Proper arrangement of the hallway according to Feng Shui. Portal of interesting hobbies

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Many people are interested in the question of how to attract prosperity and good luck into your home? The answer to this is quite simple: it is necessary to remove all those present in the path of the flow of creative energy Qi, and thereby create a harmonious atmosphere throughout the house. An organized Feng Shui hallway will help you with everything suggested.

When the creative energy of Qi circulates throughout the house, each family member feels its positive effects on themselves. The next step after bringing front door The work in the hallway will be in order.

Let's look at general outline what it really is great hallway according to feng shui. Ideally, this is exactly the room that invites you to enter the house. energy flows, carrying abundance and harmony if nothing blocks or weakens them. What conditions are necessary for Qi energy to visit your home? To do this you need:

Mouth of the house

The Chinese call the front door "through the mouth of the house". Therefore, they should not be located near the elevator or at the foot of the stairs. The situation can be corrected by raising the threshold by one or two centimeters, which will be enough to stop negative energy from entering the house.

If the front door opens directly onto the stairs, then money and luck in the house will not stay long. However, it is worth hanging an octagonal or round mirror, which will reflect negative flows, which in turn will restore financial well-being.

Let's not allow stagnation

To attract positive Qi energy, we need a hallway furnished according to Feng Shui. Therefore, it is recommended to brightly illuminate this room, especially the space in front of the door. Dark places and dim lamps will contribute to stagnation of energy flows. There will also be an accumulation of negative energy.

You can prevent “scaring away” the creative energy of Qi by hanging two lamps exclusively above the front door.

Breaking down barriers

If you need a hallway according to Feng Shui, then barriers are not possible in it. Therefore, it will have to be built according to all the rules, namely, a minimum of furniture and more free space. It is strictly forbidden to place furniture at the entrance, which will clearly create all possible barriers to the flow of creative Qi.

On the right side of the front door there is the so-called “helpers’ corner”. Only in it is possible location various kinds racks and shelves. In particular, a stand for umbrellas or a hanger for seasonal outerwear is allowed in this place.

Coins for good luck

Everyone dreams of always being successful in their endeavors. To do this, you need very little: just put three Chinese coins with holes in the center under the front door mat.

However, first you need to put them on a red cord. This will also help bring joy and happiness into your home.

Between earth and sky

The Feng Shui hallway created must maintain a balance between the masculine and feminine principles of Yang and Yin. That's why important point is the detection and subsequent elimination of energy imbalances. For bright hallways with painted wallpaper in pastel colors, it is necessary to select dim light bulbs. In turn, light hallways with rich shades will require the placement of bright lamps.

Directing energy flows

We have already said that the presence of a wall in the corridor opposite the entrance doors creates a strong obstacle to the further movement of Qi energy. This leads to the fact that creative energy cannot penetrate other rooms of the house. A solution to the problem is also possible by decorating such a wall with paintings or photographs of animals.

However, the problem area will also be too long corridor, in which energy flows will be lost without the required spreading throughout the rooms.

To ensure the directional movement of positive Qi energy, several mirrors will be required that would create a certain "wave effect". Therefore, they cannot possibly be located opposite each other.

Nothing personal to show

The private life of every family should be exclusively closed doors. That is why it is worth making sure that the Feng Shui hallway does not provide an opportunity for those who come to your house to look at other rooms. You can distract the attention of guests with various decorative items: unusual lamp or a beautiful vase.

Paintings for the hallway are not specific, so any option you like will fit here. You just need to choose your favorite, purchase it and enjoy the result. The difficulty is that the paintings may not suit every hallway. So what to do? Should you refuse the purchase or think about how it can be adapted to the existing premises? There is no doubt that the second option is the optimal one.

Paintings modern masters are quite diverse, so you don’t have to worry about not finding the right option. However, do all images fit perfectly in the hallway? As practice shows, no. Moreover, the problem may not be in the picture itself. It can be done flawlessly! But in the final design of the room it is not at all in its favor. The issue must be approached very subtly, taking into account any, even the most inconspicuous, nuances.

Of course, primary attention should be paid to stylistic decision in the house, as well as the wishes of all residents of the apartment.

It happens that some types of art are simply not perceived by residents, so they will soon begin to irritate them. After all the formalities have been completed, you need to think about what you want to see on the wall.

In this case, the following are considered optimal for placement in the corridor:

  • Abstractions;
  • Natural landscapes;
  • Avant-garde images.

However, quite often homeowners choose natural landscapes for themselves, which do not look so bad, although they are not approved professional designers. It all depends on the size of the painting, the brightness of its colors and, of course, the overall concept of the image.

