About mountain Dalat and its flower garden. Dalat - the city of love and flowers (10 photos) Cost of visiting the flower garden in Dalat and opening hours

Dalat Flower Gardens is one of the most famous and beautiful parks in the city. It is located in the northeastern edge of Xuan Huong City Lake, almost the center, on an area of ​​over seven thousand square meters.

The park was laid out in 1966 on the initiative of the Minister agriculture South Vietnamese government. After the war with the American invaders, reconstruction was required, which was completed in 1985. It is generally accepted that Dalat is a city of flowers and love. Flower gardens, a heavenly place where all year round Several hundred species of plants bloom.

The entrance to the gardens is a massive arch strewn with flowers. In a well-groomed area in figured flower beds, various kinds flower beds and alpine roller coaster roses, azaleas, gerberas, hydrangeas, mimosas, fuchsias, chrysanthemums are blooming different shades. Special greenhouses with shading are equipped for countless orchids. Their stems grow in special pots with good ventilation or in pieces of trunks coconut trees. In general, special areas have been selected for all “capricious” flowers. A separate area is reserved for flowering cacti.

Shrubs and trees between flower areas are trimmed, with a wide variety of bizarre shapes. The well-groomed area is decorated with fountains and sculptures. There are an incredible number of opportunities for photo shoots, such as a flower carriage. The place attracts not only lovers of landscape design and floriculture. The flower gardens are decorated picturesquely and creatively; visiting them leaves an unforgettable impression.

In the park you can ride catamarans on a small lake, sit in a cafe, and buy seeds and flower cuttings in a separate pavilion.

In Dalat, in the very center there is a lake, and nearby is flower garden (Dalat Flower Park), which is the pearl of this city. During a trip to the mountainous Dalat, this place was one of the first on our list of attractions, because it’s not for nothing that Dalat is called "city of flowers and love".

In the world of flowers.

The flower garden was laid out in 1966 and reconstructed in 1985.

Entrance to the park. You won't pass by!

Presented here today wide variety of colors: roses, mimosas, fuchsias, cacti, gerberas, azaleas, chrysanthemums and many, many others.


Flower flag of Vietnam.

Created for orchids special greenhouses. In the garden you can not only admire them, but also, if desired, purchase sprouts and seeds.

All the orchids are here!

Local residents come to mountain Dalat from all over Vietnam and definitely visit this garden. On weekdays it is not crowded, but on weekends and holidays there are much more people.

Here you can pleasantly spend several hours leisurely strolling, looking at flowers and fancy bushes that are pruned in a special way.

You forget about time here!

There is a mill in the park.

You can ride in a carriage.

In some corners of the garden we noticed some lack of maintenance and even neglect. Maybe the park workers just haven’t gotten around to these places yet, or maybe they just don’t pay attention to the dry branches, fallen leaves and non-working fountains. Comparing the flower garden in Dalat with similar places in Bangkok (,), I can say that you definitely won’t see such desolation in a Thai park; a whole team of gardeners and janitors works there every day, tirelessly.

It's a pity the fountains don't work...

Open from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Ticket price for an adult symbolic - 30,000 dong, for a child - 15,000 dong.

On the territory of the park there is a cafe, where you can buy ice cream or have a snack.

In Dalat, flowers are everywhere, literally on every street and in every alley. There is also a Flower Garden in the city.

It is located in the center opposite the lake. This is why I also love Dalat, because many iconic and simply beautiful places are nearby, almost in the center, and you can get around a significant part of the sights on foot.

Da Lat Flower Garden on the map

To enter the flower garden you need to pay 20 thousand dong per ticket ($1)

In addition to flower beds and flower sculptures, the park has fountains, alleys, bridges, and benches. A wonderful place to relax and take bright, interesting photographs. This attraction of Dalat is for the soul, those who are only interested in historical monuments can skip it.

