To have something done sentences. Construction have something done - education and use

The construction have something done is a small but tricky nuance of the English language, which, as a rule, is not very intuitive to us, since it has no analogue in the Russian language, but at the same time it is quite easy to remember, thanks to a slightly stupid literal translation that easily gets stuck in the head . And so that your students do not have to make these mental transformations every time and have their car repaired, but handle this design deftly and naturally, today we bring to your attention a selection of exercises to practice this topic.

1. Here’s the list of some necessary stuff you need to do. Some of the things (marked with pluses) you completed last week, and some of them (marked with minuses) you still need to do. Tell about these things using Past Simple and Future Simple accordingly.

E.g. I had my fringe cut last week. I will have my car repaired tomorrow.

    cut the fringe (+)

    repair the car (-)

    paint the walls in the kitchen (-)

    sew the trousers (+)

    remove viruses from the computer (-)

    wash the coat (+)

    build an alcove in the garden (+)

    deliver a T-shirt from Aliexpress (-)

    clean the house on Thursday (maid comes at 1 p.m.) (+)

    sweep the floors (ask elder daughter) (-)

2. Now let’s imagine that your friend has got a maid that does most of the house chores. Ask him about it using Present Simple or Present Continuous.

E.g. Do you have your dishes done every day? - Yes, I do.

    do the dishes

    clean the windows

    remove the dust

    wash the clothes

    bring the mail

    make coffee

    go for groceries

    cook dinner

    wash the floors

    water the flowers

3. Translate the following sentences into English.

    I usually cut my own hair. But last month my hairdresser cut my hair.

    Look! Mike cleans his own shoes. However, now almost everyone does it themselves. And a couple of centuries ago, some people had their shoes shined by other people.

    I never fix my bike service center, I repair it myself. But my friend recently repaired a bicycle in some shop, and the result was absolutely terrible.

    Did you paint the ceiling yourself last month? - No, they painted it for me.

    I'll get a rare issue of comics delivered to next week. - Congratulations! By the way, I recently got a job as a courier and now deliver registered mail.

    Look! Right now someone is taking a photo of Mary. - Do you want me to take a photo of you together?

4. Write the sentences in the way shown below.

    Bob didn't braid the dreadlocks himself. He had his dreadlocks braided. ........................................................ ........................

    Lisa won’t paint her portrait herself. ………………………………………………………………...

    I haven’t broken my nose myself. ………………………………………………………………...

    I'm not driving the car myself now. ………………………………………………………………………………….

    Jim is not going to fix his laptop himself. …………………………………………………………...

    We didn't deliver the furniture ourselves. …………………………………………………………..

    Sarah hasn’t bought her new smartphone herself. ………………………………………………………………..

    The detective won’t arrest the thief himself. ……………………………………………………….

    Paul doesn't usually water the plants himself. …………………………………………………...

    Molly isn’t going to plant these trees herself. ……………………………………………………...

5. Correct the mistakes in the following sentences.

    Last year we have our old house demolished.

    Are you going to have your painting sold?

    We having our kitchen floor mopped at the moment.

    We have had broken our front door by a burglar recently.

    I had my keys to lose by my son yesterday.

    Camila will have her ears pierced next week.

    We sometimes search our bags by security at the airport.

    My husband always have his beard cut at the barbershop.

    Usually I don't have any newspapers delivered at my front door.

    We’re having our hedge trimming by a gardener at the moment.

6. Complete the sentences with the words in brackets. Use “have something done”.

    When did you last ………………………………………………………………..? (your washing machine / repair)

    Do you usually …………………………………………………….? (your hair / dye / that talented hairdresser)

    I hope you………………………………………………………soon. It looks terrible! (your ceiling/repaint)

    I’m not sure that Sue…………………………………………………………… last week. She usually sews these beautiful dresses herself. (sew/news dress)

    Did you hear the news? Andrew …………………………………………….. recently! (all credit cards / steal)

    Right now our company………………………………………………………. to the destination point. (all the necessary documents / transfer)

    We need to…………………………………………………………….. by all members of your family. (your will/sign)

    We ………………………………………………………………………………… by the van of some construction company yesterday. (all the garbage / remove).

    Oh no! I……………………………………………………………. by my puppy! (just / my favorite blouse / chew).

