The Pochaev Icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary helps in some ways. Pochaev Icon of the Mother of God

The miraculous images of our heavenly intercessors represent an invaluable asset to the Orthodox world. Millions of people come to them in prayer, hoping for help. Christians place special hope in the Most Holy Theotokos, whose mercy has allowed many believers to withstand difficult life situations. Knowing what helps Pochaev icon Mother of God, people travel hundreds and thousands of kilometers to her to pray.

This image of the Blessed Virgin - one of the few that is revered throughout the Christian world by both Orthodox and Catholics. The road to it leads to the west of Ukraine to the city of Pochaev in the Ternopil region, where the Holy Dormition Pochaev Lavra is located - one of the largest Orthodox monastic complexes. It is within its walls that the famous icon of the Mother of God of Pochaev has resided and performed miracles for more than 400 years.

Tradition says that after the capture of Kyiv by Batu, the surviving monks left the Pechersk monastery and, hiding from Tatar persecution, moved to other lands. Two of them stopped at the foot of the forested Pochaevskaya Mountain, where they dug a cave for themselves and spent time in prayer. One day one of them decided to climb to the top of the mountain and, having reached it, was struck by a miraculous phenomenon.

In front of him, in tongues of bright flame, stood the Most Pure Virgin on a stone. The monk called his brother to look at the wondrous vision. Another witness to the phenomenon was a nearby shepherd. The whole trinity glorified the Almighty on their knees. When the Mother of God disappeared, they saw that on the stone where she stood there was an impression of her right foot. It always contains healing water, the level of which does not decrease and does not overflow. From this place, above which the Assumption Church rises today, the construction of the Pochaev Monastery began.

Souvenir from Constantinople

In 1559, on the way from Constantinople, the Greek Metropolitan Neophytos found himself in these parts. On someone’s recommendation, he stayed with the owner of the surrounding lands, noblewoman Anna Goiskaya. As a token of gratitude for the hospitality, Neophyte gave the landowner ancient icon The Mother of God with the Child, whom he took with him as a family shrine as a blessing for the long journey.

After some time, Goyskaya’s servant began to notice that some unusual light was emanating from the icon standing in her prayer room. The landowner, who was not distinguished by religious zeal, did not attach any importance to this until the donated image came into her dreams. She placed an unquenchable lamp in front of the image and began to pray for the recovery of her brother Philip Kozinsky, who was blind from birth. And the first miracle revealed by the Holy Face in Rus' happened - the young man saw the world for the first time.

Soon followed by several more healings from various illnesses of members of the Goysky family and servants after prayer vigils at the icon. Anna realized that she possessed a truly unique shrine, which should be accessible to many people, and decided to give it to the monks of the nascent Pochaev Monastery. The icon was transferred there in a religious procession in 1597. In addition, Anna Goyskaya donated significant funds and extensive land to the monastery.

The Most Holy Theotokos of Pochaev in captivity

After the death of Anna Goyskaya, her will was boldly violated by the benefactor’s nephew Andrei Firley, an ardent opponent of Orthodoxy. He stole a miraculous image from the monastery and held it captive for more than 20 years. Once, to please his friends, he decided to show off the shrine: he dressed his wife in the vestments of an Orthodox priest, and she began to insult the Mother of God icon.

The heavenly forces did not forgive this blasphemous act and struck the woman with insanity. For help, Firley confessed to the abbot of the Pochaev Monastery, the Monk Job. He suggested returning the icon to the monastery, which was done. After this, the disease subsided.

A century under the cover of Union

Under the influence of political changes in Europe, Volyn, on the lands of which the Pochaev Monastery was located, at the beginning of the 18th century came under the control of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. In 1721, a representative office of the Greek Catholic Order of Basilian monks was founded in the monastery. This did not stop the icon of Our Lady of Pochaev from continuing to work miracles, winning the favor of Catholic parishioners and hierarchs of the Catholic Church. As a sign of special respect for the image, Pope Clement XIV gave gold crowns to Mother Mary and the baby Jesus depicted on it in 1773.

The miraculous work of the icon was officially certified catholic church. In 1832, the Pochaev monastery returned forever to the fold of Orthodoxy. And at all times, the Mother of God of Pochaev preserves the meaning of the icon - using the example of the tender feelings of the Mother and Son for each other, to show the reverent attitude of the Heavenly Father towards all humanity.

