The miraculous Myrrh-streaming icon of the Tsar-Martyr Nicholas II Romanov. The story of the miraculous discovery of a royal icon in Altai, created by order of the holy martyr Tsar Nicholas II

Complete collection and description: prayer to the Romanov royal family for the spiritual life of a believer.

Prayer to the Royal Passion-Bearers Nicholas, Alexandra, Alexy, Maria, Olga, Tatiana and Anastasia

Memory: Memory on Sunday January 25 / February 7, or on the nearest Sunday preceding or following January 25 (New Martyrs and Confessors of Russia), Third Week after Pentecost (Council of St. Petersburg Saints), July 4 / 17

The family of the Royal Passion-Bearers: Emperor Nicholas, Empress Alexandra, princesses Maria, Olga, Tatiana and Anastasia and Tsarevich Alexei is an amazing and pious family that was able to carry their “Ipatiev” cross with dignity and courage. They are prayed for family well-being, love between spouses, about the proper upbringing of children, about maintaining chastity and purity, about a good bride or groom. The royal family is asked for prayerful help in illness, sorrow, persecution, and imprisonment.

Royal Passion-Bearers: Emperor Nicholas, Empress Alexandra, Princesses Maria, Olga, Tatiana and Anastasia and Tsarevich Alexei. Icon

First Troparion to the Royal Passion-Bearers, tone 4

Today, faithful people, let us brightly honor the seven honorable royal passion-bearers, Christ’s one home Church: Nicholas and Alexandra, Alexy, Olga, Tatiana, Maria and Anastasia. For this reason, not being afraid of the bonds and sufferings of many kinds, I accepted death and desecration of bodies from those who fought against God and improved my boldness towards the Lord in prayer. For this reason, let us cry out to them with love: O holy passion-bearers, listen to the voice of repentance and the groaning of our people, strengthen the Russian land in love for Orthodoxy, save from internecine warfare, ask God for peace and great mercy to our souls.

Kontakion 1 to the Royal Passion-Bearers, tone 8

Chosen by the King of those reigning and the Lord who reigns from the line of the kings of Russia, the faithful martyr, who accepted mental torment and bodily death for Christ and was crowned with heavenly crowns, to you, as our merciful patron, we cry out with love and gratitude: Rejoice, royal passion-bearers, for Holy Rus' before God the zeal of the prayer book.

Second Troparion to the Royal Passion-Bearers, tone 5

You meekly endured the deprivation of the earthly kingdom, the bonds and sufferings of many different kinds, bearing witness to Christ even to the point of death from the atheists, the great passion-bearer, the God-crowned Tsar Nicholas, for this sake, with a martyr’s crown in heaven, crowning you with the queen and your children and servants, Christ the God, pray to Him to have mercy on the country Russian and to save our souls.

Kontakion II to the Royal Passion-Bearers, tone 6

The hope of the king, the martyr and the queen, strengthened his children and servants, and inspired them to Your love, having foreshadowed the future peace for them, with those prayers, Lord, have mercy on us.

The Greatness of the Royal Passion-Bearers

We magnify you, holy royal passion-bearers, and honor your honest sufferings, which you naturally endured for Christ.

First Prayer to the Royal Passion-Bearers

Oh, holy seven, royal passion-bearers, Nicholas, Alexandro, Alexia, Maria, Olgo, Tatiano and Anastasia!

You, bound by the union of the love of Christ, have piously built your house, like a small church, and naturally adorned it with humility in the midst of earthly greatness. In the time of fratricidal warfare and persecution of the godless in our fatherland, placing all their trust in God, the image of patience and suffering of the entire Russian land showed to nature and, praying for the tormentors, slander, bonds and exile, mockery, ridicule and slander, murder and desecration of the body courageously endured naturally. For this reason, natural intercessors for us came from the earthly kingdom to the heavenly kingdom.

Oh, holy saints of God! Pray to God for us, that the Church may preserve our unanimity and strong faith, protect our country with peace and prosperity and deliver it from internecine warfare and division, make the powers that be wise, embellish the army with courage, save the people from ruin, strengthen Christian spouses in fidelity and love, children He will grow in piety and obedience, and all of us together with you will be worthy to sing the Most Honorable and Magnificent Name of the Life-Giving Trinity of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Troparion to the passion-bearer Tsar Nicholas, tone 5

You meekly endured the kingdom of the earthly deprivation, bonds and sufferings of many different kinds, bearing witness to Christ even to the point of death from the God-fighters, the great passion-bearer, the God-crowned Tsar Nicholas. For this reason, Christ God, your children and servants, has crowned you with the Queen in heaven with a martyr’s crown. Pray to him to have mercy on the Russian country and save our souls.

Kontakion to the Passion-Bearer Tsar Nicholas, tone 3

The imitator of the Myra representative, faithful to Tsar Nicholas, the Second Wonderworker appeared to you. Having fulfilled the Gospel of Christ, you laid down your life for your people and saved the innocent, and especially the guilty, from death. For these sakes, you were sanctified by the blood of martyrdom, as a great martyr of the Church of Christ.

First prayer to the passion-bearer Tsar Nicholas

Oh, holy passion-bearer to Tsar Nicholas the Martyr! The Lord has chosen you as His anointed one, to be merciful and right to judge your people and to be the guardian of the Orthodox Church. For this reason, with the fear of God, you performed royal service and cared for souls. The Lord, testing you like Job the Long-Suffering, allows you reproach, bitter sorrow, betrayal, betrayal, alienation of your neighbors and abandonment of the earthly kingdom in mental anguish. All this for the good of Russia, as her faithful son, having endured, and as a true servant of Christ, receiving a martyr's death, you have reached the Heavenly Kingdom, where you enjoy the Highest glory at the Throne of all the Tsar, together with your holy wife Queen Alexandra and your royal children Alexy, Olga, Tatiana, Maria and Anastasia. Now, having great boldness in Christ the King, pray that the Lord will forgive the sin of the apostasy of our people and grant forgiveness of sins and instruct us in all virtues, so that we may acquire humility, meekness and love and be made worthy of the Heavenly Kingdom, where the new martyrs and all the saints are together. Russian confessors let us glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Second prayer to the passion-bearer Tsar Nicholas

O holy great Russian Tsar and passion-bearer Nicholas! Listen to the voice of our prayer and lift up to the Throne of the all-seeing Lord the groaning and sighing of the Russian people, once chosen and blessed by God, but now fallen and departed from God. Resolve the perjury that hitherto weighs heavily on the Russian people. We have sinned grievously by apostasy from the Heavenly King, leaving the Orthodox faith to be trampled upon by the wicked, breaking the conciliar oath and not forbidding the murder of yours, your family and your faithful servants.

