Lists of applicants recommended for admission to MIET. News and analytical portal "electronics time"

Lists of MIET applicants indicating the points scored are published on our website. Points for individual achievements will be highlighted in the lists as individual achievements are checked Admissions Committee MIET. Will change accordingly total score entrance tests and individual achievements.

ALL applicants who have successfully passed the entrance examinations are included in the lists. Lists are updated until July 24.

It should be remembered that many applicants applied to several areas of MIET training and to several universities. Therefore, your chances of admission should be assessed based on the passing scores of previous years and number of applicants who applied to MIET original documents about education.

1) Is your name included in all lists (in accordance with the Application).

2) Are the last name, first name and patronymic written down correctly?

3) Is the total score of the entrance tests indicated correctly?

If you find any inaccuracies, immediately report them to the admissions committee!

Please note:

1) All applicants included in the lists of MIET applicants have a chance to be enrolled in MIET.

2) The chances are higher for those applicants who have a higher total score of entrance tests and individual achievements and appeared on several lists.

3) Until July 24, you can still make changes to the applicant’s Application by adding new areas of training (no more than three areas of training in total) and/or changing priorities, as well as adding other forms of training (contract or part-time).

4) Winners and prize-winners of school Olympiads who submitted information about their diplomas to the PC before July 24, 2015, will receive one of two benefits: 1. admission without entrance tests, 2,100 points in the subject.

An important change in the rules for admitting applicants this year to MIET is the new admission formula: 80% will be enrolled in the first wave, 20% in the second.

As last year, an applicant has the right to apply to 5 universities for 3 areas of study in each. The main drawback of the 2014 system (enrollment according to recommended lists) was high degree uncertainty both for the applicant (who did not know where and at what time he would be enrolled) and for the university (which was forced to guess in advance which of those recommended for enrollment would bring the original document and come to study). “We usually found out through phone calls”, - says the executive secretary of the MIET admissions committee T. Rastimeshina.

Now there will be no recommendations for enrollment. After the competitive lists appear, each applicant will, within 5 days, have to submit the original document of education to any university where he has declared his desire to study. The university admissions committee will select the best from those who submitted the original certificate and fill 80% of the places with them. This is the "first stage" of the recruitment.

After this, the second stage is carried out for the remaining 20% ​​of vacancies according to the same scheme. The time to provide the original documents in this case is three days.
What benefits does such a system provide to future students? For "strong middle peasants" ( golden mean competitive list) it is possible, by following the competitive lists, to navigate how originals are received by the university, and accordingly, independently determine what the probability of being enrolled in the first wave is.
For applicants with the most high scores possibility left “ hold" the original certificate before the second wave and bring it exactly where the person wants to enroll. According to the new scheme, after the first wave of enrollment, NO ONE drops out of the competition.

Dear applicants!

They are published on our website indicating the points scored. Points for individual achievements will be displayed in the lists as individual achievements are reviewed by the MIET Admissions Committee. Will change accordingly total score entrance tests and individual achievements.

ALL applicants who have successfully passed the entrance examinations are included in the lists. Lists are updated until July 24.

It should be remembered that many applicants applied to several areas of MIET training and to several universities. Therefore, your chances of admission should be assessed based on the passing scores of previous years and number of applicants who applied to MIET original documents about education.

1) Is your name included in all lists (in accordance with the Application).

2) Are the last name, first name and patronymic written down correctly?

3) Is the total score of the entrance tests indicated correctly?

If you find any inaccuracies, immediately report them to the admissions committee!

Please note:

1) All applicants who get into have a chance to be enrolled in MIET.

2) The chances are higher for those applicants who have a higher total score of entrance tests and individual achievements and appeared on several lists.

3) Until July 24, you can still make changes to the applicant’s Application by adding new areas of training (no more than three areas of training in total) and/or changing priorities, as well as adding other forms of training (contract or part-time).

4) Winners and prize-winners of school Olympiads who submitted information about their diplomas to the PC before July 24, 2015, will receive one of two benefits: 1. admission without entrance tests, 2,100 points in the subject.

Hello. If I become a prize-winner at the Mathematics Olympiad and enter MIET, what should I have? minimum score on the Unified State Examination in this subject in order to enroll at a discount without exams? In some other subjects do I need to overcome some minimum?

Hello. Winners of school Olympiads must pass the Unified State Exam in a subject corresponding to the profile of the Olympiad with at least 65 points.

14.03.14 Michael-> Alexander Balashov

Hello. Please tell me, I’m finishing college. Do I have to pass the Unified State Exam in order to enroll with you or do I need to do something differently?

Hello. Graduates educational organizations average vocational education have the right to enroll based on the results of the Unified State Exam or entrance examinations at the university.

11.03.14 Ivan-> Alexander Balashov

Dmitry Georgievich, will your certificates and portfolio be taken into account this year?

Hello, Peter.
Certificates and portfolios will be taken into account in some cases if the Unified State Exam scores are equal.

07.03.14 Peter-> Alexander Balashov

The competition depends on the number of places that will be allocated in a given year. Usually MIET does not exceed 2 people per place. The selection begins at the end of the first year: passing physical readiness standards, testing, medical examination.

04.03.14 Vladimir-> Alexander Balashov

Thank you very much for such a prompt response, Dmitry Georgievich. Let me ask again - where can I read more detailed information about these two directions in linguistics? What are their fundamental difference, what is the main focus, what subjects are covered, etc.

Curricula are located on the MIET website in the section " Educational process" - "Directions of training" and then the corresponding year of recruitment.

Detailed information about each direction can be found on our website for applicants -

03.03.14 Veronica-> Alexander Balashov

Hello Veronica.
In 2014, MIET announced admission to the "Linguistics" major, including budget places, in the profiles "Translation and Translation Studies" and "Theory and Methods of Teaching foreign languages and cultures."

At our university, the curriculum includes English and German languages from 1st year.

03.03.14 Veronica-> Alexander Balashov

Good day.) I am interested in the following question: which faculty and department has the most programming?

Hello, Alexey.
Since you can apply for three areas of training, I advise you to participate in competitions in the following areas:

Software Engineering (Department of Informatics and software computing systems)

Applied mathematics (department of higher mathematics - 1)

Applied informatics (department of corporate information technology and systems)

21.02.14 Alexey-> Alexander Balashov

Hello! Please tell me, for applied computer science, will I have to take 3 Unified State Examinations, one of which will be computer science or physics?

Hello, Andrey.
In 2014, MIET will accept Unified State Examination results in the Russian language, mathematics and ICT for the “Applied Informatics” direction.