Wonderful are Her deeds

Since 1597 (the case of the epiphany of Philip Kozinsky), monastic statistics have recorded hundreds of amazing events in which the Holy Face revealed its miraculous power. The most famous of them are the following cases:

Prayers of believers before the icon

Over the past centuries, thousands of prayers have been said at the icon of the Pochaev Mother of God. Those who are firm in their faith in Christ do not remain ignored by the Queen of Heaven. As a rule, she is asked:

  • about healing from serious illnesses against which official medicine is powerless;
  • about protecting your home from reckless people and robbers;
  • about getting rid of addictions;
  • about strengthening in faith;
  • about stopping quarrels, anger and hostility;
  • about guiding the lost (whether criminals or atheists) to the righteous path.

About 300 copies of the miraculous icon are kept today on all continents of our planet where there are churches of the Orthodox Church. In addition to Ukraine and Russia, they are located in Bulgaria, Bosnia, Serbia and other countries.

The history of this miraculous icon of the Mother of God is inextricably linked with the Pochaev Monastery in honor of the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Ukraine). On the mountain where the Assumption Pochaev Lavra is now located, two monks settled in 1340. One day, after prayer, one of them went to the top of the mountain and suddenly saw the Mother of God standing on a stone, as if engulfed in flames. He called another monk, who was also honored to contemplate the miraculous phenomenon. The third witness to the vision was the shepherd John Bosoy. Seeing an unusual light on the mountain, he climbed it and, together with the monks, began to glorify God and His Most Pure Mother.

After the phenomenon disappeared, the imprint of Her right foot remained on the stone where the Mother of God stood. This imprint has been preserved to this day and is always filled with water, which the stone miraculously exudes. The water in the foot does not become scarce, despite the fact that numerous pilgrims constantly fill their vessels with it to heal from ailments.

The Pochaev Icon of the Mother of God itself appeared in the monastery in the following way. In 1559, Metropolitan Neophytos from Constantinople, passing through Volyn, visited the noblewoman Anna Goyskaya, who lived on the Orlya estate, not far from Pochaev. As a blessing, he left her an icon of the Mother of God brought from Constantinople. Soon they began to notice that a radiance was emanating from the Pochaev Icon of the Mother of God. When Anna’s brother Philip was healed in front of the icon in 1597, she gave the image to the monks who settled on Pochaevskaya Mountain.

After some time, a church was built on the rock in honor of the Dormition of the Mother of God, which became part of the monastery complex. During its history, the Pochaev Monastery suffered many disasters: it was oppressed by Lutherans, attacked by the Turks, fell into the hands of the Uniates, but thanks to the intercession of the Mother of God, all adversities were overcome.

On copies of the miraculous Pochaev Icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary, a stone with the imprint of the Mother of God’s foot is often depicted.

Many miraculous icons of the Mother of God were revealed to the Russian people, but not all of them survived to this day. It is difficult to say whether they are lost forever or hidden until time. But there are those who even today remain a spark of hope that the Lord has not abandoned his people. The Pochaev Icon has been such a lamp of faith for several centuries. Having become famous more than five hundred years ago, today it attracts thousands of pilgrims.

History of the holy image

In the 16th century Metropolitan Neophytos passed through Pochaev, where he was very warmly greeted by the Goysky nobles. In memory of his visit, he gave them an icon. Soon the metropolitan became patriarch, and the icon became famous for its great miracles. She was destined to become a shrine of an entire people.

The Pochaev Icon of the Mother of God spent several decades in the house of pious Christians until the first healing occurred. Then the owner decided that it was unworthy to have such a shrine alone. The image was transferred to the monastery, where it became the property of the entire Orthodox people. True, this did not last long. After the death of Anna Goyskaya, the relatives decided to return the icon to themselves.

The ridicule of the holy image was not in vain - the heir’s wife became possessed. On the advice of the pious monk, the image was given back to the monastery. The quiet life of the monastery was again disrupted in 1721, when it was transferred to Catholics. They were very respectful of the image - Pope Clement even sent a golden chasuble decorated with crowns.

Almost a century later, the monastery was returned to the fold Orthodox Church. Today it has the status of a lavra and belongs to the Moscow Patriarchate. Every Saturday an akathist is sung before the Pochaev Icon. This is done in memory of the miraculous healing of a blind girl.

