Rasul Gamzatov presentation for class hour. Presentation on the topic "Rasul Gamzatov"


  • P introduce students to the life and work of the poet
  • Reveal the diversity of R. Gamzatov’s talent
  • Illuminate to students the main milestones of creativity
  • Afterwards through his works, to reveal his love for the Motherland, his mother, which runs like a red thread through his entire poetic heritage.

1. Introduce the event participants to the biography and work of R. Gamzatov.

2. Cultivate a sense of love for the native land, poetry, mother, pride

DESIGN: thematic book exhibition “A burning sigh of a burning heart”, dedicated to the life and work of Rasul Gamzatov, a portrait of R. Gamzatov, flowers, sketches of Caucasian landscapes, an epigraph, photographs from a family album, a selection of song themes reflecting the course of the event.


Look forward, strive forward.

And yet someday

Stop and look around

On your journey.

Rasul Gamzatov


1 Presenter.(Against the background of folk melody and the natural landscape of Dagestan)

— What do you think is the most distinctive feature of Dagestan?

Mountains, wild gorges in which mountain rivers roar, steep cliffs, abysses, stones rising into the heavenly heights.

Dag is a mountain, Stan is a mountain. - Country of mountains.

2 Presenter .

— The mountains of Dagestan are a unique natural world, not found anywhere else.

1 Presenter .

“We cannot imagine Dagestan without villages, soaring eagles, shepherd flocks, without the murmur of springs, without valleys, roads winding in the mountains.


Here we have such blue mountains

And such golden fields!

If all the edges took on their color,

The earth would become even more beautiful.

2 Presenter.

But for us, readers, Dagestan is primarily known as the homeland of the poet Rasul Gamzatov, as the land that provides the source of poetry that has long become popular, beloved in the country and abroad.


Like a child learning to read syllables,

I won’t get tired of babbling, repeating, talking

Dagestan. Da-ge-stan.

Who and what? Dagestan

- And about whom? Everything about him.

- And to whom? Dagestan.

(“My Dagestan”)

1 Presenter.

It is difficult to name another poet who would express love for his father’s land with such completeness and versatility in words, singing it in verse, in poems, in prose.

Rasul Gamzatovich Gamzatov was born in September - this month of fertility, a riot of colors in nature, the month of weddings and intoxicating wine. He was born at the beginning of the last century in 1923, in the mountain village of Tsada, in Dagestan.

I was born in the mountains, where along the gorge

The river flies in a swift rush,

Where are the songs over my cradle

The mother sang a song in the Avar language.

(Lullaby sounds quietly in the Avar language)

Staging of an excerpt from the birth scene of R. Gamzatov from the book “My Dagestan” by R. Gamzatov.

1 presenter:

When I was born, my father invited the most honorable people of the village to the hut to perform the naming ceremony. They slowly and importantly sat down in the hut, as if they were about to decide the fate of an entire country. In their hands they each held a pot-bellied product made by Balkhar potters. Only one, the oldest man with a snow-white head and beard, an old man who looked like a prophet, had his hands free.

My mother handed me over to this old man. The elder lifted me high to the ceiling of the saklya and said:

A man's name should embody the sound of sabers and the wisdom of books. - It turns out that the gray-haired mountaineer, who had seen the world and read many books, put meaning and purpose into my name.

2nd presenter:

Rasul in Arabic means "messenger", or more precisely, "representative". So whose messenger am I, whose representative?”

(photo from a family album - father and son)

1st presenter:


My father named me

What does representative mean in Arabic...

Whose representative am I?..

From which roads

And why did my journey around the world begin?..

The earth is beautiful and my path is wide,

And I dream of the highest happiness,

So that I, the earth, can be at least something

I am involved in your great beauty!

So that the native people can say without shame:

"Rasul, my son,

you are my representative!

At the beginning of his work, Rasul signed his father's pseudonym - Tsadas. But one day an honorary highlander from a neighboring village, who did not know that Rasul also wrote poetry, said to him: “Listen, son, what happened to your respected father? Previously, having read his poems only once, I remembered them immediately, but now I can’t even understand them.” Then Rasul, having made his father’s name his surname, began to sign Gamzatov.

1st presenter:

His father was the first teacher in Rasul’s poetic work. From his lips he will hear folk legends and fairy tales. And everyone will know his father’s poems by heart. My father was more than a mentor. You can't teach talent. It can only be polished. And that was thanks to my father. Later, Rasul began to sign poems with the name of his father - Gamzatov (son of Gamzat).

Reader: Only after stepping onto the everyday stage

In the intended role, old man,

I'm a father's true worth

Involuntarily, over the years I realized.

And love, and patience, and words,

And a steep path in the heights

Merging together again

Because my father is in me.

2nd presenter:

Rasul also considered the teachers of the “Gasan School”, which opened in Tsada as a center for the elimination of illiteracy, and where his father took his son at the age of 5, as his teachers. The beauty of the Russian language was discovered there by a Russian woman, Vera Vasilievna, to Rasul, to whom he dedicated the following lines:

(1st verse of the song “Thank you, teachers” sounds quietly - lyrics and music by unknown author)


I remember myself as a seven-year-old shooter

In a distant mountain village in autumn.

She looked at me like a native

That visiting woman speaks like a stranger.

Can I forget my first Russian lesson?

A fine day in the radiance of the through blue

Our friend, Vera Vasilievna, in a mountain village

You have lived for twenty years - an envoy from Moscow.

