Bitten by a bumblebee and swollen. What to do if a person is bitten by a bumblebee - useful tips

The bumblebee is a genus of hymenopteran insects from the bee family. The body of the bumblebee is covered with thick short hairs and has a bright color of black and yellow-orange stripes.

Bumblebees are divided into three groups: the queen, workers and drones. Only worker bumblebees and the queen have the ability to sting. Bumblebees are more peaceful insects compared to other hymenoptera (bees, wasps, hornets) and use their sting solely for self-defense.

Unlike a bee's sting, which has serrations and after a bite almost always remains in the human body, a bumblebee's sting is devoid of serrations and rarely remains at the site of the bite.

Insect stings are hollow on the inside, like a syringe needle. When biting, stinging insects inject a microscopic dose of poison through it. It is the poison, and not the wound on the skin, that causes pain, itching and irritation. Insect venom is a mixture of proteins, so a bumblebee bite is accompanied by allergic manifestations in some people.

Reaction human body The reaction to a bumblebee bite depends primarily on its individual characteristics. For most healthy people such a bite does not pose any danger. A severe allergic reaction is possible in 1% of cases and most often occurs with repeated bites.

A local non-allergic reaction manifests itself at first as short-term pain and burning, and then in the form of redness, swelling (edema) and itching in the skin area around the bite site. Redness and swelling usually resolve within 1-5 days. If a person is bitten by a bumblebee on the eyelid or near the eye, swelling can last up to 8 days.

After the first bite of a stinging insect, an allergic reaction most often does not occur, since the body does not have antibodies to bumblebee venom.

If there is an allergic reaction, it occurs within 30 minutes after the bite and is divided depending on the intensity into the following types:

    Redness, itching and swelling spread throughout the entire body;

    Nausea, vomiting and diarrhea are added to the first symptom;

    Previous symptoms are aggravated by signs of suffocation.

All of the above symptoms are supplemented by fever, increased heart rate, chills, joint pain, possible convulsions, loss of consciousness - this is a sign of anaphylactic shock, which requires immediate hospitalization.

Bumblebee stings pose an increased danger to pregnant women, children and people taking such medicines, like beta blockers.

If a person already suffers from some type of allergy, then the likelihood of an allergic reaction after an insect bite increases several times.

First aid for a bumblebee bite

    If a sting remains under the skin, it must be carefully removed using pre-disinfected tweezers. You should not try to squeeze out the sting and venom with your fingers to avoid infection.

    The bite site must be wiped with hydrogen peroxide or a weak solution of potassium permanganate, vinegar, medical alcohol, ammonia, diluted with water; or apply a cotton pad soaked in one of these products to this area.

    It is also recommended to apply a cold compress (in the form of a heating pad with cold water or soaked in cold water towels), especially if the bite site is a sensitive area (eye area, etc.). This will help relieve pain and swelling and slow down the absorption of the poison. Another way to draw out the poison is to apply a moistened piece of refined sugar to the wound.

    If there is a predisposition to allergies, you can give the victim some kind of antihistamine (suprastin, claritin, tavegil, etc.).

    It is recommended to drink as much liquid as possible, preferring hot sweet tea. If the condition does not improve, and there are signs of an allergic or general toxic reaction, you should urgently call a doctor.

How to treat a bumblebee bite?

In most cases, insect bites can be treated at home.

Traditional medicine recipes are widely used to treat a bumblebee bite at home.

    Take fresh dandelion or plantain leaves, chop them and tie them to the bite site. Change the compress every 2-3 hours.

    Apply fresh parsley leaves to the wound.

    Take 1/2 teaspoon of tansy flowers, pour 200 ml of boiling water, simmer over low heat for 5 minutes, strain. Make lotions from the resulting broth onto the bite site.

    Grind the onion into a paste and apply it to the bite site. Or make a compress from onion juice, soaking the bandage in it.

