What not to do before fasting. Is it possible to get married during the Nativity fast? You might also be interested

Like most Orthodox events, the Nativity Fast involves certain restrictions. It is necessary to follow them in order to avoid life's difficulties in the future.

November 28 one of the most important Orthodox fasts will begin .

Believers begin to prepare for 40 days in advance. happy holiday Nativity of Christ, observing strict restrictions on food and performing godly deeds. Fasting is an ancient Christian tradition.

By the time Christmas arrives, we cleanse ourselves body and soul through fasting - this is precisely the main goal of the Nativity Fast. During this period, there are certain prohibitions and restrictions. By observing them, you will be able to achieve unity with God and in the future count on the protection and blessing of the Higher powers.

What can you do during the Nativity Fast?

During the Nativity Fast, it is necessary to visit churches and thank the Lord God for his help. You can ask for forgiveness of sins and pray for the health and happiness of your loved ones.

Do not forget about the godly deeds that you must perform within 40 days. Do charity work, do not refuse to help those in need, and pray that every non-believer can gain faith in a Higher Power.

On Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday you can add fish dishes to your diet. On weekends, drinking wine and cooking with vegetable oil are allowed. It is not advisable to do this on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

IN holidays You are allowed to pamper yourself with fish dishes. However, the ban on meat dishes remains in force.

During the Nativity Fast there are no prohibitions on certain hobbies and activities if they do not harm others. However, clergy recommend reducing time spent in front of the TV or on the Internet.

People who cannot fully observe fasting and need relaxation should consult their spiritual mentor. For health reasons, you can fast with reduced requirements.

What not to do on Nativity Fast

During the Nativity Fast, the most important ban is imposed on meat and poultry products, as well as on dishes containing milk and eggs.

You cannot fast against your will. This measure is voluntary and will only benefit those people who are willing to take this step themselves.

During this period, you cannot use foul language, swear and offend other people, plot intrigues and commit sins. Any evil will turn against you.

During Lent it is necessary to abstain from bodily joys, therefore weddings and weddings are not held at this time. For the same reason, believers need to renounce physical contact with the opposite sex and marital intimacy.

Drunkenness is considered one of the most serious sins. Therefore, it is forbidden to abuse alcohol during the Nativity Fast. On holidays and weekends, you are allowed to drink red wine, but you must follow the limit.

Attending entertainment events is not advisable. Also, stop watching entertainment programs. During this period, you need to give up entertainment and earthly joys, because you have a great opportunity to engage in your spiritual development.

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February 19 after Maslenitsa began for all Orthodox Christians. Lent. This is the strictest fast of the year, which will last as long as 40 days. Many Kirov residents also follow this tradition.

We turned to the head of the Missionary Department of the Vyatka Diocese, Andrei Lebedev, to find out what can and cannot be done during Lent.

  • What is Lent and why is it needed?

    Lent is one of the most ancient traditions, it is already about two thousand years old. It precedes the most important thing Orthodox holiday- Easter. The priests say that at this time the body and mind of a person are cleansed. Also this is mandatory Orthodox tradition This is explained by the fact that a person must devote a tenth of his life to God, and a tenth of the year falls precisely on this post.

    For example, we have antiviruses on our computer, which we run from time to time to see if new viruses have appeared and if those in quarantine have become more active,” says Archpriest Andrei Lebedev. - Fasting is also a kind of test for us. We look at the time we have lived, trying to see if new and old sins have appeared in our lives. This is an opportunity to start life from scratch.

    Fasting means not only restrictions on food, but also on entertainment. Those who follow the centuries-old tradition say that this is an opportunity to change your life - to leave the bad in the past.

  • What can you eat during Lent?

    During Lent you can eat food of plant origin: berries, mushrooms, canned food; on Saturdays and Sundays certain types of seafood are allowed. It is assumed that in this way a person will spend less time preparing food and more time on spiritual development.

  • What's new in the fasting rules?

    Priests claim that in recent centuries the rules of fasting have remained virtually unchanged. The main idea of ​​the tradition is to devote time to self-development and purification. IN modern world Social networks have become popular entertainment; we can no longer imagine our lives without them. Therefore, priests call for limiting such contacts during Lent.

    - “Leave your nets and follow me” is a phrase in the Gospel, so Christ told the fishermen. This expression has become relevant in modern times. You should try to limit your post to all contacts on social networks that are not related to business and work, because for many social media“This is a way of entertainment,” explains the Kirov priest. - This is something new that appeared in Lent in terms of technology, but the tradition itself remains unchanged.
  • Is it possible to celebrate holidays during Lent?

    February 23 and March 8 are ahead. For Orthodox Christians, these are not holidays, because they celebrate Orthodox Women's Day on the third Sunday after Easter (April 22), and Orthodox Men's Day on November 8. Birthdays and anniversaries during this period are postponed to Maslenitsa week or until after the end of the fast.

    However, the priests note that even though those who are fasting are not the initiators of the holidays, they can be present at the celebration. Of course, without participating in the buffet and entertainment program.

  • Is it also impossible to get married?

    Marriage and weddings are related to joy, so these traditions are clearly prohibited during Lent.

  • Is it possible to have sex?

    This is a very subtle question. In theory, during fasting one should abstain from intimate relationships. Andrei Lebedev explains that it is better to discuss this point with your confessor. The age and health of the fasting person, his family traditions and lifestyle will influence the extent of fasting in food, entertainment and relationships.

  • Are there people for whom there are concessions during fasting?

    Yes. For example, those who have health problems. Because for them, restriction in food can result, for example, in an exacerbation of chronic diseases. In this case, you need to consult a doctor and maintain a “spiritual” fast: do not get irritated, pray and do good deeds.

    Also, relaxations apply to travelers, those who are in the army and in the hospital, because in these circumstances people often use what is available to them. In addition, concessions are made for children.

    Lent comes, and a person who has just begun his path to God becomes confused. There are so many prohibitions: both on food and on entertainment. You will have to “tighten your belt” and come to terms with abstinence for the duration of Lent.

    What should you not do during Lent? How does chicken affect the salvation of the soul? How will reading a fiction book affect your soul?

    What is fasting?

    Before we learn about what not to do while fasting, let's find out what it is.

    Fasting is bodily and spiritual abstinence. Christians have four fasts in total, two of which are long and two are short. The Nativity fast falls on the period from November 28 to January 7. Lent is a transitional period; it lasts almost 50 days and falls in the spring. Peter's Lent, like Lent, is transitory. Its duration ranges from 80 to 40 days, falling on summer time. And one more summer post - Uspensky. It starts on August 14th and ends on the 28th of the same month. Lasts only two weeks.

    Why are posts needed?

    Before answering the question of what not to do during Lent, let’s find out why they are needed at all.

    Rozhdestvensky is dedicated to the birth of the Savior into the world. This is a joyful, festive post. And not strict: you are allowed to eat fish and vegetable oil on all days of the week, except Wednesday and Friday.

    The Great is the strictest and longest lasting. Installed in honor of the suffering of Christ. The Lord himself fasted for 40 days in the desert. You cannot eat fish during this fast. Except for the Feast of the Annunciation, if it does not fall on Wednesday or Friday. Vegetable oil allowed only on weekends. Raw food eating is prescribed on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. On other days, you can have hot food without oil. And as already mentioned, on weekends you can flavor it with oil.

    Petrov post. Installed in honor of the apostles Peter and Paul. The fast is easy, because it occurs in the summer, when vegetables are available and inexpensive. We’ll find out below what you can’t do on Peter’s Fast and the rest.

    Uspensky is equal in severity to the Great. But it lasts only two weeks, during which time you don’t have much time to get hungry.

    Spiritual prohibitions

    While food is relatively clear (products of animal origin are prohibited), the spiritual component is not so clear. Will you have to walk around throughout Lent with a mournful face and renounce everything, saying: “I am fasting”?

    No, of course not. It is said: “Let us fast with a pleasant fast. And during fasting, anoint your head with oil,” that is, fasting is a holiday for the soul.

    What kind of holiday is there if you can’t listen to music, you can’t read, you can’t sit at the computer? This is a mockery.

    If you really want it, anything is possible. Eat a piece of chicken and listen to music. Think for yourself: which is healthier? Walk around and take out your anger on others because hunger gives rise to irritability? Read a prayer without diligence and understanding only because you really want to listen to just one song? Or eat a piece of chicken and smile at those around you? Listen to a song and pray to God with all your soul?

    Some will say that this is incorrect reasoning. This is worldly reasoning; we don’t live in a monastery. This is asceticism there. Of course, we can try to live like this, but with the blessing of the priest to whom we regularly confess.

    As one young but very wise priest says: “God doesn’t care what’s in our stomach. Our souls are important to Him. And if a person has a split in his soul because he has taken upon himself the impossible feat of fasting, is it good for him? such a post?

    What can’t you do during Lent?

    • All kinds of entertainment events are prohibited: going to the cinema, to concerts, to the theater, visiting guests, to discos, to restaurants and clubs.
    • You can't listen to music.
    • Fiction books that describe certain intimate scenes are prohibited.
    • You can't sing and dance.
    • You cannot drink alcohol, smoke, or use foul language. Although these three points are undesirable even without fasting.
    • You can’t tell jokes or laugh at shameful jokes.
    • A husband and wife should not enter into carnal relations.
    • Can't play on musical instruments.
    • You cannot insult or offend anyone.
    • What should you not do during Lent? Swear with your neighbors, get angry, get irritated, scream. In general, it is necessary to suppress the manifestation of all negative emotions.
    • You cannot get married or register an official marriage.

    What is possible?

    What can and cannot be done during Lent? We dealt with the latter above. You can go to church, pray, read Christian literature. Be reserved and humble. Fasting is a time of spiritual cleansing that is necessary for each of us.


    We figured out what not to do during Lent. You read such a list and the desire to fast disappears.

    In fact, these are just recommendations. Spiritual life is discussed only with the priest. Some people need indulgences during fasting, but others will not bear them. Go to church before the start of Lent, consult with your priest about what needs to be excluded and what to introduce into your life for this period.

    There is a wonderful phrase: “If it were about food, then cows would be holy.” Fasting is necessary, but it must be within one’s strength. Can't give up music? Replace this by giving up sweets, for example. Let us note once again that they talk in more detail about their spiritual life with the priest to whom they confess.

    Despite the fact that food restrictions are an important component of Lent, its true meaning is not fasting. In order to observe the strict and long fast before Easter correctly, you must not only limit yourself in nutrition, but also take care of your spiritual life. Otherwise, it will not be fasting, but a simple diet.

    What you cannot do during Lent 2019 includes not only the ban on eating animal products. During the period of Lent, every believer must limit his pleasures and behave humbly in order to strengthen his faith.

    The purpose of Lent is not just to get rid of extra pounds, but to distract from extraneous thoughts about one’s own pleasure, including thoughts about food, in favor of thoughts about God. Man, according to church teachings, consists of body and soul. The priests say that when one thing weakens (during the period of fasting, this is, of course, the body), then another strengthens.

    This is interesting! Many people who fast emphasize that this period really has a beneficial effect on the body. The mind is enlightened, lightness appears in the body.

    It will be difficult for beginners to endure fasting, especially when they learn what not to do during fasting. But it is possible, after fasting, step by step, a believer will move towards good. It is also necessary to remember that fasting is not necessary for pregnant and lactating people, old people and sick people, as well as children who have not yet reached the age of fourteen.

    What not to do during Lent

    * Smoking and drinking alcohol (only a glass of red grape wine is allowed on Saturday and Sunday);

    * Use foul language, gossip, utter indecent words;

    * Limit pleasures. Watch less TV, stop going to the cinema and cafes;

    * Observe marital abstinence. Spouses can only kiss each other in the evening;

    * Avoid eating animal products. This includes meat and fish, all dairy products, eggs, sweets, pastries and bread. Fish can only be eaten on great church holidays that fall during the Lenten period: Annunciation and Palm Sunday(April 7 and April 21, respectively). it is allowed to eat fish caviar;

    * Show off to others. Especially to brag about the fact that a person is fasting. This is the internal decision of every believer and you should not show it off, showing your pride;

    It is necessary to understand that the list of what cannot be done during Lent applies in full to clergy. For the laity, some concessions are allowed in observing Lent, especially with regard to nutrition. But any concessions must be discussed with the priest in the church and received his blessing.

    It is clear that during Lent, which in 2019 must be observed from March 11 to April 27, there are not only prohibitions. There are also rules that must be done during this period.

    What to do during Lent

    * While watching TV in the evening, you can read religious literature: the Gospel, the Psalter or the lives of the saints. This way you can expand your understanding of faith and the meaning of life. Find specific wise recommendations for improving your spiritual and family life. Most religious books are adapted to modern times; they are considered easy and interesting in content.

    *Go to church. During the period of Lent it is obligatory to do this. At least once during this period you must confess and receive communion. If abstaining from food cleanses the body, then these religious rituals help cleanse the soul. IN Parents' Saturdays falling this year on March 11, 18 and 25, you need to go to church and light candles for the repose of the dead.

    * Giving alms. They say that giving alms to the poor and needy in this world helps our deceased relatives in heaven. When a believer gives alms, he can ask the sufferer to pray for the health of a deceased relative.

    * Do good deeds. You can feed animals and birds, give old things to orphanages, and make donations.

    The list of what not to do during Lent 2019 is impressive. But you won’t be bored during this period, because the list of things that need to be done is also long. The period of fasting is a time of purification of body and soul; a person should strive for improvement and try to develop spiritually and strengthen his faith. This is precisely the true meaning of fasting, which should never be forgotten. Simply giving up certain foods without working on the spiritual side of life is called a simple diet.

    Most people either stop fasting halfway or misinterpret its meaning. All this forces those who want to fast to find as much information as possible about it. The purpose of religious fasting is spiritual purification and abstinence from worldly pleasures. For 40 days, a person disciplines his mind and body in order to grow spiritually and free himself from earthly habits. Nutrition during fasting is the first necessity. It may seem quite strict, especially for beginners. If you do not understand how to observe Lent, this material will tell you how to observe it correctly.

    Starvation and physical exhaustion are not the purpose of fasting. If you correctly plan your nutrition schedule by day and week, you will be very surprised how varied and healthy lean foods can be.

    List of permitted products






      Citrus fruits (lemons, oranges, tangerines, grapefruits)

    All these fruits are eaten raw during Lent, and desserts and various snacks are also prepared with them. fresh salads and other dishes.

    • Dried fruits:
    • Pineapples
    • Bananas
    • Cherry
    • Pears
    • Dried apricots
    • Dates
    • Prunes
    • Apples

    Dried fruits can not only be eaten during Lent, but they are necessary. During a limited diet, they will enrich the diet with valuable vitamins and strengthen the immune system. They can be combined with other Lenten dishes, and can be used to make compotes and jelly.






      Sweet pepper

      Cabbage (white cabbage, cauliflower, Chinese cabbage, broccoli, Brussels sprouts)

    • Sauerkraut and pickled cucumbers are also welcome on the Lenten table.




    • Lettuce


    • Sorrel

    Champignons, oyster mushrooms and other types of mushrooms are rich in protein, which is sorely lacking during the fasting period. Mushrooms will be an excellent alternative to meat. You can use them to make delicious and healthy casseroles with vegetables, soups, pies, roasts and snacks. They are also convenient to combine with cereals and pancakes. Don't neglect mushrooms in your diet.

    • Legumes

    Popular legumes: beans and peas will also become irreplaceable sources of protein during Lent. They are ideal for those losing weight, athletes and anyone involved in heavy physical labor. Legumes are used to make excellent purees and dishes with vegetables. The menu of these products will be satisfying, healthy and at the same time simple. Sports nutrition During fasting, it must be accompanied by vegetable protein.

    • Cereals

    Porridges such as rice, buckwheat, oatmeal and other cereals should become the basis of a lean diet. With the exception of days where complete abstinence from food is recommended, porridge can be eaten every day during Lent. They should be cooked only in water, without oil. Upon request, various types cereals can be combined with each other and added vegetables, mushrooms, nuts and dried fruits. This diversifies the dietary menu.

    • Fish

    You can eat fish only according to strict rules. During religious fasting, it is consumed on the day of the Annunciation and Palm Sunday.



    • Kissel

    Animal milk is prohibited during fasting. However, almond milk, coconut milk, and soy milk are excellent substitutes.

    The spring season is not rich in fresh vegetables, fruits and berries. You have to buy them in stores, or stock up on them in advance for fasting. Some preparations will be an excellent addition to the main menu:

      Beans (can be in tomato)

      Green peas



    Frozen vegetables, but especially berries and fruits, will come in handy in fast days. You can make wonderful tea treats from them.



      Lenten marshmallows

      Oatmeal Cookies

    • Kazinaki

      Dark chocolate (bitter only)

    • Lollipops

      Turkish delight

    In addition to these products, you can include the following in your post:

      Nuts and seeds;

      Pasta (without eggs);

      Lenten sauces and dressings (soy, mustard, ketchup, mayonnaise, etc.);

      Lenten bread (Borodinsky, grain, capital);

      Unleavened bread and pita bread;

      Flour (rice, corn, oatmeal, buckwheat and coarse wheat);


    During Lent, seafood (squid, shrimp) remains controversial. Some people believe that you should not eat such food during Lent. However, less conservative followers of fasting do not agree with this opinion and believe that seafood is acceptable on non-strict days.

    What not to eat during Lent

      Meat (sausages, frankfurters, balyki, lard, etc.);

      Fish (except on non-strict days);

      Milk, cheese and any dairy products;

    • Alcohol (except on non-strict days);

      Sweets and baked goods containing butter, eggs and milk;

      Pork fat and meat broths;

      Fast food.

    In addition, it is necessary to exclude spices, too spicy, salty, sour and heavy foods that stimulate an unhealthy appetite. These are all the things you can’t eat during Lent.

    Lent is considered the longest and most demanding season of the year. The first and last weeks before Easter are considered the toughest. Some lay people follow strict rules for eating.

    It is advisable to spend Clean Monday (the first day of fasting) and Great Friday (the penultimate day) without food.

    On other days, the consumption of permitted products follows the schedule:

    Contraindications to fasting

    The Orthodox Church does not force all Christians to observe strict fasting. It is important to consult your doctor before following a diet plan. Pregnant and breastfeeding women can eat some prohibited foods during fasting.

    The main contraindications to fasting are:

      Small and sick children;

      Elderly people burdened with physical ailments;

      People who have undergone surgery;

      People suffering from serious illnesses.

    fast ,

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