any day from 1 to 40. As soon as loved ones have a desire to remember the deceased.

Prayer for the 9th day for the deceased

On days 9 and 40, it is customary to especially pray for the deceased. On these days, they come to the church in advance of the start of the liturgy and submit a note to the church shop about the repose of the deceased. Until the fortieth day, the note writes “newly deceased (name).” The remembrance of the deceased is performed in the church at the Divine Liturgy, and a requiem service is served before or after the liturgy. During the days of Lent, instead of a memorial service, a litiya is read.

It is customary to bring sweet porridge (kutya) to church for the liturgy. Kutya is prepared from wheat or rice grains and honey. Grains symbolize life after death, and honey symbolizes the sweetness of heavenly life. Kutia and other treats are consecrated and blessed by the priest. Afterwards you can take them home for the wake and treat everyone.

After visiting the temple, it is customary to go to the grave to read the litiya there. Litia about the deceased can be read in the house with the body, in the temple and at the grave.

Text of prayer for the deceased up to 40 days at home or in the cemetery

Through the prayers of the saints, our fathers, Lord Jesus Christ our God, have mercy on us. Amen.
Glory to Thee, our God, glory to Thee.
Heavenly King, Comforter, Soul of Truth, Who is everywhere and fulfills everything. Treasure of good things and life to the Giver, come and dwell in us, and cleanse us from all filth, and save, O Blessed One, our souls.
Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal, have mercy on us. (Read three times, with the sign of the cross and bow from the waist.)

Most Holy Trinity, have mercy on us; Lord, cleanse our sins; Master, forgive our iniquities; Holy One, visit and heal our infirmities, for Thy name's sake.
Lord, have mercy. (Thrice.)
Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.
Our Father, who art in heaven! Hallowed be Thy name, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, as it is in heaven and on earth. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, just as we forgive our debtors; and do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.
Lord, have mercy. (12 times.)
Come, let us worship our King God. (Bow.)
Come, let us worship and fall down before Christ, our King God. (Bow.)
Come, let us bow and fall down to Christ Himself, the King and our God. (Bow.)

Living in the help of the Most High, he will settle in the shelter of the Heavenly God. Says the Lord: Thou art my Protector and my Refuge. My God, and I trust in Him. For He will deliver you from the snare of the trap, and from rebellious words, His splash will overshadow you, and under His wing you hope: His truth will surround you with weapons. Do not be afraid from the fear of the night, from the arrow that flies during the day, from the thing that passes in the darkness, from the cloak, and from the demon of the midday. Thousands will fall from your country, and darkness will fall at your right hand, but it will not come close to you, otherwise you will look at your eyes, and you will see the reward of sinners. For You, O Lord, are my hope, You have made the Most High your refuge. Evil will not come to you, and wound will not approach your body, as His Angel commanded you to keep you in all your ways. They will lift you up in their arms, but not when you dash your foot on a stone, step on an asp and a basilisk, and cross a lion and a serpent. For I have trusted in Me, and I will deliver, and I will cover, and because I have known My name. He will call to Me, and I will hear him: I am with him in sorrow, I will overcome him, and I will glorify him, I will fill him with long days, and I will show him My salvation.
Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.
Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia, glory to Thee, O God (three times).
From the spirits of the righteous who have passed away, rest the soul of Your servant, O Savior, preserving it in the blessed life that belongs to You, O Lover of Mankind.
In Thy resting place, O Lord, where Thy holiness rests, rest also the soul of Thy servant, for Thou art the only Lover of mankind.
Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit: You are God, who descended into hell and loosed the bonds of those who were bound. May you and your servant rest in peace.
And now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen: One Pure and Immaculate Virgin, who gave birth to God without a seed, pray for his soul to be saved.

Kontakion, tone 8:
With the saints, rest, O Christ, the soul of Your servant, where there is no sickness, no sorrow, no sighing, but endless life.

Thou art the One Immortal One, who created and created man: we were created on earth from the earth, and let us go to the same earth, as Thou Who Created me commanded, and who gave unto me: as Thou art the earth, and thou hast gone to the earth, and even as men shall go, weeping at the grave, creating a song: Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia.
We magnify Thee, the most honorable Cherub and the most glorious without comparison, the Seraphim, who gave birth to God the Word without corruption.
Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.
Lord, have mercy (three times), bless.
Through the prayers of the saints, our fathers, Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on us. Amen.
In blessed dormition, grant eternal peace. Lord, Thy departed servant (name) and create for him eternal memory.
Eternal memory (three times).
His soul will dwell in the good, and his memory throughout generation and generation.

Can a funeral be held before 40 days?

The 40th day is considered a very important and decisive milestone for the soul of the deceased, and therefore church commemoration takes place exactly on this day. For example, you can come to an early liturgy and then go to work. However, the funeral table is allowed to be set on other days. For example, if the wake falls on Christmas or on a weekday, when relatives cannot gather even in the evening. However, in this case it is better to commemorate earlier, since after the 40th day, according to Christian beliefs, the outcome of the soul is already predetermined.

What prayers are read after 40 days of death?

After 40 days, departed loved ones are remembered several times a year:

On parent's Saturdays;
-On the anniversary of death;
-To radonite;

For those killed in war, the following are distinguished:
- Dmitrievskaya Saturday(Saturday before November 8);
- May 9;

On these days, as well as on days 9 and 40, you need to order a commemoration at the liturgy, a memorial service, and visit the grave loved one and read the lithium on it.

Prayer for a year after death

On the anniversary of death, you need to submit a note of remembrance at the Liturgy, then hold a memorial service in the church, and then go to the cemetery to read the lithium there. In addition, on the anniversary it is customary to organize a memorial dinner for loved ones.

Prayers read at home 40 days for the deceased

Up to 40 days, whenever you want to mentally connect and read a prayer for the deceased, you can read a short prayer:

“Rest, O Lord, the souls of Your departed servants: my parents, relatives, benefactors (their names), and all Orthodox Christians, and forgive them all sins, voluntary and involuntary, and grant them the Kingdom of Heaven.”

Prayers for the unbaptized deceased

Unbaptized, non-believing and non-religious relatives are not commemorated in churches. You are supposed to pray for them at home in your own words; you can also read a prayer to the holy martyr Uar.

Prayers to the Martyr Uar


O holy martyr Uare, the venerable one, we kindle with zeal for the Lord Christ, you confessed the Heavenly King before the tormentor, and for Him you suffered zealously, and now the Church honors you, as you are glorified by the Lord Christ with the glory of Heaven, Who has given you the grace of great boldness towards Him, and now you stand before Him with the Angels, and rejoice in the Highest, and see clearly the Holy Trinity, and enjoy the light of the Beginning Radiance, remember also our relatives' yearning, who died in wickedness, accept our petition, and like Cleopatrine, you freed the unfaithful race from eternal torment with your prayers , so remember those who were buried against God, who died unbaptized, trying to ask for deliverance from eternal darkness, so that with one mouth and one heart we may all praise the Most Merciful Creator forever and ever. Amen.


Voice 4

Through the army of the saints, the passion-bearer who suffered legally, / in vain, you showed your strength courageously. / And rushing into passion with the will, / and dying willingly for Christ, / Who accepted the honor of the victory of your suffering, Uare, / pray for our souls to be saved.


Voice 4

Having followed Christ, the martyr Uare,/ having drunk the cup,/ and wearing the crown of torment,/ and rejoicing with the Angels // pray unceasingly for our souls.


Song 1

Irmos: Immerse the chariot of Pharaoh, sometimes work miracles, striking the rod of Moses in a cross shape and dividing the sea, and save Israel the fugitive pedestrian, singing the song of God.

Chorus: Holy Martyr Huare, pray to God for us.

Be implored, O Lord, by Thy holy martyr Uar and clothe yourself with mercy and generosity; and this will be poured out even to hell, O Lover of Mankind, and will reward those (names) that are asked of us, rich in Your mercy.

Great Martyr of Christ, remember the embittered and helpless (names), who sits in the darkness of unenlightened darkness, and do not stop, falling to the generous Lord, until you console the rich with His mercy.

Glory: You were able to pray for the wondrous family of Cleopatra, O glorious passion-bearer, for even today, by being able, you are able to free from torment (names) that are remembered from us, if you diligently pray for them to the Lord, for your sake I will console you with the richness of His mercy.

And now: Helpless, Good Helper, look from Your glory, Lady, to the darkness of hell, and see the troubles of those touched before You by us remembering (names), and do not stop begging for them Your Son and the generous Lord and Master, until I will comfort the rich with His mercy.

Song 3

Irmos: Established at the beginning of Heaven by reason and the earth founded on the waters, establish me, O Christ, on stone, Thy commandments, for honor is holy, more than Thee, the One Lover of Mankind.

Move the face of the holy Heavenly Powers with you to prayer, O martyr, and do a wonderful, great and honest deed, moreover, joy to those who have no hope and consolation, those who do not trust, our bitter, unfaithfully deceased ancestor and who are remembered with them (names), who will bestow this from Lord forgiveness and great mercy.

