Schemes drawings of heating systems in a private house. How to decide on the choice and installation of heating for a private house with your own hands: diagrams of different types of connections

Long gone are the days when only a stove could heat a private house. The lack of hot water in sufficient quantities and the need to light the stove and keep it burning did little to facilitate life outside the city. That is why many sought to move to comfortable multi-storey buildings, where heating and hot water supply were centralized.

Today, a lot has changed - the abundance and range of modern heating equipment allows you to do heating in the house yourself, even without the involvement of specialists. Now, on the contrary, the priority is to live in country houses, since hot water is available all year round, and heating can be turned on at any time, without waiting for a decision from utility services.

In total, there are 3 main energy sources - gas, solid fuel and electricity. We will talk about each of them, as well as how to properly wire the boiler and ensure heat supply to different components, in this article.

You will not be able to purchase the entire heating system in any store. You can select individual elements and assemble them into a system, you can purchase materials and make the boiler and piping entirely with your own hands. Regardless of which path you decide to go, you must first decide on the following parameters:

  • what type of fuel is planned to be used;
  • which fuel is more economically feasible.

What home heating systems are there?

The most famous means of heating since time immemorial has been the Russian stove. Among the main disadvantages of such structures today are their large size, which is not always convenient, and uneven heating of the air in the room. It’s very hot near the stove, warm two meters away, cold in the next room. Modern fireplaces, although they have changed over time, generally act as an analogue of a stove and therefore can be used exclusively as an auxiliary heat source.

The most popular and effective is a water heating system, where heated coolant circulates through pipes and thereby heats the premises.

Air heating, based on the operation of air heat collectors, is considered no less effective, but practically unknown.

Electric heating can be called a relatively new type, which works by converting electricity into thermal energy without using any coolant.

Types of boilers

The main task when organizing heating with your own hands is to create an effective system, mostly automatic, with minimal human participation in its operation. Based on the availability of the type of fuel and the appropriateness of its choice, you should purchase a specific type of boiler.

The main classification of boilers depends on the type of fuel:

  • gas;
  • electric;
  • solid fuel;
  • combined.

Modern industrial boilers are economical, relatively silent and easy to operate. The main disadvantage of such equipment is its energy dependence, since at the heart of each there is a fan that forces air into the chamber or ensures the movement of the coolant.

The exception applies only to those boilers where it is used. This pump belongs to the category of emergency equipment and runs on a battery. In the absence of electricity, the pump ensures the movement of coolant through the pipes, preventing them from freezing and subsequent rupture.

Heating scheme for a private house


No matter how often the price of gas is indexed in our country, it still remains the cheapest type of fuel.

Modern gas boilers are silent, easy to operate, and differ in the number of circuits:

  • single-circuit - designed only for heating the house

  • double-circuit - for heating and hot water supply.


The safest type of equipment. Capable of heating a room of any size (power 4-300 kW). The only disadvantage of such equipment is the cost of fuel. Electricity is traditionally the most expensive type of heating compared to gas and solid fuel.

Key benefits include the following:

  • large power range of boilers capable of heating up to 350 sq.m. premises on different levels and consisting of several rooms;
  • there is no need to organize a chimney or exhaust ventilation - heating occurs by converting electricity into heat, so no combustion products are released;
  • environmentally friendly equipment that does not emit any pollutants into the atmosphere;
  • compact size and the ability to install in any room without restrictions on square footage and distance;
  • there is no need to obtain permits to put equipment into operation.

Even a small house can be heated with electricity only if 3 phases are supplied and the network voltage is absolutely stable.

Boilers also differ in the number of circuits:

  • single-circuit - for heating only;
  • double-circuit - for heating and water heating.

Solid fuel

This is an improved "hello" from the past, modernized to such an extent that it can be left for a week and the temperature in the house will be comfortable. All solid fuel boilers are based on the Kolpakov principle, when the boiler is first heated, and then the temperature is maintained at a certain level to ensure stability of heating of the coolant.

Such boilers are characterized by a fairly high efficiency, but at the same time they require regular (at least 1-2 times a week) cleaning of combustion products, installation of a chimney, organization of exhaust ventilation and the presence of a separate room.

Advantages of solid fuel equipment:

  • a wide range of fuels (firewood, coal, pellets, braces, waste from the woodworking and agricultural industries, etc.);
  • high efficiency, in some cases reaching 92%;
  • possibility of process automation for long-term combustion units.

To ensure that the heating season does not cause difficulties, it is necessary to prepare in advance a certain amount of fuel sufficient to heat a private home for 2-3 months.


This type of equipment allows you to rationalize heating costs and ensure constant operation of the boiler, depending on the availability of a particular fuel.

The fundamental difference lies in the combination of solid fuel with other sources - electricity, liquid fuel or gas. Depending on the pair, electric, solid fuel and universal combo boilers are distinguished. The choice depends on what fuel is available in the region.

The transition between alternative sources is carried out by changing burners, which is quite difficult and does not always work out the first time.

Burners are always purchased separately!

When choosing a boiler for a private home, you should understand that this is only a small part of the entire heating system. certainly very important, on which its functioning and maintaining heat in the house will depend, but also a lot depends on the boiler piping, on the organization of the heating and hot water supply system.

Types of heating systems

Depending on what coolant circulates in the system, the following types of heating are practiced:

  • water, where ordinary water acts as the coolant (in some cases, antifreeze can be added);
  • air - coolant - air heated to a certain temperature;
  • steam - pipes heat steam;
  • electrical - electrical appliances (heating elements, infrared emitters, etc.) are placed around the perimeter;
  • combined - organizing heating in such a way that the source is not only the coolant, but also other options;
  • "warm floor" system.

Each of the listed methods has certain characteristics, advantages and disadvantages in relation to each other.

This is the simplest type of heating for a private home, which is easy to do with your own hands. There are no special requirements for operating the system; the main task is to correctly calculate the number of batteries and select the appropriate boiler power.

How to calculate power

There is a universal formula for calculating power:

1 kW of power = 10 m 2 heated area

However, it only works in ideal, one might say, laboratory conditions, which are very far from reality. When determining the parameter, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of a particular house - the year of construction, what building materials are used, the presence of thermal insulation, the type of windows and doors, etc.

So, for example, if a house was built more than 30 years ago, but is insulated, doors and windows are replaced with modern sealed structures, the power should be increased by 1.5 times, that is, by 10 sq.m. take 1.5 kW of area. If the building was recently built, but not properly insulated, the doors and windows are wooden and draughty, the power should be increased by 2 times.

Power calculation factors

  • 2 or more windows on the north side - 1.3;
  • 2 or more windows on the south, east and southeast sides - 1.1;
  • 2 or more windows on the west side - 1.2.

