How does the passionate Mother of God help? Icon of the Mother of God “Passionate”: what it helps with, its meaning

Passionate icon Mother of God- the icon of the Mother of God revered in Orthodoxy, belongs to the Hodegetria icon painting type. The icon received its name because of the image next to the face of the Mother of God of angels holding in their hands the instruments of the Passion of Christ.

The celebration in honor of the icon takes place on August 26, New Year. (installed in memory of its transfer to Moscow), as well as on the sixth Sunday after Easter (in memory of the miraculous healings attributed to the icon).

History of the icon

The origin of the icon is unknown. Associated with the glorification of the revered copy of the icon at the beginning of the 17th century is a legend about a resident of the village of Palitsa named Ekaterina, who, being possessed by a demon, vowed to become a monk if she was healed. Having recovered, she forgot about the promise, and remembering, she went to bed and the Mother of God appeared to her three times in a vision. She instructed the woman to go to Nizhny Novgorod and pray in front of the icon painter Gregory’s image of the Mother of God depicting the instruments of the passions, and also to give him seven silver coins, collected as alms in the name of the Mother of God, to decorate the icon. Catherine followed the instructions and received healings; after this, legend reports numerous miracles from the icon.

The local boyar Lykov, having learned about the miraculous icon, brought it to his church in the village of Palitsy. In 1641, on the orders of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, the icon was moved from the village of Palitsa to Moscow. At the site of her solemn meeting with the Tsar at the Tver Gate, a stone church was first erected, and in 1654 Alexei Mikhailovich ordered the construction of the Passionate Convent. The icon remained there until 1919, when the monastery was abolished. The icon was moved to the Church of the Resurrection in Sokolniki where it is currently located.

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The passionate icon belongs to the “Hodegetria” iconographic type. The head of the Virgin Mary is tilted towards the baby Jesus sitting in her arms. With his own hands, the Infant God holds the right hand of the Virgin Mary: right hand he holds her thumb, and with his left hand he squeezes his hand. The face of the Divine Infant, filled with fear, is turned to the Mother of God and turned away from the image of his upcoming suffering on the cross. This image is presented in the form of two angels depicted on either side of the face of the Mother of God. The instruments of passion are placed in the hands of the angels - the Cross, the sponge and the spear.

The most detailed description: passionate icon meaning what prayer helps with - for our readers and subscribers.

The name “Passionate” icon of the Mother of God (emphasis on the second syllable) is connected primarily with the fact that in addition to the image Holy Mother of God with the Child in the upper part there are symmetrically depicted angels with the instruments of the Passion of the Lord. Archangel Gabriel holds the cross where Jesus Christ accepted death, and Archangel Michael holds the sponge given to Christ to quench his thirst, and the spear that the centurion Longinus plunged into Jesus’s ribs to make sure he was dead.

General description

The “passionate” icon of the Mother of God, which resides in the monastery near the tomb of St. Demetrius of Prilutsky, has the image of only one angel with instruments of torture. It was created by icon painters at the Kutlumush Monastery. In the 13th century, with the help of this icon, the Mother of God protected the Athonite monks from pirates. The intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos made it so that the monastery was shrouded in fog and was invisible to the robbers. Since then, the icon has had another name - “Fovera Prostasia”, which translated means “Terrible protection”.

“Passionate” icon of the Mother of God: meaning

The word “passion” translated from Church Slavonic to in this case means "suffering". This image of the Virgin Mary has a special meaning and performs an important sacred function. The “passionate” icon of the Mother of God, the significance of which is difficult to overestimate, has long been revered in Rus', as it symbolizes the Holy Week before Christ's resurrection. Angels flying to the Infant Christ with the instruments of torture of the Lord testify to the future real suffering of the Savior. He, looking at them, in fear, grabs his mother with both hands, as if demanding help and protection.

The Most Holy Theotokos, filled with humility and virtue, humbly carries her child towards torture and suffering, obeying God's will and believing in God's righteousness. This miraculous image is designed to save the human race from passions, mental weakness and suffering; it teaches obedience and humility. Recently, there has been a demand for the Passionate Image of the Mother of God by believers, regardless of education or position in society, since it is a symbol of Christ and human passions.

Iconographic type

The “waist” image of the Mother of God on the icon has the “Hodegetria” iconographic type. The “passionate” icon of the Mother of God is characterized by the fact that the face of the Child is turned in the direction of the angel who is holding the Cross. The head of the Most Holy Theotokos is inclined towards the Child, which softens the strict iconographic type of “Hodegetria”, which includes “Kazan”, “Iverskaya”, “Three-handed”, “Quick to Hear”, “Smolensk” (“Hodegetria”), “Czestochowa” and others icons. The Virgin Mary holds the Child Christ, who fearfully clasps her right hand.

