Use the present perfect. The Present Perfect Tense - Present Perfect Tense

(have, has) and past participle forms: I have done, he has played. Past Participle (participle) regular verbs formed by adding the ending to the infinitive –ed: to invite- invite ed. When added to a verb –ed sometimes there are changes in its spelling: to stop – stopp ed. Past Participle of irregular verbs must be remembered: to tell – told – told. More about .

Abbreviated forms:

‘ve= have
haven't= have not
hasn't= has not

Using the Present Perfect

1. An action that has taken place to date, the result of which is obvious. The speaker’s emphasis is to draw the interlocutor’s attention to the result of the action taking place (there is always a connection between the past and the present).

Examples: I have lost my luggage. - I lost my luggage. (I now have no baggage - the speaker reports a specific result of an action have lost; This idea can also be expressed with the following sentence: My luggage is lost. – My luggage is lost.)
I have read a new book. – I read a new book. (I have already read the book)
She has bought a new car. - She bought a new car. (she has a new car now)

2. With adverbial words denoting periods of time that have not yet expired ( today - today, this week/month/year - this week, this month/year, this afternoon - this afternoon)*

Examples: I haven't read your documents today. – I didn’t read your documents today.

3. Often with adverbs of indefinite time ( ever - ever, never - never, already - already, yet - yet, often - often, so far - yet, until now, not yet - not yet, ever - ever)*

Examples: I 've never been there before. - I've never been here.
They haven't finished dinner yet. - They haven't finished lunch yet.

* Please note that the absence or presence of the above adverbs (3) or adverbial words (2) in a sentence is not a clear indicator Present usage Perfect.

4. Always used with adverbs lately – (for/in) lately and just – just now.

Examples: They have just finished. - They just finished.
Have you heard from her lately? – Have you heard about her lately?

5. Actions performed during a certain period of time up to the present moment with verbs that do not have the Continuous form. Often used with prepositions for ( for an hour - for an hour, for two weeks - for two weeks, for a long time - for a long time ) and since ( since twelve o’clock - from twelve o’clock, since 12 April - from April 12, since May - from May). More about .

Examples: I have known her mother for 10 years. – I’ve known her mother for 10 years.
He has been here since 3 o'clock. – He’s been here since 3 o’clock.

6. Never used to refer to past moments or periods of time ( yesterday - yesterday, last week - last week, an hour ago - an hour ago, on Sunday - on Sunday, in 2005 - in 2005), with questions starting with when – When. These marker words indicate the need to use.

Examples:When did he draw this portrait? – When did he paint this portrait?
I came here an hour ago. – I came here an hour ago.

7. In circumstances subordinate clauses time and conditions ( after conjunctions when- when, while, after - after, as soon as - as soon as, if - if, until - not yet) instead to express an action that will end at a certain point in the future. Translated into Russian by the future tense.

Examples:After he has been repaired the washing machine, he'll be paid. – After he fixes the washing machine, he will be paid.
I'll come as soon as I have finished writing this letter. “I’ll come as soon as I finish writing this letter.”

In all the diversity of times in English Perfect tenses (perfect or completed) are notable for the fact that you will not find their analogues in Russian grammar. Perhaps for this reason, many people have difficulty mastering perfect tenses. Let's learn to understand and use these useful and interesting English verb tenses.

Strictly speaking, in English there are only two tenses (tense), where only the semantic verb is present: present (We walk) And past (He left).
All other tenses of verbs in English, and there are about thirty of them, use auxiliary verbs.

There are six main tenses, which, once understood, will help you understand the entire temporal structure of English verbs.

  • Present Simple (Present Indefinite): We play. - We're playing.
  • Present Perfect: We have played. - We played.
  • Past Simple (Past Indefinite): We played. - We played.
  • Past Perfect: We had played. - We played (before a certain event in the past).
  • Future Simple (Future Indefinite): We will play. - We will play.
  • Future Perfect: We will have played. - We'll play (until a certain event in the future).

