Restrictions during Orthodox Lent. Is it possible to receive communion during the Nativity Fast? What not to eat during Lent

Lent in 2018 it began on February 19 and will last until April 7 inclusive. For believers it is considered. During Orthodox Lent, people become spiritually closer to God and cleanse their soul and body on the eve of the Holy Resurrection of Christ. Of course, during the period of fasting there are prohibitions and permissions that do not apply. the site will tell you what not to do to go into Lent, and what is possible.

You cannot eat food of animal origin
You can't have a wedding

During Great Lent it is prohibited to get married or have a wedding. The thing is that a wedding is, in any case, a magnificent celebration that involves fun and joy. During Lent, the church strictly prohibits celebrations. This is a rule that must be followed by all Orthodox Christians who observe fasting. However, even in this case, a slight deviation from the prohibition is provided. Thus, an exception can only be made in special cases by decision ruling bishop, for example, if a man goes to war.

You can't make love

It is not difficult to guess that sex is perceived as neglecting the strength of spirit and spiritual life for the sake of carnal pleasures. From this we can conclude that making love during Lent is prohibited. Indeed, according to the Orthodox Church, the more we neglect spiritual life, the more rebellious our flesh is, which can truly turn a person into an animal. Let us repeat once again: Lent is a time of cleansing one’s spirit and body before Easter.

You can't be sad and angry

During the days of Lent, you should not become despondent and angry at others. All this does not cleanse your soul, but only denigrates it with all kinds of thoughts and negative emotions. In this case, you are more likely to blame not before God, but rather before yourself, your conscience. Therefore, during Lent it is forbidden to become discouraged, dissemble, or feel anger towards your neighbors.

You can't swear

We don’t think it’s worth explaining for a long time the origin of such a ban. Foul language in Orthodoxy is not welcomed on any other day, and even more so during Lent.

You can't have fun and celebrate

Another ban directly echoes the ban on marriage and lavish celebrations. But it concerns mostly everyday life. Thus, it is believed that during the period of fasting the soul of a believer must work. Therefore, the church strongly recommends limiting time in front of the TV and computer, communicating on social networks, and also avoiding going to the cinema, theater and clubs. In other words, all entertainment and entertainment events.

You cannot judge others for not keeping the fast.

Any condemnation and manifestation of disfavor goes against the understanding of the purification of the soul. Therefore, even if your relative or friend does not fast and does not fulfill the instructions of the church, in no case should you condemn him for this or be offended by him. All these emotions are negative, which means they are prohibited.

It is a mistake to believe that the essence of Lent lies only in observing the necessary and church-sanctioned diet. In fact, food restrictions are just component fasting, its main essence is repentance. In addition, fasting is a time for repentance for sins committed. Therefore, you need to confess, take communion and, if possible, attend services in churches as often as possible.

Most people either stop fasting halfway or misinterpret its meaning. All this forces those who want to fast to find as much information as possible about it. The purpose of religious fasting is spiritual purification and abstinence from worldly pleasures. For 40 days, a person disciplines his mind and body in order to grow spiritually and free himself from earthly habits. Nutrition during fasting is the first necessity. It may seem quite strict, especially for beginners. If you do not understand how to observe Lent, this material will tell you how to observe it correctly.

Starvation and physical exhaustion are not the purpose of fasting. If you correctly plan your nutrition schedule by day and week, you will be very surprised how varied and healthy lean foods can be.

List of permitted products






    Citrus fruits (lemons, oranges, tangerines, grapefruits)

All these fruits are eaten raw during Lent, and desserts and various snacks are also prepared with them. fresh salads and other dishes.

  • Dried fruits:
  • Pineapples
  • Bananas
  • Cherry
  • Pears
  • Dried apricots
  • Dates
  • Prunes
  • Apples

Dried fruits can not only be eaten during Lent, but they are necessary. During a limited diet, they will enrich the diet with valuable vitamins and strengthen the immune system. They can be combined with other Lenten dishes, and can be used to make compotes and jelly.






    Sweet pepper

    Cabbage (white cabbage, cauliflower, Chinese cabbage, broccoli, Brussels sprouts)

  • Sauerkraut and pickled cucumbers are also welcome on the Lenten table.