Considerably passion-bearing and beloved of Christ, assure that since freedom and joy are desired for the tormented, our relatives, and those like them who have acquired (names) for the sake of eternal torment, will not find the measures with their joy, unless you ask for forgiveness and great mercy from the Lord.

Glory: Uare, the kindly victorious sufferer, be merciful to our prayers, and see the dejected (names) in unspeakable need, and you yourself, compelled by pity, relentlessly pray to the philanthropic Lady, that he may grant them forgiveness and great mercy.

And now: Worldwide hope, God-pleasing village, our reconciliation with God, Mary the Lady, accept the petitions of the present coming and do not stop praying to Your Son and to the Lord of all, that He may grant the hopeless (names) for Your sake forgiveness and great mercy.

Sedalen, voice 5:

While you pray for the whole world, great martyr, and do not cease, asking for mercy for everyone and for every criminal, images of those who have fiercely annoyed and incessantly annoyed the Lady, who have killed their deeds to the end and have gained nothing, as if they had done evil, also, more passion-bearingly, appeared about ours deceased relatives (names), as if possible, starting, do not retreat, praying and falling down to the Lord who has mercy on all, may he forgive and have mercy on those who sit in darkness and fiercely grieved.

Another sedalene, voice 3:

Eternal joys of the inhabitant, namesake of Heavenly peace, Great Ware, daring and daring to remember before the Lord the tender couple of our ancestors, even if we do not lay you in their tomb, but with a zealous request for pity, from them, we join you. In the same way, fall down and pray, for the Lord will not reject your presence, but bows down out of immeasurable goodness, and will send deliverance and great mercy to the distressed.

Glory, and now:

Most Holy Lady, glorified by the Heavenly Powers and exalted, Mother of the King of all, where and when Your glory and majesty wants to increase, isn’t it then, when You intercede for sinners and cover the whole world with Your prayers, and multiply today, O Lady, Your splendor exaltation, deliver with Your warm prayers from fierce torment our unfaithful and unbaptized relatives, and those remembered with them (names), and grant them deliverance and great mercy.

Song 4

Irmos: You are my strength, Lord, You are my strength, You are my God, You are my joy, do not leave the bosom of the Father, and having visited our poverty, with the prophet Habakkuk I call to You: glory to Your strength, Lover of mankind.

Elma, the most passion-bearing one, loves everyone who comes running to you with faith, and we also love to be with those who pray to you for good luck. What else will the Humane-lover do with the desire to glorify you, if not by giving the requested mercy to the touched and all joy deprived of the eternal prisoner (name), and henceforth, O good martyr, praying not for these in poverty.

The winter is fierce and salvation lies fruitless in the wicked dead and mourning is joyless, here, therefore, consider the essence of those remembered from us (names). But you, the passion-bearer, unite these to the righteous race, striving and praying for them without becoming empty.

Glory: Let the dark prison of hell forever not embrace our ancestors and relatives and all those remembered with them: to you, the wondrous sufferer, who has laid down the power of unbelief and sinful power, so continue to forgive these hedgehogs with Cleopatrine’s family, martyr, praying.

And now: By You, Most Pure One, we glorify with the knowledge of every Creator, and from You the Flesh-Bearer, the inexhaustible Savior, magnify with skill, and You, the Lady, we praise, and We worship You, and we pray, have mercy on our relatives who died in unbelief (names), and deliver them not to the Son. praying.

Song 5

Irmos: Thou hast cast all of me away from Thy presence, O Light that never set, and an alien darkness has covered me, the accursed one, but turn me, and direct my path to the light of Thy commandments, I pray.

Every gift, martyr, and every mercy from the merciful Lord are poured out, even if they are wonderful and wonderful, adding up to the forgiveness of those who died in wickedness (names), the majesty of this is most wonderfully left. In the same way, today, try to do a great thing, pray to the Lord, the martyr.

Do not turn away, O Lord, from our tenderness, remember the multitude of our sins, and moreover remember Your ancient mercies, and for the sake of Your bounties, and for the sake of the noble sufferer, do not become impoverished in the wealth of Your immeasurable mercy, but pour out mercy and forgiveness, which we remember (names).

Glory: There is, then, great martyr, and the love of mankind reaches the Lord and to those who are in the sea far away, stand in the same way today and, falling, beg Him to have mercy on those who have been removed from both faith and baptism, our deceased relatives who have died and all those who are remembered with them (names), grant forgiveness and great mercy.

And now: Appear, O Lady, to our exhaustion, and wake us up in our needs, helping us everywhere and ever. For You are the Christian Hope and Trust, so do not reject our petition, but create it perfect and filled with Your indescribable grace.

Song 6

Irmos: I will cleanse, O Savior, my many iniquities, and bring me up from the depths of evil, I pray: I have cried out to You, and hear me, O God of my salvation.

Let the vacillations of the enemy not rejoice, having received souls for gain, but you, martyr, with your warm prayers, destroy his desires, begging the Lord to forgive the names we remember, and to deliver us from that eternal torment.

The beginning of our feat is Cleopatrine's kind of forgiveness, from here, with the guilty perception, raise you up to prayer, and for those whom we remember (names), do not despise, great martyr, and do not reject the presence of sinners, but, having striven, ask the Lord Christ for forgiveness and deliverance from bitter torment.

Glory: For the sake of unbelief, you seeth the end of evils, and the aspirations of good things are greatly destroyed by the wrath of God for the sake of God, but you, more passionate, receive boldness, the joy of forgiveness instead of terrible languor from the Heavenly King and, having been delivered from grief, observe in the Master's mercy.

And now: Kaya, Lady, will anger overcome Your Mother of prayer? Truly, if you appear today, praying for those asked by You (names), grant them joyful forgiveness, deliverance and great mercy.

Kontakion, tone 4

Having followed Christ, the martyr Uare, having drunk His cup, and having been bound to the crown of torment, and rejoicing with the Angels, pray unceasingly for our souls.


Remember our words, O bright inhabitant of heaven, Christ’s glorious great martyr Uare, named after the eternal rest, and through your great sufferings, an impenetrable and bright chamber acquired from an impassable prison, and unceasing anguish, and need, striving with your God-pleasing prayers to deliver the tender servants (names), for their sake We pray to you, who is present and earnestly crying out, to fulfill our petitions, holy one, and pray to Christ God unceasingly for our souls.

Song 7

Irmos: Sometimes the fire in Babylon was ashamed of God’s descent, for this reason the youths in the cave rejoiced with their feet, like in a flower bed, rejoicing: blessed art thou, O God of our fathers.

As the sun, Lord, enlightens everyone, and rains unenviably upon everyone, and unceasingly grants mercy to those who anger You, and now listen to Uar, Your sufferer, and pour out Your mercy to the end of our estranged relatives and those who are unfaithful with them (names), Lover of mankind .

Now, as before, be generous, O Lord, and beg to appear, O Lord, as you did for Cleopatra, and for us, O Merciful One, do: eat Your generosity and mercy towards those whom we remember (names), for You are an inexhaustible source of mercy.

Glory: Even if the prophet, rising up, sings of Thy mercy, O Lord, forever, for we believe in Thy bounty, for Thy mercy is immeasurable, and from the abyss into the depths of those who have drowned, we beg to pour out Thy mercy, fulfill this for the sake of the martyr, O our Lord.

And now: The wise prophet says that Mount You is the prophet, but we believe that the Stone of the Mother of God will come from You without the admixture of men; Through whom we received our salvation and from the depths of hell we were raised, O Lady, raise up today from hell the names we remember (names), so that we may unceasingly magnify You, the All-Merciful.

Song 8

Irmos: The three youths, who disobeyed the Musikian body and the countless people who worshiped the image in Deir, sang and glorified the Lord forever.

Let the balls be the ancient words of Thy mercy, O Lord, saying and lifting up our hope, for Thou didst listen to Thy saints, O Lord, to have mercy on the unfaithful dead, whom even today we bring to Thy prayer, and for the sake of their petitions, for the sake of graciousness to those who died heterodoxically (names), with knowledge and Ignorance has annoyed You, O Master.

Lamb of God, who redeemed us with His Most Pure Blood, having heard the prayer of Feklino and Blessed Gregory, received the petition of Methodius with many and Macarius, and given joy and deliverance to the evil-believers to the dead, and Chrysostom wrote a prayer for these, having erected, accept therefore, O Lord, with this glorious Uar and through their prayers (names) are remembered from us, forgive and have mercy.

Glory: Request joy for us, great martyr, we will rejoice, if through your prayers we find our relatives (names) delivered from eternal torment: the Master always hears your prayers and fulfills your petitions, so you are not poor for these and now praying, so that we glorify you forever.

And now: Most immaculate Lady, abound in abundance of mercy and generosity, wondrous and brideless Mother of the Tsareva, for we who seek mercy, where in India we will find this, if we do not hasten to You, falling down, for You have given us an abundant stream of sweetness, Most Blessed One.