    Cut raw potatoes into thin slices and apply to the site of inflammation.

    Make a compress from lemon juice or golden mustache tincture and vodka.

    Rinse the affected area thoroughly running water, then grate with peeled banana. After some time, rinse and rub again, leave overnight, do not bandage the top.

    Apply a cut apple, tomato or garlic to the bite site. Or rub a clove of garlic until the juice releases and leave to dry. You can chop 1-2 cloves of garlic into a paste and mix with 1 teaspoon of honey, apply a bandage with this mixture and change it 2 times a day.

    Freeze some milk and add a cube milk ice for 10 minutes.

    Crush one tablet activated carbon, dilute it with water until you get a paste, spread it on the damaged area and cover on top plastic film to avoid rapid drying. Apply a Validol tablet soaked in water to the bite site. Baking soda dilute with water to a paste and apply to the painful area. Or make a soda solution by diluting 1 teaspoon in a glass of water, wet gauze with it and apply for 15-20 minutes.

    You can also use medications, for example, Fenistil gel ointment, which relieves itching well. It is recommended to lubricate the bite site 3-4 times a day. Usually the drug begins to act immediately after application.

In case of insect bites, drinking alcohol is contraindicated, as this leads to increased swelling.

Often people themselves provoke an insect attack, trying to drive them away. Bumblebees are attracted and irritated by the strong smell of perfumes, alcohol, sweat, fried meat. It should be remembered that certain precautions never hurt.

The need to contact a medical institution arises under the following circumstances:

    The number of bites exceeds twenty;

    The victim is a child, a person with chronic diseases or the very elderly;

    The bumblebee bite was on the mucous membrane of the mouth or the eyeball;

    There are signs of an allergic reaction or an allergic reaction was accompanied by previous cases of insect bites;

    There are signs of infection: pain, swelling and chills intensify, inflammation at the site of the bite becomes purulent.

A bumblebee sting is not dangerous for most healthy people, except that it is very painful. Rarely, in about 1% of cases, a severe allergic reaction is possible. This happens more often with repeated bites.

The area of ​​the body in the place stung by a bumblebee swells and turns red - this is a local reaction (non-allergic), which appears immediately or within a few hours after the insect bite and disappears in 1-5 days. In cases where the swelling spreads to a larger area of ​​skin, this is also a local reaction, although it lasts longer. After the first bite of a bumblebee (or similar stinging insects), most often there is no allergic reaction due to the absence of antibodies to bumblebee venom in the body.

An allergic reaction occurs within half an hour after the bite, sometimes different types depending on intensity:

Swelling, redness, itching spread throughout the body;
- diarrhea and other digestive problems are added to the first point;
- the first two points, and also the person begins to choke;
- all of the listed symptoms are aggravated by increased heart rate, loss of consciousness, convulsions, fever, chills, pain in the joints and lower back are possible - this is anaphylaxis.

If a person is exposed to bumblebee stings many times over a short period of time, a toxic reaction may occur. This is fraught with problems of the nervous and cardiovascular systems, disturbances in heart rhythm and breathing. Sometimes with multiple bites a person can die.

Women and people taking medications such as beta blockers should be especially careful.

Helping a bite victim

In cases of a non-allergic reaction, it is enough to rinse the bite site with running water or apply a tampon soaked in hydrogen peroxide, take antihistamines (diphenhydramine, etc.). It is also recommended to apply ice to the bite site, especially if it is a sensitive area (near the eye, for example), and drink more fluids.

It is necessary to observe the victim. If the reaction to a bite is aggravated by other symptoms (swelling spreads to the entire body), you should urgently call an ambulance or take the bitten person to a doctor. In particularly severe cases of cardiac and respiratory arrest, it is necessary to give the patient artificial respiration and cardiac massage before the ambulance arrives.