At least 300 varieties grow in the Dalat Flower Garden various colors. Can you imagine? Those who are interested in floriculture will be especially interested in visiting this park. I'm not a big fan of flowers, but I was just pleased to walk around beautiful place on a warm sunny day and admire the flowers. What was especially inspiring was the fact that it was the height of winter in Russia and flowers could only be seen there on the windowsill at home.

The morning arrived on the second day of our stay in Dalat. Yesterday the Flower Festival opened in the city, which is held every two years, and the first point of our plan for today is to visit the Flower Park, where the most important flower exhibition takes place. The Dalat Flower Park is located in the very center of the city, near Xuan Huong Lake, and is one of the most visited places. My health is still not good, but I couldn’t miss the event I was so looking forward to. Therefore, with some overcoming, I finally got ready and by the time the car arrived I was ready to go with our entire group on the planned excursions. beckoned. My weakness was felt. But when I got to the Flower Park and found myself among the exhibition rows with orchids, my mood and well-being improved significantly. I have never seen so many orchids as in the Flower Park in Da Lat in my life! Just in this photo you can see that, although forced, I am smiling widely, as Hop promised.

This is what beauty does. Saves! Among so many of my favorite flowers, I simply disappeared.

People take pictures.

And they take pictures.

Smile wider, wider...

Well, I also took photographs with great pleasure.

There are also exhibitions for cactus lovers.

Having passed the exhibition rows, we saw a huge flower arrangement. Vietnamese communist leader Ho Chi Minh City.

Then we decided to go to the orchid pavilion that is constantly operating in the park. Along the way we admired the views.

Flowers, balls, fountains, blue sky...

And here is the entrance to the orchid pavilion. In front of the entrance there are wooden displays.

Hottei - a symbol of wealth

Sergei with our friend Hop in the pavilion.

On my last visit, I bought small orchids and seedlings in this pavilion, and managed to bring them home. Some have died, and some are growing and growing. This time everything here is arranged a little differently. In the corner there was a company with its exhibition stands. We didn’t understand what the essence of their activities was, but it was beautiful.

Let's go for a walk around the pavilion.

There are a lot of people, of course, but it’s still good. Birds in cages sing.

They even built a pond inside the pavilion and let the fish in. It's just a pity that they are not visible in the photo.

There was a place to mark the bonsai. Very cute, in my opinion. Just a corner of nature. There is also a figurine of a monk here. I was impressed.

Bonsai - a forest in miniature

The pavilion with roses itself has changed beyond recognition compared to last time. Firstly, it became bigger. Secondly, the space is harmoniously divided into different zones, thirdly, very clean and well maintained.

Dedicated to rose lovers.

Walking around the pavilion and enjoying the beauty and smell of flowers, I noticed the unusual bouquets of roses.

Sergei said that they saw just such flowers, preserved by , yesterday. And our friends couldn’t even resist buying some for home. It seems to me that such a decoration for the home - wonderful gift on New Year. They have to return to Russia every other day. I just admired and marveled at this amazing technology for making such timeless bouquets. What progress has come!

What would you choose...

This time it was not roses that were offered. But I would love to take a teapot like this to my home. By the way, the price on it is 230,000 dong. With our money, about 350 rubles.

In general, the choice is huge.

There are also those depicting rice terraces. Nice, but how to transport them? I wouldn't dare.

We met these wonderful dragons along the way. Yes, landscape design here at the top.

It’s also hardly possible to pass by a Christmas tree made of bottles. It was erected in honor of the wine produced in Dalat. If memory serves, only in this province of Vietnam are grapes grown and wine produced, which is quite good. In any case, we have not encountered any other Vietnamese wines except Dalat ones in Vietnam. Tradition and craft introduced at one time by the French colonialists. Each tier of the tree is represented different varieties guilt.

Our time allotted for a walk through the Flower Park in Da Lat was coming to an end. We moved towards the exit, taking pictures and being photographed along the way.

And now there is a way out.