Not because we obeyed the commandment of the Lord: “Touch not my anointed,” but to David who said: “Whoever stretches out his hand against the Lord’s Anointed, will not the Lord smite him?” And now, worthy of our deeds, we are acceptable, for even to this day the sin of shedding the royal blood weighs on us.

Imashi, Tsar Nicholas, great boldness, you shed your blood for your people, and you laid down your soul not only for your friends, but also for your enemies. For this reason, stand now in the Everlasting Light of the King of Glory, as His faithful servant. Be our intercessor, protector, and protector. Do not turn away from us, and do not leave us to be trampled underfoot by the wicked. Grant us the strength to repent, and incline God’s justice to mercy, so that the Lord will not destroy us completely, but may He forgive us all and mercifully have mercy on us, and save the Russian land and its people. May our Fatherland be delivered from the troubles and misfortunes that have befallen us, may it revive faith and piety, and may it restore the throne of the Orthodox Kings, so that the prophecies of the saints of God may come true. And may the Russian people throughout the entire universe glorify the all-praised name of the Lord and serve Him faithfully until the end of the age, singing the glory of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit now and ever and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Glorification of the passion-bearer Tsar Nicholas

We magnify you, the passion-bearing saint of Tsar Nicholas, and we honor your honest suffering, which you endured for Christ.

Akathist to the Royal Passion-Bearers:

Canon to the Royal Passion-Bearers:

Hagiographic and scientific-historical literature about the passion-bearers Emperor Nicholas, Empress Alexandra, Tsarevich Alexy, princesses Maria, Olga, Tatiana and Anastasia:

  • Blessed Tsar Nikolai Alexandrovich and his family– Moscow Diocesan Gazette
  • Myths about the Holy Tsar-Passion-Bearer Nicholas II– Yulia Komleva
  • Empress Alexandra Feodorovna: her love will still find a response– Andrey Manovtsev
  • Who killed the Emperor?– Deacon Vladimir Vasilik
  • To correctly understand Tsar Nicholas II, you must be Orthodox.. Answers of an Orthodox Englishman to puzzling questions about the holy Emperor Nicholas II - Archpriest Andrei Philips
  • The religious and mystical meaning of the murder of the royal family– Archbishop Averky Taushev
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Orthodox prayers ☦

5 strong prayers to the passion-bearer Tsar Nicholas II

Prayer to Saint Tsar Nicholas II for help in illnesses

“Oh, holy, passion-bearing Tsar Martyr Nicholas, you are the child-loving father of your people, an all-forgiving and merciful heart from us, many sinners, not turning away, covering us with the love of Christ until the last drop of your royal blood. By your representation before the Lord we are preserved even to this day. We know that you hear us in our sorrows and illnesses, and through your intercession the Heavenly King will hear us and grant forgiveness for our many sins. O prayer book for the Russian state, you are truly an image of honor for her and her faithful servants. Ask the Lord for our husbands, fathers and children the honor of renewal and in everyday work courage and complacent patience, for the Orthodox people to stand in faith and for all of us to have spiritual purity. By your meekness of Christ, convert our hardened hearts, our children ( our child), those who are mired in passions and suffer from spiritual blindness, seek deliverance from corrupting evils: wine drinking, drug addiction, gambling hobbies and all depravity of the soul and body, so that the mind and conscience may be sobered by grace from above.

Help us ( names), oh, our wondrous Tsar Martyr Saint Nicholas, may our race be cleansed of sins and preserved in a godly life until the second coming of our Savior Jesus Christ, to Him be glory, honor and worship, always now and ever and unto the ages of ages. Amen."

Prayer to the Passion-Bearer Tsar Nicholas for help in his studies

“O holy passion-bearer to Tsar Nicholas the Martyr! The Lord has chosen you as His anointed one, to be merciful and right to judge your people and to be the guardian of the Orthodox Church. For this reason, with the fear of God, you performed royal service and cared for souls. The Lord, testing you like Job the Long-Suffering, allows you reproach, bitter sorrow, betrayal, betrayal, alienation of your neighbors and abandonment of the earthly kingdom in mental anguish. All this for the good of Russia, as her faithful son, having endured, and as a true servant of Christ, receiving a martyr's death, you have reached the Heavenly Kingdom, where you enjoy the Highest glory at the Throne of all the Tsar, together with your holy wife Queen Alexandra and your royal children Alexy, Olga, Tatiana, Maria and Anastasia. Now, having great boldness in Christ the King, pray that the Lord will forgive the sin of the apostasy of our people and grant forgiveness of sins and instruct us in all virtues, so that we may acquire humility, meekness and love and be made worthy of the Heavenly Kingdom, where the new martyrs and all the saints are together. Russian confessors let us glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen."

