The name Efrosinya can be called. Euphrosyne and her personal life

The desire to look fashionable and stylish is one of your main life priorities. Your clothes are always unconventional and correspond to the “latest trends.” However, one should not completely ignore the well-known truth that says: “It is better to be half a step behind fashion than one step ahead.” Clothing should first of all correspond to the moment and emphasize your advantages, and not create them. Again, they are guided by the mind, and a flashy appearance does not in any way indicate its presence.

Compatibility of the name Frosya, manifestation in love

Frosya, logical conclusion romantic relationships for you is marriage, creating a family. Therefore, you and people like you have been and remain the target of matrimonial aspirations of at least half of the adult representatives of the opposite sex. You are serious, reliable and honest; reticence, uncertainty, and precariousness of the situation are unacceptable to you. You are determined to take care of your loved one, regardless of the circumstances. And although your sensual manifestations are often devoid of sentimentality, external shine and ostentatious “beauty,” there will always be someone who will appreciate them.


The basis of your spiritual aspirations is the desire to maintain a stable position and existing status. And use every opportunity that presents itself to strengthen your life positions. If you have to work hard for this, well, you are ready for it.

The “ideal” structure of the world appears to you in the form of a heavily armed fortress, capable of withstanding any siege due to the fact that the storerooms are full and the arsenal is maintained in exemplary order. All “military actions” are calculated in advance to the smallest detail, and you are ready to protect yourself and your family from any external attacks.

But what is an “unshakable stronghold” for you can become a prison for others. By imposing your views on life on your loved ones, you limit their freedom of choice, offering to use their own ready-made solution.

Beware! Many impregnable fortresses fell because someone inside wanted to go outside and opened the gates. You should always remember that your choice must be consistent with those for whose sake it is, in essence, being made.

Translated from Greek - “joy”.
Frosya is an emotional, strong and energetic girl. She does not like and does not know how to sit idle. She doesn’t really like doing housework with her mother; Frosya is more willing to help her father in the garden or even the garage. This girl often shows an aptitude for technology and exact sciences. But she doesn't like to read. Frosya is a good student in mathematics, physics, and chemistry, but does not do well in humanities subjects. Not because he can’t, he just considers them unnecessary. This girl is usually friends only with boys, and does not lag behind them in anything. Frosya rarely plays with dolls. After school he goes to college. Usually starts studying already in the first or second year scientific work, then goes to graduate school.
This woman makes an excellent scientist, since she has many of the qualities necessary for doing science: intelligence, perseverance, perseverance, the ability to take a fresh look at a problem and find original solution question, the ability to defend one’s point of view. In addition, Euphrosyne is required. She is a sociable, noisy woman, often stubborn. If, when it comes to some scientific issue, she is able to be correct, self-possessed and listens carefully to her interlocutor, then in ordinary life Euphrosyne often does not show these qualities. Living next to this woman is very difficult. She is demanding and picky, although self-critical. A woman with this name has few friends. She has almost no time for communication, friendship and personal matters. She also does little housekeeping. Usually Euphrosyne devotes herself entirely to scientific activities and is not interested in anything other than this. Often she doesn’t even start a family, and if she does get married, it’s not always successful and sometimes gets divorced quickly.
Efrosinya is independent, so she tries not to enter into a long-term relationship. She is quite happy with short relationships that do not impose any obligations on partners. If this woman is not satisfied with something in their relationship, then Euphrosyne breaks off the relationship without explaining anything to her partner. IN best case scenario she will tell him about it. But if this woman truly falls in love, she will be a faithful partner or wife. However, before this, her lover will have to show considerable patience and make a lot of effort to get used to her and accustom her to the idea that in love you have to not only take, but also give, and you must take into account not only your own interests. In old age, Euphrosyne is a cheerful and energetic woman. She usually doesn't retire and works as long as she can. She usually does not raise her grandchildren and does little to help the children.
Summer Euphrosyne is a sporty, energetic woman. She goes in for swimming, tennis, running, basketball, and often mountaineering. She is active, always participates in all events, and works great. This Euphrosyne always has many friends among men, but relationships with women are often tense. This Euphrosyne is beautiful, popular with men, very feminine. But she's not too great value gives to the family, needs little intimate relationships and gets married late.
The most family-oriented Euphrosyne is the one who was born in the fall. She usually marries early, does a lot of housework, and usually has several children. This woman is a wonderful housewife, she cooks great. By nature, this Euphrosyne is a homebody, but she gladly receives guests. She has many friends, whom this woman often takes care of.