Pages of history

The “passionate” icon of the Mother of God, the photo of which is presented here, was first mentioned in the sixteenth century. A copy of this icon, made on Mount Athos, appears in Russia in the seventeenth century. Its authorship is attributed to the icon painter Gregory from Nizhny Novgorod. The peasant woman Ekaterina from the village of Palitsa was ill with demonic possession from the very beginning of her married life and often made attempts on her life, either throwing herself into the water or throwing a noose around herself. Turning to the Mother of God in prayer, she promised that if she was healed, she would go to a monastery. But after recovery, Catherine forgot about her vow, became a mother and began raising her children.

After some time, she had a vision of the Mother of God, accompanied by another luminous virgin. The Most Holy Lady reproached her for not fulfilling this vow. The Mother of God ordered that her appearance be announced, but Catherine did not dare to do so. The Mother of God came to her twice, and last time for disobedience, the woman was punished with ugliness and relaxation. For healing, the Most Holy Theotokos ordered Catherine to find the icon painter Gregory in Nizhny Novgorod, who painted her image, called “Hodegetria.” After praying before him, Catherine was healed. After this, the icon became famous for its numerous miracles.

Date of celebration

By order of Emperor Alexei Mikhailovich Romanov, the holy image was transferred from Nizhny Novgorod to Moscow, where it was greeted with honors by a large crowd of people at the Tver Gate. In honor of this memorable event, the celebration of the “Passionate” Icon of the Mother of God was established - this is August 13th. At the site of the solemn meeting of the icon, a temple was later built, and then, in 1654, the Passion Monastery was founded. In 1937, the monastery buildings were demolished. The “passionate” icon of the Most Holy Theotokos is currently placed in the Sokolniki Church - “The Resurrection of Christ”. The modern public is in favor of restoring the destroyed monastery. On the site of the former “Passion” Cathedral, every Saturday and Sunday an akathist to the “Passion” Icon of the Mother of God is read. The secondary date for honoring the icon is on the Sunday of the Blind, this is the sixth Sunday following Easter, in memory of the miracles that occurred on this day.

What do they pray for?

They pray to the image of the “Passionate” icon of the Most Holy Theotokos for salvation from fire, for healing from illnesses. During the reign of Ivan the Terrible there was a terrible fire, in which only the house where this icon was placed remained intact.

By order of the king, the holy image was transferred to the palace, and then to the temple in Kitai-Gorod. The “Passionate” Icon of the Mother of God is venerated in cathedral city ​​of Lipetsk. Here, in the Cathedral of the Nativity of Christ (1835), during cholera, a religious procession was held with her image, and through the intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos, the epidemic of the terrible disease stopped. However, in 1931 the authorities decided to close the cathedral. The icon was saved from desecration and transferred to a small church in the village of Dvurechki. In the year of the 2000th anniversary of Christianity, the “Passionate” icon of the Mother of God was solemnly transferred in a religious procession to the Cathedral of the city of Lipetsk - “The Nativity of Christ”.

In front of this image, miraculous healings were subsequently performed more than once. They pray to him for the retreat of terrible diseases and epidemics. Since this image symbolizes not only the passions of Christ, but also human passions, prayer to the “Passionate” icon of the Mother of God can heal mental ailments, as well as relieve thoughts of suicide or committing some sinful and harmful acts.

The importance of the icon

Recently, relations between some sections of society and Orthodoxy have worsened, which resulted in the blasphemous desecration of holy places. After the well-known events of February 21, 2012 in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior in Moscow, when members of the feminist punk group Pussy Riot desecrated a sacred place, the image of the “Passionate” Icon of the Mother of God was again in demand. Tens of thousands of believers came to a prayer stand in defense of the faith in front of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior and participated in the Procession of the Cross along with the “Passionate” icon of the Mother of God (April 22, 2012).

Orthodox icons and prayers

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How does the “Passionate” icon help?

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Sincere prayer to the icon and the Lord is one of the most important actions in the life of a believing Orthodox Christian. This is how we can communicate with God. He, the Mother of God, the holy saints and the Guardian Angel are called upon to protect and protect us. Therefore, you should contact them every day, both in sorrow and in joy, and not only with requests, but also with gratitude.

One of the many shrines to which you can turn in prayer is the “Passionate” icon of the Mother of God. The Most Holy Theotokos is always ready to help and guide on the true path everyone who turns to Her with a pure heart and repentance.

Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos “Passionate”

The face of the Virgin Mary received this name from the fact that on the icon, in addition to Her and the Infant God, angels are depicted with the instruments of God’s passions - a copy, a sponge and a cross. This image became famous during the reign of the Meek Michael.

In one village in the Nizhny Novgorod province there lived a woman, Ekaterina. The unfortunate peasant woman was possessed by demons, and she often suffered from terrible seizures. Catherine was completely tormented by attacks, and she began to pray to the Queen of Heaven, making a vow to become a nun after healing. The Most Pure One heard her prayers and granted healing.

However, as often happens, the woman forgot her promise to the Mother of God and did not take monastic vows. The Virgin Mary appeared to her in a dream. She reproached Catherine for her unfulfilled promise and said: “Now go and tell people that I have appeared to you, and that all who live should abstain from drunkenness, anger and uncleanness, that they may live in chastity and honor the holidays and Sundays."

Fearing that no one would believe her, Catherine did not fulfill the command, for which she was punished - she was paralyzed. With the last of her strength, the woman repented and asked for mercy. The Mother of God again granted her healing and ordered her to find an icon painter in Nizhny Novgorod who had an image of Her and to pray. This time the woman did not disobey, finding the face of the Most Pure One, she prayed earnestly, and soon the illness left her.

Since then, the icon of the Mother of God has been called “Passionate,” and many miraculous healings have taken place near Her face.

Icon “Passionate” - what does it help with?

The event that glorified this image of the Virgin Mary happened a long time ago, but to this day miracles happen before Her face. The significance of the image for believers is great, and every righteous person who has been overtaken by sorrows and illnesses should pray to him. And so, the “Passionate” Icon of the Mother of God, what does it help with?

  • Grants relief from various ailments, physical and spiritual;
  • Helps to comfort the mourning and suffering;
  • Gives hope, strength of spirit and strengthens faith;
  • Heals mental traumas, relieves worries;
  • Drives away demons and dark thoughts, especially if a person is planning to commit suicide;
  • Helps to lead a measured, righteous life.

They also pray to the icon to protect their home from fires and natural disasters. So, during the reign of Ivan the Terrible, a strong fire broke out, and the only untouched place was the room where the miraculous image of the Mother of God was located.

To turn to the Intercessor for help, you need to open your heart and sincerely pray. Here is the text of one Orthodox prayer to the face of the “Passionate” Mother of God:

“O Most Holy Lady Lady Theotokos, you are the highest Angel and Archangel of all, and the most honest of all creatures, the Helper of the offended, the hopeless hope, the poor Intercessor, the sad consolation, the hungry nurse, the naked robe, the healing of the sick, the salvation of sinners, the help and intercession of all Christians. Save, O Lady, and have mercy on Your servants, and Your Eminence metropolitans, archbishops and bishops, and all the priestly and monastic rank, and the faithful governing synclit, and military leaders, and city governors, and the Christ-loving army and well-wishers, and all Orthodox Christians with the robe of Thy honest protection, and beg, Lady, from Thee, the incarnate Christ our God, that He may gird us with His power from above, against our invisible and visible enemies. O All-Merciful Lady Lady Theotokos, raise us from the depths of sin and deliver us from famine, destruction, from cowardice and flood, from fire and sword, from the presence of foreigners and internecine warfare, and from vain death, and from the attacks of the enemy, and from the corrupting winds , and from deadly ulcers, and from all evil. Grant, O Lady, peace and health to Your servants, to all Orthodox Christian, and enlighten their minds and the eyes of their hearts, to salvation; and grant us Thy sinful servants the gift of the Kingdom of Thy Son, Christ God ours: for His power is blessed and glorified, with His Originless Father, and with His Most Holy and Good and Life-Giving Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen"

Where is the miraculous image located?

You can venerate the divine image in Sokolniki in the Resurrection Church. Many lists have been made of the miraculous image.

  • They can be seen in Lipetsk in the Church of the Nativity and the Nativity of Christ Cathedral.
  • In the Annunciation Church in the village of Yenakievo.
  • The lists of the Assumption Cathedral and the Spaso-Prilutsky Monastery in the city of Orel became famous.
  • The list is especially revered in the village of Repninskoye in the Passion Chapel.

The meaning of the “Passionate” icon and how it helps

The icon of the Mother of God received its name because, in addition to the image of the Mother of God and the baby, in the upper part of the canvas there are symmetrically depicted two angels with instruments of the Passion of the Cross The Lord's. Archangel Gabriel holds in his hands the cross on which Jesus Christ died, and Archangel Michael holds the sponge with which Christ was given water, and the spear that was thrust into the side of Jesus by the centurion Longinus when he wanted to make sure of the death of Christ.