Prayer to Tsar Nicholas II for help in sorrows

“O holy new martyr, passion-bearer Tsar Nicholas, you were chosen and anointed by the Lord, for you have mercifully and the right to judge your people and be the guardian of the Orthodox Power, and you have carried out your royal service and care for souls with the fear of God. Testing you, like gold in a crucible, with bitter sorrow, like Job the Long-Suffering, the Lord allow you to follow - deprivation of the royal throne and martyrdom. You have endured all this meekly and resignedly, as a true servant of Christ, and for this reason you now enjoy the highest glory at the Throne of all the King, together with all the holy martyrs. We, even though we are unworthy, for the sake of our multitude of sins, we pray to you, the glorious Passion-Bearing Tsar Nicholas, beg the Lord for us, so that He will not turn away His face to the end, may our people not deprive us of His chosenness, but may He give us the understanding of salvation, in let us rise from the depths of our fall. You, holy Tsar Nicholas, had great boldness, for you shed your blood for your people and laid down your soul not only for your friends, but also for your enemies, and for this reason you stand now in the uneven light of the Tsar of glory, as His faithful servant. And so be our intercessor and protector and incline the justice of God to mercy, may the Lord not destroy us completely, but may He forgive us all, and mercifully have mercy, and save the holy Russian land, and protect its people from all troubles and misfortunes. O our holy and glorious passion-bearing Tsar Nicholas, through your intercession and the prayers of your Holy Family, the innocently murdered Queen Alexandra, Tsarevich Alexy, Princess Olga, Tatiana, Maria and Anastasia, may the Lord grant us forgiveness of sins and instruct us in every virtue, so that we may acquire humility , meekness and love, which you, holy martyrs, showed to nature. And may faith and piety be revived in our people, and may the Lord again grant us the pious Autocrat to restore the throne of the Orthodox Tsars in the Russian land. May we glorify God, and serve Him faithfully until the end of time on earth, and may we be worthy of His kingdom in heaven, where together with you and with all the new martyrs and Confessors of Russia, and with all the saints, we will sing the glory of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and forever and ever. Amen."

Prayer to Tsar-Martyr Nicholas 2 for help in persecution and imprisonment

“O holy great Russian Tsar and passion-bearer Nicholas! Listen to the voice of our prayer and lift up to the Throne of the all-seeing Lord the groaning and sighing of the Russian people, once chosen and blessed by God, but now fallen and departed from God. Resolve the perjury that hitherto weighs heavily on the Russian people. We have sinned grievously by apostasy from the Heavenly King, leaving the Orthodox faith to be trampled upon by the wicked, breaking the conciliar oath and not forbidding the murder of yours, your family and your faithful servants.

Not because we obeyed the commandment of the Lord: “Touch not my anointed,” but to David who said: “Whoever stretches out his hand against the Lord’s Anointed, will not the Lord strike him?” And now, worthy of our deeds, we are acceptable, for even to this day the sin of shedding the royal blood weighs on us.

To this day our holy places are being desecrated. Fornication and lawlessness do not diminish from us. Our children are given over to reproach. Innocent blood cries to heaven, shed every hour in our land.

But see the tears and contrition of our hearts, we repent, just as the people of Kiev once did before Prince Igor, who was martyred by them; like the people of Vladimir before Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky, who was killed by them, we ask: pray to the Lord, may he not turn away from us completely, may he not deprive the Russian people of His great chosenness, but may he give us the wisdom of salvation, so that we can rise from the depths of this fall.

Imashi, Tsar Nicholas, great boldness, you shed your blood for your people, and you laid down your soul not only for your friends, but also for your enemies. For this reason, stand now in the Everlasting Light of the King of Glory, as His faithful servant. Be our intercessor, protector, and protector. Do not turn away from us, and do not leave us to be trampled underfoot by the wicked. Grant us the strength to repent, and incline God’s justice to mercy, so that the Lord will not destroy us completely, but may He forgive us all and mercifully have mercy on us, and save the Russian land and its people. May our Fatherland be delivered from the troubles and misfortunes that have befallen us, may it revive faith and piety, and may it restore the throne of the Orthodox Kings, so that the prophecies of the saints of God may come true. And may the Russian people throughout the entire universe glorify the all-praised name of the Lord and serve Him faithfully until the end of the age, singing the glory of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit now and ever and unto the ages of ages. Amen."

A short prayer to the Tsar-Redeemer Nicholas II

“Lord, our God, Great and Most Merciful! In the tenderness of our hearts, we humbly pray to You: preserve under the shelter of Your goodness from all evil circumstances the Blessed Sovereign and our Father, the Romanov family chosen by You (whose name You, Lord, weigh). Protect Him on all His paths with Your holy angels, so that nothing can be done by the enemy against Him, and the son of iniquity will not try to embitter Him: fill Him with longness of days and strength of strength. May He accomplish everything for Your glory and for the good of His people. We, rejoicing in Your All-Good Providence for Him, bless and glorify Your All-Holy Name, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen."

The Romanovs on icons, prayers (film "The Murder of the Romanov Royal Family")

Somewhere far away in the Urals,

Where granite touches the sky,

On a dark night, like a victim, in the basement

The Anointed One of God was killed.

He was killed with his children and wife,

With a handful of servants faithful to the grave,

And since then over the unfortunate country

Blood flows and darkness deepens.

Many years behind the Iron Curtain

The country is locked like a prisoner -

There they mock at the black mass

Satan is above the crucified Christ.

Thus the change of government took place

And the division of Your royal garments.

How right you are - only lies and treason

Replaced our old motto.

Satan became the helmsman in power,

Covering Your royal trail,

The country has experienced a lot of grief,

But there is no “freedom” even for the dead.

We are sinners, Russian Tsar, before God,

We are also sinners before You,

We are Your debtors in many ways.

You suffered for the truth and “us.”

But there is a time and measure for everything, -

After the night the dawn will come,

And the Lord will put the fanatic to shame

For the murder of Rus' and the Tsar.

Freedom provocateur will be cursed,

The seventeenth year will be cursed

And you, Sovereign Emperor,

He will be honored as a saint by the people.

And in the forest, on distant Iset,

He will build a temple of marble,

So that all people in the world know,

That the righteous man was martyred there.

