Who is Kirill Pleshakov Kachalin. Kirill Pleshakov-Kachalin: About the hidden capabilities of the voice, natural sound and purity of sound

Kirill, please tell us what a natural voice is? How can it be developed?

A natural voice is a free and strong voice, with a pleasant timbre, which maximally reflects the inner world and individuality of a person. Everyone has a natural voice from birth, but only children use it fully. In an adult, the voice tightens and sounds much weaker and more constrained, in a word - unnatural, at 5% of its capabilities.

To develop a natural voice, or rather, to return it, revive it, you need to get rid of clamps. This can be done with the help of special exercises. Not for training or voice training, but, on the contrary, for relaxation, freeing the voice.

How did the idea of ​​creating the School of Natural Voice come about?

As a result of meeting Vladimir Bagrunov, who was one of the first to tell me that the voice should not be trained, but, on the contrary, relaxed, freed from tension.

Please tell us about your teaching methodology? What makes it special?

The technique includes the most effective exercises for removing tension from the voice, as well as for revealing a full-voiced, rich, pleasant-to-hear chest timbre. In addition to exercises, the technique includes recommendations on a lifestyle that is conducive to maximizing the improvement of the voice and reviving its natural qualities.

The technique takes a person through the same stages that a baby goes through after birth. Starting from simple sounds, then syllables and words. At each stage, the voice relaxes, tension gets rid of and timbre improves.

How does the Ministry of Culture feel about your School? Are you familiar with your methodology?
Is it going to be used in educational universities in the country?

I don't think it's familiar.

If we talk about communication, then, of course, a natural voice has a certain “magic” of influencing the listener, the interlocutor, due to the sincerity of emotions and a pleasant chesty timbre. A person with a natural voice radiates more confidence and receives significantly more attention to his words. Therefore, a natural voice helps very well in business negotiations and public speaking.

In addition to communication, a natural voice helps improve health - due to vibrations from sound. While talking or singing in a natural voice - the body
permeated with vibrations down to the cellular level. Internal organs receive a “massage” from the inside. Moaning is nature's way of healing. And the song prolongs life!

Yes. The natural voice as a whole reveals a person and his potential. As Stephen Covey says, the task of a 21st century person is to reveal his voice and inspire others to do so. The voice here refers to the purpose of a person. The revival of the natural voice influences, among other things, the revelation of a person’s purpose, his inner voice.

Please tell us where your classes take place?

The main type of training is online, via the Internet. A person receives assignments by email, and once a week he sends an audio report, which our teacher listens to and sends a personal comment to everyone. Therefore, classes are held all over the globe, wherever there is Internet.

In addition to online classes (Internet course), there are also face-to-face master classes that are held in major cities of Russia and neighboring countries.

Who can become a student at your school?

Any person, regardless of age, gender and prior skills and knowledge.

Kirill, please tell us how you see the future of the school? Is there a development plan?

There are also a number of applied courses online, dedicated not to the revival of the natural voice (removing clamps and improving timbre), but, for example, to learning to sing. Or, improving musical hearing. Or, the ability to speak in public, conduct business negotiations, record audio-video podcasts (especially important for info-businessmen). That is, more applied online courses related to voice.

Also, it is planned to release a boxed version of the main Internet course “Revival of the Natural Voice”, with video lessons.

Offline - every major city has its own local teacher who leads master classes.

Please tell us about the purpose of creating the school.

The purpose of the creation is to convey to people information about the phenomenal properties of the natural voice inherent in every person, and ways to reveal it.

Do you follow an innovative approach, an established system, or both as you work?

I don't quite understand what is meant. :) In general, I adhere to the principles by which all nature functions and develops, including the human voice. Our work is built on these principles.

Kirill, are you planning to create a new project? Or do you see your development in the existing one?

There is still work to be done in this project, of course. A new project has also been brewing for a long time, dedicated to vision restoration. There is also a music group.

Amazing! What do you like to do besides singing? What else would you like to try?

Besides singing, I like to do love, business, communicating with people and auto racing. I would like to try flying an airplane again!

Very interesting!
Kirill, what ideology do you adhere to? And how does this resonate with the Natural Voice School?

I can’t formulate an answer other than that I adhere to the natural ideology, which is fully reflected in the online course “Revival of the Natural Voice.”

What inspires you?

Sun, Nature and other people. Including those expressed in their products - creativity. And, even when the plane takes off, there is more than enough inspiration!

Kirill, what would you like to wish our readers?

Free, bright and happy life! Realize yourself to the maximum!

Thank you

Singer and composer Kirill Pleshakov-Kachalin is the creator Natural Voice Schools, where he puts a confident, beautiful and convincing voice to anyone who wants it.

Knowing yourself through your own voice

It's no secret that many people are afraid of public speaking only because they don't like the way their voice sounds: ugly, cacophonous, or simply insecure. After completing the course “Revival of the Natural Voice,” Kirill promises that the student will acquire a beautiful, sensual, charismatic voice, which will give him self-confidence. When a person likes the sound of his voice, he is not afraid to express his thoughts and feelings. In addition, Kirill teaches that the voice is a unique human instrument , which he should be proud of and take care of, preserving and developing.

Training programs from Kirill Pleshakov-Kachalin

Kirill is sure that every person is given from birth beautiful rich voice, but since only singers are involved in its development, in others it simply becomes dull, becoming flat and uninteresting. Kirill Pleshakov-Kachalin conducts master classes around the world, creates interactive training courses and writes books. The trainer offers several programs of different duration and focus for quickly developing your voice or finding harmony with yourself through singing certain melodies.

Singing as a way of personal growth

Kirill teaches you to hear the sung sound with every cell of your body, receiving positive natural vibrations. The trainer claims that with the help of singing you can relieve stress and become saturated with vital energy. Through singing he suggests finding your key note allowing you to heal yourself and be filled with magnetism. Kirill also offers effective breathing techniques for voice development. To eliminate vocal clips, so that the voice sounds as natural and sincere as possible, a hum is used and all resonators are worked out.

By going through the full program created by Kirill Pleshakov-Kachalin, you can develop your voice, giving it an original timbre and sound, as well as find harmony with yourself and gain confidence.

Kirill Pleshakov-Kachalin is firmly convinced that every person at birth is endowed by nature with a unique voice. However, only singers are involved in its development; for others it simply “dulls.” But in modern life, when the power of persuasion plays a vital role, both in business and in ordinary communication, the ability to control one’s voice is half the success.

There are a lot of people who dream of learning to speak correctly and beautifully, and these are not only future pop stars, but also ordinary people. For everyone who wants to develop their voice, Kirill Pleshakov-Kachalin has recorded his own training programs.

Based on his experience, Kirill has prepared educational online courses and trainings in which he explains how to learn to sing correctly. Helps to form correct breathing, teaches you to relieve stress and fill yourself with vital energy through singing.

If you want your voice to sound natural and sincere, then Kirill Pleshakov-Kachalin is the coach you need. Having trained with him, you will develop your voice, give it an original timbre and sound, and also gain self-confidence.
