How to install a temperature regulator on a battery. Which heat regulator can be installed on a radiator? How to correctly install a thermostat on a heating radiator

If the house has a correctly calculated autonomous heat supply, then no adjustment will be required for the heating radiators, since a stable temperature regime will be ensured in all rooms. But in multi-apartment buildings, where residents often modify heating systems, regulators will not hurt. It would also be a good idea to install a communal heat meter in an apartment building, which will save residents money.

The need to adjust heat transfer

There are two reasons why heating radiators need to be adjusted:

  1. Reducing home heating costs. True, in an apartment located in a multi-storey building, it is possible to reduce the amount of payments only if there is a common building heat meter. In a private household, if an automated boiler is installed, installation of regulators is unlikely to be required. The amount of savings will be significant.
  2. There is a need to maintain the desired temperature in the premises. For example, in one room it may be 17 degrees Celsius, and in another – 25 degrees. To do this, you need to set the appropriate numbers on the thermal head or close the valve.

In this case, it does not matter how the heated coolant enters the radiators - centrally or autonomously. It also does not matter which heating unit is installed in the system. The fact is that the regulators on the batteries are not connected to the boilers - they function independently.

Adjusting heating radiators

To understand the question of how to regulate heating batteries with a regulator, first of all, you should find out the principle of their operation. By design, the radiator consists of a labyrinth of pipes and fins of various types, which provide increased heat transfer.

Hot liquid enters the device, passes through the labyrinth and thereby heats the metal, which gives off heat to the surrounding air. The fins on modern radiators are made of a special shape, which improves the convection of air flows, and the room is heated quickly.

In the case of active heating from the batteries, a heat flow is felt. This means that when you change the amount of coolant passing through the device, you can adjust the room heating temperature, albeit within certain limits.

This is what special fittings are designed for - thermostats and valves. But a heating regulator installed on a radiator in an apartment is not capable of increasing heat transfer; it can only reduce it.

The effectiveness of changing battery temperature depends on:

  • on whether the heating devices have power reserves;
  • from the correct selection and installation of regulators.

Of no small importance is the inertia of the entire heating system and the batteries themselves. For example, cast iron, which has a large mass, changes temperature slowly, while aluminum heats up quickly and cools down the same way. This means that there is no point in having cast iron radiators with temperature control, since it takes a long time to get results.

Ways to increase the heat transfer of batteries

The presence/absence of the opportunity to increase heat transfer depends on the calculation of the radiator power reserve. If the device is not able to produce more thermal energy, then no fittings will help.

You can try to change the situation in one of the following ways:

  1. First of all, you should check whether the filters and pipes are clogged. Blockages form both in old buildings and in new buildings, as various construction debris enters the system. When cleaning does not produce results, drastic measures need to be taken.
  2. Increase in coolant temperature. This can be done if there is an autonomous heating supply, but with centralized heating it is unlikely.
  3. Changing the connection type. Not all battery connection methods are equally effective. For example, a reverse side connection reduces the power by about a quarter. The location of installation of the device also affects the heat transfer.
  4. Increasing the number of sections. If the location and method of connecting radiators are chosen correctly, and the room is also cold, this means that the thermal power of the devices is not enough. Then it is necessary to increase the number of sections.

If the heating system is equipped with batteries with temperature control, then they require a certain power reserve and this is their main drawback. As a result, heating installation costs increase, since each section costs money.

Comfort cannot be achieved if the room is cold or too hot, so adjusting the heat in radiators is a universal solution to this problem.

There are many devices on sale that are designed to change the volume of coolant passing through the radiator. Among them there are both inexpensive and high-cost products. They come with different adjustments: manual, electronic and automatic.

Ball valves

Valves are cheap, but at the same time ineffective control devices. Ball valves are often installed at the entrance to the radiator, with the help of which they regulate the flow of water.

But this equipment also has another functionality - shut-off valves. Valves are used to completely shut off the flow of coolant into the system. For example, in the event of a leak in a heating device, ball valves located at the inlet and outlet of the radiator allow repairs to be made without stopping the heat supply and draining the liquid.

Heating radiators in the apartment cannot be adjusted using ball valves. They have only two positions - completely closed and open. An intermediate position only brings harm.

The fact is that inside such a faucet there is a ball with a hole, which in its normal position is not in danger, but in all other situations the solid particles present in the coolant grind it down and pieces break off from it. As a result, the tap will not be sealed and in the “closed” position, water will continue to flow into the battery, which can lead to big troubles if the device leaks.

If one of the property owners decides to control the radiators using ball valves, you must remember that they should be installed correctly.

This method is usually used in apartment buildings. If the wiring is single-pipe vertical, then the hot water pipe enters the room through the ceiling and a radiator is connected to it (read: “Correct adjustment of heating radiators in an apartment - comfort in the home and saving money”). The pipeline departs from the second entrance to the device and is directed through the floor to the room below.

In this case, it is necessary to install the taps correctly, since the installation of a bypass is mandatory. The bypass pipe is needed so that when the liquid flow to the radiator is closed, the coolant continues to circulate in the general house system.

