How to return a file to its previous version. Jeans color: how to return to original appearance Restoration using acrylic paints

Something bad happened and the furniture seems hopelessly damaged? No problem. Almost any piece of furniture can be restored to its original or close to it appearance, and if the furniture is not falling apart, a lot can be fixed at home. We will tell you how to return original appearance corps and upholstered furniture.

Cabinet furniture

The most common problem is scratches; chips and damage to the varnished coating are also common. To correct shortcomings you will need to look into any furniture store– most likely they have what you need.

  • Scratches are usually covered with either wax or a furniture pencil. Manufacturers offer different shades, so you can always choose one that will not be noticeable on your headset. There is an option using the kernel walnut: rub it on the cracks on a light-colored coating - this often saves the day.
  • Chips and damage paint coating It is better to entrust the work on cabinet furniture to specialists. Trying on your own without the proper knowledge, tools, and experience will likely be frustrating. Coating restoration services are not so expensive, but at the same time the successful result from experienced craftsman guaranteed.
  • Stains from heat, water, whitewash, etc. Usually they can be easily cleaned with a cotton pad or cloth soaked in vegetable oil and salt. Rub the stain in a circle or the entire surface to make it more shiny and uniform.
  • If any part of the furniture is damaged (glass with a pattern is broken, a leg is broken, a door is broken), contact restorers or companies that manufacture custom-made furniture. They will select the same material for you and produce the necessary part. Again, it doesn't cost much.
  • Surfaces touched by hands or covered with kitchen fumes can be washed well ammonia or hot beer (do not use on light-colored surfaces).

Upholstered furniture

The most common damage to upholstered furniture is difficult to remove stains and obvious damage upholstery. Sometimes there are problems with filling - the spring block has deteriorated, the filler has sagged.

  • If stains cannot be removed, or the furniture has suffered from improper operating conditions, it is best to contact a specialized service. In principle, you can search the Internet for options for removing stains, but if they are old, you will probably have a hard time. The cleaning service will clean the entire surface and return the upholstered furniture to its original color.
  • If the upholstery is damaged beyond repair, as can happen from cuts, pets in the house, or overly active children, it will most likely need to be replaced. It's not cheap, but it's cheaper than buying new furniture.
  • If there is a problem with the mechanism and filler, definitely only contact specialists. You can still reupholster chairs yourself, but sofas and armchairs, if you don’t have experience, no.

Wicker furniture

Rattan, wicker and cane furniture are washed with ammonia dissolved in water and a soft brush. It is better to choose a brush from natural fiber or stubble, it could be toothbrush or a paint brush.

A couple of ideas

  • Sometimes you can save cabinet furniture by covering it with a special film, which is sold in construction stores. It rarely works out well with cabinets, but with tables, shelves, and cabinets it works quite well.
  • You can restore the brightness of furniture with a mixture of vegetable oil and vinegar: oil (preferably linseed) – 3 parts, vinegar – 1 part. Apply to velvet or suede and polish, removing excess with a clean, dry cloth.

Always test any cleaning or repair products on an inconspicuous area. And your furniture will retain its original appearance for a long time and will look neat.

The File History utility in Windows gets its name from its ability to restore older versions of a file. This feature is part of all backup programs, although it is often called "Restore". Although the idea is the same: from the backup archive you remove old version file. The File History feature simplifies this process and working with files in general.

In order to return the old version of a file from a backup disk, you need to follow these steps.

  • If you need to replace the current version with a new one: select "Restore" and then "Replace file in target application." The current file is replaced with the backup copy.
  • In order to save both the current version and the restored backup, you must click “Restore” and select “Restore to”. Select the target folder for the recovered file.
  • To view an archived copy: Click Open. The file has not been recovered, but you can view its contents to see if it contains the information you need.

4. Then click close Properties window when done. If there are no previous versions, you will see the message "There are no previous versions available after step 2. This means that the file is new and was not copied, that the file has not changed, or that a backup copy of this file does not exist. The File History utility is not a replacement for recovering a file from the Recycle Bin; if you delete a file, you need to restore it from the Recycle Bin.

File History only works with files in the folders you selected when setting up the utility.

Video: How to recover an unsaved or damaged Microsoft Word, Excel or PowerPoint document

How to return the shape of a stretched item? How often, after prolonged wear, we notice that our clothes have stretched several sizes and now hang on our figure, as if on a hanger. If the clothes have already outlived their usefulness, then you should just forget and throw them in the trash, and buy some new clothes in return. But if this is a favorite thing and, even despite the period of its use, you flatly refuse to say goodbye to it, then such a thing can and is still worth fighting for. Clothes stretch out not only due to long use; this situation can also happen with a recently purchased new item. Careful storage and failure to follow the washing methods indicated on the label can cause the item to become unusable very quickly and stop making us happy.

Methods for shrinking material In such a situation, joy is replaced by panic, and a completely reasonable question arises: how to return the shape of a stretched item. The result of giving a thing its original appearance largely depends on the material of the product. Woolen items are the easiest to deform. Typically, such clothes are not machine washable and, with intensive spinning, take on completely irregular shape– stretches out in some places. To allow the wool to shrink, you should wash the sweater in hot water. At temperatures above 40 degrees, the material shrinks and returns to its former size. However, you should not overdo it in this procedure, because the fabric may shrink even more than usual and then you will have to deal with the small size of the product. To prevent negative consequences, it is necessary to take a number of measures:

It will be much more effective to wash a stretched sweater by hand in hot water. This way, you can control the process of its shrinkage and prevent it from sitting in hot water. To properly wring out a sweater, do not twist it. All you need to do is just squeeze it lightly in your fist and roll it in a towel. The towel will absorb most of the moisture, after which you can proceed directly to drying the product.

The sweater should also be dried correctly. Under no circumstances should you hang a woolen item directly on the ropes. First, lay a towel on the table, and carefully lay out the washed item on it. Try to give it to her right away the required form so that the sweater fits perfectly on your figure. To speed up the drying process, you can also place another towel on top of the sweater and let the water soak in well. You will probably need to change several towels, but in the end the product will be dried correctly and will return to its original size.

Compliance with the rules for using clothing When correct operation clothes, the question of how to return the item to its shape will not arise. Under no circumstances should you store knitted or woolen items in the closet on hangers. It is better to carefully arrange clothes in piles on shelves in the closet. If possible, you should wash woolen clothes by hand, or at least do not wring them out. washing machine. Products should also be dried flat and away from hot radiators. Hot air can make fur rough and unpleasant to the touch. Treat your favorite things with care, only then will they last a long time and fit you perfectly.


Get enough sleep. Beauty begins with good sleep. For good health and a fresh complexion, you need to sleep 8 hours a day. If the baby is on breastfeeding, then co-sleeping will help, thanks to which you can feed almost without waking up. If you can’t fully rest at night, then you should lie down with your baby during the day. If possible, ask your family to help with household chores, at least in the first weeks after giving birth, to allow time for rest.

No snacks! At first it’s hard to find time even for a full lunch. Therefore, many mothers subsist on sandwiches and cookies, and load up on sweets and rolls. If there is no way to eat, then try to replace harmful products on more . Instead of chocolate or a roll for tea, you can have dates or a mixture of dried fruits. Bread - only rye or with bran. Cooking porridge requires a minimum of time, and this is both a side dish and an independent dish that should not be neglected. The most important rule is not to eat in the evening. Based on the child’s routine, determine for yourself “hour X”, after which it is better not to look into the kitchen. The best option There will be dinner three hours before bedtime. After this, you can only afford a glass of kefir or milk.

Love yourself! Don't forget about taking care of your body. A young mother usually has so many routine things to do that self-care fades into the background. You can create a unique schedule: on Monday, pay attention to your eyebrows, on Tuesday - manicure and hair removal, on Wednesday - peeling and face mask, etc. All these procedures take a minimum of time, but are constantly postponed. As a result, the reflection in the mirror ceases to please, and the mood deteriorates.

Move! You need to devote half an hour a day physical exercise. Usually kids like to watch their mother do various somersaults, so it is important to provide your son or daughter with good review. The set of exercises can be anything, the main thing is to start with a warm-up, to warm up the muscles. Stretching and bending are suitable for this. The problem of sagging abdominal skin can be solved by twisting and a gymnastic hoop with massage attachments. Push-ups and exercises with dumbbells are good for the chest, and leg swings and squats are good for the muscles of the buttocks and thighs. While walking, try to spend less time sitting on a bench. An excellent solution would be to walk in a sling or an ergonomic backpack. The load on the back is distributed evenly, the child feels the mother's warmth, and the mother herself spends unnecessary calories. In addition, the sling allows you to visit places that are hardly possible to go with a stroller, for example, shops and cafes. And this is another incentive to look better.
