The most common poisonous houseplants. Impact of poisonous indoor plants on humans Houseplant with poisonous sap

About the abundance of beautiful and well-groomed indoor plants has always been considered a plus for housewives: when we enter such a house, we immediately involuntarily admire it, and we cannot hide this admiration - such beauty leaves few people indifferent.

Plants, if they are well-groomed and beautiful, please the eye and sense of smell - it is more developed in us than other senses, and greatly influences our state and attitude. In the city, fresh air does not always enter the room through an open window, and indoor plants purify it and absorb toxic impurities - for example, the well-known chlorophytums, which grow precisely where there are a lot of such impurities in the air.

However, botanists say that it is impossible to create “botanical gardens” in living and working premises: when there are a lot of plants, they begin to do more harm than good, releasing volatile compounds that are hazardous to health.

Of course, this is not so difficult to deal with if the rooms are often ventilated, but indoor plants are different: dangerous not only to health, but also to life if handled incorrectly.

1. Ficus.
If you are inclined to do so, it is better not to keep it in the house at all. Ficus juice is poisonous - it inflames the skin, and irritation occurs in the respiratory tract - even an asthma attack can occur.

2. Oleander.
Its flowers are fragrant and pleasantly smelling, but can cause headaches if the plant blooms too wildly. Oleander can grow strongly if conditions permit, and grows up to 5 m in height; used in medicine, like many poisonous plants. The seeds and juice are especially poisonous, so you need to wear gloves when caring for it, and keep children and animals away.

3. Pachypodium lamera.
Something similar to a small palm tree: it is called the Madagascar palm tree, but the name is incorrect. Lamera leaves are poisonous and can be dangerous to children and animals.

4. Dieffenbachia.
The juice of many Dieffenbachias is toxic to the skin - contact with it can lead to dermatitis; if it gets into the eyes, it affects the cornea and causes conjunctivitis, and if it gets into the mouth, it causes pain in the mucous membrane and swelling. Although both children and animals usually do not chew this plant for a long time, it can end in tragedy, so access to Dieffenbachia should be limited. Of the animals, cats are especially vulnerable - this juice can kill them if it gets into their mouth even in small quantities.

5. Monstera(Monstera)
In nature it is a liana with large leaves, but here it grows in pots; It is popular precisely because of its leaves, shiny and very beautifully cut - because of them it is also called holey philodendron. These large - up to 0.5 m - leaves contain toxins that cause burning in the mucous membranes, inflammation, strong salivation, vomiting and digestive disorders.

6. Spathiphyllum.
also loved by housewives: it blooms in a very original way, expelling an inflorescence on a peduncle that resembles a spadix, from the base of which comes a veil - a perianth similar to a leaf, but lighter, from green to white. This plant is even recommended to be kept in rooms with polluted air - it quickly absorbs toxins, but is itself toxic: if the juice gets on the skin, an abscess may appear that will not heal for a long time. In nature there are its varieties, which are also toxic, although they are used in folk medicine.

7. Poinsettia.
Almost all euphorbias are known for their toxicity - of which you can often find poinsettia, so original that it is called the “star of Bethlehem”: poinsettia flowers appear double - due to the bright red bracts framing each flower. If you only slightly damage the leaf or stem of the plant, the milky sap that gets on the skin will cause irritation; if it happens that it gets into the eye, a person or animal may become temporarily blind.

8. Azalea.
or rhododendron (Rhododendron) is an amazing indoor plant with beautiful flowers similar to those of lilies. These plants bloom luxuriantly, and their flowers are elegant and different bright colors- terry or simple, they come in red, pink, white, lilac, etc., and look very nice in living rooms and offices. Azaleas are often given as gifts, and lovers breed them in large quantities; Azaleas bloom for about 2-2.5 months, and their rich aroma causes dizziness, and in a poorly ventilated area can cause loss of consciousness - this plant contains narcotic substances.

The plant can cause harm to humans if the plant's leaves or nectar are ingested. The poisonous juice contained in the leaf blades and nectar can cause lacrimation, profuse vomiting, salivation, and nasal discharge.

9. Adenium.
Adenium obesum, or thick adenium, or desert rose (Adenium obesum), is a “bottle” plant with a thick stem at the base. This plant is poisonous. Its juice can penetrate the skin or mucous membranes into the blood and cause intoxication. Some African tribes use adenium poison in hunting, impregnating arrow tips with it. It is also used to create medicines against arrhythmia.