Students learning English as a foreign language most often experience problems with Perfect at times. This is due to the fact that they are formed a little more complex than their “simple” counterparts: with the help auxiliary verb and past participles (III form of the verb).

  • Run (run)- run - run
  • Play (play)- played - played

Auxiliary verbs are usually forms of the verbs be, can, do, may, must, ought, shall, will, have, has, had. It is these verbs and their forms that should be given attention.

Present Perfect Tense (present perfect tense)

Tom will repair his car on Monday. (Future Simple) - Tom will be repairing his car on Monday.

She hopes that Tom will have repaired his car by Monday evening. (Future Perfect) - She hopes Tom will have his car repaired by Monday evening.

Present Perfect- present perfect tense of English. This tense is used to denote events that have completed to date or have completed during the present time period. See below the rules for forming the Present Perfect, a list of auxiliary words and examples of using the present perfect tense in English.

Education Present Perfect

In affirmative sentences, the Present Perfect is formed using the auxiliary word have (1st and 2nd person) or has (3rd person singular) and adding the ending -ed to the verb. If the verb is irregular, then the 3rd form is used - Past Participle.

Education formula:

Noun + have / has + verb with ending -ed or in 3 form

Noun and auxiliary verb have can merge and form I’ve, they’ve, etc. Examples of affirmative sentences in the Present Perfect:

He has just finished playing football. — He just finished playing football.

They’ve started doing their homework already. — They have already started doing their homework.

To form a negative sentence in the Present Perfect, after the auxiliary verb, you must add the particle not. rule:

Noun + have / has + not + verb ending in -ed or 3rd form

An auxiliary verb can be combined with the not part to form have not or has not. Examples of negative sentences:

I have not seen you for years! - I haven't seen you for a long time!

She has not made her work yet. “She hasn't done her job yet.”

To form an interrogative sentence in the Present Perfect, the auxiliary verb must be placed before the sentence. rule:

Have / Has + noun + verb ending in -ed or 3rd form

Examples of interrogative sentences:

Has there ever been a war in the United States? — Was there ever a war in the United States?

Have you ever met him? -Have you ever met him?

Auxiliary words Present Perfect

When forming sentences in the Present Perfect, auxiliary words are often used. These present perfect marker words are given below:

Cases in which the Present Perfect is used

Below are various examples of using the Present Perfect tense that you may find useful.
I use case: Indefinite time before the present moment

Unspecified Time Before Now

The Present Perfect is usually used to describe something that happened relatively recently and at an inopportune time. The use of the following words such as yesterday, one year ago, last week, at that moment, that day, one day and others in the Present Perfect is prohibited, since when using this tense the emphasis is placed on the experience, and not on the time when the event occurred. In this case, the use of auxiliary words is used (see table above). examples:

I have been to France. — I was in France.

I think I have met him once before. “I think I met him once.”

Nobody has ever climbed that mountain. - No one has ever climbed this mountain.

You have grown since the last time I saw you. “You’ve grown up since I last saw you.”

James has not finished his homework yet. — Jace hasn't finished his homework yet.

Have you been to Mexico in the last year? - Have you been to Mexico? last year? ('In the last year' (as opposed to 'last year') means 'in the last 365 days', so it is indefinite time, requiring use of Present Perfect)

I have seen that movie six times in the last month. — I saw this film six times last month. (The time is indicated here, but the emphasis is on how many times a person has seen this film.)

Use case II: the action takes place to this day

Duration From the Past Until Now (Non-Continuous Verbs)

The Present Perfect is also used with verbs that are not continuous (Non-Continuous Verbs) or with mixed verbs (Mixed Verbs). IN in this case The present perfect tense describes an action that began in the past and is still ongoing. In this case, it is typical to use phrases like for five minutes, for two weeks, since Monday and others. examples:

I have had a cold for two weeks. — I’ve had a cold for two weeks now.

She has been in England for six months. — She has been in England for 6 months.

