Planting large trees. Autumn planting of large fruit trees

Our ornamental plant nursery sells large-sized deciduous and coniferous trees, as well as large-sized fruit trees. What is a large-sized tree: this is an adult tree with an already formed crown and root system, this is a choice for those who do not want or cannot wait until the garden grows, the spruce forms a dense hedge, and the apple and cherry trees begin to delight with their harvest.

All our large trees have undergone pre-sale preparation:

  • the crown of the trees is pre-packaged so that damage to the branches during transportation and planting is minimal;
  • To better preserve the root system of a large tree, the clod of earth in which the roots of the plant are located is packed in burlap, netting or, in critical cases, frozen.

We are ready to plant any large tree from our range for you and guarantee its survival rate for 2 years. If the client expresses a desire to plant a tree himself, we will organize delivery of the plants and supply them with related materials: soil, preparations for better survival. We will also give detailed instructions on planting and care.

Large trees, sale

If you want to improve your garden in a few months, then you should think about buying such “seedlings” as large trees. These are trees that have already grown to a certain age and size. Therefore, in your garden you will plant an already formed and mature tree, and not a thin young twig with several leaves. This way, your garden will look beautiful and lush in just months, not years.

In order not to make a mistake with your choice, contact the nursery that is located in your area. Local plants are adapted to the climate, but they will still require you to be responsible in choosing, planting and further care. A large tree may not look like a large tree, although its height is an important parameter. Such trees, as a rule, are 12 years old, and they need to be selected according to the size of the earthen coma, on which the durability and “vitality” of the tree depends.

Most often you can buy large sizes the coniferous family, and also there are deciduous ornamental trees. Some are imported from abroad, the main part is grown in local nurseries.

Large deciduous trees are ideal for creating volume in the garden. Spreading branches and crown shape, unusual coloring of leaves and bark - all this creates a special effect and beauty. Norway maple, small-leaved linden and horse chestnut are considered the most “tenacious”.


Coniferous trees will help save the beauty of the garden in winter: thuja, cedar and, of course, spruce.

Planting large trees

Plant large trees in your garden you can from December to March. Planting technology is based on fertilizing the place where you will plant the tree, and on fertilizing the tree itself. An incorrect fit can ruin all your worries. Therefore, it is necessary to place a fertile mixture in the planting hole, and strengthen the tree with guy ropes, which can be removed only after a year or two. It is very important to properly water the root system. One tree will require about 35 liters of water.

Be prepared that large animals will be in great need of care at first. So keep an eye on them. The root system should not dry out. To make the tree take root better, use a mixture of fertilizers and growth stimulants. A carpet made of bark or wood chips will help stop the growth of weeds nearby and cope with high humidity. It also looks good as garden decoration.

You can decorate your garden with large trees now and immediately enjoy their beauty.

Large a tree of 2 meters or more with a well-formed crown, developed root system and a fairly large trunk diameter (from 4 cm or more) is considered. Deciduous tree species - birch, linden, maple, chestnut, rowan, etc. are characterized by faster growth than coniferous trees and are considered large-sized with a height of 3-4 meters. Coniferous trees - pine, spruce, cedar, fir, larch - grow more slowly than deciduous trees, have a more developed root system and are more capricious when transplanting. Each type of large plant needs certain optimal growing conditions, which must be taken into account when planting.

The large size should have a good lump, protected from shedding by burlap, tarpaulin, chain-link mesh, wooden boxes or plastic containers. The larger the clump of the transplanted tree, the higher the chances of the large tree to survive well and adapt to the new location. When planting large trees, he pays special attention to the quality of planting material. The tree must be healthy, have no signs of damage by insect pests, traces of the activity of pathogens (fungal diseases, rot, growths, tumors), have intact branches of the crown and trunk. A large tree is greatly weakened by mechanical damage to the trunk, crown or coma due to improper and careless digging and transportation. Planting large-sized trees requires the use of equipment (manipulator, truck crane, tail lift, etc.) and the use of certain tools and materials (roller, winch, boards, bars, etc.).