10. Euphorbia(Euphorbia) - the milky sap of this plant protruding from damaged parts is quite dangerous. It causes severe burning, redness of the skin, and possible blistering. Once in the eyes, milkweed juice provokes serious inflammation of the conjunctiva and temporary blindness. The poison that enters the body through the oral cavity causes vomiting, severe diarrhea, and abdominal pain. In case of severe poisoning, dizziness, convulsions, delirium, and circulatory disorders are possible.

11. Hydrangea(Hydrangea) is a beautiful indoor plant that requires special care. All parts of this plant contain poison. Touching hydrangea is completely safe; danger arises when parts of hydrangea or its juice penetrate into the human body, for example, when swallowed. In this case, sweating increases, blood circulation becomes difficult, the victim feels stomach pain, itching, nausea, and muscle weakness.

12. Gloriosa luxurious(Gloriosa superba) - dangerous plant only if its poison, contained in all its parts, enters the human body in large quantities. Gloriosa poison causes severe nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, in severe cases, hair loss, blood clotting disorders, and there is also a high likelihood of kidney damage.

13. Brovallia is beautiful(Browallia speciosa) is named so for a reason, but in its graceful stems, interesting leaves, beautiful modest flowers and other parts it contains dangerous substance. Brovallia juice, if it gets on unprotected human skin, causes intoxication.

14. Clivia(Clivia) is beautiful when in bloom. Its bright luxurious buds open almost simultaneously, creating a bright “bouquet”. But if you handle the leaves or rhizomes carelessly, this beautiful plant may cause harm. Clivia poison causes vomiting, diarrhea, excessive salivation, and sometimes paralysis.

15. Ivy- the most famous home vine, and it is used with pleasure for interior decoration. This plant can also be called useful - it purifies indoor air from harmful chemicals, bacteria and fungi do not like it, but its leaves and stems are poisonous - if a domestic rodent, for example, happens to try them, the animal will die. Sometimes ivy blooms, although rarely - once every few years, but the flowers smell unpleasant, and the fruits are even more poisonous than the rest of the plant; therefore, it is better to remove the buds before they have time to open.

16. False pepper nightshade
Many people also know about the nightshade family - even the fruits of ordinary potatoes can be deadly poisonous, and solanine also accumulates in the tubers, causing severe poisoning. Often grown as an indoor flower false pepper nightshade- in Australia, this plant is considered a malicious weed, but our gardeners love it for its bright fruits, which give it an attractive appearance. That is why false pepper nightshade is often poisoned by children, attracted by the beautiful red-orange berries, which cause stomach pain, nausea and vomiting; The juice of nightshade leaves is also poisonous - it causes skin irritation.

17. Capsicum.
Other representatives of this family are also dangerous: brunfelsia, browallia, capsicum etc.

18. Cyclamen.
Cyclamen flowers resemble graceful butterflies fluttering above the leaves, and it is considered an unusual, elite and capricious flower, but the juice of its tubers can cause skin inflammation and irritation.

19. Aloe.
It would never occur to anyone to speak ill of this plant - everyone knows about its pronounced medicinal properties, but this plant is deadly for animals. Rodents die from it, and others develop severe diarrhea; in humans, aloe juice - in case of overdose - can cause severe poisoning, and in pregnant women - miscarriage.

Aloe belongs to the asphodel family, and its other representatives grown indoors also contain toxins: Eremurus, Gasteria, Haworthia etc.

Most popular houseplants contain poison, which is not fatal to humans, but can lead to serious diseases.

20. Other plants
. For example, the fruits and leaves of plants belonging to the Araliaceae family can cause digestive upset or allergies. Such plants include ivy, fatsia, Japanese aucuba, schefflera, polyscias, fatshedera.

For example, the leaves and stems of begonia contain insoluble salts of oxalic acid, so the juice of this plant can, in contact with human skin, cause a burn. If a begonia leaf gets into the mouth, throat irritation may occur. The most toxic are begonia tubers.