(V. A. Petrushevsky 1930)

I don’t know how things stand with this now, because, as we remember, in 2007 a joint act on the canonical communion of the two churches was signed and, therefore, apparently the saints are now common. Is this true? The answer could not be found. Many people still do not accept the holiness and martyrdom of the Romanovs, but nevertheless, this is already an accomplished fact, which is reflected both in icon painting and in existing akathists and prayers to the royal martyrs.

We pray to you with faith and love, help us to bear our cross with patience, gratitude, meekness and humility, placing our hope in the Lord and committing everything to the hand of God. Teach us purity and chastity of heart, yes, according to the apostle’s verb, we always rejoice, we pray unceasingly, we give thanks for everything. Warm our hearts with the warmth of Christian love. Heal the sick, guide the young, make parents wise, give joy, consolation and hope to the grieving, turn the erring to faith and repentance. Protect us from the wiles of the evil spirit and from all slander, misfortune and malice.

Do not forsake us, your intercession for those who ask. Pray to the All-Merciful Lord and the Most Pure Virgin Mary for the Russian Empire! May the Lord strengthen our country through your intercession, may He bestow upon us all that is good for this life and make us worthy of the Kingdom of Heaven, where together with you and with all the saints of the Russian land we will glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Icon "Cathedral of the Holy New Martyrs of Russia from the atheists who were killed"

But first, I will make a small digression and it concerns those who rightfully became new saints according to the unified version. These are those who died during the execution in the Ipatiev House: Emperor Nikolai Alexandrovich, 50 years old; Empress Alexandra Feodorovna, 46 years old; their daughters – Olga, 23 years old; Tatyana, 21 years old; Maria, 19 years old; Anastasia, 17 years old; and the heir to the throne, Tsarevich Alexei, 14 years old. And their faithful subjects: Evgeny Botkin, physician; Ivan Kharitonov, cook; Alexey Trupp, valet Anna Demidova, maid. And also those who died in the mine near Alapaevsk: Grand Duchess Elizaveta Fedorovna; Grand Duke Sergei Mikhailovich; princes - John Konstantinovich; Konstantin Konstantinovich; Igor Konstantinovich; Vladimir Pavlovich Paley; (son of Grand Duke Pavel Alexandrovich from his morganatic marriage with Olga Pistolkors); Elizabeth Fedorovna's cell attendant Varvara (Yakovleva); Fyodor Semenovich Remez, manager of the affairs of Grand Duke Sergei Mikhailovich (the situation with him is not very clear, supposedly even the ROCOR did not recognize him as a martyr, but why.). Such an official mournful list, which did not include several more names of those people who were also in the last days of the royal family and were destroyed by the Bolsheviks. In the above Western icon, everyone on the list is represented as holy martyrs.

Icon "Martyrs of the Ipatiev House and Martyrs of the Alapaevsk Mine"

August Sisters of Mercy – Tatiana, Olga and Alexandra

Life physician of the royal family Evgeny Sergeevich Botkin and the retinue that followed the royal family to Tobolsk

Small icon "Royal Martyrs"

Icon "The Holy Blessed Tsar-Martyr Nicholas"

Icon "Holy Martyr Nicholas in the Lives"

Icon "Tsar-Martyr Saint Nicholas" (Western letter)

We repent, as the people of Kiev once did before Prince Igor, who was tortured by them, like the people of Vladimir before the Grand Duke Andrei Bogolyubsky, who was killed by them, and we ask boldly: for the blood of Your saints, grant us repentance, free our Fatherland from the troubles and misfortunes that have befallen us, revive the Russian land, in the fall with Your glory and grant her the Orthodox Tsar, may the prophecies of Your saints come true and may the Russian people sing glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Iconographic images of Tsar-martyr Nicholas II

Icon-portrait "Empress Alexandra Feodorovna"

Iconographic images of the martyr queen Alexandra Feodorovna

Icon "Blessed Martyr Tsarevich Alexei"

Iconographic images of the Tsarevich-martyr Alexei

Icon "Holy Royal Passion-Bearers"

Iconographic images of the martyrs-daughters Anastasia, Tatiana, Maria, Olga

Oh, holy new martyr, blessed Russian princess Olgo (Tatiana; Maria; Anastasia); With your soul you stand in heaven at the Throne of the Lord, and on earth, by the grace given to you, you perform various healings; look mercifully at the people who are coming and praying before your most pure image and asking for your help; Forgive the Lord for your holy prayers for us and ask us forgiveness of sins, healing for the sick, healing for the sorrowing and needy, ambulance, pray to the Lord, may he give us a Christian death and a good answer at his terrible judgment, so that we, together with you and all the new martyrs and passion-bearers of our land, may be honored to glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Icon "New Martyr Elizabeth" (Western letter)

Icon "Holy Martyr Elizabeth"

O holy new martyrs of Russia, Grand Duchess Elisaveto and her sister of the cross, the most honorable nun Varvaro, who ended her path in many torments, fulfilled the Gospel commandments with deeds in the monastery of Mercy, laboring for the sake of the Orthodox faith until death in these last times, and good fruit in the patience of the passions brought to Christ! Pray to Him, as the Conqueror of death, that He may establish the Russian Orthodox Church and our Fatherland, redeemed by the blood and suffering of the new martyrs, and not allow our property to be plundered by the enemy of Russia. Behold, the crafty enemy has armed himself against us, although he will destroy us in internecine warfare, sorrows, unbearable sorrows, illnesses, needs and fierce misfortunes. Pray to the Lord to cast down all their feeble insolence; Strengthen faith in the hearts of the Russian people, so that when the hour of testing comes upon us, we will receive the gift of courage through your prayers, having rejected ourselves and taken up our cross, we will follow Christ, crucifying our flesh with passions and lusts. Save us from all evil, sanctify the paths of our life, grant unfeigned repentance, silence and peace to our souls, ask the Lord for all of us to be delivered from bitter ordeals and eternal torment and to be heirs to the Kingdom of Heaven with all the saints who have pleased God from the ages, so that we joyfully give praise , honor and worship of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen.