Source of information: L. Aronson (“Name, character, destiny”)

Diminutive forms of the name Euphrosyne

Efrosinyushka, Frosya, Frosyusha

Name day and day of Angel Euphrosyne

The mystery of the name

The origin of the name Euphrosyne is Greek. The meaning of the name is Joyful.

Famous people

Efrosinya Mstislavovna (1130-1186) - Queen of Hungary, wife of the Hungarian king Geza II, daughter of the Kyiv Grand Duke Mstislav Vladimirovich, mother of the Hungarian kings Istvan III and Bela III.

Evfrosiniya Antonovna Kersnovskaya (1907-1994) - Bessarabian landowner, Gulag prisoner, memoirist.

Efrosinya Savelyevna Zenkova (1923-1984) - underground worker, secretary of the Obol underground Komsomol organization "Young Avengers", Hero of the Soviet Union.

Name forms

Other name options: Evfrosya, Frosya, Frosina.

Astrological characteristics

Zodiac name: Gemini
Planet: Mercury
Name color: blue-gray
Auspicious tree: rowan
Treasured plant: hemp
Patron name: gadfly
Talisman stone: rock crystal.


Planet: Mercury.
Element: Air, cold-dry.
Zodiac: Gemini, Virgo.
Color: Variegated, variable, mixed.
Day: Wednesday.
Metal: Mercury, bismuth, semiconductors.
Mineral: Emerald, agate, porphyry, topaz, glass, rock crystal, sardonyx.
Plants: Basil, parsley, walnut, celery, valerian.
Animals: Fox, monkey, weasel, stork, parrot, nightingale, thrush, lark, ibis, flying fish.

Name as a phrase

E Esi (Is, To Be, To Exist)
In Vedi
F Firth (The meaning of the word combines the concepts: Spit, Axis of the World, Base, Source)
R Rtsy (Rivers, Speak, Sayings)
Oh He (Oh, Oh)
With Word
AND AND (Union, Connect, Union, UNITY, One, Together, “Together with”)
N Our (Ours, Yours)
L Er (Creeping, Soft, Soft)
I (YA = A) Az

Compatibility and incompatibility

Compatibility - Mikhail, Daniel, Danila, Nikita, Vladimir, Sergey, Nikolay, Vladislav, Georgy, Stepan, Semyon, Igor, David, Ruslan, Vadim, Vasily.

Name letter meanings

E - the need for self-expression, exchange of ideas, the tendency to act as a mediator, insight due to the ability to enter the world of secret forces. Possible talkativeness.
B - sociability, connection with life, unity with nature. Creative personality, focused on the future.
F - the need to shine, to be the center of attention, friendliness, originality of ideas, chaotic at first glance, but containing a very valuable grain of truth. The pleasure of making people happy. The internal inconsistency of views is a bizarre mess of all philosophical systems. The ability to lie, to use supposedly necessary lies with the best intentions.
P - the ability not to be deceived by appearances, but to delve into the being; self-confidence, desire to act, courage. When carried away, a person is capable of taking stupid risks and is sometimes too dogmatic in his judgments.
O - deep feelings, ability to handle money. To be fully realized, however, a person must understand his purpose. The presence of this letter in the name shows that a goal has been prepared for it and you need to use your rich intuition to highlight it from the bustle of existence.
WITH - common sense, the desire for a strong position and material security; in irritation - imperiousness and capriciousness. It is important for a person to find his own path in life.
And - subtle spirituality, sensitivity, kindness, peacefulness. Outwardly, a person shows practicality as a screen to hide a romantic, soft nature.
N - a sign of protest, inner strength not to accept everything indiscriminately, a sharp critical mind, interest in health. He is a hard worker, but cannot stand “monkey work.”
b - the ability to classify, divide, put into shelves.
I am self-esteem, the desire to achieve the respect and love of others and the ability to receive them.

In other languages

Ukrainian: Euphrosyne.

Yiddish: יעפראָסיניאַ (yefrosinia).

English: Yefrosinya (Yefrosinya).


Noticeably lighten life path And you can achieve significant success if you strive from a young age to realize your individuality and receive professional training.

You are always partial to opposite sex, while the main criteria for you are beauty, self-confidence and strong character. Overly capricious or stupid partners irritate you.

Forms of the name Euphrosyne

Other variations of the name Efrosinya: Evfrosinia, Efrosinyushka, Frosya, Frosyusha.

The name Efrosinya in different languages

Let's look at the spelling and sound of the name in Chinese, Japanese and other languages: Serbian: Iefrosinia. Yiddish: יעפראָסיניאַ (Yʻprʼásynyʼa). Ukrainian: Efrosiniya. Belarusian: Efrasinnya. English: Yefrosinya (Yefrosinya).