  • Lettuce


  • Sorrel

Champignons, oyster mushrooms and other types of mushrooms are rich in protein, which is sorely lacking during the fasting period. Mushrooms will be an excellent alternative to meat. You can use them to make delicious and healthy casseroles with vegetables, soups, pies, roasts and snacks. They are also convenient to combine with cereals and pancakes. Don't neglect mushrooms in your diet.

  • Legumes

Popular legumes: beans and peas will also become irreplaceable sources of protein during Lent. They are ideal for those losing weight, athletes and anyone involved in heavy physical labor. Legumes are used to make excellent purees and dishes with vegetables. The menu of these products will be satisfying, healthy and at the same time simple. Sports nutrition During fasting, it must be accompanied by vegetable protein.

  • Cereals

Porridges such as rice, buckwheat, oatmeal and other cereals should become the basis of a lean diet. With the exception of days where complete abstinence from food is recommended, porridge can be eaten every day during Lent. They should be cooked only in water, without oil. Upon request, various types cereals can be combined with each other and added vegetables, mushrooms, nuts and dried fruits. This diversifies the dietary menu.

  • Fish

You can eat fish only according to strict rules. During religious fasting, it is consumed on the day of the Annunciation and Palm Sunday.



  • Kissel

Animal milk is prohibited during fasting. However, almond milk, coconut milk, and soy milk are excellent substitutes.

The spring season is not rich in fresh vegetables, fruits and berries. You have to buy them in stores, or stock up on them in advance for fasting. Some preparations will be an excellent addition to the main menu:

    Beans (can be in tomato)

    Green peas



Frozen vegetables, but especially berries and fruits, will come in handy in fast days. You can make wonderful tea treats from them.



    Lenten marshmallows

    Oatmeal Cookies

  • Kazinaki

    Dark chocolate (bitter only)

  • Lollipops

    Turkish delight

In addition to these products, you can include the following in your post:

    Nuts and seeds;

    Pasta (without eggs);

    Lenten sauces and dressings (soy, mustard, ketchup, mayonnaise, etc.);

    Lenten bread (Borodinsky, grain, capital);

    Unleavened bread and pita bread;

    Flour (rice, corn, oatmeal, buckwheat and coarse wheat);


During Lent, seafood (squid, shrimp) remains controversial. Some people believe that you should not eat such food during Lent. However, less conservative followers of fasting do not agree with this opinion and believe that seafood is acceptable on non-strict days.

What not to eat during Lent

    Meat (sausages, frankfurters, balyki, lard, etc.);

    Fish (except on non-strict days);

    Milk, cheese and any dairy products;

  • Alcohol (except on non-strict days);

    Sweets and baked goods containing butter, eggs and milk;

    Pork fat and meat broths;

    Fast food.

In addition, it is necessary to exclude spices, too spicy, salty, sour and heavy foods that stimulate an unhealthy appetite. These are all the things you can’t eat during Lent.

Lent is considered the longest and most demanding season of the year. The first and last weeks before Easter are considered the toughest. Some lay people follow strict rules for eating.

It is advisable to spend Clean Monday (the first day of fasting) and Great Friday (the penultimate day) without food.

On other days, the consumption of permitted products follows the schedule:

Contraindications to fasting

The Orthodox Church does not force all Christians to observe strict fasting. It is important to consult your doctor before following a diet plan. Pregnant and breastfeeding women can eat some prohibited foods during fasting.

The main contraindications to fasting are:

    Small and sick children;

    Elderly people burdened with physical ailments;

    People who have undergone surgery;

    People suffering from serious illnesses.

fast ,

On Monday, February 19, Lent began for the Orthodox. For exactly 48 days, believers must abstain from animal food. But the main thing during Lent is not abstaining from food. The meaning is different. What can and cannot be done by those who decide to fast, read in our “Question and Answer” section.

How is fasting different from dieting and vegetarianism?

Some people decide to fast “for company” or “out of curiosity” and give up meat, dairy products and alcohol for 48 days. But fasting is not primarily abstinence from food, but spiritual cleansing. A person gets rid of sins and passions, learns to sacrifice himself, and shows humility. Lent is a time when Orthodox Christians take care of the soul, not the body.

At this time, a person must truly work to change his soul. So during fasting it is necessary not only to give up animal food, but also from entertainment activities, social networks, TV and so on. Go to church, read the Bible, spend more time with your family.