Winter planting of large trees will significantly increase the chances of the transplanted tree to successfully survive. There are several pros and cons to winter planting of large trees. The earth ball does not crumble when dug up in winter. The root system is not damaged either when digging and planting the tree, or during its transportation. In winter, all life processes of the large-sized fish slow down and vegetation stops. This circumstance also has a beneficial effect on survival rate. When planting in winter, it is especially important to follow the technology for digging and transporting large-sized trees. The root ball should not be allowed to remain open at high sub-zero temperatures. The lump should be protected from temperatures below -15 °C and during transportation it should be wrapped in thermal fabric and covered with mulch and peat. Planting of large trees is not carried out at temperatures below -15 °C.

However, in the cold season it is more difficult to dig planting holes. The best option is to prepare the holes in advance, even before the soil freezes (photo). When planting, fertile soil (vermicompost, peat) mixed with sand or soil is used for backfilling. The type and acidity of the soil is selected based on the needs of a particular large size. When planting cedars, slightly acidic, light, fertile soils are used. Pines prefer well-drained sandy or sandy loam soils. Spruce - wet loamy or clayey. The tree adapts better after winter planting if in the spring, immediately after the soil thaws, growth stimulants that improve root formation are used to feed large trees.

Another circumstance in favor of winter planting of large trees is the ability for equipment to travel to the planting holes without harming the lawn. Frozen ground does not press through. If it is possible to adjust the manipulator to the landing site, this is an ideal option. When planting with a manipulator, the plant is carefully removed from the machine and just as carefully immersed in the hole. The impact on the earthen ball and root system of the large plant is minimal. If this is not possible, then the tree is planted using rokla. If the work is carried out carefully, the root system is also not damaged. Planting large trees with the help of rokla significantly increases work time and labor costs. Of course, on the condition that the work is carried out carefully and accurately.

We recommend that our customers plant coniferous trees 3-4.5 meters high, and deciduous trees 4-6.5 meters tall. Such trees are already considered large, but they take root much better. The adaptation period for such large trees passes almost unnoticed by the transplanted tree. The tree gives excellent growth the very next year after planting. While large trees from 5 meters (coniferous) and from 7 meters (deciduous) have a hard time surviving transplantation, and even with the best care, for several years after planting they give little growth and often get sick.

In the photo: Planting Siberian pine in winter (December) using a manipulator. Tree size - 3 m, ball size 1.2*1.0 m.

In the photo: Planting several Scots pinesat one site in winter (December) using a manipulator and a rocker. The size of the trees is 3.5-4 m. Rokla moves along plywood sheets without damaging the lawn. Installation of large scales in planting holes. Removing the protective strapping from the tree.

Planting large trees - Prices

Prices for planting large trees can vary significantly depending on the size of the tree, the type of large tree and the preparatory work. The price of planting a large tree consists of the cost of planting material, transportation and work on planting the tree. The price increases in cases where it is necessary to install drainage systems on the site, import a large amount of the necessary fertile soil, difficulties when digging holes, etc.

Here are our prices for some large coniferous and deciduous trees, often used in landscaping (the maximum sizes with which the survival rate of trees is the highest are indicated):

  • Scots pine 3.5-4 m - 9000-15000 rubles;
  • common spruce 4 m - 7000-9000 rubles;
  • Siberian cedar pine 3 m - 44,000 rub.;
  • prickly spruce 3 m - 36,000 rubles;
  • Korean fir 3 m - 36,000 rubles;
  • silver maple 3-5 m - 15,000-24,000 rubles;
  • small-leaved linden 3-5 m - 7000-12000 rubles;
  • red maple 5-6 m - 18,000 rub.;
  • field maple 5-6 m - 18,000 rubles;
  • Norway maple Crimson Sentry 5-6 m - 18,000 rubles;
  • Norway maple 5-6 m - 16,000 rub..

The cost of planting large trees by our company with a 1-year guarantee is 50% of the cost of the tree, with a 2-year guarantee - 60%.