(“Vera Vasilievna”)

1st presenter:

Rasul began writing poetry in 1932 and publishing it in 1937. His first book in the Avar language was published in 1943. He also translated classical and modern literature into Avar: A.S. Pushkin, M.Yu. Lermontov, V. Mayakovsky and others. After graduating from the Buinaksk Pedagogical College, Rasul Tsadasa began working as a teacher at the school from which he had once graduated. But even then, he did not know whether he would devote his entire life to such a capricious muse as Poetry.

2nd presenter:

He changes professions: he works as a prompter, as an assistant director in the Avar theater, and collaborates in a newspaper and on the radio. Important events take place in his life: moving to Makhachkala, the publication of his first book in his native language.

1st presenter:

And the Great Patriotic War is already blazing in the country. War is Gamzatov’s great personal grief. His two brothers, Magomed and Akhilchi, died.

Against the background of the host’s words, it sounds quietly (1 verse and chorus from the song) performed by L. Leshchenko - lyrics. Matusovsky M., music. Basner V. “At an unnamed height”

Reader: (I have not forgotten the eyes of a grieving mother

And the bitter look of Gamzat Tsadas,

When the telegram lines danced

in the palms of a shocked father.

2nd presenter:

He writes these lines 35 years later. He did not allow his pain to spill out then, understanding the people’s pain, understanding that the sacrifices were made by the entire people, every village to which the funeral came.

Reader: They say that posthumously

Our bodies will become earth.

I'm ready to believe

No wonder this rumor.

Let me become a part

Land won in battle

That land on which

Now I live with all my heart.

1st presenter:

The memorable year 1943 will be marked by the birth of Rasul Gamzatov as a poet. The first book in Russian, “Fiery Love and Burning Hatred,” will be published.

Reader: With heads bowed

Over the dead fathers

We got up...

Loyalty to your forms,

Loyalty to your customs -

We store!

Loyalty to your army

And man's dignity

We store.

("Oath of the Sons")

1st presenter:

Eternal gratitude from our descendants to our defenders who won peace on earth.

1 presenter:

“Holding under my arm several of my own books, the poem “Children of Krasnodon,” having in my pocket a membership card of the Union of Soviet Writers and a meager amount of money, I came to Moscow to enter the Literary Institute. Gorky. There I realized that for a long time I had been mistaking worn-out nickels for gold. I fell in love with different poets in turn: now with Blok, now with Mayakovsky, now with Yesenin, now with Pasternak, now with the Avar Mahmud, now with the German Heine. But the love for Pushkin and Lermontov remained forever.”

2nd presenter:

This was one of the happiest roads of Rasul Gamzatov. He became one of the first Dagestanis who had the opportunity to study at a literary institute. In 1950, after graduating from university, his literary journey began and he became famous. The first poems of the book “Songs of the Mountains” were loved by readers for their wisdom and generosity of soul.

Reader: R. Gamzatov excerpt from the poem “To everything in the world...”

To everything in the world

I love my measure:

And morning and noon,

And the gray twilight,

And sleep and peace,

And old songs,

And even the grass

In our mountain valleys.

(“To everything in the world...”)

1st presenter:

In articles and speeches, he emphasizes the need for respect for folk art and traditions, and develops folk genres of drinking words, lullabies and short aphoristic poems.

2nd presenter:

“Poetry without a native land, without native soil is a bird without a nest,” the poet wrote. His poetry grew on a national basis, on which the themes and images of his works appeared.

Reader: . R. Gamzatov excerpt from the poem “Stars”

Highlander, loyal to Dagestan,

I chose the hard way

Maybe I will, maybe I will

A star myself someday.

Worried about earthly things,

I'll look into someone's verse

Like a conscience, like a conscience

My contemporaries.


1st presenter:

A special place in the poet’s work is occupied by the theme of love: for a mother, a woman, a beloved. These lyrics are close in their warmth, nobility, and purity. She tugs at the heartstrings.


Love's merits cannot be counted,

Come on in her earthly honor

We will stretch out our hands with you

To each other near the stars.

Over the abyss of separation

Let's build a bridge in the sky...

Song “On Mountain Roads” based on verses by R. Gamzatov.

2nd presenter:

Gamzatov was happy in love. He dedicated many beautiful lines to his wife.


I had a chance to travel all over the world,

The one who is both poor and rich,

And behind me, like an echo, rushed:

Patimat, Patimat, Patimat.

Our daughters are pure, like a spring,

They look at you admiringly.

Like good sunshine for them

Patimat, Patimat, Patimat.

I rejoice in your beauty

And I repeat my praises at random.

You are my destiny and my prayer:

Patimat, Patimat. Patimat.

1st presenter:

Gamzatov was often asked: “How did you meet your Patimat? - I haven’t met you at all! We were born in the same village. Her parents were rich people, they gave me money to look after her cradle. Then, when she grew up, I was ready to watch without money. She agreed, I got married... - and with feigned regret: - A otherwise I would have had a big, rich love story... I didn’t have to be kidnapped on a white horse..."

An excerpt from the song “The Sunny Days Have Disappeared” performed by V. Leontyev to the verses of R. Gamzatov.

Time passed and Gamzatov dedicated his best poems to his Patimat:


I'm afraid to write poetry. Suddenly, having read them,

Another, more worthy and younger than me,

He will love you, not kidding either.

I'm talking about you, who is dearest to me,

I'm afraid to write. Suddenly someone, loving,

He will talk to another, his beloved too,

With the words that I found for you.

1st presenter:

“To love beautifully also requires talent. Maybe love needs talent more than love needs talent; love accompanies talent, but does not replace it.”

2nd presenter:

In Gamzatov's poetry, the image of the mother is always warm-hearted, tender, and touching. How many wonderful words have been said about her, but the poet found new, extraordinary words. He was not afraid to repeat himself in choosing a topic. And it turned out that his hymn to his mother sounded in the world's lyrics.