In some situations, the tap is placed on the bypass to change the amount of water passing through it and thereby adjust the heat transfer of the battery. To ensure greater reliability of the heating system, at least three valves are installed: two will be shut-off valves on the radiator and function normally, and the third will become a regulating valve.

But here we must not forget what position the devices are in. Otherwise, you can completely block the riser and you will not be able to avoid the cold in the apartment, as well as unpleasant showdowns with neighbors and representatives of the management company.

Therefore, when deciding how to regulate heat in batteries, experts do not recommend using ball valves. There are other products on the market that are specifically designed to change the amount of water circulating through the radiator.

Needle valve

This device is usually installed in the heating system in front of the pressure gauge. The valve smoothly and effectively changes the flow of coolant, gradually blocking it. The design feature of this device is that the width of the passage in it is half as much.

For example, when installing inch pipes and the same cross-section of a needle valve, its capacity will be only ½ inch. As a result, each device built into the system reduces this parameter. Several products installed in series, for example in a single-pipe design, result in the last devices being lukewarm or cold.

Since the passage is greatly narrowed, a needle device is not recommended to be installed when solving the problem of how to regulate the temperature of the battery, since its heat transfer is greatly reduced.

You can increase it as follows:

  • removing the valve;
  • doubling the number of sections;
  • by installing a device that has twice as many couplings.

Control valves for radiators

To manually regulate the operation of heating devices, special valves are used. Such taps are sold with straight or angular connections. The procedure for regulating heating batteries using these devices manually is as follows.

When the valve is turned, the shut-off cone lowers or rises. In the closed position, the coolant flow is completely blocked. Moving up or down, the cone regulates to a greater or lesser extent the amount of circulating water.

Due to this operating principle, such valves are also called “mechanical temperature controllers”. They are installed on batteries with threads, and connected to pipes with fittings, most often of the crimp type.

The control valve used for heating devices has the following advantages:

  • the device is reliable, it is not dangerous from blockages and fine abrasive particles present in the coolant - this applies exclusively to high-quality products in which the valve cone is made of metal and carefully processed;
  • the product has an affordable price.

Control valves also have disadvantages - each time you use the device, its position has to be changed manually and for this reason it is quite problematic to maintain a stable temperature regime.

For those who are not satisfied with this procedure and are thinking about how to regulate the temperature of the radiator using another method, the use of automatic products that allow them to control the degree of heating of the radiators is more suitable.

Automatic adjustment option

There are several ways to regulate the temperature in batteries. But automatic adjustment of the room temperature has an undeniable advantage. The fact is that by placing the regulator knob in the required position once, the property owner gets rid of the need to use it for a long time.

Adjusting batteries using a thermostat

To ensure constant maintenance of the desired temperature in the room, thermostats for radiators are used. These devices have other names - thermostatic valve, thermostatic valve, etc. There are many names, but they all refer to one product.

The thermal valve and thermal valve are the lower part of the device, and the thermal head and thermoelement are the upper part. Most of these products operate without power sources. The exception is models equipped with a digital screen, in which batteries are placed in the thermostatic head. There is no need to change them often, since the current consumption is negligible.

The radiator thermostat consists of several components:

  • thermostatic valve, which is called “housing”, “thermal valve”, “thermal valve”;
  • thermostatic head or “thermostatic element”, “thermoelement”, “thermal head”.

The body (valve) is made of metal, usually bronze or brass. Externally, its design resembles a manual valve. Many manufacturers make the lower part
radiator thermostat unified. This means that different types of heads can be mounted on one housing, regardless of their manufacturer.

Thus, it is possible to install a thermoelement with different controls on the thermal valve - manual, mechanical or automatic, which is very convenient. If you want to change the adjustment method, there is no need to buy the entire device, you just need to install a different thermostatic element.

Automatic regulators differ in the principle of influencing the locking mechanism. In a manual device, its position is changed by turning the handle. As for automatic models, they usually have a siphon that puts pressure on
spring loaded mechanism. In electronic products, the workflow is controlled by a processor.

The bellows is the main element of the thermoelement (thermal head). It looks like a small sealed cylinder containing liquid or gas inside. Both of these substances have a common property - their volume depends on temperature. When heated, gas and liquid begin to significantly increase in volume and thereby stretch the cylinder.

The bellows, when pressed on the spring, blocks the flow of coolant. When the volume of the working medium decreases as it cools, the spring rises and thereby the fluid flow increases, and the radiator heats up again. Thanks to the use of such a device, depending on its calibration, the set temperature can be maintained with great accuracy - up to one degree.

Before using a radiator, anyone who decides to purchase a thermostat for it must decide what type of temperature control it should have:

  • manual;
  • auto;
  • with built-in or remote sensor.

Models designed for one-pipe and two-pipe systems, with housings made of different metals, are also available.

Applications of three-way valves

One way to regulate heating radiators is to use a three-way valve. True, it is rarely used. Despite the fact that it is designed to solve other problems, such an application is possible.

Install a three-way valve at the junction of the bypass with the supply pipe going to the heating battery. To stabilize the temperature of the working environment, it must be equipped with a thermostatic head.