When organizing water heating, purified water acts as a coolant, which does not need to be drained at the end of the heating season. This is a closed system where water circulates under the influence of a pump or by gravity.

Forced coolant circulation

In order to ensure the movement of heated water through the pipes, centrifugal force is needed. As a rule, a circulation pump is used for these purposes, but an ordinary centrifugal pump, only of low power, is quite suitable.

The main task of the pump is to supply cooled water to the boiler to heat it and distribute the already heated coolant throughout the system. Since we are talking about a vicious circle, a constant volume of water circulates through the pipes.

Installation of a circulation pump in the heating system of a private house

The use of pumping equipment, although it makes the system energy-dependent, completely eliminates the need for human participation in the operation of the boiler. The temperature sensor monitors the heating limit, the pump moves water progressively from the boiler to the pipes and back. If we are talking about an electric or gas boiler, all participation comes down to only one thing - set a comfortable temperature and forget about the boiler for the whole season.

In order to ensure the operation of the boiler in the absence of electricity, you can purchase a 12 volt circulation pump powered by a battery.

Coolant circulation by gravity

Today, such a system is extremely rare and only in one-story houses. Here, the coolant moves through the system by gravity, when water of different temperatures moves under the influence of differences in specific gravity.

A prerequisite for proper water circulation in a gravity system is the installation of pipes at a slight angle - up to 150.

DIY installation of a water heating system

In order to make the house comfortable and warm, you should correctly calculate the number of radiators through which the coolant will circulate. Please note that all boilers must be equipped with an exhaust ventilation system and a chimney. The only exception applies to an electric boiler.

How to calculate the required number of radiators

The most correct way is to calculate the area of ​​the heated room (in each room separately). According to SNiP, each square meter requires 100 W of heat. Find out the area of ​​the room and multiply by the required amount of heat. So, for example, for a room of 20 sq.m. you will need 2000 W of heat (20 x 100), which corresponds to 2 kW.

Now we determine the number of radiators by the number of sections or units. Each manufacturer indicates the heat transfer of one section of a radiator or monolithic product. Divide the resulting heat volume by the heat transfer coefficient and get the number of sections that you convert into radiators, or immediately the number of radiators.

  1. Single-pipe, where only hot water leaves the boiler

In this case, the coolant moves from the first to the last radiator, gradually losing heat. When choosing such a system, you should keep in mind that in the farthest room the battery will be almost cold.

It is difficult to adjust the temperature of radiators with such a system, since by shutting off one radiator, you stop the flow of coolant to all subsequent ones.

  1. Two-pipe - supply of hot water from the boiler and return of water to the boiler (return).

This is the most optimal system for heating a private house, where 2 pipes are connected in parallel to each device - primary and return. In this case, the temperature of all radiators in all rooms will be approximately the same. You can increase or decrease the temperature in each room as needed.

This method of wiring is also called radial, when a pipe with direct supply is supplied from the boiler to each device and discharged with a cold one.

The collector in such a heating system performs the task of storing coolant.

This is a universal system that is suitable for organizing heating in any room, while it is possible to make hidden wiring to each device separately.

Depending on the chosen wiring system, the number of pipes and the total cost are determined. Single-pipe wiring is the cheapest option.

After the number of radiators has been calculated and the system has been selected, the pipes should be installed.

Previously, metal pipes were used for this purpose. Today, such a solution is not profitable due to cost and susceptibility to corrosion, so you should choose polypropylene.

Polypropylene pipes in the heating system

Pipes are laid in all rooms that will be heated, moving from one room to another. The pipes are connected to each other with a special soldering iron for plastic pipes.

You can assemble a water heating system for a private house with your own hands, but this will require precise calculations and a boiler piping diagram. The main drawback of such a system is the need for regular prevention. And please note that if you use antifreeze, it must be changed every 5 years.

A fairly popular method of heating residential and office premises, based on the principle of gravity and forced ventilation. The gravitational system involves the movement of air at a temperature difference due to its natural circulation. Different temperatures mean different air densities, which is why warm and cold layers move.

When heating with air, a heater is installed in the room or ventilation ducts are installed through which warm air enters. Each such heat source can be installed anywhere in the room - on the wall, ceiling or floor. This has no effect on the principle of convection.

There are 2 main types of air heating:

  • local (localized);
  • central.


This method is suitable for heating only one room in the room. The heat source can be:

  • air heaters;
  • heat guns;
  • thermal curtains.

The optimal heat supply is a heater that distributes heat several meters around. The power of such equipment is 1-1.2 kW per hour.

A heat gun is a more powerful equipment, which also instantly dries the air in the room. Used only for heating warehouse and industrial premises where people stay for a short time. Power 2-2.5 kW per hour.

A thermal curtain is an analogue of an air conditioner that supplies hot air to a point. Most often, a curtain is placed at the entrance to simultaneously prevent cold air from entering the room. Power 1.5-2 kW per hour.

Central heating

This is an example of a centralized hot air supply, which operates on the principle:

  • direct-flow or partial recirculation;
  • complete circulation of hot air.

Most often, such a system is chosen in rooms with suspended or suspended ceilings, where ventilation ducts can be installed above them. Through such ventilation holes, hot air enters the room and circulates in it.

It is not advisable to install ventilation ducts in the walls, since part of it will be needed to mask the ventilation shafts.

The cost of air heating is more expensive both in terms of installation and the cost of equipment. The source of coolant supply is a gas or electric boiler.


  • filtering the air entering the room;
  • fresh air due to the fact that the intake is carried out from the street;
  • possibility of organizing drip irrigation and air ionization.


  • such a system can only be created in a building under construction (with the exception of a water gun and a heat curtain);
  • expensive installation.

Electric heating

The most affordable way to heat any room, since electricity is everywhere.

The operating principle is based on the operation of an electric convector that converts electrical energy into heat. Modern models are equipped with a large number of functions that completely eliminate the need for human participation in monitoring work.

It could be:

  • temperature controller depending on the time of day;
  • regulator for increasing the temperature at night and decreasing it during the day (day-night mode);
  • maintaining system pressure and minimum temperature in the event of absence of people for a long time;
  • compliance with the regime even during a short-term power outage, etc.


  • very simple and easy installation that anyone can do;
  • extremely simple operation;
  • mobility of the system, when convectors can be moved from room to room if necessary.


  • the high cost of energy is the most expensive of all existing heating methods.

When choosing an electric heating method, there must be 3 phases and a stable voltage in the network.

Steam heating

In this case, the operating principle is completely identical to the water one, with the only difference that instead of water, steam circulates in the pipe system. Installation of pipes, selection of boiler power and organization of piping are completely identical to the water heating system.