Those plants that belong to the euphorbia family, for example, such as croton, jatropha, akalipha, and euphorbia contain euphorbine, that is, a toxic substance that can cause burns to the skin and mucous membranes. When a person cares for these and other plants of this family, he must take care of his eyes, since the ingress of juice can lead to irritation of the cornea, which sometimes even leads to loss of vision. If the milky sap of a ficus comes into contact with the skin, a person may develop dermatitis, eczema, or inflammation. In addition, allergies or bronchial asthma may occur.

Plants belonging to the nightshade family are also considered poisonous indoor plants. Among such plants are brovallia, ornamental pepper, and nightshade. Brunfelsia also belongs to this dangerous family, which contains a toxic substance that can cause coughing, seizures and stomach upset.

Security measures

Everyone understands that it is simply impossible to force small child or pet, be wary of houseplants that are poisonous. Therefore, if a toxic plant cannot be isolated, it must be disposed of. But it is necessary to understand that only those plants that have poisonous leaves, flowers or stems are dangerous for children and animals.

There are indoor plants that have poisonous tubers, but it is unlikely that a baby or four-legged friend will be able to reach them. If a person grows a poisonous plant at home, he must behave very carefully when caring for it. When working with such plants, especially when replanting them, you must use gloves. This is necessary in order to protect your hands from the juice of poisonous plants. In addition, you should not rub your face with your hands, otherwise the juice may get into your eyes or mouth.

Ambulance upon contact with poisonous plant
If the juice of a poisonous plant gets on the mucous membranes or skin, a person must urgently take action:

The damaged area of ​​the body must be washed with water and soap. If the juice of the plant gets into your eyes, you need to hold them under running water for about ten minutes.
- if the juice gets into the stomach, the victim needs to induce vomiting. You can also drink a glass of water with activated carbon diluted in it.
- if you are poisoned, you should not drink milk, as it will not only not help, but will also worsen the effects of fat-soluble toxins.

In conclusion, I will say: there is no need to be afraid of poisonous indoor plants, most of them can cause only minor harm to our health. It’s just that when buying a green plant, you need to collect as much information as possible about it, including its poisonous properties Oh.

An abundance of well-groomed indoor plants is considered a huge plus for housewives. When visiting such a house, people involuntarily admire and do not hide their joyful emotions, since the large number of plants often leaves no one indifferent.

Well-groomed flowers in flowerpots undoubtedly delight the eye and charm, harmoniously complementing the interior as a decorative attribute. The urban area is not rich in clean air, and clogged oxygen gases and harmful substances. Indoor plants cleanse it of toxic contaminants. But there are also poisonous ones that are not recommended to be grown at home.

Plant experts do not recommend planting “flower greenhouses” indoors. A huge amount of vegetation does more harm than good, releasing dangerous volatile compounds.

This problem is easily solved, just ventilate regularly. residential area. But There are species that are dangerous not only to health, but also to human life , if they are not properly cared for.

What house plants are fraught with danger? We will look at the main poisonous plants that are most popular in floriculture in this article.

Belongs to the group of succulents, stunning everyone with its beauty. Called the Impala Lily and the Desert Rose, it is also known as the Star of Sabinia. The crown is decorated with fragrant flowers, reminiscent of lilies. Due to its simplicity and ease of care, Adenium is in demand among amateur gardeners and as a home ornamental plant.

Ancient African tribal communities used the juice to soak arrows, which, when they got into the prey, killed it. Therefore, when buying a flower, you need to think about a secluded place that children and pets will not have access to.

Scientists prohibit placing a flower in a child's room.

Contact with the plant only with gloves, then wash your hands and all equipment. Do not touch clothing or skin areas.

Popularly called “The Fragrant Source of Well-Being.” Its inflorescences are collected in clusters and create a pleasant, but slightly strong aroma, which very often causes headaches and dizziness. It grows very quickly and therefore its flowering is always abundant. But For human body the most dangerous element is the lanceolate leaves, which, if ingested, can cause the death of an adult and wood used as fuel.

When ingested, it causes cardiovascular abnormalities. The cardiac glycoside contained in the leafy part causes arrhythmias and cardiac conduction blockades. It is necessary to wear gloves when working with a pet.

One of the recognized plants of the Araceae genus in indoor microclimates. The flower contains oxalates in the juice - salts of oxalic acid. Contact with skin causes redness or allergic reaction, but it all depends on the individual characteristics of the person. , getting into the digestive organs often causes swelling of the larynx and a slight burn oral cavity. Considering the dangerous effect on the body, it is necessary to work with the plant carefully. Install at home in an inaccessible place.