Do not provoke the bumblebee if it is nearby, do not wave your arms, do not grab the insect, be calm. Bumblebees also do not like the strong odors of alcohol, perfumes, sweat, or the smell of metal oxidation. All this causes them to become aggressive. They are attracted to the color blue in clothing.

When a bumblebee bites, poison is injected into the human body through a hollow sting. This causes itching, burning, and pain in the affected area. Many people experience serious complications in the form of allergic or toxicological reactions. Therefore, first aid must be provided. What to do after a bite?

Classification of insects: which bumblebee can bite

The bumblebee is a profusely hairy and large bee. In Europe, there are 53 species of insects, which differ from each other in color and size. In addition, they are divided into 3 groups:

  1. Queens.
  2. Working insects.
  3. Drones.

Only a queen or a working bumblebee can sting. But these insects use their sting only for self-defense.

The most common types of European bumblebees are the following:

  1. Earthy. The largest bumblebee (up to 28 mm in length), the body is dominated by yellow with transverse stripes. The apex of the abdomen is white.
  2. Purple carpenter bumblebee. The length reaches up to 30 mm, the body is black and blue. The head and chest have a metallic sheen.
  3. Stone. It reaches 27 mm in length, the body is covered with black hairs. The tip of the abdomen is red.
  4. Garden. Its length is from 16 to 24 mm. The body has alternating areas of white, black and yellow flowers.

Common species: purple carpenter bumblebee, ground bumblebee, stone bumblebee, garden bumblebee - photo gallery

The body of the stone bumblebee is covered with black hairs
The garden bumblebee has areas of white, black and yellow on its body.
Zemlyanoy is the largest bumblebee
The purple carpenter bumblebee has a black and blue body.

Why are bites dangerous, including during pregnancy?

When bitten, poison is injected into the human body. In addition to itching, burning, swelling and redness, severe allergies or anaphylactic shock may occur, which in some cases can be fatal.

Especially dangerous are numerous bites that occur simultaneously or in a short period of time. The poison accumulated in a large volume leads to disruption of the functioning of the cardiovascular and nervous systems.

Bumblebee bites are especially dangerous for the fair sex during pregnancy and lactation. In the body of a woman carrying a child, some changes occur that increase susceptibility to the effects of various irritants. Also, the bites of these insects can have unpleasant consequences for people taking certain medications (from the list of beta blockers).

If a person stung by an insect already has a certain type of allergy, then the possibility of developing a negative reaction increases significantly. Very often children suffer from this, since their immune system is not yet strong enough.

Bite to the head, arm, leg, lips and other parts of the body

When bitten in the area of ​​the cheeks, ear, neck, nose, eyes, as well as lips or tongue, the proper functioning of these organs is disrupted. A complication arises in the form of severe swelling, possibly even suffocation, in which it is often necessary to cut the front wall of the throat.

A bite of the limbs is considered the most harmless if the poison does not enter the bloodstream.

Symptoms: pain, itching, swelling, skin rash and others

The local reaction manifests itself within the first minutes in the form of burning, itching and pain. Next, swelling occurs and the skin begins to redden.

Such bite symptoms do not require specific therapy and disappear within 2–4 days. An allergic reaction develops within a few minutes, but passes within a few hours. Depending on the intensity, the following appear:

  1. Itching, swelling, redness of the whole body.
  2. Difficulty breathing, chills, increased heart rate.
  3. Skin rashes.
  4. Increase in temperature.

Joint pain and cramps, as well as loss of consciousness, signal the onset of anaphylactic shock, requiring urgent hospitalization.

Signs of toxic poisoning:

  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • dizziness;
  • abnormal heart rate;
  • weakness;
  • loose stool.

These symptoms appear only with multiple bites.

Providing first aid: do you need to remove the sting, how to treat it and how to numb the bite site

To prevent serious complications, it is important to provide first aid to the victim. You need to do the following:

If the emergency measures taken do not improve the person’s condition, then a doctor should be called.

