Jupiter in Libra in a person's horoscope. Jupiter in Libra: respectable connections - profitable alliances

Jupiter in Libra

Kindness + harmony = popularity.
This factor gives a person foresight, considerable enthusiasm and harmony of mental and physical development. With negative character formation, a person tends to focus on one thing to the point of fanaticism. At the same time, his development is inharmonious, he often loses his mental balance. He is overly carefree and superficial, overly trusting and sometimes completely unreasonably relies on others. Positive development character makes a person an excellent judge, a fan of music and the arts, and generally gives him many different talents.

He is sociable and friendly, skilled in conversation and with his presence alone he brightens the lives of many. He has a developed sense of justice and the ability to cooperate. He is cheerful and optimistic, strives for active social activities and is excellent in intellectual and material assistance to his neighbors. This position guarantees a person the gift of skillfully and subtly negotiating, persuading even the most ardent opponents of agreement to mutually acceptable compromises. He is open and charming, charming and handsome, always surrounded by fans and patrons.

His penchant for excitement does not harm his financial situation at all, his life is usually happy, and good manners and courtesy allow him to gain support powerful of the world this. This person is very capable of both the sciences and the arts. He is characterized by a refined lifestyle and a love of justice. He strives to settle, level, compensate, balance and harmonize everything. Marriage invariably brings him material success, wide contacts with foreigners, and considerable success in business is possible. This is an honest and hardworking person, kind and pious, he has wide connections in society and is able to influence the mood of entire audiences. Often it quickly reaches high social status and material security.

Lucky in everything related to the public, the public and the masses. Successful as a lawyer, statistician, teacher, lecturer and businessman. Such a person tends to look at every problem from many angles, which often makes it difficult to make a final decision. He knows how to clearly identify and formulate problems of the most different levels, intertwined in complex specific situation(historical, moral, artistic, psychological, material and spiritual). In collaboration special attention draws to the triumph of the principle of justice, orientation to spiritual values ​​and attention to moral issues.

What is most important to him is internal balance and harmony of social relationships. In general, the word “harmony” is key to his character; justice and ethics are only special cases of the universal idea of ​​​​harmony. That is why such people are so attached to music - they love everything that brings rhythm, orderliness and organization into this world. They strive to resolve all social, business and family issues peacefully, balancing and uniting everyone and everything. They believe that they should not “pull the blanket over themselves” and “go too far.” These are excellent arbiters and diplomats, soberly weighing all the pros and cons and skillfully leading even the most difficult conversation. They are excellent guides to the positions of opposing sides, usually impartial and objective.

In relationships with people, they strive for evenness, smoothness and peace. They often become committed to the idea of ​​protecting human rights. Their behavior is kind, friendly, conscientious, polite, charming and loving, and therefore it always evokes a bright response from others. The fate of such a person is greatly influenced by the environment. They are often successful mediators in resolving the most difficult problems. They are sincere and economical, hospitable and friendly to everyone. They value theirs free time and indulge in a wide variety of activities that decorate and harmonize life. Their artistic taste is amazingly subtle, they have an excellent sense of composition and rhythm.

To succeed in foreign affairs, they need a reliable and highly cultured partner. Our hero is a sophisticated idealist, not inclined to heavy manual labor, but successfully unraveling even the most hopeless tangles of contradictions. He often seeks to make decisions for others, especially when it comes to morals and principles. The desire for harmonization sometimes causes a clash with the law and duality in behavior (both ours and yours).

The character is soft, balanced, serious and obliging. Imagination is developed, sensitivity is sensitive. Such a person is inclined to philanthropy and patronage of the arts, and often enjoys the support of significant patrons, which allows them to do what they love. The main sphere of activity of such a person is culture and social etiquette. Sooner or later they achieve wide recognition and respect not only from friends, but also from enemies. Often their positions are very changeable, but this is not explained by abandonment of their principles, but by an inexpressibly deep craving for agreement and harmony. In matters of marriage and partnership, justice and morality come first.

Cooperation is invariably based on truly spiritual values. Agreement in marriage is more important for such a person than erotic compatibility. The principles of philanthropy are based on sincere love for one's neighbor and innate honesty. Such people often show amazing generosity and always strive to take into account the needs and desires of others, which is why they enjoy love, popularity and support. The refinement of feelings makes them good psychologists and peacemakers. They skillfully convince others of the benefits of humanitarian ideas and social programs, and often successfully participate in fundraising and charity events.

They often want to please everyone just to avoid disagreements. They often promise much more than they can deliver, causing dissatisfaction among others. At the same time they can be attached to different people, without even thinking about being unfaithful to any of them. The main thing for such a person is to participate in the creation of a beautiful and harmonious world.