Iconographic images of the holy martyr Elizabeth Feodorovna

Icon with portraits of the family of royal martyrs

Icons "Royal Martyrs"

As we see, everything is very non-standard and far from the canons. Will our church ever develop a single type of icons? royal passion-bearers Time will tell, but for now there are still a few interesting iconographic works on this topic.

Icon "Holy Tsar-Redeemer Nicholas"

passio) in the name of . But primarily this name refers to those saints who suffered martyrdom not for the Christian faith, unlike the martyrs and great martyrs, perhaps even from their loved ones and fellow believers - because of their, . Accordingly, in in this case the special character of their feat is emphasized - goodness, which is one of the commandments. So, in particular, the holy martyrs, saint, venerable, who lived in, are often called. In the year, the last Russian emperor and his family, by decision of the Ural Council in the year, were canonized as passion-bearers.

Briefly, the feat of passion-bearing can be defined as suffering for the fulfillment of the Commandments of God (and), in contrast to - which is suffering for witnessing in (faith in) during times of persecution and when the persecutors try to force them to renounce the faith (from Wikipedia).

Accordingly, in this case the special nature of their feat is emphasized - goodness and non-resistance to enemies.

In 1928 they were canonized as saints of the Catacomb Church.
In 1981 they were glorified by the Russian Church Abroad.
On August 20, 2000, they were canonized by the Russian Orthodox Church as holy new martyrs and confessors of Russia, revealed and unrevealed.

Memorial Day: July 4 (17) - day of execution.
Romanov iconography is very interesting due to the fact that a unified canon for writing their images has not yet been developed. Therefore, every icon painter creates as he sees fit. Western icon painters were the first to do so, and it is abroad that Romanov icons can most often be found. Now in Russia, almost every church has its own icon dedicated to the Romanov martyrs.

For many years, the members of the royal family and their entourage had been achieving holiness - their service to Russia was expressed in good deeds and mercy. So during the war, both the Romanov daughters and the Empress herself could often be seen in hospitals and infirmaries, in shelters and almshouses. Grand Duchess Elizabeth Feodorovna renounced worldly life in favor of helping the poor and disadvantaged. Their immediate surroundings followed their example.
with icon Mother of God SOVEREIGN
Icon of the Holy Royal Passion-Bearers, made by the sisters of Novo-Tikhvinsky convent commissioned by the Moscow Cathedral of the Epiphany Patriarchal Cathedral.
The second icon is similar. Author Philip Moskvitin. Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker in Biryulyovo. She streams myrrh
Two tendencies of icon painters are obvious: the first is to dress the royal family in ancient Russian attire of the 16th-17th centuries, and then the icons are identified by Nicholas’s mustache and the number of people on the board. They are no longer different from other images of any saints.

The second trend is to leave them in the clothes of the early twentieth century, and sometimes in military uniform and nurses' aprons. But icon painters are apparently confused by the resulting stylistic inconsistency - halos do not go well with tunics, so the first option is more often found.

Icon with portraits of the family of royal martyrs

Icon "Holy Royal Martyrs"

icon of the holy royal martyrs

Holy Royal Martyrs. They're all dressed in white - white this is a symbol of the fact that they are in the kingdom of heaven, a designation of the uncreated light. In the skies above them is the Sovereign Icon of the Mother of God. The Sovereign Mother of God is one of the officially “miraculous” icons of the Mother of God of Russian origin; was found, according to the report of Metropolitan Tikhon of Moscow, on March 2, 1917 in the basement of the Ascension Church of Kolomensky. On the icon there is an image of Christ on the knees of the Mother of God, in the hands of the Virgin - royal regalia, scepter and orb. According to a number of Orthodox Christians, the symbolic meaning of the appearance of the Sovereign icon is that the death of the constitutional monarchy of Russia was sent to the people as punishment, but the Mother of God herself preserves the symbols of royal power, which gives hope for repentance and the revival of Russia and the Russian state.

Iconographic images of Tsar-martyr Nicholas II
The image of Tsar Nicholas II was painted in America in 1997, on the eightieth anniversary of the bloody revolution in Russia. It was written by Orthodox icon painter Pavel Tikhomirov for a charity organization. Color lithographs were made from the icon, and the proceeds from their sale were sent to help those in need in Russia... This icon streamed myrrh in many churches

Icon "Holy Martyr Nicholas in the Lives"

PRAYERS to the Holy Royal Martyrs:

Blessed are you, Lord God of our Father, and praised and glorified Your name forever, for Thou art righteous in respect of all that Thou hast done for us, and all Thy works are true and Thy ways are right, and Thy judgments are true, and Thy destinies are true for all that Thou hast brought upon us, for we have sinned and transgressed from lawlessness. You, who have sinned in all things and disobeyed Your commandments, are less observant, less co-creators, as You commanded us, that it would be good for us, and You delivered us into the hands of lawless enemies, vile apostates, an unrighteous and wicked man more than all the earth.
And now we cannot open our mouths, the shame and reproach of Thy servant and those who honor Thee will come. Do not betray us to the end for Thy name's sake, and do not destroy Thy covenant, and do not forsake Thy mercy from us, for, O Master, we have lost our tongues more than all others and we are humble throughout the whole earth today, sin for our sake, and at this time there is no leader, the prophet and the leader. And now we follow with all our hearts and fear You and seek Your face, do not disgrace us, but do with us according to Your meekness, and according to the multitude of Your mercy, and prayers for the sake of Your Most Pure Mother and all Your saints, save us according to Your miracles, and give the glory of Thy name, O Lord, and let all who are evil be put to shame, and let them be ashamed of all power and let their strength be crushed, and let everyone understand that You are our God, one and glorious throughout the entire universe. Amen.