If a child under 3 years of age was injured and the bite was in the face or throat, swelling and difficulty breathing may occur. Only a specialist must provide assistance to the victim.

What not to do if you have a bumblebee bite: harm from alcoholic drinks, hot baths, sleeping pills

  • combing and rubbing the bite site can infect the wound and spread the poison to all tissues of the body;
  • drink alcohol to neutralize the poison, and also take hot baths. These actions contribute to the expansion of blood vessels, which will significantly speed up the process of spreading poison throughout the body;
  • Cool the bite site with water from a pond and rub with earth. This can lead to infection;
  • take sleeping pills, which only increase the toxic effects of the poison.

How to treat insect bites: home and pharmacy remedies

In most cases, bumblebee bites can be safely cured on your own using recipes from traditional healers. Compresses from:

  1. Shredded fresh leaves plantain, which are applied to problem area every 2 hours. Dandelion leaves will also work.
  2. Porridge onions or its juice.
  3. Vodka, lemon juice.
  4. Slices of raw potatoes, apples, tomatoes.
  5. Frozen milk cubes, which can only be applied for 10 minutes.

You can use antiallergic ointments:

  1. Psilo-balm quickly eliminates redness, swelling and skin itching.
  2. Vitaon relieves itching, pain, inflammation, and is also used for lotions.
  3. Gold Star (ointment) is highly effective both in repelling insects and in treating their bites. Quickly relieves itching and eliminates inflammation.

It happens that even with competent assistance, the next day there remains discomfort, swelling, and health worsens. In this case, you must contact a medical facility.

Homeopathy to eliminate the consequences of a bite

When treating bites, they resort to homeopathy. Relieves discomfort Apis, which is designed to reduce the reaction to poison, eliminate blisters and sharp pain. It is taken orally, but drops can be used to treat bite sites. Additionally, it is recommended to use the drug Urtica urens. Ledum will help when the affected tissues turn pale and cold.

Medicinal and folk remedies for the treatment of bites - photo gallery

Plantain is used to relieve itching
Grated potatoes relieve skin swelling and redness
Psilo-balm is an antiallergic drug for topical use.
Golden star quickly relieves inflammation and itching
Vitaon is a wound healing, analgesic (pain reliever), anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial agent

Medical care: when a person needs hospitalization

It is necessary to seek help from specialists under the following circumstances:

If the pain intensifies, chills and swelling do not go away, and pus appears in the area of ​​the bite, then this may indicate the presence of an infection in the body.

Hospitalization will be required for shortness of breath, pain in the area chest, hoarse breathing, inability to speak and swallow, signs of infection. To determine the diagnosis, in addition to a visual examination, a functional test will be carried out. respiratory system and myocardial function.

What to do if you are bitten by an insect - video


Bumblebees don't bite people for no reason. These are peaceful insects. They attack only when harm is caused to them, as well as when defending their nest. But for preventive purposes it is advisable:

  • do not walk on the grass without shoes, so as not to step on a bumblebee;
  • You should not use perfume outdoors, its smell attracts insects;
  • do not leave the premises without a hat;
  • When working in the garden, wear long sleeves and gloves;
  • put mosquito nets on the windows;
  • do not eat sweet fruits on the street near flower beds.

You cannot drive away or catch bumblebees. This will only provoke them to attack. It is better to purchase insect repellent spray when going outdoors.

Every person needs to know how to provide first aid for insect bites. If there are no signs of a severe allergic or toxicological reaction, then you can cope on your own. But if complications occur, immediate hospitalization is required.

The bumblebee belongs to insects from the order Hymenoptera. They chose wildlife countries located in the northern hemisphere of our planet. This industrious insect pollinates various plants, giving them a chance to exist. Today, scientists count a huge number of subspecies of insects that differ in their external parameters.

According to its life characteristics, a bumblebee close to honey bees. Bumblebees, social insects, do all the work together. They spend a lot of time getting food and water, protecting their lair, stinging them with poison from enemies. Moreover, only female Hymenoptera have a sting. Due to the fact that insect weapons have a flat and smooth surface, unlike bees, they do not forget them in the body of the victim.