The meaning of the Pochaev Icon

A characteristic difference of the icon is that under the faces of the Savior and the Mother of God there is a footprint. This is the trace of the Mother of God herself. Why did they begin to depict him in the image? This was done in memory of the visit of the Queen of Heaven herself.

Pochaev Lavra is located on the mountain of the same name. But once it was empty, and one night two monks were awarded a miraculous vision. The Virgin Mary stood in the pillar of fire - her head was crowned, and the Virgin held a scepter in her hand. The flame did not burn her - it was similar to the one that Moses saw on Sinai. When the vision stopped, a mark remained on the rock. The imprint is full clean water.

From this place the monks began to build up the mountain, on which today there are 16 temples. First, the Assumption Church appeared here, then the Cathedral was erected over the footprint of the Virgin Mary. The source and the foot are covered with an ark and fenced with a lattice.

This is precisely what the image of the imprint on the Pochaev Icon of the Mother of God reminds of.

The original image was made on a linden board, like many icons. Used oil paints. The thin strip of silver that was applied on top was lost. It was replaced with a pearl robe. The frame is also unusual, resembling a star, the rays of which are richly decorated with stones.

Where does the image reside?

The miraculous icon is placed above the royal doors. In the church where the Pochaev Icon is kept early in the morning (the monks get up while it is still dark), the brethren of the monastery serve the Midnight Office. Then, with the singing of troparions, the miraculous icon is lowered to its normal level. It hangs on silk ribbons, and a monk is always on duty nearby. One by one, everyone who came to the service approaches the icon.

In the same temple you can get water from a wonderful spring discovered by the Mother of God. The spring itself is located behind a fence where unquenchable lamps glow. You can attach to the image of the foot. The water itself is distributed by the novice (“stack”). But the Pochaev Lavra is rich not only in these shrines.

The monastery has been a stronghold of the Orthodox faith throughout western Ukraine for several centuries. The famous prayer book St. Job reposed here, having lived for more than a hundred years. Now his holy relics are also kept here.

Neither the first nor the second world wars prevented the monks from carrying out their obediences - the monastery did not close. The German occupation, Khrushchev's persecutions - during all these difficult moments for the country, prayer sounded within the ancient walls, services continued. They say that the world will stand as long as the Liturgy is celebrated. Therefore, monasteries are the spiritual stronghold of the entire earth.

Russian churches of the Pochaevskaya Icon of the Mother of God are being built in Moscow and Rostov-on-Don; there are operating churches in other cities.

The meaning of the holy image

Most icons of the Mother of God fit into several basic types. IN in this case this is “eleusa” (“merciful”) - although the name is not entirely accurate and is one of the epithets awarded to St. Mary, it switched to an iconographic scheme. You can recognize it by its main features:

  • The Baby and His Mother touch each other's faces. This opens up a very personal communication between them.
  • Mary's head bows towards her Son.
  • Christ hugs the Virgin Mary with his left hand.
  • The image is half-length.

The Pochaev version is also distinguished by the fact that the Mother of God in her right hand holds a cloth with which the Child is entwined. Also miraculous icon known for its precious setting, which is comparable in size to the image itself. The faces seem to be surrounded by a golden glow.

The faces of saints are present on the icon:

  • Martyr Stephen - it is believed that he was the first to be killed for the Christian faith;
  • Rev. Abraham - in history there were a lot of ascetics with this name, perhaps this is Abraham of Rostov, who crushed idols and converted several pagan tribes to Christianity;
  • Prophet Elijah is the most famous Old Testament prophet, the patron saint of paratroopers and pilots, also revered in Islam and Judaism. Known for being taken to heaven alive;
  • martyr Mina - the first Florentine martyr;
  • Great Martyr Catherine - lived in the first centuries of Christianity, was executed after refusing to marry the Roman emperor, having decided to devote herself to Christ;
  • St. Irina - put to death along with two Christian sisters in the 4th century;
  • St. Paraskeva is one of the first martyrs who died with her entire family during the reign of Nero.

The meaning of the composition of the Pochaev Icon is deeper than it might seem at first glance. Of course, an affectionate Mother and a loving Son are shown here. Any person can “try on” one of the roles - everyone was a child, even if they themselves did not become parents. But it also depicts the ideal relationship between God and the human soul.

What do they pray for and what does the Pochaev Icon help with?

