Kellia (monastic community). Kellia (monastic community) The place where they are

    In 11 years we drove 63 thousand. It's a Hyundai car and doesn't require any money. There’s simply nowhere to go especially and we have a lot of such cars in Siberia

    How long ago has the Patriot become a crossover? I took a test drive of a Patriot with an automatic transmission and really liked it, the ride was smooth and the cabin was quiet. I'm waiting for the start of sales.

    Write bullshit, citizen.
    Provide a link to the paragraph of the traffic rules (or other document) according to which the driver is OBLIGED to open the hood at the DEMAND of the traffic cop? What provision of what law allows the guy to DEMAND the driver to open the hood??
    You, dear author, published a fake.

    Are taxi drivers the ones who can’t type an address into a navigator in Russian? So they don’t really care how they make money. The Ford account is completely nonsense. My beloved girl has a 2 liter automatic with 188,000 mileage. According to the author, the complicated suspension is in the back, so it’s still original, from the factory and there are silent blocks in the front too

    Nice car This is only half the success, I don’t know how your car turned out to be worse, it’s most likely not the car, but the driver who couldn’t handle it. In any case, it’s up to you, but it’s a shame for those who, after reading your article, will buy a Skoda instead of a Subaru and, as a result, will lose significant advantages in cross-country ability.

    in general, he has the right to look, just like the security guards in the parking lot of the shopping center

    so the policeman does not prove in any way that he is acting according to the law and not because he just wanted to rob you!!! policeman what can I say

    Chinese-Chinese, not even a VW nameplate

    By making taxis available, traffic jams will only increase. Because those who could not afford used public transport, and public transport the capacity is 50-70 people and imagine that half of them took a taxi, immediately 25-35 cars were added to the stream, where will the traffic jams become less??? And this is just from one bus. We need to raise prices, not lower them to bus prices.

    But at the same time an inspection report is drawn up.

    Do bailiffs have the right to seize a car if the debtor already has half of his salary going to pay off the debt in court proceedings?

Kellia is one of the three largest communities of Egyptian desert monks in the Wadi Natrun region, along with Nitria and Skitis.

It was founded around 338 by the Nitrian monk Ammon. Desiring greater solitude, he left his overcrowded monastery and founded new community 20 km to the south.

Having reached its peak in the 5th century, the community declined after the Arab conquest of Egypt in the mid-7th century. By the 11th century the Cells were abandoned, and in the 15th century information about their location was lost.

The Cells were discovered in 1937, and excavations have been ongoing there since 1964.


According to the Apophthegmata Patrum, Ammon was a monk in the monastery of Anthony the Great. One day he told his teacher that he and some other monks would like to live in more solitude, since Nitria had become too crowded compared to before. In response to this, Antony advised him to have lunch first. Then the two of them went into the desert and walked until sunset. At the place where they stopped, they prayed and erected a cross to mark the site of the new monastery, which was 12 miles from the Antonia monastery.

During his visit to Egypt in the mid-390s, Rufinus of Aquileia visited Celia. In the Greek version written after this event "Stories of the Monks of Egypt" Kellia and Nitria are not distinguished, but in the Latin version this difference is emphasized. According to Rufinus, the Cell is located “in the inner desert” (Latin in deserto interiore), and the cells there are located at such a distance from each other that one monk cannot hear the voice of another. Before settling in the Cells, the monks had to learn the basics of desert life in Nitria. As there, the cell monks gathered together on Saturdays and Sundays. Of all that Rufinus saw, he was most struck by the “palpable silence” of this place (lat. silentium ingens et quies magna ).

Wouter, GNU 1.2

Around the same time, the future Bishop Palladius of Elenopol lived in Kellia. According to his story, approximately 600 monks lived in Kellia. The community was led by a monk-priest, assisted by a council of elders. In the first three years of Palladius’s life in the community, it was led by the famous ascetic Macarius of Alexandria (d. c. 393). In the time of Palladius, the community was no longer a single colony of hermits, but an association of groups of monks, each led by its own Abba. During the first Origenist controversy of the late 4th and early 5th centuries, the Cellian monks took the side of the Origenists, and Patriarch Theophilus took disciplinary action against them in early 400. Some of the monks were sent into exile, but then they were allowed to return. At this time there was only one church in Kelia. However, as one apothegm reports, when disputes over the decisions of the Council of Chalcedon (451) caused divisions among the monks, a need arose for a new church so that Chalcedonites and anti-Chalcedonites could pray separately. The same apothegma reports that the cells then began to be grouped into monasteries, and the most remote of them were empty.

About the Cells in the 7th century we know from the “Book of the Consecration of the Sanctuary of Benjamin,” written on the occasion of the visit of Patriarch Benjamin I (622-661) to Wadi Natrun in the winter of 645/6. During his journey, the patriarch stopped for two days in Kellia. From a comparison of the Arabic and Coptic versions of this text, the Arabic name of the Kelley is known - al-Muna. From the Arabic text “History of the Alexandrian Patriarchs” it is known that Benjamin was in al-Muna in 631, when he was hiding from the Melkite patriarch Cyrus. The same source reports that under Benjamin the monasteries of Wadi Natrun and al-Muna were restored, which were destroyed under unknown circumstances under the patriarchs Damian (569-605) and his successor Anastasia (605-616).

