American athlete stripped of gold medals. Sports analysis: how they took doping and fought it

The Russian team continues to lose Sochi medals. Today the IOC stripped two silver medals from luger athletes - Albert Demchenko and Tatyana Ivanova were punished.

Thus, Russia has already been deprived of 13 (!) medals from the home Games.

Who has already been punished?

The athletes were punished in several stages.

Maxim Vylegzhanin lost three silver medals in Sochi

Skiers first (results canceled first) Evgenia Belova And Alexandra Legkova, a few days later - Maxim Vylegzhanina (), Alexey Petukhov, Yulia Ivanova And Evgenia Shapovalova.

Then the skeletonists - Alexandra Tretyakov, Elena Nikitina, Olga Potylitsyn y and Maria Orlova.

Biathletes disqualified for life Olga Vilukhina And Yana Romanov, as well as a skeletonist Sergei Chudinov.

Today it went to luger Albert Demchenko and Tatyana Ivanova, skiers Nikita Kryukov, Alexander Bessmertnykh and Natalya Matveeva, speed skaters Ivan Skobrev and Artem Kuznetsov, bobsledders Lyudmila Udobkina and Maxim Belugin, hockey players Tatyana Burina and Anna Shchuchkino.

Demchenko And Ivanova deprived of silver medals. Demchenko was second in the individual tournament and relay, Ivanova - only in the relay.

The medal standings at the Olympics were affected by the bans of Legkov, Vylegzhanin, Tretyakov, Nikitina, Fatkulina, Vilukhina, Romanova, bobsledders and lugers.

Who received medals instead of the Russians?

● In the ski relay after our disqualification, the Swedes were the first, the French finished third in Sochi - they will now get silver, the Norwegians will take bronze, which in such circumstances is for them “.

Vylegzhanin and Nikita Kryukov were second in the team sprint. The Finns remain champions, the “Russian” silver will go to the Swedes, and the bronze to Norway again.

Legkov and Vylegzhanin finished first and second in the marathon, respectively, and Ilya Chernousov finished third. Formally, he is now an Olympic champion (Norwegian Sundby has silver, Belarusian Dolidovich has bronze), and Russia retains gold in this discipline.

● Skeletonist Tretyakov’s gold went to the Latvian Martins Dukurs (he learned about this); American Matthew Antoine moved into second place, and bronze went to Ducours’s older brother, Thomas.

In women, Nikitina's medal went to American Katie Yulender.

Alexander Tretyakov was robbed of his gold

● Gold in the double bobsleigh went to the Swiss, and in the foursome – to the Latvians. Silver in both disciplines will be received by the USA (posthumously the hero of the new text by Stas Kuptsov -), and bronze by Latvia and Great Britain.

Two golds will have to be given to Alexander Zubkov at once

But Kasyanov and his partners are also on McLaren’s list and will soon face proceedings with the Oswald commission. So, probably, these medals will also be taken away.

● Speed ​​skater Fatkulina's silver went to Margot Boer from the Netherlands, and China's Zhang Hong won bronze.

● After Vilukhina's disqualification, her silver in the sprint will go to the Ukrainian Vita Semerenko, and the bronze will go to the Italian Karin Oberhofer.

Olga Vilukhina lost two silver medals at once

In the biathlon relay, where Vilukhina and Romanova participated, and Russia finished second, silver is now Norwegian, and bronze is Czech.

In the luge team, where we lost two silver medals, the medals will go: silver to the Italian Armin Zogeller, and bronze to the German Andi Langenhahn; in the team tournament our silver will go to the Latvians, and bronze to the Canadians.

These are the real losses.

Gold: skeleton and bobsled (3).

Silver: ski relay, team sprint and marathon, Fatkulina, women's biathlon sprint and relay, Demchenko and toboggan relay (8).

Bronze: ski marathon and individual race in skeleton (2).

When distributing the “Russian” medals, the Latvians were the luckiest, having already acquired two gold, one silver and two bronze.

What about the medal table in Sochi?

Russia has minus 13 medals.

Russia, which led the medal standings at the 2014 Olympics, has dropped to third place. There may be other solutions ahead.

The only positive news: figure skater Adelina Sotnikova’s gold is not in danger. From her.


Russian athletes are deprived of medals due to doping. LifeNews calculated which countries became the leaders in the number of sports achievements canceled due to doping scandals. Top 5 countries - below.

5th place - HUNGARY AND SPAIN. In their " track record» 4 medals were confiscated from Olympic athletes each due to the use of doping drugs. Moreover, 3 gold and 1 bronze medal were “taken” from Hungary, and 2 gold and one silver and one bronze medal each from Spain.

4th place - BELARUS. Belarus ranks 4th in terms of the number of medals that Olympic athletes were deprived of due to the use of doping drugs. In total, the country was deprived of 5 medals. For the first time, Belarusian track and field athletes Ivan Tikhon and Irina Yatchenko lost them for doping during the 2012 Athens Olympics. Along with them that year, by the way, our athlete Svetlana Kriveleva was deprived of her bronze medal. In total, Belarus had 1 gold, 2 silver and 2 bronze medals revoked.

3rd place - BULGARIA. Bulgaria has currently lost 7 Olympic medals and is in third place in our ranking. In 1976, for the first time, two Bulgarian athletes - weightlifters Blagoy Blagoev and Valentin Hristov - were deprived of medals for 1st and 2nd place. After them, the country lost another 3 gold, 1 silver and 1 bronze medals due to doping by athletes.

2nd place - USA. However, athletes from the United States themselves were caught using illegal drugs much earlier than the Russians: already in 1972. Swimmer Rick DeMont lost his gold medal. Today, the United States occupies second place in the “anti-medal” ranking and is missing a total of 11 medals. Among them: 7 gold, 1 silver and 3 bronze medals. The last of the athletes, the famous American boxer Mike Tyson, was stripped of his silver medal for the London Olympics two years ago.

1st place - RUSSIA. Today, unfortunately, Russia has overtaken the United States in the ranking of countries in terms of the number of medals taken away from Olympic athletes due to their exposure to doping. At the moment, the Russian team is missing 13 medals received at the Olympics in different years.

Among them: 5 gold medals, 6 silver and 2 bronze.

For the first time, Russian Olympic athletes were caught doping in 2003, they turned out to be two skiers Larisa Lazutina and Olga Danilova, then they were deprived of the gold and silver medals they had won at the 2002 Olympics in the USA.

There are cases when, after lengthy proceedings, medals are returned to athletes. For example, as happened several times in the American and Belarusian teams.

Let us remind you that today Russia lost three awards. Russian track and field athletes Bakulin and Zaripova were stripped of their gold medals at the 2011 World Championships.Olga Kaniskina was stripped of her silver medal at the 2012 London Olympics in the 20-kilometer race walk.

The International Olympic Committee (IOC) has completed another wave of rechecks of doping samples of athletes from the 2008 and 2012 Games. Based on the results of the redistribution of medals, the Russian team lost the most awards - a total of 16.



“Greetings from the past,” as the president of the All-Russian Athletics Federation (ARAF) put it, continue to come to us. Just the other day, the London hammer thrower was deprived of her Olympic gold medal, and the disqualifications of five Russian walkers were also announced. The case of the latter has been dragging on for a long time and has nothing to do with rechecking samples through the IOC. But everything together falls into one big and unpleasant lump. It seems that both waves of rechecks of Beijing and London samples by the IOC are already behind us. This means that we can summarize preliminary results and draw conclusions.

So, even a quick glance at the list of selected awards is enough to make sure that almost all of the athletes caught doping used anabolic steroids. Turinabol, stanozolol and oxandrolone - this is the “gentleman’s” set of doping agents of our time. These drugs can significantly increase the speed and strength parameters of the body and belong to the category of undeniable doping substances. Here it is impossible to appeal to a cream to treat burns or to a kiss with a stranger. There are practically no other reasons to use anabolic steroids other than to improve results in sports.

Another thing is that a reasonable question arises: why were all these substances not discovered earlier, immediately after the athletes completed their performances at the Games? Moreover, some of those caught used not just one, but two or three different steroids at once. The point here is that over the past years, the IOC has introduced a new, much more sensitive test to determine precisely these drugs. If the former caught taking minimal doses after a few days or weeks, now the count goes on for months.

One can argue about whether it is correct to redistribute awards after so many years, but of course, storing samples for 10 years in in this case allowed the IOC to find in them something that would never have been discovered if the tubes had been destroyed immediately.

New tests for steroids and the introduction of a steroid profile in the athlete’s biological passport have sharply increased the effectiveness of doping detection, Sergei Ilyukov, consultant of the Estonian Anti-Doping Agency, confirmed to SE.

The specifics of the drugs also dictate their sports. It is not surprising that the list of athletes caught after rechecks does not include anyone from endurance sports or complex coordination disciplines - there is no point in using steroids. But there are a large number of weightlifters and track and field athletes, although again only from speed-strength disciplines.

In weightlifting, the redistribution of awards has generally led to complete absurdity. So, for example, in the category up to 94 kg, the gold medal of the London Games should now be received by the Iranian Said Mohammadpour, who actually took fifth place. And bronze theoretically belongs to Pole Tomasz Cielinski, who was ninth in the final. There are a total of six athletes in this category - that is, half of the finals! - based on the results of cross-checks, they were found to be using prohibited substances.


In total, during recent rechecks, the IOC used an absolutely fantastic number of samples - more than 1200 in total from the 2008 and 2012 Games. At the moment, 98 positive samples are already known. Not all of them belong to medalists of the Games, and moreover, in fact, the number of athletes may be smaller - there are cases when one athlete passed several positive tests. In the case of Beijing 2008, positive samples belonged to athletes from 12 various countries, with London 2012 - out of 9.

It is easy to see that the coverage of countries and athletes in the table below is much narrower than in the IOC statistics, even if we take into account that we only took into account medalists. So, in addition to Russia, which has a clear advantage in the number of selected awards (16), there are athletes from nine more countries. The fact is that information about the confiscation of medals is given out to the world bit by bit, because there are often cases when athletes try to sue and defend their good name. In the coming months, we will probably slowly learn about more and more retroactively disqualified people. And the medal table for London 2012 and Beijing 2008 will be rewritten more than once.

At the moment, taking into account also the athletes who were deprived of awards not as a result of re-checking, but according to the testimony of a biopassport (such as the Russian athlete), there is complete chaos in the medal lists. Current cases, appeals, bio-passports... As they say, stay tuned, it will be interesting.




Type of sport


Place (year)

Yarelis Barrios

Athletics (discus)

Acetazolamide (diuretic)

Anna Chicherova

Athletics (height)


Yulia Chermoshanskaya

Athletics (4x100m)

Stanozolol, turinabol

Anastasia Kapachinskaya, Tatyana Firova

Athletics (4x400m)

Stanozolol, turinabol

2 (Beijing 2008)

Maria Abakumova

Athletics (javelin)


Denis Alekseev

Athletics (4x400m)


Khrysopi Devetsi

Athletics (triple)


Tigran Martirosyan


Stanozolol, turinabol

Khadzhimurat Akkaev



Nadezhda Evstyukhina



Marina Shainova


Turinabol, stanozolol

Sibel Ozkan



Khadzhimurat Akkaev



Dmitry Lapikov



Andrey Rybakov



Turinabol, stanozolol

Anastasia Novikova



Turinabol, stanozolol

Maria Grabovetskaya



Turinabol, Ox**, stanozolol

Irina Nekrasova




Natalia Davydova



Olga Korobka



Tigran Martirosyan


Stanozolol, turinabol

Liu Chunhong


Chen Chexia



Tatiana Lysenko

Athletics (hammer)


Evgenia Kolodko

Athletics (core)

Turinabol, ipamorelin

Oleksandr Pyatnitsa

Athletics (javelin)


Yulia Kalina



Maya Maneza




Zulfiya Chinshanlo



Ox, stanozolol

Svetlana Podobedova




Ilya Ilyin



Turinabol, stanozolol

1 (2008), 1 (2012)

Christina Yovu




Anatoly Chirchu




Rimsime Khurshidyan


Stanozolol, turinabol

Marina Shkermankova



Stanozolol, turinabol

Irina Kulesha



Stanozolol, turinabol

Svetlana Tsarukaeva



Natalia Zabolotnaya



Apti Aukhadov


Turinabol, drostanolone

Alexander Ivanov


Turinabol, tamoxifen

* Managed to sell her Olympic medal on eBay for 11 thousand US dollars
** Oxandrolone
*** Hormones


On October 13, 1982, the greatest athlete of the 20th century, Jim Thorpe, was returned his Olympic medals, which were taken from him a year after winning the 1912 Olympic Games in Stockholm. On this occasion, we decided to recall his story. (photo in article: open sources)

The American athlete won two gold medals at the Olympic Games in Stockholm (1912). He became the first in such difficult athletics disciplines as the pentathlon and decathlon. King Gestav V of Sweden called him the greatest athlete of all time: "Sir, you are the greatest athlete in the world"

A year after the Olympics, a rumor somehow leaked to the press that shortly before the main competition of the quadrennial, Jim Thorpe participated in semi-professional baseball games and received $60 per game. And this was contrary to the code of the Olympic Games of that time and automatically deprived the athlete of amateur status. After the trial, the Olympic Committee decided to disqualify Jim Thorpe for life and deprive him of his medals.

Despite this, Jim Thorpe continued to compete in professional baseball and football competitions. His game has been repeatedly cited as a standard. He was also included in the list of the best athletes of the 20th century.

“At least they didn’t manage to deprive me of the king’s words.”

The Great Depression that swept across the country in the late 1920s hit Thorpe hard. He started drinking a lot. In 1932, the Olympic Games were held in Los Angeles. But Thorpe's financial situation was so dire that he did not even have enough money to pay the entrance fee.

Before his death in 1953, Jim Thorpe said: "Give me my medals".

The question of returning Olympic medals to Jim Thorpe was raised on October 13, 1982. Justice has triumphed! From that day on, Jim Thorpe was again officially considered a two-time Olympic champion in 1912.