The second name is Madagascar palm. A flower with a thick, spiny stem and a rosette-shaped tip that resembles a palm tree. Pachypodium contains poisonous milky sap, which manifests itself as a result of violation of the integrity of the flower.. The substance has no negative effects on the skin; it only has a bad effect on wounds and mucous membranes. Washing your hands after working with Pachypodium will help you avoid harm to your health.

The flower qualitatively restores the indoor air composition to the standards; it is not recommended to place it in sleeping rooms. The toxic composition of the juice, which is in the stem, causes severe disturbances in the digestive system, as well as difficulty breathing. Juice getting on fragile layers of skin causes burns.


Zamioculcas is a popular plant that can be found in every home. A more common folk name. Dangerous sap is found throughout the plant. Touching the flower does not cause pathological changes in the body. Only the juice contained inside is poisonous. The flower itself does not produce toxic fumes that provoke chemical poisoning.

Avoid getting the juice into your eyes and mucous membranes.

Plumeria is considered a poisonous plant. To a greater extent, toxic substances are contained in the juice. When it gets on soft tissue, it causes severe irritation and inflammation.. Despite the negative fact, the flower takes root well at home and contributes to good indoor air purification.


A representative of euphorbia plants, which are known primarily for their toxicity. Contains milky juice, which, in contact with the mucous membrane, causes itching and redness. The flower is so original that it is called the Star of Bethlehem. Each flower part is framed by a colorful bract. Milky juice is released due to the slightest damage to the flower.

Poisonous house plant with beautiful flowers and pleasant aroma. The juice contains alkaloid substances that trigger the gag reflex, sending signals to the brain. Poisoning occurs after eating the flower bulb, which looks like onions. The onion produces a strong bitterness. The sap released from the leaves has a sedative effect and also causes convulsions. The natives often use it to process hunting arrows.

Do not put your life and the lives of your loved ones at risk. Before purchasing a houseplant, carefully study its features. and required locations in the house.

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In nature, there is always a chance of stumbling upon a poisonous plant. And while adults will most likely just pass by, curious children who want to taste everything may get hurt.

website reminds: many are very dangerous species plants are grown as ornamental and can be seen not only in the forest, but also on window sills and flower beds. Therefore, you should also be vigilant in the city.

Where it occurs: In the temperate zone of the Northern Hemisphere; prefers damp places, swamps.

There are several types of buttercups, many of them poisonous.

Where it occurs: In Europe, Asia and North America. It grows in very damp places, in swamps and river banks.

The smell of carrots is deceptive, but it is one of the most poisonous plants on Earth. Only a botany specialist can distinguish it from dozens of other umbelliferous species. It’s better just not to pick up plants that look like milestones and grow in damp places.

Why it’s dangerous: In case of poisoning, vomiting, convulsions, depression of cardiac activity occur, and death may occur. Just 100–200 g of vekha rhizome will easily kill a cow.

Where it occurs: Temperate zone of the Northern Hemisphere, Australia.

The most common representatives are red and black elderberry. All parts of the plant are poisonous, and if you just touch the elderberry, it is best to wash your hands. Interestingly, black berries are completely safe when ripe; they are used to make drinks and pies.

Where it occurs: In tropical and subtropical regions. Used in landscape design, it is grown all over the world as indoor flower.

A truly insidious plant that attracts with its pleasant aroma and beautiful pink or white flowers.

Where it occurs: In Europe, Asia and North America. Because of its beautiful purple, blue and yellowish flowers, it is grown in flower beds. This is a tall and conspicuous plant.

In the ancient world it was used to poison arrows. Even bees can get poisoned if they take honey from aconite. By the way, delphinium is its close relative, and it is also poisonous.

Why it’s dangerous: VERY poisonous plant. Causes cardiac arrhythmia, numbness of the face, arms and legs, darkening of the eyes and death. The juice even penetrates the skin.

Where it occurs: In North and Central America, Europe, southern regions Russia.

Datura resembles a potato or tomato, which is not surprising, since it is their close relative. This is an inconspicuous plant with spiky fruit-pods with black seeds inside. Its white flowers emit an intoxicating scent.

Why it’s dangerous: Contains alkaloids that cause rapid heartbeat, disorientation and delirium. In severe cases, death or coma may occur. Shamans of many nations used this plant in their rituals.