We hope today’s selection of exercises will be useful to you in your classes and will help your students talk with ease and pleasure about what was, is and will be done for them. Stay awesome and have your lessons enjoyed!

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A few lessons ago you became acquainted with such a grammatical phenomenon in English as Passive Voice. As you remember, Passive Voce is used in cases where the performer of the action is unknown. In this case, the place of the subject in the sentence is taken by the object with which some action was performed.

Rules for using have something done

Today's lesson will be devoted to a special case of the passive voice, namely the construction “have something done”. What is private about it?


My house wasrepaired. – My house has been renovated.
I had my house repaired. - My house was repaired.

Both sentences express a similar idea, but why were they used? different designs, you ask? It's simple. The second sentence carries the meaning that the house was not repaired by the person himself, but by specialists. In Russian there is no similar phenomenon; we would simply say “I renovated the house,” even if the repair was done by a team of hired workers.

Havesomethingdone, as a rule, is used when we talk about repairs, a haircut, going to the dentist or doctor. Instead of something The object with which the action is performed is called: for example, house.

This construction is combined with the passive voice by meaning (the performer is still not specified) and the presence of a verb in form III, which carries a “passive” meaning. In this case, the verb have as part of the phrase changes tenses. For example:

I have just had my hair cut. - I just got my hair cut. (Present Perfect)
He is having his car fixed. - His car is being repaired. (Present Continuous)

Negation and questioning are constructed using the already known auxiliary verbs “do/does” for the present and “did” for the past:

Do you have your windows cleaned every month?
She didn't have her room decorated yesterday.

So the expression havesomethingdone necessary when the action is performed not by you yourself, but by someone you hired. Also design havesomethingdone also used to describe negative experiences or unpleasant events: He had his purse stolen.

In informal conversations verb have can be replaced with a verb get:I' ll get my laptop fixed in a couple of days.

Lesson assignments

Task 1. Open the brackets using the verb have in the correct form.

  1. Nick (have) his phone fixed two days ago.
  2. She (have) just the report written.
  3. Susan (have) regularly her blood pressure taken.
  4. They (have) their flat redecorated next month.
  5. My granny (have) her eyes tested last week.
  6. The woman (have) already the bill brought.
  7. I (have) my car washed every month.
  8. John (have) the surgery done two weeks ago.

Task 2. Change using the have something done construction.

  1. Somebody robbed his house last week.
  2. Did she make a cake for you?
  3. The walls in your room will be painted.
  4. Mum has washed all my clothes.
  5. Nancy walks my dog ​​every Sunday.
  6. Your office is being cleaned at the moment.
  7. The man is repairing Mary’s watch.
  8. Did she call the plumber to fix the shower?

In English there is interesting design, which consists of the verb have, an object and the past participle (the third form of the verb). Another name for it is passive causative. We use have something done when the action is performed not by the subject himself, but by another person.

Let's look at the use of this construction using examples.

Example 1:

My hair is too long. I need to have it cut. My hair has grown back. I would like to have my hair cut.

This sentence is not about cutting your hair yourself, but about getting a haircut from a barber or stylist.

Example 2:

My back was sore yesterday, so I had it massaged. Yesterday my back hurt, so I had a massage.

IN in this case the action was performed not by the subject, but by another person, a professional massage therapist.

As we can see from the first two examples, the person who provides the service (hairdresser or massage therapist) may be omitted because it is obvious from the context. If you need to indicate the agent, then a construction with the preposition by and a noun (by+agent) is used.

My car has broken down. I need to have it fixed by a mechanic. My car broke down. I need to have it repaired at a car service center.

We had the tickets delivered by a special courier. Our tickets were delivered by a special courier.

He has his suits made by the most expensive tailor in town. He orders suits from the most expensive tailor in the city.

It is important to remember the word order: the past participle (fixed, delivered, made) comes after the object (it, tickets, suits).

The verb get can be used in the same construction, especially in spoken English, but the meaning does not change.

I have a toothache. I will get it checked out by the dentist. My teeth hurt. I'll see the dentist.

I got my guitar tuned yesterday. Yesterday I had my guitar tuned.

Additional examples with the have something done construct

The verb have can be in the present, past or future tense, depending on the context.

Present Simple: subject + has/have + object + third form of the verb

Present Continuous: subject + am/is/are having + object + third form of the verb

Present Perfect: subject + has/have had + object + third form of the verb

Past Simple: subject + had + object + third form of the verb

Future Simple: subject + will have + object + third form of the verb

Going to: subject + am/is/are going to have + object + third form of the verb

More examples with the have something done construction:

I have my eyes tested once a year. I have my eyes checked once a year.

She's having her hair dyed. Her hair is being dyed (now).

They have just had a garage built. They just had a garage built.

We had champagne brought to our room. They brought us champagne to our room.

Kate is going to have his bike repaired. Kate is going to have her bike repaired.

The causative construction is used when the speaker does not perform the action himself, but encourages someone else to perform it.

Let's look at two examples:


1. I paint my house every spring. (Do I paint it? Yes, I do it myself.)

2. I have my house painted every spring. (Do I paint it? No, I find some painters and they paint it for me.)

So, when we want to say that we cause (arrange, force, allow, convince) someone to do something for us, we use the causative form.

There are 2 types of causative constructions - active and passive.

Active, or real, causative means ordering, forcing someone to act and is used with verbs - let, make, have, get.

It is formed according to the following model:

Subject + let/make/have/get + object + infinitive

1. Let's used to express permission:


She lets me borrow her clothes.

2. Make used to express coercion:


My mother makes me do the washing up.

3. Have used when we transfer responsibility for performing an action to another person, give orders or instructions.


I had my assistant type the report. - My secretary typed the report. (By my order)

4. Get used when we want to persuade or trick someone into doing something.


I got my daughter to eat the whole breakfast. - I was able to persuade my daughter to eat the whole breakfast.

Note: The get construction uses the particle to before the infinitive.

Passive causative means the arrangement (organization) of something independently or with the help of other people. It is used with verbs have and get.

Subject + have/get + object + past participle


They had their car repaired. (Someone repaired the car for them. They arranged it)


They repaired their car. (They did it themselves)

She got the plates washed. (She asked John to wash the plates.)

If we want to indicate who is performing the action, then we add by + action agent.


He’s having his tattoo done by one of the best experts in the city.


Verb get this construction is considered more colloquial and is thus used primarily in colloquial speech. Besides this, get implies all preparation for action, and have- only the result of the action itself.


I got all my work done yesterday. - Yesterday I finished all my work.

Don’t get your family involved in the business. - Don't involve your family in this matter.

He's having her house painted. - Her house is being painted now.

My mother has had her letter published in the newspaper. - My mother’s letter was published in the newspaper.

Causative constructions can be used instead of the passive voice when we talk about accidents or failures.


Adam had his phone stolen. (Adam's phone was stolen)

They had their garden destroyed by the storm.

Modal verbs can be used in causative constructions:


You should have your hair cut.

I have to get children get up early in the morning.

Let's practice completing the tasks:

1. She ________________ that he wouldn’t tell anyone.

a) made him promise

b) made him promised

c) promised to make

2. My tooth still hurts. I have to get a dentist ___________ soon.

b) to look at it

c) to get it looked at it

3. I ______________ a couple of days ago.

a) had my bike to be fixed

b) had my bike fixed

c) had my bike fixed

4. I will not ______________ with this!

a) make you get away

b) let you get away

c) get you get away

5. The movie _____________ sad.

b) made him feel

c) made him feel

6. I ______________ from my other address.

a) have my mail forwarded

b) make my mail forwarded

c) get my mail forwarded

7. Don’t _____________ these things about you!

b) let him say

8. Have your assistant __________ these letters immediately.

9. He ____________ yesterday.

a) had his hair cut

b) got his hair to be cut

c) let hair be cut

10. The professor __________ early.

a) to let the students leave

b) let the students leave

c) let the students leave

Test yourself:


  1. Biboletova M.Z., Babushis E.E. English language 9th grade. - 2010.
  2. Vaulina Yu.E., Dooley D. English language 9th grade. - M.: Education, 2010.
  3. Kaufman K.I., Kaufman M.Yu. English language 9th grade. - Title, 2007.
  4. Golitsynsky Yu.B., Grammar. Collection of exercises - Karo, 2011.
  2. ().
  3. ().


1. Ex. 6, 7, p. 95 Vaulina Yu.E., Dooley D. English language grade 9. - M.: Education, 2010;

ex. 3, p. 56 (workbook) Vaulina Yu.E., Dooley D. English language grade 9. - M.: Education, 2010.

2. Rewrite the sentences according to the example:

1. Mike is going to ask a carpenter to put the doors up. - Mike is going to have the doors put up.

2. Tony asked a mechanic to fix the car.

3. You should ask a plumber to unblock the toilet.

4. Ask the maid to tidy your room.

5. Simon is going to ask a tailor to make a suit for him.

6. Did he ask the optician to test his eyes?

7. Tommy asks his brother to do his homework.

8. The girl asked her mother to read the story to me.

9. They will ask a chef to cook the meal.

10. The report is being typed by his secretary.


I. Answer the questions.

Eg. “Did Ann make her dress herself?” “No, she had it made.”

1. “Did you cut your hair yourself?” “No, I...” 2. “Did they paint their house themselves?” 3. “Did Jim cut down that tree himself?” 4. “Did sue repairing the car yourself?” 5. “Did you tune the piano yourself?”

II.Complete the sentences using the words in brackets.

Eg. We (the house/paint) at the moment.

We are having the house at the moment.

1. (you/ your hair /cut) last week? 2. Your hair is too long. I think your should (it/cut). 3. How often you (your /car/ service). 4. The engine in Tom’s car couldn’t be repaired, so he had to (a new engine/ fit)

5. A: What are those workmen doing in your garden? B: Oh, I (a swimming pool/ build) 6. Is it true that many years ago he (his portrait/paint) by a famous artist? 7. (you/your newspaper/ deliver) or do you go to the shop to buy it? 8. Are you going to (these shoes repair)? 9. I must (my glasses/ mend). 10. Where do you (your hair/do)? 11. Peter (his flat /burgle) while he was out at work. 12. The Woods (the roof of their house/ damage) in a storm. 13. Lynne (the radio/ steal) from her car.

14. My brother (his/nose/break) in a football match. 15. Fred (his hat/blow off) in the wind.

III. Rewrite the sentences.

1. Someone delivers the newspapers. (We). 2 Someone cleaned the carpet (I). 3. Their house needs (They’re going to) 4. We ask someone to check the accounts every month. (We). 5. Someone sends some money to my account in London. 6 My stereo isn't working properly. (I'm going to).7. My camera isn’t repairing now. (I). 8. I think it’s time to service the car. (It's time to). 9. I don’t like the office curtains. It's time to change them. (I think I’ll) 10. It’s something wrong with my typewriter. It needs repairing. (I think I'll)

11. We couldn’t go to Jack’s flat. It's being painted. (Jack) 12. The computer’s no good, we’re changing it. (We). 13. I send the films to England: they are processed there. (I).

IV. Change the sentences.

1. There’s a photographer over there. Why don’t we ask her to take our picture? 2. I think there’s a leak in the roof. We should arrange for someone to repair it. 3. Do you know what time is it? I’m afraid someone hasn’t repaired my watch yet. 4. Someone is going to redecorate our room for us next month. 5. If I were you I’d ask someone to cut that tree down. 6. I’m having some a bit of troubles with my eyes so someone is going to test them next week. 7. I love someone messaging my shoulders. 8. The dentist hasn’t checked my teeth yet. 9The baby was crying when I arrived because someone was washing her hair. 10. I didn’t recognize her at first because someone had cut her hair. 11. He looks much younger. I think someone has dyed his hair. 12. I don’t know if I’ve passed my test because the tutor haven/t marked my work yet.

V. Translate.

1. How often do you get your hair cut? 2. I urgently need to have my watch repaired. 3. Our house was renovated before we left for the south. 4. I want these documents to be printed as soon as possible. 5. I just had a tooth pulled out. 6. When did you wallpaper the room? (paper) 7. I didn’t fix my watch yesterday. 8. Have you already whitewashed the ceiling? (waterwash). 9. Where did you get your dress made? 10. When will you tune the piano? (tune) 11. When was your garage built? 12. His wallet was stolen yesterday. 13. I want my suit to be ironed. 14. You need to get your hair cut.