Over the centuries, a very extensive list of miracles (more than 500) has been collected, which the Lord honored believers who prayed in front of the image. How did the Pochaev Icon help people?

  • The very first known miracle occurred in the home church of a noble family, where the image was located. A man, blind from birth, prayed in front of the icon, after which he began to see. After this incident, it was decided to transfer the image to the monastery.
  • One monk was captured by the Tatars. While in shackles, he bitterly lamented the fact that he would no longer be able to see the walls of his native monastery. And suddenly he found himself in the midst of festively dressed people - the Mother of God took him to the Pochaev Lavra.
  • Among the Turks, a legend has been preserved about the appearance of the Mother of God during the siege of Pochaev. In a host of angels she appeared before the attackers, who lost their heads out of fear and began to kill each other.
  • In 1664, a landowner’s son died. His grandmother prayed all night in front of the Pochaev Icon, begging for the return of her beloved grandson. By morning he woke up and asked for food.
  • Among modern miracles is healing little boy who lost his hearing. This became a complication after the illness. Doctors said that recovery would take a long time. Grandmother brought Yura an icon, which they left in the ward overnight. And in the morning the child was discharged - he turned out to be healthy.

Educating the soul

When encountering inexplicable phenomena, a person may become confused, since the mind is accustomed to giving its own interpretation to everything. But not everything can be explained - even scientists admit this. In this case, prayer will help you gather your thoughts. Countless numbers of them sounded at the Pochaev Icon, many received a wonderful response.

The concept of "miracle" has many meanings, especially in the area of ​​faith. The main miracle that God can create is the healing of the human soul, a change of heart. It becomes softer, sensitive to the voice of conscience, open to the pain of others. Then a person understands that he can create miracles himself - by showing concern for his neighbors, sacrificing something for them, and becoming an example. We must constantly ask the Lord for this.

What else do Orthodox Christians pray for at the Pochaev Icon?

  • About healing from body ailments, including problems with hearing and vision.
  • About protection from enemies in any situation.
  • About ending hostility.
  • About strengthening faith, healing the soul from the demons of despondency.

Prayer to the Pochaev Icon of the Mother of God

To You, O Mother of God, we prayerfully flow, sinners, Your miracles, revealed in the Holy Lavra of the Most Holy Lavra, in remembrance of our own contrite sins. We, Lady, we know, as it is not fitting for us sinners to ask anything, except for the Righteous Judge to leave our iniquities to us. All that we have endured in life, sorrows, needs, and illnesses, like the fruits of our falls, have languished us, I allow this to God for our correction. Moreover, the Lord brought all this truth and judgment to His sinful servants, who in their sorrows came to Your intercession, the Most Pure One, and in the tenderness of their hearts they cry out to You: Our sins and iniquities, O Good One, do not remember, but rather lift up Your all-honorable hand , stand before Your Son and God, so that the evil we have done may be forgiven us, and for our many unfulfilled promises, He will not turn His face away from His servants, and may not take His grace, which contributes to our salvation, from our souls. To her, Lady, be the Intercessor for our salvation and, not disdaining our cowardice, look upon our groans, even in our troubles and sorrows we lift up before Your miraculous image. Enlighten our minds with tender thoughts, strengthen our faith, confirm our hope, grant us the sweetest gift of love to accept us. By these gifts, Most Pure One, and not by illnesses and sorrows, may our belly be elevated to salvation, but by protecting our souls from despondency and despair, deliver us, the weak, from the troubles and needs that come upon us, and human slander, and unbearable diseases . Grant peace and prosperity to the Christian life through Your intercession, O Lady, establish the Orthodox faith in our country and throughout the world. Do not betray the Apostolic and Catholic Church to disparagement, preserve the statutes of the saints forever, unshakable, and save all who come to You from the perishing pit. Also, bring the heresy of our deceived brethren or the saving faith in sinful passions who destroyed them again to true faith and repentance, and together with us, who worship Your miraculous image, they will confess Your intercession. Vouchsafe us, O Most Holy Lady Theotokos, to see in this belly the victory of truth through Your intercession, vouchsafe us grace-filled joy before the end of our perception, just as the inhabitants of Pochaev of old, by Your appearance, showed the victors and enlighteners of the Hagarians, so that we may all have a grateful heart, together with the Angels, and prophets, and apostles, and with all the saints, glorifying Your mercy, let us give glory, honor and worship in the Trinity to the sung God the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, forever and ever. Amen.