Mary has loved chocolate since she was a little girl. — Mary loves chocolate since childhood.

Present Perfect (present perfect) is used to denote an action that took place in the past and has a result in the present.

Education Present Perfect Tense

The Present Perfect is formed using the auxiliary verb to have in the present tense ( have, has) and the past participle form of the semantic verb. This form of the verb is also called the “third form of the verb” and is designated conventionally as V3 (verb 3). For regular verbs this is the infinitive ending –ed, for irregular verbs it is the third column V ):
I have played.
He has played.
We have played.

Interrogative form: have (has) + subject + V3:
Have I played?
Has he played?
Have we played?

IN special issue before have (has) the necessary one is placed interrogative pronoun:
Where have I played?
Why has he played?
With whom have you played?

In a question to the subject, an interrogative pronoun who is placed before the predicate instead of the subject itself (in this question the auxiliary verb has is always used):
Who has worked?

Negative form: have (has) + not + V3:
I have not played.
He has not played.
We have not played.

Interrogative negative form: have (has) + subject + not + V3 or haven"t (hasn"t) + subject + V3:
Have I not played?
Has he not played?
Have we not played?

IN colloquial speech Abbreviations used:
have not = haven"t = "ve not
has not = hasn't = "s not
have = "ve
has = "s
I haven"t played. = I"ve not played.
I've played.
Haven"t I played ?

Affirmative form Negative form
I have play ed
He (she, it) has play ed
We have play ed
You have play ed
They have play ed
I have not play ed
He (she, it) has not
play ed
We have not play ed
You have not play ed
They have not play ed
Question form Interrogative-negative form
Have I played?
Has he (she, it)
play ed ?
Have we play ed ?
Have you play ed ?
Have them play ed ?
Have I not play ed ?
Has he (she, it) not play ed ?
Have we not play ed ?
Have you not play ed ?
Have they not play ed ?

Using Present Perfect Tense

Present Perfect is used:

1. To express an action that took place in the past, but has a result in the present. The presence of such a result connects the past action with the present:
I have lost my keys. I lost my keys.
(I lost it in the past, but there is a result - now I don’t have them, I can’t open the door)

Has the rain stopped? Has the rain stopped?
(interesting in the lack of rain at the moment)

The duration of the action may not be specified (as in the previous sentences) or may be expressed by adverbs just, ever, never, already, yet(in questions and negatives), lately recently, lately, recently recently. In this case, the sentence should not contain adverbs indicating the past tense:
I have never been in London. I've never been to London.
He hasn't come home yet. He hasn't come home from work yet.

But compare:
My mom has already cooked dinner. Mom has already prepared lunch.
My mom already cooked dinner yesterday. Mom already prepared lunch yesterday. (yesterday indicates past tense, which is why it is used )

Note. The Past Simple Tense is just used with the adverb just now:
I broke it just now. I just broke it.

2. To express both a one-time action and an action repeated several times in the past (the sentence may contain the words often often, twice twice etc.) and in sentences answering the question how much/many how much:
I have read that book twice. I read this book twice.
I have been in London three times. I've been to London three times.
I "ve ironed 8 skirts. I ironed 8 skirts.

3. Present Perfect is used with adverbs denoting periods of time that have not yet elapsed today today, this week this week, this month this month, this year this year etc.:
Have you listened to the radio today? Did you listen to the radio today? (not expired today)
It has not rained this week. There was no rain this week. (this week has not expired)

But if the specified period of time has already ended, then the Past Simple Tense form is used:
I have drunk coffee this morning. I drank coffee this morning.(said in the morning)
I drank coffee this morning. I drank coffee this morning.(the morning has already passed, it is said, for example, in the afternoon or evening)

4. The Present Perfect is used to express an action that began in the past and continued until the moment of speech or is still ongoing at the moment of speech. The sentence must contain the prepositions since (from some past moment to the present) or for during. At the same time, the Present Perfect can be translated either in the present tense or in the past, depending on the situation.
a) with verbs not used in the Continuous (for more details, see):
I haven't seen you for ages. I haven't seen you for ages.(I didn’t see it and just saw it at the moment of speaking)
Has not been here since two o'clock. He (has been) here since two o'clock.(started at two o'clock and is still here now)
I have known him for three years. I've known him for three years.