Song 9

Irmos: Heaven and the ends of the earth were horrified at this, for God had appeared as a man in the flesh, and Thy womb was the most spacious of Heaven, and thus Thee, the Mother of God, the Angels and the people of the ranks are magnified.

O God, may you, glorious Uara, through your God-pleasing prayers accept and pour out mercy, even to those who are alienated to the end, for One is the Parent of generosity and mercy, and everything is possible for Him as the Master; us remembered (names).

Do the work diligently, about the Great Martyr, and apply it to your glory, asking forgiveness from the Lord and the change of His righteous anger to those who are grieved by the dark evil faith for the sake of our ancestor and the hedgehog, in grief and in anticipation of the fiercest beings (names), so that you may aspire to fearless deliverance, where weigh the Lord forgiven put.

Glory: And what a miracle will appear this most wondrous, what glory is most famous, and what mercy is greater than this, if you, martyr, regret, beg the merciful Lord to forgive the sin of wickedness, like those remembered from us (names), and to deliver them from their fierce torment.

And now: Merciful Lady, loving and not remembering evil, accept the pity of our petition and relentlessly intercede for mercy to your merciful Son and Lady, to have mercy and forgive the sin of heterodoxy to our deceased relatives and those remembered with them (names), absolution and the place of this mercy is inalienable. .


It will be righteous, O Master Lord, who forgave Ti Cleopatraine's ancestors, and today hear the prayer of Uar, Your great martyr, and ours, many sinners, stand: to deliver from torment those who are remembered with pity before You (names). In the same way, hasten, O Generous One, and strive, for the merciful have mercy on these, as much as you can, even though you can.

Glory, and now:

Strive, O Lady, to hear our prayer, which is brought to You in Your Church, and bow down to the mercy of Your Son and the Lord who has mercy on You, the Mother of God, and from righteous wrath, let our deceased ancestors, our friends and relatives (names), hasten, All-merciful, deliver these, for you are able to be merciful, desiring mercy for all.

Prayer for deceased suicides

Suicides are not remembered in church and services are not held for them. However, if suicide was committed as a result of mental illness, in a state of passion and in some cases due to negligence, then, if there is a medical report, you can turn to to the ruling bishop to receive a blessing and subsequent funeral service.

If the suicide was voluntary, then the relatives remember the deceased with prayer at home:

Remember, Lord, if possible, the soul of Thy servant (name), who departed into eternal life in retreat from Thy Holy One Orthodox Church! Your destinies are unsearchable. Do not make this my prayer a sin for me. But Thy holy will be done!

What prayers should you read at home for the deceased?

In addition to reading the Psalter at home, you can also read special prayers:

Prayer for the repose of the souls of the departed

Remember, O Lord our God, in the faith and hope of the eternal life of Your departed servant, our brother (name), and as Good and Lover of mankind, forgiving sins and consuming untruths, weaken, forsake and forgive all his voluntary and involuntary sins, deliver him eternal torment and fire of Gehenna, and grant him the communion and enjoyment of Your eternal good things, prepared for those who love You: even if you sin, do not depart from You, and undoubtedly in the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, Your glorified God in the Trinity, Faith, and Unity in the Trinity and the Trinity in Unity, Orthodox even until his last breath of confession. Be merciful to him, and faith, even in You instead of deeds, and with Your saints, as You give generous rest: for there is no man who will live and not sin. But You are the One besides all sin, and Your righteousness is righteousness forever, and You are the One God of mercies and generosity, and love for mankind, and to You we send glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and to the ages of ages. Amen.

Children's prayer for deceased parents or prayer for deceased mother and father

Lord Jesus Christ our God! You are the keeper of the orphans, the refuge of the grieving and the comforter of the weeping. I come running to you, an orphan, groaning and crying, and I pray to you: hear my prayer and do not turn your face away from the sighs of my heart and from the tears of my eyes. I pray to You, merciful Lord, satisfy my grief over separation from my parent (my mother), (name) (or: with my parents who gave birth and raised me, their names) - , and his soul (or: her, or: them), as having gone (or: gone) to You with true faith in You and with firm hope in Your love for mankind and mercy, accept into Your Kingdom of Heaven. I bow before Your holy will, which was taken away (or: taken away, or: taken away) from me, and I ask You not to take away from him (or: from her, or: from them) Your mercy and mercy. We know, Lord, that You are the Judge of this world, you punish the sins and wickedness of the fathers in children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren, even to the third and fourth generation: but you also have mercy on the fathers for the prayers and virtues of their children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. With contrition and tenderness of heart, I pray to Thee, merciful Judge, do not punish with eternal punishment the unforgettable deceased (unforgettable deceased) for me Thy servant (Thy servant), my parent (my mother) (name), but forgive him (her) all his sins ( her) voluntary and involuntary, in word and deed, knowledge and ignorance, created by him (her) in his (her) life here on earth, and according to Your mercy and love for mankind, prayers for the sake of the Most Pure Mother of God and all the saints, have mercy on him (her) and eternal save me from torment. You, merciful Father of fathers and children! Grant me, all the days of my life, until my last breath, not to cease to remember my deceased parent (my deceased mother) in my prayers, and to beg Thee, the righteous Judge, to order him in a place of light, in a place of coolness and in a place of peace, with all the saints, from nowhere all sickness, sorrow and sighing have fled. Merciful Lord! Accept this day for Thy servant (Your) (name) my warm prayer and give him (her) Your reward for the labors and cares of my upbringing in faith and Christian piety, as He taught (taught) me first of all to lead You, my Lord, in reverently pray to You, trust in You alone in troubles, sorrows and illnesses and keep Your commandments; for his (her) concern for my spiritual progress, for the warmth of his (her) prayer for me before You and for all the gifts he (she) asked me from You, reward him (her) with Your mercy. Your heavenly blessings and joys in Your eternal Kingdom. For You are the God of mercies and generosity and love for mankind, You are the peace and joy of Your faithful servants, and we send glory to You with the Father and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Prayer for a deceased husband

Christ Jesus, Lord and Almighty! You are the consolation of the weeping, the intercession of the orphans and widows. You said: call on Me in the day of your sorrow, and I will destroy you. In the days of my sorrow, I run to You and pray to You: do not turn Your face away from me and hear my prayer brought to You with tears. You, Lord, Master of all, have deigned to unite me with one of Your servants, so that we may be one body and one spirit; You gave me this servant as a companion and protector. It was Your good and wise will that you would take this servant of Yours away from me and leave me alone. I bow before Your will and I resort to You in the days of my sorrow: quench my sorrow about separation from Your servant, my friend. Even if you took him away from me, do not take your mercy away from me. Just as you once accepted two mites from widows, so accept this prayer of mine. Remember, Lord, the soul of Your departed servant (name), forgive him all his sins, voluntary and involuntary, whether in word, or in deed, or in knowledge and ignorance, do not destroy him with his iniquities and do not consign him to eternal torment, but according to Your great mercy and according to the multitude of Thy compassions, weaken and forgive all his sins and commit them with Thy saints, where there is no sickness, no sorrow, no sighing, but endless life. I pray and ask You, Lord, grant that all the days of my life I will not cease to pray for Your departed servant, and even before my departure, ask You, the Judge of the whole world, to forgive all his sins and place him in the Heavenly abodes, which You have prepared for those who love Cha. For even if you sin, do not depart from You, and undoubtedly the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit are Orthodox even to your last breath of confession; impute to him the same faith, even in You, instead of works: for there is no man who will live and not sin, You are the only one besides sin, and Your righteousness is righteousness forever. I believe, Lord, and confess that You will hear my prayer and do not turn Your face away from me. Seeing a widow weeping green, you were merciful, and you brought her son to the grave, carrying her to the grave; How did You open to Your servant Theophilus, who went to You, the doors of Your mercy and forgave him for his sins through the prayers of Your Holy Church, heeding the prayers and alms of his wife: here and I pray to You, accept my prayer for Your servant and bring him into eternal life. For You are our hope. You are God, the hedgehog to have mercy and save, and we send glory to You with the Father and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Prayer for deceased children

Lord Jesus Christ, our God, Lord of life and death, Comforter of the afflicted! With a contrite and tender heart I run to You and pray to You: remember. Lord, in Your Kingdom your deceased servant (your servant), my child (name), and create for him (her) eternal memory. You, Lord of life and death, have given me this child. It was your good and wise will to take it away from me. Blessed be Thy name, O Lord. I pray to You, Judge of heaven and earth, with Your endless love for us sinners, forgive my deceased child all his sins, voluntary and involuntary, in word, in deed, in knowledge and ignorance. Forgive, O Merciful One, our parental sins as well, so that they may not remain on our children: we know that we have sinned many times before You, many of whom we have not observed, and have not done, as You commanded us. If our deceased child, ours or his own, for the sake of guilt, lived in this life, working for the world and his flesh, and not more than You, the Lord and his God: if you loved the delights of this world, and not more than Your Word and Your commandments, if you surrendered with the pleasures of life, and not more than with contrition for one’s sins, and in intemperance, vigil, fasting and prayer have been consigned to oblivion - I earnestly pray to Thee, forgive, most good Father, all such sins of my child, forgive and weaken, even if you have done other evil in this life . Christ Jesus! You raised up the daughter of Jairus through the faith and prayer of her father. You healed the daughter of the Canaanite wife through faith and the request of her mother: hear my prayer, and do not despise my prayer for my child. Forgive, Lord, forgive all his sins and, having forgiven and cleansed his soul, remove eternal torment and dwell with all Your saints, who have pleased You from the ages, where there is no sickness, no sorrow, no sighing, but endless life: like there is no man like He will live and will not sin, but You are the only One besides all sin: so that when you judge the world, my child will hear Your most beloved voice: come, blessed of My Father, and inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world. For You are the Father of mercies and generosity. You are our life and resurrection, and we send glory to You with the Father and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Prayer for a deceased wife

