Immaculate Conception is a medical term. The Immaculate Conception in Antiquity

Immaculate Conception... Myth or reality? In total, there are 16 known cases of immaculate conception in humans that occurred in Africa and European countries. Doctors believe that these “miracles” are caused by a bacterium that usually lives in the bodies of insects.

Biologists have long discovered that virgin birth is not uncommon in the animal world. Many invertebrate animals reproduce in this way, and in some cases, some species of birds and lizards. This saves the species from extinction if for some reason there is not a single male specimen nearby.

And forensic experts know well that when stressful situations, the influence of high temperatures and in other extreme situations, a female egg can begin to divide, even if it is not fertilized. Some scientists even argue that if a woman is predisposed, then it may be enough for her... just to take a long steam in the bathhouse, and the egg will begin to turn into an organism. True, most likely, she will die soon.

How does the virgin birth occur?
An egg ready for fertilization contains 23 sex-bearing chromosomes. During the “immaculate conception,” 23 female chromosomes, ripe for fertilization, are divided into two halves each, and 46 chromosomes necessary for a new life are formed in the egg. After this, the egg can begin to split and develop into an embryo, which is exclusively female.

Doctors believe that these “miracles” are caused by a bacterium that usually lives in the bodies of insects, but can move into a person, stimulating the division of the egg and forming an embryo. The bacterium destroys male embryos or turns them into female ones.

There have already been many cases of changes in the sex of the embryo in people who have experienced extreme situations or living in hot climates, and the male sex of the embryo always changes to female and never vice versa. There is a version that the bacterium can live for a long time in the human body and become more active under the influence of high temperature(for example, when visiting a bathhouse or sauna).

But the “immaculate conception” is a phenomenon so unexplored that it is sometimes confused with the most “vicious” thing. For example, there are many known cases where virgins became pregnant without sexual intercourse, for example, after petting, when the partner’s sperm got on the genitals. Getting pregnant this way is difficult, but possible - the most “dexterous” sperm are able to penetrate a woman through the hole in the hymen and reach the egg, covering a distance of about 10 cm! Some become pregnant without a man at all - by sitting on the place where the seminal fluid was located, or by wiping off with a towel with traces of sperm.

But among these cases, no, no, and even something inexplicable will come across, such as the story of a nun who became pregnant 20 years after she took a vow of chastity. Who knows, maybe men will soon disappear, and the female body will insure itself against such catastrophes?

Don't go to the bathhouse, girls.

Doctor of Biological Sciences Alexey STRELNIKOV:

With the help of the “immaculate conception” representatives of many species of animals are born - from insects to reptiles. It was recently discovered that human cells also have the potential for parthenogenesis.

Forensic experts are well aware that under stressful situations, exposure to high temperatures and other extreme situations, even an unfertilized female egg can begin to divide. Some scientists believe that if a woman’s body is predisposed to an immaculate conception, then it is enough... just to take a long soak in the bathhouse. Then the 23 female chromosomes, ripe for fertilization, are divided into two halves each, and 46 chromosomes necessary for new life are formed in the egg. After this, the egg can begin to fragment and turn into an embryo, and exclusively female. True, in 99.9 percent of cases he soon dies. That is why in the history of medicine only 16 cases of “immaculate conception” are known.

PS I’m wondering, if everyone takes a DNA test, how many such virgin conceptions could there be?)

Such a phenomenon as the virgin birth is a rarity these days. That is why a large number of female representatives do not believe in such a phenomenon. However, to date, 16 cases of virgin birth have been reported worldwide. Let's take a closer look at this phenomenon and try to figure out: how this happens, under what conditions it is possible, and what the term “immaculate conception” generally means.

How is the possibility of immaculate conception confirmed in humans?

As is known, according to one theory, monkeys are the ancestors of humans, i.e. hence humans belong to the animal kingdom. And in the animal world there is such a phenomenon as parthenogenesis ( scientific name Immaculate Conception) is not uncommon. In this way they can reproduce without difficulty individual species lizards and even birds, a large number of invertebrate organisms. All this, in theory, confirms the possibility of the emergence of the immaculate conception in our days.