Description of the icon

The first icon of the "Passionate" Mother of God located in the monastery at the tomb of St. Dmitry Prilutsky. There is only one angel with instruments of torture. The icon was painted by the monks of the Kutlumush Monastery.

If you believe the legends, then in the 13th century the icon of the Mother of God was able to perform a miracle and protected the monks of Athos from the invasion of pirates. Her miracle was that the entire monastery was suddenly enveloped in a thick fog, which made it invisible to pirate ships and they sailed past. Since then, the icon has had another name - Fovera Prostasia, which means terrible protection.

The world knows many more miracles that this icon performed, but how many more will there be?

Meaning of the icon

The “passionate” icon has been revered in Rus' since ancient times and symbolizes Holy Week before Christmas. On it, the angels who fly to Christ with instruments of torture actually testify to the torment that a baby will mistake for people. If you look at the icon carefully, you can see that the baby is frightened and grabs his mother, as if asking to be protected from suffering.

However, the mother, with humility and obedience, carries her baby to execution and torment, obeying God’s will and believing in God’s protection. This miraculous image seems to have been created in order to instill in people humility and submission and deliver them from passions and mental weakness. Today this icon has become so popular that not only believers, but also those who consider themselves atheists come to bow to it. After all, this icon truly symbolizes Christ’s and human passions.

What type of writing does the icon belong to?

Each icon has its own special spelling. This one belongs to the “Hodegetria” type. The picture is individual and special, and its main feature is that both the baby and the Mother of God are looking in the same direction - towards the angel who is holding a cross in his hands. On it, the Virgin Mary is slightly tilted towards the child in order to completely soften the type of iconographic style. The mother tightly holds the baby in the picture, who fearfully clasps her hand.

In general, many icons are written in a similar style:

But they are made according to the strict canons of this type of writing, and Passionate is slightly softened, closer to people.

A little history

The prayer to the Passionate Icon of the Mother of God was read back in the 16th century. It was then that it became popular among the majority of Orthodox Christians. In Russia, a list of it appeared a little later - in the 17th century. It was made on holy Mount Athos. The authorship of this painting is attributed to Saint Gregory of Nizhny Novgorod.

There is a legend that one peasant woman named Catherine suffered from demonic possession from the very beginning of her married life, and therefore often tried to commit suicide. She either threw herself into the water or threw a noose around her neck. The peasant woman was so exhausted that she turned to the Mother of God in prayer, promising that she would go to a monastery if she was healed of her illness. However, after being cured of demonic possession she forgot about her promise and stayed with her family to raise children and live with her husband.

Some time passed and she had a dream in which the Mother of God and another luminous virgin came to her. The Most Holy Lady reproached her for not fulfilling her vow and commanded her to announce to the world the appearance of the Mother of God. However, Katerina was afraid to do this. The Mother of God came to the virgin twice and each time to no avail. The third time she rewarded Catherine with weakness and ugliness.

The Mother of God told Catherine to go to the icon painter Gregory and ask him for healing. After the peasant woman offered a prayer before him, she was healed. The face of the Passionate Most Holy Theotokos performed many more miracles.

When is her holiday

Alexei Romanovich ordered the transfer of the face of the Most Holy Theotokos of Passion from Nizhny Novgorod to Moscow. The picture was received with honors by a large number of people. In honor of this, a day of celebration was established and honoring the icon - August 13.

Together honoring the face Soon a temple was erected, and later the Passion Monastery. But in 1937 the temple and monastery were demolished. And the very face of the Most Holy Theotokos and her son was transferred to the Sokolniki temple - “The Resurrection of Christ”.

Today, most of the Orthodox community is in favor of the temple being restored and the celebration of the icon has been resumed. But even today, on the site of the temple on Saturdays and Sundays, an akathist to the icon of the Mother of God is read. The second celebration of the face takes place on the sixth week after Easter, when the greatest miracles performed by the icon took place.

What to pray for

Most often, people begin to pray to the image for protection from fires and for the sake of health. The first is confirmed by a historical event. During the reign of Ivan the Terrible there was a terrible fire, in which only the house in which survived stood the image of the Holy Virgin. After this, the king ordered the image to be transferred to his palace, and then to the museum in Kitay-Gorod. Today the face of the Mother of God is venerated in most Lipetsk cathedrals.

In the Lipetsk Cathedral of the Nativity of Christ, a religious procession was held during cholera in favor of intercession against the disease. The prayers did their job, the image protected the inhabitants of the city, and the disease soon subsided. But in 1931 it was decided to close the cathedral. The icon was hidden and transferred to a small church in the village of Dvurechka. And already in the last century the temple was revived again and the image of the Mother of God returned to it.