Do you want to see the garden of your dreams not in the “beautiful distance”, but in a matter of days? – Garden center website can help with this. You no longer need years of patient waiting - you just need to order a service for transplanting large trees - our specialists will do everything to ensure that a green fairy tale becomes a reality for you tomorrow!

Rules for planting large woody plants

It is worth noting that replanting already formed trees and shrubs is a complex set of landscape works. Deviation from technology leads to the fact that shrubs and trees, once in a new place, lose foliage, buds and flowers. Turning yellow and drying out, they will not decorate the garden, and certainly will not add respectability to the façade of an office building - this is not the result that land owners or company management were counting on.

In order for the alleys and groups to fit into the landscape and look as fresh and attractive as if they grew right here, you need to follow the rules for planting large trees. These rules govern the entire process, from preparing plants to caring for them in their permanent location. Let us list the basic principles and pay attention to the individual characteristics of popular breeds.


Transplantation of large trees (trees and shrubs) is usually carried out when the plants enter a dormant period, that is, for the Moscow region - from October to March. Modern technology of planting with an earthen ball allows you to effectively carry out work in winter. One of the advantages of this choice is the preservation of the “native” root soil with all components of the root system, including mycorrhiza, that is, mycelium, which is vital for many plants. At sub-zero air temperatures, the frozen ground practically does not crumble.

Note: winter planting of large trees increases the likelihood of flowering in the same year.


Before digging up a plant, be sure to mark how it is oriented relative to the cardinal directions. This is done using bright ribbon or paint.

  • Large trees and shrubs are dug up with a ball of earth so that its diameter exceeds the girth of the lower part of the trunk by about 10 times.
  • If necessary, pruning of some roots and branches and other types of processing are carried out.
  • When planting large trees in summer, keep as much soil as possible on the roots, place them in a container or cover them with burlap. Transported in cloudy weather.
  • Working with frozen soil in winter is more difficult, but when digging it does not disintegrate; on loams you can do without a net or container; for lighter soils you still need a container.

Large sizes are ready for delivery to the site

Delivery of large items to the place of “permanent deployment”

The crown is tied with rope or other suitable material. Large items are stacked and securely secured so that they are less damaged during transportation. If you have special equipment, there is no need to reload the tree from one type of transport to another - the same machine carries out the digging, transportation, and planting of large trees.


  • A week before planting the large tree, a hole is prepared. According to the rules, it should be 20–30 cm deeper than the height of the earthen clod, the diameter should be 80 cm larger.
  • The walls are leveled, a drainage of gravel or crushed stone up to 15 cm high is arranged at the bottom. Fertile soil is poured into the hole in a layer of at least 15 cm.
  • The center of the recess is marked with a small peg. Place the large size in a prepared hole or trench.
  • If the height of the tree is impressive and there are access roads to the site, then they use special equipment (truck crane), but if this is not possible, planting is done manually.
  • It is important that the root ball is above ground level (then it will settle). First, pour soil into the bottom of the hole and tuck it under the lower part of the ball. Then add the same fertile soil and compact it thoroughly.
  • The large tree is strengthened with stretchers, which will support the tree for the next year or two until the root system gets stronger and penetrates into the soil beyond the planting hole. During the first years of life, trees with a graceful trunk, such as thuja or birch, especially need support.


In summer, the crown is shaded and freshly planted plants are watered abundantly. To reduce moisture consumption, some leaves can be removed. To prevent the soil from drying out, mulch it. Large trees planted in winter or spring are watered during the growing season at least once every two weeks. Those of them for which fine-drip sprinkling is not contraindicated are sprayed in the morning or evening during the hot season. TIP: To speed up the formation of root endings - the main suction apparatus - Plant Land recommends using the growth stimulator "Kornevin".