Real life cases can confirm such a phenomenon as the virgin birth. As one of these, we can consider the pregnancy of Englishwoman Sarah Fry. According to the woman herself, at the age of thirty she was still virginally pure. Everything in her life was quite ordinary up to a certain point. After a work trip to Southeast Asia, Sarah suddenly encountered a problem like... But she thought so until she visited a gynecologist, who, after an examination, concluded that the woman was pregnant. Many scientists became interested in this phenomenon and, after lengthy research, concluded that the cause of the immaculate conception was the food that the woman ate while on a long journey.

How does the Immaculate Conception occur?

With this phenomenon, the 23 chromosomes contained in a mature egg begin to divide on their own, resulting in the formation of 46. After this, the egg begins to fragment, eventually turning into an embryo. It is worth noting that in such cases, only a female child can be born, because The necessary Y chromosome is not present in the female body.

What do scientists say is the main reason for the virgin birth?

In a study of women who gave birth to a child without the participation of a man, it was found that the cause of such a miracle was a bacterium, the presence of which was often observed in the body of insects. Once in the human body, its vital activity leads to the fact that the resulting menstrual cycle The egg suddenly begins to divide on its own.

Also among scientists there is an opinion that the activator of this bacterium is an increase in temperature environment(for example, visiting a bathhouse or sauna). However, this fact has not been confirmed, but is only a scientific assumption.

Speaking about whether virgin birth is possible, it should be noted that most scientists refuse to acknowledge this fact, citing the dishonesty of women themselves. After all, having a woman intact is far from means that she is a virgin and has never had sexual intercourse. After all, defloration often does not occur during sexual intercourse, i.e. the hymen remains intact, and male reproductive cells penetrate the uterus through the holes in the hymen itself.

In addition, conception is also possible during anal sex, when sperm flows into the vagina and penetrates the reproductive organs.

Thus, the virgin birth today raises many doubts among modern doctors, who for the most part refuse to believe in such a phenomenon, despite the presence of real, recorded facts around the world.

“There is not one eastern religion, in which immaculate virgin“did not give birth to a child from God,” said one of the heroes of Mikhail Bulgakov’s famous novel “The Master and Margarita.” “And the Christians, without inventing anything new, created their Jesus in the same way.”...

Two thousand years after the birth of Christ, having discovered cloning and deciphered the genome, humanity is still struggling with this mystery. Is the Immaculate Conception a miracle, a legend or an incredible reality?

Madonna of many children

The Church has recognized the Immaculate Conception for a long time. The sinlessness of the Nativity of Christ by the Virgin Mary was proclaimed by the third Ephesus Ecumenical Council in 431. The dogma of the immaculate conception of the Virgin Mary herself was introduced Catholic Church December 8, 1854 (he is not recognized by Orthodoxy).

We, without at all wanting to offend the feelings of believers, discuss only the physiology of the phenomenon. Moreover, theologians understand purity not so much as virginity itself, but rather as not being subject to sin and Satan. But there are people today who are trying to “exploit the Gospel.”

Thus, in the town of Idstein, in a local court, forty-five-year-old Birgit Weiss was recently recognized as an “immaculate virgin.” The lady, who already has a daughter, stated that after divorcing her husband she did not have sex with anyone, but she became pregnant and gave birth to a child.

Her ex-husband immediately accused her of trying to rip off £7,000 in “alimony” from him and rushed to get a genetic test. The analysis confirmed that the child was not his. Then local judge August Henge, citing Christian shrines, supported Birgit's claim of the virgin birth. Professor Wolfgang Schulz from Hamburg commented “according to the Hamburg account” this case as follows:

— From a scientific point of view, birth due to a truly virgin birth is impossible. However, even a small amount of sperm is sufficient to fertilize an egg.

Life-giving kiss

Other big story about the Immaculate Conception began in America in 1995.

Eighteen-year-old Anna Kreid came to the University of Massachusetts Research Center in her second month of pregnancy. At the same time, the girl claimed that she had never had intimacy with any man.

The examination confirmed that Anna is innocent. Although sometimes the hymen is so elastic that it does not tear during sexual intercourse, nevertheless allowing the most “nimble” sperm to pass through it. But during further research, no traces of sexual intercourse were found in Anna’s body.