Prayer to the Holy Royal Passion-Bearers Tsar Nicholas, Tsarina Alexandra, Tsarevich Alexy, Princesses Olga, Tatiana, Maria and Anastasia

What shall we call, O holy passion-bearer King, Tsar Nicholas, Tsarina Alexandro, Tsarevich Alexy, Princess Olgo, Tatiano, Maria and Anastasia! Christ the Lord grants you angelic glory and incorruptible crowns in His Kingdom, but our minds and tongues are perplexed as to how to praise you according to your heritage.
We pray to you with faith and love, help us to bear our cross with patience, gratitude, meekness and humility, placing our hope in the Lord and committing everything to the hand of God. Teach us purity and chastity of heart, yes, according to the apostle’s verb, we always rejoice, we pray unceasingly, we give thanks for everything. Warm our hearts with the warmth of Christian love. Heal the sick, guide the young, make parents wise, give joy, consolation and hope to the grieving, turn the erring to faith and repentance. Protect us from the wiles of the evil spirit and from all slander, misfortune and malice.
Do not forsake us, your intercession for those who ask. Pray to the All-Merciful Lord and the Most Pure Virgin Mary for the Russian Empire! May the Lord strengthen our country through your intercession, may He bestow upon us all that is good for this life and make us worthy of the Kingdom of Heaven, where together with you and with all the saints of the Russian land we will glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Prayer to the Royal Passion-Bearers
Oh, holy passion-bearer to Tsar Nicholas the Martyr! The Lord has chosen you as His anointed one, to be merciful and right to judge your people and to be the guardian of the Orthodox Church. For this reason, with the fear of God, you performed royal service and cared for souls. The Lord, testing you like Job the Long-Suffering, allows you reproach, bitter sorrow, betrayal, betrayal, alienation of your neighbors and abandonment of the earthly kingdom in mental anguish. All this for the good of Russia, as her faithful son, having endured martyrdom, and as a true servant of Christ, you have reached the Kingdom of Heaven, where you enjoy the Highest glory at the Throne of all the Tsar, together with your holy wife Queen Alexandra and your royal children Alexy, Olga, Tatiana, Maria and Anastasia. Now, having great boldness in Christ the King, pray that the Lord will forgive the sin of the apostasy of our people and grant forgiveness of sins and instruct us in all virtues, so that we may acquire humility, meekness and love and be made worthy of the Heavenly Kingdom, where the new martyrs and all the saints are together. Russian confessors let us glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

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An icon depicting Jesus Christ in the image of a saint, ruling over people of all ranks and classes. More often this epithet is found as part of a deisis composition, but sometimes it can be found as an independent image.

Canonical epithet

The icon depicts Jesus seated on a throne. The Savior is dressed in royal clothes - dalmatic and lor, designed in red and gold. Dalmatik is a tunic with wrist-length sleeves, made of silk and decorated with precious metal with inserts precious stones(clothing of Byzantine rulers).

This choice is not accidental: Christ was dressed in similar clothes when he was mocked. Lor is a long and wide ribbon, derived from the Greek toga, - the vestment of bishops and other dignitaries in Byzantium.

Icon of the Tsar by the Tsar: meaning and history

The described icon among the people has several names: “King of Glory”, “Savior the Great Bishop” and The composition is based on an epithet from revelations (Rev. 19: 11-17), in which Jesus is described as a righteous judge and warrior, dressed in rich clothes , stained with the blood of infidels and his enemies. And the name of the Savior is written on his thigh: “King of kings and Lord of lords.”

This can also be considered a reference to biblical stories that speak of the birth of Christ, the King of the Jewish people. However, when the much-awaited keeper of God's law came to earth, they doubted him and his prophecies, executing him in the most shameful way.

Thus, the King of Kings is an icon that reveals this idea of ​​kingship, for which, by the way, Jesus was executed on earth, after the Ascension, promising to come to us again in all his Glory to act as a human judge.

Variations of the icon

According to legend, the most ancient icon Based on this plot, it was created back in the 7th century by Alypiy Pechersky. It is believed that it is his work, “The Queen Presents,” that is kept there, although no evidence of this fact has survived.

“The Queen Present” is one of the iconographic types of deisis, depicting Christ, in accordance with the epithet “King of Kings,” surrounded by the Virgin Mary in rich robes, framed in gold, and John the Baptist. To put it simply in simple language, such a plot illustrates Jesus and the Mother of God as rulers of the human and angelic race.

Iconography originated in Byzantium around the 14th century. The oldest example (if you do not take into account the icon from the Assumption Cathedral) of the image of the epithet “King of Kings” is a painting from a monastery in Macedonia, made between 1334 and 1343.

When the iconography reached Russia, the “Queen Present” was depicted differently: it was replaced by another Old Testament prophet.

Deisis King of Kings

The icon “Presenting the Queen,” which we mentioned earlier, like the King of Kings, belongs to a type called “deisis,” which translates as “prayer” or “petition.” There is an erroneous pronunciation of “Deesis,” apparently due to its consonance with the name of the Savior. Such images are always placed in the center of the iconostasis, as the dominant ones.

The icon of the King of Kings (we offer a photo of it in the article) can be written on three separate boards, instead of one. Moreover, what is especially interesting is that one of the 15th century variations is in the Tretyakov Gallery as an example of the art of icon painting.

The image symbolizes the connection between the New and Old Testaments through our Savior - Jesus Christ.

Icon attributes

Within the framework of this epithet, Christ is always depicted framed by a mandorla (a halo of a special shape), dressed in a royal robe (there is no lore on newer icons). His head is decorated with a tiara, and left hand clutches a scepter crowned with a cross. From the side of the shoulder one can see a sword, pointing upward diagonally “from the mouth” of the Savior.

Often the attributes of the King of Glory are also used to depict Christ in mixed iconographies related to the motifs of deisis.

Who does it help?

The icon of the King of Kings helps all believers, but the image is especially favorable to people holding leadership positions. They can ask themselves for wisdom to manage staff fairly and smooth sharp corners in the work team. An icon is capable of granting success to a person holding a high position and giving him the love of his subordinates.