Christ Jesus, Lord and Almighty! In contrition and tenderness of my heart, I pray to You: rest, O Lord, the soul of Your departed servant (name), in Your Heavenly Kingdom. Lord Almighty! You blessed the marital union of husband and wife, when you said: it is not good for man to be alone, let us create for him a helper for him. You have sanctified this union in the image of the spiritual union of Christ with the Church. I believe, Lord, and confess that You have blessed me to unite me in this holy union with one of Your handmaids. By your good and wise will you deigned to take away from me this servant of yours, whom you have given to me as a helper and companion of my life. I bow before Your will, and I pray to You with all my heart, accept my prayer for Your servant (name), and forgive her if you sin in word, deed, thought, knowledge and ignorance; Love earthly things more than heavenly things; Even if you care more about the clothing and decoration of your body than about the enlightenment of the clothing of your soul; or even careless about your children; if you upset anyone by word or deed; If there is a grudge in your heart against your neighbor or condemn someone or anything else you have done from such evil people. Forgive her all this, for she is good and philanthropic; for there is no man who will live and not sin. Do not enter into judgment with Thy servant, as Thy creation, do not condemn her to eternal torment for her sin, but have mercy and mercy according to Thy great mercy. I pray and ask You, Lord, to grant me strength throughout the days of my life, without ceasing to pray for Your departed servant, and even until the end of my life to ask her from You, the Judge of the whole world, to forgive her sins. Yes, as if You, God, placed a crown of stone on her head, crowning her here on earth; Thus crown me with Thy eternal glory in Thy Heavenly Kingdom, with all the saints who rejoice there, so that together with them He may forever sing Thy all-holy name with the Father and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Remember, O Lord our God, in faith and hope the life of your eternal newly departed servant, our brother ( Name), and as the Good One and the Lover of Mankind, forgiving sins and consuming untruths, weaken, forgive and forgive all his voluntary and involuntary sins, deliver him from eternal torment and the fire of Gehenna, and grant him the communion and enjoyment of Thy eternal good things, prepared for those who love Thee: otherwise and sin, but do not depart from You, and undoubtedly in the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, God glorify You in the Trinity, faith, and the Unity in the Trinity and the Trinity in Unity, Orthodox even until your last breath of confession. Be merciful to him, and the faith that is in You, instead of deeds, and rest with Your saints, as you are Generous: for there is no man who will live and not sin, but You are the only One besides all sin, and Your truth is righteousness forever, and You are the One God of mercy and generosity, and love for mankind, and to You we send glory, to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

The death of loved ones is a great loss and sorrow. And at the same time, believers do not completely despair, having hope of meeting them. Where does this confidence come from? Why does the church pray not only for the living, but also for the dead? The main thing is what can a person do for his beloved relative? After all, the worst has already happened; the deceased cannot be brought back. Is this true?

Important: The Orthodox Church prays for the baptized (notes, services, services, Sacraments). If the deceased is not baptized (he is a non-Russian, a suicide), his loved ones pray for him, wherever it is convenient for them, independently (at home, in church, silently). If it is unknown, they discuss the conditions with the priest on the spot.

The worst is yet to come

Yes, death is a terrible event, but it is not the most terrible thing, for it is a temporary state, just like our stay on earth. The eternal fate of man is the most important factor for all people. The final determination will be made at the Last Judgment, after the Second Coming of Christ to earth. Before this, there is a little time to correct what was not done during life.

Why does the church pray for the dead?

If the dead could take care of themselves, they would not need our prayers. While we are alive, we are able to change, be transformed, accumulate the Holy Spirit, which sanctifies, freeing us from passions. Having buried the body, consigning it to ashes, an immortal component remains from a person:

  • soul – inherent in all living beings, including animals;
  • spirit (personality, self-awareness, “I”) - only people possess it.

There is no full-fledged person after death, since the body lies in the ground. Without it, the soul (together with its “I”) has no will. What she was filled with, she will remain with, moving into the vestibule eternal life. If the deceased had passions, then they all remained with him. The horror is that the craving for the familiar increases 1000 times in comparison with earthly desires.

The soul does not sleep, does not eat, is not distracted, its entire essence thirsts for the satisfaction of passions in order to be satisfied with the previous “goods”. Just as a drug addict suffers without doping, so the soul that loved to eat deliciously, drink, smoke, revel in wealth, fame, etc., cannot calm down, because there is nowhere to get the “dose.”

Thanks to the prayers of the church, the dead receive relief, some consolation and help - Light that burns the irrepressible passions of the soul. Relatives can be very helpful. It is necessary not only to order services, but also to pray yourself. Who will do it better? Those who have a family connection, one Spirit with the deceased. For example, children who love their parents and are ready to do everything possible for them.

One Spirit

It is said: Save yourself, and thousands around you will be saved. Having one Spirit with relatives, the owner of a soul sanctified by God will help the dead most. Prayer loving heart works wonders. She saves those who cannot do it themselves. By what force? By the grace of the Holy Spirit (by the grace of the Lord), the soul is rescued from hell. To do this you need:

  • Pray for the departed at the Liturgy.
  • Order a memorial service on significant dates.
  • Read the psalter.
  • Order sorokoust.
  • Remember it daily in morning prayers.
  • Read the canon for the one who died and
  • Litiya for the laity.

Thanks to the prayers of the church and relatives, the soul not only receives relief, but gradually weakens earthly attachments. Freed from the shackles of passions. Illuminated by prayers loving people. Receives hope of salvation in eternal life.

Note: A memorial service can be ordered on any weekday. During Lent, a short litany is served for the deceased. Three services (3; 9 and 40) must be performed.

Why is the prayer of children (relatives) for the departed important?

God created man immortal. If it were not for the fall of the first people, the bony old woman with a scythe would have been left without a job. Those who were baptized received the Spirit of Christ (eternal) as a gift, but did not maintain holiness and fell without having time to be cleansed before death. That is why sinful souls suffer, awaiting the Last Judgment. The living can help by illuminating themselves and begging their parents.

When we are resurrected, the body laid in the ground will unite with the eternal soul and be renewed. What will it become new person, depends on the connection with God. It is necessary to become like the Lord, so that His resurrected Power will also transform our bodies. Having accumulated Grace within themselves, relatives illuminate the dead. Their prayer can bring long-awaited peace and joy of bliss to loved ones.

Note: In Orthodoxy they read the canon “For the One Who Died.” An Akathist circulating on the Internet is the homemade work of unknown people. There is no blessing for reading it.

How the church can help

The first three days. The most important points for the deceased are enclosed in posthumous 40 days. The first three - the soul parts with earthly joys: with its favorite places, family and friends. She faces a long separation. So that the sadness is not very strong and mournful, in the church every day it is remembered at the proskomedia and prayed at the Liturgy. Therefore you need to:

  • Order the magpie in the church where the Liturgy is served every day. Find out this right away, since this practice does not exist everywhere. You can order a memorial in several churches.
  • It is advisable to attend services and pray for the deceased when the pieces are removed.
  • On the litany in parent's Saturday They remember both the living and the dead. Only the names of deceased people are read out loud.
  • To make your prayers more effective and have greater power: confess and take Communion. Communication with the deceased will have less interference.
  • At home, read the psalter all 40 days, more if possible. The number of kathismas per day is not limited. Finished the circle, start again.
  • For each significant day (3; 9; 40), order a Requiem Service (served after the Liturgy), submit a Registered Note to the altar.
  • Give alms to those in need. Good deeds are done for the sake of relatives. You can take some kind of vow (at least for the first 40 days). It must be fulfilled.

Children, when you offer prayers, perhaps at this moment the soul of your loved ones is nearby. Thanks to the Blood of Christ, in which a particle is washed for the deceased, attachment weakens, preparing the soul for the heavenly abodes. Finally, she goes on a “journey.”