The number of miraculous healings of the image is countless. And today prayers are offered to her for healing and the retreat of all epidemics. And due to the fact that the image symbolizes not only the passions of Christ, but also human ones, then prayer for taming human passions today are read near this face very often. Those who often think about death or committing any unseemly and harmful acts pray to her.

This icon is very valuable. Today the face is often taken around cities so that everyone can receive a drop of her miraculous healing. They pray to her:

Despite the fact that persecution of the church and sacred relics occurred many times in the country, the image of the Passionate Mother of God survived all the cataclysms. And today anyone who seeks protection can come to the face.

Icon of the Mother of God “PASSIONATE”

Icon of the Mother of God “Passionate” received its name because on the sides of the face of the Most Holy Theotokos it depicts two angels with the instruments of Christ’s suffering - the Cross, a sponge and a spear. Belongs to the Hodegetria icon painting type.

The origin of the icon is unknown. She became famous in the following way. In the village of Palitsakh, Nizhny Novgorod province, there lived a peasant woman, Ekaterina, who, from the very moment she got married, was possessed by demonic possession. One day, having come to her senses, she turned to the Mother of God with a request to save her from this misfortune, while making a promise to go to a monastery. Having received healing, she completely forgot about her vow, and soon fell into bed again from mental illness. At night, Catherine saw the Mother of God, who commanded her to become a nun. Catherine, in horror, did not dare to fulfill the command of the Mother of God. A similar phenomenon occurred twice. For disobedience, Catherine was terribly punished: her head turned to the side, her mouth twisted, and she completely fell into relaxation. Soon the Most Holy Theotokos again had mercy on her. In a dream, Catherine heard a voice commanding her to go to Nizhny Novgorod to the icon painter Gregory, who had an image of the Mother of God, called Hodegetria, painted by him, and to tell him about miraculous phenomena. “When you pray in front of this image,- said the Mother of God, - You will receive healing yourself, and many others.”

According to what was said, Catherine received healing, and after that many miracles began to happen in front of the icon.

The icon was transferred to Moscow to the Passion Monastery in 1641.

Now miraculous icon The Passionate Mother of God from the Passion Monastery is located in Church of the Resurrection of Christ in Sokolniki.

Church of the Resurrection of Christ in Sokolniki

A celebration takes place for the sake of the icon August 13/26 on the occasion of its transfer in 1641 from the village of Palitsy to Moscow; at the meeting place at the Tverskaya Zastava a church was built, and then in 1654, the Passion Monastery. The second celebration for the sake of the icon is held in 6th Sunday after Easter, on the Week of the Blind, in memory of the miracles that happened on this day. The Passion Icons of the Mother of God of the Moscow Church in honor of the conception of St. Anna, in the village of Enkaevo, Tambov diocese, also became famous.

Troparion of the Mother of God before the Icon of Her Passionate, tone 4
Today the indescribably reigning city of our Moscow / icon of the Mother of God has risen, / and, like a radiant sun, the whole world has been illuminated by her coming, / The heavenly powers and the souls of the righteous are mentally triumphant, rejoicing, / but we, looking at her, cry out to the Mother of God with tears: / O All-merciful Lady, Lady Theotokos, / pray from You to the incarnate Christ, our God, / may He grant peace and health to all Christians / according to His great and ineffable mercy.

Kontakion of the Mother of God before Her Passionate Icon, tone 3
The grace of incorruption, / which You have granted to us, Your saving healing / in Your miraculous, honest image, Virgin Mary, / we cry out to You and with joy we call, Lady Queen, / we pray tenderly, sinners, saying with tears: / O Most Holy Lady, / Show us intercession and help quickly,/ save us from our adversaries/ and protect us from all sorrow,/ protect our land with peace,/ and cover all Your people,/ and protect those who trust in You,/ strive to deliver,/ so that we may not perish in evil, Thy servants, / but let us call Thee: / Rejoice, Unbrided Bride.