Modern paintings in the hallway: photo or paint design

Increasingly, apartments are decorated not with “live” works by artists, but with printed images, which are popularly called posters. To say that such a solution is unsuccessful would be a mistake, because even printed pictures can look quite decent. In addition, they can be decorated not only in the form of a painting, but as panels, which have gained particular popularity today, even in the highest circles.

Their advantages include:

  • Relatively low price;
  • The ability to “draw” a project individually;
  • Wide range.

This solution is especially good for those who have not yet decided whether they need paintings on the wall or not. By spending very little money, you can get a decent example, which will help put all the dots in place.

If such a picture gets boring, it can be replaced without pity with a similar or more expensive option.

Hanging a picture does not mean radically changing the appearance of the hallway. This piece of furniture can easily be removed or replaced with something else. Don't take the issue too seriously. The choice must be made immediately! Based on this, a decision is made: to hang the picture or not.

Modular paintings in the hallway: new trends

Modular paintings have gained popularity relatively recently, which is the reason for their universal mania. Such products are actively purchased by both stars and average individuals. The essence of this concept is that the image is divided into several sectors, each of which is a separate picture. This solution in the interior looks quite stylish.

Modular paintings are perfect for:

  • Expressive personalities;
  • For lovers of interesting interior solutions;
  • For those who constantly keep their finger on the pulse of current design finds.

What’s remarkable is that you can make modular paintings with your own hands! You can actually draw them on several types of canvas or simply print them in a similar way. Modern technological progress provides every opportunity for this!

Meanwhile, professionals who specialize in these types of paintings can best cope with the task. After listening to the customer’s wishes, they will create exactly what they wanted to see in the end! And, thanks to its neutrality, modular picture has no chance of going out of fashion. As well as boring its owner.

What paintings can be hung in a small hallway

The question of which paintings can be hung in the hallway and which cannot be considered incorrect. It all depends on the taste and wishes of the customer himself. However, a small and simple hallway in its layout is best decorated with an unpretentious painting. For example, just cross-stitch it. You can do this on your own with very little effort.

Ultimately you can get:

  • Exclusive decoration;
  • New hobby;
  • The desire to continue creating.

Modular paintings in the hallway interior (video)

Vertical or horizontal, small or large... The paintings are radically different from each other, so choosing the best one is a very difficult task. It’s quite possible to cope with it on your own! Moreover, decoration is not a sentence at all. If desired, it can be replaced or removed altogether. Therefore, you need to approach the solution of the issue very calmly!

Examples of paintings in the corridor (photos in the interior)

Since a huge amount of energy passes through the hallway, filling the entire apartment or house, it is recommended to pay the closest attention to its arrangement. This room should evoke a feeling of well-being among the owners and their guests, create an atmosphere of joy and warmth, but, at the same time, be practical enough for use in everyday life.

An indispensable condition for the Feng Shui of an apartment or house to be successful and only have a beneficial effect on the owners is the cleanliness of the hallway. Therefore, it is necessary to constantly maintain order in this room. It should not contain any unnecessary things, only the essentials. It is recommended to hide all clothes and shoes in special cabinets and cabinets or carefully arrange or hang them so that they do not interfere with free movement.

In the big one, empty room On the contrary, excess energy accumulates. They seem to overwhelm the entire living space and displace the owners; this is also not in the best possible way affects their quality of life. Owners of such a hallway may become more aggressive and cruel. In such a case, placing an object in the hallway that attracts attention, for example, a beautiful table with a vase filled with flowers, will help correct the situation.

Hallway lighting

Since light attracts positive energy, it is necessary that the hallway be well lit. It's great if it contains natural spring light, if there is none, you should take care of good artificial lighting. But at the same time, it is also worth remembering about the balance of male and female energy. Both a lack and an excess of light can cause harm. For dark rooms, choose bright lamps; if they are also spacious, you can install several light sources at once. For hallways with windows, dimmer lamps are suitable. Placing lamps above the door is considered favorable.

Decorating the hallway with mirrors

The hallway must be maintained according to Feng Shui. This is necessary to maintain balance and additional accumulation of energy. In addition, it visually expands the space. In the hallway, it is best to place a mirror to the right or left of the front door. But you can’t hang it in front of it or the doors leading to the bathroom.

The mirror should not reflect clothes hanging on a hanger; it is better if something beautiful is visible in it, for example, a painting or a vase of flowers. It’s good if this piece of furniture has impressive dimensions and can reflect the household members in full height.