The main thing in a diet is to give up any food, reduce the number of calories and lose weight. Vegetarianism also has nothing to do with fasting. The main idea here is that killing a living being is an imprint on karma. Moreover, vegetarianism is a year-round concept.

Is it possible to baptize children during Lent?

Children and adults can be baptized at any time, including during Lent.

Is it possible to play sports during fasting?

The question is ambiguous. Sport itself is not prohibited during Lent. However, some representatives of the Russian Orthodox Church believe that at this time it is better to engage with the soul, and physical activity can be postponed. If you are a professional athlete and this is primarily work for you, then you can leave training.

If you come to fitness centers for socializing, beautiful photos and entertainment, then the opinion here is clear: it’s better to forget about it until the end of the post.

But when it comes to health, for example, rehabilitation after surgery or injury, then physical activity are not prohibited.

Is it possible to smoke during Lent?

No, smoking is an addiction, an indulgence. If you are a heavy smoker, then the beginning of Lent is the time to give up smoking once and for all.

Is it possible to go to a cemetery during Lent?

As for the desire to visit the deceased in the cemetery during Lent, there are no strict prohibitions. allocated by the Church special days commemoration of the dead, they are called " Parents' Saturdays"They are also needed so that the living do not forget about the dead.

Related materials

Why do people give up meat, eggs and dairy products during Lent?

Our ancestors did not serve meat on the table every day. This dish was prepared on holidays. Therefore, giving up animal products was equivalent to giving up self-indulgence for people.

Who should not fast?

It is forbidden to fast for children, the elderly, or people for whom refusal of certain foods could harm their health or aggravate their illness. Contraindications for fasting include illnesses gastrointestinal tract, gastritis, cholecystitis, pancreatitis, enteritis and many other diseases.

Related materials

Are there any concessions for travelers?

Yes, travelers can deviate from the rules; they are allowed to eat animal products. However, historically, indulgence was given to wanderers due to the fact that it was difficult to find food on the road. Today, finding lean food when traveling is not so difficult.

Is it possible to have sex during fasting?

Intimate relationships during Lent are a very delicate and personal issue. Fasting involves abstaining from married life. But here both partners must agree to abstain. If a couple does not know what to do, then they should seek help from a spiritual mentor.

Fasts can be one-day or multi-day. Wednesday and Friday are considered one-day fasts, as well as three fasts “in number” - on the Exaltation, on the day of the Beheading of St. John, and on Epiphany. There are four multi-day fasts: Great Lent, Petrovsky Lent, Rozhdestvensky Lent and Dormition Lent. There is an opinion that fasting only involves abstaining from food. But that's not true. Let's look at what you can't do during fasting in order to spend it correctly.


During Lent you cannot indulge in fun, go to entertainment events, sing, have fun, dance, attend concerts, film screenings, shows. It is also not recommended to organize holidays yourself, this applies to feasts for weddings, birthdays, anniversaries, housewarmings, celebrating passing exams or receiving diplomas, seeing off the army, etc. It is forbidden to use foul language or gossip.


In accordance with the diet, alcohol is not prohibited during fasting; it is not of animal origin. But drinking is always associated with fun, so...

To understand what you can’t do during Lent 2016, you need to understand carefully what this period is and how it differs from other days during the year. From a spiritual point of view, fasting before Easter is a time of long prayer and restrictions in all areas of life.

You shouldn’t start your post feeling depressed about how you can live without “normal” food and entertainment. The fact is that fasting is not a time of despondency, but a time of a person’s philosophical reflection on eternity, faith and his attitude towards this. So, during Great Lent you cannot have fun, enter into intimacy, think bad and do bad things. On Forgiveness Sunday you need to cleanse your soul.

The restrictions on what is prohibited to do during Lent are quite large. They are listed briefly above, but it is necessary to take into account not only these components, but also everything that concerns them. For example, refusal of entertainment, this even means abstaining from watching entertainment programs and films. All in all,…

Home » About M and F, Comfort » What you can and cannot do during Lent

Just as the prophets, apostles and Jesus himself fasted, the Orthodox Church recommends fasting to all its parishioners. Today begins Lent - the longest and most strict of all four fasts of the year. For 48 days we are not recommended to eat animal food or indulge in passions.