(photo from a family album - mother and son). R. Gamzatov excerpt from the poem “Mama”

In Russian “mama”, in Georgian “nana”,

And in Avar - affectionately - “baba”.

From thousands of words of earth and ocean

This one has a special destiny.

Having become the first word of the year, our lullaby,

It sometimes entered a smoky circle.

And on the lips of a soldier in the hour of death

The last call suddenly became.

There are no shadows on this word,

And in silence, probably because

Other words, kneeling,

They want to confess to him.

1st presenter:

Khandulai is a typical mountain woman, a mother of five children. She carried the whole house on her shoulders, making sure that the fire was always burning in the hearth. But by her example, she showed the need for change in the life of a mountain woman: she sat down at her desk and abandoned outdated traditions. She was wise, understanding people in sorrow and joy.


All that I have written so far,

Today I’m ready to give up the line

For the song that was at my cradle

Near the peaks you hummed, mother.

Where the neighboring one ascended to the sky

The Caucasus, worthy of glory and love,

Isn't this a lullaby from your song?

Where do all my poems originate?

“Autograph on a book given to my mother”

2nd presenter:

The news of her death came when Gamzatov was in Japan. A feeling of repentance and pleas for forgiveness come to the poet over his mother’s grave. Addressing all children whose mothers are still alive, he says:


If you have become harsh at heart,

Be more gentle with her, children.

Protect your mother from evil words,

Know that children hurt everyone the most.

2nd presenter

Like all mountaineers, Gamzatov highly values ​​true friendship. And his friends responded to him with devoted friendship. Eduardas Mezhelaitis admits: “I love Rasul Gamzatov like a real brother... It’s impossible not to love him... The feeling of love flows over the edge of his kind and generous heart. It is enough for everyone: his native Dagestan, the working man, his beloved woman, the beautiful native nature, the heroism of the defender of the Motherland, our entire great Motherland...”

The song “My Friend” sounds quietly (1st verse and chorus of the song) lyrics. Nikolaev, music. I. Krutoy.

Reader: excerpt from R. Gamzatov’s poem “Take care of your friends”

Know, my friend, the price of enmity and friendship

And do not sin with hasty judgment.

Anger at a friend, perhaps instantaneous,

Don't rush to pour it out everywhere.

Maybe my friend was in a hurry

And I accidentally offended you,

A friend was guilty and apologized -

Do not remember his sin.

People, we are getting old and decaying,

And with the passage of our years and days

It's easier for us to lose our friends

Finding them is much more difficult.

1st presenter:

Gamzatov’s creativity turned out to be extremely fertile soil for the birth of musical works. Many of the poet's poems became songs. Famous composers worked with him: Dmitry Kabalevsky, Jan Frenkel, Raymond Pauls, Alexandra Pakhmutova, Yuri Antonov. They were performed by: Joseph Kobzon, Muslim Magomaev, Vakhtang Kikabidze, Valery Leontyev, Renat Ibragimov, Lev Leshchenko and many others. The songs became poems: “Take care of your friends”, “Wish”, “Sunny days have disappeared”, “Flowers have eyes”, “I’m afraid” and many others.

2nd presenter:

Everyone knows the poem “Cranes”, which became a song - a requiem. It was written in 1965 in Hiroshima. Gamzatov saw a project for a monument to a Japanese girl with a crane in her hands. He was excited to hear her story. The girl was in the hospital. In the hope of recovery, I made paper cranes. There should have been 1000 of them. But she died before she could. On the day the poet learned this story, cranes appeared in the sky of Japan. And a message came about the death of the poet’s mother.

1st presenter:

On the way home, he thought about his mother, about the girl with the cranes, about the brothers who did not return from the war, and thus the poem “Cranes” was born.

Against the background of the presenter’s words, “Cranes” performed by M. Bernes quietly sounds (1 verse from the song). Rasula Gamzatova, music Ya. Frenkel.

2nd presenter:

In 1968, the poem “Cranes”, translated by Naum Grebnev, was published in the magazine “New World”. It caught the eye of singer Mark Bernes. Bernes himself never took part in battles during the war, but he went to give concerts on the front line. And he was especially good at songs dedicated to war. Obviously, the war was also his personal theme. After reading the poem “Cranes,” an excited Bernes called translator Naum Grebnev and said that he wanted to make a song. We immediately discussed some changes to the text over the phone. Gamzatov recalled: “Together with the translator, we considered the singer’s wishes fair, and instead of “horsemen” we wrote “soldiers.” This, as it were, expanded the address of the song and gave it a universal sound.

1st presenter:

One of the eternal themes in Gamzatov’s lyrics is philosophical reflections on time and man. And “time” is one of the most frequent words in his poems. Time as a form of being. And time is a century, an era. Without rest, without stopping, keeping pace with your time, getting ahead of it, serving it is the poet’s law.

2nd presenter:

Gamzatov's poetry will live as long as Dagestan lives. He prophetically wrote about this poem, “I have erected a monument to myself from songs.” This topic is not new in poetry. The first was a poem by the ancient Roman poet Horace; Derzhavin freely translated it into Russian poetry. Everyone knows the “Monument” of Pushkin. Rasul Gamzatov continued this tradition, but introduced a national flavor into the poem and reflected in it the features of the time.


I built a monument to myself from songs.

He is not tall, that stone on the plateau,

But if my mountain region does not disappear,

No one will destroy the monument.

Nor the wind that howls like a wolf in the mountains,

No rain, no snow, no August heat.

During my life, the mountains were my destiny,

When I die, I will become their destiny.