And in conclusion, all our friendly company.

Well, almost all of them: the fifth one took photographs.

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The Vietnamese city of Dalat is called the city of eternal spring, flowers and love :) Not only is the entire city decorated with flowers, but in Dalat itself and near the city there are several flower gardens and developed parks. A visit to some of them is included in the standard excursion program from, while some can only be visited independently.

Flower Park in Dalat

I love flowers very much :) Therefore, the first thing we did after arriving from Nha Trang to Dalat was to visit flower park - Dalat Flower Park.

Flower park in Dalat. Lavender, mountain lavender blooms here :)

Where is the flower garden in Dalat and how to get there

The flower garden is located near the center of Dalat, from our hotel where we stayed for 5 days, the flower park is only 2 km away. Finding Flower Park is not difficult: it is located next to Xuan Huong Lake (the large lake in the city center), northeast of the center of Dalat. At the bottom of the article is a map with all the sights of the city.

The entrance to the flower park is designed in the form of a flower arch

You can get to the flower garden on foot - we easily reached the park in about 20 minutes. There are equipped pedestrian paths(very rare for Asia!). Walking around Da Lat now is very pleasant and not hot at all, otherwise we were tired of the wild heat in Nha Trang. The main thing is not to get caught in the pouring rain, which falls almost every day around lunchtime.

Walking around the lake in Dalat is very pleasant

You can also get to the park by rented bike (~120,000 VND per day), bicycle or taxi. The cost of parking near the park is 3,000 VND.

A visit to the Da Lat flower garden is sometimes included in organized excursions. We did not find organized groups of Russian tourists in the park (maybe they visit the park in the first half of the day, but we arrived around 14:00), but we observed many groups of Vietnamese vacationers. And the Vietnamese have a funny way of relaxing: one group of young people sat on the asphalt right in the middle of the park and played cards with great passion!

Cost of visiting the Da Lat flower garden and opening hours

Ticket price to the flower garden for adults – 30,000 dong (1.5 dollars) And 15,000 VND ($0.75) for children. You can come in for free! You just need to enter the park not from the central entrance under the arch, but to the left, through the parking lot.

Flower ticket office
Cost of entry to the flower park

The park is open from 7:30 to 16:00. Like other attractions, it is better not to visit the flower park on weekends if you do not want to walk next to a huge crowd of noisy and not very well-mannered Vietnamese (in fairness, it should be noted that in Dalat the Vietnamese are much more well-mannered and more cultured than in Nha Trang! And they even try to speak in English. I was so happy this morning to hear normal English spoken! 🙂).

Flower garden in Dalat, our review with photos

Dalat Flower Park was founded by French colonialists who, escaping the Vietnamese heat, moved from the coast to the mountains and founded Dalat. The park was founded in 1966, and in 1985 it was completely reconstructed.

On the territory of the flower park in Dalat

Several times a year, colorful flower festivals are held in this park. Unfortunately, we did not catch the flower festival either in (there it is held annually on the first weekend of February) or in Dalat.

It seems that now in May, the Dalat Flower Park is undergoing a small reconstruction: many flower beds are being redesigned, and in some places one can see the abandonment and neglect of the territory. But reconstruction is taking place on the outskirts of the park, while in the center everything is beautiful and well-groomed.

On the territory of the flower park

Flower lovers will find something for themselves in the park cozy corners and cute flower beds. There really are a lot of flowers in the park, we’re just a little fed up with these flowers :)

Flower lovers will find plenty in this park beautiful flower beds and places for photography
Swans hid in flowers
Flower Train

At the entrance to the park we are greeted by fountains: the first fountain is working, but the main long fountain is now turned off. Most likely it is only turned on on holidays.

Fountain at the entrance to the park
Fountain at the entrance to the park
But the central fountain did not work...