When the temperature near the head of the three-way valve becomes higher than the set parameter, the flow of liquid moving to the radiator is blocked - it is sent to the bypass. After the coolant cools down, the valve begins to operate in the opposite direction, and the battery heats up again. This connection method is usually implemented in single-pipe heat supply systems, with vertical wiring.

Summing up

You can regulate heating radiators using several types of devices, but experts believe that the best solution is to use special control valves. Such products are manual taps and automated products - thermostats, and only in some cases can a three-way valve with a thermal head be used.

In high-rise apartments with centralized heating, it is better to give preference to control taps or a three-way valve. As for individual heating systems, the problem of how to reduce the temperature of the coolant in a heating radiator is solved using thermostats.

If the apartment owner still prefers automatic adjustment of radiators, then a filter should be installed before the thermostat - it will trap most of the various impurities.

If you live in an apartment that still has old cast-iron radiators installed, heated by coolant from the central system, then you are probably familiar with the situation when in the spring the temperature outside is already above zero, and the radiators heat up like in winter. Something similar happens in the fall, but in reverse. In general, there is little comfort from such heating, but there is a way to cope with the problem, and it is applicable not only for apartments, but also for private houses. So, why do you need a thermostat for a heating battery, how does it work, how to use it and how to install it yourself - we will talk about all this in today’s article.

All the benefits of thermostats

We are all different, one is constantly freezing, while the other is hot at +20 degrees. Therefore, when the temperature in the rooms is the same everywhere, some of the residents begin to experience constant discomfort. You must agree, it would be nice to set the optimal temperature in your room! Sometimes the temperature in rooms needs to be changed for other reasons, for example, you have plants there that need a certain air temperature, or you want to turn down the heating while you sleep so that you can sleep more comfortably and not wake up with headaches.

In general, the temperature requirements in different rooms differ. In the same bathroom, you should not lower it below 24 degrees, as moisture will not evaporate well, and the room will feel unpleasantly damp. In the kitchen, 19 degrees will be enough, since there are additionally other appliances there that cause the air to heat up. For children, the optimal temperature is 23-24 degrees.

In general, the essence is clear. Regulating the heating of the radiator is a completely necessary measure to make your home truly comfortable to live in. You do not need complex systems to implement such settings - just purchase a compact thermostat, which must be installed together with the battery. Here's what this device will give you:

  1. Saving boiler life - it works much more economically and consumes less fuel.
  2. Convenient temperature regulation in all rooms.
  3. There is no need for intervention to adjust the heating - everything happens automatically after the first installation.
  4. It works like a faucet and can completely shut off the coolant supply to the radiator.

Let us examine in detail the question: what are the possible connection diagrams for heating radiators in a private house. Let's see what the advantages and disadvantages of certain options are. Let's see what technological techniques are used to optimize some circuits.

Interesting to know! In fact, the thermostat is a step-down device, since it is not able to increase the heating efficiency of the battery, which is not surprising. However, this does not in any way affect its usefulness and ease of use.

Types of thermostats

There are several modifications of thermostats on the market, differing in their structure and operating principle, but they all perform the same functions.

Mechanical thermostats provide for manual adjustment of the degree of heating of radiators. They are inexpensive, reliable in operation, easy to set up and almost never fail, since all their work is based on the mechanical laws of physics. On the tap itself there is a graduation in degrees, which allows you to adjust the heating with fairly high accuracy. However, this installation is carried out experimentally - you cannot simply set the required number of degrees, which can be attributed to the disadvantage of the device.

A mechanical thermostat has three main working parts - a bellows (gas or liquid), a drive and the regulator itself. The filled bellows (the substance in it) plays a decisive role in the automatic adjustment of the device. When we turn the thermostat lever, the contents flow into the spool, affecting the position of the rod.

The rod itself, when pressure is applied to it, lowers and partially blocks the passage for the coolant. Limiting its passage. The diagram below shows a more detailed structure of such a thermostat.

The second type of thermostat is electronic. A microprocessor is installed inside it, which is responsible for regulating the heating of the batteries. Of course, such devices are very convenient to use, as they allow you to perform degree-by-degree adjustments.

Interesting to know! Such regulators are equipped with temperature sensors that measure the heating of the coolant or the air temperature in the room. The data it receives is used to adjust the device settings.

The thermostat is usually controlled using a keypad, which is quite reliable and convenient. Some models can simultaneously control boilers, pumps and even mixers. They cost a lot, which is not surprising.

The electronic thermostat also has a mechanical working part, which is practically no different from the option described above. The bellows in this case is cylindrical, and its walls are made in the form of corrugations. Inside the bellows there is a substance that reacts to the surrounding temperature.

When heated, such a substance begins to expand, and the pressure inside the device increases, affecting the position of the rod, which also regulates the volume of coolant passing through the device. When the temperature decreases, the reverse process occurs. Such a thermostat is very reliable, the bellows can easily withstand tens of thousands of compressions and expansions, its resource will last for more than 10 years, the main thing is that the electronics do not fail.

Among electronic thermostats, two different types of devices can be distinguished - closed and open. The former cannot determine the temperature automatically, so the user must make all settings independently. Its advantage over a manual device is that you can set the temperature in degrees, rather than on a graduated scale of more or less.