Where it occurs: In temperate regions of Eurasia, one species exists in the USA.

Just a giant among umbrellas, which looks quite impressive, but it is better not to take pictures next to it.

Why it’s dangerous: Some species contain furanocoumarins, which cause painful burns when exposed to sunlight. Therefore, if hogweed juice gets on your hand, wash it and protect it from sun rays about two days.

Where it occurs: Everywhere. Often seen on window sills, including in children's institutions.

Euphorbias include a huge number of species, often very different in appearance: some look like cacti, others look like flowers. Teach children not to touch unfamiliar plants, even if they grow in pots.

Why it’s dangerous: The juice leaves burns. Later, malaise, swelling and fever appear.


It is believed that cyclamen in the home helps ward off bad dreams and fears, and it should be placed in the bedroom at the head of the bed. Let's not argue about magical power Cyclamen, but you need to warn about its toxic properties. Sometimes it is recommended to instill cyclamen root juice for sinusitis, but this should not be done under any circumstances. Not only can you burn the mucous membrane, but you risk getting a fever, sore throat and difficulty breathing. The most poisonous parts are the seeds and roots of the plant, fresh juice which may cause skin irritation or inflammation.


The bulbs of the plant are poisonous because they contain the alkaloid lycorine. In small doses, lycorine has an expectorant effect, and in large doses it causes vomiting. If suddenly a leaf of a plant breaks off and milky juice appears, it is better to wash your hands thoroughly and not touch your eyes with them.


The plant can improve chemical composition air in the room, but we do not recommend rushing to put it in the bedroom or nursery. The sap of the plant is poisonous, especially that contained in the stem. It can cause serious digestive and respiratory problems, and cause burns if it comes into contact with the skin of the face or hands.

If you have a plant at home, it is better to care for it with gloves. By the way, it is generally prohibited to grow Dieffenbachia in kindergartens.


Yes, we didn't mix anything up. This plant is, of course, very useful. On the one hand, geranium is an excellent antiseptic, helps relieve stress and tension, and relieves pain from otitis media and sore throats. However, there are people for whom the smell of geranium can trigger a severe asthma attack and cause an allergic reaction. Geranium (as one of the poisonous indoor flowers) is also contraindicated for pregnant women, people with low blood sugar, young children and those taking contraceptives.


They are not poisonous, but dangerous only because of the thorns with which you can prick yourself and, in the worst case, get a small abscess. But some types of cacti, for example TRICHOCEREUS, contain hallucinogens that can cause paralysis of the central nervous system, their effect is similar to the effect of the drug LSD (many have read Carlos Castaneda).


The cactus-like species of Euphorbia and Europhobia are truly poisonous.

Euphorbia juice can cause burns, and if ingested, nausea, diarrhea, dizziness and mucosal burns. It’s strange, but these are the plants that can often be seen on the windowsill in school classrooms.


The most valuable and beloved aloe has two poisonous brothers - Aloe striped and Aloe intimidating. All parts of these plants are dangerous, mainly because most types of aloe are considered medicinal, and they are very often used as home remedy treatment. So, striped and frightening things cannot be used for medicinal purposes! They can cause stomach and uterine bleeding, and cause miscarriage in pregnant women.


All parts of this plant contain poison. Touching hydrangea is completely safe, but if hydrangea juice accidentally gets into the body, it will cause increased sweating, worsen blood circulation, stomach pain, itching, nausea and muscle weakness.


The juice and berries of the plant are poisonous. The juice can cause swelling and pain in the mouth and throat, and conjunctivitis if it comes into contact with the eyes.

— If you have small children or pets (especially cats), it is better not to buy poisonous houseplants at all.

— Very often the milky juice turns out to be poisonous. If you see that when the stem is broken, the plant secretes white juice, it is better not to touch it, and especially not to scratch your face or rub your eyes with your hands.

If plants are already growing in your home and you didn’t know they were poisonous, move them away from children, and in the case of a cat, try covering the base of the pot cling film so that the animal does not dig up the soil. By the way, sometimes cats chew leaves to quench their thirst, so give her some more water in a bowl so that it does not touch poisonous indoor flowers.