For steam heating, special boilers are used that generate hot steam. It is mandatory to have a “Through the Gauntlet” filter system, which purifies water from all kinds of impurities before it is converted into a vapor state.

There is only one advantage of a steam heating system - savings, since heating occurs almost instantly. The efficiency is 95%.

There are incomparably more disadvantages:

  • peculiarity of the equipment - it is extremely difficult to find a steam boiler on the open market;
  • high installation cost, which includes the installation of special pipes and the presence of a filter system;
  • dangerous operation because the steam temperature exceeds 100 degrees.

Warm floors

The huge advantage of this heating system is the large heat-transferring surface area. This is an ideal option for common areas - kitchen, bathroom, hallway, as well as in the living room or children's room.

It is optimal to lay a heated floor under ceramic tiles - in this case it acts as an excellent conductor. Laminate and parquet are much less often used for heated floors, since when the temperature rises, warping of the material and its subsequent dismantling are possible.

A prerequisite for installing a heated floor is a foil layer. It is neither an insulator nor a reflector, as is commonly believed. Foil is used to distribute heat evenly across the floor surface. If you do not use such a layer, the tactile sensations of the floor will resemble a zebra - the stripe is warm, the stripe is cold.

Heated floors can be water-based, where hot water circulates through pipes, and electric - a system of wires where electrical energy is converted into heat.

Water heated floor

A branch of a water heating system in the form of small-diameter pipes laid on a flat floor surface. A prerequisite is the use of a substrate that will prevent heat loss from contact with the floor.

The difficulty of installing a water heated floor lies in the need to lay pipes and connect them correctly to the existing heating system.

Electric heated floor

A type of heating that is elementary in installation and operation. The only difficulty that may arise is preliminary preparation of the surface for laying wires or mats using a concrete screed, and laying the floor covering on top of the heated floor

Even simpler is to use electric mats on the existing surface. Such mats are absolutely safe to use and are easy to set up. To avoid mechanical damage, it is recommended to use an overhead electric floor under a carpet or rug.

In most cases, a heated floor is an auxiliary element of the heating system in the house.

How to choose heating for your home

The most correct thing when choosing a heating system and, accordingly, a boiler is to focus on the available type of fuel. If there is no gas pipeline in some area yet, but its installation is already underway, it is advisable to use combined boilers - solid fuel and gas. Where gas is not available and is not planned, but electricity is expensive, you can connect an electric boiler.

Each system has both its advantages and disadvantages. Even if you heat the house yourself, be sure to consult with the designers regarding the type and method. Any of the selected heating systems is quite expensive so that errors in calculations can be made.

For example, when developing a fireplace, stove or solid fuel boiler with your own hands, there is a risk of carbon dioxide concentration in the room, which will lead to accidents.

The best option would be to purchase ready-made certified equipment, and you can do the installation and wiring yourself.

In order to accurately understand which type of heating to prefer, you should take into account the cost of each type of fuel and its consumption per unit of time.

As of March 2016, fuel prices are as follows:

  • 1 liter of diesel - $0.5. The cost of 1 kWh of energy is $0.05.
  • 1 m 3 of natural gas for individuals - $0.05. The cost of 1 kW/h is $0.006.
  • 1 liter of bottled gas - $0.3. The cost of 1 kW/h is $0.020.
  • 1 kW/h of electricity for an individual - $0.03.
  • 1 kg of coal averages $0.3. The cost of 1 kW/h is $0.05.

Reading time ≈ 19 minutes

For those who live outside the city or just in a small town or village, it will be quite useful to know how to properly install heating in a private home. The approach here is very important from both a financial and practical point of view, that is, do I have enough money to carry out the project and do I need one or another heating method to provide heat in all living rooms of the building. Of course, these are questions of a personal nature, and now we will look at the main directions that are used in the private sector, and quite successfully.

Three main systems for heating a private home

Installation of radiator heating in a private house

There are many ways to heat houses in the private sector, but recently three of them can be called the most popular:

  1. Radiator heating.
  2. Water heated floor system.
  3. Combination of radiator heating and water heated floor system.

Maybe someone will say that the most popular at the moment is stove heating. Maybe. However, we will still talk about autonomous water heating and methods of its installation. But before that, you need to pay a little attention to the elements of the heating systems from which the circuit is assembled in any case.

Devices and elements used for heating

Aluminum radiators of different sizes

Today, if we don’t talk about their configuration, there are three types of radiators that differ in metal and these are:

  • cast iron;
  • steel;
  • aluminum;
  • bimetal

If we are talking about the private sector, then heating can only be autonomous and only 0.1% of private houses are connected to centralized boiler houses. These are the houses that were once built by enterprises for their workers, but were bought over time, and centralized heating still remains in some places, although not all of them have it.

  • This means that cast iron radiators are no longer needed, since they take too long to heat up and require a large amount of water, which is not at all suitable for autonomy - too many expenses.
  • Steel batteries, both sectional and panel (non-removable), are excellent for a private home - they have good heat transfer and a pleasant appearance, but they begin to rust and fail the fastest.
  • Aluminum radiators are intended exclusively for autonomous heating and there are two reasons for this: firstly, they will not withstand very high pressure and, secondly, special additives must be added to the coolant, which is impossible with a centralized water supply.
  • , this is an ideal option both for the private sector and for multi-storey buildings. They withstand the highest possible pressure, but in this case we are not interested in this, but they have excellent heat transfer, and the service life is almost equal to cast iron, that is, if for cast iron it is 30-35 years, then for bimetal it is 25-30 years .

Cross-linked polyethylene pipe layers

For a heated floor system, not even according to the instructions, but by default, a pipe made of high quality cross-linked polyethylene (PEX) should be used. The problem here is that, firstly, it is an expensive material, although a good one, and, secondly, when pouring the second layer of screed, which is done on top of the heated floor system, the pipes need to be filled with water so as not to flatten them with the solution (this causes certain inconveniences). But practice has shown that cheaper metal plastic is excellent for this purpose, only it must be seamless - this ensures its strength. From my own experience, I can say that underfloor heating systems made of metal plastic, installed 10-15 years ago by me personally, are still functioning successfully.

Setting up a double-circuit convection gas boiler

If we talk about boilers for water heating, they can be:

  • gas;
  • electrical;
  • diesel;
  • solid fuel.

Be that as it may, gas units are certainly the best and there are several reasons for this. Firstly, double-circuit models provide hot water supply for the home without installing an indirect heating boiler, secondly, such units can be not only convection, but also condensation (low temperature), energy-dependent and non-volatile, and modern models must have a built-in circulation pump . Gas boilers of any type are also equipped with built-in groups of various equipment: for automatic adjustment of temperature conditions and a safety group.