Of all those revealed miraculous images The icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary is one of the most revered Christian shrines. Not only Orthodox Christians, but also Christians of other directions and religions in all Slavic countries bow before the Pochaev Icon of the Mother of God. The ancient face of the Mother of God has been in the ancient stronghold of the Pochaev Lavra for more than 400 years.

Apparition of the Virgin Mary

Under the faces of the Mother of God and the Savior there is a footprint of the Virgin Mary. It is displayed in memory of the miraculous appearance of the Queen of Heaven herself. This happened in 1340 on the mountain where the Pochaev Lavra is now located. Then two monks settled on this elevation, wanting to retire from worldly life and devote themselves to prayers and serving the Lord.

As a reward for this, they were honored to see the All-Tsaritsa. And also greatest miracle was able to notice a shepherd who was tending a flock of sheep nearby. According to legend, the Queen of Heaven descended in a pillar of fire. Unharmed by the flame, she touched the stone with her foot, and in this place there remained an imprint of her foot, which was filled with clean water. It still exists today; many pilgrims visit this place to collect miraculous water.

This legend is depicted on one of the miraculous icons called the Burning Bush. It is believed that it protects against fires, which is why it is often placed in homes. Military men, pilots, firefighters, doctors, and rescuers ask her for help, considering the icon their patroness. People who suffer for a long time from their sins believe that a miraculous image can burn away their sins upon repentance. It also helps with mental illnesses, infertility, musculoskeletal disorders and diseases that were beyond the power of doctors.

History of the Pochaev Icon

In the 16th century, the image of the Mother of God and the Child belonged to Metropolitan Neophytos of Constantinople. One day he passed through Pochaev and stayed with the Goysky nobles. In gratitude for the warm welcome and in memory of his visit, he blessed Anna Goyskaya and presented her with a shrine. Soon the metropolitan was appointed patriarch, and the holy image became famous for its most glorious miracles. Since then, the icon of the Pochaev Mother of God has become a lamp of faith for many pilgrims and a shrine for an entire nation.

The photo at first glance illustrates that the face of the Virgin Mary was painted by a talented painter in the Byzantine style. At the same time, the artist used oil paints, and the image itself is depicted on a linden board. The icon was decorated with a small silver covering, made in the form of a chasuble, but it was very worn. Over time, it was replaced with a scattering of pearls.

For several decades, the Pochaev Icon was kept in the pious Christian family of the Goiskys. Although the icon was placed in a home chapel, its owner was not distinguished by great strength of faith. When the maids said that they saw a bright radiance from the image, Mrs. Goyskaya considered this the nonsense of commoners and did not attach any significance to the miracle. But soon the hostess saw a dream in which the Most Pure One herself appeared to her in a shining light. In this field, near the holy image, Anna ordered to light an unquenchable lamp

In 1597 a miracle happened, which forever changed Mrs. Goyskaya’s attitude towards religion. Leaning against the icon during prayer, her brother Philip was healed. This made such a strong impression that Anna decided to give the shrine to the monks who settled on Pochaevskaya Mountain. A temple was soon built there in honor of the Dormition of the Mother of God, and a monastery was built next to it. Goyskaya allocated considerable funds for this. From that time on, the icon received the name “Pochaevskaya”.

After the death of Anna Goyskaya, the mountain, along with the church and monastery, went to her nephew Andrei Ferelei, who was not Orthodox Christian. He removed the holy icon and other valuables from the church and kept them for about twenty years. Once he decided to mock the shrine in front of the guests, and for this he dressed his wife as a priest. She began loudly shouting blasphemy against the Mother of God, for which she was immediately punished. According to legend, an evil spirit possessed her, and the offender fell ill with a mental illness - demonic possession. Only after Ferelei gave the holy image back to the monastery did his wife recover.

Meaning of the image

In the right hand Holy Mary holds God's Child, A another covers His feet and back. The Most Pure Virgin leaned her head against the Face of the Child, which symbolizes her boundless maternal love. Right hand He gives his blessing and holds the other one on the Mother's shoulder.

In addition to the Holy Faces, the Icon also depicts seven God's Saints.

Miracles of the Shrine

Healing of Philip Goysky was the first manifestation of the holy image that has survived to this day, but by no means the only miracle of the Pochaev Icon of the Mother of God. What the shrine helps with and what miracles it works has been known almost from the moment of its appearance.