b) with some verbs instead of the Present Perfect Continuous, if the speaker wants to focus not on the duration, but on the fact of the action.
I have lived in Moscow for five years. I have been living in Moscow for five years.(fact is important)
I have been living in Moscow for five years. I have been living in Moscow for five years.(duration, process is important)

The Present Perfect is also used with the conjunction since since. In this case, the Present Perfect is used in the main clause, and in the subordinate clause starting with since, the Past Simple is used:
I have written only one letter to my relatives since I left. I've only written one letter since I left.
I haven't
letters received from him since he left. I haven't received any letters from him since he left.

Present Perfect is also used with the adverb since since:
We moved to a new flat last year, and we haven't met our friends since. We moved last year, and haven't seen our friends since then.

5. The Present Perfect is used to express a perfect future action instead of the Future Perfect in adverbial subordinate clauses of time and conditions, which are introduced by conjunctions after, when, as soon as, until (till), if etc. In this case, the Present Perfect is translated into the future tense of the perfect form:
He will wait for you until you have come. He will wait for you until you come.

Usage of Present Perfect Tense

  1. An action whose result is evident in the present tense (in Russian it corresponds to the past tense).
  2. An action repeated several times in the past.
  3. With adverbial words denoting periods of time that have not yet expired.
  4. To express an action that began in the past and continued until the moment of speech or is still ongoing at the moment of speech: instead of the Present Perfect Continuous (in Russian it corresponds to the present and past tense).
  5. The future perfect action in subordinate clauses of time and condition (in Russian corresponds to the future tense).

Present Perfect– present perfect tense.

The main problem for understanding Present Perfect- that it is often confused with Past Indefinite (Past Simple). After all, we are talking about an action that happened, i.e. from the point of view of the Russian language, it refers to the past. What is the difference with Past Indefinite? After all, this is also the past tense?

The fact of the matter is that not too. In English Present Perfect- this is not the past, but present time. With its help, some information about the present is always given, there is a connection with the present.

If we are talking about the present, about the result for the present, and not about the past, then we need to use Present Perfect. And if we are talking specifically about the past, about what has already passed, what ended in the past and has no connection with the present, then you need to use Past Indefinite.

There are two keys to understanding time Present Perfect. First - connection with the present, and the second - importance of the result of the action for the present, and not for the time of the action in the past.

This is it difference Present Perfect from Past Indefinite.

Present Perfect used if the action has been completed by now or has just ended. And although the action relates to the past, the main thing is that it has a connection with the present. The action belongs to the past, and the result belongs to the present.

Signs Present Perfect are the words: never(never), ever(ever) often(often), just(just now), already(already), yet(more), always(Always), rarely(rarely), etc.


I've just finished my work. - I just finished work.
Those. I finished the work, the action was completed, it is in the past, but I finished the work just now, the action has completed by now, so there is a connection with the present.

Education Present Perfect

Present Perfect formed using an auxiliary verb to have/has and the third form of the semantic verb (Past Participle). The third form of regular verbs is formed using the ending - ed, and for incorrect ones see Irregular verbs .

Abbreviated forms
I have = I've
He has = He's
I have not = I haven’t
He has not = He hasn’t

Using the Present Perfect

1. The action occurred at an unspecified time in the past (it is not the time that is important, but the result)

Expiration time is not specified. We do not know exactly when the action took place, or time does not matter. The action happened in the past at all, no matter when. It is not the time of the action that is important, but its result.

We think not about a past action, but about its result for the present.


I've seen this movie. - I saw this film.
Those. I have seen this film at all, no matter when. Only the result for the present is important.

Mike has traveled a lot. - Mike traveled a lot.
Mike traveled a lot in general, no one knows when.