Here Jupiter is in the abode of Chiron and Venus, in the element of air.

In this case, most likely, in all social, public and family issues, you will strive to resolve the matter peacefully, by balancing, and to seek unification. That is, such a person will always look for a point of balance in the social field (Libra).

Usually you think that there is no need to “go too far” in either direction; you will probably strive to maintain peace, balance and harmony everywhere and in everything. Most likely, you usually cannot stand disharmony at all; harmony is the most important thing for you.

IN best case scenario, if you are a highly developed person, then you can be an excellent diplomat, arbiter, impartial judge, since here Jupiter is visiting Chiron, and this means a constant search for social justice, social balance. Probably, you usually skillfully conduct conversations, reason, adhering equally to both sides, without expressing your biased attitude. You may have good teaching abilities, since the air element of Libra allows you to be a conduit of information. In society, you usually try to maintain smooth and calm relationships with people.

In the worst case, you can elevate any injustice to the rank of law, which is beneficial to you, and you begin to measure everything with a “crooked measure.” You can turn into a traitor, who at the same time shouts a lot about justice. But despite this, in society with everyone, even with your enemies, you can try to preserve good relationship.

In general, Jupiter in Libra teaches us harmony and justice, impartiality in assessing ongoing social phenomena. Therefore, in the year of Jupiter in Libra (for example, 1992), various trials often take place in society, and at the same time, justification of any injustice often occurred.

Jupiter in Libra had: Biruni, Vivekananda, Maria Stuart, Joan of Arc, Ivan the Terrible, Raphael, J. S. Bach, J. Haydn, Handel, Berlioz, Washington, Churchill.

Pavel Globa. Planets in the signs of the Zodiac.

Intellectual Jupiter.

Like Gemini, Libra Jupiter is very attractive to the opposite (and same) sex due to its ability to speak on different topics and breadth of interests; Libra also gives grace of thought and a subtle sense of one's social class. This is a strong position for Jupiter, but there is a serious danger that mental fluctuations and a tendency to consider any issue from all possible sides and points of view, including its history, ethics, aesthetics and possible consequences at the material, moral and spiritual levels they will never give the opportunity to solve it.

Here the person is strongly attached to his social class, and Jupiter initially gives expansion only within its limits. Gifts and good fortune will be graceful and elegant, often on the mental plane, for example, an ingenious solution to a problem that will put everything in its place and give benefit on all planes at once; good for private detectives serving the middle and upper classes and, especially with a strong Jupiter, for thieves and criminals of the same specialization. With defeat, intellectual snobbery and pride, emphasized elitism, isolation in a narrow social circle and admiration for the next, especially his aesthetics, are possible. Studying the aspect gives a wise and fair judge, who knows perfectly well both the written and unwritten laws of his society, and their relationship with the laws of karma, which allows him to implement the latter with the help of the former.

When worked through, this position of Jupiter gives Libra a broad view of things; they are able to assess situations and influence them without following tough programs your circle; The higher octave also has access to the cosmic meaning of what is happening, i.e. weave karmic programs who created a situation that allows us to build true ethics.

Life is easier for such people, since their understanding of beauty and harmony is wider than usual; in case of defeat, there is a strong temptation for aesthetic snobbery, and the perception of many types of art evokes special pride in oneself; however, it is most often cold-mental and working through it is not easy: the karmic task is to synthesize art (as well as various structures) into a single harmonious whole; the degree of damage to Jupiter indicates the level of inconsistency of the elements to be synthesized.

With poor development, a person has a double morality, and instead of synthesis, there is a rough connection of details.

In a harmonious version, Jupiter gives Libra phenomenal popularity in all levels of society, largely due to their leniency (in the best sense of the word), benevolence and general fairness; in their presence, it begins to seem that the world is arranged fairly (Jovian Libra is not inclined to weigh down to the milligram, but their overall assessment is nevertheless accurate).

The harmonious version of Jupiter in Libra gives at the same time the danger of overestimating the harmony of specific situations and the world as a whole and internal callousness, since the tragedy of situations comes through poorly and through mental images, and not essentially (and I hope the reader does not forget that all this relates to the main way to the house ruled by Jupiterian Libra).

Absalom the Underwater. Planets in Zodiac Signs

Jupiter in Libra: Social aspirations are aimed at peaceful resolution of all conflicts. Commensuration, correlation of different points of view, striving for their reconciliation, searching for a compromise. Diplomacy in the social sphere, objective perception of social processes.