The commonly used expression “bite” is actually not entirely true, since the bumblebee does not bite, but causes damage with the help of a sting located at the tip of the abdomen. Insect defense weapon has a hollow design, inside resembling the needle of a medical syringe, thanks to which the poison penetrates the victim’s body.

Feeling of acute pain, itching skin, swelling after a bumblebee bite is caused by the penetration of a poison consisting of a protein mixture under the skin. Such a toxic solution very often causes severe allergies in humans. Although the likelihood of an allergic reaction in people is minimal and amounts to only 1% of all those bitten annually.

Manifestation of local reaction the body to a bumblebee bite is expressed in the form of severe pain, burning, as well as redness, swelling as in the photo and severe itching directly around the bite. In most cases, unpleasant symptoms go away on their own within a few days and do not require medical intervention or specific drug treatment.

In the case of an allergic reaction to a bumblebee sting, it develops quickly within half an hour, and its symptoms differ depending on the individual characteristics of the victim’s body and the amount of poison released by the insect.

  1. Itching, swelling and redness throughout the body are the first signs of an allergy to a bumblebee sting.
  2. Vomiting and dizziness may occur.
  3. Manifestations of suffocation are also common when a person does not have enough air.
  4. The pulse quickens, chills appear, the temperature rises, and the joints begin to ache.
  5. In especially severe cases, loss of consciousness accompanied by convulsions is possible. The end result of such symptoms may be anaphylactic shock and, as a consequence, mandatory hospitalization of the victim.

Of particular danger are multiple bumblebee stings. Also at increased risk are women in a piquant position and those with allergies.

What to do if bitten by a bumblebee?

In the case of a local reaction that is not accompanied by allergic manifestations, medical treatment is not prescribed. But in such a situation, it is desirable to reduce the consequences of a bumblebee bite to a minimum, for which perform simple manipulations.

In case of poison damage to sensitive areas: neck, mouth or other parts of the face, you should urgently call a doctor, as delay will lead to serious complications associated with difficulty breathing.

Treating a bumblebee bite at home

Despite the fact that a bumblebee sting is quite painful, its consequences can be dealt with on our own. At the same time, there is several popular folk recipes treating bumblebee bites at home.

If a person is bitten by a bumblebee, then under no circumstances do not drink alcoholic beverages, as they cause increased swelling. Very often, a person provokes an insect, which uses its sting for protection, biting the aggressor. The bumblebee reacts aggressively to the pungent aromas of alcohol, meat, fried meat, at the stake, and even natural human odor. People should understand that the insect will never attack first, so it is better not to provoke it.

Measures to prevent bumblebee bites

The bumblebee cannot be classified as an aggressive insect, such as a wasp or even a honey bee. Cases of bumblebee bites are very rare. While collecting nectar, the insect does not react to the presence of a person. They will not pay any attention if people accidentally touch a flower on which a bumblebee is sitting. An insect attack is possible only for the purpose of self-defense or protection of the nest. Therefore, in order not to provoke a bumblebee attack, you need follow simple recommendations:

  • deliberately not touching the insect;
  • without proper ammunition, do not enter an apiary or other places where there is a lot of nectar or honey;
  • stop eating and preparing food on the street;
  • during the season when bumblebees are especially active, install mosquito nets on doors and windows;
  • do not wave your arms or make sudden movements if a bumblebee flies nearby;
  • be careful during summer walks in parks, gardens and summer cottages;
  • do not wear bright clothes when traveling outdoors;
  • when working in the garden or vegetable garden, wear closed clothing;
  • when relaxing in the fresh air, a person should not smell strongly of alcohol or sweat;
  • do not spray perfumes with strong aromas, do not use lotion or other cosmetic products with a strong smell when traveling out of town.

