In a dream there is a voice that my relative is dead. At night someone constantly calls me: what could this be connected with? Dream interpretation of a modern woman

A voice calling by name, a cry - famous sign, a harbinger of important events. There is a lot of evidence of this, and in this article we have collected the most interesting stories. All of them are real, taken from open sources. The only problem: do not confuse the omen with simple auditory deceptions that can occur in mental healthy people due to stress and overwork, lack of oxygen in a stuffy room.

Why hear your name: 8 mystical reasons

1. A sign of imminent changes in fate

The soul seems to anticipate big events to come (moving, changing jobs, marriage, major purchases). On the eve of big changes in fate, we receive signs. They are usually associated with symbolic objects other world: mirrors, clocks, icons. A voice calling by name is also a symbol of the eternal and greater than us. He stops the man for a moment, forcing him to look around.

In the summer of the year before last, I repeatedly heard someone calling me by name. Although I was completely alone in the room at that moment. People say you'll be leaving soon. And so it happened: the war began in Donbass and my family and I had to leave.

The same thing happened to me. I heard someone calling me from the yard. And a month later we left because of the war in Donbass!

2. Warning to the ancestors

This summer I watched an interview on TV with the wonderful actress Valentina Telichkina. She told this story. One day, when I was very young, I was walking down the street. I just found out that I got a role in the film. Feelings of joy and pride overwhelmed her! And then, as if from under the ground, some man appeared and hit along the body so that the buttons on the coat came off. She crouched down to pick them up. And when I got up, there was no one nearby. And then she remembered the warning of her beloved dad: “Always stand firmly on the ground, do not fly away into dreams!” And I realized that this was a sign. She moved on without the intoxicating euphoria. Her beloved dad was deprived of his property three times; he was saved from execution by his sister, who ransomed her brother by selling all the valuables. He was in prison on false charges. Our ancestors survived the most difficult years of repression and war. Their voice, supporting, guiding, is with us. Notice when you hear the call. What is changing?

I also had such cases, and on the street, and not in the house. I noticed that before hearing this voice I was always in a joyful, upbeat mood. And the voice that calls by name is clear, it seems male. I look around: there are strangers everywhere, no one called. She never responded, silently read a prayer and moved on.

3. Connection with your loved one

If you are currently separated from a loved one, think about him, miss him, want to be close, then this connection can be manifested in auditory deceptions. There are a lot of such stories, there is no mysticism in them, but... Sometimes by going to the call, you can help and save.

My boyfriend and I had a huge fight and I even thought we had broken up. It was later that he and I got married, then everything was complicated. Didn't see him for a long time. And so I’m walking through the square and I hear people shouting: “Olya! Olya! Then again. My brother was with me, he didn’t hear anything. And the next day I found out that my boyfriend had not been at work for three days. I met his friends by chance, they told me. I made up my mind, went to him and made it on time. He spent all these days at home with a traumatic brain injury. And the only relative he has is his brother, and even he went on vacation at that time. Then the doctor at the hospital said that any more and the hematoma would have damaged the brain. And my husband later admitted to me: “I’ve been waiting for you all these days, I wanted you to come.”

My wife woke up at night. She heard her son call her, as if in reality, in a plaintive voice: “Mom!” He has been in prison for two weeks now, in quarantine. They don't receive you very kindly; in a word, they bully you. We are very worried about him.

I was walking along the sidewalk and suddenly I heard my mother calling my name. Quietly, a couple of meters behind me. I turned around - no one. And at that time my mother was flying several thousand kilometers away on a plane. I was very worried until I found out that she had made it well.

And sometimes it’s not a person who needs help, but a loved one… a car!

My sister told me. They went to bed, and someone called her by name: “Marina!” She felt terrible. They called again. Got up. “It’s scary,” he says, “but I’m going to spite myself, my fear.” She went out onto the porch slowly, and they were unscrewing the wheels from the car. She called her people, the thieves ran away.

I was going to buy an outfit for a New Year's corporate party. I drove up to the store and somehow squeezed in - the parking lot was full. I went into the store, looked at it, and chose. And I hear the man ordering: “Get out of here, quickly!” There is no one nearby! I just fell into a stupor. I’m standing there, I don’t know what to do. I mechanically feel the rags on the hangers. A minute later I run out into the street. And there... a drunk man drove into my “swallow”. That was the only time, I never heard voices again.