Prayer of the Mother of God before the Icon of Her Passionate
O Most Holy Lady, Lady Theotokos, you are the highest of all Angels and Archangels and all most honest creatures, you are the Helper of the offended, the hopeless hope, the poor Intercessor, the sad consolation, the hungry Nurse, the naked robe, the healing of the sick, the salvation of sinners, the help and intercession of all Christians. O All-Merciful Lady, Virgin Mother of God, Lady, by Thy mercy save and have mercy on Thy servants, the Great Lord and Father of our Holy Patriarch (name of the rivers), and the most reverend metropolitans, archbishops and bishops, and the entire priestly and monastic rank, our God-protected country, military leaders, mayors and the Christ-loving army and well-wishers, and all Orthodox Christians, protect us with Your honorable robe, and pray, Lady, from You, the incarnate Christ our God, that He may gird us with His power from above against our invisible and visible enemies. O All-Merciful Lady, Lady Theotokos, raise us from the depths of sin and deliver us from famine, destruction, from cowardice and flood, from fire and sword, from the presence of foreigners and internecine warfare, and from vain death, and from attacks of the enemy, and from pernicious wind, and from deadly plagues, and from all evil. Grant, O Lady, peace and health to Thy servant, all Orthodox Christians, and enlighten their minds and the eyes of their hearts to salvation, and make us, Thy sinful servants, worthy of the Kingdom of Thy Son, Christ our God, for His power is blessed and glorified, with His beginningless Father, and with His Most Holy and Good and Life-giving Spirit, now and ever, and unto ages of ages.Amin.

Addressing prayer to the Mother of God, in front of the “Passionate” icon, a believer Orthodox Church a Christian, sincerely believes that the Lord will hear him.

A prayer that coincides with the will of God is necessarily fulfilled. Mother of God helps and guides the believer on the righteous path when he turns to Her, having repented and cleansed his heart.

The meaning of the Passionate Icon of the Mother of God

It is not for nothing that the icon we want to talk about is called “Passionate”. The word is pronounced with the accent on the second syllable, above the letter “a”. In the center of the icon is the Most Holy Theotokos with the Child God in her arms. He looks around in fear at the angels holding instruments of passion in their hands.

The Archangels are symmetrically positioned above the head of the Mother figure. Gabriel, holding the cross on which Jesus was crucified. Archangel Michael holds a sponge soaked in vinegar, used to quench the thirst of the Savior. Michael is still holding the spear with which the centurion Longinus pierced the body of Christ, wanting to verify that He died.

General description

The passionate icon of the Mother of God, which resides within the walls of the monastery, at the burial place of St. Dmitry Prilutsky, is slightly different. This list was made at the Kutlumush Monastery. The image depicts only one Archangel with terrible instruments in his hands.

In the 13th century, this image saved the hermits of Athos from the attack of bloodthirsty sea robbers. The Athos monastery suddenly became covered with a thick haze of fog and became invisible to the robbers. After this, the list was called: “FOVERA PROSTASIA”, which translates as “Terrible Defense”.

The meaning of the expression “passion” in Old Church Slavonic, church language means "suffering". This icon is filled with a special spirit; it fulfills a sacred, unique task. The image has long been known throughout the country. The spiritual significance of the image is difficult to overestimate, because it reminds of events Holy Week. Angels foretell the coming fate of the Lord. The baby, seeing them, gets scared and holds his mother’s hand, as if asking for help.

Holy Mary obediently and humbly carries her Son towards trials and death, obeying the commands of the Lord. This miraculous icon saves people from unbelief and illnesses. Mary sets an example of humility and submission to the will of the Almighty. Nowadays, the Passion Icon is in demand by Christians. Regardless of their status, rank, education, believers pray to her. Since the icon is a vivid symbol of the suffering of humanity and the Savior.

The story of a peasant woman

In the Nizhny Novgorod region lived Ekaterina, a sick woman possessed by demons. Exhausted by endless attacks of black epilepsy, the peasant woman began to pray to the Queen of Heaven. Katerina in her prayers promised to go to a monastery if she was healed. The Most Pure Mother of God heard the request and healed the peasant woman.

However, the healed peasant woman quickly forgot the promise made during prayer to the Mother of God and did not go to the monastery. The Virgin Mary appeared to the woman in a dream, reminded her of the promise, reproached her and ordered her to do the following: go to people and tell them about how Mary appeared to her in a dream and ordered all living people to give up anger and drunkenness, to live in purity of body and soul, and chastity. . Read church holidays and Sundays.

Catherine did not fulfill the commands of the Mother of God, fearing that people would not believe her. Katerina suffered paralysis as punishment. Then the woman repented, with the last of her strength, with tears in her eyes, she asked for mercy.

The merciful Mother of God once again forgave the peasant woman and granted her healing. The Most Holy Theotokos ordered to find an icon painter with Her image in Nizhny Novgorod and pray. This time Catherine did everything, found the icon, prayed a lot, repented, and the illness soon passed.

Thanks to such incidents, the icon began to be called “Passionate”. After praying before her, many healings are performed.

How does the “Passionate” icon help?