Also shemales the smell of oxidizing metal is annoying, which occurs when the skin comes into contact, for example, with a ring, bracelet, metal watch strap and other jewelry.

What is contraindicated to do if you are bitten by a bumblebee?

Under no circumstances Do not slam or crush an insect, which has bitten a person, since the substances secreted by the bumblebee will prompt active actions of their relatives. The bite site should not be scratched or rubbed, as any of these actions will contribute to the rapid spread of the poison. Plus, dirty hands can serve as a source of infection through an open wound from a bumblebee bite.

Once again, I would like to note that in the case of a bumblebee bite, the consumption of alcoholic beverages is strictly contraindicated. Alcohol dilates blood vessels, stimulating blood circulation, thereby promoting the spread of poison in the body. Do not use improvised means to cool the bite site, such as water from a river or a leaf torn from a tree, as this can lead to blood poisoning. Under no circumstances should you take a sleeping pill or sedative, which will enhance the effect of the poisonous components that penetrate the skin through the sting.

Bumblebee bite, what to do

The widespread belief that bumblebees cannot sting is a misconception: working individuals (females) have a small sting at the end of their body, which serves as a means of defense. Honey-bearing insects are very peaceful, and use their stinging apparatus only when safe, so a bumblebee bite is a fairly rare occurrence.

During a bite, insects inject poison into the human skin, which brings discomfort and pain.

Bite symptoms

Bumblebees sting a little stronger than bees and wasps, but weaker than hornets. The body's reaction to an insect attack is instant pain, accompanied by swelling, lump formation, irritation and redness. Symptoms usually disappear within 1-7 days. If the victim was bitten in the eye socket, eyelid, or oral mucosa, swelling may last up to one week.

In isolated cases, the wound can cause allergies. It usually appears during a secondary sting, when the victim’s body already has antibodies to the hymenoptera venom. The first signs of allergy appear after ½ hour. It has the following symptoms:

  • itching, redness, swelling of the whole body;
  • dizziness, gag reflex, diarrhea;
  • lack of air, suffocating symptoms;
  • rapid pulse;
  • chills, high temperature, joint pain;
  • convulsions, loss of consciousness (in severe cases).

Attention! Anaphylactic shock and loss of consciousness require immediate hospitalization!

The reaction to a sting depends on the person’s immunity and the characteristics of the body. The most unsafe are multiple bites or several bites occurring over a short period of time. They develop toxic poisoning, which subsequently negatively affects the cardiovascular system. Signs of toxic effects: headache, lethargy, fever, nausea.

The greatest danger from insect bites is for children, pregnant women, and allergy sufferers.

Allergy to insect bites

How to get rid of the consequences of a sting

The main thing to do if you are bitten by a bumblebee is to minimize the consequences. To do this, follow the recommendations:

  1. If the sting remains in the skin, carefully remove it with sterile instruments (tweezers, forceps). Do not squeeze!
  2. Wipe the damaged area with an antiseptic (hydrogen peroxide, potassium permanganate solution, vinegar or alcohol diluted with water).
  3. Apply something cold, especially if the bumblebee bite was on a sensitive part (cold will help relieve swelling and prevent the spread of the poison)
  4. You can draw out the toxic substance using sugar or refined sugar soaked in water.
  5. After a bite, drink more fluids (especially warm, strong, sweet tea).
  6. For people with allergies, take an antihistamine.

Pay attention! If the available means do not help, and the victim’s condition only worsens, you should immediately go to the hospital!

Folk remedies for bumblebee bites

Helps heal a wound quickly traditional medicine. Effective recipes:

Localization of the bite and its treatment

The most common places for bites are the hand (when a person brushes it off) and the leg (if a person accidentally steps on an insect nest). If the victim does not have allergies, the effects of the sting will go away quickly. They can be cured with folk remedies.