At best - harmonization of social life, a fair judge of social relations.

In the worst case - social corruption, double-dealing. Demagogue.


In harmonious aspects: the subject is peace-loving, fair, kind, with the makings of a philanthropist and philanthropist, aristocratic, spiritual and highly moral, sympathetic, having happiness in alliances, cooperation, marriage, striving to obtain a very good education, showing interest in the achievements of science and culture, art (painting, theater), religion, philosophy, jurisprudence.

If JUPITER is damaged, then the character of the subject manifests such traits as lack of foresight, overestimation of strength, pride, frivolity, vanity, idleness, wastefulness, verbosity, erroneous opinions, a tendency to adventure, carelessness, the presence of open enemies, injustice, extravagance, imbalance, failures in alliances, having your head in the clouds, a tendency to self-deception and projectism.

S. V. Shestopalov. Handbook of Astropsychology

Jupiter in Libra

In matters of marriage, partnership, and personal relationships, justice and moral principles come first. They choose a partner who is interested in religion, education, and philosophy. Partnership based on spiritual interests, not sex, long marriage, happy family life. Ritual is very important, only because of this can people get married. The principles of philanthropy are based on love for one's neighbor, which is why they are popular. They love art, try to develop it, are diplomatic, and tend to compromise in difficult situations. But there is also a tendency to make moral decisions for others, they want to please everyone, double standards, they promise more than they can deliver. Prone to gambling, in case of loss, losses are borne with dignity, without losing good style manners. Marriage unions and there can be many love affairs. Kidney diseases are characteristic.

Your strengths are your ability to cooperate, diplomacy and the fact that you know how to behave in the social situation in which you find yourself. You also have a strong sense of integrity, the ability to listen to opposing opinions and points of view, and the ability to be (or at least appear) impartial and moderate rather than one-sided and prone to extremes.

Francis Sakoyan. Planets in the signs of the Zodiac.


Man receives good body, there will be a place for good friendship in his life. These are educated, fair people, they have a devoted character, although often in marriage their incompatibility with their marriage partner is discovered and they have temporary relationships. They are beautiful, religious and hardworking. They love to live in comfort. Support friendly relations with people doing business.

Indubala. Planets in signs. (Indian tradition).

Jupiter in Libra

In matters of marriage, partnership, and friendship, justice and moral principles come first. Spiritual values ​​are more important than eroticism. If Jupiter is not afflicted, a long marriage, a happy family life. Subtlety of feelings, generosity; they are loved and popular. With bad aspects, there is a tendency to impose one’s moral decisions on others; sometimes they try to please both yours and ours, hence the double morality. They promise more than they can deliver. Can start several at the same time love relationship. With very bad aspects - litigation on property and marriage issues.

No Monster. Planets in Zodiac Signs

Jupiter in Libra.

Inner balance and harmony of social relationships are important to you. You tend to defend a fair position and most likely value music for the harmony it brings to the world.

The art of forecasting. Semira and V. Vetash.

Jupiter in Libra

A person asserts himself and receives satisfaction by playing the role of a mediator-conciliator, using his natural authority in order to preserve or restore lost harmony.

Catherine Aubier. Astrological dictionary.

Jupiter in Libra

Beauty in everything is the main ideal for children with Jupiter in Libra. They also value relationships very much and will grow through relationships with others. The concepts of fairness and equality are very important. They want to be objective about any such issues, look at both sides and find a balance that is “fair” for both sides. This placement does not indicate artistic talent in itself, but will enhance any indication of it in your child's chart. A sophisticated and graceful environment is conducive to growth.

Maria Kay Simms. Your magical child.


Kindness + harmony = popularity.