1st presenter:

He sang the heroes of his time, brought back the heroes of past centuries from oblivion and proved that you can live in this world in such a way that you are not ashamed of your deeds and actions. Gamzatov, with his life example, showed everyone how much one person can achieve, whose weapon is the poetic word.

2nd presenter:

On November 3, 2003, the poet took his place in the crane's wedge of immortality. He managed to make full use of his eight decades of life on earth. He created so many great creations that his contemporaries and descendants need many more years to comprehend and appreciate this priceless heritage.

The event ends with the melody from the song “Cranes” playing in the background.

Gamzatov Rasul Gamzatovich Gamzatov Rasul Gamzatovich - Avar people's poet of Dagestan (1959). Born into the family of the national poet Gamzat Tsadasa. Was a teacher. In 1945–50 he studied at the Literary Institute. M. Gorky in Moscow. He began publishing in 1937. Gamzatov Rasul Gamzatovich Born on September 8, 1923 in the village of Tsada, Khunzakh region of the Dagestan Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, in the family of the people's poet of Dagestan, laureate of the USSR State Prize, Gamzat Tsadasy. He studied at the Araninskaya secondary school and at the Avar Pedagogical College, after which he worked as a teacher, assistant director of the Avar State Theater, head of a department and his own correspondent for the Avar newspaper "Bolshevik Gor", editor of Avar broadcasts of the Dagestan Radio Committee. In 1945 - 1950 Rasul Gamzatov studied at the Moscow Literary Institute named after M. Gorky, after graduating from which (in 1951), he was elected Chairman of the Board of the Writers' Union of Dagestan, where he worked until his death in November 2003. Gamzatov Rasul Gamzatovich Rasul Gamzatov began writing poetry when he was nine years old. Then his poems began to be published in the republican Avar newspaper “Bolshevik Gor.” The first book of poems in the Avar language was published in 1943. He was only twenty years old when he became a member of the USSR Writers' Union. Since then, dozens of his poetic, prose and journalistic books have been published in Avar and Russian, as well as in many languages ​​of Dagestan, the Caucasus and the whole world, such as “My Heart is in the Mountains”, “High Stars”, “Take Care of Friends”, “Cranes” "", "At the Hearth", "Letters", "The Last Price", "Tales", "The Wheel of Life", "About the Stormy Days of the Caucasus", "In the Midday Heat", "My Dagestan", "Two Shawls", "Judge me according to the code of love”, “Sonnets” and many others, which gained wide popularity among lovers of his work. Gamzatov Rasul Gamzatovich Poems and poems of Rasul Gamzatov were translated into Russian by such masters of the pen as Ilya Selvinsky and Sergei Gorodetsky, Semyon Lipkin and Yulia Neiman. His friends, poets, worked especially fruitfully with him: Naum Grebnev, Yakov Kozlovsky, Yakov Helemsky, Vladimir Soloukhin, Elena Nikolaevskaya, Robert Rozhdestvensky, Andrei Voznesensky, Yunna Moritz, Marina Akhmedova and others. Rasul Gamzatov himself translated into Avar the poems and poems of Pushkin, Lermontov, Nekrasov, Shevchenko, Blok, Mayakovsky, Yesenin, poems by poets of the Pushkin galaxy, the Arab poet Abdul Aziz Khoja and many others. Gamzatov Rasul Gamzatovich Many of Rasul Gamzatov’s poems became songs. They attracted the attention of many composers from Dagestan, the Caucasus, Russia and other republics. The Melodiya publishing house has repeatedly released records and CDs with songs based on the poet’s poems. Well-known composers in the country worked closely with Gamzatov: Ian Frenkel, Oscar Feltsman, Polad Bul-Bul-ogly, Raymond Pauls, Yuri Antonov, Alexandra Pakhmutova, Gottfried Hasanov, Sergei Agababov, Murad Kazhlaev, Shirvani Chalaev and many others. The performers of these songs were famous singers and artists: Anna German, Galina Vishnevskaya, Muslim Magomaev, Mark Bernes, Joseph Kobzon, Valery Leontiev, Sergei Zakharov, Sofia Rotaru, Rashid Beibutov, Vakhtang Kikabidze, Dmitry Gnatyuk, Mui Gasanova, Magomed Omarov and others. Poems were recited by such famous artists as Mikhail Ulyanov, Alexander Zavadsky, Yakov Smolensky, Alexander Lazarev and others. Gamzatov Rasul Gamzatovich For outstanding achievements in the field of literature, Rasul Gamzatov was awarded many titles and prizes from Dagestan, Russia, the Soviet Union and the world: people's poet of Dagestan, Hero of Socialist Labor, laureate of the Lenin Prize, laureate of the State Prizes of the RSFSR and the USSR, laureate of the international award "Best Poet" XX century", laureate of the Asian and African Writers' Prize "Lotus", laureate of the Jawaharlal Nehru, Firdousi, Hristo Botev awards, as well as the Sholokhov, Lermontov, Fadeev, Batyray, Mahmud, S. Stalsky, G. Tsadasy and others awards. Gamzatov Rasul Gamzatovich had a number of state awards: four Orders of Lenin, the Order of the October Revolution, three Orders of the Red Banner of Labor, the Order of Friendship of Peoples, the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, 3rd degree, the Order of Peter the Great, the Bulgarian Order of Cyril and Methodius, many medals of the USSR and Russia. On September 8, 2003, on the day of the poet’s 80th birthday, for special services to the fatherland, Russian President Vladimir Putin presented him with the country’s highest award - the Order of St. Andrew the First-Called Apostle. Family of Rasul Gamzatov His family: wife Patimat, died in 2000, three daughters and four granddaughters. His father died in 1951, and his mother in 1965. Two older brothers died in the battles of the Great Patriotic War. His younger brother Gadzhi Gamzatov, an academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, lives in Makhachkala. Memory. On November 3, 2003, the poet’s heart stopped; he was buried in Makhachkala in a cemetery at the foot of Mount Tarki-Tau, next to the grave of his wife Patimat. Sometimes it seems to me that the soldiers, who did not return from the bloody fields, did not once die in this earth, but turned into white cranes. To this day, from those distant times, they fly and give us their voices. Is this why we fall silent so often and sadly, looking at the heavens? Today, in the early evening, I see how cranes fly in the fog in their definite formation, How they wandered through the fields like people. They fly, complete their long journey and call out someone's names. Isn’t that why Avar speech has been similar to the crane’s cry since centuries? A tired wedge flies and flies across the sky - It flies in the fog at the end of the day, And in that formation there is a small gap - Perhaps this is the place for me! The day will come, and with a flock of cranes I will swim in the same gray haze, calling out from under the heavens like a bird to all of you whom I left on earth. Rasul Gamzatov “CRANES” Octagon. I came here again and I don’t believe it myself. Here is the class where I studied for the first year. Now I’ll make up my mind, now I’ll open the doors. It will take your breath away and your heart will fall. And a barefoot boy, familiar to me, rising from the bench standing in that corner, will run towards me, gray-haired. And I am afraid and waiting for this meeting. Octal lines. Again the native land is behind us, And again a foreign land is behind the river. The border of the fatherland is not a forest, not a field. The border of the homeland is the border of peace. But again I return from afar, shaking warm hands with friends. The border of the fatherland is not a bridge, not a river. The border of the homeland is the border of separation. About my homeland I have seen the world. And if they ask, surprising me with my naivety, Say: “Do you have relatives in other countries?” - And I won’t hide, I won’t hide, That I can call the one who fought in the poppies my sister, Despite my entire family tree. From the roof of a mountain village, through the endless distance, I will see a Turk from Istanbul, similar to my father. It was not in vain that I was eager to see my relatives, I overcame the ninth wave. I was the first to hug an African who broke the chains of slavery. Where the narrow narrowness of the poor street subsided at sunset, He, having met him, looked at me with hope as if he were a son. For the fact that I cannot count my relatives, I thank my country. And if they asked me: “Answer, were you not captured?” - Small drops are able to reflect the Big Sun, I remember a woman in Capri, That her mother resembles mine. I will say: “We doted on the souls of the peoples of kindred parties. And the Czechs managed to take me in full with unbreakable friendship. She stood on the shore And waved her hand after us, When in the morning we moved from the pier Towards the waves. The Russian soldier’s grave is Red from Kazanlak roses, - Bulgaria captivated me with sincere love to the point of tears. Paris became dearer and closer to me, When in the autumn the scarlet carnations in Paris the Earth seemed to become wider. And I am proud that these days there are more and more relatives in my troubled world.” The work of Rasul Gamzatov The work of Rasul Gamzatov is a concentrated expression of the potential of the spiritual, moral, artistic and aesthetic culture of the peoples of Dagestan. It not only brought the poetry of the peoples of the Land of Mountains to new, higher positions, not only raised it to the level of the world's best examples of fiction, but also had a strong and beneficial influence on all spheres of art, in particular the fine arts. A contemporary of R. Gamzatov, the Russian poet Robert Rozhdestvensky described him this way: A contemporary of R. Gamzatov, the Russian poet Robert Rozhdestvensky described him this way: “He is a huge poet, who made famous Dagestan, the Avar language, and his mountains. His heart is wise, generous, alive. I saw him in many speeches, where he remained a citizen, a sage, a joker. He fought his enemies without pity and beat them with wisdom. He is not only a Dagestan poet, but also a Russian poet. He is always named among our favorite poets.” These words most fully describe the significance of Gamzatov’s personality and creativity in the culture of the second half of the twentieth century.