The most dangerous places for bites are: the head and neck area (a bite can cause swelling of the airways), lips and tongue (severe pain and swelling), face and eyes. In these cases, you should immediately consult a doctor.

If a bumblebee bite occurs on the face and eyes, first aid can be provided before doctors arrive:

  • Rinse the eye with strong cool tea or apply a tea bag. This will relieve swelling and have a calming effect;
  • apply a potato compress: chop 1 fresh potato on a fine grater and apply it to the eyelid using a cotton pad;
  • make a lotion from a decoction of oak bark and herbs: 1 tsp. oak bark, St. John's wort and mint pour 200 ml of boiled water. Wipe the affected area of ​​the face with the composition;
  • prepare a solution for swelling: 1 tbsp. l. table salt pour 1 glass of cool purified water. Soak a cotton pad in the solution and apply to the bite site;
  • drink an anti-inflammatory drink: grind 50 gr. parsley root, pour 500 ml of boiling water. Let it brew for 20 minutes, take orally.

What is forbidden to do if stung?

In order not to aggravate the consequences of the bite, it is strictly prohibited:

  • drink alcohol (increase swelling);
  • slam, try to crush the offender (the substance secreted by the bumblebee will attract other individuals);
  • Scratch, rub the damaged area (the poison will spread faster);
  • touch with dirty hands and equipment (you can get an infection that will lead to blood poisoning);
  • take sleeping pills (will enhance the effect of the poison).

Important! Under no circumstances should you try to open the wound and draw out the poison! This can lead to infection.

A person can quickly get rid of symptoms in short time at home. The exceptions are cases of multiple bites, a severe allergic reaction, symptoms of infection (chills, dizziness, pus from the wound), if an elderly person, child or pregnant woman was bitten. Here you need to consult a doctor.

Why is a bumblebee bite dangerous?

Bumblebees have special glands that produce and store poison. Nearby muscles pump venom into the sting if necessary.

Bumblebee venom contains various microelements: proteins, fats, amino acids, peptides, aliphatic compounds. These substances cause severe pain, redness and itching.

How to avoid being bitten?

The bumblebee stings only when provoked. While collecting nectar, a bumblebee will not sting even a nearby person. To protect yourself from attacks by stinging insects, it is recommended to know the following points:

  1. The bumblebee will not attack without visible reasons, so you shouldn’t touch it, make sudden movements, or wave your arms.
  2. Entering an apiary or beekeeping area without special clothing is a stupid idea.
  3. There is no need to have picnics in a place where there is a special concentration of wasps, bees, and bumblebees.
  4. Secure your home from uninvited guests possible with the help of mosquito nets.
  5. Be more careful when walking in a park or meadow, be careful with sweets in places where there are large concentrations of bumblebees.
  6. Tight clothing reduces the likelihood of being bitten.
  7. Blue color irritates insects.
  8. Bumblebees do not like strong odors (oils, perfumes, alcohol, sweat).
  9. Do not touch bumblebee nests.
  10. Insects hate the smell of oxidized metal (this aroma occurs when the skin rubs against metal accessories: rings, bracelets, straps, etc.)

Where to meet and how to recognize?

Questions like “Do bumblebees bite?” and “what does a bumblebee look like?” usually characteristic of urban residents who rarely encounter this type of insect.

First hallmark bumblebee - long hairs. The bumblebee is large, fluffy, stocky, with thick legs. Color: alternating black and white wide stripes. At the end of the body there is white fluff and an almost invisible sting. Distinctive feature males - mustache and bass buzzing.

Bumblebees fly slowly and heavily. The flight is accompanied by a low hum. Despite their gregarious lifestyle, bumblebees fly alone in search of food, usually in the early morning.

Bumblebees build nests in burrows of small animals, bird nests, and hollows. Large gathering places: gardens, meadows, parks - anywhere where you can enjoy nectar, especially during the flowering period.

The bumblebee is a useful and safe insect if not provoked!

What to do if stung by an insect