4. The voice of intuition is the voice of salvation

There are many examples when a calling voice saved property, health, and life. People attribute his merits to guardian angels, brownies, spirits, and patron saints. It can be assumed that the unconscious part of the psyche influences our behavior in this way. Read these amazing stories. There are a lot of them, but I couldn’t remove any of them to reduce them.

I followed my brother to kindergarten, went into myself, and thought.Suddenly they called my name.I woke up and barely dodged the car. Thanks for this voice!

One day I left the house: I put my daughter in the stroller and off I went. We reached the gate, and suddenly there was such a loud shout from behind: “Lida!” I turn around: I forgot to close the door. She's back. What was that?

Last winter I went to training early in the morning. I’m walking as usual, all bundled up, with a player in my ears. I started walking by the windows of the cafe (the paths there were cleared, not slippery) and I heard that they called me. Stopped and turned around, but there was no one there. And then snow and ice rolled off the roof a meter away from me. If I hadn't stopped, then it definitely fell on me.

A friend told me. Late in the evening I was returning home, walking alone along a deserted street. She heard her name being called. At first I didn’t pay attention, I thought I heard it. The second, third time they called, a clear female voice was heard. She turned around. A man was walking behind me and was already catching up with my friend. She managed to run into the entrance, and that’s how she escaped.

I was returning home after classes. I approach the entrance and hear my mother’s voice behind me, calling me by name. Quite clearly. I took a couple of steps back and started looking around. I was surprised where mom is here from? She worked very far from home and sometimes returned when I was already asleep. At that moment, a huge block of ice falls from the roof and breaks in front of me, dousing me from head to toe with ice crumbs.

In her youth, she worked in a laboratory. Besides me there are three other women. In the morning they will make tea and start gossiping. I'm bored with them. So she went off to wander around the laboratory. In one of the rooms there was a sterilization cabinet. It was turned on immediately upon arriving at work. There was no heating yet, I warmed myself next to this unit every morning. It was the same this time. I stood with my palms against it, and suddenly they called me by name. I managed to reach the door from the sterilization room when I heard a sharp loud bang behind me. I turned around and was stunned: in the place where I had just stood, a column of flame shot up. As it turned out later, the ether that someone had placed next to the cabinet ignited. Later I found out that my colleagues forgot about me, no one called me.

5. Voices when interested in magic, occultism, fortune telling.

Magic doubles your world. To the visible and familiar world of everyday life is added the otherworldly, invisible world. And the border between them is now blurred, it is very difficult to maintain.

The demons once clung to me and constantly chattered something in my ear. And most importantly, always tell the truth. I was interested in magic a lot, but then I went to my grandmother. She cleaned it for me. From a magical point of view, this is some kind of spirit. They usually come home.

I heard voices many times. She always placed the threefold sign on herself and spat in left side. The devil sits on the left shoulder, and the guardian angel sits on the right. When I was young and married, my husband and I heard a woman’s voice, which soon took my husband away. We divorced and he married someone else. Apparently, it was a conspiracy “to the wind.”

As a child, I constantly heard a voice calling my name. Male. I even dreamed that a man was strangling me. In the morning the marks were there. Recently I heard my name called again. This was not in a dream, but during the day. A chill went down my spine. I feel it: standing behind me, my back is cold. My great-grandfather was a strong sorcerer, but before his death he did not transfer his power. He died long and painfully, screaming.

6. Communication with the dead, voices after the funeral of a loved one

Loss loved one- a terrible loss. I wrote about such stories in an article. Grief weakens a person like a serious illness, and auditory deceptions often arise. After all, the soul is sad.

Mom died, those were hard days. I remember putting my daughter to bed and starting to fall asleep herself. I heard my mother call me by name. It was so loud I jumped!

My mother died in February. Lately I've been hearing a voice. Happens before bed. Sometimes during the day I’m doing something around the house and I hear someone calling my name from the other room!

Sometimes the stories that eyewitnesses tell cannot be explained by ordinary auditory deceptions.