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Presentation on the topic: Gamzatov Rasul Gamzatovich

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Gamzatov Rasul Gamzatovich Born on September 8, 1923 in the village of Tsada, Khunzakh region of the Dagestan Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, in the family of the people's poet of Dagestan, laureate of the USSR State Prize, Gamzat Tsadasa. He studied at the Araninskaya secondary school and at the Avar Pedagogical College, after which he worked as a teacher, assistant director of the Avar State Theater, head of a department and his own correspondent for the Avar newspaper "Bolshevik Gor", editor of Avar broadcasts of the Dagestan Radio Committee. In 1945 - 1950 Rasul Gamzatov studied at the Moscow Literary Institute named after M. Gorky, after graduating from which (in 1951), he was elected Chairman of the Board of the Writers' Union of Dagestan, where he worked until his death in November 2003.

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Gamzatov Rasul Gamzatovich Rasul Gamzatov began writing poetry when he was nine years old. Then his poems began to be published in the republican Avar newspaper “Bolshevik Gor.” The first book of poems in the Avar language was published in 1943. He was only twenty years old when he became a member of the USSR Writers' Union. Since then, dozens of his poetic, prose and journalistic books have been published in Avar and Russian, as well as in many languages ​​of Dagestan, the Caucasus and the whole world, such as “My Heart is in the Mountains”, “High Stars”, “Take Care of Friends”, “Cranes” "", "At the Hearth", "Letters", "The Last Price", "Tales", "The Wheel of Life", "About the Stormy Days of the Caucasus", "In the Midday Heat", "My Dagestan", "Two Shawls", "Judge me according to the code of love”, “Sonnets” and many others, which gained wide popularity among lovers of his work.