Open ones are complex electronic devices with programming capabilities. For example, when the temperature rises to a certain threshold, the device automatically changes its operating mode to the selected one.

Such thermostats operate from replaceable batteries – batteries. It does not consume much energy, so frequent replacement is not required - you can do this 1-2 times during the entire heating season. There are also models that have a rechargeable battery installed - a charger is included with it.

There are also semi-electronic devices. Their operating principle is also similar to mechanical ones, but there are several important differences. The bellows head is oriented to the room temperature, so it is quite large. They have a remote sensor, which is connected to the working part by a capillary tube.

Video - Types and advantages of thermostat

Thermostats for gas or liquid

What is the difference between gas-filled bellows and liquid bellows? There is a difference, and it would be better to know about it when purchasing!

  1. Gas-powered devices have a long service life - about 20 years. At the same time, the gas reacts very smoothly to temperature changes, which does not cause excessive sudden loads on the equipment.
  2. Liquid ones, on the contrary, operate quickly, which has a slightly stronger effect on the wear of working parts, but allows you to quickly respond to a drop or rise in temperature. They work more accurately than gas ones.
  3. In liquid thermostats, the sensor can be remote or built-in. If it is built-in, then the device is placed in a horizontal position to reduce the influence of convection currents from the radiator and pipes.
  4. It is advisable to install remote-type sensors when the device is covered with thick curtains that affect heat transfer, the thermostat is located vertically, the radiator is installed in a deep wall niche or too close to the window sill.

How to install a thermostat

Table 1. Set of materials and accessories for installation

The device has two connections, both of which are threaded. Therefore, you need to take a pair of wrenches, or even better, one should be an adjustable one and the other a gas one. The latter will help, if necessary, to hold round pipes.
An old proven remedy is plumbing tow. We use it to seal connections so that they do not leak over time. Some craftsmen prefer to use fum tape or thread, but they are not as reliable.
Silicone sealant helps make the connection even more airtight. It is applied over tow. This material calmly tolerates heating of the coolant without suffering from it. In addition to such a tube, you buy a mounting gun, the price of which is around 250 rubles.

You may also need a flathead screwdriver and pipe tools if you need to shorten them to make the thermostat insert.

Now let's take a step-by-step look at how an electronic thermostat is installed on a radiator.

Step 1 - Installing Batteries

We unpack the thermostat, remove the battery compartment cover and install AA batteries, which can come with the device or be sold separately. Close the lid and check the serviceability of the device by test switching on. If everything blinks and he shows signs of life, then you can move on to further actions. Some models do not require turning on - they start automatically.

Step 2 - Setting the Time

Next, you need to set the time, which will allow the device to operate based on the time of day. Setting up does not take much time, no different from setting up the most ordinary clock - we use the arrows and the “OK” button.

At the end of the settings, a flashing checkmark appears on the display - you need to press the “OK” button again to confirm the entered settings.

If you did everything correctly, you will see a flashing capital letter “M” on the screen, as shown in the photo. Now you can proceed to preparing the pipeline to include a thermostat.

Step 3 - removing the old thermostat

If you previously had a thermostat installed in your system, it must be removed. We first turn off the water supply tap to avoid leakage. The device is removed using a hexagon, which you need to unscrew a small lock.

Advice! You have the opportunity to combine the head of the new thermostat with the old valves, so as not to completely replace a still working device. To do this, you will need an appropriate adapter, which can be purchased separately.

Step 4 - Mounting the RA Adapter

Install the adapter onto the valve base. It is also secured using a hex socket wrench. The adapter has an external thread onto which you need to screw the thermostat head and tighten it well.

Step 5 - Setup

The letter “M” will flash on your screen again. Press the middle button and hold it until the function menu opens (3 sec). We press the middle button again, and an indicator of the current temperature setting will appear in front of us - using the up/down buttons we set the desired value.

If you do not change anything, the preinstalled programs will automatically launch. For example, the model from the photo will automatically cool the air at night to 17 degrees - P1. The P2 program will do the same during working hours, when it is assumed that no one is at home.

Somehow everything just worked out according to our instructions. Perhaps this is an ideal case where valve installation or replacement was not required. This type of work can be done by anyone, without any training or skills. But this is not always the case. More often you will have to do this.

Step 1 - drain the water from the radiator

We start by draining all the water from the radiator. You may have to wait a while after turning off the tap until the coolant cools down to avoid getting burned. To drain, you need to unscrew the nut or plug at the top and bottom of the radiator. Place a bucket underneath and wait until the flow stops.

Step 2 - removing the old adapter

Next, the old adapter or tap is removed. We use wrenches for this. Cover the floor with rags, as residual water will still flow from the system. To avoid damaging the pipes, the adapter body must be secured with a gas wrench or wrench.

Step 3 - installation of a new adapter

We seal the threaded connections in a convenient way - you need to make at least 6 turns with fum tape. We first screw the new adapter onto the pipe, and then attach it to the heating radiator.

The further procedure is already familiar to you - we screw in the thermostat head and perform its step-by-step adjustment. If you are using a mechanical device, this process will take you a long time. To speed things up, we recommend doing this.