“Suspicion” again fell on parthenogenesis. But, having done an ultrasound of the fetus, the version of self-fertilization was shallow - the child was a boy. Then they began to suspect twenty-year-old Steve Casey, with whom Anna had been dating for three years. However, he claimed that they did not have sexual intercourse. The only thing that chaste students allowed themselves to do was kiss their private parts.

Sperm were found in Casey's saliva. Their concentration, several times less than in sperm, was still enough for conception.

“Perhaps Steve is the first man to impregnate a woman with a kiss,” university professor Ed Reisen told the press. - Although he may not be the only one whose saliva contains sperm.

After a series of experiments, a section of spermatogenic epithelium was indeed discovered in Steve's salivary gland. Probably, some of the cells “moved” from the testicles to an unusual area during the period of intrauterine development due to a gene defect.

- This case is extremely rare. So it’s not worth inventing a condom for the tongue yet, they assured everyone at the University of Massachusetts.

The Curse of Naked Pops

What about Russia? Is it really true that not a single immaculate conception has been recorded in its vast expanses? It’s hard to say whether they happened before - for such a confession the girl could easily be thrown into a psychiatric hospital. The game of silence continues to this day. But the case of St. Petersburg resident Olga Safronova, a virgin who gave birth to a girl in the late 90s, nevertheless became public.

At first, the doctors looked at Olga with great distrust. She claimed that not only did she not have sexual contact with a man, but she also did not kiss or even hold hands.

Just before her pregnancy, the girl experienced terrible stress - her parents died in a car accident. Could she, under his influence, forget about sexual intercourse? Probably yes. But no psychological abnormalities were found in her.

Some scientists who observed Olga believe in parthenogenesis. A hypothesis has arisen that if a woman experiences stress at the time of ovulation, the egg may begin to fragment, and spontaneous conception occurs. By the way, according to the same hypothesis, an orgasm, close in its effect to severe stress, can trigger the mechanism of parthenogenesis. So you shouldn’t make love on dangerous days, even if you are protected to the teeth.

Other geneticists are inclined to believe that in Olga’s case there was no parthenogenesis. Most likely, sperm still got into her body. Let's say a girl dried herself with her dad's towel or sat down, sorry, with her bare butt in the place where her brother had recently sat with his bare butt - and that's it, the job is done. After all, three sperm are enough to fertilize a healthy woman.

Naughty Wolhabia

According to the latest data, cases of unexplained “immaculate conceptions” have recently become more frequent. It’s too early to talk about an epidemic, but 16 “miracles” have already been recorded. Parisian Anouk Didier became the latest virgin to give birth. Having carried the girl, she claimed that she had never had any contact with men. Research has shown that the egg was indeed not fertilized externally.

Then a theory was born to explain spontaneous conception. Everything was blamed on... bacteria. The bacterium Wolhabia lives in the bodies of more than five million species of insects, but has recently been experimenting on humans. It stimulates the division of the egg, thereby forming an embryo.

Scientists note that “immaculate conceptions” are most often observed in places with high level infectious diseases and poor ecology. But Walhabia’s tricks are not limited to the division of eggs. Once in the body of a pregnant woman, this “man-hater” is capable of changing the male sex of the fetus to female, and never vice versa.

Starship Troopers

Ufologists also made their contribution to the “theory” of the immaculate conception. They are sure that the angel from whom the Virgin Mary conceived was not an angel at all, but an alien. The purpose of Christ's creation was to create a new, advanced version of man. Moreover, the genetics that Christ carried were not simple, but combined - from Sirian and Pleiadian.

Jesus did not die on the cross. After the crucifixion, he went into hiding, traveled around the world, and had many children. He traveled to Southern Europe, India and Japan. So, according to Fox Mulder's friends, the virgin birth is just one of many genetic projects carried out by aliens on Earth.

As you can see, the mystery of the Immaculate Conception has not yet been resolved. But even if human parthenogenesis is possible, it is unlikely that we will immediately reproduce in a sinless way. Still, basic instinct is a serious thing. And any instinct is also a security mechanism of the species.