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Gamzatov Rasul Gamzatovich Poems and poems of Rasul Gamzatov were translated into Russian by such masters of the pen as Ilya Selvinsky and Sergei Gorodetsky, Semyon Lipkin and Yulia Neiman. His poet friends worked especially fruitfully with him: Naum Grebnev, Yakov Kozlovsky, Yakov Helemsky, Vladimir Soloukhin, Elena Nikolaevskaya, Robert Rozhdestvensky, Andrei Voznesensky, Yunna Morits, Marina Akhmedova and others. Rasul Gamzatov himself translated into Avar the poems and poems of Pushkin, Lermontov, Nekrasov, Shevchenko, Blok, Mayakovsky, Yesenin, poems by poets of the Pushkin galaxy, the Arab poet Abdul Aziz Khoja and many others.

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Gamzatov Rasul Gamzatovich Many of Rasul Gamzatov’s poems became songs. They attracted the attention of many composers from Dagestan, the Caucasus, Russia and other republics. The Melodiya publishing house has repeatedly released records and CDs with songs based on the poet’s poems. Well-known composers in the country worked closely with Gamzatov: Ian Frenkel, Oscar Feltsman, Polad Bul-Bul-ogly, Raymond Pauls, Yuri Antonov, Alexandra Pakhmutova, Gottfried Hasanov, Sergei Agababov, Murad Kazhlaev, Shirvani Chalaev and many others. Performers of these songs became famous singers and artists: Anna German, Galina Vishnevskaya, Muslim Magomaev, Mark Bernes, Joseph Kobzon, Valery Leontyev, Sergei Zakharov, Sofia Rotaru, Rashid Beibutov, Vakhtang Kikabidze, Dmitry Gnatyuk, Mui Gasanova, Magomed Omarov and others. Poems were recited by such famous artists as Mikhail Ulyanov, Alexander Zavadsky, Yakov Smolensky, Alexander Lazarev and others.

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Gamzatov Rasul Gamzatovich For outstanding achievements in the field of literature, Rasul Gamzatov was awarded many titles and prizes of Dagestan, Russia, the Soviet Union and the world: people's poet of Dagestan, Hero of Socialist Labor, laureate of the Lenin Prize, laureate of the State Prizes of the RSFSR and the USSR, laureate of the international award "Best Poet of the 20th century" century", laureate of the Asian and African Writers' Prize "Lotus", laureate of the Jawaharlal Nehru, Firdousi, Hristo Botev awards, as well as the Sholokhov, Lermontov, Fadeev, Batyray, Mahmud, S. Stalsky, G. Tsadasa and others awards.

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Gamzatov Rasul Gamzatovich He had a number of state awards: four Orders of Lenin, the Order of the October Revolution, three Orders of the Red Banner of Labor, the Order of Friendship of Peoples, the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, 3rd degree, the Order of Peter the Great, the Bulgarian Order of Cyril and Methodius, many USSR medals and Russia. On September 8, 2003, on the day of the poet’s 80th birthday, for special services to the fatherland, Russian President Vladimir Putin presented him with the country’s highest award - the Order of St. Andrew the First-Called Apostle.

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Family of Rasul GamzatovHis family: wife Patimat, who died in 2000, three daughters and four granddaughters. His father died in 1951, and his mother in 1965. Two older brothers died in the battles of the Great Patriotic War. His younger brother Gadzhi Gamzatov, an academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, lives in Makhachkala.

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Rasul Gamzatov “CRANES” Sometimes it seems to me that the soldiers, who did not return from the bloody fields, did not once perish in this land, but turned into white cranes. To this day, from those distant times, they fly and give us their voices. Is this why we fall silent so often and sadly, looking at the heavens? Today, in the early evening, I see how cranes fly in the fog in their definite formation, How they wandered through the fields like people. They fly, complete their long journey and call out someone's names. Isn’t that why Avar speech has been similar to the crane’s cry since centuries? A tired wedge flies and flies across the sky - It flies in the fog at the end of the day, And in that formation there is a small gap - Perhaps this is the place for me! The day will come, and with a flock of cranes I will swim in the same gray haze, calling out from under the heavens like a bird to all of you whom I left on earth.

About my Motherland I have seen the world. And if they ask, surprising me with my naivety, Say: “Do you have relatives in other countries?” - From the roof of a mountain village, through the distance that has no end, I will see a Turk from Istanbul, similar to my father. Where the narrow narrowness of the poor street subsided at sunset, He, having met him, looked at me with hope as if he were a son. Small drops are able to reflect the big sun, I remember a woman in Capri, That her mother resembles mine. She stood on the shore and waved her hand after us, When we moved from the pier towards the waves in the morning. Paris became dearer and closer to me, When a girl presented me with scarlet carnations in Paris in the autumn. And I won’t hide, I won’t hide, That I can call the one who fought in the poppies my sister, Despite my entire family tree. It was not in vain that I was eager to see my relatives, I overcame the ninth wave. I was the first to hug an African who broke the chains of slavery. For the fact that I cannot count my relatives, I thank my country. And if they asked me: “Answer, were you not captured?” – I’ll say: “We doted on the souls of the peoples of kindred parties. And the Czechs managed to take me in full with unbreakable friendship. The grave of a Russian soldier is Red from Kazanlak roses, - Bulgaria captivated me with sincere love to the point of tears. The earth seems to have become wider. And I’m proud of it, that these days there are more and more relatives in my troubled world.”