This factor gives a person foresight, considerable enthusiasm and harmony of mental and physical development. With negative character formation, a person tends to focus on one thing to the point of fanaticism. At the same time, his development is inharmonious, he often loses his mental balance. He is overly carefree and superficial, overly trusting and sometimes completely unreasonably relies on others. Positive character development makes a person an excellent judge, a fan of music and the arts, and generally gives him many different talents. He is sociable and friendly, skilled in conversation and with his presence alone he brightens the lives of many. He has a developed sense of justice and the ability to cooperate. He is cheerful and optimistic, strives for active social activities and is excellent in intellectual and material assistance to his neighbors. This position guarantees a person the gift of skillfully and subtly negotiating, persuading even the most ardent opponents of agreement to mutually acceptable compromises. He is open and charming, charming and handsome, always surrounded by fans and patrons. His penchant for excitement does not in the least harm his financial situation, his life is usually happy, and good manners and courtesy allow him to enlist the support of the powers that be. This person is very capable of both the sciences and the arts. He is characterized by a refined lifestyle and a love of justice. He strives to settle, level, compensate, balance and harmonize everything. Marriage invariably brings him material success, wide contacts with foreigners, and considerable success in business is possible. This is an honest and hardworking person, kind and pious, he has wide connections in society and is able to influence the mood of entire audiences. Often he quickly achieves a high social position and material security. Lucky in everything related to the public, the public and the masses. Successful as a lawyer, statistician, teacher, lecturer and businessman. Such a person tends to look at every problem from many angles, which often makes it difficult to make a final decision. He knows how to clearly identify and formulate problems of various levels, intertwined in a complex specific situation (historical, moral, artistic, psychological, material and spiritual). In cooperation, special attention is paid to the triumph of the principle of justice, orientation to spiritual values ​​and attention to moral issues. What is most important to him is internal balance and harmony of social relationships. In general, the word “harmony” is key to his character; justice and ethics are only special cases of the universal idea of ​​​​harmony. That is why such people are so attached to music - they love everything that brings rhythm, orderliness and organization into this world. They strive to resolve all social, business and family issues peacefully, balancing and uniting everyone and everything. They believe that they should not “pull the blanket over themselves” and “go too far.” These are excellent arbiters and diplomats, soberly weighing the pros and cons and skillfully leading even the most difficult conversation. They are excellent guides to the positions of opposing sides, usually impartial and objective. In relationships with people, they strive for evenness, smoothness and peace. They often become committed to the idea of ​​protecting human rights. Their behavior is kind, friendly, conscientious, polite, charming and loving, and therefore it always evokes a bright response from others. The fate of such a person is greatly influenced by the environment. They are often successful mediators in resolving the most difficult problems. They are sincere and economical, hospitable and friendly to everyone. They value their free time and indulge in a wide variety of activities that decorate and harmonize life. Their artistic taste is amazingly subtle, they have an excellent sense of composition and rhythm. To succeed in foreign affairs, they need a reliable and highly cultured partner. Our hero is a sophisticated idealist, not inclined to hard manual labor, but successfully unraveling even the most hopeless tangles of contradictions. He often seeks to make decisions for others, especially when it comes to morals and principles. The desire for harmonization sometimes causes a clash with the law and duality in behavior (both ours and yours). The character is soft, balanced, serious and obliging. Imagination is developed, sensitivity is sensitive. Such a person is inclined to philanthropy and patronage of the arts, and often enjoys the support of significant patrons, which allows them to do what they love. The main sphere of activity of such a person is culture and social etiquette. Sooner or later they achieve wide recognition and respect not only from friends, but also from enemies. Often their positions are very changeable, but this is not explained by abandonment of their principles, but by an inexpressibly deep craving for agreement and harmony. In matters of marriage and partnership, justice and morality come first. Cooperation is invariably based on truly spiritual values. Agreement in marriage is more important for such a person than erotic compatibility. The principles of philanthropy are based on sincere love for one's neighbor and innate honesty. Such people often show amazing generosity and always strive to take into account the needs and desires of others, which is why they enjoy love, popularity and support. The sophistication of their feelings makes them good psychologists and peacemakers. They skillfully convince others of the benefits of humanitarian ideas and social programs, and often successfully participate in fundraising and charity events. They often want to please everyone just to avoid disagreements. They often promise much more than they can deliver, causing dissatisfaction among others. At the same time, they can become attached to different people, without even thinking about being unfaithful to any of them. The main thing for such a person is to participate in the creation of a beautiful and harmonious world.

Retrograde Jupiter in Libra

Here the individual moves between the three retrograde phases depending on his environment and the ideas he encounters. The concepts of fairness and justice were innately established in previous incarnations, so he does not always express everything he feels if he thinks it might hurt another person. When used negatively, this position can carry hostility from a previous life. In many cases, the identity of the higher mind is not always truly the individual's, but rather a collection of ideas from all the people he has known in the past. When he becomes truly aware of life, he realizes that he is working out other people's problems, trying too hard to find awareness that will help him solve a tangle of conflicts that were never his own to begin with. Having understood this, he will be able to distance himself from everything that previously bothered him, and will learn that much of the restlessness he experienced was not his own. Rather, it was the desires of other people for him to solve their problems. When he faces his own personal ego, he learns why he not only accepted these desires, but actually attracted them.

In addition, he likes to put himself in another person's shoes in order to develop a more balanced view of things from such a vantage point. But the more he does this, the less he understands that he himself sincerely supports. He continues the karma of learning how to balance his higher mind instead of vacillating between different points of view. He will reach his highest joy when he can concentrate his outlook on life.

