Chicken god stone: the meaning of holes and magical properties. Stone with a hole - chicken god

The Russian folk name for the stone is “Chicken God”, which comes from a magical village environment. Also, the word “chicken” is a modified “churiny”, that is, related among the ancient Slavs to the deity or spirit of ancestors, to Chur or Shchur, who protected borders, openings and doors.

The chicken god, a stone with a hole, served as a talisman among the Slavs for poultry. In some villages it was believed that round stones with a small hole inside help chickens lay eggs better and they hung this stone in chicken coops to ward off disease from the birds. However, over time, people noticed that the “Chicken God” could also protect them. Then, in order to protect the house from any evil force or from, they placed a stone in the village hut under the lower crown.

You can find many mysterious talismans under your feet, and some have ancient origin. For example, stones with natural holes, which are called “Chicken God”. These stones were considered lucky, and the person who found it was considered lucky.

According to legend, the “Chicken God” stone cannot be given as a gift, since it brings good luck only to those who find it themselves. Also, the hole in the stone must be natural; you cannot make a hole yourself.

Where can I find the Chicken God stone?

In the early hours after a storm, on pebble beaches you can see people slowly walking along the shore and looking at their feet. They periodically bend down and pick up pebbles, inspecting them, sometimes rejoicing at the discovery. People are looking for "Chicken God". If in the summer you go on vacation to the sea with a pebble beach or to the mountains, be sure to look for a pebble with a through hole. Since the “Chicken God” is the element of earth. A through hole symbolizes overcoming obstacles, therefore this stone can serve as a talisman to help overcome physical ailments and everyday difficulties. Many people who found a holey stone noticed that after finding it, there were fewer hardships in life.

The chicken god is a talisman of happiness and. Finding it indicates that fate is favorable to you. This talisman can be worn around your neck or in your pocket. But many do not know the true secret of this talisman. In order for your wishes to come true, you should look through the hole in the stone, making a wish, then clench your fist tightly and feel how the force with which you squeezed the stone transfers to the realization of your dream. Stone - “Chicken God” is an excellent talisman for those who have a dangerous job and have to risk life and health, as well as those who have to take risks material assets. You just need to take the stone in your hands and say three times: “On a stone throne, in a stone sky, a stone god sits and drives away the stone cloud. Rumble the thunder stone cloud, (Name) is not on my head, go ahead."

In addition, Chicken God stones have been used as amulets since ancient times. In these stones, the origin of the hole was attributed to running water, sea or river. The stones retained the energy of the water that sharpened them for hundreds of years, which, washes away bad energy. The chicken god is an amulet of good luck and is considered one of the very strong amulets. The more “Chicken God” stones, the better. If you put multi-colored holey stones on one thread, then such a strong chicken god will make the owner’s dreams come true, and can also relieve toothache and headaches. However, one stone will also attract good luck.

Also, “Chicken God” relieves you of worries associated with financial difficulties and the hopelessness of your situation. The spirit of the holey stone alleviates physical and mental suffering and inspires desire to find a way to solve these problems. In this connection, the “Chicken God” stone is useful for pessimists, as well as those who are depressed.

Maybe you know what Chicken God is, or maybe you’ve heard this phrase. The Chicken God is a famous talisman that attracts health and happiness. It is a pebble with a through hole that appears in the mineral as a result of weathering - mechanical destruction under the influence of water and wind.

Such pebbles are often found along the banks of water bodies. It is believed that whoever finds such a mineral will have good luck.

Stones with a hole were used as a talisman or amulet by many peoples. IN different cultures they were called differently: snake egg, witch stone. The Slavs called them the Eye of God or the Chicken God. Such an interesting name appeared because at first talismans were used to protect outbuildings from the evil eye and wild animals.

It was believed that hanging a stone with a hole in a chicken coop or barn would save poultry and farm animals from evil spirits: kikimora and brownies. According to the beliefs of the ancient Slavs, such evil spirits harmed chickens, horses and other farm animals. A kikimora or brownie could cause death or organize an attack by wild animals.

Instead of a stone, any household item with a through hole could be used to protect the barn: a holey bast shoe, a pot with a knocked out bottom. Such a Chicken God protected livestock, ensured that the offspring were abundant and healthy, and protected animals from thieves.

Now that not many people have a barn or a chicken coop, the kitchen is considered the place of the Chicken God. If a cat, dog or any living creature lives in your apartment, then the Chicken God will look after them.