And even those scientists who believe spontaneous conception the perfect way reproduction and predict the complete disappearance of men in the future, recognizing that this will happen no earlier than in a million years.

In ancient times, when people still did not know reliably about the biological processes occurring in the body, conception was often imagined. In ancient myths, there are versions about the entry of a fetus into a woman’s body. Such a woman was considered and had to bear a child. At the same time, future mothers did not assign the main role to men in the process; they believed in what could happen if special events were carried out with sacred stones, water, and trees. Therefore, there were legends about the immaculate conception from water, wood, thunderstorms, and sacred attributes.

In other ancient myths, particularly Greek, there is a widespread version that a woman can become pregnant by a deity who chooses her for his intimate pleasures. Thus, the great god of thunder and lightning, Zeus, often came to please beautiful maidens in different guises: a bull, a golden shower, a swan. After which the girls gave birth to illegitimate children from the Thunderer in due time. It was also an immaculate conception.

Similar cases are mentioned in eastern mythologies. For example, one of the ancient Chinese emperors, as legend says, was conceived by his mother at the moment when she stepped on the footprint of a giant. The conceptions of other emperors came from the spirit of the mountains, from a flash of lightning, from a dragon, from a swallow's egg, from a falling star. Accordingly, all these conceptions occurred immaculately, and the reasons for the conception indicated that the future emperors and generals were outstanding, talented, unique individuals, close to divine powers.

In legends ancient egypt There are also cases of immaculate conception of some emperors. Even the legendary Zoroaster’s mother, according to legend, conceived from the stem of a wild plant.

Mongolian legends say that Genghis Khan was also conceived by his mother immaculately - from the sight of a deity. The Immaculate Conception is attributed to the mothers of Plato, Pythagoras, and Alexander the Great.

Russian folklore also has a theme of the immaculate conception. In some fairy tales, girls give birth to children from a magic seed, from a blow of wind, from swimming in a magic lake.

Currently, medicine disputes the fact of the virgin birth, considering it impossible. It must be said that this phenomenon has not been fully studied, since in modern world There are isolated cases when all the facts prove that conception occurred without the direct participation of a man, that is, without sexual intercourse.

Scientists have long proven that virgin birth is not a rare phenomenon for animals. This happens in many invertebrates, and sometimes even in birds and lizards. But is this method of reproduction typical for humans?

What is parthenogenesis?

The term parthenogenesis comes from “parthenos” - virgin, and “genesis” - origin, birth. And it is translated as “reproduction”. This is a form of sexual reproduction during which an embryo develops from an unfertilized egg.

Doctors are well aware that in stressful and extreme situations, under the influence of high temperatures, a woman’s egg, even if not fertilized, can begin to divide on its own.

How does parthenogenesis occur?

An egg that is ready for fertilization has. During parthenogenesis, 23 female chromosomes are divided in half, resulting in the body producing 46 chromosomes necessary for new life. Afterwards, an embryo develops, and only female.

Scientists believe this may be due to a bacterium that usually lives in insects. But if it enters the human body, it stimulates the division of the egg. There is a version that this bacterium can live in the human body for a long time and become active under the influence of high temperature, for example, during a visit to a bathhouse or sauna.

Cases of embryo sex change in people who have experienced extreme situations or live in hot climates have been recorded. It is interesting that the male sex of the embryo can change to female, but never vice versa.

Immaculate or vicious conception?

The Immaculate Conception is still a very unexplored phenomenon. Sometimes it is confused with ordinary conception, for example, there are a large number of cases where girls, being virgins, became pregnant without intercourse. This happens when sperm gets on the girl’s genitals, for example, after petting, or if the girl sits on the place where the seminal fluid is located, or wipes herself with a towel with traces of sperm. Getting pregnant this way is very difficult, but still possible. Some sperm are able to penetrate the female body and overcome a distance of even 10 cm, and the hymen is not at all a barrier for them.

There is a well-known story of a woman who lived in Finland and was divorced. After a serious miscarriage, she became childless. One day she had serious problems at work, when she came home, she decided to relax and relieve stress by taking a steam bath. Later it turned out that she