It often happens that admirers of indoor plants do not think about the impact this or that favorite flower has on human health. In this case, the “liked - bought” scheme is more common, however, not all representatives of the flora can decorate the windowsills and loggias of apartments, since among them there are also poisonous indoor plants. The consequences of constant contact with such plants are the most unpredictable.

Families of poisonous houseplants

Many poisonous house flowers emit toxic substances, which upon contact with skin, mucous membranes and respiratory system can provoke severe allergic reactions, shortness of breath, dermatitis, burns, itching and redness.

Intoxication with the poisonous juice of some indoor flowers can lead not only to an upset stomach, but also to damage to the central nervous system or even cardiac arrest.

Of course, an experienced florist knows which flowers can be near people and which ones pose a danger. Among the most poisonous and dangerous plants, several families can be distinguished. It’s very curious, but many of them decorate the home of almost every second inhabitant:

  1. Kutrov family. Representatives of this family are the most poisonous houseplants, including adenium, pachypodium, dipladenia, allamanda, and cariss. Despite the fact that these specimens are cultivated as ornamental plants, you can only work with them while wearing rubber gloves. The fact is that some representatives of this family secrete milky juice, which is often poisonous. These poisonous plants are best grown exclusively in greenhouses. Firstly, because by growing them at home, children and animals can get to them, and secondly, representatives of this family come from the tropics and love warmth and dampness.
  2. Family Araceae. It includes such specimens as spathiphyllum, aglaonema, alocasia, dieffenbachia, etc. All of them are toxic due to the formation of oxalic acid, enzymes and proteins in them. How dangerous contact with them is becomes clear from the fact that the caustic components listed above are components of various detergents and cleaning products. Due to the presence of such components, aroid juice can corrode the skin, so you should not handle a damaged plant without gloves.
  3. Family Euphorbiaceae. The milky juice of representatives of this family contains the toxic substance euphorin. Upon contact with skin, this substance causes burns and inflammation, so when caring for plants such as euphorbia, acalypha and croton, you should definitely protect your hands.
  4. Solanaceae family. Everyone is familiar with vegetable fruits such as potatoes and tomatoes - they also belong to the nightshade family. In addition to them, capsicums, brovallia and brunfelsia are often grown at home. The fruits of these poisonous plants can affect general condition humans through the gastrointestinal tract. If you eat several berries, nausea will first appear, followed by vomiting and diarrhea and, as a result, a lethargic and apathetic state. Therefore, if you have these plants in your home, you need to make sure that your pet or child does not eat the poisonous fruits.

The most poisonous house plants

Many decorative flowers, whether they belong to the four above-mentioned families or not, are poisonous to varying degrees. However, there are some of the most poisonous houseplants that you should become familiar with. The following is a list of poisonous houseplants that are highly toxic.


Belongs to the araceae family. All parts of this plant are poisonous. The stem that is cut during maintenance is especially dangerous. The juice of this poisonous plant contains cyanogenic glycosides, raphides and saponins. This specimen is listed in reference books as a very poisonous plant.

Upon contact with the skin, these poisonous indoor flowers cause redness and allergic itching. If Dieffenbachia juice is ingested, the victim experiences dizziness and palpitations, which may be accompanied by diarrhea, nausea and vomiting.

For pruning or cuttings when transplanting this plant, you need to select a separate tool, which should be washed thoroughly after use.

It is highly not recommended to use table knives or kitchen scissors for these purposes, because even small traces of poison on them can cause poisoning. When working with Dieffenbachei, you need to wear special rag or durable latex gloves, after which you still need to wash your hands with soap.


Like Dieffenbachia, this poisonous flower belongs to the araceae family. It is toxic due to the presence of the dangerous alkaloid aroin.

When the juice of this poisonous plant comes into contact with the skin, burning and redness occur.. If you bite off a piece of aglaonema leaf, nausea will come first, followed by vomiting and diarrhea. As in the case of Dieffenbachia juice poisoning, heart rhythm disturbances and seizures may occur. The same thing happens with caladium poisoning.

Fortunately this unpretentious plant does not require frequent transplantation and special care. However when in contact with it, you will also need gloves and tools.


Belongs to the Euphorbiaceae family. The second name of this poisonous plant is the most beautiful euphorbia. Many people liked this poisonous houseplant due to its external resemblance to a palm tree. Milkweed has poisonous seeds and milky juice..