Useful information

from ancient Greek κελλίον
verbatim cells

Cost of visit

for free

Opening hours

Archaeological research

In 1935, the Egyptian prince Omar Tussoun mistakenly believed that he had found the ruins of Cells in the northwestern part of Wadi Natrun. The location of the Cells followed the location of Nitria by H. G. Evelyn-White in 1926-1933, as ancient texts placed the Cells between Nitria and Scytis. The identification proposed by A. F. C. de Casson in 1937 was confirmed in 1964 by A. Guillaumont.

Thus, according to modern ideas, the Cells were located on the border 18 km from the modern village of al-Barnuji, located on the site of Nitria.

The archaeological site covers an area of ​​49 square meters. miles. Its existence at that time was threatened by the Egyptian government's plans to develop irrigation, and in 1977 it was decided to build a railway. In this regard, several archaeological expeditions were organized from the mid-1960s to the mid-1980s. Two teams of archaeologists, from France and Switzerland, tried to quickly but carefully identify and salvage everything they could. As a result, many valuable finds were discovered that shed light on the life of the monks who lived there in the 4th-7th centuries.

Ticket 17 - Question 1

Are sidewalks and shoulders part of the road?

1. Are.

2. Only roadsides are included.

3. They are not.

Correct answer:

Ticket 17 - Question 2

At what distance to an uneven section of the road is this sign installed outside a populated area?

3. Directly before a rough section of the road.

Correct answer:
At least 15 m.

Ticket 17 - Question 8

Are you allowed to make a right turn in this situation?

1. Allowed.

2. Allowed if it does not cause interference vehicles moving from other directions.

The green arrow in the additional section of the traffic light allows you to turn right. However, to perform this maneuver, you were required to take the extreme right position on the roadway in advance (clause 8.5). It is prohibited to turn right from the left lane where your car is located.

Correct answer:

Ticket 17 - Question 9

Is it possible for you to make a turn along this trajectory?

2. It is possible if the width of the roadway is not sufficient to perform the maneuver from the extreme left position.

3. It is impossible.

On the road outside the intersection, you can make a U-turn from the right edge of the roadway and even from the side of the road if the width of the roadway is not sufficient to perform the maneuver from the extreme left position (clause 8.8).

Correct answer:
It is possible if the width of the roadway is not sufficient to perform the maneuver from the extreme left position.

Ticket 17 - Question 10

Is the driver allowed to drive at too low a speed?

1. Allowed.

2. Permitted if it does not interfere with other vehicles.

The rules allow driving at too low a speed only on the condition that there is no interference with other vehicles (clause 10.5).

Correct answer:
It is allowed if it does not interfere with other vehicles.

Ticket 17 - Question 11

Can you start overtaking in a populated area?

2. It is possible if overtaking is completed before the crossing.

3. It is impossible.

Overtaking is prohibited at railway crossings and closer than 100 m in front of them (clause 11.4). Since the railway crossing is located in a populated area, sign 1.2 « Railway crossing without a barrier" is installed at a distance of 50-100 m before the crossing. Therefore, you should not start overtaking the tractor in this situation.

How to determine in this situation whether a settlement is depicted in the picture? Apart from buildings, I don't see any signs of this.
The built-up area is determined by the question: “Can you start overtaking in a built-up area?” The figure shows the outskirts of a populated area along which a locomotive can move.

Correct answer:
It is forbidden.

Ticket 17 - Question 12

Where on this section of the road are you allowed to park your car for a long time?

1. Anywhere on the side of the road.

2. Only after 500 m at a special site.

3. In all listed places.

Parking for the purpose of long-term rest or overnight stay outside a populated area is permitted only on sites provided for this purpose or outside the road (clause 12.3). Sign 7.11 “Rest place” informs that such a site is located at a distance of 500 m. Therefore, you can park your car for a long time only after 500 m.

Correct answer:
Only after 500 m at a special site.

Ticket 17 - Question 13

Are you required to give way to a bus?

1. Obliged.

2. Not required.

When driving in the direction indicated by the arrow turned on in the additional section simultaneously with a red traffic light, you are obliged to give way to vehicles moving from other directions (clause 13.5).

Correct answer:

Ticket 17 - Question 14

You intend to turn left. What are your actions?

1. Give way to both trucks.

2. When you enter the intersection, give way to the oncoming truck and complete the turn.

3. Pass the intersection first.

When driving through an intersection of equivalent roads, you must give way to both vehicles: a truck with a flashing yellow or orange color, since it is on your right, and the oncoming truck, since it is moving straight (paragraphs 13.11 and 13.12).

Correct answer:
Give way to both trucks.

Ticket 17 - Question 15

After entering this intersection:

1. You must give way to a car approaching it.

2. You will have an advantage over a passenger car, driving onto it.

3. You should act by mutual agreement with the driver of the car.

After entering an intersection with a roundabout and marked with sign 4.3 “Roundabout”, you will have an advantage in traffic over a passenger car, since when entering this intersection its driver is obliged to give way to vehicles moving along it (clause 13.11 1).

There is no “Give Way” sign in front of a car entering the intersection.
Since 8 November 2017, the roundabout is the default main road. No additional signs are required.

Correct answer:
You will have the right of way over any car entering it.

Ticket 17 - Question 16