I was 10 years old when my dad died. A few days after the funeral, my mother wakes me up at night and takes me to bed with her. So we slept together, she began to be afraid. It turned out that her father came to her and called her. I accidentally overheard her conversation, and that’s how I found out about it. And then it happened to me. Everyone went to work, and I slept. I wake up to someone sitting on the bed. I definitely feel like someone is sitting at my feet. I’m lying facing the wall, my eyes are open, but I’m afraid to turn around. Fear is such, as they say, that your blood runs cold. I don’t even know how long it’s been like this. I just suddenly realized that there was no one else.

7. Poltergeist in an apartment with a bad past

There are apartments that are usually called “bad”. It is here that with a high probability you may encounter strange sounds, visions, and disappearances of things. Children often talk about such experiences.

Even as a child, I had such situations: I was sitting at home alone, playing with dolls, and then suddenly I heard someone calling me: “Alina, Alina!” I leave the room, there is no one there. And so a couple of times. I went out onto the balcony and went to the door. And then I go into the room, I want to sit on a children’s highchair, but I can’t, as if someone is sitting on it. I listen and hear some purring, although we didn’t have cats. I lay down on the sofa, crossed myself and began to read the Lord’s Prayer. The purring disappeared.

8. The voice of a loved one is a sign of imminent death

Death is associated with various mystical phenomena. Please remember that these are special rare cases. Apparently, subconsciously we feel that our loved one is ready to leave, we hear his call, as if trying to hold him back.

In 2007, in September, I woke up one day to my father calling me. I decided that I must have dreamed about him, and I heard him in my sleep. I went to work. That same day, in the hallway, I heard my father calling again behind me: “Taya, Taya!” I turned around - no one. It became uneasy anymore. I called my mom in the evening: everything is fine, dad is healthy, mom too, everything is fine. It was Wednesday. Exactly a week later, on Wednesday, dad died suddenly. Heart.

Our ancestors were much better able to interact with those forces that we call otherworldly. There were centuries-old traditions, and women knew what to do on such special occasions.

One witch explained to my grandmother that when a woman’s voice calls by name, it’s bad luck. The voice of an elderly man means trouble will happen, but later. Someone young is calling out - expect it soon. Male, on the contrary, is for good.

My grandmother used to say, “If someone seems to be calling out to you, just don’t answer.” It’s very bad when you respond automatically.

Grandmother said that when a call by name is heard, it means that an event is on the threshold.

IMPORTANT! Isolated cases of auditory hallucinations are not clear evidence of mental illness. But if a feeling of an alien presence appears, nightmares torment you, you lose interest in study, work, and usual hobbies, then you need to think about your own health and contact a mental health specialist.

In the summer I usually walk alone in the forest or wander along the trails. I often hear a very pleasant female voice calling me. One day I looked back and saw a girl. Time seemed to stand still, but she dissolved and disappeared. It’s such a pity, because I wanted to ask her a lot. But she didn't want to. After this incident, I feel a burning sensation in the area of ​​the shoulder blades, as if there were two cuts there. When I remember that meeting, small red stripes appear. I began to obsess over this and went to see a psychotherapist.

Hearing deceptions often occur in acute cases. viral infection when severe intoxication of the body inevitably leads to damage to the nervous system. That’s why, when you have the flu, for example, you often see something strange. Drinking alcohol is also one of the reasons why it may seem that you are being called, called by name. We wrote about stress above.

Yesterday I went home from work for lunch. Suddenly I hear someone shouting my name loudly. I looked around, but there was no one. I'm walking back to work, I hear stomping behind me. I looked back again. No one. There are problems at work, layoffs, I’m very worried. I think I'm going crazy from nerves.

Once I had to be alone in a boat for a couple of weeks, only the dog was with me. Collected material for scientific work on waterfowl. Sometimes I clearly heard my father’s voice calling my name. I started to worry, but nothing happened. Neither good nor bad...

Remember that mysticism is a special rare case, and health problems, bad habits, situations of excessive psychological stress and mental disorders are common.