  • six days There will be an “excursion” to the heavenly places. At this time, the church and relatives pray intensely so that the weak-willed soul will be favored by what it sees. She leaned towards her near and dear ones. Attachment to virtues at this moment will affect future fate. Happy are those who discover a congenial place within themselves.
  • From 9 days to 40 A review of the Underworld is coming. May the Lord have mercy on your soul at this moment. So that she can hold on, having discovered a place where, due to human passions, she will be drawn to sin that is related to herself. For example, a smoker cannot resist cigarette smoke, an alcoholic cannot resist rivers of wine, a fornicator... etc. This is why you need to pray. So that the weak-willed Spirit “I” does not exchange the good abodes of Paradise for its passions.

Note: Do not take this description as 100% truth. The angel talking with Saint Macarius, explaining the heavenly world, warned: look at everything as if through a dark glass, fortune-telling. For it is impossible to give a more precise explanation - there is nothing to compare with on earth.

Where are souls after death?

From days 9 to 40 the soul goes through ordeals. It is impossible to say exactly how this happens. According to the available information and assumptions of the saints who contemplated that world, they are not able to explain knowledge, for not everything lends itself to understanding accessible to everyone. There are two versions:

  • The soul is tested by the temptations of the passions, as described above. She rushes to what is close to her spirit (according to the assumption of St. Theophan the Recluse)
  • There are 20 ordeals (according to the descriptions of Blessed Theodora). At each of them they are met by demons who have charters with records of a person’s unrepentant sins. According to them, they lay claim to the poor soul.

No matter which option is correct (it is possible that both), there is nothing soothing for the sinner. This is torment that we cannot even imagine, it is so terrible. Before the Last Judgment, a private ruling is made. Souls are on the threshold of Heaven or Hell.

After the resurrection, those who have illuminated bodies (like Christ’s) will find Heavenly abodes. Others will go to eternal torment in hell, where, in addition to their passions, they will be subjected to the bullying of demons. That is why, while there is time, save your loved ones and relatives, sanctify yourself, pray for them. Then both you and your family will be saved.

Conclusion: The church brings prayers for deceased parents (any relatives) - renewing the seed of Christ given at baptism. The prayers of children will help Him grow - this is fertile soil. She suppresses the weeds of passion, cultivating what the Lord has sown.

Prayer for the repose of the soul of the deceased for 9 days

God of spirits and all flesh, having trampled down death and abolished the devil, and given life to Thy world! Himself, Lord, give rest to the souls of your departed servants: your most holy patriarchs, your eminence metropolitans, archbishops and bishops, who served you in the priestly, ecclesiastical and monastic ranks; the creators of this holy temple, the Orthodox forefathers, fathers, brothers and sisters, lying here and everywhere; leaders and warriors who laid down their lives for the faith and fatherland, the faithful, who were killed in internecine warfare, drowned, burned, frozen to death, torn to pieces by beasts, who suddenly died without repentance and did not have time to reconcile with the Church and with their enemies; in a frenzy of mind, those who committed suicide, those for whom we were commanded and asked to pray, for whom there is no one to pray and the faithful, deprived of a Christian burial ( Name) in a brighter place, in a greener place, in a calm place, from where illness, sadness and sighing have escaped. Every sin committed by them in word or deed or thought, as a good Lover of mankind, God forgives, as if there is no man who will live and not sin. For You are the only one besides sin, Your righteousness is truth forever, and Your word is truth.

Prayer to the Lord for the newly departed deceased

Remember, O Lord our God, in the faith and hope of the eternal life of Thy newly departed servant (or Thy handmaid), (name), and as he is good and a lover of mankind,

forgive sins and consume untruths, weaken, forgive and forgive all his voluntary and involuntary sins, raising him up at Your holy second coming to partake of Your eternal blessings,

For their sake we have faith in You, the One, the true God and Lover of Mankind.

For You are the resurrection and the life and rest of Your servant, (name), Christ our God.

And we send glory to You, with Your beginningless Father and with the Most Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages, Amen.

Prayer for the deceased before burial

Remember, O Lord our God, in the faith and hope of the eternal life of Your departed servant, our brother (name), and as the Good and Lover of mankind, forgiving sins,

and consume untruths, weaken, forsake and forgive all his voluntary and involuntary sins, deliver him from eternal torment and the fire of Gehenna, and grant him the communion and enjoyment of Your eternal good things, prepared for those who love You:

Even if you sin, do not depart from You, and undoubtedly in the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, You are glorified in God in the Trinity, faith, and the Unity in the Trinity and the Trinity in Unity, Orthodox even until your last breath of confession.

In the same way, be merciful to him, and faith, even in You instead of deeds, and with Your saints, as you generously rest:

There is no man who will live and not sin.

But You are the One besides all sin, and Your righteousness is righteousness forever, and You are the One God of mercies and generosity, and love for mankind, and to You we send glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and to the ages of ages.

When a person’s life is cut short, it is always hard for his loved ones and relatives; they grieve and grieve for the deceased for a long time, and sometimes their entire lives.

However, every believer knows and has always known (and now this fact has been scientifically confirmed) that only the human body is subject to death. The soul - that is, a person’s personality, the ability to think, feel, his consciousness - remains to live. A person who has died in new, unnatural conditions for himself (death was not part of God’s plans, it was the result of the Fall) especially needs support and reassurance - a memorial prayer.

Long years of atheism in Soviet times in our country, mass propaganda and persecution of the Church for several generations cemented in the descendants of our predecessors several features in relation to spiritual life and many things connected with it.

Some people still do not believe in the Creator - not just in his omnipotence, but even in existence, some reinterpret spiritual realities to suit their own understanding, some believe only in the soul, but not in the rest, and some , knowing the truth, resisting it, and much more.

Of course, everyone is free to live as they want and treat everything as they wish. But everyone should know - regardless of his beliefs, every deceased person (translated from ancient Slavic this means “asleep”) remains himself, losing only his material expression, his biological mechanism, which allows him to interact in the world of dense matter.

A real breakthrough in different corners world over the past 40 years, resuscitators and biologists have done this, finding irrefutable evidence of the existence of the soul outside the body without any discomfort in well-being.

Scientists and doctors who proved the life of the soul

Evidence of the continuation of the life of the soul after death in the scientific world began with the works of such prominent representatives of science in the foreign world as:

This is a list of just some of the studies. It is easy to notice that almost all of them were published only a few years apart. This is already the result. At the same time, the listed scientists received the first evidence about the life of the soul while still unfamiliar with each other. Their observations and results are almost completely identical.

Domestic scientists did not publish practically any books during the difficult Soviet times. They are just in 1969 in Leningrad at the Brain Institute. Bekhterev filmed the exit of the soul from the human body in high-frequency discharges. And they simply showed it in a popular science film on the main channels of the country, which cannot but make us proud of our own people.

If you still do not believe or have little faith in the life of the soul after the body, then contact scientific facts and, even if you don’t believe it yet, just help disembodied people on their difficult further path to God. To help the soul get used to the new situation, you should read prayers at home, and also be sure to turn to the Church for help.

In church, Christians read sacred books for the dead, remembering each person by name. The Bible, Psalms, and Gospels are not just books written by people, as was taught in Soviet times. These are divinely inspired books, the texts of which were dictated by the Lord himself, his Holy Spirit.

In the temple you can order the most powerful commemorations:

Mandatory activities for every deceased Christian:

  • funeral service;
  • memorial service;
  • (which is a funeral service, you can sing or read it yourself at the cemetery);
  • magpies (experience shows that it is best to order for a year at once - it will be a great help to those who have passed away).

Reading home prayer

Each person can help the human soul with his own strength. People still living on earth turn to the Lord to save the soul of the deceased from hell and to persuade Him to mercy. It should also be noted that prayer for the dead makes it possible for the living to be saved. After all, through prayer we do a good deed, we do a deed of love, and this is so pleasant for our Heavenly Father to see. Besides daily prayer allows you to escape from the everyday hustle and bustle and protect yourself from evil.

About deceased parents

Prayer for the repose of the soul of a deceased parent makes it possible to accept what happened, come to terms with it and be comforted, but most importantly, it will make it easier for her to go through the ordeal after death.

One of the methods that allows you to show care for your parents who have passed away is reading the Psalter. You should read one kathisma prayer for the deceased every day for up to 40 days, the text of which can be found on the Internet or simply purchased. This prayer rule will provide quick reassurance, support and additional opportunity receive liberation from eternal torment. Reading prayer texts is allowed at any time of the day.

About the deceased mother

Losing a mother is one of the most difficult and bitter experiences for a person, regardless of age and often even relationships during life. In order to help the soul of a loved one and ease your own mental pain, you need to turn to the Heavenly Father.

Traditional prayer for deceased parents read for the first 40 days after the date of completion of the earthly journey, 40 days before the anniversary of his death. as well as on all memorial dates: on the day of death, birthday, on the day of the angel, etc. It is worth noting that this is a kind of rule - very conditional, this is the same immutable minimum that must be done for parents.

Everything that has been said about prayer for the soul of a mother equally applies to the soul of a father. The Psalter can also be read to ask for the Lord’s mercy for a deceased father.