Unfortunately, not every area has the ability to connect to a gas main, and then most often they use electric boilers of various types, but in 99% of cases, these are heating elements, although some prefer electrode or induction models. But even here, not everything is so smooth - in the distance from the city, due to old transformers, sometimes there is not enough voltage to ensure normal operation of the electrical unit, and that’s when diesel or solid fuel boilers are purchased. Of course, this is a personal matter for everyone, but a wood-burning boiler wins over a diesel one for several reasons. Firstly, diesel fuel is more expensive than firewood, secondly, firewood does not require nozzles, which a diesel engine cannot do without, and thirdly, solid fuel boilers are much cleaner to operate (no soot or unpleasant odor).

Advantages and disadvantages of water heating

Integrated water heating system in the private sector

To begin with, as always, about the positive qualities of water heating systems:

  • First of all, there is no need for daily cleaning and lighting of the stove.
  • The microclimate can be adjusted in each room individually.
  • You can leave home even for a month, leaving the boiler in the on position - it will work in the specified mode.
  • Aesthetics of installation, both radiator and floor circuits.
  • You don’t have to worry about storing fuel every year for the winter.

Of course, this method also has its downsides:

  • High cost of equipment (boiler, radiators, pipes).
  • In some cases, water leaks are possible in the radiator circuit.
  • If you do not use the heating system in winter, there is a danger of defrosting.

As you can see, water heating has many more advantages than disadvantages, and this is not surprising - after all, such designs are a child of scientific and technological progress. In addition, this type of coolant is by far the cheapest, and therefore the most profitable. If you calculate all the costs as a whole, then the cost of stove heating, taking into account the time spent on it, will not be much lower at its price.

Radiator heating

You can, of course, talk about a radiator heating system in a general sense, saying that it is convection heating from appliances distributed throughout the house and the like, but this is meaningless information, since everyone knows about it. Here it is important to highlight other factors, such as the number of pipes for the coolant, their location and the method of connecting heating devices to them.

Differences between single-pipe radiator circuits

Single-pipe heating system with natural circulation

Many people in private houses, especially small ones, prefer “one-pipe” and this is quite logical - installation is somewhat cheaper than for two-pipe wiring. Although it is cheaper only for small houses, for a large building this is already a controversial issue. The essence of the coolant movement here is as follows - it moves sequentially through all radiators, and having reached the last one, it returns to the boiler. In addition, such systems, compared to two-pipe ones, are easier to install, but this is only one side of the coin.

The fact is that the water, passing through each battery, becomes colder and colder, and often the very last device hardly heats up - it is almost impossible to correct this situation. The more points, the greater the cooling of the water, although this is somewhat compensated by the circulation pump, which does not allow the coolant to cool so quickly. For this reason, they try to make the plots as short as possible, in any case, a maximum of 30 m, and this is not always enough even for an average house. But, be that as it may, such systems “take place.”

Horizontal connection

Horizontal connection a) bottom; b) diagonal

The horizontal heating scheme in a private house is very convenient for one-story buildings, but here, in fact, there are three ways to install radiators. The two most popular are shown in the image above, that is, the pipe is laid near the floor, and radiators are connected to it using bends. This is the most effective way to save coolant energy for a horizontal connection, that is, with this method, the water cools less and the last point is still hot, although, of course, not as hot as the first two or three.

In addition, pay attention to the diagonal connection, it depends on the direction of water movement, that is, first the top, then the bottom - this is how the heating devices warm up best, since the sections are filled evenly. That is, with sufficient pressure, the coolant does not immediately fall down the first section, but is distributed further - from the vertical pipe of the device down along the ribs. With a lower connection, the upper part of the radiator is often colder, since the water movement mainly occurs along the lower pipe of the device, only slightly affecting the upper zone of the ribs.

The principle of this system is “from radiator to radiator”

Also, for horizontal wiring, the principle “from radiator to radiator” is sometimes practiced. This is when the coolant, having passed through one radiator, immediately enters the next one, that is, such a circuit does not provide for a separate pipe, but is itself a highway. If one battery is removed, the entire system becomes inoperable because it interrupts the flow. Of course, there is no dispute, this is the most economical of all possible options, because it will require a minimum number of pipes to connect the points to each other. But the heat loss for remote points here is very strong and I myself had to deal with the fact that the owners asked to redo such a scheme.

Vertical layout

Vertical distribution of radiators in the heating system is necessary for several floors

This type of wiring, as in the diagram above, is used in multi-storey buildings and a striking example of this is “Stalinka”, “Khrushchev” and “Brezhnevka”. This principle was adopted by the owners of two-story private houses and it must be said that it works, if only because no one turns the flow of water instead of a pipe through their own battery. The connection in this case is very similar to the horizontal one, but without diagonals, that is, it is either bottom or side. This, of course, is a big drawback and most often it is necessary to install an additional circulation pump.

This additional draft is especially important when the house is divided into two wings - heating on the side of the boiler is normal, but in the wing next to it it is cold. But here you need to be careful - if the power of the circulation pump installed in the adjacent wing exceeds the power of the pump integrated into the boiler, then everything will be exactly the opposite. This means that the coolant will flow out to the adjacent wing, and the wing in which the boiler is installed will turn out to be cold. In addition, if there are a large number of radiators, balancing valves are installed on them, which allow the supply to be evenly distributed to all points. All these are the costs of “single-tube” devices, but, I repeat, people use them quite successfully.

Leningradka system

Leningradka wiring system

Firstly, “Leningradka” is not know-how, but an ordinary horizontal single-pipe system, but without a circulation pump, but with a pipe slope, due to which circulation occurs. Secondly, such a layout does not allow more than three radiators and is only suitable for small houses, for example, a room-bedroom-kitchen, so there won’t even be enough left for a bath. If a circulation pump appears on the return, then do not be mistaken - this is no longer a “Leningrad”, but the most common single-pipe system with forced supply of coolant.

One-pipe wiring. Is it as cheap as it seems?

Two-pipe heating system

You need to figure out how to install heating in a private home yourself and do it correctly, that is, without errors during installation. If we combine all the methods of such wiring together, we can say that these are two pipes, where hot water is supplied through one, and through the other the cooled liquid flows into the boiler for further heating. Radiators are inserted between these two circuits; the coolant, having passed through each of them, is immediately discharged into the return line. In fact, the number of heating devices here is not limited and until the liquid in the pipe cools down due to the distance, all radiators under certain conditions will have an equal chance of temperature control.