Activation of the talisman

The talisman becomes more active when food is being prepared in the kitchen. He does not work in a dirty kitchen filled with smoke and unpleasant odors.

If you have a Chicken God in your kitchen, you will have to carefully monitor the hygiene of the room. Don't leave dirty dishes in the sink for too long. You need to wipe the floors more often, and if something is burnt, remove the carbon deposits from the pots as quickly as possible and ventilate the kitchen.

The miraculous talisman “Chicken God” is a stone with a hole.

Everyone knows the saying that water wears away stones. Stones with holes are direct proof of this. Those who find them are considered lucky.

There are several reasons for this: firstly, the stone itself is unusual, and secondly, such a creation of nature has long been considered a lucky talisman. For a long time drops of water make a hole millimeter by millimeter, endowing the stone (as people believe) with its power.
A stone with a hole has different names. The Slavs call him “Chicken God”.
The strange name comes from an old belief that a stone with a hole suspended over a chicken roost protects poultry from all sorts of harm. However, over time, people noticed that they themselves were protected by the “Chicken God” no worse.

Every stone embodies the element of earth. And a through hole in a stone symbolizes passage through matter, overcoming earthly obstacles, therefore the ‘chicken god’ can serve as a talisman that helps overcome everyday difficulties and physical ailments. Many people noticed that after finding a holey stone, the hardships in life became less, as if someone was taking them away from those places where trouble could happen to them.

Stones with through holes serve as an excellent talisman for those who have a dangerous job, who often have to risk their health, money or other material assets.

It is useful to carry holey stones for people burdened with physical ailments. At the same time, it is more effective to place such stones at the level of diseased organs.

Leaky stones help to get rid of worries associated with material difficulties, to drive away thoughts about the hopelessness of one’s situation. The spirit of the “Chicken God” alleviates mental and physical suffering, inspires the desire to look for ways to solve one’s problems, so it is useful to wear stones with holes for those who have fallen into depression and pessimists.

“Chicken God” will help you get rid of something material. For example, reset overweight, sell an apartment, a car, break off a relationship with some person. In such situations, you don’t have to wear it all the time, but put it on only for the period when you need to solve a specific problem.

It is especially useful to have holey stones with you as a talisman that makes life easier for people born under one of the earthly signs of the Zodiac (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn), whose character, by definition, is heavy and whose life is most likely to be difficult tests.
For people of air signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius), such stones will help maintain the inner lightness that was originally inherent in them.

Stones with a hole are usually hung on a cord and worn as an amulet. If the size of the stone does not allow you to do this, you can hang it somewhere in the house - near the entrance, for example. The ideal number of such unusual pebbles is seven. It’s not for nothing that in some countries they carry whole bunches of such stones with them.
Many peoples considered stones with a hole to be a disguised keyhole or a key to an unknown world, so such stones are credited with the ability to help fulfill their most cherished desires. There is even a special ritual that must be performed for the stone to show its magical power.

Take it in your hand and look through the hole in the stone (even if it’s 2mm in diameter, that’s enough). So, look through this hole at the Sun or Moon and make any wish - it will definitely come true!

If you have to relax on a pebble beach or in the mountains, be sure to look for a stone with a through hole. This is very powerful talisman, and its very discovery already indicates that fate is ready to show you favor.

If you really want to have a talisman stone, but you doubt which stone is best for you, find a stone with a hole for yourself, and you will not regret it. A specially found stone will be just as beneficial for you as one found by chance.

Life does not give us what should not belong to us, and if you went in search of your talisman and found a stone with a hole, even if it took several hours or days, it will become your assistant.

Those who fail to find the “Chicken God” sometimes have the idea of ​​drilling some kind of stone themselves. An empty idea: a stone with a natural hole is endowed with natural strength, which was put into it over a long time. Having drilled a hole in a stone in a few minutes, neither we nor nature will have time to give it the necessary energy that can lead us through the difficulties of this world.

Chicken God is a small stone that has a hole natural origin. The hole is drilled with water. People believe that this amulet can protect against adversity, sadness and illness. Otherwise it is called boglaz.


Even in Rus', the chicken god was considered the most powerful and happy amulet. A stone with a hole has different shapes, and even colors. The power that the amulet has protects people, poultry and livestock from negativity.

Kurki Day was celebrated on January 15th. On this holiday, all the chicken coops were put in order. According to the signs, on this day a black rooster hatched an egg, and from it hatched a Basilisk - an evil snake.