In a word, a ghost, I understand a person who is legally dead, but naively alive, but forgotten or located in an abandoned village, village, building, anywhere. But what to do if you feel his call for help? In fact, I won’t help in any way :(. And the voices in your head are your thoughts that have gone out of your control. I practiced the ability to hear an involuntary voice, in a pre-sleep state I managed to hear the vowel A, for a moment. But when I concentrated on the sound, then came out of the pre-sleep state. It is very difficult to lose control of your thoughts, you need to do the following... lie on your stomach, arms extended at your sides, legs together, mentally relax your muscles, close your eyes, relax your mouth. the form should open slightly when you begin to gradually fall asleep, imagine a moment where you felt good, or would have been. Thoughts Yes, because you are starting to think, ask yourself the question, what if? Give yourself an answer, think slowly, stretching out the vowel O. , think thoughtfully. A dialogue is forming in your head, now that you are in a half-asleep state, start observing your dialogue, as if from the outside - your thoughts... what are they talking about? Do not listen to them? -lie... Your thoughts will begin to get out of control, like in a dream, but you are not sleeping, you are aware of real time, second by second. Have you lost control of your thoughts? When you hear a voice from outside, it is your thoughts. When you hear, you reflexively concentrate on the sound, and it disappears. You don't concentrate. Listen to yourself from the outside. You can say to yourself what you would not be able to say consciously. The reasons for this are different. Your comments...

Many people use illusionary terms such as: Vampire, Ghost, Werewolf and the like. Naively, they have very earthly shells. A ghost is a legally dead person, unwanted and forgotten, who lives in abandoned premises. A vampire is a person who extracts benefits from his interlocutor without giving anything in return, thereby creating an imbalance in the relationship. A werewolf is a person who knows how to lead a double life. Evil is a person who does not have any values. Magic is a system of psychosomatic actions. Psychic abilities means that you have found a different way to solve the current situation, not like everyone else. Prophecies and predictions - the ability to see the big picture, to see the pattern of everyone’s actions characters in a given field of view. Alien intelligence is an assumption based on illusions. The science of the paranormal (the truth is somewhere nearby) uses standard instruments to look for at least some kind of pattern, but there is none. Like all science, it does not discredit anything, it only finds consistency and applies the acquired knowledge in practice.

Who can argue with me?

A lot about mood, character, and even bad habits we can recognize by the voice, but what if we heard it in a dream? The dream book discusses what the auditory perception of a dream means, focusing on several basic indicators.

For a reliable interpretation of a dream, you need to take into account the timbre, intonation, and emotional coloring of the voice. The semantic load is also important, that is, the meaning of the words that you heard, and even more important - from whom exactly they came: from you, from a stranger, or from a relative or friend.

Dead Man's Call

By interpretation Esoteric dream book, hearing the voice of the deceased calling you to follow him is a sign of danger to life. Fate will subject you to difficult trials, and victory over circumstances depends only on self-control and endurance.

Why do you dream about a voice? deceased grandmother? The dream book predicts that you have inherited a gift from her, and you are entrusted with great responsibility. If you have received instructions from a relative, then you must follow them, and then you will be able to successfully continue the family business.

If you happen to hear the voice of your deceased mother in a dream, then the dream book predicts the coming of peace and harmony in family relationships. If you didn’t like the intonation and you noticed anxiety, then you need to beware of enemies, or find out for yourself whether you are doing everything right.

Hearing in a dream the voice of a deceased person who recently died is a warning from above about an impending conflict. More likely, conflict situation has been forming for a long time, but now the peak of aggression has come, which will spill out on you and can cause both physical and psychological trauma.

The voice is gone

Losing your voice in a dream is a rather ambiguous symbol, which is mainly characterized as a harbinger of danger or bad news. Due to the association with a “lump in the throat”, in reality you will not be able to adequately perceive the news about the death of someone close to you.

Why dream of screaming without a voice? The dream book predicts that an incident will happen in the near future, the outcome of which you will not be able to have any influence on. Trust the dictates of fate, and remember the simple truth: “everything that is done is for the better.”

If in reality you have to speak in front of a wide audience, and you cannot say a word, then the foreshadowing of the dream book will be quite rosy. Why dream of losing your voice on the eve of a performance? In fact, you will do great, and you won't be nervous at all.

The dream book also gives physiological explanations if your voice disappears in a dream. The body is exhausted from constant worry, overload, and hard work. You need to take a break from hectic activity, get some sleep, otherwise you are not far from a nervous breakdown.

If you scream in a dream, but there is no voice, then soon you will not be able to rely on anyone. Due to your isolation and hidden aggression, you will lose all your friends, and when you really need support, no one will be there.