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Guru – Jupiter

Jupiter is the planet of happiness and good luck. Its expansive and optimistic energy brings benefit to all planets and houses with which it connects. Jupiter rules opportunities, prosperity, abundance and money. He also talks about the benefits a person receives as reward from previous lives. Since life in India is viewed from the perspective of the theory of karma and reincarnation, the appearance of happiness or good luck in your life is the result of previous life efforts. Thus, the position of Jupiter (as well as the 5th house) should be analyzed to obtain information about the previous life credit.

Another important attribute of Jupiter is the management of affairs of religion, philosophy and spiritual matters. But his influence is greater in the direction of traditional religions than in the direction of asceticism, occultism and mysticism. It should be noted that in the Indian system, which does not use the planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto in its work, it is Jupiter and Saturn that carry the qualities of the above missing planets and can reward a person with higher evolutionary abilities. If Jupiter and Saturn form any mutual aspect (conjunction or opposition), the result is a significant spiritual nature.

There is no difference in the functions of Jupiter between Western and Indian astrology, except that in the Indian system it is considered the main planetary indicator of children. Therefore, if Jupiter is exalted or very strong, then the person will get a lot of joy from relationships with children and their life will be mostly successful. If the planet is afflicted, then the opposite result occurs: either there may be no children at all, or there may be, but very few. The 5th house should be considered at the same time.

Jupiter is sattvik (pure), benefic and masculine. Its functions are best in Cancer, where it is exalted, worst in Capricorn, where it is debilitated. Jupiter rules Sagittarius and Pisces and gives good results in each of these signs. Its best placement is in the 4th house where it receives dik bala or directive force. Jupiter's friends are the Sun, Moon and Mars. Mercury and Venus are enemies while Saturn is neutral to it. To strengthen a weakened Jupiter, you can wear yellow topaz or yellow sapphire. Another common name for this planet is Brihaspati.

Jupiter indicators: money, wealth, prosperity, luck, favorable circumstances, happiness, religion, philosophy, children, long journeys, fidelity, devotion, spirituality, wisdom, righteousness, morality, foreigners, foreign affairs, meditation, astrology, law, right, court, liver , allergies, hips, optimism, speculation, adventurism, favorable resolution of problems, Guru or religious teacher, previous life credit, Thursday, northeast direction, yellow sapphire, yellow topaz, mercy, charity, compassion, bankers, judges, lawyers, ministers , Gurus, religious leaders.

Material from the book Ancient Indian astrology for modern astrologers. James Braha


By nature, Jupiter is the most benefic planet. He is pious, sympathetic and frank. Among other qualities, Jupiter represents religious devotion. Since pious actions are rewarded according to the Vedic philosophy of karma, you will find Jupiter strong in the horoscopes of rich and influential people. Jupiter rules financial affairs, children, religious activities, and gives the ability to teach. A strong position of Jupiter in the horoscope means that the person will be generally happy and satisfied, will live in a pious environment, will worship God and his devotees. Guru is a Sanskrit name for Jupiter and indicates one whose opinion is highly valued or a teacher. Jupiter also rules the liver, water in the body, places of pilgrimage, education of children, financial departments and knowledge of Vedanta.

Jupiter in the sign of Aries

For Jupiter, this is a friendly sign and thus this person is bestowed with the qualities of Jupiter - generosity, interest in spirituality, honesty and dignity. Such people can work for some good cause, they are energetic, athletic, travel and often change their occupation. They make good teachers. They can have many children. Such people can be patient, compassionate, valiant and disciplined.

Jupiter in Taurus

For Jupiter this is a hostile sign, but the benefic qualities of Jupiter are so strong that even with this placement good results can be felt. Classic texts say that this man will have strong body and a generous, loyal character. Taurus is a fixed sign, so such a person can be attached to his home and to his partners, his opinions will be stable. They are well-read and usually happily married. A little arrogant, prone to sensual gratification.

Jupiter in the sign of Gemini

This placement usually indicates a person who reads a lot, knows languages, and has a talent for poetry or oratory. With this arrangement, double marriage is not uncommon. Such people are capable of learning, can give good advice. Outwardly, they can be tall, thin, and dress well.

Jupiter in the sign of Cancer

Jupiter in this sign is exalted and most powerful. This is a successful person, with a strong religious feeling, capable of being a good teacher and parent. They have a gentle character and are generous; they defend truth and justice and are able to earn good money. If Jupiter is exalted at the time of birth, it indicates the mercy of the Lord, which these people have earned by some pious actions in their past lives.