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A contemporary of R. Gamzatov, the Russian poet Robert Rozhdestvensky described him this way: A contemporary of R. Gamzatov, the Russian poet Robert Rozhdestvensky described him this way: “He is a huge poet, who made famous Dagestan, the Avar language, and his mountains. His heart is wise, generous, alive. I saw him in many speeches, where he remained a citizen, a sage, a joker. He fought his enemies without pity and beat them with wisdom. He is not only a Dagestan poet, but also a Russian poet. He is always named among our favorite poets.” These words most fully describe the significance of Gamzatov’s personality and creativity in the culture of the second half of the twentieth century.

Rasul Gamzatov. The name is a symbol. Name – password. Next to him rightfully stand only lofty epithets, rave reviews, superlatives. But do we, his contemporaries and fellow countrymen, know the poet’s work as the time demands it, or, more importantly, as our civic duty demands of us?

Are we doing everything to ensure that the great word of our fellow countryman is not forgotten and does not dissipate in the darkness of ignorance? The world of Rasul Gamzatov is a real storehouse of folk wisdom, it is an encyclopedia of Dagestan life. On the pages of his books there is living Dagestan in miniature. The poet managed to incorporate into his work the entire spiritual heritage of the Dagestan peoples - what Dagestan symbolizes. All the best that has been accumulated by people's memory over the centuries is reflected in his poems, tales, and verses.
Unfortunately, we must admit that today Rasul Gamzatov, one of the outstanding poets of the 20th century, has not yet been truly read or published in the 21st century. His legacy has not been brought together and properly comprehensively analyzed. We do not yet have the Gamzatov encyclopedia, there is no complete collection of the master’s works in Russian, there is no modern documentary film shot at the proper level and a worthy book of memoirs about the great poet, there is no badge of the laureate of the Gamzatov State Prize, there is no commemorative medal and order in his name for merits in areas of literature and art, the poet’s main dream, the “White Cranes” memorial complex on Mount Tarki-tau, for which money was collected by the whole of Dagestan, still does not exist.
One of the most read and beloved poets of our country is waiting for true researchers of his work. Today, Chakar Yusupova’s brilliant book “A Poet in a Broken World” stands apart in modern gamza studies, where the most interesting layers of the poet’s work are analyzed. A very useful and necessary thing is the publication of a multi-volume journalistic book (five volumes have already been published) with articles and statements about Gamzatov, “The Poet of the Village and the Planet,” compiled by Maksud Zainulabidov. The Dagestan Writers' Union prepared the collections “Your Name” and “Judgment is Coming” that were published during the poet’s lifetime. In recent years, the publishing house “Dagestan Writer” has implemented a whole program for publishing Gamzatov’s books: unique gift photo albums “A Caucasian from Tsad”, “The Cranes of Rasul Gamzatov” and “Take Care of Friends” were published; in addition, a compilation by the poet’s daughter Salihat Gamzatova was published, of course , the best posthumous book of Rasul’s poems – “Testament”, as well as the collection “The Polyphonic Song of the Cranes” and booklets about the poet’s work for schools in our republic. The literary organization of Dagestan, with the support of the leadership of the republic, annually holds in September the Gamzat Days of Russia - Days of White Cranes, which recently received international status.
Gamzatov and the poetic world he created are the image and the symbol that the new Russia especially needs today, which has been rushing about for several decades in search of a new national idea. Gamzatov’s national idea is clearly and clearly formulated in his work: “Take care of mothers,” “Take care of friends,” “Take care of children.” The poet exclaimed: “People, people, high stars, if only I could fly to you!” And these are not just calls and slogans - this is Gamzatov’s philosophy of life.
Gamzatov is echoed by another great writer of our time, Alexander Solzhenitsyn, who proclaimed the “saving of the people” as the main national idea of ​​Russia. This caring attitude towards people, towards the heritage of ancestors, towards national culture is a true trait of a true genius. Responsibility for the fate of the world and the country permeates all of Rasul’s work. One must learn from him to be caring, thirst for life and knowledge of the world. His poems have always sounded and still sound prophetic. They are boldly hysterical, but understandable to everyone, they are inviting, but not boringly edifying. You believe his line, but you want to follow his principles.
Perhaps, his friend Robert Rozhdestvensky most succinctly reflected the essence of Gamzatov as a poet and citizen. He said about Rasul: “He is a huge poet, who made Dagestan, the Avar language, and his mountains famous. His heart is wise, generous, alive. I saw him in many speeches, where he remained a citizen, a sage, a joker. He fought his enemies without pity and beat them with wisdom. He is not only a Dagestan poet, but also a Russian poet. He is always named among our favorite poets.”
Rasul Gamzatov is a man of great destiny. He traveled to dozens of countries, visited many continents, was friends and had close contact with the greatest people of his time - politicians, scientists, musicians, writers. Among them are Fidel Castro, Nikita Khrushchev, Ernesto Che Guevara, Leonid Brezhnev, Indira Gandhi, Yasser Arafat, Mikhail Sholokhov, Alexander Tvardovsky, Chingiz Aitmatov, Konstantin Simonov, Samuil Marshak and many other figures.
His circle of friends and acquaintances included international celebrities - kings and patriarchs, sheikhs and sultans, presidents and prime ministers, Nobel laureates - people without whom it is impossible to imagine the history and literature of the 20th century.
The deeply national poet Rasul Gamzatov was an internationalist to the core. His work is imbued with mountain culture, but through the prism of the national he always saw the international and went towards it. He always strived for more and was open to everything new. The breadth of his views and the scope of his talent were fascinating even when he was a very elderly man. He charged with energy, was sincere and optimistic, did not tolerate ambiguity and understatement. He has always been at the forefront of the fight against modern problems. Its characteristics, decades later, are more accurate than ever. He gave a truthful and withering assessment of all the issues that are now so acutely troubling us: extremism, fanaticism, lack of faith, lack of culture.
The bloody events in the Caucasus and the collapse of the Soviet Union resonated with enormous pain in the poet’s heart. All his life Gamzatov denied the very possibility of interethnic and other disagreements arising, especially in the Caucasus - where friendship was always highly valued.