In addition, Orthodox Christians can pray to Christ for their family and friends who have strayed from the path of truth and fallen into the clutches of sectarians. It is believed that the Savior, like a good shepherd, must lead the lost back to the true religion.

Parishioners of any church can always ask Christ for the health of their priest and any other dignitary with whom they have never been personally acquainted. Before praying, it is advisable to read an akathist to the Sweetest Jesus.

Memorial Days

The King of Kings is an icon painted based on the apocalyptic stories of the Bible, so its commemoration falls on the second coming of Christ, which is due to occur on the day when people will have to appear at the Last Judgment and answer for their actions.

According to church traditions, this holiday is not tied to any date. It depends on the day of Easter in the current year and falls on the Sunday of Last Judgment. This is the Sunday when the prayer takes place before Lent.

Where to find the icon of the King of Kings

In Moscow, icons depicting this epithet are mostly found in museums and art galleries. Particularly revered specimens are located in the Assumption Cathedral of the Kremlin, on Kapotnya and in the church Life-Giving Trinity(Moscow region).

Judging by information from open sources, we can conclude that this icon is quite rare in Moscow, as well as in Russia as a whole (not counting the frescoes in the Yaroslavl church and the Murom cathedral). And if not for the high cost of sale, which is not affordable for everyone Orthodox person, it would be much easier to buy an icon for yourself in any specialized online store.

One of the most tragic pages in the history of Russia in the 20th century was the murder of the royal family, dictated, as the Bolsheviks claimed, by “revolutionary necessity.” The victims of this inhuman logic were not only Nicholas II, who became the last representative of the three-hundred-year-old Romanov dynasty, but also his wife, Empress Alexandra Feodorovna, their four daughters aged from 17 to 23 years and the heir to the throne, 14-year-old Tsarevich Alexei. People who remained faithful to them in this last hour were also killed: both family members and those from their immediate circle.

History of the icon

The sin of murdering God’s anointed one weighed heavily on Russia for many decades, and only at the turn of the millennium, in 2000, the murdered Emperor Nicholas II and his family were canonized by the Russian Orthodox Church as royal martyrs. To glorify the new saints, icons of the Romanov royal family appeared.

However, the icon of the Romanovs serves not only to glorify the innocent murdered, but also to repent of the people guilty of the sin of apostasy from God’s anointed and leaving him along with innocent children in the hands of enemies. This sin is aggravated by the fact that neither the family nor those close to them during the arrest and detention tried to resist, humbly accepting the Will of God with Christian meekness. This sin, which still weighs heavily on Russia, will have to be atone for more than one generation.

Therefore, it is not surprising that the icon of the holy royal passion-bearers is today in almost every Orthodox church, and for many believers at home. This is the meaning of the icon of the royal martyrs - to remind all of us, both believers and non-believers, of the martyrdom of the royal family, which was accomplished in the name of peace on Russian soil and once again confirmed the inviolability of the foundations of Orthodoxy in the Russian state.

Iconography of the Royal Martyrs

First of all, it should be emphasized that the iconography of the Romanov family is based on authentic photographs of the royal family. Nicholas II, as you know, was himself fond of photography, and many photographs of his family have been preserved in the archives.

Russian Orthodox Church abroad canonized the royal family as holy martyrs back in 1981, and icons of the royal martyrs immediately began to appear, bearing a portrait resemblance to photographs. Thus, the icon of the martyr Tsar Nicholas II shows the face of the Tsar, well known to us from the photo.

It is impossible to forget, however, that together with the tsar his entire family, including innocent children, suffered martyrdom, so the icon of the royal family became no less widespread. The canon of painting such images has not yet developed, so icon painters took two paths. Some depict the royal family as they are depicted in photographs.

Others follow the traditions of Orthodox icon painting and depict the royal martyrs in the same way as it is customary to paint saints: in appropriate clothes and with faces that, although they have a portrait resemblance, are still slightly stylized in the icon painting style.

The icon, created abroad, immortalizes not only the royal martyrs, but also everyone who remained faithful to them until the hour of death, as well as other passion-bearers who suffered for their fidelity to the Teachings of Christ and the Orthodox Church.

How the icons of the king and the royal family are protected

The reign of Nicholas II can be assessed differently, but his high moral principles have never been questioned. He was a wonderful family man, lived on his own and raised his children in the spirit of piety and fidelity to Christ's commandments, was engaged in charity work and made generous donations for the construction of churches. Therefore, they pray to the icon of Nicholas II for the protection and preservation of peace in the family, for deliverance from family problems, from problems with children and loved ones, but not only. They ask her to protect her from the enemies of our Motherland, including those trying to undermine its Orthodox foundations; strengthen patriotic feelings.

The icon of Tsar Nicholas, which exuded myrrh and performed miracles of healing, became widely known, so believers often ask: where is the myrrh-streaming icon of Tsar Nicholas now? Currently, this miraculous icon is in the Moscow Church of St. Nicholas in Pyzhi.

How does the icon of the Romanov royal family help?

For each person bearing the name of one of the royal passion-bearers, he (or she) will become their patron saint. These names are: Nikolai, Alexandra, Alexey, Olga, Tatyana, Maria and Anastasia.

Prayer in front of such an icon helps to maintain mutual respect between generations and close relationships between relatives, raise children in piety, loyalty to Orthodox principles and patriotism, and prayer in front of the miraculous myrrh-streaming icon of Nicholas II helps to find healing.

Veneration of the icon “Romanov Passion-Bearers” July 4/17 – the day of the death of the royal family and January 25/February 7 – Celebration of the Council of New Martyrs who suffered for the Christian faith after the 1917 revolution.