Jupiter in Leo

This is a sign friendly to Jupiter, it brings such good qualities like responsiveness, kindness, deep religiosity, common sense and sincerity. Creative, in particular literary and religious abilities, as well as leadership qualities may appear. They bring income from travel, property in rural areas, and their political influence. Heart disease may appear.

Jupiter in Virgo

For Jupiter this is a hostile sign, and the result is some stubbornness, causticity, and stoicism. These people have ability in arts and crafts. They are strong, very resilient and use their physical abilities to earn money. They can get good friends, wonderful marriage partners, and can have knowledge related to various sciences.

Jupiter in Libra

A person gets a good body, there will be a place for good friendship in his life. These are educated, fair people, they treat others well, have a loyal character, although often in marriage their incompatibility with their marriage partner is discovered and they have temporary affairs. They are beautiful, religious and hardworking. They love to live in comfort. They maintain friendly relations with people doing business.

Jupiter in the sign of Scorpio

These people have a strong appearance and character, prone to suppression and gaining the upper hand over other people. They can be vindictive at times and can earn money through immoral means. Classical texts describe them as tall, easily conquered by the opposite sex, diligent, learned, rendering services to piety. They are somewhat prone to pomp; they are sensitive and hardworking.

Jupiter in the sign of Sagittarius

Jupiter is in its own sign. This person is smart, educated, has good friends, receives an important position in which he serves people. They have knowledge in the field of religion, law, and high financial sphere. They are sincere and trustworthy. They will live in nice houses, will visit holy places, will receive blessings regarding children.

Jupiter in the sign of Capricorn

For Jupiter this sign is the worst, here it is weakened. This person should beware of hypocrisy, illegal financial activities, immoral relationships and neglect of one’s responsibilities. This person's plans may remain unfulfilled or he will be involved in unproductive business. Excessive idealism and an inability to achieve one's goals may also appear. A person born with Jupiter in this sign should know that he has previously committed some unnatural acts that must now be atoned for (this is true if the weakness of Jupiter is not annulled). These people take their work seriously. You can expect some anxiety associated with children.

Jupiter in the sign of Aquarius

For Jupiter this is a neutral, mystical sign: these people will perhaps be interested in philosophy, write talentedly, be merciful, and desire progressive social reforms. Friends will be of great help to them. One ancient text says that “they will be haunted by some chronic disease; they will work hard but unproductively in the field of art, will prefer the company of people of low habits, will lose money and indulge in gossip and criticism.”

Jupiter in the sign of Pisces

Here Jupiter is in its own sign and therefore serves as a sign of a sincere person with a spirit of service to others. They have an aptitude for teaching, giving good financial advice, working with children, in church, or caring for the sick. One can note their kindness and mental sensitivity.

They are diplomatic, sometimes married or married twice, and receive a good inheritance.


Jupiter in the 1st house

These are courageous healthy people; they live long and are beautiful. They are good teachers, philosophers and parents. They usually have strong religious inclinations and know scriptures and laws. They may have employees or followers. They are tall or plump.

Jupiter in the 2nd house

They can earn money with their knowledge. They have a good marriage partner who helps them in difficult times. They are talkative and have difficulty controlling their tongue. They are prone to prayer, can interpret books on law or philosophy, and usually enjoy the joys of family life.

Jupiter in the 3rd house

These are people of a philosophical bent; they may have strong intellectual abilities. However, they have little ability to establish good relationships with other people. They may be gifted writers, have a good marriage partner, have abilities in the field of jurisprudence, and maintain acquaintances in high strata of society. Their relatives are kind to them. Classic texts note that these people can be sarcastic, impractical and ungrateful.

Jupiter in the 4th house

It is very likely that a person with Jupiter placed in this house will enjoy a happy family life or will live in good company. Such people make good parents, gurus or leaders. They are educated, moral and successful; may become owners of significant property. They receive help from their parents and associate with saintly persons.

Jupiter in the 5th house

This is a godly and fortunate position. These people make good teachers and advisors. They are prone to prayer. They can make good investments. A small number of children should be expected. Good fame accompanies them; they have great personal charm.

Jupiter in the 6th house

This indicates one who serves some significant person. People with this placement of Jupiter are vain and can often quarrel with others. They are usually healthy and have many opportunities to travel. A small number of children and unwise use of money should be expected.

Jupiter in the 7th house

This placement indicates a person getting a godly marriage partner, a person who is able to manage money well in carrying out some business. These people are generous, more influential in society than their parents. They travel to places of pilgrimage. Outwardly they are strong and healthy. They have many good friends. Jupiter in the 7th house indicates the acquisition of money through marriage and through the transport of goods.