Such systems can be either with natural or forced circulation and have three types of device connections:

  1. Top connection.
  2. Bottom connection.
  3. Collector (radial) connection.

Top Wiring Systems

Top-mounted systems are more suitable for natural circulation

Numbering in the image:

  1. Heating boiler.
  2. Main riser.
  3. Coolant supply wiring.
  4. Supply risers.
  5. Return risers.
  6. Main return.
  7. Expansion tank.

In the top image you see the installation of heating with overhead wiring - this design is visually familiar, perhaps, to every adult, and hardly anyone is delighted with the pipe running near the ceiling or directly above the radiators. But this is a forced, but unusually effective option for the natural circulation of coolant, which was practiced in those days when they did not even think about circulation pumps. This method is still practiced for solid fuel boilers in our time, because it is not always possible to install a pump for forced supply.

The essence of this method is as follows: water is heated in boiler No. 1 and, naturally, following the laws of physics, it expands, therefore, rises through the main riser No. 2. The coolant continues along inclined bed No. 3. The slope is 0.01%, that is, it is 10 mm per linear meter. From the sun lounger, hot water enters risers No. 4, where the radiators are embedded, and after passing through the radiator, the coolant is discharged first into return riser No. 5 (this is for several floors), and then enters the main return pipe No. 6. This is the end of the cycle - along a flat return line, where the same slope (10 mm per linear meter) water is again sent to the boiler for heating and the start of a new cycle. In case of overheating, which often happens in unregulated boilers, the coolant rises into the expansion tank without causing any harm to the system.

This wiring is very convenient; the radiators on it have a diagonal connection, therefore, they warm up completely, without “dead” zones. A natural circulation system is suitable for use in the private sector, but not only for one floor - it can be equipped with up to three floors, but then the boiler will have to be raised to the 2nd or 3rd floor. In this case, the height of the heater reduces the need for high pressure injection, therefore, the higher the boiler, the larger the area that can be heated.

Bottom-wired systems

Bottom wiring for forced coolant circulation

In this case, the principle of supply and discharge of coolant remains the same as with natural circulation, but the presence of a pump (integrated into the boiler or additional) allows the supply circuit to be mounted below. This makes it possible to use closed pipes - they are filled with screed, hidden under drywall or recessed in grooves under plaster. Most often in such cases, the bottom connection of radiators is used to minimize the visibility of the pipes, but this is not important - the connection can also be lateral or diagonal, depending on the need.

But if there are a lot of radiators, heat loss cannot be avoided in any case, since the circuit will have to be lengthened. That is, if the first points on a segment of ten meters heat up by 100% or a little less, then along the pipe the heating will still drop due to the distance. To some extent, these losses are compensated by a larger feed diameter, for example, if the bends are made PPR Ø 20 mm, then the circuit itself is PPR 25 mm or even PPR 32 mm. But such a measure is only partial and cannot evenly distribute heat to all points. Therefore, balancing valves are installed on the first radiators - these are essentially shut-off valves, only more precise, regulating the flow of coolant.

A huge advantage in this case is that the contour does not need a slope - it is usually mounted along a horizontal line, and sometimes even with a counter-slope. Another very important point: if an additional circulation pump is to be inserted, then it is installed only on the return line - it works most effectively on suction, and not on push. An expansion tank is also installed in such systems, but of the membrane type - it serves as an auxiliary device for the integrated circulation pump, creating pressure. In case of overheating, the boiler has a safety group with a blast valve.

Systems with collector (beam) wiring

Manifold wiring of radiators in a private residential building

No matter how good a two-pipe heating system is, nevertheless, there will be heat loss even with a circulation pump - this mainly depends on the length of the circuit and the longer it is, the more losses the outer radiators suffer. Of course, the way out is mainly balancing valves, but setting them up is not so easy, especially for a person who has never worked with heating - too much time is spent on adjustment.

Therefore, in a large house where there are many heating devices, the method of collector or radial radiator wiring is sometimes used. This does not mean that each battery is connected separately from the collector - one comb channel usually works for a group of heating devices. In such cases, losses are minimal, although sometimes it is also necessary to use balancing valves. The main disadvantage of such a layout is the large number of pipes, and this is not only a financial, but also a technical problem - the more pipes, the more difficult it is to lay them, since everything needs to be disguised.

There is another wiring option, very similar to the lower one in technology, but differing in the connection order. You can watch it in the video below. This is Tichelman's scheme. I deliberately omitted its description, since it is much clearer in the video.

Three radiator wiring diagrams

Warm floor

The underfloor heating system is mainly a privilege of the private sector, since it requires exclusively autonomous heating. Of course, there are a few cases of residents of multi-storey buildings refusing the services of a centralized boiler house, but the red tape that lies behind all this does not in any way contribute to enthusiasm.

Laying a pipe with a single (left) and double (right) snake

First, let's look at the methods of laying the heating circuit of a heated floor and at the top you see a single (left) and double (right) snake. From the picture it immediately becomes clear that the first method is bad, since the heating of the floors will be uneven, and this is simply unpleasant for the feet, although the room can warm up completely. Double laying distributes heat evenly over the entire floor area.

Spiral pipe laying

Of course, in most cases, this is not a square, but a round figure, but the principle of laying does not change from this - first, towards the center, the feed is laid, and then returned to the starting point to the collector. This is the most effective method for installing a heated floor system and is used in approximately 80% of cases. A snake is most often needed in hard-to-reach places: under the stairs, behind the bar counter, and so on.

Mounting methods: on brackets (left), on clamps (right)

To fix both polyethylene and metal-plastic pipes so that they do not move out of place, use fastenings in the form of brackets or clamps, but at the same time adhere to a pitch of 200 mm with any laying configuration. Foil must be placed under the contour (most often it is 2-mm foam foil), and if necessary, the bottom screed is insulated).

Wiring of the heated floor system from the collectors

A pipe that is filled with a screed (polyethylene or foam) is never connected directly to the boiler, even if it is singular, but only through a manifold (in common parlance, a comb). This allows you to install a separate circuit in each room, although there are situations when two pipes are laid on the floor of one room at once - this measure is necessary for a large area. The supply from the boiler goes to the manifold and the return goes from it to the heater. There are combs with shut-off valves, and some without them, but in any case it is possible to regulate the temperature - either with a tap or with a temperature sensor.

If necessary, to avoid confusion in the pipes, several boxes with collectors are installed in different rooms - this is very convenient in terms of temperature control during operation. Such containers, of course, are best recessed into the wall, but outdoor installation is also allowed - technologically, the location does not matter, it is simply a matter of aesthetics. As a casing for such a niche, plumbers often use metal boxes for built-in electrical panels - they are very convenient and reliable to use, and do not require painting. If the house does not have radiator heating and a gas boiler is installed, then it is better to give preference to a condensing unit - it is more expensive than a convection unit, but the cost will more than pay off during operation.