  1. First, open the taps and bleed all the air from the radiator. As soon as the coolant current is restored, the battery will begin to heat up.
  2. Close all windows and doors in the room to avoid errors in heat loss through them.
  3. We open the valve fully and place a thermometer in the room to see if the scale corresponds to the air temperature.
  4. As soon as the temperature rise stops, turn the regulator lever in the opposite direction, to the minimum position.
  5. We wait until the thermometer drops to the level you need, start opening the regulator again until you hear water running through the pipes. Stop rotating and leave the device. Re-measure the air temperature after a few hours and make final adjustments if necessary. Now the device will maintain the desired heating in the room.

In addition, we would like to give you some useful tips before installing the equipment:

  1. Be sure to read the instructions from the manufacturer, since the installation and configuration of each device may have its own characteristics, without knowing which you can damage the equipment.
  2. Seal all connections well, do not overtighten the nuts to avoid damaging the parts.
  3. Look in which direction the arrows on the thermostat body point - they will correspond to the direction of coolant flow in the system.
  4. If the installation will take place with a single-pipe heating system, we must provide bypasses, otherwise your thermostat will disrupt all its operation.
  5. Choose a place to install the thermostat so that it is not exposed to direct sunlight and there are no other heat sources nearby, such as household appliances. This will allow the devices to work more accurately. Drafts are also contraindicated for them.
  6. In the coldest rooms, give preference to electronic devices, as they are more sensitive.

The rules are quite simple, but despite this, they are very effective and will help you save on heating, reducing not only the cost of the regulators themselves, but also making them a plus over time.

Video - Thermostat for a heating radiator: installation and configuration

Adjusting heating radiators in an apartment allows you to simultaneously solve several problems, the main one of which is to reduce the cost of paying for certain utilities.

This possibility is realized in different ways: mechanically and automatically. However, when changing the heating system parameters, the average room temperature does not increase. You can only reduce it to the desired level by adjusting the position of the fittings. It is advisable to install such devices on batteries in houses where it is cool in winter.

Why do you need to make adjustments?

The main factors explaining the need to change the heating level of batteries using locking mechanisms and electronics:

  1. Free movement of hot water through pipes and inside radiators. Air pockets may form in the heating system. For this reason, the coolant stops heating the batteries, as it gradually cools. As a result, the indoor microclimate becomes less comfortable, and over time the room cools down. To maintain heat in the pipes, shut-off mechanisms installed on radiators are used.
  2. Adjusting the temperature of the batteries makes it possible to reduce the cost of heating your home. If the rooms are too hot, by changing the position of the valves on the radiators you can reduce costs by 25%. Moreover, reducing the heating temperature of the batteries by 1°C provides savings of 6%.
  3. If radiators heat up the air in the apartment very much, you have to open the windows often. It is not advisable to do this in winter, because you can catch a cold. To avoid having to constantly open windows in order to normalize the microclimate in the room, regulators should be installed on the batteries.
  4. It becomes possible to change the heating temperature of radiators at your discretion, and individual parameters are set in each room.

How to regulate radiators

To influence the microclimate in the apartment, you need to reduce the volume of coolant passing through the heating device. In this case, it is only possible to reduce the temperature value. The heating system is adjusted by turning the valve/faucet or changing the parameters of the automation unit. The amount of hot water passing through the pipes and sections is reduced, and at the same time the battery heats up less intensely.

To understand how these phenomena are interconnected, you need to learn more about the operating principle of the heating system, in particular, radiators: hot water entering the heating device heats the metal, which, in turn, releases heat into the air. However, the intensity of heating the room depends not only on the volume of hot water in the battery. The type of metal from which the heating device is made also plays an important role.

Cast iron has a significant mass and releases heat slowly. For this reason, it is not advisable to install regulators on such radiators, since the device will take a long time to cool. Aluminum, steel, copper - all these metals instantly heat up and cool down relatively quickly. Work on installing regulators should be carried out before the start of the heating season, when there is no coolant in the system.

In an apartment building, there is no way to change the average water temperature in the heating system pipes. For this reason, it is better to install regulators that allow you to influence the microclimate in the room in a different way. However, this cannot be realized if the coolant is supplied from top to bottom. In a private house there is access and the ability to change individual equipment parameters and coolant temperature. This means that in this case it is often impractical to mount regulators on batteries.

Valves and taps

Such fittings are a heat exchanger of a shut-off device. This means that the radiator is adjusted by turning the tap/valve in the desired direction. If you turn the fittings 90° all the way, the flow of water into the battery will no longer flow. To change the heating level of the heating device, the locking mechanism is set to the half position. However, not every fitting has this opportunity. Some faucets may leak after a short period of use in this position.

Installing shut-off valves allows you to manually regulate the heating system. The valve is inexpensive. This is the main advantage of such fittings. In addition, it is easy to operate, and changing the microclimate does not require special knowledge. However, there are also disadvantages to locking mechanisms, for example, they are characterized by a low level of efficiency. The battery cooling rate is slow.


A ball design is used. First of all, it is customary to install them on a heating radiator in order to protect housing from coolant leakage. This type of valve has only two positions: open and closed. Its main task is to turn off the battery if such a need arises, for example, if there is a risk of flooding in the apartment. For this reason, shut-off valves are cut into the pipe in front of the radiator.