Jupiter in the 8th house

This position usually indicates someone who is in a subordinate position. Their life will be long, and their death will be peaceful and calm. There is a stain on their reputation, their character may be pretentious or insincere* Their marriage may lack stability, and they are prone to liver disease or undiagnosed illnesses.

Jupiter in the 9th house

This position of Jupiter indicates a person of insight and principle, educated in the fields of law or religion, who travels overseas and has the opportunity to preach what he (or she has learned) has learned. These people are financially secure and have students or children. They are truthful and can become influential teachers or role models for society.

Jupiter in the 10th house

This is a person engaged in some charitable and pious work. These people receive support from some influential or famous person. They are successful in business related to teaching, religion, law or banking. Jupiter in this house indicates high social contacts or success in politics.

Jupiter in the 11th house

Money comes easily to these people. Their words are listened to, their children bring them happiness, they have a chance to hear self-realized individuals. They keep money in banks and are quite prudent in this regard. Classical texts note that such people are fearless and long-lived.

Jupiter in the 12th house

This placement makes a person dissatisfied with his financial situation. Indicates burdensome responsibilities regarding children, interest in spiritual studies, love of solitude and excitement in secret from others. They perform pious deeds, especially in the last stage of life, which ensures them a good future birth; but they are not necessarily strict in their religious behavior. By their mentality they may be inclined to express dissatisfaction.

Book material Vedic astrology. Tom Hopke

Jupiter (Guru) in Vedic astrology

Due to the transit of Jupiter in Libra, the person under this zodiac sign as if his eyes are opened, he gains the ability to assess the situation and influence it, following the rigid program of his circle. Such people live much easier than other zodiac signs, which means that they have a much broader understanding of beauty and harmony.

In almost all levels of society, Libra gains phenomenal popularity. When they are with people, it begins to seem as if justice has reigned in the world. Although this harmony during the transit of Jupiter means danger, since there is a possibility of overestimating the relationship between specific situations and the world as a whole.

Jupiter in Libra in a man gives him an honest and fair character, decency and conscientious attitude to work, humane feelings and compassion. Such people do everything possible to balance conflictual relationships between people. Sharp corners they always bypass.

Libra men during the transit of Jupiter are distinguished by a sophisticated lifestyle; they know how to find a compromise in any, even the most difficult situation.

And this means that thanks to these qualities, impartiality and the desire for justice, legality and the triumph of justice, they most often take the path of jurisprudence. Among Libra men you can often find excellent prosecutors, judges, lawyers, jurors, notaries and legal consultants.

Jupiter in Libra often promotes a happy marriage, successful partnerships and business collaborations for Libra. There are often cases when such people receive a large inheritance during such a transit, but in life their income is mainly related to scientific or commercial activities. This may also include diplomatic services and artistic activities.

Libra men choose their profession according to the vocation of their soul, and in choosing the type of activity, a large role is given to moral and aesthetic principles and psychological attitude. People with a Jupiter-Libra combination are scientifically and artistically inclined and make excellent medical professionals and forensic experts. Most often among Libra men you can find representatives involved in charity work. They provide considerable assistance to poor and sick people.

Charming but calculating ladies

Jupiter in Libra for a woman gives her charm. And it is the presence of artistic talent and the ability to appreciate beauty that brings happiness into their lives. Many such women subsequently become talented musicians and artists.

Let's consider what personality characteristics those with Jupiter in Libra have. Kindness + harmony = popularity.

If Jupiter is in Libra in the horoscope

  • This factor gives a person foresight, considerable enthusiasm and harmony of mental and physical development.
  • With negative character development, a person tends to focus on one thing to the point of fanaticism.
  • At the same time, his development is inharmonious, he often loses his mental balance.
  • He is overly carefree and superficial, overly trusting and sometimes completely unreasonably relies on others.
  • Positive character development makes a person an excellent judge, a fan of music and the arts, and generally gives him many different talents.

These are excellent arbiters and diplomats, soberly weighing the pros and cons and skillfully leading even the most difficult conversation. They are excellent guides to the positions of opposing sides, usually impartial and objective. In relationships with people, they strive for evenness, smoothness and peace.

Character of a person with Jupiter according to the horoscope

They often become committed to the idea of ​​protecting human rights. Their behavior is kind, friendly, conscientious, polite, charming and loving, and therefore it always evokes a bright response from others. The fate of such a person is greatly influenced by the environment.

They are often successful mediators in resolving the most difficult problems. They are sincere and economical, hospitable and friendly to everyone. They value their free time and indulge in a wide variety of activities that decorate and harmonize life.

Their artistic taste is amazingly subtle, they have an excellent sense of composition and rhythm. To succeed in foreign affairs, they need a reliable and highly cultured partner. Our hero is a sophisticated idealist, not inclined to hard manual labor, but successfully unraveling even the most hopeless tangles of contradictions.

He often seeks to make decisions for others, especially when it comes to morals and principles. The desire for harmonization sometimes causes a clash with the law and duality in behavior (both ours and yours). The character is soft, balanced, serious and obliging. Imagination is developed, sensitivity is sensitive.

Jupiter in Libra. Such a person is inclined to philanthropy and patronage of the arts, and often enjoys the support of significant patrons, which allows them to do what they love. The main sphere of activity of such a person is culture and social etiquette. Sooner or later they achieve wide recognition and respect not only from friends, but also from enemies.

Often their positions are very changeable, but this is not explained by abandonment of their principles, but by an inexpressibly deep craving for agreement and harmony. In matters of marriage and partnership, justice and morality come first.

Cooperation is invariably based on truly spiritual values. Agreement in marriage is more important for such a person than erotic compatibility. The principles of philanthropy are based on sincere love for one's neighbor and innate honesty.

Pros and cons of Jupiter in Libra

  • Often he quickly achieves a high social position and material security.
  • Lucky in everything related to the public, the public and the masses.
  • Successful as a lawyer, statistician, teacher, lecturer and businessman.
  • Such a person tends to look at every problem from many angles, which often makes it difficult to make a final decision.
  • He knows how to clearly identify and formulate problems of various levels, intertwined in a complex specific situation (historical, moral, artistic, psychological, material and spiritual).
  • In cooperation, special attention is paid to the triumph of the principle of justice, orientation to spiritual values ​​and attention to moral issues. What is most important to him is internal balance and harmony of social relationships.

In general, the word “harmony” is key to his character; justice and ethics are only special cases of the universal idea of ​​​​harmony. That is why such people are so attached to music - they love everything that brings rhythm, orderliness and organization into this world.

They strive to resolve all social, business and family issues peacefully, balancing and uniting everyone and everything. They believe that they should not “pull the blanket over themselves” and “go too far.”

How to communicate with a person whose Jupiter is located in Libra

He is sociable and friendly, skilled in conversation and with his presence alone he brightens the lives of many. He has a developed sense of justice and the ability to cooperate. He is cheerful and optimistic, strives for active social activities and is excellent in intellectual and material assistance to his neighbors.

This position guarantees a person the gift of skillfully and subtly negotiating, persuading even the most ardent opponents of agreement to mutually acceptable compromises.

He is open and charming, charming and handsome, always surrounded by fans and patrons. His penchant for excitement does not in the least harm his financial situation, his life is usually happy, and good manners and courtesy allow him to enlist the support of the powers that be. This person is very capable of both the sciences and the arts.

Jupiter in Libra. He is characterized by a refined lifestyle and a love of justice. He strives to settle, level, compensate, balance and harmonize everything.

Marriage invariably brings him material success, wide contacts with foreigners, and considerable success in business is possible. This is an honest and hardworking person, kind and pious, he has wide connections in society and is able to influence the mood of entire audiences.

Such people often show amazing generosity and always strive to take into account the needs and desires of others, which is why they enjoy love, popularity and support.

The sophistication of their feelings makes them good psychologists and peacemakers. They skillfully convince others of the benefits of humanitarian ideas and social programs, and often successfully participate in fundraising and charity events.

They often want to please everyone just to avoid disagreements. They often promise much more than they can deliver, causing dissatisfaction among others. At the same time, they can become attached to different people, without even thinking about being unfaithful to any of them. The main thing for such a person is to participate in the creation of a beautiful and harmonious world.

Profession and career of Jupiter in the sign Libra

Fall. The person is loved by society and popular. It is quite difficult to judge, and often the first estimate turns out to be greatly overestimated. He knows how to avoid conflicts in advance.

The distance between him and others is even greater than it should be. And he always pours more sugar on the individual listener than is required. Capable of maintaining a huge number of relationships at the same time and not inclined to break contracts. It is easy to cooperate with him because he is never petty towards his partner, treating his requirements with great understanding.

He does not insist on mandatory compliance with every letter of the agreement, the main thing is that the spirit and general direction do not suffer. It is impossible for him to be convicted of violating the conditions - because he is well versed in them and knows how to interpret them in a way that is convenient for him.

Relies too much on external signs significance, and often his partners are not half as decent as they look.