There are more than 500 cases of healing described in chronicles. But miracles still happen today. The rescue of a nun from Orenburg is known. She could not walk and came to the shrine to pray for recovery. Grace descended on the nun and she went home on her own. Her crutches are still near the image.

Now the miraculous icon resides in the Holy Assumption Cathedral Pochaev Lavra as part of the iconostasis, which the monastery received from Alexander II. Every day, ministers lower the image on silk ribbons so that Christians can bow before it and read a prayer. Thousands of people, amazed by the healings that the miraculous icon created, come to bow before it in the hope that the Most Pure Virgin will help them just as it happened before. Therefore, Orthodox believers value and venerate the Pochaev Icon of the Mother of God. What do they pray for and come with such requests? First of all:

  • give health to yourself and your loved ones, cure ailments of body and soul, free yourself from lameness and blindness;
  • give the family peace and tranquility, help get rid of disagreements, quarrels and enmity;
  • protect your home from enemies and unwanted guests, thieves;
  • guidance on the true path, strengthening faith, protection from wrong thoughts.

Prayer to Our Lady of Pochaev

When asking, you should cleanse your soul and mind from bad intentions, forgive your offenders, open your heart and sincerely wish forgiveness for your sins. When reading the prayer, you must completely trust the Virgin Mary, and the promises you make must be fulfilled, otherwise you can incur anger and punishment.

The akathist before the image tells about the appearance of the Lady on Pochaevskaya Mountain, where her trace remained, about the history of the holy icon, about the healings that occurred by the grace of the Virgin Mary. It is performed in the form of a hymn, which must be sung while standing. The Akathist to the Pochaev Icon of the Mother of God was created and approved for general church use in 1883.

Celebration of this shrine occurs on August 5 - in honor of the deliverance of Pochaev from the Turks and on September 21 - as a sign of honor for the movement of the miraculous image to Pochaev Mountain. These dates are considered days of remembrance of the icon.

When praying, we should not forget that the greatest miracle is the healing of the human spirit, the softening of the heart so that it can empathize and sympathize with its neighbor; filling it with love and forgiveness, which leads to peace and tranquility. Then a person can help others - heal their spiritual wounds. This is something to ask for first when praying.

The Pochaev Icon of the Mother of God is one of the most revered shrines of the Russian Church. She is known throughout the Slavic world: she is revered in Russia, Bosnia, Serbia, Bulgaria and other countries. Along with the Orthodox, Christians of other confessions also come to venerate the miraculous image of the Most Holy Theotokos.

In the Pochaev Lavra, the ancient stronghold of Orthodoxy, the miraculous Pochaev Icon of the Mother of God has remained for about 400 years. The miracles that flow from the holy icon are numerous and are attested in monastery books by the records of believers who prayed for deliverance from incurable illnesses, liberation from captivity and admonishment of sinners.

The celebration in honor of the Pochaev Icon of the Mother of God on August 5 (new style) was established in memory of the deliverance of the Assumption Pochaev Lavra from the Turkish siege on July 20-23, 1675.

In the summer of 1675, during the Zbarazh War with the Turks, during the reign of the Polish king Jan Sobieski (1674-1696), regiments consisting of Tatars, led by Khan Nurredin, approached the Pochaev monastery through Vishnevets, surrounding it on three sides. The weak monastery fence, like several stone buildings of the monastery, did not provide any protection for the besieged. Hegumen Joseph of Dobromir convinced the brethren and laity to turn to heavenly intercessors: the Most Holy Theotokos and St. Job of Pochaev. The monks and laity prayed fervently, falling before the miraculous image of the Mother of God and the shrine containing the relics of St. Job.

On the morning of August 5 (July 23, old style), at sunrise, the Tatars held their final advice about storming the monastery, and the abbot ordered the singing of an akathist to the Mother of God. With the first words to the “Charred Voivode,” the Most Pure Mother of God herself suddenly appeared above the temple, “blooming a white-shining omophorion,” with heavenly angels holding drawn swords. The Monk Job was near the Mother of God, bowing to Her and praying for the protection of the monastery.

