39.04 03 organization of work with youth. Institute of Social Communications

Degree (qualification)- master's degree

Duration of training- 2 years.

General characteristics of the area of ​​training

The area of ​​professional activity of masters in youth work includes: solving complex problems of implementing youth policy in the fields of labor, law, politics, science and education, culture and sports, communications, healthcare; interaction with government and public structures, youth and children's public associations, and employers.

Udmurt State University is the only higher educational institution in the Udmurt Republic that offers a two-level training program in the direction of “Organization of work with youth” - bachelor's and master's degrees.

The goal of the master's program is to prepare competent and competitive professionals in the labor market who are able to satisfy the scientific, cultural, educational and socially practical needs of society in a dynamic, changing social environment. Master's preparation in the direction of “Organization of work with youth” is aimed at developing general cultural, general professional and special competencies.

Training objectives include the formation of skills in the following areas of activity:

  • development and implementation of research programs;
  • identifying current problems of youth that require organizational methods of solution;
  • application of diagnostic techniques and practices to obtain a professional opinion on youth issues, examination of documentation, legislative acts, projects related to the organization of work with youth
  • participation in the development of projects in the field of youth policy
  • lecturing, conducting classes on organizing work with youth
  • participation in consultations on organizing work with youth.

The objects of professional activity of masters are sociocultural processes in the youth environment, the properties and conditions of youth, their manifestations in various areas of social activity and interaction at the level of the individual, group, society, as well as methods and forms of influence on youth, various aspects of their development.

Description of the main educational program

The main educational program of the master's program involves the study of educational cycles and sections.

OOP training cycles:

  • general scientific cycle;
  • professional cycle.

OOP sections:

  • practices and research work;
  • final state certification.

Each academic cycle has a basic (compulsory) part and a variable (profile) part, established by the university.

The variable (profile) part provides the opportunity to expand and (or) deepen knowledge, abilities, skills and competencies determined by the content of basic (compulsory) disciplines (modules), allows the student to obtain in-depth knowledge, skills and competencies for successful professional activity and (or) training in graduate school.

Theoretical training in the master's program includes student research work, workshops, laboratory classes, where computer training programs are actively used, tests, business games, workshops in the disciplines (modules) of the basic part.

Practical classes are provided in the disciplines (modules) of the basic part, which develop students’ skills and abilities in the field of computer technology in science and education, organization of scientific research in the youth sphere, mathematical modeling of social processes in the youth environment, comprehensive study of the situation of youth in society, as well as in disciplines (modules) of the variable part of the master's degree - reflecting the regional specifics of the study of youth problems.

During the learning process, students consolidate their acquired knowledge in practice - pedagogical and research.

To familiarize students with the peculiarities of organizing work with youth in the region, the graduating department, with the support of the Ministry of Youth Affairs of the Ural Republic, organizes thematic meetings and master classes with leading specialists of the republic - Municipal Educational Institution of Children's Education and Training Center "Pulse", BUUR "Republican Center for the Development of Youth and Children's Movement", Udmurt Republican public organization "Volunteer Agency "Yes!", Republican Coordination and Methodological Center "Vacation", AOUUR "Center for Economic Education of Youth and Entrepreneurship", MKU GC "Teenager" AU UR "Republican Business Incubator", an interregional shift "Growth" is being held » together with universities in Perm, etc.


Currently, a practice base has been created for students in youth communities at the place of residence, study, work, recreation, temporary stay of youth, in associations and organizations representing the interests of youth, in regional executive authorities, and local governments. The main partners in the field of organizing student internships are currently the Ministry of Youth Affairs of the Urals, the Administration of Izhevsk, the Republican Center “Young Family”, the Center for Patriotic Education of Citizens “Patriot of the Fatherland”, the Republican Assistance Center youth employment” BU UR “Republican Center for Social and Psychological Assistance to Youth “Psychologist-Plus”, etc.