Even today miracles happen at the image of the Holy Mother of God. Any righteous person who is tormented by illness and crushed by sorrow can pray to Her.

It helps in many cases:

  • relieves diseases of body and soul;
  • comforts the suffering and mourning;
  • strengthens faith, spirit, encourages;
  • heals the traumatized soul, relieves sadness;
  • casts out demons, negative intentions, even suicide;
  • helps to live measuredly and righteously;
  • protects against fire, hurricane, earthquake, tsunami.

When Ivan the Terrible ruled the country, there was a big fire in the Kremlin. Only one room remained intact and undamaged. There at that time the Passionate Image of the Mother of God was kept.

Prayer to the passionate icon of the Mother of God

At the face of the “passionate” Mother of God they read with an open heart:

“O Most Holy Lady Lady Theotokos, you are the highest Angel and Archangel of all, and the most honest of all creatures, the Helper of the offended, the hopeless hope, the poor Intercessor, the sad consolation, the hungry nurse, the naked robe, the healing of the sick, the salvation of sinners, the help and intercession of all Christians. Save, O Lady, and have mercy on Your servants, and Your Eminence metropolitans, archbishops and bishops, and allthe priestly and monastic rank, and the faithful governing synclit, and military leaders, and city governors, and the Christ-loving army and well-wishers, and all Orthodox Christians with the robe of Thy honest protection, and beg, Lady, from Thee, the incarnate Christ our God, that He may gird us with His power from above, against our invisible and visible enemies. O All-Merciful Lady Lady Theotokos, raise us from the depths of sin and deliver us from famine, destruction, from cowardice and flood, from fire and sword, from the presence of foreigners and internecine warfare, and from vain death, and from the attacks of the enemy, and from the corrupting winds , and from deadlyulcers, and from all evil. Grant, O Lady, peace and health to Thy servant, all Orthodox Christians, and enlighten their minds and the eyes of their hearts, leading to salvation; and grant us Thy sinful servants the gift of the Kingdom of Thy Son, Christ Godours: for His power is blessed and glorified, with His Originless Father, and with His Most Holy and Good and Life-Giving Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen".

Where they pray to the Divine Face

Several copies have been made recently from the image. You already know what a passionate icon looks like.

You can worship the Divine Face:

  • in the Resurrection Church, Sokolniki;
  • in the church of the village of Yenakievo;
  • in Lipetsk;
  • Orle;
  • in the village of Repninskoye.

“Passionate” icon of the Mother of God - meaning, what it helps with, prayers was last modified: October 10th, 2017 by Bogolub

In order to pray before the image of the Mother of God, many people travel quite a distance to churches and monasteries. If a person has an urgent need for constant communication with the Mother of God, he can buy this shrine from the church and keep it at home.

Prayer to the Passionate Icon of the Mother of God is a powerful tool in the fight against all evil. After reading the prayer, a person immediately feels relief and a surge of strength. The priests advise everyone who wants not only to get rid of short-term illnesses, but also to inherit the Kingdom of God, to learn several prayers addressed to the Mother of God.

Important! The image of the Blessed Virgin is exalted in many Christian lectures, psalms and prayers and is of great importance.

It is not for nothing that the Virgin Mary is considered the main woman in the Christian world, because it was to her that the Lord gave the honor of bringing into the world the Baby, who became the Messiah and Savior for all people.

The passionate icon of the Mother of God is a special shrine. It is called so because it depicts the Virgin with angels hovering above, holding the weapons that killed Jesus - a sponge, a cross and a spear. These symbols remind everyone who prays of how the Son of God suffered on earth, so that everyone could be saved and have eternal life.

Legend of origin

Once upon a time, a woman named Ekaterina lived in the Novgorod province. From her youth, she was tormented by incurable nervous attacks, because of which those around her began to consider Catherine a leper and possessed by demons.

Life among people became a burden for the poor peasant woman, and she began to earnestly pray to the Mother of God for healing. The merciful Mother of God heard the prayers of the needy woman and granted her healing. Katerina’s recovery was given on the condition that she would go preach the word of God through the streets. Also, the holy fool had to stop living with her husband in sin and committing adultery.

For her recovery, the unfortunate woman promised the saint that she would go to a monastery and take monastic vows. But the woman was afraid that preaching about God would give her a bad reputation, so she kept silent about the reason for her recovery. For this, she was soon struck down by paralysis.

The unfortunate woman realized her mistake and began to pray to the Virgin even more zealously. The Noble Mother of God appeared to Katerina in a dream and said: “And this is the second time I will grant you healing, but you must find an icon painter in the city who has my Image and pray for it.”