Groups of large-sized trees according to resistance to transplantation

  1. Sustainable. Deciduous species: birch, alder, ash maple, willow, mountain ash, bird cherry. Conifers: Cossack juniper, spruce, fir.
  2. Moderately resistant . Norway maple, large- and small-leaved linden, horse chestnut, hawthorn. Conifers: pines - mountain, Weymouth, common; larch.
  3. Low-resistant. Amur velvet, pedunculate oak, plum, cherry, apple, pear, honeysuckle. Conifers: cypress, Siberian pine, yew.

Please note: the third group (Low-resistant) includes all major fruit crops. Transplanting mature (or almost mature) pome crops is a rather difficult task. But success is guaranteed if garden center professionals undertake its implementation. Plant Planet . A preparatory stage may be required. This is decided on the spot, based on specific conditions (age of the plant, type of root system, presence/absence of buildings and communications in the immediate vicinity, etc.). It is better to order the service for planting and replanting large trees in advance so that our specialists can inspect the object ahead of time and, if necessary, carry out preparatory work.

Individual characteristics of large-sized animals

Spruce. The roots are located in the surface layer of the earth, not extending deeper than 70 cm. This is convenient when planting large trees, but reduces the ability of a lonely tree to withstand strong winds.

Pine. On light sandy substrates, a powerful main root develops deeper. On swampy soils there is a branched root system in the surface layer.

Thuja occidentalis. Forms a compact system of underground organs, well developed in all directions.

Linden, maple. The root system develops evenly; inside the earthen coma during transplantation there are enough small roots that provide nutrition.

Oak. Annual seedlings grow by only 20 cm during the year, and the root penetrates to a depth of 1.7 m during the same time, which makes it difficult to replant even young trees. The trunk and crown grow slowly, the roots form few lateral branches in the first years of life.

Walnut. The length of the main root reaches one and a half meters in length by 3 years; by 5 years, lateral and adventitious roots develop. But it is not root hairs that absorb nutrients, but mycorrhizal threads.

TIP: Many shrubs and trees use symbiosis with mushrooms. Transplanting to a new location deprives the plant of its peripheral roots; restoration of mycorrhiza will take more than one year, or may not occur at all. The addition of the drugs “Symbiont” or “Mycoplant” stimulates and accelerates this process.

World of plants and trees | №5 (68) "2012

Domestic and foreign nurseries today offer a varied assortment of large-sized coniferous plants. But the purchase is only the beginning; the tree still needs to be planted correctly.

Our correspondent asked questions to Igor Yangutov, an engineer in forestry and gardening, whose background includes more than 10,000 large trees, and Mikhail Skvaznikov, a landscape architect, candidate of biological sciences.

Corr.: I propose to immediately decide what will be meant by large-sized ones.

I.Yangutov| Large size is a relative concept. This is the name given to mature, mature trees with a trunk diameter greater than 8 cm and a developed crown.

M.Skvaznikov| A tree or shrub can be considered large-sized not at the moment when it has grown to a certain mark in terms of footage. These are primarily mature trees with a well-formed crown and developed root system, located in a soil volume of at least 100 liters.

Corr.: How significant is the number of transplants?

I.Yangutov| Ideally when the tree has been replanted. It should be immediately noted that there are domestic large-sized trees, as a rule, they have no more than 3 transplants, and foreign ones, from European nurseries, the number of transplants of an adult tree can reach up to 8. Thanks to multiple transplants, the plant develops a powerful and compact root system, which allows large-sized trees to better settle down in a new place. Now the culture of transplants is at a good level in European nurseries. If we take, for example, a Christmas tree from a Russian nursery, then at a height of 8–10 m its earthen core is 2–2.20 m, and a Christmas tree from a European nursery, replanted several times, has only 1.5–1.7 m. .

But if you need to plant a tree from 6 m and above, then, from my point of view, it is worth choosing local material. The fact is that the larger the tree, the higher the transportation costs, and the older the plant, the harder it is to tolerate transplantation, which in any case is stressful for it.

Corr.: When is the best time to plant large trees?

I.Yangutov| It all depends on the height of the large plant you want to plant. For a tree with a trunk diameter greater than 20 cm, winter planting is desirable. And the bulk of domestic large trees are transplanted in winter. There are two types of planting large-sized trees: with a frozen lump - at sub-zero temperatures and with an unfrozen lump - the rest of the time, excluding periods when the average daily temperature rises above 20°C.