Male or female

Why do you dream about the voice of a woman you don’t know? If you hear emotional admiration or surprise in the words of a stranger, it means that you will soon commit an act that goes beyond the bounds of consciousness, which will become fateful for you.

For a woman, hearing a man’s voice in a dream - good sign. Her masculinity speaks to her, which can give answers to questions that for her cannot be explained. If you have found a solution to a difficult life situation, then make it come true.

Sometimes men also have to hear a man’s voice in their sleep. Why do you dream about such a plot? The dream book interprets this as the embodiment of rivalry, a battle for a place in the sun. Perhaps you will enter into a competitive struggle and be able to win it, relying only on truly masculine qualities.

Hearing a guy's voice in a dream warning you about something is a clear sign that you need to do the opposite. It is important to listen to intonations; if you notice false notes, then such advice from the dream book will be the most reliable.

Voices of relatives

The father's voice in a dream is the personification of the current state of affairs. If you feel sadness and hopelessness, then in reality things will not go as you planned. On the contrary, a joyful and life-affirming exclamation is a dream book’s harbinger of successfully developing circumstances.

Why do you dream about your husband’s voice? If you sleep next to him, then it is possible that you really heard your spouse, perhaps he spoke in his sleep. However, the dream book also gives another interpretation: you are on the verge of betrayal itself, and having crossed this line, you will never again achieve normal family relationships.

Hearing your mother's voice in a dream is a negative symbol. The dream book claims that you are not fulfilling the responsibilities that society and family have assigned to you. If you continue in the same spirit, the connection with the people around you will become much weaker, and you will have no one to rely on.

Why do you dream about your son’s voice? For the mother, the dream book gives disappointing forecasts: the child is in danger, and only you can save him. The dream book warns the father who sees such a dream that his son needs help.

Voice of lovers

Why do you dream about the voice of a loved one? From a psychoanalytic point of view, your mind is completely occupied with thoughts of your lover, and most likely, the feelings are completely mutual. Do not be afraid of what has not yet happened, and then you can completely surrender to the dictates of your heart.

Hearing your ex's voice is a symbol that he misses you a lot. The indifference and coldness with which you protected yourself after a breakup can easily be destroyed if you give vent to your feelings. Why do you dream about a voice on the phone? If you recognize the person who was talking to you, then you can be sure that a sudden meeting awaits you. This dream book prediction is especially true if you haven’t seen him for a long time.

Timbre and intonation

Why do you dream of a hoarse voice? A slight hoarseness, like that of a smoker, means that you will become a victim of gossip, intrigue, and lose good reputation. But if the death rattle was a death rattle, then the dream book predicts the removal of enemies and ill-wishers from your path.

A calling voice in a dream, promising you untold riches and glory, is a favorable symbol of the dream book, but only if it comes from a person alive today. By following him in a dream, in reality you will receive what he promised.

The dream book interprets a little differently what the dream of a child’s voice, heard in deathly silence, means. If, after hearing it, you felt an afterlife chill passing through your body, then you are in serious danger from otherworldly forces.

Otherworldly call

Hearing the voice of God in a dream is a good sign. You have been blessed for noble achievements, for spiritual growth. Soon you will feel a surge of strength that will force you to do godly deeds and follow a higher, spiritual creative goal.

If you happened to hear the voices of unknown people, and at the same time they were calm and friendly, then do not worry about the future state of affairs. In any case, you will get much more from life than you sought, and you will become the owner of something more valuable than material wealth.

If you heard a voice in your head in a dream, and at the same time it scolded, shamed or disgraced you, then the dream book predicts swearing in your direction in reality. You will commit a bad act towards another person, and you will greatly regret what you did.

Hearing the voice of the devil in a dream, which encourages you to commit unseemly acts, is a sign of serious psychological trauma, which you cannot cope with without the help of a specialist. Listen to the advice of the dream book and consult a psychologist - in this case it is really necessary.

A voice woke me up in a dream

It often happens that we wake up from some sound, a scream that we ourselves or someone made in a dream. Why do you dream of hearing your own voice? If after your own scream in a dream you suddenly woke up, then your nervous system is under significant stress, something is bothering you, and until this is resolved, good sleep you won't be able to achieve it.

If you happened to laugh out loud in a dream, then the dream book also explains this as experiences, but unlike the previous interpretation, they are very pleasant. Now your feelings and emotions are on the rise, and you are quite capable of a fateful act.