The woman went to Master Gregory and began to pray passionately at the image of the Most Pure One. For this, the woman was granted complete healing by God. It was from this image that the Passion Icon was subsequently painted, rumors about which quickly spread throughout the area.

Useful video: Icon of the Mother of God “Passionate”

What does it help with?

Immediately after the amazing healing of the holy fool in Nizhny Novgorod, people began to visit the temple where the holy image was located and ask for healing for themselves and their relatives. Today, many believers bow their heads before the face of the Most Pure One.

Requests with which people often come to the icon:

  • about healing from physical ailments, getting rid of psychological trauma;
  • about loved ones and relatives who have left the righteous path and are committing lawlessness;
  • to guide people who have fallen into despair and see no point in further life on the path of correction;
  • about a successful pregnancy and easy childbirth, as well as the conception of a child;
  • about getting rid of dark and gloomy thoughts.

Believers often pray for the well-being of their families and homes. You can ask the Mother of God not only for health, but also for financial well-being. But in such requests one should be extremely careful, because you can ask for exactly as much as is needed for a prosperous and comfortable life, but not excessive wealth.

How to pray

The Mother of God sees the hearts turning to her, therefore she is always open to receiving prayers and ready to come to the aid of everyone in need. But we should not forget that we need to turn to the Mother of God not only in moments of extreme need, when there are no other options for solving problems. The Virgin Mary wants us to thank her for everyday mercies, which in the rush and bustle of everyday life are often not appreciated and not noticed by us.

Important! In order to find mercy in the eyes of the Virgin and always be under her protection, you need to turn to her in daily prayer.

Text of the prayer: “Most Pure Mother, I ask you to cleanse my heart from all evil and keep my home and my family in peace and prosperity. I ask you to be my intercessor and my children’s in all life situations and lead us by the hand out of conflicts and misunderstandings. We thank you for your mercy and for hearing our appeals. do not leave our home and always remain in our hearts, so that we feel your presence and can glorify your Son, testifying to people about His great deeds. Amen".

Location of the shrine

The icon is currently in the Resurrection Church in Sokolniki. This place has long become a center of pilgrimage for many Christians. Often people thirsting for healing travel thousands of kilometers in order to get to this temple and stand at the miraculous image, mentally or vocally expressing all their desires and experiences. By the way, the candle with which a person stood at the miraculous image is considered the most powerful amulet for home and family.

Church of the Resurrection in Sokolniki

For those people who do not have the opportunity to come to Sokolniki to pray, there is an alternative. Many copies were made of the icon, so today you can see the Passionate Image in many churches and monasteries.

Let's list some of them:

  • The Church of the Nativity of Christ in Lipetsk is a famous place where thousands of pilgrims come to pray every year. The Lipetsk Icon of the Mother of God is extremely popular and works real miracles. Some people even take photos of the holy face, which they then pray to at home;
  • Annunciation Church in the village of Yenakievo;
  • Assumption Cathedral and Spaso-Prilutsky Monastery in the city of Orel;
  • Passion Chapel in the village. Repninskoe.

This shrine was created in the unique “Hodegetria” icon painting style. Today people with different needs and requests pray before the Face, but several centuries ago this icon was perceived as a symbol of sorrow and suffering. People came to her wanting to testify to God their respect and regret for His torment.

The icon depicts the Mother of God holding the Child in her arms. The baby, clasping his Mother's hand, looks at the angel hovering above her head, who holds a cross in his hand. This means that from the very birth Jesus knew that He would have to make a great sacrifice for the entire people created by His Father.

Church of the Nativity in Lipetsk

Day of Honor

In the Orthodox world, the day of the holy image of the Blessed Virgin Mary is celebrated on August 13. This tradition originated during the reign of Alexei Romanovich, who ordered the transportation of the holy face from Nizhny Novgorod to Moscow. This happened precisely on August 13, the day when thousands of people came out into the street to greet the shrine with great honors and solemnly lead it to its place of storage. Soon a temple was erected at the site where the holy image was kept.

In 1937, due to political events, the temple was demolished, but the wasteland was still considered a holy place where those in need came to pray. Believers managed to save the holy image and transfer it to Sokolniki, where the passionate icon of the Mother of God remains to this day. The Orthodox community is in favor of returning the holy image to the place where it was delivered by Alexei Romanovich.

Useful video: Akathist before the miraculous Passion Icon of the Mother of God


You can pray in front of this icon and read the akathist to the Mother of God not only on the days of her veneration. You should turn to the Blessed Virgin for help every day, without waiting for serious problems to appear in your life. It doesn’t matter where and what to ask for, the main thing is to turn to the image with great faith and an open soul.