If the valve is in the open position, the coolant circulates freely throughout the heating system and inside the battery. Such taps are used if the room is hot. The batteries can be turned off periodically, which will reduce the air temperature in the room.

However, ball locking mechanisms must not be installed in the half position. With prolonged use, the risk of leakage in the area where the ball valve is located increases. This is due to gradual damage to the locking element in the form of a ball, which is located inside the mechanism.

Manual valves

This group includes two types of fittings:

  1. Needle valve. Its advantage is the possibility of half installation. Such fittings can be located in any convenient position: completely opens/closes the access of coolant to the radiator, significantly or slightly reduces the volume of water in heating devices. However, there is a drawback to needle valves. Thus, they are characterized by reduced throughput. This means that after installing such fittings, even in a fully open position, the amount of coolant in the pipe at the battery inlet will be significantly reduced.
  2. Control valves. They are designed specifically to change the heating temperature of batteries. The advantages include the ability to change position at the user’s discretion. In addition, such fittings are reliable. There is no need to frequently repair the valve if the structural elements are made of durable metal. There is a shut-off cone inside the valve. When you turn the handle in different directions, it rises or falls, which helps to increase/decrease the flow area.

Automatic adjustment

The advantage of this method is that there is no need to constantly change the position of the valve/faucet. The desired temperature will be maintained automatically. Adjusting the heating in this way makes it possible to set the desired parameters once. In the future, the heating level of the battery will be maintained by an automation unit or other device installed at the input of the heating device.

If necessary, individual parameters can be set multiple times, which is influenced by the personal preferences of the residents. The disadvantages of this method include the significant cost of components. The more functional the devices are for controlling the amount of coolant in heating radiators, the higher their price.

Electronic thermostats

These devices superficially resemble a control valve, but there is a significant difference - a display is built into the design. It displays the room temperature that needs to be obtained. Such devices work in conjunction with a remote temperature sensor. It transmits information to the electronic thermostat. To normalize the microclimate in the room, you just need to set the desired temperature value on the device, and the adjustment will be performed automatically. Electronic thermostats are located at the battery input.

Adjusting radiators with thermostats

Devices of this type consist of two units: lower (thermal valve) and upper (thermal head). The first of the elements resembles a manual valve. It is made of durable metal. The advantage of such an element is the ability to install not only an automatic, but also a mechanical valve, it all depends on the needs of the user. To change the heating temperature of the battery, the design of the thermostat includes a bellows, which exerts pressure on the spring-loaded mechanism, and the latter, in turn, changes the flow area.

Using Three-Way Valves

Such devices are made in the form of a tee and are intended for installation at the connection point of the bypass, the inlet pipe to the radiator, or the general riser of the heating system. To increase operating efficiency, the three-way valve is equipped with a thermostatic head, the same as that of the previously discussed thermostat. If the temperature at the valve inlet is higher than the desired value, the coolant does not enter the battery. Hot water is directed through the bypass and passes further along the heating riser.

When the valve cools down, the passage hole opens again and the coolant flows into the battery. It is advisable to install such a device if the heating system is single-pipe and the pipe distribution is vertical.

To be able to regulate the temperature of the battery in the apartment, consider any type of valve: they can be straight or angular. The installation principle of such a device is simple; the main thing is to correctly determine its position. Thus, the direction of coolant flow is indicated on the valve body. It must correspond to the direction of water movement inside the battery.

Place valves/thermostats at the inlet of the heating device; if necessary, install a tap at the outlet as well. This is done so that in the future it will be possible to independently drain the coolant. Regulating devices are installed on heating radiators, provided that the user knows exactly which pipe is the supply pipe, since a tap is made into it. In this case, the direction of movement of hot water in the riser is taken into account: from top to bottom or from bottom to top.

Compression fittings are more reliable, which is why they are used more often. The connection to the pipes is threaded. Thermostats can be equipped with a union nut. To seal the threaded connection, use FUM tape or flax.

The thermostat for a heating radiator has another name - thermal head. The main function of this unit is to change the intensity of coolant movement in the pipes; this task is implemented in different ways, it all depends on the type of device. The thermostat is installed directly on the heating radiator. If such a need arises, it can be easily dismantled. However, it is important to adhere to the rules, in particular, all repair work is carried out before the start of the heating season.

The benefits of heating thermostats

The coolant temperature cannot always be adjusted. For example, in apartment buildings the heating system operates on a different principle, and it is not possible to set the required hot water parameters in each apartment. In such cases, the problem is solved by installing a device that is simple in its operating principle - a thermostat on the battery. With its help, the volume of coolant in the pipes changes, which leads to a decrease in the air temperature in the room. The advantages of such devices:

  • all processes are performed automatically, the user does not have to constantly be near the heating radiator;
  • zonal change of environmental parameters: in some rooms you can turn off the radiator, in others the desired temperature is maintained;
  • reducing the volume of consumed heat source, which allows reducing heating costs;
  • in the event of a breakdown of the heating device, you do not have to wait for the entire riser of the heating system of an apartment building to be turned off, for which the utility service is responsible; it is enough to turn off the radiator.