The name of the stone in the hole comes from the word “churiny”. Chura is an ancient bright spirit that helped resist negative energy. The secret of the power is in the hole, which was considered the entrance to another world.

Description of the stone

The Chicken God talisman belongs to one of the elements - earth. A person is allowed to have 7 such stones. They especially bring good luck:

  • Capricorns;
  • Virgos;
  • Taurus.

It means a lot when and under what conditions the talisman was found:

  • at night - all difficulties along the way will be resolved;
  • after lunch - to longevity;
  • in the afternoon - to good people around;
  • in the morning - to justice and righteousness.

If a pebble is found when there is a downpour, it is a sign of fertility and enrichment. On a sunny day - for quick fun, and in a snowstorm - for a quick trip.

Properties of the talisman

Chicken god stone is used:

  • when a girl fails to get pregnant;
  • if children dream bad dreams: then the amulet is hung over the bed, it scares away evil spirits;
  • when a person wants to figure out whether he is being deceived;
  • to protect animals, especially camels, cows and horses;
  • fishermen - so that fish can be caught better;
  • from the evil eye and damage;
  • to contact dead souls and various mystical creatures to work as a guide;
  • to fulfill wishes (there is a ritual for this: they look through a hole at the sky and stroke the amulet);
  • for medical purposes: the talisman has medicinal properties, helps get rid of pain in teeth, problems with the mammary glands;
  • to control climate conditions.

Nature of stone

All stones are divided into 3 groups:

  • crystalline nature;
  • biogenic;
  • chemical

Biogenic holes are those whose holes could be washed out by water or formed due to erosion.

Crystalline rock - quartz, moonstone. These are minerals that have natural holes.

Chemical nature - amulets, the holes in which are created by the influence of magma or the ingress of various bodies.

The most valued amulets are those that look like a drop. They are used in folk medicine.

Stone color

The Chicken God Stone has different color. This affects magical properties amulets:

  • Orange. If the Chicken God is sunny in color, a person will overcome any trials in life and come out of any situation.
  • White. Thoughts will become clearer and more positive.
  • Green. This color attracts financial flow and good luck.
  • Red. A talisman against betrayal and deception, as well as for sincere love.
  • Black. Thanks to this amulet, problems with the opposite sex will disappear.
  • Black and white. According to signs, it cleanses thoughts and souls from previous failures.
  • Blue. It has the ability to inspire new endeavors and is suitable for creative people.

The thread on which the found amulet is hung must be red and made of certain fibers:

  • wool;
  • cotton;
  • flax

Number and type of stones

The owner may have more than one found stone with a hole, which also has a magical meaning:

  • 1 - fortune is on the side of the owner of the amulet;
  • 3 - fortune accompanies the first 10 years;
  • 5 - happiness for 20 years;
  • a necklace made of stones with a hole - happiness for the rest of your life.

The type of stone also matters:

  • malachite is the best amulet for children;
  • crystal promises happiness in all areas of life;
  • turquoise promises success at work, promotion;
  • coral portends that any path will be simple.

How to use

Find a stone with a hole - great luck, but not all people take advantage of the opportunity. Most of them are on the seashore. Initially, the amulet is washed and dried, and then they decide how to use it.

Once found, the talisman is worn as a necklace to work as a person's protection. It is worn when help is needed. A pebble hanging over the bed saves you from nightmares and causes prophetic dreams.

They use a pebble to protect their home: they hang it over front door, Then bad people They won’t be able to do any harm by entering the house. If the amulet is not needed, it is hidden in clothes or given to a loved one.

There is a ritual for the found chicken god to grant a wish. A ray of sun is passed through the hole, then liquid (water) is passed through and sprinkled with earth. After the ritual, what you wished for will definitely come true.

To financially there was no problem, the amulet is put in the wallet. To improve relations between lovers, the amulet is moved to the bedroom. You can activate the action using incantations and spells.

Losing a talisman does not mean trouble. The person will simply become less fortunate. A pebble breaks to incidents and problems.

Chicken god. How to use it correctly

Chicken God: luck and luck for life

Talisman Chicken God - a gift from the sea


The chicken god has been worshiped for a long time. There are those who believe in his energy, and there are those who believe that he has magical power. Having found such an amulet, they look at its shape, color and composition. The amulet can be used to protect a person, animals, home and attract money.

Holes in amulets appear in most cases due to the influence of sea and river waters. Pebbles are most often found on the seashore. To use the talisman, spells are read. If you make a wish using an amulet, it will come true.