What does this mean for a Christian? Read about nutrition during fasting here. And in this article we will look at what you can and cannot do during fasting.

Fast days are every Wednesday and Friday, as well as four fasts throughout the year, which last a different number of days. Lent is the longest and most strict of them.

What can a Christian do during Lent? First of all, read spiritual literature, try not to get angry, not to be offended, not to experience negative emotions towards anyone. We must understand that we ourselves are human (initially...

Easter is great Christian holiday, which unites all historical churches and a significant part of Protestant denominations. In order for believers to prepare for it, they observe a fast called the Great Fast. This process of spiritual cleansing, among other things, involves refusing and limiting the consumption of certain types of food. Even during the years of atheism in our country there were people who sacredly observed the rules prescribed to believers Orthodox Church, and today millions of believers observe Lent. What you can eat, what you cannot eat, and what the menu should be like in preparation for Easter will be discussed below.

A little history

An example of renunciation of all earthly joys, including eating food, was shown to his flock by Jesus Christ himself, who, after his baptism by John the Baptist, withdrew into the desert for 40 days. The first Christians turned this into a tradition and observed only one fast during the year, leading up to Easter. During this period...

For the first time preparing, together with other believers, to take part in the observance of Great Lent, the beginner Orthodox Christian First of all, he is looking for information about what one should not eat during Lent and what one should not do during Lent. Most of our compatriots have a vague idea of ​​church prohibitions. We know that during fasting we cannot eat meat, eggs and dairy products, and this is where our knowledge about foods that should be avoided during the period of abstinence, as a rule, ends. In fact, the list of restrictions is much wider, moreover, strict Orthodox Lent designed in such a way that on some of its days the prohibitions on certain foods are lifted for the consolation of believers. Conventionally, the days of fasting before Easter can be divided into more and less strict and holiday ones, and, based on this, you can control your Lenten diet. With the second point - what not to do during Lent - everything is much worse: having learned that, in addition to food restrictions,...

The body of the fasting person, without being burdened with food, becomes light and strengthened to receive gifts of grace. Fasting tames the desires of the flesh, softens the temper, suppresses anger, restrains the impulses of the heart, invigorates the mind, brings peace to the soul, and eliminates intemperance. By fasting, as St. Basil the Great says, by fasting favorably, by moving away from every sin committed by all the senses, we fulfill the pious duty of an Orthodox Christian.

In ancient times, fasting was very strict. It was allowed to eat only bread, dried fruits and vegetables, and this could be done only once a day - in the evening. Joy, fun, holidays - everything was excluded during Lent. In Rus', during the days of Lent, all kinds of entertainment events were also prohibited, various shows were canceled, butcher shops were closed and even suspended litigation. Main…

Text: Evgenia Bagma

Fasting is always a limitation. Moreover, not only in food, but also in habits and even entertainment. However, there is nothing extra in such abstinence - people have been observing Lent for centuries and the fact that something cannot be eaten or something cannot be done does not frighten them.

It is more important to know what is not allowed during fasting than what is allowed. After all, one single flaw will cancel out all the good deeds, and additional abstinence has never brought harm to anyone.

What food is not allowed during fasting?

Lent consists of many prohibitions, many different “don’ts,” which is quite logical. What should you not eat during fasting? You should deny yourself the following products:

animal products (meat, fish, chicken, milk, eggs);
white bread, buns;

Also, you will not be able to cook for most of Lent and...

1. all products that contain meat and meat products
2. all products containing milk and dairy ingredients, incl. powdered milk
3. all products containing eggs
3. fish
4. vegetable oil and alcohol

Banned: chocolate, baked goods and mostly “fast food”.

What you can eat and what you cannot eat during the weeks (weeks) of Lent (in blue is what can be eaten according to the rules, in green - what can be eaten by the laity as a relaxation of the rules)

1st, 4th, 7th weeks of Lent from Monday to Friday inclusive - dry food, food even without vegetable oil.
Laymen are allowed to eat boiled food; as an exception, vegetable oil is allowed.

2, 3, 5, 6 weeks from Monday to Friday: according to the rules - boiled food.
Laymen are allowed to eat food with vegetable oil. As an exception, on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, the laity can eat...