Origin of the name Euphrosyne

The female name Euphrosyne has and means “joy”. On the territory of our country, it first spread among the lower class, where it received the popular sound Afrosinya or Frosya for short. Currently, it is not popular, being used mainly in the church sphere.

Character of the name Euphrosyne

The character of most owners of this name is complex. As a rule, these are stingy with emotions, cold, methodical and very hardworking women who are able to give up a lot in order to achieve their goals. A kind of workaholism manifests itself in Euphrosyne as early as childhood, because she strives to always be busy with something: she helps her mother a lot around the house, her father in the garage, her grandmother at the dacha, sews clothes for dolls, goes to clubs, hosts active participation in the social life of the school. Her energy is enough for a huge number of things, and until a certain age, little Euphrosyne does not show excessive demands and intolerance towards people.

The adult owner of this name is obligatory, easily carried away (sometimes to the point of fanaticism), picky, but kind, calm, homely and family-oriented Euphrosyne is also often found. Due to her complex and unpredictable nature, she usually has few friends. Basically, she communicates with colleagues, and even then more often with male representatives.

The mystery of the name Euphrosyne

Such women are energetic and emotional. Since childhood, she has been restless and loves to constantly be in the spotlight and at work. At the same time, she is persistent, smart and has good intellectual abilities. This is why Euphrosyne makes good scientists. Such a woman easily finds an original solution to a given problem, thanks to which she can achieve great success.

Euphrosyne is self-critical, but also demanding of other people. Some people are offended by her because of this. In addition, she has few friends, since she simply does not have enough time for friendship and communication. Efrosinya devotes herself entirely to work and career. Many such women do not start a family and remain single. Some Euphrosyne have bad experiences in marriage. Such a woman does not enter into long-term relationships; she loves short relationships that do not oblige her to anything. She easily breaks off relationships if she is not happy with something about her partner. But if she falls in love with a man, she will be faithful to him and become a tender wife. Until her old age, Euphrosyne works, without giving much attention to her children and grandchildren.

Summer Euphrosyne loves sports and is very active. They are beautiful, feminine, and popular with men. Autumn Euphrosyne loves their family and are ready to give themselves entirely to them. They cook great and enjoy hosting guests. Likes to take care of other people.

Astrological characteristics of the name

Psychology of the name

Due to her character, Euphrosyne is doomed to trials and sorrows in family life, in connection with friends, with children. Often those around her do not understand her actions, but Euphrosyne does not care, she will still carry out her plans. Therefore, you should not oppose her aspirations. Euphrosyne is devoted and faithful to her partners and like-minded people.

Famous names bearers: Euphrosyne - reverend, wife of Dmitry Donskoy; Euphrosyne of Polotsk (Polotsk Princess Predslava) is the reverend abbess of the Monastery of the Holy Savior in Polotsk, an outstanding educator, patroness of Belarus, one of the first canonized women in the East Slavic lands.

Orthodox name days Euphrosyne celebrates

Name compatibility Euphrosyne

Incompatibility of the name Euphrosyne

What does the name Efrosinya mean?
This name literally translates as joy.

Origin of the name Euphrosyne:
This name is of Greek origin.

Character conveyed by the name Euphrosyne:

Since early childhood, Efrosinya does not like to sit without doing anything, she is always strong and emotional, her energy is almost always in full swing. However, it is Homework, which mother always does, Euphrosyne does not attract her at all, she simply does not love her. She, of course, would rather, say, help her father somewhere in the garage or with a shovel in the garden. Many girls with such a sonorous unusual name Some inclinations towards all the exact sciences, and even technology, appear, almost like a boy. This may also explain her special love for reading; she is not a humanist at all, but the exact sciences always attract her more. In addition, as a rule, she is friends only with boys, trying to keep up with them in almost everything. Later, having entered the institute, Efrosinya began to seriously engage in scientific work from the very first years, and after the institute she almost always went to graduate school.

Euphrosyne often possesses almost all the qualities that a good, competent scientist must possess. And to her incredible ability to find original solutions and easily defend her new point of view, incredible commitment can often be added. However, it should be noted that Euphrosyne’s qualities in everyday life and in her work environment differ quite seriously from each other. So in ordinary life, Euphrosyne is noisy, very sociable, and can often even be stubborn. However, if it suddenly comes to finding a solution to any serious scientific issue, then rest assured that Euphrosyne will always show maximum composure or attention, and she will listen to a colleague or simply her interlocutor with unusual attention and, of course, will always conduct the conversation very correctly. Euphrosyne, as a rule, has very few friends, since she may have practically no time left for such friendly communication. And she is also unlikely to be able to devote too much time to all household chores and worries, since she is almost always completely occupied with her scientific activity. Quite often, women with this wonderful name may not start a family at all.

Euphrosyne often does not enter into any long-term relationships at all, since she incredibly values ​​her absolute independence. Short, practically non-binding, easy connections may well suit her.

Euphrosyne always remains cheerful and unusually energetic even in old age. As a rule, she does not consider it necessary to retire, but often works as long as she has enough strength. But Efrosinya is almost not involved in raising her grandchildren, and she helps her children very little.

Interests and hobbies.

Euphrosyne is an energetic and overly emotional girl. The meaning of the name influences her from her earliest years. The baby is not able to sit idle. But she doesn’t like helping her mother: she much prefers to dig into a car engine in the garage with her father. The girl also shows abilities in exact sciences and technical disciplines. She demonstrates success in chemistry, physics, and mathematics. But he doesn’t like to read. We can say that all her humanitarian subjects are a little lame. Frosya considers them absolutely useless. The baby has few friends. But with the boys she feels like a fish in water.

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Efrosinia name meaning, character and fate | What does the name Euphrosinia mean?

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Character of the name Euphrosyne

Efrosinia Yaroslavna - daughter of Yaroslav Osmomysl, wife of Igor, Prince of Novgorod-Seversky.

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Women's names by months and days, written in church calendar, parents often choose for their newborn babies. By naming the girl Froseya, they endow the baby with certain character traits. For example, natural need love. This feeling is very important for a girl. Having found a partner, she treats him with maternal care and warmth. Sometimes her guardianship is excessive and inappropriate. The desire to please often crosses the permissible line that separates the desire to help from obsessive worship. At the same time, the woman is convinced that she is doing the right thing, demanding reciprocal actions from her chosen one. She needs admiration and gratitude.

Also included in women's collections of names.

Signs of the name Euphrosyne. On Euphrosyne, June 5, the mass appearance of gadflies means the harvest of cucumbers. In many places, hemp is sown on this day: Hemp is in this field and look at the mountain ash - if the color is in circles, then the hemp is in debt.

Euphrosyne's talisman stone is rock crystal.

Euphrosyne is also capable of influencing people: the meaning of the name gives her special qualities that make the girl an authoritative person. Her advice is listened to and her recommendations are followed. Often she herself does not understand how she managed to convince this or that person that she was right. Frosya's wisdom is also held in high esteem. Unfortunately, although a woman is smart, she remains indecisive. It is difficult for her to take a responsible step, as her consciousness is filled with unnecessary fears and false concerns.

Health and talents named after Euphrosinia. Euphrosyne’s health is good, but it can be undermined by excessive physical or mental stress and nervous overstrain. After 40 years, dysfunction of the musculoskeletal system, arthritis, and varicose veins are likely.

Diminutive of the name Euphrosinia.

Names combining with Euphrosyne:

  • Ilyas.
  • Iskander.
  • Adela.

Euphrosyne of Moscow. in the world Evdokia Dmitrievna (1353-1407) - wife of Dmitry Donskoy; saint of the Russian Church.

Euphrosyne - the fate of the name

Adult life.

Efrosinya has been very mobile and active since childhood, loves sports, prefers swimming, tennis, basketball, and mountaineering. She also enjoys working in the garden or making something in her father’s garage. She is interested in computers and can sit for hours on compiling a program or hacking mailbox girlfriends. But the girl does not do this out of idle curiosity; she simply likes the state of scientific research. That is why she begins to get interested in writing complex written works and essays from school, and after university she often goes to graduate school.

Gradually, year after year, the Transfiguration Monastery expanded, and the number of its nuns increased. Over time, the sisters of the Venerable Euphrosyne were tonsured into monasticism here: her own - Evdokia (in the world of Gradislav) and her cousin - the daughter of Prince Boris Eupraxia (in the world of Zvenislav). The monk taught young novices to read and write, copy books, sing, sew and other crafts, so that from their youth they would know the law of God and have the skill to work hard. The school founded by Saint Euphrosyne at the monastery contributed rapid growth monastery. Euphrosyne: meaning of the name, origin.

  • Name color- Dead Indigo
  • Name stone- Petrified Wood
  • Planet- Uranus
  • Tree- Linden
  • Animal- Black Tern
  • Zodiac sign- Twins
  • Number - 221

Day of the angel Euphrosyne. The name celebrates name days twice a year.

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