Opportunity to participate in regional, national and international events

To carry out research work, the Interregional Center for Retraining and Advanced Training of Personnel in the Sphere of State Youth Policy is actively used as a base platform. The Center is the only Federal platform in the Volga Federal District that carries out research activities in the field of state youth policy. Research activities carried out at the IRC involve organizing and conducting scientific research, scientific, methodological and experimental work together with institutions working with children and youth in the Udmurt Republic. The proposed topics for research include the following: “Technologies for the prevention of extremism among youth”, “Technologies for the socialization of youth in difficult life situations”, “Technologies for involving youth in the activities of institutions of a democratic state and civil society”, “Modern technologies of historical patriotic education”, “Formation of attitudes of tolerant consciousness among youth”, etc.

Staffing of the educational process

For high-quality training of specialists in the field of organizing work with youth, Udmurt State University has qualified personnel. The direction of master's training "Organization of work with youth" is supervised by the Department of History and Political Science, created in 1994. The degree of the department is 76%. Highly qualified teachers from other departments of Udmurt State University and practitioners (managers and leading specialists of the Ministry of Youth Affairs, Department of Youth Affairs of Izhevsk, BU UR "Republican Center "Young Family", BU UR "Center for Patriotic Education of Citizens" are also involved in conducting classes. Patriot of the Fatherland”, etc.).

Teachers of the department conduct active research and practical activities, the results of which are used in the educational process. Sterkhova S.A. - member of the working group on the formation of the youth government of the UR, Firuleva L.D. - member of the jury of the All-Russian competition of professional skills in the field of gas transport, Merzlyakova G.V., Danshina S.A. - carry out work within the framework of grants for the civic and patriotic education of youth, Korolev S.V. - coordinator of the All-Russian anti-alcohol patriotic project “Common Cause” in the Urals, in 2014. participated as an expert in the finals of the Republican competition of social projects “I am a citizen of Russia”, Chernysheva I.V. - sphere of scientific interests - socio-demographic problems of youth in the Urals, member of the jury of a competition on social advertising, etc.

To date, a number of monographs and teaching aids on various aspects of youth policy have been published: Danshina S.A., Merzlyakova G.V. - monograph “Formation of citizenship and patriotism (from the experience of the Udmurt Republic)”, Danshina S.A. - educational and methodological manual “Youth in the socio-political life of society”; Lapina E.A. - monographs “Development of the staffing system for state youth policy in the SD”, “Experience in implementing state youth policy in the SD in the 1990s - early 2000s.” (personnel aspect); Mikhaleva E.I. - educational and methodological manuals “Ethnic education of youth in a multicultural space”, “Interethnic communication among youth”; Sterkhova S.A., Firuleva L.D. - educational and methodological manual “Youth political movement in Russia: history and modernity”; Chernysheva I.V. - educational and methodological manual 2Social advertising"; Korolev S.V. - educational and methodological manual “Young family - an object of youth policy.”

Teachers of the department regularly improve their qualifications, both in the profile of student training and in the field of general pedagogical competencies.

Classroom and logistical support of the educational process

Today, the Institute of Social Communications has 2 of its own computer classes and 6 classrooms (two of them are continuous - for 60 and 80 people), equipped with the necessary modern multimedia equipment and computer office equipment. As necessary, equipment is modernized and replenished.

The main educational program in the direction of “Organization of work with youth” is currently provided with basic and additional literature.

Types of professional activities

The master's degree in the area of ​​training 04/39/03 “Organization of work with youth” prepares for the following types of professional activities:

  • scientific research;
  • organizational and managerial;
  • production and socio-technological;
  • social project;
  • organizational-mass;
  • pedagogical.


Graduates work in municipal, state, non-governmental organizations and institutions that implement the functions of state youth policy and work with youth, federal, regional executive authorities, local governments, in organizations, institutions and enterprises where young people study and work.


Phone: (3412) 916–210, 916–033
Fax: (3412) 916–211
Address: 426034, Izhevsk, st. Universitetskaya, 1, building 4, room 517

46 entries found

Golyakov Alexey Alexandrovich. The problem of youth tolerance in the sociocultural space

Golyakov A. A.

The problem of youth tolerance in the sociocultural space: Master’s final qualification work (GQR) in the field of study 04/39/03 – Organization of work with youth, focus (profile) “State youth policy” / A. A. Golyakov; hands A. V. Pozdnyakov. – Eagle: [b. i.], 2019. – 75 p.