Of course, in addition to the specified texts, you can simply ask Higher Powers in your own words. However, it is advisable to still resort to sacred texts. During unauthorized prayer, under the influence of mental pain from loss, you can go into the jungle of condemnation, accusations and grumbling. Therefore, at first it is still worth turning to the prayers of the saints.

If you do not provide prayerful support to the deceased at all, then it is difficult to imagine greater torture and betrayal on the part of a loved one. The transition to an incorporeal state is one of the most important and stressful in a person’s life, equal in responsibility and significance to birth, or even more difficult.

If the descendants, as the closest people, deprive their father of prayer support, it will be almost impossible for him to go through an incredibly difficult and dangerous path, where on the way to the Kingdom of God there are spirits of evil, laying claim to every soul. After all, how can they take so long and so many worked to “appropriate” it for themselves. And they come out on the way to demand theirs. We all have many sins. And everyone will need any support.

The prayer for the repose of the soul of the introduced relative must be read thoughtfully and from the bottom of the heart (but without hysterics). The texts of the prayers are easy to find in any prayer book or online.

Widowers' prayer for deceased spouses

A widow’s prayer for her soul mate is especially strong and pleasing to God. A woman can pray with a special text. It can be combined with reading the Psalter. It can be left on each “Slava”. This must be supplemented by ordering commemoration in monasteries and churches, with alms.

To help survive grief, it is advisable for a woman to turn to the Lord with a request to give her strength so that she can live on and carry out her feat as a widow with dignity.

The Lord will certainly hear the prayer book and give her strength to cope with trouble. It is important at this time to confess and receive Communion most often, talk with the priest about the grief that happened. In any case, a woman must understand that God unites us on Earth not in order to separate us in eternity. On the contrary, He builds everything in such a way that people who love each other can live together forever in the Kingdom of God - in the world of Love and Goodness. The same words about prayer and reunion are true for a widower.

About alms for the dead

Many have a negative attitude towards this word, believing that this is “another pumping out of money.” This is the stereotype that opponents of the Church instill in people. It is important to understand: your money is not the only way to help. Almsgiving can be done not only with money (it’s just the easiest way). Everyone has the power to:

The main thing is to do it with a pure heart, no matter what exactly you choose. Perhaps you will come up with something of your own, for example, singing spiritual songs in a subway crossing... Whatever. After all, prayer for the repose of the soul of the deceased is the same alms, only done within the walls of one’s home.

" The Psalms should be read with tenderness and contrition of heart, slowly, and carefully delving into what is being read. The greatest benefit comes from reading the Psalter by the relatives of the deceased: it testifies to a great degree of love and zeal for their loved ones who are remembered. The Lord will accept the feat of reading not only as a sacrifice for those remembered, but as a sacrifice for those who bring it, who work in reading.
The position of the reader of the Psalter is the position of the one praying. Therefore, it is more decent for the reader of the Psalter to stand as a person praying, unless a special extreme forces him to sit down.
In the Apostolic Decrees it is commanded to perform psalmody, readings and prayers for the departed on the third, ninth and fortieth day. But mainly the custom has been established to read psalms for the departed for three days or forty days. The three-day reading of the Psalter with prayers, which constitute a special burial rite, for the most part coincides with the time during which the body of the deceased remains in the house.

The Psalter consists of 20 sections -, each of which is divided into three "". Before reading the first kathisma, the pre-initial prayers are said before starting the reading of the Psalter. At the end of the reading of the Psalter, prayers are said after reading several kathismas or the entire Psalter. The reading of each kathisma begins with a prayer:

Prayers before reading the Psalms

Verbs tenderly: Through the prayers of the saints, our fathers, Lord Jesus Christ our God, have mercy on us. Amen.

Glory to Thee, our God, glory to Thee.

Heavenly King, Comforter, Soul of truth, Who is everywhere and fulfills everything, Treasure of good things and Giver of life, come and dwell in us, and cleanse us from all filth, and save, O Good One, our souls.


Prayer to the Most Holy Trinity

Lord, have mercy.(three times)

Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Lord's Prayer


Have mercy on us. Lord, have mercy on us, bewildered by any answer, we offer this prayer to You as the Master of sin: have mercy on us.

Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit: The honor of Thy prophet, O Lord, is a triumph, Heaven is shown, with men the Angels rejoice. By your prayers, O Christ God, guide our belly in peace, so that we may sing to You: Alleluia.

And now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen: My many and many sins, Mother of God, have come to You, O Pure One, demanding salvation: visit my weak soul and pray to Your Son and our God to grant me forgiveness for the evil deeds, O Blessed One.

Lord have mercy, 40 times. And bow down, so powerfully.

The same prayer to the Holy Life-Giving Trinity: All-Holy Trinity, God and Creator of the whole world, hasten and direct my heart, begin with reason and finish these good works of God-inspired books, even the Holy Spirit will vomit the lips of David, which I now want to say, I, unworthy, understanding my ignorance, falling down and praying to Thee, and asking for help from You: Lord, guide my mind and strengthen my heart, not about the words of the mouth of this cold, but about the mind of those who say to rejoice, and prepare to do good deeds, even as I learn, and I say: yes good deeds enlightened, at the judgment of the right hand of Your land I will be a partaker with all Your chosen ones. And now, Vladyka, bless, and, sighing from my heart, I will sing with my tongue, saying to my face: Come, let us worship our King God. Come, let us worship and fall down before Christ, our King God. Come, let us bow and fall down to Christ Himself, the King and our God.

Just wait a little, until all your feelings calm down. Then create the beginning not quickly, without laziness, with tenderness and a contrite heart. Rtsy quietly and intelligently, with attention, and not fighting, as the verb is understood with the mind.

Come, let us worship our King God.
Come, let us worship and fall down before Christ, our King God.
Come, let us bow and fall down to Christ Himself, the King and our God.

When reading the kathisma for each “Glory” the following is said:

Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, And now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia, glory to Thee, O God! (three times)

Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Remember, O Lord our God, in faith and hope the eternal life of the one who passed away(up to 40 days from the date of death - “newly deceased”) Your servant[or: Thy servant], our brother[or: our sister] [name] and as he is Good and Lover of Mankind, forgiving sins and consuming unrighteousness, weaken, leave and forgive him with all his will [or: her] sins and involuntary, deliver him[or: yu] eternal torment and the fire of Gehenna, and grant him[or: her] communion and enjoyment of Your eternal good things, prepared for those who love You: even if you sin, do not depart from You, and undoubtedly in the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, God glorify You in the Trinity, faith, and the Unity in the Trinity and the Trinity in Unity, Orthodox even to his last breath confession.
Still merciful to that
[or: that] awaken the faith that is in You instead of deeds, and with Your saints as You give generous rest: for there is no man who will live and not sin. But You are the One besides all sin, and Your righteousness is righteousness forever, and You are the One God of mercies and generosity, and love for mankind, and to You we send glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and to the ages of ages. Amen.

And now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen.

Then the reading of the psalms of kathisma continues.

At the end of the kathisma it reads:


Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal, have mercy on us.(Read three times, with the sign of the cross and bow from the waist.)

Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Prayer to the Most Holy Trinity

Most Holy Trinity, have mercy on us; Lord, cleanse our sins; Master, forgive our iniquities; Holy One, visit and heal our infirmities, for Thy name's sake.

Lord, have mercy.(three times)

Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Lord's Prayer

Our Father, who art in heaven! Hallowed be Thy name, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, as it is in heaven and on earth. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, just as we forgive our debtors; and do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.

Troparia deceased

From the spirits of the righteous who have passed away, give rest to the soul of Your servant, O Savior, preserving it in the blessed life that belongs to You, O Lover of Mankind.

In Thy chamber, O Lord: where all Thy saints rest, give rest also to the soul of Thy servant, for Thou art the only Lover of mankind.

Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
You are God, Who descended into hell and loosed the bonds of the bound, May You Himself and the soul of Your servant give rest.

And now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.
One Pure and Immaculate Virgin, who gave birth to God without a seed, pray for the salvation of his soul.

Then the prayer prescribed at the end of kathisma is read:

According to the 1st kathisma

Master Almighty, Incomprehensible, the beginning of light and the supreme power, like the Hypostatic Word of the Father and the One-Powered Emitter of Your Spirit: merciful for the sake of mercy and ineffable goodness, not despising human nature, the darkness of sin contained, but the Divine lights of Your sacred teachings, the law and prophets shining to the world, follow and let us, O God, grant us, in a vigilant and sober heart, to pass through the whole night of this present life, awaiting the coming of Thy Son and God. ours, the judge of all, let us not recline and sleep, but be awake and lifted up in the doing of Thy commandments, and let us find ourselves in His joy, where we celebrate the unceasing voice and the ineffable sweetness of those who behold Your face, the unspeakable kindness. For You are a Good and Lover of Mankind, and we send glory to You, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto ages of ages, amen.
Cm. .

According to the 2nd kathisma

Master Almighty, Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Only Begotten Son, grant unto me an undefiled body, a pure heart, a vigorous mind, an unlost mind, the influx of the Holy Spirit, to the acquisition and contentment of the truth in Thy Christ: with Him is due to Thee glory, honor and worship, with the Holy Spirit now and ever and unto ages of ages, amen.
Cm. .

According to the 3rd kathisma

Lord Almighty, Word of the Eternal Father, Self-perfect God Jesus Christ, for the sake of Thy unconditional mercy, do not part from Thy servants, but rest ever in them, do not forsake me, Thy servant, O All-Holy King, but give me, unworthy, the joy of Thy salvation and enlighten my mind with the light of the knowledge of Your Gospel, bind my soul to the love of Your Cross, decorate my body with Your dispassion, calm my thoughts and keep my nose from creeping, and do not destroy me with my iniquities, Good Lord, but tempt me, O God, and enlighten my heart mine, test me and guide me in my paths, and see if the path of iniquity is in me, and turn me away from it, and guide me on the eternal path. For You are the Way, and the Truth, and the Life, and we send up glory to You with Your Beginning Father and the Most Holy, and Good, and Life-giving Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages, amen.
Cm. .

According to the 4th kathisma

To You, Lord, the only Good and Unmemorable Evil One, I confess my sins, I fall down crying to You, unworthy: I have sinned, Lord, I have sinned and am not worthy to look up to the heights of heaven from the multitude of my untruths. But, my Lord, Lord, grant me tears of compunction, the only Blessed and Merciful One, for with them I beg You to be cleansed before the end from all sin: for it is a terrible and menacing place for the Imam to pass through, our bodies being separated, and a multitude of dark and inhuman demons will bury me, and no one can help or deliver. Thus I bow down to Your goodness, do not betray those who offend me, below let my enemies boast about me, Good Lord, below let them say: you came into our hands, and you are betrayed to us. Neither, Lord, do not forget Your bounties and do not repay me for my iniquity, and do not turn Your face away from me: but You, Lord, punish me, both with mercy and bounty. Let my enemy not rejoice over me, but extinguish his reproaches against me and abolish all his actions, and give me a reproachful path to You, Good Lord: even though I have sinned, I have not resorted to another doctor, and I have not stretched my hand to an alien god. , do not reject my prayer, but hear me with Your goodness and strengthen my heart with Your fear, and may Your grace be upon me, Lord, like fire that burns unclean thoughts within me. For you are, Lord, light, more than any light; joy, more than any joy; peace, more than any peace; true life and salvation that endures forever and ever, Amen.
Cm. .

According to the 5th Kathisma

Righteous and Praiseworthy God, Great and Mighty God, Eternal God, hear the prayer of a sinful man at this hour: hear me, who promised to hear those who call on You in truth, and do not hate me, having unclean lips and containing sins, the hope of all the ends of the earth and those who wander. far away. Take the weapon and the shield and rise up to help me: pour out the sword and make a stand against those who persecute me. Ban the unclean spirit from the face of my madness, and may the spirit of hatred and resentment, the spirit of envy and flattery, the spirit of fear and despondency, the spirit of pride and all other malice be separated from my thoughts; and may all kindling and movement of my flesh, caused by the devil’s action, be extinguished, and may my soul and body and spirit be enlightened by the light of Your Divine knowledge: may I, through the multitude of Your bounties, achieve the union of faith, in a perfect husband, according to the measure of my age, and glorify with the Angels and by all Your saints, Your most honorable and magnificent name, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto ages of ages, Amen.
Cm. .

According to the 6th Kathisma

We thank Thee, O Lord our God, for all Thy good deeds, even from the first age to the present in us, the unworthy, the former, those known and unknown, those manifested and unmanifested, those who were in deed, and in a word: having loved us as He loved the Only Begotten You are willing to give your Son to us. Make us worthy of Your love. Grant wisdom with Your word and inhale strength from Your power with Your fear, and whatever we want or don’t want to sin, forgive, and not impute, and preserve our holy soul, and present it to Your Throne, having a clear conscience, and the end is worthy of Your love for mankind. And remember, O Lord, all who call upon Thy name in truth: remember all who desire good or evil against us: for all are men, and every man is in vain. We also pray to You, Lord: grant us Your great mercy.
Cm. .

According to the 7th Kathisma

Lord, my God, as you are Good and Lover of Mankind, you have done many mercies with me, even more than you expected, and what will I repay to your goodness, my Lord, Lord? I thank Your much-sung name, I thank Your inscrutable kindness towards me, I thank Your unconditional long-suffering. And from now on, intercede, and help me, and cover me, Master, from everyone who has no one to sin before You: for You weigh my favored nature, You weigh my madness, You weigh what I have done, even in knowledge and not in knowledge, even voluntary and involuntary, even in the night and in the days, and in the mind, and thoughts, for God is good and a lover of mankind, cleanse me with the dew of Thy mercy, Most Good Lord, and save us for the sake of Thy holy name, in the image of destinies. For You are Light and Truth and Life, and to You we send glory, to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages, amen.
Cm. .

According to the 8th Kathisma

Lord, Generous and Merciful, Long-suffering and Many-merciful, inspire prayer and listen to the voice of my prayer: create a sign for good with me, guide me on Your path, to walk in Your truth, make my heart glad, in fear of Your Holy Name, who art Thou before great. , and work miracles. You are the One God, and there is no one like You in God, O Lord, Mighty in mercy, and Good in strength, to help and comfort, and to save all who trust in Your name, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever forever and ever, amen.
Cm. .

According to the 9th Kathisma

Master Lord, our God, who is the only ailment of my soul that is accursed and knows how to sow healing, heal you as if you were weighed, for the sake of the multitude of your mercy and your generosity, since there is no plaster to apply to it from my deeds, lower than oil, lower than duty, but you who have come call not the righteous, but sinners to repentance, have mercy, be generous, forgive me, tear up the handwriting of many of my and cold deeds and guide me on Thy right path, so that, walking in Thy truth, I will be able to avoid the arrows of the evil one and I will appear uncondemned before Thy terrible throne , glorifying and singing Your Most Holy Name forever, amen.
Cm. .

According to the 10th Kathisma

Lord our God, Rich in mercy and Incomprehensible in generosity, One by nature Sinless, and for our sakes except for sin, having been a Man, hear this painful prayer of mine at this hour, for I am poor and wretched because of good deeds, and my heart is troubled within me. For you weigh, the Most High King, Lord of heaven and earth, for all my youth I lived in sins and followed the lusts of my flesh, all the laughter was a demon, all the devil followed, I will take out in the time of pleasures wallow, darkened by thoughts from infancy, even Until now, I never wanted to do Your holy will, but I was captivated by the passions that plagued me, I was filled with laughter and reproach by the demon, not even thinking in my mind like the unbearable anger of a hedgehog at the sinners of Your rebuke, and the lying fiery Gehenna. As if from here I fell into despair, and as though I had no feeling of conversion, I was empty and naked from Your friendship. What kind of sin have you not committed? What deed has the demon not done? What cold and prodigal deed have you not accomplished with advantage and diligence? The mind has been desecrated by the memories of the flesh, the body has been desecrated by the confusion, the spirit has been desecrated by the connexion, I have loved to serve and work with all my damned flesh. And who else will not weep for me, the accursed one? Who will not weep for me, condemned? I am the only one, O Lord, who has provoked Your wrath, I am the only one who has kindled Your anger against me, I am the only one who has done evil before You, having surpassed and conquered all sinners from the ages, who have sinned incomparably and unforgivenly. But since you are the Most Merciful, the Compassionate One, the Lover of Mankind, and expecting human conversion, I bring myself before Thy terrible and unbearable judgment, and as if I touched Thy most pure feet, I cry to Thee from the depths of my soul: cleanse, Lord, forgive, Benefactor, have mercy on my infirmity , bow down to my bewilderment, listen to my prayer and do not silence my tears, accept me who repents, and convert the erring one, who turns around and prays, forgive me. You have not ordained repentance for the righteous, you have not ordained forgiveness for those who do not sin, but you have ordained repentance for me, a sinner, for the same things I did in Your indignation, naked and naked before You, O Lord of the Heart, confess my sins: for I cannot look up and see the height Heavenly, from the severity of my sins we dance. Enlighten the eyes of my heart and give me tenderness for repentance, and contrition of heart for correction, so that with good hope and true assurance I will go to the world there, praising and blessing I will take out Your all-holy name, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and forever and ever, amen.
Cm. .

According to the 11th Kathisma

Shine in our hearts, O Lord who loves mankind, of Your imperishable knowledge of God, and open our mental eyes, in the understanding of Your gospel sermons, put fear in us and in Your blessed commandments, so that all carnal lusts may be overcome, we will pass through spiritual life, all that is for Your good pleasure. both wise and active. For You are the enlightenment of our souls and bodies, O Christ God, and we send up glory to You, with Your Originless Father and Your All-Holy, Good, and Life-giving Spirit, now and ever, and unto ages of ages, Amen.
Cm. .

According to the 12th Kathisma

Lord my God, One Good and Humane, One Merciful and Meek, One True and Righteous, One Generous and Merciful our God: may Thy power come upon me, Thy sinful and indecent servant, and may He strengthen my temple with the Gospel of Thy Divine teaching, Master and O Lover of Mankind, O Lover of Bliss, O Lover of Compassion, enlighten my wombs and all souls with Thy will. Cleanse me from all malice and sin: keep me undefiled and blameless from every inspiration and action of the devil, and grant me, according to Your goodness, Your understanding, Your wisdom, and in Your desires to live, To fear Your fear, to do what is pleasing to You until my last sighs, because by Your inscrutable mercy You have preserved my body and soul, and my mind and thoughts, and have not been tempted by any opposing network of the temple. My Lord, Lord, cover me with Your compassion, and do not forsake me, a sinner, and an unclean, and an unworthy servant of Yours: for You are my Protector, Lord, and I sing about You, and we send up glory to You, the Father and the Son and the Holy One. To the Spirit, now and ever, and unto ages of ages, Amen.
Cm. .

According to the 13th Kathisma

Holy Lord, Who liveth in the highest, and with Thy all-seeing eye look down upon all creation. We bow our necks to You, soul and body, and we pray to You, Holy of Holies: stretch out Your invisible hand from Your holy dwelling, and bless us all: and if we have sinned against You, willingly or unwillingly, for God is Good and Lover of Mankind, forgive us, and grant us peace and blessings. Yours. For it is Thine to have mercy and to save, our God, and to Thee we send glory, to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto ages of ages, amen.
Cm. .

According to the 14th Kathisma

We thank Thee, O Lord God of our salvation, for Thou hast done everything for the good deeds of our life, for Thou hast given us rest in the past night time, and raised us up from our beds, and placed us in the worship of Thy honorable and glorious name. We also pray to You, Lord: give us grace and strength, so that we may be worthy of You to sing wisely and pray unceasingly: and I will look to You, the Savior and Benefactor of our souls, with fear and trembling, our salvation working. Hear now and have mercy, O Compassionate One, on us: crush under our feet the invisible warriors and enemies: accept according to the strength of our thanksgiving: give us grace and strength to open our mouths, and teach us by Your justification. As if we would not pray as we should, except You, Lord, guide us with Your Holy Spirit. If you have sinned even before the present hour, in word, or deed, or thought, willfully or involuntarily, relax, forgive, forgive. If you see iniquity, Lord, Lord, who will stand? For You have purification, You have deliverance. You are the only Holy One, the Mighty Helper, and the Protector of our life, and we bless You forever, amen.
Cm. .

According to the 15th Kathisma

Master Lord Jesus Christ, You are my Helper, I am in Your hands, help me, do not leave me to sin against You, for I am lost, do not leave me to follow the will of my flesh, do not despise me, Lord, for I am weak. You weigh what is useful to me, do not leave me to perish in my sins, do not forsake me, Lord, do not depart from me, as I have come running to You, teach me to do Your will, for You are my God. Heal my soul, as those who have sinned by You, save me for the sake of Your mercy, as before You we are all who suffer, and I have no other refuge but You, Lord. Let all those who rise up against me and seek my soul be ashamed to consume it, for You are the only Mighty One, O Lord, in all, and Yours is the glory forever and ever, Amen.
Cm. .

According to the 16th Kathisma

Holy Lord, Living in the Highest, and with Your all-seeing eye look upon all creation, We bow to You, soul and body, and we pray to You, Holy of Holies: stretch out Your invisible hand from Your holy dwelling, and bless us all, and forgive us every sin, voluntary and involuntary, in word or deed. Grant us, Lord, tenderness, grant spiritual tears from the soul, for the cleansing of many of our sins, grant Thy great mercy to Thy world and to us, Thy unworthy servants. For blessed and glorified is Your name, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto ages of ages, Amen.
Cm. .

According to the 17th Kathisma

Master, Lord Almighty and Creator of all, the Father of generosity and mercy, God, who created man from the earth, and showed him in Your image and likeness, so that Your magnificent name may be glorified on earth, and that which was uprooted by the transgression of Your commandments, having again created for the better him in Thy Christ, and raised up to Heaven: I thank Thee, for Thou hast multiplied Thy greatness upon me, and Thou hast not betrayed me to be my enemy to the end, to be cast out by those who seek me into the abyss of hell; Thou hast left me below to perish through my iniquities. Now, O most merciful and most merciful Lord, do not want the death of a sinner, but wait for conversion, and accept: correct the downtrodden, heal the contrite, turn me to repentance, and correct the overthrown, and heal the contrite: remember Thy mercies, and even Thy since the ages incomprehensible goodness and my immeasurable forget the iniquities that I have committed in deed, word, and thought: resolve the blindness of my heart, and give me tears of tenderness to cleanse the filth of my thoughts. Hear, O Lord, come, O Lover of mankind, cleanse, O Compassionate One, and free my accursed soul from the torment of the reigning passions within me. And let no one keep me from sin, let the demon fighter be able to attack me, let him lead me to his desire, but by Thy mighty hand, having snatched me away from His dominion, Thou reign in me, O Good and Humane-loving Lord, and of all Thy being, and May I live otherwise according to Your good will. And grant me with the indescribable goodness of my heart, purification of the heart, guarding of the mouth, rightness of actions, humble wisdom, peace of thoughts, silence of my spiritual strength, spiritual joy, true love, long-suffering, kindness, meekness, unfeigned faith, self-control, and fill me with all good fruits, by the gift of Your Holy Spirit. And do not bring me to the end of my days, delight my uncorrected and unprepared soul below, but complete me with Your perfection, and thus bring me to the present life, as if I had passed through the beginnings and powers of darkness without restraint, by Your grace I will see and I, unapproachable to Your glory, unspeakable kindness, with all Your saints, in them be sanctified, and glorified is Your all-honorable and magnificent name, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto ages of ages, amen.
Cm. .

According to the 18th Kathisma

Lord, do not reprove me with Your wrath; do not punish me with Your wrath. Master Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the Living God, have mercy on me, a sinner, poor, naked, lazy, careless, backbiting, accursed, fornicator, adulterer, bastard, sodomite, filthy, prodigal, ungrateful, unmerciful, cruel, drunkard, seared with a conscience, th , daring, unrequited, unworthy of Your love for mankind, and worthy of all torment, and Gehenna, and torment. And not for the sake of my many sins, do you inflict torment on the Redeemer; but have mercy on me, for I am weak, both in soul, and in flesh, and in mind, and in thought, and through your destinies save me, Thy unworthy servant, through the prayers of our Most Pure Lady Theotokos, and all the saints who have pleased You from the ages: for blessed art Thou in forever and ever, amen.
Cm. .

According to the 19th Kathisma

Master Christ God, Who healed my passions with Your Passion and healed my ulcers with Your ulcers, grant to me, who have sinned much against You, tears of tenderness, dissolve my body from the smell of Your life-giving Body, and delight my soul with Your Honest Blood from sorrow, with which I was given a drink by the enemy. . Raise my mind to You, which has been drawn down below, and lift me from the abyss of destruction, as I am not the imam of repentance, not the imam of tenderness, not the imam of comforting tears, leading children to their inheritance. My mind has been darkened by worldly passions, I cannot look to You in illness, I cannot warm myself with tears, even love for You, but, Master Lord Jesus Christ, Treasure of the Good, grant me complete repentance, and a heart laboring to seek Yours, grant me grace Yours, and renew in me the eyes of Your image. Forsaken Thee, do not forsake me, go out to seek me, lead me to Thy pasture, and number me among the sheep of Thy chosen flock, educate me with them from the grain of Thy Divine mysteries, through the prayers of Thy Most Pure Mother and all Thy saints, amen.
Cm. .

According to the 20th Kathisma

Lord Jesus Christ my God, have mercy on me, a sinner, and forgive me, Thy unworthy servant, for those who have sinned throughout my whole life, and even to this day, and even if I have sinned like a man, my voluntary and involuntary sins, in deed and word, I think with my mind and thoughts, with admiration and inattention, and much of my laziness and negligence. If I have sworn by Your name, or have sworn falsely, or have blasphemed my thoughts, or have reproached anyone, or slandered, or been saddened, or in wicked anger, or stolen, or committed fornication, or lied, or secretly poisoned, or a friend approached me and despised him, or my brother who was insulted and bitter, or who stood by me in prayer and psalmody, my wicked mind went around the crafty one, or I enjoyed myself more than foolishly, or I laughed madly, or I spoke blasphemously, or I was vain, or proud, or I saw vain kindness and was deceived by it. , or ridiculous mocked me. If I was negligent in my prayers, or did not keep the commandments of my spiritual father, or idle talk, or did other evil things, I remember all these deeds, which I remember below. Have mercy, O Lord, and forgive me everything, so that I may sleep and rest in peace, singing, blessing, and glorifying Thee, with Thy Originless Father and with Thy Most Holy, Good, and Life-giving Spirit, now and ever and unto the ages of ages. Amen.
Cm. .