We have all wondered more than once about what we can eat during Lent and how to diversify the table so as not to harm the body. After all, it is known that Lent will help you cleanse yourself only if you follow the rules of eating and provide yourself with adequate nutrition.

If you decide to adhere to the rules of strict fasting, this does not mean that you will have to starve. Be prudent and try not to harm your body by devoutly “mortifying” the flesh. Even during fasting, you can provide yourself with nutritious, healthier nutrition.

Lent: permitted foods

In order for you to feel the joy and holiness of eating in your soul and body, your food should be varied, but simple.

Vegetables and fruits: boiled, stewed, baked - should become the basis of your diet. Let there be carrots, potatoes, beets, sauerkraut and cucumbers on your table. Don't forget about corn, peas, lettuce, apples,...

If you decide to endure Lent 2015, our tips will help you spend this time according to the rules.

During the Great Fast you cannot eat meat, fish, eggs, milk, smoke or drink alcoholic beverages; eat more than once a day.

Only plant foods (fruits, vegetables, dried fruits), pickles (sauerkraut, pickled and pickled cucumbers), crackers, dried fruits, tea, mushrooms, nuts, black and gray bread, jelly, water porridge are allowed.

On Saturdays and Sundays during Lent you can eat vegetable oil, wine, and two meals a day. IN holidays, which coincide with fasting, fasting becomes less strict: on Lazarus Saturday you can have caviar, and on Annunciation, on Palm Sunday- fish.

The first four days of Great Lent, as well as the entire Holy Week, are the strictest days of fasting. IN Good Friday- You can’t eat anything. On Clean Monday, complete abstinence from food is accepted. On Friday of the first week you can only eat (boiled wheat, sweetened with honey or...

Products that are excluded during fasting

The list of products that the church prohibits from eating during fasting includes everything for the production of which raw materials of animal origin were used. First of all, the ban applies to meat and any meat products, as well as poultry and eggs. Milk and everything connected with it are prohibited: butter, sour cream, cottage cheese, fermented milk products and drinks, cheeses. During fasting, it is prohibited to eat pasta, white and rich bread, cakes, cookies, waffles and any pastries that contain butter, eggs and milk. Don't forget that you can't eat mayonnaise, because eggs are also used to make it.

Some foods, such as fish and vegetable oil, can only be eaten on those days of fasting that are considered non-strict, although vegetable oil does not have animal origin. The ban also applies to chocolate and fast food, which are high in fat. During fasting, you should not drink alcoholic beverages, including beer.

Lent is the main (or only) long fast in many Christian denominations (Orthodoxy, Catholicism and others), the purpose of which is preparation for the celebration of Easter; also the corresponding period of the liturgical year, marked in the service by motives of repentance and remembrance of the death on the cross and resurrection of Christ. Established in imitation of Jesus Christ, who fasted in the desert for forty days. The duration of Lent is in one way or another connected with the number 40, but its actual duration depends on the calculation rules adopted in a given denomination.
Meals during Lent
Regarding meals, the Church Charter prescribes the following rules:
in the first and last (Holy Week) weeks - especially strict fasting;
“meat” products are completely prohibited;
You can eat once a day, in the evening; but on Saturdays and Sundays - twice, at lunchtime and in the evening;
on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays - cold food without oil;
on Tuesdays and...








– Why are there so many restrictions on pleasures, food, and sexual relations in Orthodoxy? It seems that no harm is caused to others, the commandment of love for one’s neighbor is not violated. Why is it necessary to “kill your body”, your desires? Why such lack of freedom?

– Our body is killed not by restrictions on food and other pleasures, but by excess in them. And, besides, even if we do not harm others and do not violate the commandment to love our neighbor, we still need to love God. This is where some restrictions in pleasures come from, since love, when it exists, manifests itself in action, in our actions.

For example, it is easy to say: “I don’t love myself,” but at the same time our actions indicate that we love ourselves exactly as we should love God. And you can just as easily say: “I...