Kim Svetlana Viktorovna. Features of the formation of life strategies of young men as social subjects in modern Russian society

Features of the formation of life strategies of young men as social subjects in modern Russian society: final qualifying work (GKR) of a master's degree in the field of preparation 04/39/03 Organization of work with youth / S.V. Kim; hands N.A. Frolova. - Eagle: [b. i.], 2019. – 98 p.

Zhebenev Dmitry Leonidovich. The problem of relationships in a modern young family

Zhebenev D. L.

The problem of relationships in a modern young family: final qualifying work (GQR) of a master in the field of preparation 04/39/03 Organization of work with youth, focus (profile) “State youth policy” / D. L. Zhebenev; hands L.Yu. Larina. - Eagle: [b. i.], 2019. – 84 p.

Verizhnikova Maria Olegovna. Youth movement in Russia: history, modernity, prospects

Verizhnikova M. O.

Youth movement in Russia: history, modernity, prospects: Master’s final qualifying work (GQR) in the field of study 04/39/03 – Organization of work with youth, focus (profile) “State youth policy” / M. O. Verizhnikova; hands A. V. Pozdnyakov. – Eagle: [b. i.], 2019. – 75 p.

Polyakova Victoria Guramovna. Physical culture and sports in the system of factors of socialization of modern youth

Polyakova V. G.

Physical culture and sports in the system of factors of socialization of modern youth: final qualifying work (GKR) of the master in the field of preparation 04/39/03 – Organization of work with youth, focus (profile) “State youth policy” / V. G. Polyakova; hands N. A. Frolova. – Eagle: [b. i.], 2019. – 103 p.

Shirokova Tatyana Andreevna. Physical and spiritual development of the young generation as one of the priority areas of activity of youth organizations

Shirokova T.A.

Physical and spiritual development of the young generation as one of the priority areas of activity of youth organizations: final qualifying work (GQR) of the master in the field of preparation 04/39/03 Organization of work with youth, focus (profile) “State youth policy” / T.A. Shirokova; hands V.V. Chernyshenko. – Orel: [b.i.], 2019. – 98 p.

Koryakina Victoria Viktorovna. The influence of gender ideas and stereotypes on the formation of family values ​​among modern Russian youth

Koryakina V.V.

The influence of gender ideas and stereotypes on the formation of family values ​​of modern Russian youth: final qualifying work (GKR) of the master in the field of study 04/39/03 – Organization of work with youth, focus (profile) “State youth policy” / V.V. Koryakina; hands N. A. Frolova. – Eagle: [b. i.], 2019. – 86 p.

Bayanova Polina Sergeevna. New youth subcultures in the sociocultural space of modern Russia

Bayanova P.S.

New youth subcultures in the sociocultural space of modern Russia: final qualifying work (GQR) of the master in the field of preparation 04/39/03 Organization of work with youth, focus (profile) “State youth policy” / P.S. Bayanova; hands N.A. Frolova. - Eagle: [b. i.], 2019. – 87 p.


The educational master's program provides for the training of highly qualified specialists who will be able to solve any professional problems, participate in analytical work, engage in organizational, managerial and forecasting activities, provide information support to youth and youth projects, interact with government and public structures that represent the interests of youth, organize leisure time and carry out sports and recreational work, both in the educational environment and in government bodies at the municipal and state level. In addition, successful completion of the master's program provides the opportunity to continue studying in graduate school and engage in research work. The peculiarity of master's studies in this specialty is that teachers use a specialized training principle, which implies that students receive in-depth knowledge in special disciplines. In addition, teachers guide students towards active scientific activity, development of students’ analytical and research abilities, preparation of research projects and participation in conferences and seminars at various levels.

Who to work with

A master's degree in “Organization of Work with Youth” combines the qualities of a teacher, leader, social worker, manager, civil servant and psychologist. The young specialist is ready for professional work in the field of youth policy. Possible places of employment for them can be: educational institutions, public youth funds, organizations and associations, scientific, sports and cultural institutions, the media, government bodies (in the field of youth policy), business -structures, social service centers, employment and career guidance centers, institutes for scientific research on youth policy, etc. Master's degree graduates in this specialty can apply for the positions of: teacher-organizer, specialist in social work with youth, expert consultant, head of the department for work with youth, youth group curator, researcher. In addition, they receive the right to continue their studies in graduate school.