In addition, if you install more functional thermostats, it will be possible to turn off the heating device on site when the set air temperature is reached. A built-in or remote thermostat for the radiator is involved in the process; it transmits data on environmental parameters. This feature allows you to further reduce heating costs.

Device and principle of operation

The devices offered on the market have the same design. They also function according to the same principle. Main nodes:

  • valve;
  • thermal head with rod and bellows.

The last of the elements is removable. You can connect different thermal heads to one valve. The device of the electronic analogue is somewhat more complicated: the design includes a microprocessor responsible for regulating the temperature in the room. The operating principle of the thermostat is based on changing the cross-section of the valve lumen. To normalize the indoor microclimate, you need to reduce the volume of coolant that enters the radiator from the pipe.

The thermal valve is connected to the head via a union nut and a rod. The last of the elements moves inside the structure under the influence of the load exerted by the medium in the bellows (gas, liquid). When heated, the substance expands. The pressure inside the head increases. As a result, the rod lowers, partially or completely blocking the gap in the valve.

When the air in the room cools, the thermostat settings are changed manually or automatically. If a device equipped with a bellows is installed, the stem returns to its original position after the characteristics of the working environment change. Electronic devices interact with the thermostat. This element is often built into the design of the thermostat. There is another option: install a thermostat on the radiator.

The market also offers simpler thermostats - mechanical ones. They are equipped with valves and taps. Such devices are distinguished by their primitive design. They contain a valve, valve. There is no bellows inside the structure. All actions to adjust the parameters of the coolant and the environment are performed by a person: if necessary, the valve partially blocks the gap inside the valve, which leads to a decrease in the volume of the coolant. When the air in the room cools down, it is necessary to return the device to its original position.

Selecting a thermostat

Before purchasing, study the characteristics of devices of different types and compare their functionality. Heating thermostats are selected taking into account the following criteria:

  1. Design type: mechanical, electronic, electromechanical.
  2. Matching pipe and valve size.
  3. Cross-sectional area of ​​the internal lumen. In some models, the value of this parameter is initially small. As a result of the adjustment, the cross-sectional area is further reduced. This leads to significant cooling of the radiators. It is better not to use such a regulator for a battery, since the air parameters in the room will vary greatly.
  4. Temperature sensor location. It can be built-in or remote. In the first case, data on the air temperature in the room will be more accurate, since the device is located at some distance from the radiator, and therefore is not exposed to direct heat. A remote sensor is purchased when the radiator is recessed into a niche or located close to the window sill, provided that the thermostatic element is located in a vertical plane.
  5. For two-pipe and one-pipe heating systems, different thermostats are chosen.
  6. Device adjustment accuracy. The mechanical version of the design is simple, and a person is responsible for changing the parameters of the coolant, since all manipulations are performed manually. When choosing electronic regulators, the sensitivity level of the automation is taken into account. Information about the measurement error should be requested from the manufacturer.
  7. Appearance of the device. Gas-filled, liquid and electronic thermostats are attractive. Automatic models of such devices are equipped with displays.
  8. Price category. Equipment for the heating system must be certified and have a guarantee. Manufacturers that have won the trust of users: Danfoss, Royal Thermo, Oventrop, Teplokontrol.

Types of thermostats

Such devices are divided into 2 main groups:

  • mechanical;
  • automatic (electronic).

The filling of the bellows also differs: gas, liquid. Each option has its own advantages. The devices operate on a similar principle, but differ in the level of sensitivity to changes in environmental parameters. The method of adjusting the mechanical device is manual. Electronic analogues do not require human intervention.

The thermostatic element is divided into types taking into account the difference in valve configuration:

  • direct;
  • corner (for vertical, horizontal installation);
  • a device that has 3 pipes for connecting to the radiator, supply pipe and bypass, it is called a three-way valve.

The thermostat for the heating battery is also selected taking into account the working environment. There are 2 types:

  • gas-filled;
  • liquid.

The working medium fills the bellows, which is located inside the thermal head. Under the same conditions, liquid and gas behave differently, which determines the level of efficiency of the device.


Such devices are represented by the following options:

  • valve with valve;
  • devices equipped with a tap.

The last option is less preferable, since it is intended for other tasks, but can also be used to change the volume of coolant in the radiator. This is a manual thermostat. You need to turn the tap all the way. If you regularly leave it in the half position, the internal valve will become deformed over time.

Valve devices are offered in two versions:

  • needle type;
  • mechanical thermostat, specially designed for installation on a radiator.

The first one is controlled manually. To change the volume of coolant, you need to turn the valve. The disadvantage of such devices is the reduced cross-sectional area of ​​the internal lumen. Because of this, the level of efficiency of the regulator is significantly reduced. The advantages include the possibility of installation in a half position; if such a need arises, the valve can completely close the gap inside the valve.

Special mechanical thermostats, designed for installation on a radiator, have an improved design. They do not require direct human participation in the process of changing coolant parameters. However, such devices operate without being connected to a power source.

Positive qualities:

  • reasonable cost;
  • autonomy: the devices do not require connection to a power source, which means they can operate in any conditions;
  • simple process of operation and management.