In the center of the park there is a small lake where you can ride on swan-shaped catamaran boats. Romantic :)

You can ride on swan-shaped catamarans on the lake. Romance:) In general, many Vietnamese come to Dalat for a honeymoon, because there are so many romantic places in the city. Oh, where is my romance...

There are several greenhouses on the hill on the right. The roses in one of the greenhouses have almost faded. But you can imagine what beauty and what a breathtaking smell of roses there at the height of flowering. We didn’t catch the peak of rose blooming either, because... visited her a month earlier.

We climb the mountain to the greenhouses
View from the mountain to the lake
Pavilion with roses, but now (in May) there are not many roses in bloom
Roses in a park in Dalat

In another greenhouse, flowers are grown in pots. Here you can buy seeds and bulbs of the flowers you like; they say that Dalat orchids take root well in our home conditions.

Flowers and seeds for sale
That's how many types of cacti there are
I just liked the flower :)

There are many sculptures in the flower park, both stone and flower.

Three heroes, or rather three elders

These are the flower musical sculptures
Flower bear
I went up to touch the bear, and it turned out that it was made of artificial flowers! Disappointed...

We met a couple of horses outside the park. One of them was harnessed to a cart carrying flowers, and the other horse was simply nibbling grass nearby :) You can take a photo with these horses or in the cart for a fee.

Throughout the flower park there are many cozy gazebos, benches and swings for relaxation. You can buy ice cream, drink a cup of coffee or tea, and buy souvenirs in the shops.

In the park you can relax on the benches or ride on the swings
Hut on chicken legs

Is it worth visiting a flower garden in Da Lat?

Flower lovers should visit the flower garden in Da Lat, but don’t expect anything grandiose. If you have visited parks like those in Chiang Mai or a flower garden, then perhaps Dalat Flower Park will leave you indifferent. But if you have enough time in Dalat (more than 2-3 days), then still take a walk in Dalat Flower Park, this walk will take no more than 2 hours.

The central alley of the park with a non-working fountain

Cafe next to the flower garden in Da Lat

We didn’t drink coffee in the flower garden, but finished our walk, crossed the road and settled into a nice cafe on the lake overlooking Dalat.

Opposite the flower garden on the lake there is a nice cafe
This cafe can be said to be a continuation of the flower park: there are also a lot of flowers, a beautiful area, a children's playground, swings and many places for photography

Here I want to point out one thing interesting feature Dalata: the city has a lot of cute cafes and coffee shops that have nothing else besides coffee, tea, juices and wine! Those. You won't be able to eat in them. There aren't even cakes for coffee.

Cute cafe in Dalat with lake and city views

It’s the same in this cafe by the lake near the flower garden: here you can only drink something, not have a snack. We enjoyed the views around us over a cup of Vietnamese coffee and tea:

View of the lake and the city from a cafe near the flower park. It's a pity that the weather is cloudy and rainy now. Not the season...

The prices in the cafe are a little high, but for this cozy atmosphere, romantic music and a view of the surrounding area, you don’t mind paying extra :) And they immediately bring you a pot of green tea and nuts.

  • Black Vietnamese coffee – 25,000 dong
  • Vietnamese coffee with condensed milk – 30,000 VND
  • Vietnamese coffee with rum – 35,000 dong
  • Ginger tea with honey – 35,000 VND
  • Juice or smoothie – 40,000 VND

Having enjoyed delicious Vietnamese coffee and even having managed to freeze a little (!) (and just a few days ago we were melting from the heat in our apartment in Nha Trang and dreaming of coolness), we headed back to the city center so that before dark we could visit another very popular attraction of Dalat - Crazy House. But read about this “madhouse”! Subscribe to updates so as not to miss the release of new articles and not to get lost on the Internet

If you are planning your holiday in Dalat, then plane tickets can be found and purchased.

You can choose and book a hotel in Dalat or.

Da Lat Flower Garden on the map

Click on the menu icon to see a list of interesting places in Dalat on the map

Flower mood to everyone!