The main thing with any transplant is to preserve the earthen ball of the appropriate size as much as possible. When a plant is transplanted with a frozen lump, it is possible to transport a large tree with a lump, the weight of which can reach up to 9 tons, without damage. This method has many advantages, but it also has small disadvantages. Harvesting, transportation and planting of material must take place at a temperature not lower than –15°C, otherwise severe damage to the branches of the crown will occur, and care must also be taken to ensure that there is no excessive frostbite of the roots of the earthen ball. As practice shows, in most cases, with a frozen ball, it is possible to transplant zoned material from nurseries in Russia and neighboring countries. European planting material coming from nurseries in a different climate zone is best planted in the spring, so that the tree has time to take root and undergo acclimatization - then it will have a greater chance of taking root than when planted in late autumn.

Planting domestic large trees with a trunk diameter of up to 20 cm and a mass of earthen clod of no more than 3 tons is possible with both frozen and unfrozen clods. It is advisable to complete the transplantation before the intensive growth of shoots begins; it is carried out as soon as possible, providing the tree with abundant watering. Let me emphasize once again: during transplantation, the temperature should not exceed 20°C. In summer, large trees are replanted in extreme cases.

And also, when answering the question of when to plant, I always clarify why the large plant is chosen. If the site needs something massive, very tall (with a trunk diameter of more than 20 cm) to close, then it is advisable to use Russian material. And if you need single trees of rare species, then you can consider imported planting material. The range of European nurseries today is varied.

M.Skvaznikov| It is most pleasant to choose large trees in the summer, when they demonstrate all their beauty. But winter and early spring are the most favorable seasons for planting. The fact is that the large crown of large trees evaporates a huge amount of moisture, and the damaged root system immediately after transplantation is not able to make up for the losses. In winter, the plant is in deep dormancy, its life processes are slowed down, moreover, large deciduous plants have already lost their foliage, which means that the volume of evaporated water is several times less. It is easier and simpler to extract and preserve the earthen lump due to its high-quality freezing. It is necessary to wrap the dug up lump with burlap to preserve the existing heat and moisture of the root system. Winter planting of large trees allows you to successfully replant even fifteen-meter trees.

Corr.: What is the maximum height of an adult tree you can plant on your site?

I.Yangutov| The maximum height will be no more than 13 m. This is due to the dimensions of the transport on which the trees are transported; the length of the car body is 14 meters. It is advisable to limit the height to about 10–12 m. The older and taller the tree, the more difficult it is to take root. In addition, trees taller than 12 m are technically difficult to treat and protect.

Corr.: Is it worth buying and planting large trees yourself?

I.Yangutov| This question is asked often. I answer like this. There are organizations that carry out a full cycle of work with large trees: selecting trees, digging them up, transporting, unloading, planting and subsequent care for them - this is an ideal option. You can buy large ones yourself, but in this case it will be difficult for you to trace the history of the tree; you may come across unzoned material or with a frozen lump, in addition, you will not have a guarantee for the plant. So take your pick.

M.Skvaznikov| Large trees are not dug up in the neighboring forest, they are bred in special nurseries, and a properly prepared tree is quite expensive. Planting large trees is a labor-intensive task and, in the case of truly large trees, requires the use of special means; planting them, as we have already said, is not possible at any time. When planting, you must have a site plan and landscaping design. Different types of trees are planted in different soils, and they all need attention and special care after transplanting.

Corr.: What should you consider when choosing a place for a large plant in the garden?

M.Skvaznikov| It is best to select and plant them according to the characteristics according to which they grow in their natural environment: tall - behind short ones, weeping - near water, spreading - in open space. It is important that the growing conditions in the old and new places coincide.

Care must be taken to ensure that trees do not compete for light and moisture. For example, pines are very light-loving, unpretentious to the composition of the soil, but do not tolerate stagnant water. When planting in a row (alley), large pines should be located at a distance of 4–5 meters from each other. Large-sized spruce trees love shade or partial shade, are difficult to transplant, and are very picky about stagnant water. Their root neck must be flush with the ground. Blue spruce is a large tree that requires a lot of sun and free space.

I.Yangutov| It is important to take into account that the tree will grow and its crown will increase, so it is better to contact a specialist who will give recommendations on planting.

Corr.: What should the soil be like?

I.Yangutov| The best option for coniferous plants is fertile loam with the addition of peat. In terms of mechanical composition, the soil should not be too heavy, like clay in which water stands, and too light, like sand, which does not hold water. It should be the same as in its natural habitat. In the forest, needles, old twigs falling to the ground and rotting, form a humus horizon of 20–25 cm, which is the main nutrient medium for the plant. How to get a similar soil composition in the garden?

The ideal option: if there is a top fertile layer, it needs to be removed (the bottom layer is removed, it will not be used), add peat, sand, sapropel, which contains a lot of organic matter, and plant a tree in this mixture. If the soils are sandy, then the soil added should be heavier so that water is better retained; if the soils are loamy, the soil should be lighter so that the water does not stagnate. These are general recommendations; what and in what quantity should be added to the soil should be determined by a specialist.

Corr.: On average, the warranty for large sizes ranges from one to three years. Is this enough time for the tree to adapt?

I.Yangutov| The first year is the most dangerous and important. In the second year, the tree recovers from stress and gradually adapts to new conditions; the root system, damaged as a result of replanting, begins to recover. The main criterion by which you can judge whether a tree has taken root or not is very simple: if you see buds on a tree in the fall, it means that it will survive next year.

Three years is a sufficient period if the tree is constantly looked after under average static conditions: watered, treated for pests, fed with fertilizers, given stimulants for the roots and crown.

For coniferous plants, protection from stem pests and pine-eating insects is very important. Recently, due to the fact that diseased and dead trees are not removed from the territory of the Moscow region, many stem pests have grown up - the typograph bark beetle, the small and large pine beetle, and the engraver bark beetle. They damage the conductive tissue of the tree through which water and nutrients move. Therefore, during the three-year adaptation period, the tree must be treated with preparations that protect against stem pests, especially if the garden plot is located in a forest area. Tree treatments should be carried out throughout the entire growing season, from the end of April to October; the frequency of use of insecticides should be determined by a specialist.

And it is also very important to provide watering that is optimal for the plant in specific conditions. With abundant watering, we help the tree survive the stress received during transplantation.

M.Skvaznikov| There is no need to be alarmed if the large fish starts to get sick. The first year after planting will be critical. This is completely natural and can be corrected with biological supplements. Proper care of large animals is also very important. Recently transplanted large trees require intensive watering with and without bioadditives (even if it rains), irrigation of the trunk (including mineral fertilizing), loosening of tree trunk circles and their mulching. In the first year, it is very important to protect the tree from diseases and pests. If in the spring young shoots appear on the plant, it means that it has taken root normally.

Stretch marks are removed three years after planting large trees.

I.Yangutov| For a hedge, you can use any coniferous trees. But not all breeds can tolerate haircuts. For trimmed hedges, various types of western thuja, primarily "Brabant", and European (ordinary) and Serbian spruce are primarily suitable. The younger the plant, the easier it tolerates pruning and the better and denser the green wall is formed.

Thujas are also good because they have a compact root system, this is especially important if the space is narrow, but you need to close it around the perimeter. Where Norway spruce requires a diameter of at least 3 m in order for the root system to develop well, thuja needs 1.5 m in diameter.

Serbian spruce (Picea omorica), various types of fir (Siberian fir, single-color fir, Korean fir) and prickly spruce (Picea pungens) best cope with the role of a New Year tree planted on the site. Serbian spruce and fir have shapes that hold the triangle well. It is important that the tree does not come close to the house: an adult tree needs enough space for roots to grow.

We thank the participants of the Round Table for the materials and illustrations provided