Such devices have lower accuracy than their automatic counterparts.


Temperature regulators of this type are programmable devices. The design provides the ability to change and control environmental parameters. The automatic thermostat is equipped with a screen that displays the air temperature. The user can set the required value for this parameter. Throughout the heating season, the thermostat will maintain this temperature by opening and closing the valve. This feature is provided by a built-in microprocessor.

There are models of regulators that control the operation of the entire heating system: pumps, boiler. To ensure the ability to change the parameters of the coolant automatically, a thermostat is used. It transmits the temperature value to the thermostat. There are the following types of electronic devices:

  • with open logic;
  • with closed logic;
  • simple models, similar to mechanical counterparts, but equipped with a display.

In the first case, the device can be reprogrammed. Thanks to this, it is possible to configure the regulator in accordance with the characteristics of any heating system. Analogs with closed logic cannot be reprogrammed. However, it remains possible to change the main parameters. These types of thermostats represent a group of digital technology. Their cost is higher than simple electronic analogues with reduced functionality.

The main disadvantage of automatic regulators is the need to connect to an energy source. The power supply can act in this capacity. The thermostat consumes a minimal amount of energy. This allows you to operate it for a long period without the need to replace the power supply.

Liquid and gas-filled

Their design has already been discussed above. Such devices represent a group of mechanical regulators; they consist of a valve, a spring-loaded rod, and a bellows, which contains gas or liquid inside. The substance must certainly be able to expand under the influence of high temperatures. Due to this property, the pressure inside the head increases. Paraffin is often used as a liquid medium.

Gas-filled and liquid devices are similar in terms of efficiency. The advantage of the first of the regulators for radiators is a faster response to fluctuations in room temperature. The advantage of a device filled with liquid is a high level of accuracy in transferring the pressure that has increased inside the bellows to the spring-loaded rod. This means that both types of devices implement their main function quite effectively.

DIY thermostat installation

The recommended mounting location is at the radiator inlet. The installation diagram of the regulator is determined by the type of heating system: one- or two-pipe. In the first case, an important condition is the installation of a bypass. It is placed in front of the thermostat. Thanks to this, it becomes possible to turn off the heating device, then the coolant will flow through the bypass and further along the communications.

The heating temperature regulator inside the radiator must be embedded in the supply pipe. When choosing an installation location, the direction of movement of hot water is taken into account. In most cases, the thermostat is built into a pipe that is connected to the radiator from above. Additionally, a valve with a valve is mounted in the lower part, which makes it possible to drain the coolant in the event of a breakdown of the heating device.

Installation of the device

The installation of a thermostat on heating radiators is carried out during a period when the communication system is not filled with coolant. The sequence of actions when installing the control device on a pipe:

  • it is necessary to remove the battery, it is important to leave small sections of pipes at the entrance to the heating device;
  • connect the regulator valve to the radiator plugs;
  • fix the second pipe on the supply pipe.

Flax or FUM tape is used for compaction. You can install the thermostat yourself if you have the appropriate tools and equipment. A grinder is used for cutting metal. When connecting communications, do not apply excessive force, as the thread may be stripped. Always place the temperature regulator in a horizontal position, which will avoid additional exposure to heat emanating from the radiator, since heated air flows always rise to the ceiling.


The valve handle must be turned until the required operating mode is set. The thermostat on the battery is adjusted according to personal preferences. The valve has a pointer and a scale. The adjustment is stopped when the pointer is positioned opposite the number corresponding to the desired mode.

How to remove the thermostat from the battery?

To do this, repeat the instructions given above. Considering that such actions are in most cases carried out during repairs in the cold season, it may be necessary to turn off the heating system. Then the coolant is drained. All that remains is to dismantle the thermostat for heating; to do this, unscrew the fasteners.

Installing a thermostat is our answer to rising tariffs!

To regulate the temperature in a room, it is most rational to use automatic thermostats, which have undeniable advantages over traditional shut-off and control valves, such as ball valves and cone valves.

Such a device turns out to be especially relevant in a situation of constantly rising tariffs for housing and communal services.

Advantages of thermostats

Modern thermostats have an ergonomic design that fits perfectly into the interior of the room;

Thermostats are quite simply installed in both new and existing heating systems. They can be operated without preventive maintenance and maintenance throughout their entire service life, which, thanks to a simple and reliable design, can reach several decades;

There is no need to constantly open/close windows to regulate the temperature in the room;

Thermostats are designed to operate in the temperature range from 5 °C to 27 °C. The required temperature is set at any value in this range and is maintained with an accuracy of 1°C;

If the room is exposed to direct sunlight or there are electrical appliances turned on, the thermostat will prevent unnecessary heating of the air;

Using thermostats in autonomous heating systems, you ensure fuel savings of up to 25%!

The installation of thermostats is most justified in heating systems of private houses and cottages, where uniformity of comfortable temperature across floors is important. In addition, maximum energy savings are achieved.
In conditions of centralized heating (apartments), a thermostat is indispensable for smooth regulation of air temperature.

Installation of thermostats in Moscow, Odintsovo

This procedure is performed by OVK-Service specialists in just 4 steps:
