Even and odd functions according to the graph. Even and odd functions

To do this, use graph paper or a graphing calculator. Select any number of independent variable values x (\displaystyle x) and plug them into the function to calculate the values ​​of the dependent variable y (\displaystyle y). Plot the found coordinates of the points on the coordinate plane, and then connect these points to build a graph of the function.

  • Substitute positive numeric values ​​into the function x (\displaystyle x) and corresponding negative numeric values. For example, given the function . Substitute the following values ​​into it x (\displaystyle x):
    • f (1) = 2 (1) 2 + 1 = 2 + 1 = 3 (\displaystyle f(1)=2(1)^(2)+1=2+1=3) (1 , 3) ​​(\displaystyle (1,3)).
    • f (2) = 2 (2) 2 + 1 = 2 (4) + 1 = 8 + 1 = 9 (\displaystyle f(2)=2(2)^(2)+1=2(4)+1 =8+1=9). We got a point with coordinates (2 , 9) (\displaystyle (2,9)).
    • f (− 1) = 2 (− 1) 2 + 1 = 2 + 1 = 3 (\displaystyle f(-1)=2(-1)^(2)+1=2+1=3). We got a point with coordinates (− 1 , 3) ​​(\displaystyle (-1,3)).
    • f (− 2) = 2 (− 2) 2 + 1 = 2 (4) + 1 = 8 + 1 = 9 (\displaystyle f(-2)=2(-2)^(2)+1=2( 4)+1=8+1=9). We got a point with coordinates (− 2 , 9) (\displaystyle (-2,9)).
  • Check whether the graph of the function is symmetrical about the Y axis. Symmetry means a mirror image of the graph relative to the ordinate. If the part of the graph to the right of the Y-axis (positive values ​​of the independent variable) is the same as the part of the graph to the left of the Y-axis (negative values ​​of the independent variable), the graph is symmetrical about the Y-axis. If the function is symmetrical about the y-axis, the function is even.

    • You can check the symmetry of the graph using individual points. If the value y (\displaystyle y) x (\displaystyle x), matches the value y (\displaystyle y), which corresponds to the value − x (\displaystyle -x), the function is even. In our example with the function f (x) = 2 x 2 + 1 (\displaystyle f(x)=2x^(2)+1) we received the following coordinates of the points:
      • (1.3) and (-1.3)
      • (2.9) and (-2.9)
    • Note that for x=1 and x=-1 the dependent variable is y=3, and for x=2 and x=-2 the dependent variable is y=9. Thus the function is even. In fact, to accurately determine the form of the function, you need to consider more than two points, but the described method is a good approximation.
  • Check whether the graph of the function is symmetrical about the origin. The origin is the point with coordinates (0,0). Symmetry about the origin means that a positive value y (\displaystyle y)(at positive value x (\displaystyle x)) corresponds to a negative value y (\displaystyle y)(with a negative value x (\displaystyle x)), and vice versa. Odd functions have symmetry about the origin.

    • If you substitute several positive and corresponding negative values ​​into the function x (\displaystyle x), values y (\displaystyle y) will differ in sign. For example, given the function f (x) = x 3 + x (\displaystyle f(x)=x^(3)+x). Substitute several values ​​into it x (\displaystyle x):
      • f (1) = 1 3 + 1 = 1 + 1 = 2 (\displaystyle f(1)=1^(3)+1=1+1=2). We got a point with coordinates (1,2).
      • f (− 1) = (− 1) 3 + (− 1) = − 1 − 1 = − 2 (\displaystyle f(-1)=(-1)^(3)+(-1)=-1- 1=-2)
      • f (2) = 2 3 + 2 = 8 + 2 = 10 (\displaystyle f(2)=2^(3)+2=8+2=10)
      • f (− 2) = (− 2) 3 + (− 2) = − 8 − 2 = − 10 (\displaystyle f(-2)=(-2)^(3)+(-2)=-8- 2=-10). We received a point with coordinates (-2,-10).
    • Thus, f(x) = -f(-x), that is, the function is odd.
  • Check if the graph of the function has any symmetry. The last type of function is a function whose graph has no symmetry, that is, there is no mirror image both relative to the ordinate axis and relative to the origin. For example, given the function .

    • Substitute several positive and corresponding negative values ​​into the function x (\displaystyle x):
      • f (1) = 1 2 + 2 (1) + 1 = 1 + 2 + 1 = 4 (\displaystyle f(1)=1^(2)+2(1)+1=1+2+1=4 ). We got a point with coordinates (1,4).
      • f (− 1) = (− 1) 2 + 2 (− 1) + (− 1) = 1 − 2 − 1 = − 2 (\displaystyle f(-1)=(-1)^(2)+2 (-1)+(-1)=1-2-1=-2). We got a point with coordinates (-1,-2).
      • f (2) = 2 2 + 2 (2) + 2 = 4 + 4 + 2 = 10 (\displaystyle f(2)=2^(2)+2(2)+2=4+4+2=10 ). We got a point with coordinates (2,10).
      • f (− 2) = (− 2) 2 + 2 (− 2) + (− 2) = 4 − 4 − 2 = − 2 (\displaystyle f(-2)=(-2)^(2)+2 (-2)+(-2)=4-4-2=-2). We got a point with coordinates (2,-2).
    • According to the results obtained, there is no symmetry. Values y (\displaystyle y) for opposite values x (\displaystyle x) do not coincide and are not opposite. Thus the function is neither even nor odd.
    • Please note that the function f (x) = x 2 + 2 x + 1 (\displaystyle f(x)=x^(2)+2x+1) can be written like this: f (x) = (x + 1) 2 (\displaystyle f(x)=(x+1)^(2)). When written in this form, the function appears even because there is an even exponent. But this example proves that the type of function cannot be quickly determined if the independent variable is enclosed in parentheses. In this case, you need to open the brackets and analyze the obtained exponents.
  • Converting graphs.

    Verbal description of the function.

    Graphic method.

    The graphical method of specifying a function is the most visual and is often used in technology. In mathematical analysis, the graphical method of specifying functions is used as an illustration.

    Function graph f is the set of all points (x;y) of the coordinate plane, where y=f(x), and x “runs through” the entire domain of definition of this function.

    A subset of the coordinate plane is a graph of a function if it has no more than one common point with any straight line parallel to the Oy axis.

    Example. Are the figures below graphs of functions?

    The advantage of a graphic task is its clarity. You can immediately see how the function behaves, where it increases and where it decreases. From the graph you can immediately recognize some important characteristics functions.

    In general, analytical and graphic ways function assignments go hand in hand. Working with the formula helps to build a graph. And the graph often suggests solutions that you wouldn’t even notice in the formula.

    Almost any student knows the three ways to define a function that we just looked at.

    Let's try to answer the question: "Are there other ways to specify a function?"

    There is such a way.

    The function can be quite unambiguously specified in words.

    For example, the function y=2x can be specified by the following verbal description: each real value of the argument x is associated with its double value. The rule is established, the function is specified.

    Moreover, you can verbally specify a function that is extremely difficult, if not impossible, to define using a formula.

    For example: each value of the natural argument x is associated with the sum of the digits that make up the value of x. For example, if x=3, then y=3. If x=257, then y=2+5+7=14. And so on. It is problematic to write this down in a formula. But it’s easy to make a sign.

    The method of verbal description is a rather rarely used method. But sometimes it does.

    If there is a law of one-to-one correspondence between x and y, then there is a function. What law, in what form it is expressed - a formula, a tablet, a graph, words - does not change the essence of the matter.

    Let us consider functions whose domains of definition are symmetrical with respect to the origin, i.e. for anyone X from the domain of definition number (- X) also belongs to the domain of definition. Among these functions are even and odd.

    Definition. The function f is called even, if for any X from its domain of definition

    Example. Consider the function

    It is even. Let's check it out.

    For anyone X equalities are satisfied

    Thus, both conditions are met, which means the function is even. Below is a graph of this function.

    Definition. The function f is called odd, if for any X from its domain of definition

    Example. Consider the function

    It is odd. Let's check it out.

    The domain of definition is the entire numerical axis, which means it is symmetrical about the point (0;0).

    For anyone X equalities are satisfied

    Thus, both conditions are met, which means the function is odd. Below is a graph of this function.

    The graphs shown in the first and third figures are symmetrical about the ordinate axis, and the graphs shown in the second and fourth figures are symmetrical about the origin.

    Which of the functions whose graphs are shown in the figures are even and which are odd?

    Which were familiar to you to one degree or another. It was also noted there that the stock of function properties will be gradually replenished. Two new properties will be discussed in this section.

    Definition 1.

    The function y = f(x), x є X, is called even if for any value x from the set X the equality f (-x) = f (x) holds.

    Definition 2.

    The function y = f(x), x є X, is called odd if for any value x from the set X the equality f (-x) = -f (x) holds.

    Prove that y = x 4 is an even function.

    Solution. We have: f(x) = x 4, f(-x) = (-x) 4. But(-x) 4 = x 4. This means that for any x the equality f(-x) = f(x) holds, i.e. the function is even.

    Similarly, it can be proven that the functions y - x 2, y = x 6, y - x 8 are even.

    Prove that y = x 3 ~ an odd function.

    Solution. We have: f(x) = x 3, f(-x) = (-x) 3. But (-x) 3 = -x 3. This means that for any x the equality f (-x) = -f (x) holds, i.e. the function is odd.

    Similarly, it can be proven that the functions y = x, y = x 5, y = x 7 are odd.

    You and I have already been convinced more than once that new terms in mathematics most often have an “earthly” origin, i.e. they can be explained somehow. This is the case with both even and odd functions. See: y - x 3, y = x 5, y = x 7 are odd functions, while y = x 2, y = x 4, y = x 6 are even functions. And in general, for any function of the form y = x" (below we will specifically study these functions), where n is a natural number, we can conclude: if n is not even number, then the function y = x" is odd; if n is an even number, then the function y = xn is even.

    There are also functions that are neither even nor odd. Such, for example, is the function y = 2x + 3. Indeed, f(1) = 5, and f (-1) = 1. As you can see, here, therefore, neither the identity f(-x) = f ( x), nor the identity f(-x) = -f(x).

    So, a function can be even, odd, or neither.

    Studying the question of whether given function even or odd is usually called the study of a function for parity.

    Definitions 1 and 2 refer to the values ​​of the function at points x and -x. This assumes that the function is defined at both point x and point -x. This means that point -x belongs to the domain of definition of the function simultaneously with point x. If a numerical set X, together with each of its elements x, also contains the opposite element -x, then X is called a symmetric set. Let's say, (-2, 2), [-5, 5], (-oo, +oo) are symmetric sets, while since y=\sqrt(1+x^(2)) \neq 1 for any x \in [-1;1] .

    Limited It is customary to call a function y=f(x), x \in X when there is a number K > 0 for which the inequality \left | f(x)\right | \neq K for any x \in X .

    An example of a limited function: y=\sin x is limited on the entire number axis, since \left | \sin x \right | \neq 1.

    Increasing and decreasing function

    It is customary to speak of a function that increases on the interval under consideration as increasing function then, when a larger value of x corresponds to a larger value of the function y=f(x) . It follows that taking two arbitrary values ​​of the argument x_(1) and x_(2) from the interval under consideration, with x_(1) > x_(2) , the result will be y(x_(1)) > y(x_(2)).

    A function that decreases on the interval under consideration is called decreasing function when a larger value of x corresponds to a smaller value of the function y(x) . It follows that, taking two arbitrary values ​​of the argument x_(1) and x_(2) from the interval under consideration, with x_(1) > x_(2) , the result will be y(x_(1))< y(x_{2}) .

    Function Roots It is customary to call the points at which the function F=y(x) intersects the abscissa axis (they are obtained as a result of solving the equation y(x)=0).

    a) If for x > 0 an even function increases, then it decreases for x< 0

    b) When an even function decreases at x > 0, then it increases at x< 0

    c) When an odd function increases at x > 0, then it also increases at x< 0

    d) When an odd function decreases for x > 0, then it will also decrease for x< 0

    Extrema of the function

    Minimum point of the function y=f(x) is usually called a point x=x_(0) whose neighborhood will have other points (except for the point x=x_(0)), and for them the inequality f(x) > f will then be satisfied (x_(0)) . y_(min) - designation of the function at the min point.

    Maximum point of the function y=f(x) is usually called a point x=x_(0) whose neighborhood will have other points (except for the point x=x_(0)), and for them the inequality f(x) will then be satisfied< f(x^{0}) . y_{max} - обозначение функции в точке max.


    According to Fermat’s theorem: f"(x)=0 when the function f(x) that is differentiable at the point x_(0) will have an extremum at this point.

    Sufficient condition

    1. When the derivative changes sign from plus to minus, then x_(0) will be the minimum point;
    2. x_(0) - will be a maximum point only when the derivative changes sign from minus to plus when passing through the stationary point x_(0) .

    The largest and smallest value of a function on an interval

    Calculation steps:

    1. The derivative f"(x) is sought;
    2. Stationary and critical points of the function are found and those belonging to the segment are selected;
    3. The values ​​of the function f(x) are found at stationary and critical points and ends of the segment. The smaller of the results obtained will be lowest value functions, and more - the largest.

    Function study.

    1) D(y) – Definition domain: the set of all those values ​​of the variable x. for which the algebraic expressions f(x) and g(x) make sense.

    If a function is given by a formula, then the domain of definition consists of all values ​​of the independent variable for which the formula makes sense.

    2) Properties of the function: even/odd, periodicity:

    Odd And even functions are called whose graphs are symmetric with respect to changes in the sign of the argument.

      Odd function- a function that changes its value to the opposite when the sign of the independent variable changes (symmetrical relative to the center of coordinates).

      Even function- a function that does not change its value when the sign of the independent variable changes (symmetrical about the ordinate).

      Neither even nor odd function (function general view) - a function that does not have symmetry. This category includes functions that do not fall under the previous 2 categories.

      Functions that do not belong to any of the categories above are called neither even nor odd(or general functions).

    Odd functions

    Odd power where is an arbitrary integer.

    Even functions

    Even power where is an arbitrary integer.

    Periodic function- a function that repeats its values ​​at some regular argument interval, that is, it does not change its value when adding some fixed non-zero number to the argument ( period functions) over the entire domain of definition.

    3) Zeros (roots) of a function are the points where it becomes zero.

    Finding the intersection point of the graph with the axis Oy. To do this you need to calculate the value f(0). Find also the points of intersection of the graph with the axis Ox, why find the roots of the equation f(x) = 0 (or make sure there are no roots).

    The points at which the graph intersects the axis are called function zeros. To find the zeros of a function you need to solve the equation, that is, find those meanings of "x", at which the function becomes zero.

    4) Intervals of constancy of signs, signs in them.

    Intervals where the function f(x) maintains sign.

    The interval of constancy of sign is the interval at every point of which the function is positive or negative.

    ABOVE the x-axis.

    BELOW the axle.

    5) Continuity (points of discontinuity, nature of the discontinuity, asymptotes).

    Continuous function- a function without “jumps”, that is, one in which small changes in the argument lead to small changes in the value of the function.

    Removable Break Points

    If the limit of the function exists, but the function is not defined at this point, or the limit does not coincide with the value of the function at this point:


    then the point is called removable break point functions (in complex analysis, a removable singular point).

    If we “correct” the function at the point of removable discontinuity and put , then we get a function that is continuous at a given point. Such an operation on a function is called extending the function to continuous or redefinition of the function by continuity, which justifies the name of the point as a point removable rupture.

    Discontinuity points of the first and second kind

    If a function has a discontinuity at a given point (that is, the limit of the function at a given point is absent or does not coincide with the value of the function at a given point), then for numerical functions there are two possible options associated with the existence of numerical functions unilateral limits:

      if both one-sided limits exist and are finite, then such a point is called discontinuity point of the first kind. Removable discontinuity points are discontinuity points of the first kind;

      if at least one of the one-sided limits does not exist or is not a finite value, then such a point is called point of discontinuity of the second kind.

    Asymptote - straight, which has the property that the distance from a point on the curve to this direct tends to zero as the point moves away along the branch to infinity.


    Vertical asymptote - limit line .

    As a rule, when determining the vertical asymptote, they look for not one limit, but two one-sided ones (left and right). This is done in order to determine how the function behaves as it approaches the vertical asymptote from different directions. For example:


    Horizontal asymptote - straight species, subject to the existence limit



    Oblique asymptote - straight species, subject to the existence limits

    Note: a function can have no more than two oblique (horizontal) asymptotes.

    Note: if at least one of the two limits mentioned above does not exist (or is equal to ), then the oblique asymptote at (or ) does not exist.

    if in item 2.), then , and the limit is found using the horizontal asymptote formula, .

    6) Finding intervals of monotonicity. Find intervals of monotonicity of a function f(x)(that is, intervals of increasing and decreasing). This is done by examining the sign of the derivative f(x). To do this, find the derivative f(x) and solve the inequality f(x)0. On intervals where this inequality holds, the function f(x)increases. Where the reverse inequality holds f(x)0, function f(x) is decreasing.

    Finding a local extremum. Having found the intervals of monotonicity, we can immediately determine the local extremum points where an increase is replaced by a decrease, local maxima are located, and where a decrease is replaced by an increase, local minima are located. Calculate the value of the function at these points. If a function has critical points that are not local extremum points, then it is useful to calculate the value of the function at these points as well.

    Finding the largest and smallest values ​​of the function y = f(x) on a segment(continuation)

    1. Find the derivative of the function: f(x).

    2. Find the points at which the derivative is zero: f(x)=0x 1, x 2 ,...

    3. Determine the affiliation of points X 1 ,X 2 , segment [ a; b]: let x 1a;b, A x 2a;b .