Combined heating

Combined heating scheme - radiators and heated floors

Modern residential buildings in the private sector, which have two and sometimes three floors, are equipped with combined heating, where radiators operate from one boiler together with a heated floor system. This option is very convenient to use, that is, warm floors themselves are more profitable and convenient than radiators, but they cannot be installed in every room. But, be that as it may, this choice is a personal matter for everyone and the reasons in this case do not matter - the most important thing here is the balance between different temperatures in the circuits.

If a minimum coolant temperature of 60-80°C is required in the radiator circuit, then in a heated floor system it will be 30-50°C, respectively, and all this must be done using one boiler from one supply. To do this, a three-way valve and a bypass are installed in front of the heated floor circuit (see diagram above). The valve is set to the desired temperature, for example, 40°C. Water from the supply flows into the pipe onto the floor until it exceeds this mark. When this happens, the valve switches and discharges hot water through the bypass into the return line. As soon as the floor temperature drops by 1-2°C, the valve switches again and supplies coolant to the floor circuit.


You can see for yourself that if you figure out in detail how to make heating yourself in a private house, then the question becomes not so difficult - the main thing is to correctly understand the technology. Of course, for this you will have to re-read the article more than once, and then the question of technology will arise, but this, as they say, is a gainful matter.

The vast majority of private cottages are equipped with individual heat sources. Autonomous heating allows developers to move away from standard configurations and create convenient, efficient systems that are best suited for a house of a particular layout. There are no two identical heating systems; the heating scheme of a private house is always unique, although it is combined from a number of standard time-tested solutions.

Water heating device

How does this work

Sometimes buildings are heated using ducted air systems, and in some places electric infrared heating is used as additional or main heating. For small buildings (especially country houses), people continue to order traditional wood-burning stoves. However, the most common option is water radiator heating, which has proven its practicality and efficiency over many years.

Schematic diagram of radiator heating with a list of main components

The operating principle of water systems is based on the circulation of a coolant fluid in a closed circuit. At the outlet of the boiler, the water is the hottest, and at the return near the unit it is the coldest, as it leaves heat in the rooms where the heating devices are located. In any heating operating mode, the coolant continuously circulates - naturally or using pumping equipment.

The diagram of the heating system of a private house will display all the elements simultaneously or the units they form in particular; it is necessary both for calculations and for installation work.

What does a water heating system consist of?

  • The boiler is a heat generator, in the heat exchanger of which the liquid (water or antifreeze - a combination of water and ethylene glycol) is heated to a set value. These can be gas, electric, solid fuel or liquid fuel units. There are also fireplaces and stoves in which coils are built in to connect the water circuit. There are also alternative sources for heating the coolant - heat pumps, solar collectors, etc.

Boiler room for water heating system

Important! To provide the house with hot water, double-circuit boilers are used or indirect heating boilers are installed, which in some cases is a more preferable solution.

  • Heating devices transfer thermal energy to the air in rooms. As a rule, radiators and registers are used, somewhat less often - water-heated floor circuits, fan coil units and convectors. Their number, size and power depend on the size of the room and its operating mode.
  • Pipelines connect the radiators to the heat generator, and heated water is transported through them. Depending on the design features of the building and various operational characteristics (thermal calculation), a decision is made to use one or another type of wiring; according to the hydraulic calculation, the optimal cross-section of pipes in all areas is determined. Most often, the heating connection diagram for a private house illustrates the methods of pipe routing, as well as the placement and connection of radiators.

The arrows indicate the direction of movement of the coolant; it constantly circulates

Additional contour elements are:

  • expansion tanks for removing “excess” coolant, which increases in volume when heated;
  • pressure gauges and safety valves for pressure control;
  • pumps for pumping liquid inside the circuit (provide circulation);
  • air vents to remove air plugs;
  • taps for creating the necessary hydraulic conditions in various areas (balancing);
  • thermal heads for regulating the performance of radiators.

Features of coolant transportation

Forced circulation

In private homes, a heating scheme is increasingly being used, in which the coolant is driven by a circulation pump. Pumping equipment is usually installed on the return line near the boiler, in the gap in the main line. The entire system operates under pressure, so the expansion tank is closed and can be installed anywhere.

A forced circulation system allows you to organize water heating in houses of any size and configuration, and choose any wiring option. An important disadvantage of systems with artificial circulation is the dependence of heating on electricity.

Gravity system

Heating schemes for a private house with natural circulation involve operation without pumps. In gravity systems, all sections of pipelines are located at a slope of 3 to 5 degrees towards the boiler. To make this happen, the heat generator itself is installed in a pit or mounted in the basement. The expansion tank is located at the highest point of the system; it must be of an open type (therefore, in order not to waste expensive coolant, water is used for this purpose).

Gravity heating works well in a small house with a simple layout. Its main advantage is complete autonomy. True, due to the large cross-section of the pipes and the need to withstand slopes (there are few options for hidden installation), its aesthetics suffer greatly.

Important! To increase the efficiency of the gravity system, a circulation pump is integrated into it parallel to the main pipe. It is noteworthy that it can also work without electricity.

Methods for routing highways

Single pipe heating

A single-pipe heating connection diagram for a private house is chosen in order to save on materials. There is no separate pipe for collecting return flow; there is only one line in which the radiators are located in series.

Such a system is indeed cheaper, but it is ineffective in large houses, since the temperature difference between the first and last radiators of the circuit is too large (it is difficult to achieve uniform heating of all rooms).

Connecting radiators in a single-pipe wiring diagram

Important! To improve the controllability of a single-pipe system, radiators are connected to the main pipe through a bypass and tied using flow-limiting valves.

Two-pipe heating

In this case, the wiring is carried out by two separate lines, one of which is the supply and the other is the return. Radiators operate independently of each other, so setting the required temperature in all rooms is not difficult. This is a universal solution that allows you to create a wide variety of systems: horizontal and vertical (using risers), with top or bottom wiring.

Two-pipe heating is suitable for a building of any configuration, but you will have to pay for flexibility and functionality with twice the amount of pipe used.

Spatial axonometric diagram of a two-pipe system of a two-level house

Collector heating

In such a system, all radiators are powered by their own independent pipeline branches. Each heating device has its own supply pipe and its own return pipe. Both of them are connected to the distributing node - the collector. For example, two different manifold cabinets are created for the first and second floors of a cottage. The lines are laid mainly on the floor; the circulation pump is always used.

Schematic diagram of collector heating of a two-story house

This wiring is called beam wiring. It is even more convenient than a conventional two-pipe system, since balancing the heating is even easier, and the beam with a radiator on the tip can be extended even to the most inconvenient and remote place. But there will also be a little more pipe.

To develop an optimal scheme for the heating system of a private house, it is impossible to do without a high-quality hydraulic calculation. You will have to order it from a specialized organization, but you can do the installation yourself, if you wish.

Video: diagram of the heating system of a private house

In order for your stay in a private house to be as comfortable as possible, it must certainly have such an important element as a heating system for a private house. Only with its help can you create surprisingly pleasant, comfortable living conditions.

Of course, the coolant plays an important role in any heating system. In fact, its presence is a prerequisite, otherwise the heating device in a private house simply will not be able to function efficiently. Almost all modern heating systems use water as a coolant.

Heating system of a private house

The most correct option is to contact a specialized company, whose employees will help you choose a heating system for a private home and provide installation services for heating systems.

Professionals will be able to advise which type of heating system will be most efficient to use in your home, and will install it correctly.

It should be noted that sometimes home owners, not wanting to hire additional specialists, take on the installation of the heating system themselves. In fact, there is nothing complicated about this - you just need to follow certain installation rules.

What does the heating system consist of?

Quite often, the heart, the main element of any heating system is the boiler. It is he who heats the coolant, the task of which is obvious - to spread heat throughout the house. And, of course, liquid can best cope with this task. In most heating systems, it is customary to use water as a coolant.

A system with a coolant of this type is made closed. That is, the water in it circulates around the ring, and adding coolant is required extremely rarely.

Today, the two-pipe heating system, which is shown in the photo, is recognized as the most reliable and practical:

It consists of two circuits closed on the boiler - coolant supply and return. The first serves to supply the liquid heated in the boiler to the radiators, where it gives off its heat. After cooling, the coolant returns through the return pipes to the boiler for reheating. In this case, the most rational and most effective is the parallel arrangement of radiators - thus, they warm up at the same time, which makes it possible to uniformly warm up all rooms. It is important to remember that the heating efficiency is affected by the distance between the coolant supply and return circuits. The permissible minimum is the height from the window sill to the floor.

Many experts argue that such a heating system is less efficient than the old stove heating.

It should be admitted that they are partly right - after all, due to the passage of coolant through pipes and components, a certain loss of coolant occurs. However, we should not forget that stove heating does not make it possible to heat all rooms evenly at the same time. In addition, using a stove is very inconvenient due to the need to store a large supply of firewood. If you use a wood-burning boiler, much less fuel is required.

Most often, a fairly simple and at the same time very effective two-pipe heating system with natural coolant circulation is used. It allows you to heat your house with high quality without using additional equipment - electric circulation pumps. The reason for the popularity of this heating system for private houses is explained by the fact that there are frequent cases of power outages - and in this case (without electricity), the system simply will not be able to work.

All that is necessary for the correct and highest quality operation of such a heating system in a private home is strict adherence to the rules during its installation and a supply of fuel.

One of the main requirements, which is extremely important to comply with for the further operation of the system, is to create the maximum possible difference in height between the outlet of the system and the highest point of the system. That is why the most rational option is to locate the boiler with a pipe in the basement. If there is no basement, the boiler is installed in a recess on the ground floor. No less important is the creation of a slope for the return line. It is performed horizontally, starting from the first radiator of the system.

In a heating system of this type, there is one more mandatory element - an expansion tank. It is used to create maximum pressure in the system, which is extremely important for normal circulation. The operation of the tank is based on the usual gravitational principle. It should be placed as high as possible - the ideal place would be the attic. It is the height of the location, and not the amount of liquid in the tank, that determines the pressure.

The tank should have a medium volume. After all, its additional function is the ability to control the coolant level, which, if necessary, can simply be drained from the tank.

It should be remembered that such heating systems for a private home can only operate correctly if the coolant is water. A system with this principle of operation of the expansion tank is called open.

Closed systems are those in which the expansion tank is in no way connected to the outside world. That is, it does not have the ability to pump out coolant. In such a system it is customary to use a compensation tank. This is a small container, the internal cavity of which is divided into two parts by a flexible membrane. One of the parts is filled with coolant. The pressure in the system is regulated by bending the membrane in one direction or another. Since the system is closed, this allows antifreeze to be used as a coolant.

Pipes for heating system

For a long time, exclusively steel pipes were used to create the heating system. This was quite inconvenient, since installation took a long time, and rough seams subsequently greatly spoiled the visual perception of the system and the types of heating of private houses.

Fortunately, today it is possible to install a heating system of any complexity using metal-plastic pipes. They are thinner and more flexible. Their surface is made of special heat-resistant plastic, and the inside is made of a thin layer of aluminum. There are a huge number of additional elements on the market for metal-plastic pipes - corners, connections, taps. They allow you to both connect pipes to each other and connect a different type of pipe to them.

Since today there are quite a large number of types of metal-plastic pipes, special attention should be paid to the markings when choosing them. Pipes intended for heating systems are marked with the symbols “PE-RT-AL-PE-RT”.

The advantage of metal-plastic pipes is that they are quite easy to work with. Quite flexible and lightweight, they can be cut with a regular hacksaw or metal scissors.

In order for the heating methods of a private home to be as airtight as possible, all components should be carefully installed. In this case, it is rational to use press fittings - they perfectly preserve the integrity of the pipe.

What should you do first?

So, you have decided to create a high-quality and reliable heating system in your home that works with liquid coolant. The first thing that needs to be done when planning any type of heating systems for a private home is to create a detailed plan, a diagram of the future system. It should indicate: the location and level of the boiler, the duration of the pipeline, the placement of radiators and all additional components of the system, up to Mayevsky taps. After this, you should determine what kind of boiler power you need. After all, a weaker one will not be able to create the required level and rate of heating. And it is simply irrational to use a stronger one - after all, it will only work at half its power.

Quite often, homemade heating boilers are used when creating a heating system. They have a lower cost, but it is impossible to determine their exact power.

If you decide to supplement the types of heating systems in a private home with just such a boiler, then you should simply calculate the maximum volume of coolant that this boiler can hold. To do this, simply divide the volume of the room (or the total volume of the premises) that will be heated by 1000. That is, the volume of a room of 100 m2 is equal to 300 m3. We divide this indicator by 1000 and get 300. Accordingly, this is exactly the amount of coolant that a homemade boiler should contain.

It should be noted that the size of the boiler directly depends on its power. That is, the higher the power, the larger the boiler. Of course, before creating a heating system plan, you should find an ideal place where the boiler installed will not disturb anyone. In this case, the level of the boiler’s location should be taken into account - it should be the lowest point of the system. The ideal solution is to locate the boiler in the basement. If your house does not have a basement, take care of a convenient niche in the floor. It is advisable that the boiler be located in a separate room, access to which can be limited for security reasons.

It is important to understand that certain types of boilers (gas, electric boilers) require special placement conditions. If you don’t know anything about them, be sure to contact specialists for advice before installing the system.

What to consider

When installing the main line, you should take pipes whose diameter is twice as large as the pipes that will supply the coolant directly to the radiator. This rule applies to both supply and return pipes. When installing the pipeline, the pipes must be secured with special rings - this way you can get rid of sagging.

Even if the system consists of metal-plastic pipes, the vertical riser running from the heating boiler to the expansion tank must be made of steel pipe. If there is no tank, the first few meters of the pipe should be made of steel. When connecting a membrane expansion tank, you can use a pipe of smaller diameter.

This is because the intense heat rising from the boiler can damage the plastic part of the pipe. It is better that the metal-plastic pipe is located only in a heated room.

If possible, you can lay two heating circuits, each of which, in turn, will consist of supply and return pipes. Such heating options for a private home are undoubtedly more expensive. However, if repairs become necessary, one of the circuits can be closed.

Air bleed valves must be installed on each radiator, as well as on the coolant supply and return lines.

Its excessive accumulation in the system can cause serious damage. The installation of radiators should be carried out in compliance with one condition - the side from which the return pipe exits should be located slightly lower - this is necessary in systems with natural coolant circulation.

When using a homemade heating boiler, it should be taken into account that the direct line pipe should be located as high as possible. This will avoid destructive water hammer. The heating boiler should be installed with a slope of 5 mm, which should be made towards the return line.

Rules for operating the heating system

When the installation of the system is completely completed, it should be filled with coolant. In this case, all valves that are used to bleed air must be open. After the heating systems of a private home are filled with coolant, the boiler should be lit using a small amount of fuel. This makes it possible to check the uniform heating of the system - there should be no excessively hot or cold areas (in this case, open the radiator valve and drain the water until hot water flows out).

There should be no extraneous sounds when heating in the boiler. Minor leakage of coolant in the area of ​​threaded connections is allowed.

After several test runs, the threaded connection stops letting water through. Then you can start heating the boiler at full power.

Boiler power is a very important indicator that must be selected correctly. If the power is higher, there is a possibility of the boiler boiling, which, in turn, can lead to the most dire consequences not only for the heating system, but also for the entire house. If the boiler power is too low, this affects the return temperature level - it does not exceed 40 degrees.

Properly installed working heating methods for a private home should not produce any extraneous sounds. In addition, the temperature difference between the supplied coolant and the return does not exceed 40 degrees. A video on how to install the system can be viewed below.

One of the possible options often used for heating a country house, especially in conditions of permanent residence, is the use of water heating. However, when considering the installation of heating, the private house in which it will be performed, you may be faced with the need to determine how the project will be implemented. Each of them has its own characteristics that may influence your choice.

About water heating

The principle of operation of such heating is clear to everyone - water is heated in a heating boiler and then enters the batteries, passing through which it gives off heat to the surrounding air. It is quite simple to make heating in a private house that works on the described principle, but the fact is that it is necessary to take into account a number of additional factors, ranging from the choice of equipment to its location and connection.

The answer to these questions largely determines what heating will be like and how we conduct heating in a private home.

About coolant circulation

It should be noted another feature inherent in water heating. Hot water circulation in the system can be ensured in several ways:

  • natural or gravitational;
  • forced.

Natural circulation is based on the fact that cold water is heavier than hot water, and therefore water with a higher temperature rises. With this method of coolant circulation, heating in a private house must take into account some additional requirements, which are understandable when considering the above figure:

These are the following requirements:

  • the diameter of the supply pipe must be larger than the other pipes;
  • it is necessary to ensure a slope when laying pipes from the expansion tank to the radiator and from the latter to the boiler; water must flow to the batteries and boiler by gravity;
  • the expansion tank must be located above all other elements of the system.

The advantage of this approach is the ability to operate the heating without the use of additional devices (pumps or blowers); in this case, it can work even when there is no electricity (broken power lines, accidents and other disruptions in the power supply, as well as its complete absence). The disadvantage is the small radius of use due to low pressure.

When using forced circulation, a pump is built into the heating system to provide the necessary pressure and supply the coolant to the right place. This system is universal and can be used for any type of installation and in any buildings.

Single-pipe installation

This type of heating installation for a private home is the least expensive and most independent of external conditions. What such a heating scheme is can be understood from the figure below:

The installation of a heating system in a private house under consideration involves the passage of hot water through all radiators. In this case, the system can be made with both vertical and horizontal wiring; the heating connection diagram for a private house with both types of wiring is shown below:

Such single-pipe heating wiring in a private house is called “Leningradka”. According to experts, this is one of the most common options for water heating. Its advantage is the lower cost of materials required for installing heating in a private house, and the lower cost of installation work. You can additionally familiarize yourself with the features of the system using the video.

One of the advantages of such a system can be considered its versatility; it can work with natural and forced water circulation.

Two-pipe installation

A diagram of what the installation of heating systems in private houses looks like is shown in the figure:

Hot water enters each radiator independently (from the common line through a separate pipe), and then in the same way returns to the common line to enter the boiler and reheat.

This heating system is the most versatile and can be used in any private home, regardless of number of floors and size.

The peculiarities of using this installation option include increased costs for materials and components (pipes, pump, fittings, etc.) as well as a significant amount of work, typical for cases when such heating installation is carried out in a private house.

About other options and possibilities

The above types of installation do not cover all possible methods of constructing water heating wiring. It was noted above that single-pipe wiring can be horizontal and vertical. Two-pipe wiring is also performed using the same methods. In addition, different connections of radiators are acceptable for any installation options:

It is worth noting that other installation options can be used in order to ensure greater heating efficiency in specific conditions, but this should be done by specialists to achieve maximum efficiency from heating. The data provided covers the most popular and most commonly used installation options.

How is all this implemented?

There are different approaches to creating heating. But only heating focused on locally available resources and fuel is the correct heating of a private home.

Considering that any heating system is a rather complex hydraulic system, it is best to entrust its design and subsequent installation to professionals, companies and organizations that deal with this on an ongoing basis. In this case, you can always get advice on the operation of the installed system, as well as contact them to repair it if damaged.

You can do such work yourself, in this case the costs of creating and installing heating will be minimal, but you will also have to make claims for poor quality work.

In your own home, heating should be designed to use available and cheap energy resources, as well as to operate in autonomous conditions, for example, in the absence of electricity. In addition, it is necessary to take a responsible approach to the implementation of plans to create a heating system, given that this is a rather complex and expensive procedure.