The Tatars mistook the heavenly army for a ghost, and in confusion began to shoot at the Most Holy Theotokos and the Monk Job, but the arrows returned and wounded those who fired them. Horror gripped the enemy. In a panicked flight, without distinguishing their own, they killed each other. The defenders of the monastery gave chase and captured many. Some prisoners subsequently accepted the Christian faith and remained in the monastery forever.

More than half a century ago, on June 17, 1950, in the Pochaev Lavra there was a miraculous healing of the nun Varvara (in the world Elena Konstantinovna Putyatina), who had had both legs paralyzed for 48 years. She came from the city of Chkalov (now Orenburg), moving with difficulty on crutches with the help of her companion nun Maria. Having attached herself to the list of the miraculous image of the Mother of God, the nun immediately stood up. The crutches she left at the monastery still stand near the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos, testifying to the miracle that took place.

Troparion, tone 5:
Before Your holy icon, Lady, / those who pray are honored with healing, / receive knowledge of the true faith, / and reflect the Hagarian invasions. / In the same way, for us who fall to You, / ask for remission of sins, / enlighten the thoughts of piety in our hearts, / and offer a prayer to Your Son / for the salvation of our souls.

Kontakion, voice 1:
The source of healing and faith of the Orthodox affirmation of the Pochaevskaya Icon of Yours, the Mother of God, appeared: to the same us, who flow to her, from troubles and temptations of freedom, preserve Your Lavra unharmed, establish Orthodoxy in the surrounding countries, and resolve your sins, your prayer book: as much as you want , you can.

Prayer to Our Lady of Pochaev:

To You, O Mother of God, we, sinners, prayerfully flow to You, Your miracles in the Holy Lavra of Pochaev, revealed in remembrance and lamentation of our sins. We, Lady, we know, as it is not fitting for us sinners to ask anything, except for the righteous Judge of our iniquities to leave us. All that we have endured in life, sorrows, needs, and illnesses, like the fruits of our falls, have languished for us, and I allow this to God for our correction. Moreover, the Lord brought all this truth and judgment to His sinful servants, who in their sorrows came to Your intercession, the Most Pure One, and in the tenderness of their hearts they cry out to You: Our sins and iniquities, O Good One, do not remember, but more than Your all-honorable hand having risen up, stand before Your Son and God, so that the evil we have done may be forgiven us, and for our many unfulfilled promises, He will not turn His face away from His servants, and He will not take His grace, which contributes to our salvation, from our souls. To her, Lady, be an intercessor for our salvation and, not disdaining our cowardice, look upon our groans, even in our troubles and sorrows we lift up before Your miraculous image. Enlighten our minds with tender thoughts, strengthen our faith, confirm our hope, grant us the sweetest gift of love to accept us. By these gifts, Most Pure One, and not by illnesses and sorrows, may our belly be elevated to salvation, but protect our souls from despondency and despair, deliver us who are weak from the troubles and needs that come upon us, and human slander and unbearable diseases. Grant peace and prosperity to the Christian life through Your intercession, O Lady, establish Orthodox faith in our country, in everything in the world, do not betray the Apostolic and Catholic Church to disparagement, preserve the statutes of the saints forever, unshakable, save all who come to You from the perishing ditch. Also, bring the heresy of our deluded brethren or the saving faith of those who have been destroyed by sinful passions to true faith and repentance, so that together with us those who worship Your miraculous image will confess Your intercession. Vouchsafe us, O Most Pure Lady Theotokos, even in this belly the victory of truth by Your intercession to behold, vouchsafe us grace-filled joy before the end of our perception, just as the inhabitants of ancient times were shown by Your appearance to the victors and enlighteners of the Hagarians, so that we all have a grateful heart, together with the angels, and prophets, and apostles, and with all the saints, glorifying Your mercy, let us give glory, honor and worship in the Trinity to the sung God the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen.

What do they pray for in front of the Pochaev Icon of the Mother of God?

Before the Pochaev Icon of the Mother of God they pray for:

  • Strengthening faith;
  • Liberation from bad addictions;
  • Help in any matter;
  • Healing from infirmities;
  • Protect from enemies.

Through prayers in front of the Pochaev Icon of the Mother of God, miracles happened more than once.

  1. The mercy of the Most Holy Theotokos did not abandon the believers while the icon was in the possession of the Uniates.
  2. A man born blind received his sight.
  3. Healing of the nun Varvara.

Based on materials from open Internet sources

Pochaev Icon of the Mother of God. Video