I really like all nations
And he will be cursed three times
Who wants it and who tries?
To denigrate some people.

This world is like an open wound in the chest,
She will never heal again.
But I say it like a prayer on the way,
Every moment: “Take care of the children!”

I ask everyone who performs prayers one thing -
Parishioners of all churches in the world:
“Forget about feuds, keep your home
And your defenseless children!

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Rasul Gamzatovich Gamzatov was born on September 8, 1923 in the village of Tsada, Khunzakh region of the Dagestan Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, in the family of the people's poet of Dagestan, laureate of the USSR State Prize, Gamzat Tsadasa. He studied at the Araninskaya secondary school and at the Avar Pedagogical College, after which he worked as a teacher, assistant director of the Avar State Theater, head of a department and his own correspondent for the Avar newspaper "Bolshevik Gor", editor of Avar broadcasts of the Dagestan Radio Committee.

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In 1945-1950 Rasul Gamzatov studied at the Moscow Literary Institute named after M. Gorky. After his graduation, Rasul Gamzatov in 1951 was elected Chairman of the Board of the Writers' Union of Dagestan, where he worked until his death in November 2003.

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Rasul Gamzatov began writing poetry when he was nine years old. Then his poems began to be published in the republican Avar newspaper “Bolshevik Gor.” The first book of poems in the Avar language was published in 1943. He was only twenty years old when he became a member of the USSR Writers' Union.

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We will all die, there are no immortal people, and this is all known and not new. But we live to leave a mark: a house or a path, a tree or a word.

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Since then, dozens of poetic, prose and journalistic books have been published in the Avar and Russian languages, in many languages ​​of Dagestan, the Caucasus and the whole world, such as “My Heart is in the Mountains”, “High Stars”, “Take Care of Friends”, “Cranes”, “At the Hearth”, “Letters”, “The Last Price”, “Tales”, “The Wheel of Life”, “About the Stormy Days of the Caucasus”, “In the Midday Heat”, “My Dagestan”, “Two Shawls”, “Judge Me by code of love", "Sonnets" and many others, which gained wide popularity among lovers of his poetry.

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Not all streams dry up, Not all melodies will be destroyed by time, And the streams will multiply the power of the river, And the song will increase our glory.

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You, time, like an executioner, at the appointed hour, Without announcing long sentences, Solemnly deprive us of our lives - everyone alike: both the guilty and the innocent.

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MONUMENT I erected a monument to myself from songs - That stone on the plateau is not high, But if my mountainous region does not disappear, Then no one will destroy the monument. Neither the wind that howls like a wolf in the mountains, nor the rain, nor the snow, nor the August heat. During my life, the mountains were my destiny, When I die, I will become their destiny.

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The poems and poems of Rasul Gamzatov were translated into Russian by such masters of the pen as Ilya Selvinsky and Sergei Gorodetsky, Semyon Lipkin and Yulia Neiman. His poet friends worked especially fruitfully with him: Naum Grebnev, Yakov Kozlovsky, Yakov Helemsky, Vladimir Soloukhin, Elena Nikolaevskaya, Robert Rozhdestvensky, Andrei Voznesensky, Yunna Morits, Marina Akhmedova and others. Since then, Rasul Gamzatov translated into Avar the poems and poems of Pushkin, Lermontov, Nekrasov, Shevchenko, Blok, Mayakovsky, Yesenin, poems by poets of the Pushkin galaxy, the Arab poet Abdul Aziz Khoja and many others.

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Many of Rasul Gamzatov’s poems became songs. They attracted the attention of many composers from Dagestan, the Caucasus, Russia and other republics. The Melodiya publishing house has repeatedly released records and CDs with songs based on the poet’s poems. Well-known composers in the country worked closely with Gamzatov: Ian Frenkel, Oscar Feltsman, Polad Bul-Bul-ogly, Raymond Pauls, Yuri Antonov, Alexandra Pakhmutova, Gottfried Hasanov, Sergei Agababov, Murad Kazhlaev, Shirvani Chalaev and many others.

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The performers of these songs were famous singers and artists: Anna German, Galina Vishnevskaya, Muslim Magomaev, Mark Bernes, Joseph Kobzon, Valery Leontiev, Sergei Zakharov, Sofia Rotaru, Rashid Beibutov, Vakhtang Kikabidze, Dmitry Gnatyuk, Mui Gasanova, Magomed Omarov and others. Poems were recited by such famous artists as Mikhail Ulyanov, Alexander Zavadsky, Yakov Smolensky, Alexander Lazarev and others.

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But there has been a law in the world for a long time, so that the executioner asks the last wish of those over whom the punishment has been carried out, before raising the ax.

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Thank you to love for gifting me with poetry, Thank you to poetry for teaching me to love. And everything seemed to me like an angel, white-winged love, Between him and you, a thread of songs was stretched.

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If Eve, joining in the shame, had not given in paradise, as they say, the forbidden apple to Adam, Patimat would not have existed in the world.

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His family: his wife Patimat, who died in 2000, three daughters and four granddaughters. His father died in 1951, and his mother in 1965. Two older brothers died in the battles of the Great Patriotic War. His younger brother Gadzhi Gamzatov, an academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, lives in Makhachkala. On November 3, 2003, the poet’s heart stopped; he was buried in Makhachkala in a cemetery at the foot of Mount Tarki-Tau, next to the grave of his wife Patimat.