Hearing a voice in a dream is a dream book prediction that you need to protect your well-being from dishonest people. Someone is making plans against you. Recognizing a voice in a dream is a good sign. You are under the protection of a guardian angel, and you are not afraid of any obstacles on the way to your goal.

If in a dream a voice calls you by name, then the dream book warns that you are in serious danger. It will come from a person whom you trust unconditionally. Therefore, before you listen to the advice of a friend or relative, trust your intuition - it will definitely not let you down.

A person’s name is an important energy conductor. People get so used to it that it becomes their second self. In magic, the name also matters, especially in various rituals such as damage or love spell. But what does the sign “If you hear your name being called” mean? in this article.

The meaning of the name in magic and signs associated with it

A name plays an important role in a person's life. However, it can come into conflict with his inner essence and energy. It is for this reason that many feel discomfort if the name they were given at birth is incorrect, which is associated with a conflict in the energies of the name and the person. For example, a mother, hoping to raise her daughter to be gentle and feminine, gives her the name Lisa. But for a girl with tough, punchy vital energy, such a name may be too soft, and she herself may not accept it and not like it when she is called by name, although outwardly it will somewhat soften her energy. Therefore for different people hear given name becomes pleasant or unpleasant. Especially if there is negative karma or situations associated with a certain name.

If you hear someone calling you by name, then this may be a sign associated with approaching important event. Negative or positive depends on your attitude towards it. According to ancient superstitions, calling by name often predicts trouble. Especially if someone in the crowd was called and your name was said. Very often this sign forces you to be vigilant and attentive. It is possible that the guardian angel is trying to warn you from some kind of trouble.

Wanting to stand out from the crowd, many teenagers, and sometimes adults, come up with various abbreviations for their name, and often it differs from the one named by their parents. For example, Alexandra, whom everyone at home is accustomed to calling Sasha, like a boy, or Shurochka, can call herself Alya, Lexa, or even Alisa among her friends. Therefore, her old and new name can evoke different emotions. Often teenagers and even adults choose a new name for themselves during periods of various grievances and conflicts in order to give themselves significance, or sometimes even change it altogether in their passport. Therefore, it plays a role here whether you heard your new name or the old one associated with negativity. If it’s new, expect success, joy and pleasant things in your life; if it’s old, it means troubles, troubles and various complications.

What to do if you hear your name often

If a person is mentally fine, then this sign may indicate that clouds have begun to gather over you. If you hear your name being called in a crowd, in conditions of poor hearing, and this phenomenon was repeated several times, then modern books on magic advise you to respond to such a name or look in the direction where the sound came from. In this way, you can protect yourself from a bad spirit, trouble or threat that hangs over you, and also understand what kind of signal is being sent to you from above. However, often such a sign means minor troubles and the fact that it is worth showing attentiveness and caution in some ways.

Good afternoon Please help me figure it out. Sometimes I wake up at night from the fact that I clearly hear the phone ringing (which did not ring) or someone else's voice, but there are no words - just sighs or voice sounds. Today, for example, I woke up to my phone ringing. When I woke up, he no longer called. The most interesting thing is that the sound came from my purse at the entrance, but that day I left the phone at work and it was not in my bag. Then I heard a man’s voice uttering some inaudible sighs.
I myself now associate this with stress, bad sleep, worries associated with risks at work, for the child and unsettled personal life. But the whole question is that this has been happening to me literally since childhood, and I had a good and easy childhood.
What is this - a disorder, neurosis, or something else?...
Thank you in advance for your answer.

Answers from psychologists

Please help me figure it out.

What is this - a disorder, neurosis, or something else?...

These phenomena can be viewed from different points and approaches. Representatives of orthodox science will tell you about hypnopompic hallucinations and this will be one part of the picture.

Esotericists will tell you that at the moment of transition from a state of sleep to wakefulness, consciousness captures part of the life that a person lives in a dream, being in astral projection at the moment of sleep.

Hello Sania. This could be a reaction to stressful situations when the psyche cannot withstand strong stress. I would recommend that you contact a psychiatrist before it’s too late. You need to straighten out your psyche. If you are afraid of some consequences, then you can turn to private. Don't delay.

Best wishes.

Chernysh Nadezhda Nikolaevna, psychologist in Almaty

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