Priest Pavel Gumerov, cleric of the Church of St. Nicholas at the Rogozhskoye cemetery in Moscow:

– I remember when Mel Gibson’s film “The Passion of the Christ” came out, it made a huge impression on many, especially non-church people. One of my friends went to watch this picture in the cinema, and afterward he said that the young people, who, as always before the screening, had prepared popcorn and various drinks to have a good time, were not able to eat a single crumb until the very end of the film. Everyone sat in silence for the entire session. There are known cases of people coming to faith and being baptized after watching this film. There have been cases abroad when people who committed crimes many years ago and escaped punishment repented and came to surrender to the hands of justice.

The events made such an impression on them Holy Week described in the picture. They realized what a terrible sacrifice was made for us, and how great the suffering of Christ was. But Gibson, as a Catholic, of course, made the main emphasis...

What is not allowed during Lent?

Lent is the ideal time to indulge in asceticism, give up fun and idleness, and devote your time to simple work for body and soul. Now many people do not fast at all, and some do it only formally - for example, by refusing meat dishes. It is important to understand what is prohibited during fasting, not only in terms of food, but also in terms of actions.

What should you not do during Lent?

The basis of fasting is not dietary restrictions at all, but spiritual restrictions. It is during the period of fasting that the ascetic lifestyle, repentance, and observance of the commandments are considered most favorable. Let's look at the prohibitions in fasting in more detail:

it is forbidden to lead an active social life, have fun, indulge in idleness and laziness; you should not attend any entertainment events, be it a cinema, theater or hobby club; It is important to carefully observe all the commandments and repent if such emotions as anger, envy, aggression,...

Each post is special time when you shouldn’t compromise with your weaknesses and vices. Every person has secret sinful desires, but the righteous is not the one who is deprived of it, but the one who knows how to live with it.

Lent is not just 40 days without meat and milk. This is a real gift to us from the Lord God, because these days we become closer to Christ and the understanding of what he had to go through to cleanse our souls. It's not just 40 days of abstinence - it's the time it takes to get better.

The meaning of Lent

As mentioned above, you should not perceive fasting as something material. Abstaining from food is just a tradition. Yes, it is important, but it is not decisive. Many people limit themselves to abstaining from food without understanding secret meaning post. Its essence is purely spiritual. The only reason we don't eat meat is because Jesus didn't do that either during his 40 days in the desert. It is much more important to give up something else. For example, from what makes you worse. This is a time for forgiving ourselves and for independently correcting our spiritual problems. For example, someone wants to quit smoking or drinking alcohol. Lent will be very useful in this case. The most common mistake is resuming bad habits after Easter. It doesn't make you stronger. An example is monks who renounce everything in the world and then return to worldly life. As clergy say, this is the worst thing that can happen for a person’s spiritual development, because the devil tempts such people twice as much.

Give up something that brings you negativity. Perhaps this is communication with some person. For some it is bad habit, for some - work or an unsuccessful friendship. You may have to do something good to make up for past mistakes. There are incredibly many development options - you just need to listen to your heart.

The meaning of fasting is in the development of a person as a spiritual person. This is not bad time, because Jesus Christ has already experienced all this. This is a time for learning, for testing yourself for strength.

Do's and Don'ts

Of course, there are prohibitions during fasting, which cannot be avoided, which cannot be chosen. During the period of abstinence it is forbidden:

  • watch entertainment programs on television, funny films;
  • eat animal food;
  • do bad things, sin. Of course, there is no escape from sin, but you cannot do what you can foresee and control within yourself;
  • get married Weddings are prohibited during Lent according to church rules;
  • get angry. Negative emotions it’s better to transform it into something else: sports, work;
  • give in to despondency. This is a terrible sin, one of the deadly sins that many people do not attach importance to.

What you can and should do in a post:

  • visit temple;
  • pray;
  • take the sacrament of communion at least once;
  • help loved ones in everything.

This is a time of family unity. During such periods, it’s easier than ever to join forces to become stronger together. Help each other solve emotional and spiritual problems to become stronger as a family. If other people ask you for help, then you shouldn’t refuse them if you have time to help.

Go to church, read prayers at home. If you are sick or abstaining from animal foods is contraindicated for you, then do everything to feel good. No one should blame anyone for this. It is only your choice to follow the rules or break them. Lent, like any other, is just an opportunity to become better, but you can do all this at any other time.

Be yourself and seek to know the word of God. , give kindness and do not judge harshly those who will not do this. Focus all your attention on your flaws. You will succeed - you just need a little faith and willpower. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

12.02.2018 03:49

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