There are known cases of poinsettia poisoning among children. The main symptoms are nausea, upset stomach and chills. Lethargy and drowsiness are observed for some time, as the plant has an effect on nervous system. It is imperative to protect your hands and work with the plant with gloves.

Trichocereus poisonous

How can we not mention this indoor plant? It is not just toxic, but even deadly. This is a columnar cactus with spines sticking out in all directions. It blooms, throwing out white inflorescences that have a rather pleasant smell.

Poisonous Trichocereus is a known hallucinogen. Since this plant originally grows wild, it secretes poison in order to protect itself from attacks by various animals. The substance it produces called the alkaloid mescaline has an effect on the central nervous system, even causing paralysis. In addition, these poisonous cacti can cause visual hallucinations. Upon contact skin with cactus, numbness of the affected areas and temporary lack of sensitivity are possible.

When Trichocereus throws out its “babies,” you can simply cut them off with a disposable blade and replant them. Hand protection is a must, as all parts of this toxic houseplant are poisonous.

Cyclamen persica

This poisonous indoor flower throws out very beautiful flowers. He is quite capricious and requires careful care. Already for a long time Cyclamen is used as a homeopathic remedy for female diseases, sinusitis and rheumatoid arthritis.

However, the juice of the tubers of this poisonous houseplant, if it comes into contact with sensitive skin, can cause inflammation, itching and redness, so it would not hurt to wear gloves when caring for it.

Ivy evergreen

Ivy is an ornamental plant that beautifully entwines furniture, so it is often used specifically for interior decoration.

Like many representatives of the flora, This plant purifies the air and repels mold, but both the leaves and stems of ivy are toxic..

If small pet If a rat, such as a chinchilla or a rat, eats ivy, it can be fatal.

Sometimes this plant blooms, but its inflorescences do not have a pleasant smell, so it is better to cut off the buds without regret, since ivy fruits are even more harmful. This is a very dangerous plant - poisoning with it can result in symptoms such as delirium and even cardiac arrest.


This is a popular plant that decorates the windowsill of almost every gardener. Its juice can heal and cleanse wounds, A traditional medicine says that this plant has many others beneficial properties. Drinking a tablespoon of aloe juice with honey daily on an empty stomach cleanses the gastrointestinal tract.

However, if a rodent eats this poisonous plant, death cannot be avoided, and a larger animal will experience an upset stomach. As for people, then an overdose of the juice of this plant can lead to severe intoxication. For pregnant women, the use of aloe is contraindicated, as the pregnancy may be terminated.


A beautiful and unpretentious plant called geranium can also cause problems. Along with the fact that geranium is good antiseptic It’s not for nothing that animals, and especially cats, don’t even look in his direction, since his poison is life-threatening. This home flower should not decorate the home of an allergy sufferer, since the pungent smell of its inflorescences can cause a severe allergic reaction and provoke asthma.

On the other hand, geranium extract is used for diseases of the ENT organs and is used by athletes, as it increases performance and gives strength.

Poisonous specimens that are less common

In addition to the above specimens, pink catharanthus is gaining popularity. Its peculiarity is that its flowers come in both white and pink color. This plant is used to treat oncology, but it contains very poisonous alkaloids.. Gloriosa, which has recently attracted the attention of gardeners, also contains harmful alkaloids.

Until recently, oleander was popular. Cardiac glycosides that are found in its stems are very dangerous for humans. Poisoning with clivia, aucuba japonica or tuberous begonia leads to malfunctions gastrointestinal tract. Aucuba is generally capable of causing bleeding if its poison enters the body in large quantities.

Primrose, like croton, has an unfavorable effect on the skin - their exposure causes dermatitis. Everyone's favorite ficus plants contain furocoumarins, which cause a burn if they come into contact with the skin.

You can find geranium or aloe in almost every home - this is no longer uncommon. When in the house small child or a pet, it is better to remove such a flower higher and away from sleeping place. Before purchasing a representative of one of the poisonous families, it would be useful to get acquainted with what poisonous indoor plants are and their effect on human health.

Finally, I would like to summarize that most are lush and beautiful flowering plants, which are successfully cultivated by humans, are poisonous. If there is a need to purchase a poisonous houseplant for treatment or for other purposes, you should take into account all the risks and protect your household from contact with it. Doing some simple measures precautions when transplanting and caring for a poisonous specimen, an attentive gardener need not worry about anything.