Prayer before the icon of the holy royal passion-bearers Tsar Nicholas, Tsarina Alexandra, Tsarevich Alexei, princesses Olga, Tatiana, Maria and Anastasia

What shall we call, O holy passion-bearer King, Tsar Nicholas, Tsarina Alexandro, Tsarevich Alexy, Princess Olgo, Tatiano, Maria and Anastasia! Christ the Lord grants you angelic glory and incorruptible crowns in His Kingdom, but our minds and tongues are perplexed as to how to praise you according to your heritage.
We pray to you with faith and love, help us to bear our cross with patience, gratitude, meekness and humility, placing our hope in the Lord and committing everything to the hand of God. Teach us purity and chastity of heart, yes, according to the apostle’s verb, we always rejoice, we pray unceasingly, we give thanks for everything. Warm our hearts with the warmth of Christian love. Heal the sick, guide the young, make parents wise, give joy, consolation and hope to the grieving, turn the erring to faith and repentance. Protect us from the wiles of the evil spirit and from all slander, misfortune and malice.
Do not forsake us, your intercession for those who ask. Pray to the All-Merciful Lord and the Most Pure Virgin Mary for the Russian Empire! May the Lord strengthen our country through your intercession, may He bestow upon us all that is good for this life and make us worthy of the Kingdom of Heaven, where together with you and with all the saints of the Russian land we will glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

The family of the last Emperor was very religious; their day began and ended with prayer. In anyone's life Orthodox Christian except prayer special place the icon also occupies. In the Family of Nicholas II, icons occupied an exceptional place. The meaning of the icon in the Orthodox world can be compared with Holy Scripture and Tradition. If Scripture contains revealed truths in verbal form, then the icon testifies to God in the language of lines and colors. This chapter reflects those icons revered by the Royal Family, which are mentioned in the memoirs, which are visible in photographs and which the royal martyrs took with them into exile.

I'll start with the most important icon of the Romanov family - Feodorovskaya Icon of the Mother of God.

Celebration day - March 14 (27 according to the current style) and August 16 (29 according to the current standard)

The miraculous icon of the Mother of God of Feodorovskaya is a royal icon. Before this image, on March 14/27, 1613, Mikhail Romanov received a blessing for the kingdom.

In 1913, during the celebration of the 300th anniversary of the Romanov dynasty, they visited Kostroma and worshiped miraculous icon Holy Mother of God the holy Tsar-Passion-Bearer Nikolai Alexandrovich with his wife Alexandra Feodorovna and children, and the venerable martyr Grand Duchess Elizabeth Feodorovna.

The Feodorovskaya Icon of the Mother of God has been the protector of our Fatherland. Accepted as a blessing from her father by Grand Duke Alexander Nevsky, she was his prayer image and undoubtedly participated in many of his battles. In 1260, she defended the city of Kostroma from the devastating raids of the Tatar hordes. The fiery rays that shone from the face of the Mother of God, whose icon was carried in front of them by the Russian squads, put the enemy to flight.

There are various explanations for the naming of the Feodorovskaya icon. Some associate this with the name of Father Alexander Nevsky, who blessed him miraculously. Others - with the name of the heavenly patron of the father of the holy noble prince, the Monk Theodore Stratelates. Let us note that the young boyar Mikhail, who received the blessing for the kingdom before this image, had Feodorovich as his patronymic. This is no less surprising than the fact that the Romanov dynasty began in the Ipatiev Monastery and ended in the Ipatiev House.

Also noteworthy for us next fact. From the end of the 18th century, brides of members of the royal family who were converting from heterodoxy to Orthodox faith, took the middle name “Feodorovna”. These include Maria Feodorovna (wife of Paul I), Alexandra Feodorovna (wife of Nicholas I), Maria Feodorovna (wife of Alexander III), Alexandra Feodorovna (wife of Nicholas II) and Elizaveta Feodorovna (wife of Grand Duke Sergei Alexandrovich). In this way, they testified to their faith that the Most Holy Theotokos Herself became their Receiver and Patroness. The name Theodore means “God’s gift”, and the patronymic “Feodorovna” here is equivalent to the name “Orthodox”, “Christian”.
Since the second half of the 13th century, the permanent shelter of the Theodore Icon has been the city of Kostroma. The only time the great shrine left Kostroma was in 1919. And it was not in the temple, but in the Moscow workshop of the famous restorer I. Grabar. The restorer was perplexed: in front of him was a completely black - deep living blackness - ancient board. He tried to poison her with some compounds. Alas! - to no avail! But in his hands he had excellent photographs, and even color ones, published repeatedly, from 1909, 1913 and other years. The faces of the Mother of God and the Child of God are visible on them in all details. The icon was given to the Kostroma priest Nikolai Goloushin and returned to Kostroma.

The icon darkened in the period from 1914 to 1918. Why? Not from poor storage! She had been in fires many times without harming her, and was miraculously saved in front of many people. After all, this is a miraculous icon, the list of its miracles is huge, and all of them were performed in public. They are described in ancient legends, in chronicles, they are spoken of in the akathist, in services dedicated to her, they are depicted on the marks of icons and frescoes. So from what?

The answer will be clear if we remember the events that took place in these few years. Events that can hardly be forgotten: war, arrest and deportation of the royal family to Siberia, revolution, treacherous murder of the royal passion-bearers. The Feodorovskaya icon is a family shrine of the Romanov dynasty. Now she is in grief. She, as people say today, has become darkened, and we must repent, pray and ask that she show us Her face (“Orthodox miracles in the 20th century,” pp. 335-336).

The meaning of the icon is

This icon of the Mother of God was painted by the Evangelist Luke and is close in iconography to Vladimir icon Mother of God.
Not only the country is patronized and assisted by the icon of the Mother of God of Feodorovskaya. In our Church there is a custom of praying to the Mother of God in front of Her Theodore Icon for a successful release from pregnancy (during difficult childbirth). She is considered the patroness of women, those who are getting married or just planning, as well as expectant mothers (about the gift of a child). If there are any disagreements in your family, and you want to maintain peace and find lost understanding, then you should also turn to the image.
- Read more about this icon on the website on

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