I saw this movie when I was a child. - I saw this film when I was a child. The action refers to a period that ended in the past, because now I am no longer a child. Therefore, Past Indefinite is used here.

Mike traveled a lot from 1990 to 1995. - Mike traveled a lot from 1990 to 1995. And here the period of action ended in the past. Therefore, Past Indefinite is also used here.

IN interrogative sentences type When..? What time...? Past Indefinite is used rather than Present Perfect because time is important here (When? What time?), and not the result.

When did she come? - When did she come?
What time did they leave? - What time did they leave?

But if the result is important (Did she come? Did they leave?), then it is used Present Perfect.

Has she come? - Has she come?
Have they left? -Have they left?

2. The action began in the past, continues in the present and can continue in the future.

The words can be used since(since) and for(for).


We have lived in Kiev since 1985. - We have lived in Kyiv since 1985.
Those. we started living in Kyiv in 1985, we continue to live and, perhaps, we will continue to live.

She has been my teacher of music for many years. - She was my music teacher for many years.
Those. she was, is and will probably continue to be my music teacher!

Difference between Present Perfect and Past Indefinite (Past Simple)

Past Indefinite is used to describe an action that ended in the past and has no connection with the present.

We lived in Kiev until 1985. - We lived in Kyiv until 1985.
Those. we lived until 1985, and we don’t live anymore. The action belongs entirely to the past.

3. The time for completing a completed action is determined by the words just (just), already (already), yet (yet)

There is a clear connection with the present: just now, already, yet!


I've just written a letter. - I just wrote a letter.
He has already arrived. - He has already arrived.
The show has not begun yet. - The show hasn't started yet.

4. The action took place during a period that has not yet ended

A period that has not yet ended could be: today(Today), this morning(this morning) this week(this week), this month(this month) this year(this year), etc., and even the whole life!

Period that ended: yesterday(yesterday), last week(last week) last month(last month) last year(last year), etc. And even, for example, this morning, if the morning has already ended and the day has come!


Mary has called her son this morning. - Mary called her son in the morning.
The morning is not over yet, which means the period of action continues. Therefore there is a connection with the present.

I have never been to China. - I have never been to China.
Have you ever been to Australia? -Have you ever been to Australia?

Here one could add - never (or ever) in my life! I've never been to China in my life. Validity period (in in this example- life) is not over yet.

Difference between Present Perfect and Past Indefinite

Past Indefinite: The action took place in a time period that has ended. For example, yesterday(yesterday), last week(last week) last month(last month) last year(last year).


I’ve had a cup of tea this morning. - I drank a cup of tea in the morning.
Those. the morning is not over yet, it continues, so we use the Present Perfect.

But if the morning has already ended (after 12:00), and the day has come, then the situation has changed dramatically:

I had a cup of tea this morning. - I drank a cup of tea in the morning.
That's it, the morning is over, and I had to use Past Indefinite!
And this despite the fact that both the morning and the cup of tea remained the same.

5. Description of events of the recent past

Usually the words used are recently(recently), lately(recently, recently).


He has come back recently. - He returned recently.
I've worked hard lately. - I've been working a lot lately.

The recent past is recent because it has a connection with the present. Essentially, this means that the time period has not yet ended (see point 4).

6. The action occurs for the first (second, third, etc.) time


It’s the first time I’ve been here. - This is my first time here.
It’s the first time I’ve done it. - I'm doing this for the first time.
It’s the first time I’ve driven a car. - I'm driving a car for the first time.
It’s the third time she’s called him this morning. - She calls him this morning for the third time.

Attention! Not I do, but I've done!


Pay attention to the difference in the use of verbs gone And been.

Once upon a time there lived Jack. And so he decided to go to France.

Jack has gone to France. - Jack went to France.
Those. Jack is now traveling to France or is there.

But then Jack returned, and now he is back in his homeland.
This means:

Jack has been to France. - Jack was in France.
He was there, now he is no longer there.
